Commit d1f474c2 authored by cremno's avatar cremno

Rakefile: make bin directory

parent 27dbcd0f
......@@ -33,8 +33,11 @@ load "#{MRUBY_ROOT}/test/mrbtest.rake"
# generic build targets, rules
task :default => :all
bin_path = "#{MRUBY_ROOT}/bin"
FileUtils.mkdir_p bin_path, { :verbose => $verbose }
depfiles = MRuby.targets['host'] do |bin|
install_path = MRuby.targets['host'].exefile("#{MRUBY_ROOT}/bin/#{bin}")
install_path = MRuby.targets['host'].exefile("#{bin_path}/#{bin}")
source_path = MRuby.targets['host'].exefile("#{MRuby.targets['host'].build_dir}/bin/#{bin}")
file install_path => source_path do |t|
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