Commit ee537ece authored by KOBAYASHI Shuji's avatar KOBAYASHI Shuji
parent d1cdb9ef
......@@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ def assertion_string(err, str, iso=nil, e=nil, bt=nil)
msg = "#{err}#{str}"
msg += " [#{iso}]" if iso && !iso.empty?
msg += " => #{e}" if e && !e.to_s.empty?
if Object.const_defined?(:GEMNAME)
msg += " (#{GEMNAME == 'mruby-test' ? 'core' : "mrbgems: #{GEMNAME}"})"
if $mrbtest_assert && $mrbtest_assert.size > 0
$mrbtest_assert.each do |idx, assert_msg, diff|
msg += "\n - Assertion[#{idx}] Failed: #{assert_msg}\n#{diff}"
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