Commit d37bded9 authored by gabi's avatar gabi

More improvements to the async logger

parent 9feb5fba
......@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ class async_logger :public logger
template<class It>
async_logger(const std::string& name, const It& begin, const It& end, size_t queue_size, const log_clock::duration& shutdown_duration);
async_logger(const std::string& logger_name, sinks_init_list sinks, size_t queue_size, const log_clock::duration& shutdown_duration);
async_logger(const std::string& logger_name, sink_ptr single_sink, size_t queue_size, const log_clock::duration& shutdown_duration);
async_logger(const std::string& name, const It& begin, const It& end, size_t queue_size);
async_logger(const std::string& logger_name, sinks_init_list sinks, size_t queue_size);
async_logger(const std::string& logger_name, sink_ptr single_sink, size_t queue_size);
......@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ protected:
void _stop() override;
log_clock::duration _shutdown_duration;
std::unique_ptr<details::async_log_helper> _async_log_helper;
......@@ -115,9 +115,6 @@ public:
//Stop logging and join the back thread
void set_formatter(formatter_ptr);
//Wait to remaining items (if any) in the queue to be written and shutdown
void shutdown(const log_clock::duration& timeout);
......@@ -131,14 +128,16 @@ private:
std::shared_ptr<spdlog_ex> _last_workerthread_ex;
// will throw last worker thread exception or if worker thread no active
// throw last worker thread exception or if worker thread is not active
void throw_if_bad_worker();
// worker thread loop
// worker thread main loop
void worker_loop();
//pop next message from the queue and process it
//return true if a message was available (queue was not empty), will set the last_pop to the pop time
bool process_next_msg(clock::time_point& last_pop);
// guess how much to sleep if queue is empty/full using last succesful op time as hint
static void sleep_or_yield(const clock::time_point& last_op_time);
......@@ -146,7 +145,6 @@ private:
// clear all remaining messages(if any), stop the _worker_thread and join it
void join_worker();
......@@ -155,7 +153,7 @@ private:
// async_sink class implementation
inline spdlog::details::async_log_helper::async_log_helper(formatter_ptr formatter, const std::vector<sink_ptr>& sinks, size_t queue_size):
......@@ -172,97 +170,92 @@ inline spdlog::details::async_log_helper::~async_log_helper()
inline void spdlog::details::async_log_helper::log(const details::log_msg& msg)
//Only if queue is full, enter wait loop
//if (!_q.push(std::unique_ptr < async_msg >(new async_msg(msg))))
//async_msg* as = new async_msg(msg);
//if (!_q.enqueue(std::unique_ptr<async_msg>(new async_msg(msg))))
if (!_q.enqueue(std::move(async_msg(msg))))
async_msg new_msg(msg);
if (!_q.enqueue(std::move(new_msg)))
auto last_op_time = clock::now();
while (!_q.enqueue(std::move(async_msg(msg))));
while (!_q.enqueue(std::move(new_msg)));
inline void spdlog::details::async_log_helper::worker_loop()
log_msg popped_log_msg;
clock::time_point last_pop = clock::now();
_active = true;
while (_active)
q_type::item_type popped_msg;
//Dont die if there are still messages in the q to process
if (_q.dequeue(popped_msg))
inline bool spdlog::details::async_log_helper::process_next_msg(clock::time_point& last_pop)
async_msg incoming_async_msg;
log_msg incoming_log_msg;
if (_q.dequeue(incoming_async_msg))
last_pop = clock::now();
for (auto &s : _sinks)
catch (const std::exception& ex)
_last_workerthread_ex = std::make_shared<spdlog_ex>(ex.what());
_last_workerthread_ex = std::make_shared<spdlog_ex>(std::string("async_logger worker thread exception: ") + ex.what());
catch (...)
_last_workerthread_ex = std::make_shared<spdlog_ex>("Unknown exception");
_last_workerthread_ex = std::make_shared<spdlog_ex>("async_logger worker thread exception");
return true;
// sleep or yield if queue is empty.
return false;
inline void spdlog::details::async_log_helper::set_formatter(formatter_ptr msg_formatter)
_formatter = msg_formatter;
inline void spdlog::details::async_log_helper::shutdown(const log_clock::duration& timeout)
if (timeout > std::chrono::milliseconds::zero())
auto until = log_clock::now() + timeout;
while (_q.approx_size() > 0 && log_clock::now() < until)
// Sleep or yield using the time passed since last message as a hint
// Sleep,yield or return immediatly using the time passed since last message as a hint
inline void spdlog::details::async_log_helper::sleep_or_yield(const clock::time_point& last_op_time)
using std::chrono::milliseconds;
using std::this_thread::sleep_for;
using std::this_thread::yield;
using namespace std::this_thread;
clock::duration sleep_duration;
auto time_since_op = clock::now() - last_op_time;
if (time_since_op > milliseconds(1000))
else if (time_since_op > milliseconds(1))
sleep_for(time_since_op / 2);
//spin upto 1 ms
if (time_since_op <= milliseconds(1))
// yield upto 10ms
if (time_since_op <= milliseconds(10))
return yield();
// sleep for half of duration since last op
if (time_since_op <= milliseconds(100))
return sleep_for(time_since_op / 2);
return sleep_for(milliseconds(100));
//throw if the worker thread threw an exception or not active
......@@ -282,17 +275,13 @@ inline void spdlog::details::async_log_helper::throw_if_bad_worker()
inline void spdlog::details::async_log_helper::join_worker()
_active = false;
if (_worker_thread.joinable())
catch (const std::system_error&) //Dont crash if thread not joinable
......@@ -34,18 +34,17 @@
template<class It>
inline spdlog::async_logger::async_logger(const std::string& logger_name, const It& begin, const It& end, size_t queue_size, const log_clock::duration& shutdown_duration) :
inline spdlog::async_logger::async_logger(const std::string& logger_name, const It& begin, const It& end, size_t queue_size) :
logger(logger_name, begin, end),
_async_log_helper(new details::async_log_helper(_formatter, _sinks, queue_size))
inline spdlog::async_logger::async_logger(const std::string& logger_name, sinks_init_list sinks, size_t queue_size, const log_clock::duration& shutdown_duration) :
async_logger(logger_name, sinks.begin(), sinks.end(), queue_size, shutdown_duration) {}
inline spdlog::async_logger::async_logger(const std::string& logger_name, sinks_init_list sinks, size_t queue_size) :
async_logger(logger_name, sinks.begin(), sinks.end(), queue_size) {}
inline spdlog::async_logger::async_logger(const std::string& logger_name, sink_ptr single_sink, size_t queue_size, const log_clock::duration& shutdown_duration) :
async_logger(logger_name, { single_sink }, queue_size, shutdown_duration) {}
inline spdlog::async_logger::async_logger(const std::string& logger_name, sink_ptr single_sink, size_t queue_size) :
async_logger(logger_name, { single_sink }, queue_size) {}
inline void spdlog::async_logger::_set_formatter(spdlog::formatter_ptr msg_formatter)
......@@ -65,7 +64,6 @@ inline void spdlog::async_logger::_set_pattern(const std::string& pattern)
inline void spdlog::async_logger::_stop()
inline void spdlog::async_logger::_log_msg(details::log_msg& msg)
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public:
return found->second;
std::shared_ptr<logger> new_logger;
if (_async_mode)
new_logger = std::make_shared<async_logger>(logger_name, sinks_begin, sinks_end, _async_q_size, _async_shutdown_duration);
new_logger = std::make_shared<async_logger>(logger_name, sinks_begin, sinks_end, _async_q_size);
new_logger = std::make_shared<logger>(logger_name, sinks_begin, sinks_end);
......@@ -114,12 +114,11 @@ public:
void set_async_mode(size_t q_size, const log_clock::duration& shutdown_duration)
void set_async_mode(size_t q_size)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
_async_mode = true;
_async_q_size = q_size;
_async_shutdown_duration = shutdown_duration;
void set_sync_mode()
......@@ -153,7 +152,6 @@ private:
level::level_enum _level = level::INFO;
bool _async_mode = false;
size_t _async_q_size = 0;
log_clock::duration _async_shutdown_duration;
......@@ -133,9 +133,9 @@ inline void spdlog::set_level(level::level_enum log_level)
inline void spdlog::set_async_mode(size_t queue_size, const log_clock::duration& shutdown_duration)
inline void spdlog::set_async_mode(size_t queue_size)
details::registry::instance().set_async_mode(queue_size, shutdown_duration);
inline void spdlog::set_sync_mode()
......@@ -65,9 +65,8 @@ void set_level(level::level_enum log_level);
// Turn on async mode and set the queue size for each async_logger
// shutdown_duration indicates max time to wait for the worker thread to log its messages before terminating.
void set_async_mode(size_t queue_size, const log_clock::duration& shutdown_duration = std::chrono::seconds(5));
void set_async_mode(size_t queue_size);
// Turn off async mode
void set_sync_mode();
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