do |conf, _params| do |cc| cc.command = ENV['CC'] || 'cl.exe' # C4013: implicit function declaration cc.flags = [ENV['CFLAGS'] || %w(/c /nologo /W3 /we4013 /Zi /MD /O2 /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS)] cc.defines = %w(DISABLE_GEMS MRB_STACK_EXTEND_DOUBLING) cc.option_include_path = '/I%s' cc.option_define = '/D%s' cc.compile_options = "%{flags} /Fo%{outfile} %{infile}" end conf.cxx do |cxx| cxx.command = ENV['CXX'] || 'cl.exe' cxx.flags = [ENV['CXXFLAGS'] || ENV['CFLAGS'] || %w(/c /nologo /W3 /Zi /MD /O2 /EHs /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS)] cxx.defines = %w(DISABLE_GEMS MRB_STACK_EXTEND_DOUBLING) cxx.option_include_path = '/I%s' cxx.option_define = '/D%s' cxx.compile_options = "%{flags} /Fo%{outfile} %{infile}" end conf.linker do |linker| linker.command = ENV['LD'] || 'link.exe' linker.flags = [ENV['LDFLAGS'] || %w(/NOLOGO /DEBUG /INCREMENTAL:NO /OPT:ICF /OPT:REF)] linker.libraries = %w() linker.library_paths = %w() linker.option_library = '%s.lib' linker.option_library_path = '/LIBPATH:%s' linker.link_options = "%{flags} /OUT:%{outfile} %{objs} %{flags_before_libraries} %{libs} %{flags_after_libraries}" end conf.archiver do |archiver| archiver.command = ENV['AR'] || 'lib.exe' archiver.archive_options = '/nologo /OUT:%{outfile} %{objs}' end conf.yacc do |yacc| yacc.command = ENV['YACC'] || 'bison.exe' yacc.compile_options = '-o %{outfile} %{infile}' end conf.gperf do |gperf| gperf.command = 'gperf.exe' gperf.compile_options = '-L ANSI-C -C -p -j1 -i 1 -g -o -t -N mrb_reserved_word -k"1,3,$" %{infile} > %{outfile}' end conf.exts do |exts| exts.object = '.obj' exts.executable = '.exe' exts.library = '.lib' end conf.file_separator = '\\' if require 'open3' Open3.popen3 do |_, _, e, _| if /Version (\d{2})\.\d{2}\.\d{5}/ =~ e.gets && $1.to_i <= 17 m = "# VS2010/2012 support will be dropped after the next release! #" h = "#" * m.length puts h, m, h end end end end