Commit 9ff19255 authored by Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa's avatar Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa

Robust GOAWAY handling

This change will utilize last_stream_id in GOAWAY extensively.  When
GOAWAY is received with a last_stream_id, library closes all outgoing
streams whose stream_id > received last_stream_id.
nghttp2_on_stream_callback is called for each stream to be closed.

When GOAWAY is sent with a last_stream_id, library closes all incoming
streams whose stream_id > sent last_stream_id.
nghttp2_on_stream_callback is called for each stream to be closed.
parent 19154080
......@@ -2251,8 +2251,10 @@ int nghttp2_session_get_stream_remote_close(nghttp2_session *session,
* Signals the session so that the connection should be terminated.
* The last stream ID is the ID of a stream for which
* :type:`nghttp2_on_frame_recv_callback` was called most recently.
* The last stream ID is the minimum value between the stream ID of a
* stream for which :type:`nghttp2_on_frame_recv_callback` was called
* most recently and the last stream ID we have sent to the peer
* previously.
* The |error_code| is the error code of this GOAWAY frame. The
* pre-defined error code is one of :enum:`nghttp2_error_code`.
......@@ -2280,13 +2282,24 @@ int nghttp2_session_terminate_session(nghttp2_session *session,
* This function behaves like `nghttp2_session_terminate_session()`,
* but the last stream ID can be specified by the application for fine
* grained control of stream.
* grained control of stream. The HTTP/2 specification does not allow
* last_stream_id to be increased. So the actual value sent as
* last_stream_id is the minimum value between the given
* |last_stream_id| and the last_stream_id we have previously sent to
* the peer.
* The |last_stream_id| is peer's stream ID or 0. So if |session| is
* initialized as client, |last_stream_id| must be even or 0. If
* |session| is initialized as server, |last_stream_id| must be odd or
* 0.
* This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
* negative error codes:
* Out of memory.
* The |last_stream_id| is invalid.
int nghttp2_session_terminate_session2(nghttp2_session *session,
int32_t last_stream_id,
......@@ -2840,6 +2853,17 @@ int nghttp2_submit_ping(nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags,
* The |flags| is currently ignored and should be
* :enum:`NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE`.
* The |last_stream_id| is peer's stream ID or 0. So if |session| is
* initialized as client, |last_stream_id| must be even or 0. If
* |session| is initialized as server, |last_stream_id| must be odd or
* 0.
* The HTTP/2 specification says last_stream_id must not be increased
* from the value previously sent. So the actual value sent as
* last_stream_id is the minimum value between the given
* |last_stream_id| and the last_stream_id previously sent to the
* peer.
* If the |opaque_data| is not ``NULL`` and |opaque_data_len| is not
* zero, those data will be sent as additional debug data. The
* library makes a copy of the memory region pointed by |opaque_data|
......@@ -2847,19 +2871,14 @@ int nghttp2_submit_ping(nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags,
* keep this memory after the return of this function. If the
* |opaque_data_len| is 0, the |opaque_data| could be ``NULL``.
* To shutdown gracefully, first send GOAWAY with ``last_stream_id =
* (1u << 31) - 1``. After 1 RTT, call either
* `nghttp2_submit_goaway()`, `nghttp2_session_terminate_session()` or
* `nghttp2_session_terminate_session2()`. The latter 2 will close
* HTTP/2 session immediately after transmission of the frame.
* This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
* negative error codes:
* Out of memory.
* The |opaque_data_len| is too large.
* The |opaque_data_len| is too large; the |last_stream_id| is
* invalid.
int nghttp2_submit_goaway(nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags,
int32_t last_stream_id, uint32_t error_code,
......@@ -69,10 +69,18 @@ typedef struct {
uint8_t eof;
} nghttp2_data_aux_data;
/* struct used for GOAWAY frame */
typedef struct {
/* nonzero if session should be terminated after the transmission of
this frame. */
int terminate_on_send;
} nghttp2_goaway_aux_data;
/* Additional data which cannot be stored in nghttp2_frame struct */
typedef union {
nghttp2_data_aux_data data;
nghttp2_headers_aux_data headers;
nghttp2_goaway_aux_data goaway;
} nghttp2_aux_data;
typedef struct {
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -126,12 +126,10 @@ typedef struct {
typedef enum {
/* Flag means GOAWAY frame is sent to the remote peer. */
/* Flag means GOAWAY frame is received from the remote peer. */
/* Flag means connection should be dropped after sending GOAWAY. */
/* Flag means that connection should be terminated after sending GOAWAY. */
/* Flag means GOAWAY to terminate session has been sent */
} nghttp2_goaway_flag;
struct nghttp2_session {
......@@ -250,6 +248,17 @@ typedef struct {
int32_t new_window_size, old_window_size;
} nghttp2_update_window_size_arg;
typedef struct {
nghttp2_session *session;
/* linked list of streams to close */
nghttp2_stream *head;
int32_t last_stream_id;
/* nonzero if GOAWAY is sent to peer, which means we are going to
close incoming streams. zero if GOAWAY is received from peer and
we are going to close outgoing streams. */
int incoming;
} nghttp2_close_stream_on_goaway_arg;
/* TODO stream timeout etc */
......@@ -333,7 +342,7 @@ int nghttp2_session_add_ping(nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags,
int nghttp2_session_add_goaway(nghttp2_session *session, int32_t last_stream_id,
uint32_t error_code, const uint8_t *opaque_data,
size_t opaque_data_len);
size_t opaque_data_len, int terminate_on_send);
* Adds WINDOW_UPDATE frame with stream ID |stream_id| and
......@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ int nghttp2_submit_goaway(nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags _U_,
int32_t last_stream_id, uint32_t error_code,
const uint8_t *opaque_data, size_t opaque_data_len) {
return nghttp2_session_add_goaway(session, last_stream_id, error_code,
opaque_data, opaque_data_len);
opaque_data, opaque_data_len, 0);
int nghttp2_submit_settings(nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags _U_,
......@@ -345,13 +345,13 @@ static ssize_t defer_data_source_read_callback(nghttp2_session *session _U_,
static int stream_close_callback(nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id,
static int on_stream_close_callback(nghttp2_session *session _U_,
int32_t stream_id _U_,
nghttp2_error_code error_code _U_,
void *user_data) {
my_user_data *my_data = (my_user_data *)user_data;
void *stream_data = nghttp2_session_get_stream_user_data(session, stream_id);
CU_ASSERT(stream_data != NULL);
return 0;
......@@ -1819,6 +1819,33 @@ void test_nghttp2_session_on_request_headers_received(void) {
nghttp2_session_server_new(&session, &callbacks, &user_data);
/* Stream ID which is equal to local_last_stream_id is ok. */
session->local_last_stream_id = 3;
nghttp2_frame_headers_init(&frame.headers, NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_HEADERS, 3,
CU_ASSERT(0 == nghttp2_session_on_request_headers_received(session, &frame));
/* Stream ID which is greater than local_last_stream_id is
ignored */
nghttp2_frame_headers_init(&frame.headers, NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_HEADERS, 5,
user_data.invalid_frame_recv_cb_called = 0;
nghttp2_session_on_request_headers_received(session, &frame));
CU_ASSERT(0 == user_data.invalid_frame_recv_cb_called);
CU_ASSERT(0 == (session->goaway_flags & NGHTTP2_GOAWAY_FAIL_ON_SEND));
void test_nghttp2_session_on_response_headers_received(void) {
......@@ -2471,19 +2498,40 @@ void test_nghttp2_session_on_goaway_received(void) {
nghttp2_session_callbacks callbacks;
my_user_data user_data;
nghttp2_frame frame;
int i;
user_data.frame_recv_cb_called = 0;
user_data.invalid_frame_recv_cb_called = 0;
memset(&callbacks, 0, sizeof(nghttp2_session_callbacks));
callbacks.on_frame_recv_callback = on_frame_recv_callback;
callbacks.on_invalid_frame_recv_callback = on_invalid_frame_recv_callback;
callbacks.on_stream_close_callback = on_stream_close_callback;
nghttp2_session_client_new(&session, &callbacks, &user_data);
nghttp2_frame_goaway_init(&frame.goaway, 1, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR, NULL, 0);
for (i = 1; i <= 7; ++i) {
open_stream(session, i);
nghttp2_frame_goaway_init(&frame.goaway, 3, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR, NULL, 0);
user_data.stream_close_cb_called = 0;
CU_ASSERT(0 == nghttp2_session_on_goaway_received(session, &frame));
CU_ASSERT(1 == user_data.frame_recv_cb_called);
CU_ASSERT(session->goaway_flags == NGHTTP2_GOAWAY_RECV);
CU_ASSERT(3 == session->remote_last_stream_id);
/* on_stream_close should be callsed for 2 times (stream 5 and 7) */
CU_ASSERT(2 == user_data.stream_close_cb_called);
CU_ASSERT(NULL != nghttp2_session_get_stream(session, 1));
CU_ASSERT(NULL != nghttp2_session_get_stream(session, 2));
CU_ASSERT(NULL != nghttp2_session_get_stream(session, 3));
CU_ASSERT(NULL != nghttp2_session_get_stream(session, 4));
CU_ASSERT(NULL == nghttp2_session_get_stream(session, 5));
CU_ASSERT(NULL != nghttp2_session_get_stream(session, 6));
CU_ASSERT(NULL == nghttp2_session_get_stream(session, 7));
......@@ -4855,7 +4903,7 @@ void test_nghttp2_session_on_stream_close(void) {
nghttp2_stream *stream;
memset(&callbacks, 0, sizeof(nghttp2_session_callbacks));
callbacks.on_stream_close_callback = stream_close_callback;
callbacks.on_stream_close_callback = on_stream_close_callback;
user_data.stream_close_cb_called = 0;
nghttp2_session_client_new(&session, &callbacks, &user_data);
......@@ -4917,10 +4965,6 @@ void test_nghttp2_session_on_ctrl_not_send(void) {
CU_ASSERT(NGHTTP2_HEADERS == user_data.not_sent_frame_type);
CU_ASSERT(NGHTTP2_ERR_STREAM_CLOSING == user_data.not_sent_error);
stream = nghttp2_session_open_stream(session, 3, NGHTTP2_STREAM_FLAG_NONE,
&pri_spec_default, NGHTTP2_STREAM_OPENED,
/* Check request HEADERS */
......@@ -4933,10 +4977,9 @@ void test_nghttp2_session_on_ctrl_not_send(void) {
NULL, 0, NULL));
user_data.frame_not_send_cb_called = 0;
/* Send GOAWAY */
CU_ASSERT(0 == nghttp2_submit_goaway(session, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE,
(1u << 31) - 1, NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR, NULL,
/* Terminating session */
CU_ASSERT(0 == nghttp2_session_add_goaway(session, 0, NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR, NULL,
0, 1));
session->next_stream_id = 9;
......@@ -4961,7 +5004,7 @@ void test_nghttp2_session_get_outbound_queue_size(void) {
CU_ASSERT(0 == nghttp2_submit_ping(session, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE, NULL));
CU_ASSERT(1 == nghttp2_session_get_outbound_queue_size(session));
CU_ASSERT(0 == nghttp2_submit_goaway(session, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE, 3,
CU_ASSERT(0 == nghttp2_submit_goaway(session, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE, 2,
CU_ASSERT(2 == nghttp2_session_get_outbound_queue_size(session));
......@@ -6401,9 +6444,15 @@ void test_nghttp2_session_graceful_shutdown(void) {
memset(&callbacks, 0, sizeof(callbacks));
callbacks.send_callback = block_count_send_callback;
callbacks.on_frame_send_callback = on_frame_send_callback;
callbacks.on_stream_close_callback = on_stream_close_callback;
nghttp2_session_server_new(&session, &callbacks, &ud);
open_stream(session, 301);
open_stream(session, 302);
open_stream(session, 311);
open_stream(session, 319);
CU_ASSERT(0 == nghttp2_submit_goaway(session, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE,
(1u << 31) - 1, NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR, NULL,
......@@ -6417,15 +6466,22 @@ void test_nghttp2_session_graceful_shutdown(void) {
CU_ASSERT((1u << 31) - 1 == session->local_last_stream_id);
nghttp2_session_terminate_session2(session, 300, NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR));
nghttp2_session_terminate_session2(session, 301, NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR));
ud.block_count = 1;
ud.frame_send_cb_called = 0;
ud.stream_close_cb_called = 0;
CU_ASSERT(0 == nghttp2_session_send(session));
CU_ASSERT(1 == ud.frame_send_cb_called);
CU_ASSERT(300 == session->local_last_stream_id);
CU_ASSERT(301 == session->local_last_stream_id);
CU_ASSERT(2 == ud.stream_close_cb_called);
CU_ASSERT(NULL != nghttp2_session_get_stream(session, 301));
CU_ASSERT(NULL != nghttp2_session_get_stream(session, 302));
CU_ASSERT(NULL == nghttp2_session_get_stream(session, 311));
CU_ASSERT(NULL == nghttp2_session_get_stream(session, 319));
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