Commit bbee4d98 authored by wujing's avatar wujing

oaienv -> ranenv| build_oai -> build_ran

parent 38d8ad32
......@@ -3820,7 +3820,7 @@ int nr_ue_process_rar(nr_downlink_indication_t *dl_info, NR_UL_TIME_ALIGNMENT_t
NR_MAC_RAR *rar = (NR_MAC_RAR *) (dlsch_buffer + 1); // RAR subPDU pointer
uint8_t preamble_index = ra->ra_PreambleIndex;
LOG_E(NR_MAC, "In %s:[%d.%d]: [UE %d][RAPROC] invoking MAC for received RAR (current preamble %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, frame, slot, mod_id, preamble_index);
LOG_D(NR_MAC, "In %s:[%d.%d]: [UE %d][RAPROC] invoking MAC for received RAR (current preamble %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, frame, slot, mod_id, preamble_index);
while (1) {
......@@ -3839,7 +3839,7 @@ int nr_ue_process_rar(nr_downlink_indication_t *dl_info, NR_UL_TIME_ALIGNMENT_t
if (rarh->RAPID == preamble_index) {
LOG_E(NR_MAC, "[UE %d][RAPROC][%d.%d] Found RAR with the intended RAPID %d\n", mod_id, frame, slot, rarh->RAPID);
LOG_D(NR_MAC, "[UE %d][RAPROC][%d.%d] Found RAR with the intended RAPID %d\n", mod_id, frame, slot, rarh->RAPID);
rar = (NR_MAC_RAR *) (dlsch_buffer + n_subheaders + (n_subPDUs - 1) * sizeof(NR_MAC_RAR));
ra->RA_RAPID_found = 1;
if (get_softmodem_params()->emulate_l1) {
......@@ -1857,7 +1857,7 @@ void nr_ue_prach_procedures(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, UE_nr_rxtx_proc_t *proc, uint8_t
int16_t ra_preamble_rx_power = (int16_t)(prach_resources->ra_PREAMBLE_RECEIVED_TARGET_POWER - pathloss + 30);
ue->tx_power_dBm[nr_slot_tx] = min(nr_get_Pcmax(mod_id), ra_preamble_rx_power);
LOG_E(PHY, "In %s: [UE %d][RAPROC][%d.%d]: Generating PRACH Msg1 (preamble %d, PL %d dB, P0_PRACH %d, TARGET_RECEIVED_POWER %d dBm, RA-RNTI %x)\n",
LOG_D(PHY, "In %s: [UE %d][RAPROC][%d.%d]: Generating PRACH Msg1 (preamble %d, PL %d dB, P0_PRACH %d, TARGET_RECEIVED_POWER %d dBm, RA-RNTI %x)\n",
......@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ then
echo "cd $OAIENV_DIR"
echo "source oaienv"
source oaienv
echo "source ranenv"
source ranenv
echo "cd $WORK_DIR"
echo "cmake CMakeLists.txt"
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ This directory contains testbenchs for 5G NR physical layers.
Before building unit tests, full UE build should be done before (maily for asn1 dependencies):
Initialise environment:
- under openairinterface5g enter >source oaienv
- under openairinterface5g enter >source ranenv
Install tools:
- under openairinterface5g/cmake_targets/build -I
Build NR UE:
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ input_buffer_test.h: it allows providing samples for pss test.
How to build & run tests
Before building, oai environment should be set by entering under directory openairinterface5g "source oaienv".
Before building, oai environment should be set by entering under directory openairinterface5g "source ranenv".
A script "" allows to build, to run and to check all tests.
To run a complete non regression of unit tests, go under directory NR_UE_PHY/unit_tests/build and execute:
......@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ def cleanOldPrograms(oai, programList, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop, logdir, l
result = oai.send_recv(cmd)
# print "\t\t > "+cmd
# print "\t\t < "+result
cmd = "( " + "cd " + logdirOAI5GRepo + " ; source oaienv ; " + ExmimoRfStop + " ) >> " + logdir + "/oai_test_setup_cleanup.log.`hostname` 2>&1 ; sync "
cmd = "( " + "cd " + logdirOAI5GRepo + " ; source ranenv ; " + ExmimoRfStop + " ) >> " + logdir + "/oai_test_setup_cleanup.log.`hostname` 2>&1 ; sync "
# print "cleanoldprograms cmd = " + cmd
res=oai.send_recv(cmd, False, timeout=600)
# print "\t\t > "+cmd
......@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ class testCaseThread_generic (threading.Thread):
#print "res = " + res
cmd = "( cd " + self.logdirOAI5GRepo + " \n "
cmd = cmd + "source oaienv \n"
cmd = cmd + "source ranenv \n"
cmd = cmd + "$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/run_exec_autotests.bash --run-group \"" + self.testcasename + "\" -p \'\'"
cmd = cmd + " ) >& " + logfile_task_testcasename_out + " ; " + "mkdir -p " + logdir_remote_testcase + "; mv " + logfile_task_testcasename_out + " " +logdir_remote_testcase
......@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo ,
index_eNBMachine = MachineList.index(eNBMachine)
index_UEMachine = MachineList.index(UEMachine)
index_EPCMachine = MachineList.index(EPCMachine)
cmd = 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '; source oaienv ; env|grep OPENAIR'
cmd = 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '; source ranenv ; env|grep OPENAIR'
oai_eNB = openair('localdomain', eNBMachine)
oai_eNB.connect(user, password)
res= oai_eNB.send_recv(cmd)
......@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo ,
oai_EPC.connect(user, password)
res = oai_eNB.send_recv(cmd)
if RRHMachine != '':
cmd = 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '; source oaienv ; env|grep OPENAIR'
cmd = 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '; source ranenv ; env|grep OPENAIR'
index_RRHMachine = MachineList.index(RRHMachine)
oai_RRH = openair('localdomain', RRHMachine)
oai_RRH.connect(user, password)
......@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo ,
logfile_task_RRH_out = logdir_RRH + '/RRH_task_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
logfile_task_RRH = logdir_local_testcase + '/RRH_task' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
task_RRH_compile = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
task_RRH_compile = task_RRH_compile + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '; git reset --hard HEAD ; git checkout ' + RRH_branch + ' ; source oaienv \n'
task_RRH_compile = task_RRH_compile + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '; git reset --hard HEAD ; git checkout ' + RRH_branch + ' ; source ranenv \n'
task_RRH_compile = task_RRH_compile + ' source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
task_RRH_compile = task_RRH_compile + 'env |grep OPENAIR \n'
task_RRH_compile = task_RRH_compile + update_config_file(oai_RRH, RRH_config_file, logdirOAI5GRepo, '$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/tools/') + '\n'
......@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo ,
task_RRH = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
task_RRH = task_RRH + ' export OPENAIR_TESTDIR=' + logdir_RRH + '\n'
task_RRH = task_RRH + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source oaienv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
task_RRH = task_RRH + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source ranenv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
task_RRH = task_RRH + 'env |grep OPENAIR \n' + 'array_exec_pid=() \n'
if RRH_pre_exec != "":
......@@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo ,
logfile_pcap_tmp_eNB = '/tmp/' + '/eNB_tshark' + '_' + str(run) + '_.pcap'
task_eNB_compile = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
task_eNB_compile = task_eNB_compile + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '; git reset --hard HEAD ; git checkout ' + eNB_branch + ' ; source oaienv \n'
task_eNB_compile = task_eNB_compile + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '; git reset --hard HEAD ; git checkout ' + eNB_branch + ' ; source ranenv \n'
task_eNB_compile = task_eNB_compile + ' source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
task_eNB_compile = task_eNB_compile + 'env |grep OPENAIR \n'
task_eNB_compile = task_eNB_compile + update_config_file(oai_eNB, eNB_config_file, logdirOAI5GRepo, '$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/tools/') + '\n'
......@@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo ,
task_eNB = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
task_eNB = task_eNB + ' export OPENAIR_TESTDIR=' + logdir_eNB + '\n'
task_eNB = task_eNB + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source oaienv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
task_eNB = task_eNB + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source ranenv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
task_eNB = task_eNB + 'env |grep OPENAIR \n' + 'array_exec_pid=() \n'
if eNB_pre_exec != "":
......@@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo ,
task_UE_compile = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + 'array_exec_pid=()' + '\n'
task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '; git reset --hard HEAD ; git checkout ' + UE_branch + ' ; source oaienv \n'
task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '; git reset --hard HEAD ; git checkout ' + UE_branch + ' ; source ranenv \n'
task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + 'source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + 'env |grep OPENAIR \n'
task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + update_config_file(oai_UE, UE_config_file, logdirOAI5GRepo, '$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/tools/') + '\n'
......@@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo ,
task_UE = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
task_UE = task_UE + 'array_exec_pid=()' + '\n'
task_UE = task_UE + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '\n'
task_UE = task_UE + 'source oaienv \n'
task_UE = task_UE + 'source ranenv \n'
task_UE = task_UE + 'source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
task_UE = task_UE + 'env |grep OPENAIR \n'
if UE_pre_exec != "":
......@@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo ,
task_EPC_compile = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
task_EPC_compile = task_EPC_compile + 'array_exec_pid=()' + '\n'
task_EPC_compile = task_EPC_compile + 'cd ' + logdirOpenaircnRepo + '; git reset --hard HEAD ; git checkout ' + EPC_branch + ' ; source oaienv \n'
task_EPC_compile = task_EPC_compile + 'cd ' + logdirOpenaircnRepo + '; git reset --hard HEAD ; git checkout ' + EPC_branch + ' ; source ranenv \n'
task_EPC_compile = task_EPC_compile + update_config_file(oai_EPC, EPC_config_file, logdirOpenaircnRepo, logdirOpenaircnRepo+'/TEST/autotests/tools/') + '\n'
task_EPC_compile = task_EPC_compile + 'source BUILD/TOOLS/build_helper \n'
if EPC_compile_prog != "":
......@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo ,
task_EPC = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
task_EPC = task_EPC + ' export OPENAIRCN_TESTDIR=' + logdir_EPC + '\n'
task_EPC = task_EPC + 'array_exec_pid=()' + '\n'
task_EPC = task_EPC + 'cd ' + logdirOpenaircnRepo + '; source oaienv\n'
task_EPC = task_EPC + 'cd ' + logdirOpenaircnRepo + '; source ranenv\n'
task_EPC = task_EPC + 'source BUILD/TOOLS/build_helper \n'
if EPC_pre_exec != "":
task_EPC = task_EPC + ' ( date; ' + EPC_pre_exec + ' '+ EPC_pre_exec_args + ' ) > ' + logfile_pre_exec_EPC + ' 2>&1 \n'
......@@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo ,
if UE_stop_script != "":
cmd = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
cmd = cmd + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source oaienv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
cmd = cmd + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source ranenv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
cmd = cmd + 'env |grep OPENAIR \n' + 'array_exec_pid=() \n'
cmd = cmd + UE_stop_script + '\n'
cmd = cmd + ') > ' + logfile_UE_stop_script_out + ' 2>&1 '
......@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem_noS1 (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRe
# check that openairinterface is installed on machine
oai_eNB = openair('localdomain', eNBMachine)
oai_eNB.connect(user, password)
cmd = 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '; source oaienv ; env|grep --color=never OPENAIR'
cmd = 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '; source ranenv ; env|grep --color=never OPENAIR'
res= oai_eNB.send_recv(cmd)
m ='OPENAIR_HOME', res, re.DOTALL)
if m:
......@@ -1217,7 +1217,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem_noS1 (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRe
print( Fore.WHITE + indent + "> eNB machine compilation : triggered -> "+eNB_compile_cmd )
eNBMachineDesc['last_compile_prog'] = eNB_compile_prog + ' '+ eNB_compile_prog_args # if last compilation is the same do not compile again
task_eNB_compile = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
task_eNB_compile = task_eNB_compile + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source oaienv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
task_eNB_compile = task_eNB_compile + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source ranenv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
task_eNB_compile = task_eNB_compile + 'env |grep OPENAIR \n'
task_eNB_compile = task_eNB_compile + update_config_file(oai_eNB, eNB_config_file, logdirOAI5GRepo, '$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/tools/') + '\n'
if eNB_compile_cmd != "":
......@@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem_noS1 (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRe
# check that openairinterface is installed on machine
oai_UE = openair('localdomain', UEMachine)
oai_UE.connect(user, password)
cmd = 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '; source oaienv ; env|grep --color=never OPENAIR'
cmd = 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '; source ranenv ; env|grep --color=never OPENAIR'
res= oai_UE.send_recv(cmd)
m ='OPENAIR_HOME', res, re.DOTALL)
if m:
......@@ -1274,7 +1274,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem_noS1 (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRe
print( Fore.WHITE + indent + "> UE machine compilation : triggered -> "+UE_compile_cmd )
UEMachineDesc['last_compile_prog'] = UE_compile_prog + ' '+ UE_compile_prog_args
task_UE_compile = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source oaienv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source ranenv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + 'env |grep OPENAIR \n'
task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + update_config_file(oai_UE, UE_config_file, logdirOAI5GRepo, '$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/tools/') + '\n'
if UE_compile_cmd != "":
......@@ -1384,7 +1384,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem_noS1 (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRe
logfile_task_eNB = logdir_local_run + '/eNB_task' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
task_eNB = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
task_eNB = task_eNB + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source oaienv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
task_eNB = task_eNB + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source ranenv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
task_eNB = task_eNB + 'env |grep OPENAIR \n' + 'array_exec_pid=() \n'
if eNB_pre_exec != "":
task_eNB = task_eNB + ' ( date; ' + eNB_pre_exec + ' '+ eNB_pre_exec_args + ' ) > ' + logfile_pre_exec_eNB + ' 2>&1 \n'
......@@ -1426,7 +1426,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem_noS1 (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRe
task_UE = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
task_UE = task_UE + 'array_exec_pid=()' + '\n'
task_UE = task_UE + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '\n'
task_UE = task_UE + 'source oaienv \n'
task_UE = task_UE + 'source ranenv \n'
task_UE = task_UE + 'source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
task_UE = task_UE + 'env |grep OPENAIR \n'
if UE_pre_exec != "":
......@@ -2115,7 +2115,7 @@ try:
except KeyError:
print (Fore.RED + 'FAILED')
print "Please set the environment variable PHY_DIR in the .bashrc or run 'source oaienv' "
print "Please set the environment variable PHY_DIR in the .bashrc or run 'source ranenv' "
print (Fore.GREEN + 'OK')
......@@ -2124,14 +2124,14 @@ try:
except KeyError:
print (Fore.RED + 'FAILED')
print "Please set the environment variable MAC_DIR in the .bashrc or run 'source oaienv' "
print "Please set the environment variable MAC_DIR in the .bashrc or run 'source ranenv' "
print (Fore.GREEN + 'OK')
except KeyError:
print "Please set the environment variable OPENAIR_TARGETS in the .bashrc or run 'source oaienv' "
print "Please set the environment variable OPENAIR_TARGETS in the .bashrc or run 'source ranenv' "
print (Fore.WHITE + ' - kill zombie ssh sessions from earlier sessions... '),
......@@ -2278,7 +2278,7 @@ if not flag_skip_machine_preparation:
cmd = cmd + 'echo \"skipping GitHead check...\" \n '
cmd = cmd + 'if [ \"$git_head\" != \"'+ GitOAI5GHeadVersion + '\" ]; then echo \"error: Git openairinterface5g head version does not match\" ; fi \n'
cmd = cmd + 'source oaienv' + '\n'
cmd = cmd + 'source ranenv' + '\n'
if flag_skip_oai_install == False:
cmd = cmd + 'source $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
cmd = cmd + 'echo \"Installing core OAI dependencies...Start\" \n'
......@@ -2354,7 +2354,7 @@ if not flag_skip_machine_preparation:
sftp_module (user, pw, MachineList[index], port, paramList, sftp_log)
cmd = ' cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source oaienv ; env|grep OPENAIR \n'
cmd = ' cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source ranenv ; env|grep OPENAIR \n'
res = oai_list[index].send_recv(cmd)
index = index +1
if os.path.exists(localfile) == 0:
cd /tmp/oai_test_setup/oai
source oaienv
source ranenv
cd cmake_targets
rm -rf log
mkdir -p log
cd /tmp/oai_test_setup/oai
source oaienv
source ranenv
cd /tmp/oai_test_setup/oai
source oaienv
source ranenv
sudo rmmod nasmesh || true
sudo rmmod ue_ip || true
cd cmake_targets
......@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
stty isig intr ^C
cd /tmp/oai_test_setup/oai
source oaienv
source ranenv
sudo rmmod nasmesh || true
sudo rmmod ue_ip || true
cd cmake_targets/ran_build/build
ulimit -c unlimited
sudo rm -f core
#sudo -E ./lte-softmodem -O $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/v2/config/enb.band7.tm1.usrpb210.conf
sudo -E ./lte-softmodem -O /tmp/enb.conf
\ No newline at end of file
sudo -E ./lte-softmodem -O /tmp/enb.conf
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
stty isig intr ^C
cd /tmp/oai_test_setup/oai
source oaienv
source ranenv
sudo rmmod nasmesh || true
sudo rmmod ue_ip || true
cd cmake_targets/autotests/v2/actions
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ stty isig intr ^C
#while [ ! -e /dev/bandrich ]; do sleep 1; done
cd /tmp/oai_test_setup/oai
source oaienv
source ranenv
sudo rmmod nasmesh || true
sudo rmmod ue_ip || true
cd cmake_targets/autotests/v2/actions
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
# *
# */
# file build_oai
# file build_ran
# brief OAI automated build tool that can be used to install, compile, run OAI.
# author Navid Nikaein, Lionel GAUTHIER, Laurent Thomas
......@@ -171,10 +171,10 @@ Options
Print this help
Usage (first build):
NI/ETTUS B201 + COTS UE : ./build_oai -I -i --eNB -w USRP
NI/ETTUS B201 + COTS UE : ./build_ran -I -i --eNB -w USRP
Usage (regular):
Eurecom EXMIMO + OAI ENB : ./build_oai --eNB
NI/ETTUS B201 + OAI ENB : ./build_oai --eNB -w USRP"
Eurecom EXMIMO + RAN ENB : ./build_ran --eNB
NI/ETTUS B201 + RAN ENB : ./build_ran --eNB -w USRP"
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ By default the embedded telnet server, which is implemented in a shared library,
cd \<oai repository\>/openairinterface5g
source oaienv
source ranenv
cd cmake_targets
./build_oai --build-lib telnetsrv
......@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ export OPENAIR_TARGETS=$OPENAIR_HOME/targets
alias oai='cd $OPENAIR_HOME'
alias oai0='cd $OPENAIR0_DIR'
alias oai1='cd $PHY_DIR'
alias oai2='cd $MAC_DIR'
alias oait='cd $OPENAIR_TARGETS'
alias oailte='cd $OPENAIR_TARGETS/RT/USER'
alias ran='cd $OPENAIR_HOME'
alias ran0='cd $OPENAIR0_DIR'
alias ran1='cd $PHY_DIR'
alias ran2='cd $MAC_DIR'
alias rant='cd $OPENAIR_TARGETS'
alias ranlte='cd $OPENAIR_TARGETS/RT/USER'
#export IIOD_REMOTE=
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ sudo gedit /usr/local/etc/syriq/
echo '1' > /proc/irq/49/smp_affinity_list
echo '5' > /proc/irq/48/smp_affinity_list
gedit oaienv
gedit ranenv
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ compilation:
sudo cset shield --reset
cd eur_oai_develop-nr/openairinterface5g/
source oaienv
source ranenv
sudo -E ./cmake_targets/build_oai -c --nrUE -w ADRV9371_ZC706 -I
sudo -E ./cmake_targets/build_oai -c --nrUE -w ADRV9371_ZC706
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ sudo -E ./cmake_targets/build_oai -c --nrUE -w ADRV9371_ZC706
source oaienv
source ranenv
sudo -E /usr/local/etc/syriq/
sudo -E cset shield -e ./targets/bin/nr-uesoftmodem.Rel15 -- --numerology 1 -r 106 -C 3510000000 --loop-memory --rf-config-file /usr/local/etc/syriq/ue.band22.tm1.PRB100.NR40.dat
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ sudo lspci -vv -s 02:00.0 | grep Interr
sudo gedit /usr/local/etc/syriq/
echo '1' > /proc/irq/46/smp_affinity_list
gedit oaienv
gedit ranenv
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ compilation:
sudo cset shield --reset
cd eur_oai_develop-nr/openairinterface5g/
source oaienv
source ranenv
sudo -E ./cmake_targets/build_oai -c --gNB -w ADRV9371_ZC706 -I --enable-cpu-affinity
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ sudo -E ./cmake_targets/build_oai -c --gNB -w ADRV9371_ZC706 --enable-cpu-affini
source oaienv
source ranenv
sudo -E /usr/local/etc/syriq/
sudo -E cset shield -e ./targets/bin/nr-softmodem.Rel15 -- -O $OPENAIR_DIR/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band22.tm1.106PRB.adrv9371zc706.conf --rf-config-file /usr/local/etc/syriq/gnb.band22.tm1.PRB100.NR40_hwgain15.dat
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ The driver tcp_bridge_oai.c is to be used with the basic simulator.
To build the basic simulator:
cd [openair top directory]
. oaienv
. ranenv
cd cmake_targets
./build_oai -I -w USRP
./build_oai --basic-simulator
#Build instructions
source oaienv
source ranenv
cd cmake_targets
#Create lte-uesoftmodem-nos1 (UE) and lte-softmodem-nos1 (eNB) executables
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