Commit bb3cf5a8 authored by Robert Edmonds's avatar Robert Edmonds

Merge branch 'branches/pulls/205' into next

parents 1d4aff96 58b03b6b
protobuf-c (1.2.1) UNRELEASED
[ Paolo Borelli ]
* protoc-c: Generate code that uses the universal zero initializer {0} when
initializing a oneof union.
protobuf-c (1.2.0)
[ Robert Edmonds ]
......@@ -236,8 +236,8 @@ GenerateStructDefinition(io::Printer* printer) {
vars["foneofname"] = FullNameToUpper(oneof->full_name());
// Initialize the case enum
printer->Print(vars, ", $foneofname$__NOT_SET");
// Initialize the enum
printer->Print(", {}");
// Initialize the union
printer->Print(", {0}");
printer->Print(" }\n\n\n");
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