Commit 9c84f27b authored by aligungr's avatar aligungr

Handling the NAS count wrapping around

parent ecf60d8b
......@@ -126,6 +126,16 @@ EProcRc NasMm::sendNasMessage(const nas::PlainMmMessage &msg)
OctetString pdu;
if (hasNsCtx)
if (m_usim->m_currentNsCtx->uplinkCount.sqn == 0xFF &&
static_cast<int>(m_usim->m_currentNsCtx->uplinkCount.overflow) == 0xFFFF)
m_logger->warn("Uplink NAS Count about to wrap around, performing local release of NAS connection and "
"deleting current NSC");
m_usim->m_currentNsCtx = nullptr;
return EProcRc::STAY;
if (msg.messageType == nas::EMessageType::REGISTRATION_REQUEST ||
msg.messageType == nas::EMessageType::SERVICE_REQUEST)
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