<p><ttclass="docutils literal"><spanclass="pre">SERVERADDR</span></tt> and <ttclass="docutils literal"><spanclass="pre">PORT</span></tt> is the hostname/address and port of the
machine nghttpx is running. Please note that Google Chrome requires
valid certificate for secure proxy.</p>
<p>Then run Google Chrome with the following arguments:</p>
machine nghttpx is running. Please note that both Firefox nightly and
Chromium requires valid certificate for secure proxy.</p>
<p>For Firefox nightly, open Preference window and select Advanced then
click Network tab. Clicking Connection Settings button will show the
dialog. Select “Automatic proxy configuration URL” and enter the path
<p>Consult Traffic server <aclass="reference external"href="https://docs.trafficserver.apache.org/en/latest/admin/forward-proxy.en.html">documentation</a>
to know how to configure traffic server as forward proxy and its
security implications.</p>
<h2>Client mode<aclass="headerlink"href="#client-mode"title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>