Commit a66fdd82 authored by Xenofon Foukas's avatar Xenofon Foukas

Added event notification for connection of a new UE

parent 27316abb
......@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ void *receive_thread(void *args) {
// check if there is something to send back to the controller
if (msg != NULL){
if (enb_agent_msg_send(d->enb_id, ENB_AGENT_DEFAULT, data, size, priority)) {
goto error;
......@@ -1380,220 +1380,220 @@ int enb_agent_enb_config_request(mid_t mod_id, const void* params, Protocol__Pro
int enb_agent_enb_config_reply(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__ProgranMessage **msg) {
xid_t xid;
Protocol__ProgranMessage *input = (Protocol__ProgranMessage *)params;
Protocol__PrpEnbConfigRequest *enb_config_req_msg = input->enb_config_request_msg;
xid = (enb_config_req_msg->header)->xid;
int i, j, k;
int cc_id = 0;
int enb_id = mod_id;
Protocol__PrpHeader *header;
if(prp_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__PRP_TYPE__PRPT_GET_ENB_CONFIG_REPLY, &header) != 0)
goto error;
Protocol__PrpEnbConfigReply *enb_config_reply_msg;
enb_config_reply_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpEnbConfigReply));
if(enb_config_reply_msg == NULL)
goto error;
enb_config_reply_msg->header = header;
enb_config_reply_msg->enb_id = mod_id;
enb_config_reply_msg->n_cell_config = MAX_NUM_CCs;
Protocol__PrpCellConfig **cell_conf;
if(enb_config_reply_msg->n_cell_config > 0){
cell_conf = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpCellConfig *) * enb_config_reply_msg->n_cell_config);
if(cell_conf == NULL)
goto error;
for(i = 0; i < enb_config_reply_msg->n_cell_config; i++){
cell_conf[i] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpCellConfig));
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, the PCI of this cell
cell_conf[i]->phy_cell_id = 1;
cell_conf[i]->has_phy_cell_id = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, the PLMN cell id of this cell
cell_conf[i]->cell_id = get_cell_id(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_cell_id = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, PUSCH resources in RBs for hopping
cell_conf[i]->pusch_hopping_offset = get_hopping_offset(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_pusch_hopping_offset = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value
cell_conf[i]->hopping_mode = get_hopping_mode(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_hopping_mode = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, the number of subbands
cell_conf[i]->n_sb = get_n_SB(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_n_sb = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, The number of resource element groups used for PHICH. One of PRPR_
cell_conf[i]->phich_resource = get_phich_resource(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_phich_resource = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, one of the PRPD_ values
cell_conf[i]->phich_duration = get_phich_duration(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_phich_duration = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.211, section 6.9
cell_conf[i]->init_nr_pdcch_ofdm_sym = get_num_pdcch_symb(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_init_nr_pdcch_ofdm_sym = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value
Protocol__PrpSiConfig *si_config;
si_config = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpSiConfig));
if(si_config == NULL)
goto error;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, Frame number to apply the SI configuration
si_config->sfn = 1;
si_config->has_sfn = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, the length of SIB1 in bytes
si_config->sib1_length = get_sib1_length(enb_id,i);
si_config->has_sib1_length = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, Scheduling window for all SIs in SF
si_config->si_window_length = (uint32_t) get_si_window_length(enb_id,i);
si_config->has_si_window_length = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, the number of SI messages
Protocol__PrpSiMessage **si_message;
si_message = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpSiMessage *) * si_config->n_si_message);
if(si_message == NULL)
goto error;
for(j = 0; j < si_config->n_si_message; j++){
si_message[j] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpSiMessage));
if(si_message[j] == NULL)
goto error;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, Periodicity of SI msg in radio frames
si_message[j]->periodicity = 1; //SIPeriod
si_message[j]->has_periodicity = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, rhe length of the SI message in bytes
si_message[j]->length = 10;
si_message[j]->has_length = 1;
if(si_config->n_si_message > 0){
si_config->si_message = si_message;
cell_conf[i]->si_config = si_config;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, the DL transmission bandwidth in RBs
cell_conf[i]->dl_bandwidth = get_N_RB_DL(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_dl_bandwidth = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, the UL transmission bandwidth in RBs
cell_conf[i]->ul_bandwidth = get_N_RB_UL(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_ul_bandwidth = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, one of PRUCPL values
cell_conf[i]->ul_cyclic_prefix_length = get_ul_cyclic_prefix_length(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_ul_cyclic_prefix_length = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, one of PRUCPL values
cell_conf[i]->dl_cyclic_prefix_length = get_dl_cyclic_prefix_length(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_dl_cyclic_prefix_length = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, number of cell specific antenna ports
cell_conf[i]->antenna_ports_count = 1;
cell_conf[i]->has_antenna_ports_count = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, one of PRDM values
cell_conf[i]->duplex_mode = get_duplex_mode(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_duplex_mode = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, DL/UL subframe assignment. TDD only
cell_conf[i]->subframe_assignment = get_subframe_assignment(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_subframe_assignment = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, TDD only. See TS 36.211, table 4.2.1
cell_conf[i]->special_subframe_patterns = get_special_subframe_assignment(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_special_subframe_patterns = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, The MBSFN radio frame period
cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_rfperiod = 5;
uint32_t *elem_rfperiod;
elem_rfperiod = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) *cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_rfperiod);
if(elem_rfperiod == NULL)
goto error;
for(j = 0; j < cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_rfperiod; j++){
elem_rfperiod[j] = 1;
cell_conf[i]->mbsfn_subframe_config_rfperiod = elem_rfperiod;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, The MBSFN radio frame offset
cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_rfoffset = 5;
uint32_t *elem_rfoffset;
elem_rfoffset = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) *cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_rfoffset);
if(elem_rfoffset == NULL)
goto error;
for(j = 0; j < cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_rfoffset; j++){
elem_rfoffset[j] = 1;
cell_conf[i]->mbsfn_subframe_config_rfoffset = elem_rfoffset;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, Bitmap indicating the MBSFN subframes
cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_sfalloc = 5;
uint32_t *elem_sfalloc;
elem_sfalloc = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) *cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_sfalloc);
if(elem_sfalloc == NULL)
goto error;
for(j = 0; j < cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_sfalloc; j++){
elem_sfalloc[j] = 1;
cell_conf[i]->mbsfn_subframe_config_sfalloc = elem_sfalloc;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.211, section 5.7.1
cell_conf[i]->prach_config_index = get_prach_ConfigIndex(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_prach_config_index = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.211, section 5.7.1
cell_conf[i]->prach_freq_offset = get_prach_FreqOffset(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_prach_freq_offset = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, Duration of RA response window in SF
cell_conf[i]->ra_response_window_size = get_ra_ResponseWindowSize(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_ra_response_window_size = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, Timer used for RA
cell_conf[i]->mac_contention_resolution_timer = get_mac_ContentionResolutionTimer(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_mac_contention_resolution_timer = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.321
cell_conf[i]->max_harq_msg3tx = get_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_max_harq_msg3tx = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.213, section 10.1
cell_conf[i]->n1pucch_an = get_n1pucch_an(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_n1pucch_an = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.211, section 5.4
cell_conf[i]->deltapucch_shift = get_deltaPUCCH_Shift(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_deltapucch_shift = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.211, section 5.4
cell_conf[i]->nrb_cqi = get_nRB_CQI(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_nrb_cqi = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.211, table and 2
cell_conf[i]->srs_subframe_config = get_srs_SubframeConfig(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_srs_subframe_config = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.211, section
cell_conf[i]->srs_bw_config = get_srs_BandwidthConfig(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_srs_bw_config = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, Boolean value. See TS 36.211, section TDD only
cell_conf[i]->srs_mac_up_pts = get_srs_MaxUpPts(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_srs_mac_up_pts = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, One of the PREQ_ values
cell_conf[i]->enable_64qam = get_enable64QAM(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_enable_64qam = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, Carrier component index
cell_conf[i]->carrier_index = i;
cell_conf[i]->has_carrier_index = 1;
*msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__ProgranMessage));
if(*msg == NULL)
goto error;
(*msg)->enb_config_reply_msg = enb_config_reply_msg;
return 0;
// TODO: Need to make proper error handling
if (header != NULL)
if (enb_config_reply_msg != NULL)
if(*msg != NULL)
//LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
xid_t xid;
Protocol__ProgranMessage *input = (Protocol__ProgranMessage *)params;
Protocol__PrpEnbConfigRequest *enb_config_req_msg = input->enb_config_request_msg;
xid = (enb_config_req_msg->header)->xid;
int i, j, k;
int cc_id = 0;
int enb_id = mod_id;
Protocol__PrpHeader *header;
if(prp_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__PRP_TYPE__PRPT_GET_ENB_CONFIG_REPLY, &header) != 0)
goto error;
Protocol__PrpEnbConfigReply *enb_config_reply_msg;
enb_config_reply_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpEnbConfigReply));
if(enb_config_reply_msg == NULL)
goto error;
enb_config_reply_msg->header = header;
enb_config_reply_msg->enb_id = mod_id;
enb_config_reply_msg->n_cell_config = MAX_NUM_CCs;
Protocol__PrpCellConfig **cell_conf;
if(enb_config_reply_msg->n_cell_config > 0){
cell_conf = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpCellConfig *) * enb_config_reply_msg->n_cell_config);
if(cell_conf == NULL)
goto error;
for(i = 0; i < enb_config_reply_msg->n_cell_config; i++){
cell_conf[i] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpCellConfig));
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, the PCI of this cell
cell_conf[i]->phy_cell_id = 1;
cell_conf[i]->has_phy_cell_id = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, the PLMN cell id of this cell
cell_conf[i]->cell_id = get_cell_id(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_cell_id = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, PUSCH resources in RBs for hopping
cell_conf[i]->pusch_hopping_offset = get_hopping_offset(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_pusch_hopping_offset = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value
cell_conf[i]->hopping_mode = get_hopping_mode(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_hopping_mode = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, the number of subbands
cell_conf[i]->n_sb = get_n_SB(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_n_sb = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, The number of resource element groups used for PHICH. One of PRPR_
cell_conf[i]->phich_resource = get_phich_resource(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_phich_resource = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, one of the PRPD_ values
cell_conf[i]->phich_duration = get_phich_duration(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_phich_duration = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.211, section 6.9
cell_conf[i]->init_nr_pdcch_ofdm_sym = get_num_pdcch_symb(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_init_nr_pdcch_ofdm_sym = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value
Protocol__PrpSiConfig *si_config;
si_config = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpSiConfig));
if(si_config == NULL)
goto error;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, Frame number to apply the SI configuration
si_config->sfn = 1;
si_config->has_sfn = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, the length of SIB1 in bytes
si_config->sib1_length = get_sib1_length(enb_id,i);
si_config->has_sib1_length = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, Scheduling window for all SIs in SF
si_config->si_window_length = (uint32_t) get_si_window_length(enb_id,i);
si_config->has_si_window_length = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, the number of SI messages
Protocol__PrpSiMessage **si_message;
si_message = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpSiMessage *) * si_config->n_si_message);
if(si_message == NULL)
goto error;
for(j = 0; j < si_config->n_si_message; j++){
si_message[j] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpSiMessage));
if(si_message[j] == NULL)
goto error;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, Periodicity of SI msg in radio frames
si_message[j]->periodicity = 1; //SIPeriod
si_message[j]->has_periodicity = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, rhe length of the SI message in bytes
si_message[j]->length = 10;
si_message[j]->has_length = 1;
if(si_config->n_si_message > 0){
si_config->si_message = si_message;
cell_conf[i]->si_config = si_config;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, the DL transmission bandwidth in RBs
cell_conf[i]->dl_bandwidth = get_N_RB_DL(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_dl_bandwidth = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, the UL transmission bandwidth in RBs
cell_conf[i]->ul_bandwidth = get_N_RB_UL(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_ul_bandwidth = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, one of PRUCPL values
cell_conf[i]->ul_cyclic_prefix_length = get_ul_cyclic_prefix_length(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_ul_cyclic_prefix_length = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, one of PRUCPL values
cell_conf[i]->dl_cyclic_prefix_length = get_dl_cyclic_prefix_length(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_dl_cyclic_prefix_length = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, number of cell specific antenna ports
cell_conf[i]->antenna_ports_count = 1;
cell_conf[i]->has_antenna_ports_count = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, one of PRDM values
cell_conf[i]->duplex_mode = get_duplex_mode(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_duplex_mode = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, DL/UL subframe assignment. TDD only
cell_conf[i]->subframe_assignment = get_subframe_assignment(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_subframe_assignment = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, TDD only. See TS 36.211, table 4.2.1
cell_conf[i]->special_subframe_patterns = get_special_subframe_assignment(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_special_subframe_patterns = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, The MBSFN radio frame period
cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_rfperiod = 5;
uint32_t *elem_rfperiod;
elem_rfperiod = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) *cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_rfperiod);
if(elem_rfperiod == NULL)
goto error;
for(j = 0; j < cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_rfperiod; j++){
elem_rfperiod[j] = 1;
cell_conf[i]->mbsfn_subframe_config_rfperiod = elem_rfperiod;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, The MBSFN radio frame offset
cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_rfoffset = 5;
uint32_t *elem_rfoffset;
elem_rfoffset = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) *cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_rfoffset);
if(elem_rfoffset == NULL)
goto error;
for(j = 0; j < cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_rfoffset; j++){
elem_rfoffset[j] = 1;
cell_conf[i]->mbsfn_subframe_config_rfoffset = elem_rfoffset;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, Bitmap indicating the MBSFN subframes
cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_sfalloc = 5;
uint32_t *elem_sfalloc;
elem_sfalloc = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) *cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_sfalloc);
if(elem_sfalloc == NULL)
goto error;
for(j = 0; j < cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_sfalloc; j++){
elem_sfalloc[j] = 1;
cell_conf[i]->mbsfn_subframe_config_sfalloc = elem_sfalloc;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.211, section 5.7.1
cell_conf[i]->prach_config_index = get_prach_ConfigIndex(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_prach_config_index = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.211, section 5.7.1
cell_conf[i]->prach_freq_offset = get_prach_FreqOffset(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_prach_freq_offset = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, Duration of RA response window in SF
cell_conf[i]->ra_response_window_size = get_ra_ResponseWindowSize(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_ra_response_window_size = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, Timer used for RA
cell_conf[i]->mac_contention_resolution_timer = get_mac_ContentionResolutionTimer(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_mac_contention_resolution_timer = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.321
cell_conf[i]->max_harq_msg3tx = get_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_max_harq_msg3tx = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.213, section 10.1
cell_conf[i]->n1pucch_an = get_n1pucch_an(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_n1pucch_an = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.211, section 5.4
cell_conf[i]->deltapucch_shift = get_deltaPUCCH_Shift(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_deltapucch_shift = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.211, section 5.4
cell_conf[i]->nrb_cqi = get_nRB_CQI(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_nrb_cqi = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.211, table and 2
cell_conf[i]->srs_subframe_config = get_srs_SubframeConfig(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_srs_subframe_config = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.211, section
cell_conf[i]->srs_bw_config = get_srs_BandwidthConfig(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_srs_bw_config = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, Boolean value. See TS 36.211, section TDD only
cell_conf[i]->srs_mac_up_pts = get_srs_MaxUpPts(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_srs_mac_up_pts = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, One of the PREQ_ values
cell_conf[i]->enable_64qam = get_enable64QAM(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_enable_64qam = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, Carrier component index
cell_conf[i]->carrier_index = i;
cell_conf[i]->has_carrier_index = 1;
*msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__ProgranMessage));
if(*msg == NULL)
goto error;
(*msg)->enb_config_reply_msg = enb_config_reply_msg;
return 0;
// TODO: Need to make proper error handling
if (header != NULL)
if (enb_config_reply_msg != NULL)
if(*msg != NULL)
//LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
......@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@
#include "RRC/LITE/extern.h"
#include "RRC/L2_INTERFACE/openair_rrc_L2_interface.h"
#include "enb_agent_extern.h"
//#include "LAYER2/MAC/pre_processor.c"
#include "pdcp.h"
......@@ -255,6 +257,12 @@ void rx_sdu(
} else
LOG_I(MAC,"[eNB %d][RAPROC] CC_id %d Frame %d Added user with rnti %x => UE %d\n",
//WARNING:Inform the controller about the UE activation. Should be moved to RRC agent in the future
if (mac_agent_registered[enb_mod_idP]) {
} else {
LOG_I(MAC,"[eNB %d][RAPROC] CC_id %d Frame %d CCCH: Received Msg3 from already registered UE %d: length %d, offset %d\n",
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