Commit c9b5a909 authored by Rohit Gupta's avatar Rohit Gupta

updates to autotest framework

parent 717ff214
......@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ for search_expr in "${test_case_array[@]}"
elif [ "$class" == "execution" ]; then
test_compile_and_run "$name" "$compile_prog" "$compile_prog_args" "$pre_exec" "$pre_exec_args" "$main_exec" "$main_exec_args" "search_array_true[@]" "$search_expr_false" "$nruns" "$pre_compile_prog" "$class" "$compile_prog_out" "$tags" "$mypassword"
echo "Unexpected class of test case...Exiting...."
echo "Unexpected class of test case...Skipping the test case $name ...."
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ import datetime
import getpass
import math #from time import clock
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import re
import log
import case01
......@@ -58,6 +59,9 @@ import case05
from openair import *
import paramiko
import ssh
from ssh import SSHSession
def write_file(filename, string, mode="w"):
text_file = open(filename, mode)
......@@ -65,40 +69,47 @@ def write_file(filename, string, mode="w"):
def sftp_module (username, password, hostname, ports, localfile, remotefile, logfile, operation):
localD = localfile
remoteD = remotefile
def sftp_module (username, password, hostname, ports, paramList,logfile):
#localD = localfile
#remoteD = remotefile
#fd, paramiko_logfile = tempfile.mkstemp()
#res = os.close(fd )
#paramiko logfile path should not be changed with multiple calls. The logs seem to in first file regardless
paramiko_logfile = os.path.expandvars('$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/log/paramiko.log')
error = ""
res=os.system(' echo > ' + paramiko_logfile)
transport = paramiko.Transport((hostname, ports))
transport.connect(username = username, password = password)
sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport)
if operation == "put":
sftp.put(remotepath=remoteD, localpath=localD)
elif operation == "get":
sftp.get(remotepath=remoteD, localpath=localD)
else :
print "sftp_module: unidentified operation. Exiting now"
print "hostname = " + hostname
print "ports = " + ports
print "localfile = " + localfile
print "remotefile = " + remotefile
print "logfile = " + logfile
print "operation = " + operation
except Exception, e:
error = ' In function: ' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': *** Caught exception: ' + str(e.__class__) + " : " + str( e)
error = error + '\n username = ' + username + '\n hostname = ' + hostname + '\n localfile = ' + localfile + '\n remotefile = ' + remotefile + '\n operation = ' + operation + '\nlogfile = ' + logfile + '\n ports = ' + str(ports) + '\n'
error = error + traceback.format_exc()
#The lines below are outside exception loop to be sure to terminate the test case if the network connectivity goes down or there is authentication failure
transport = paramiko.Transport(hostname, ports)
transport.connect(username = username, password = password)
sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport)
# index =0
for param in paramList:
operation = param["operation"]
localD = param["localfile"]
remoteD = param["remotefile"]
if operation == "put":
sftp.put(remotepath=remoteD, localpath=localD)
elif operation == "get":
sftp.get(remotepath=remoteD, localpath=localD)
else :
print "sftp_module: unidentified operation:<" + operation + "> Exiting now"
print "hostname = " + hostname
print "ports = " + ports
print "localfile = " + localD
print "remotefile = " + remoteD
print "operation = " + operation
except Exception, e:
error = error + ' In function: ' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': *** Caught exception: ' + str(e.__class__) + " : " + str( e)
error = error + '\n username = ' + username + '\n hostname = ' + hostname + '\n localfile = ' + localD + '\n remotefile = ' + remoteD + '\n operation = ' + operation + '\nlogfile = ' + logfile + '\n ports = ' + str(ports) + '\n'
error = error + traceback.format_exc()
res = os.system('\n echo \'SFTP Module Log for Machine: <' + hostname + '> starts...\' >> ' + logfile + ' 2>&1 ')
res = os.system('cat ' + paramiko_logfile + ' >> ' + logfile + ' 2>&1 \n')
write_file(logfile, error, "a")
......@@ -193,12 +204,51 @@ class oaiThread (threading.Thread):
self.cmd = cmd
self.sudo = sudo
self.timeout = timeout
self.machineName = machineName
def run(self):
print "Starting " +
result = self.oai.send_recv(self.cmd, self.sudo, self.timeout)
print "result = " + result
print "Exiting " +
#This class runs test cases with class oaisim_noS1, compilatation
class testCaseThread_generic(threading.thread):
def __init__(self, threadID, name, oai, machine, logdirOAI5GRepo, oai5GRepoDirRemote, testcasename,oldprogramList, CleanupAluLteBox, username, password, timeout):
self.threaID = threadID = name
self.oai = oai
self.testcasename = testcasename
self.timeout = timeout
self.machine = machine
self.oai5GRepoDirRemote = oai5GRepoDirRemote
self.logdirOAI5GRepo = logdirOAI5GRepo
self.username = username
self.password = password
def run(self):
#addsudo = 'echo \'' + mypassword + '\' | sudo -S -E '
addpass = 'echo \'' + mypassword + '\' | '
user = getpass.getuser()
print "Starting test case : " + self.testcasename + " On machine " + machineName
cleanOldPrograms(oai, oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox)
logdir_local_testcase = logdirOAI5GRepo+'/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ testcasename
logdir_local_base = logdirOAI5GRepo+'/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'
logdir_remote_testcase = oai5GRepoDirRemote + '/cmake_targets/autotests/log' + self.testcasename
os.mkdir (logdir_testcase)
cmd = "( cd " + self.oai5GRepoDirRemote + " \n "
cmd = cmd + "source oaienv \n"
cmd = cmd + "python run_test_case_generic -d " + self.oai5GRepoDirRemote + " -g " + "\"" + self.testcasename + "\""
cmd = cmd + " ) "
#Now we copy all the remote
ssh = SSHSession(self.machine , username=username, key_file=None, passsword=password)
ssh.get_all(logdir_remote_testcase , logdir_local_base)
print "Finishing test case : " + self.testcasename + " On machine " + machineName
def addsudo (cmd, password=""):
cmd = 'echo \'' + password + '\' | sudo -S -E bash -c \' ' + cmd + '\' '
return cmd
......@@ -441,75 +491,116 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, oai_list, logdirOA
remotefile = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
sftp_log = os.path.expandvars(logdir_local_testcase + '/sftp_module.log')
ports = 22
sftp_module (user, password, eNBMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
paramList = []
paramList.append ( {"operation":'get', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
#sftp_module (user, password, eNBMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
localfile = logdir_local_testcase + '/eNB_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
remotefile = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
sftp_module (user, password, eNBMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
paramList.append ( {"operation":'get', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
#sftp_module (user, password, eNBMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
localfile = logdir_local_testcase + '/eNB_pre_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
remotefile = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_pre_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
sftp_module (user, password, eNBMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
paramList.append ( {"operation":'get', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
#sftp_module (user, password, eNBMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
localfile = logdir_local_testcase + '/eNB_traffic' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
remotefile = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_traffic' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
sftp_module (user, password, eNBMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
paramList.append ( {"operation":'get', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
#sftp_module (user, password, eNBMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
localfile = logdir_local_testcase + '/eNB_task_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
remotefile = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_task_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
sftp_module (user, password, eNBMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
paramList.append ( {"operation":'get', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
localfile = logdir_local_testcase + '/test_case_list.xml'
remotefile = logdirOAI5GRepo+'/cmake_targets/autotests/test_case_list.xml'
paramList.append ( {"operation":'get', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
sftp_module (user, password, eNBMachine, ports, paramList, sftp_log)
localfile = logdir_local_testcase + '/UE_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
remotefile = logdir_UE + '/UE_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
sftp_module (user, password, UEMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
paramList.append ( {"operation":'get', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
#sftp_module (user, password, UEMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
localfile = logdir_local_testcase + '/UE_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
remotefile = logdir_UE + '/UE_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
sftp_module (user, password, UEMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
paramList.append ( {"operation":'get', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
#sftp_module (user, password, UEMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
localfile = logdir_local_testcase + '/UE_pre_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
remotefile = logdir_UE + '/UE_pre_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
sftp_module (user, password, UEMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
paramList.append ( {"operation":'get', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
#sftp_module (user, password, UEMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
localfile = logdir_local_testcase + '/UE_traffic' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
remotefile = logdir_UE + '/UE_traffic' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
sftp_module (user, password, UEMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
paramList.append ( {"operation":'get', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
#sftp_module (user, password, UEMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
localfile = logdir_local_testcase + '/UE_task_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
remotefile = logdir_UE + '/UE_task_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
sftp_module (user, password, UEMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
paramList.append ( {"operation":'get', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
sftp_module (user, password, UEMachine, ports, paramList, sftp_log)
localfile = logdir_local_testcase + '/EPC_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
remotefile = logdir_EPC + '/EPC_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
sftp_module (user, password, EPCMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
paramList.append ( {"operation":'get', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
#sftp_module (user, password, EPCMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
localfile = logdir_local_testcase + '/EPC_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
remotefile = logdir_EPC + '/EPC_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
sftp_module (user, password, EPCMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
paramList.append ( {"operation":'get', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
#sftp_module (user, password, EPCMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
localfile = logdir_local_testcase + '/HSS_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
remotefile = logdir_EPC + '/HSS_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
sftp_module (user, password, EPCMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
paramList.append ( {"operation":'get', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
#sftp_module (user, password, EPCMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
localfile = logdir_local_testcase + '/HSS_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
remotefile = logdir_EPC + '/HSS_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
sftp_module (user, password, EPCMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
paramList.append ( {"operation":'get', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
#sftp_module (user, password, EPCMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
localfile = logdir_local_testcase + '/EPC_pre_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
remotefile = logdir_EPC + '/EPC_pre_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
sftp_module (user, password, EPCMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
paramList.append ( {"operation":'get', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
#sftp_module (user, password, EPCMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
localfile = logdir_local_testcase + '/EPC_traffic' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
remotefile = logdir_EPC + '/EPC_traffic' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
sftp_module (user, password, EPCMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
paramList.append ( {"operation":'get', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
#sftp_module (user, password, EPCMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
localfile = logdir_local_testcase + '/EPC_task_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
remotefile = logdir_EPC + '/EPC_task_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
sftp_module (user, password, EPCMachine, ports, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
paramList.append ( {"operation":'get', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
sftp_module (user, password, EPCMachine, ports, paramList, sftp_log)
#We need to close the new ssh session that was created
if index_eNBMachine == index_EPCMachine:
#This function searches if test case is present in list of test cases that need to be executed by user
def search_test_case_group(testcasename, testcasegroup):
if testcasegroup == '':
return True
testcaselist = testcasegroup.split()
for entry in testcaselist:
if entry.find('+') >=0:
match =, testcasename)
if match:
return True
match = testcasename.find(entry)
if match >=0:
return True
return False
#thread1 = myThread(1, "Thread-1", 1)
debug = 0
......@@ -522,6 +613,7 @@ timeout=2000
NFSResultsDir = '/mnt/sradio'
cleanupOldProgramsScript = '$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/tools/remove_old_programs.bash'
logdir = '/tmp/' + 'OAITestFrameWork-' + getpass.getuser() + '/'
logdirOAI5GRepo = logdir + 'openairinterface5g/'
......@@ -535,15 +627,19 @@ locallogdir = openairdir_local + '/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'
#Remove the contents of local log directory
os.system(' rm -fr ' + locallogdir + '; mkdir -p ' + locallogdir )
for arg in sys.argv:
while i < len (sys.argv):
if arg == '-d':
debug = 1
elif arg == '-dd':
debug = 2
elif arg == '-p' :
prompt2 = sys.argv[i+1]
i = i +1
elif arg == '-w' :
pw = sys.argv[i+1]
i = i +1
elif arg == '-P' :
dlsim = 1
elif arg == '-l' :
......@@ -552,6 +648,10 @@ for arg in sys.argv:
is_compiled = 1
elif arg == '-t' :
timeout = sys.argv[i+1]
i = i +1
elif arg == '-g' :
testcasegroup = sys.argv[i+1].replace("\"","")
i = i +1
elif arg == '-h' :
print "-d: low debug level"
print "-dd: high debug level"
......@@ -560,6 +660,9 @@ for arg in sys.argv:
print "-l: use local shell instead of ssh connection"
print "-t: set the time out in second for commands"
else :
print "Unrecongnized Option: <" + arg + ">. Use -h to see valid options"
i= i + 1
......@@ -580,6 +683,10 @@ except KeyError:
print "Please set the environment variable OPENAIR_TARGETS in the .bashrc"
paramiko_logfile = os.path.expandvars('$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/log/paramiko.log')
res=os.system(' echo > ' + paramiko_logfile)
# get the oai object
host = os.uname()[1]
#oai = openair('localdomain','calisson')
......@@ -719,6 +826,7 @@ print "cpu freq(MHz): " + str(cpu_freq) + "timeout(s): " + str(timeout)
#We now prepare the machines for testing
for index in oai_list:
print "setting up machine: " + MachineList[index]
......@@ -746,21 +854,25 @@ for index in oai_list:
cmd = cmd + ' cd ' + logdir + '\n'
cmd = cmd + ' ) > ' + setuplogfile + ' 2>&1 '
#cmd = cmd + 'echo \' ' + cmd + '\' > ' + setup_script + ' 2>&1 \n '
result = oai_list[index].send_recv(cmd, False, 300 )
#result = oai_list[index].send_recv(cmd, False, 300 )
write_file(setup_script, cmd, mode="w")
localfile = locallogdir + '/setup_log_' + MachineList[index] + '_.txt'
remotefile = logdir + '/setup_log_' + MachineList[index] + '_.txt'
tempThread = oaiThread(index, 'thread_'+str(index), oai_list[index] , cmd, False, 300)
threads_init_setup.append(tempThread )
#localfile = locallogdir + '/setup_log_' + MachineList[index] + '_.txt'
#remotefile = logdir + '/setup_log_' + MachineList[index] + '_.txt'
sftp_log = os.path.expandvars(locallogdir + '/sftp_module.log')
sftp_module (user, pw, MachineList[index], 22, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
#sftp_log = os.path.expandvars(locallogdir + '/sftp_module.log')
#sftp_module (user, pw, MachineList[index], 22, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
#Now we copy test_case_list.xml on the remote machines
localfile = os.path.expandvars('$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/test_case_list.xml')
remotefile = logdirOAI5GRepo + '/cmake_targets/autotests/test_case_list.xml'
#localfile = os.path.expandvars('$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/test_case_list.xml')
#remotefile = logdirOAI5GRepo + '/cmake_targets/autotests/test_case_list.xml'
sftp_log = os.path.expandvars(locallogdir + '/sftp_module.log')
sftp_module (user, pw, MachineList[index], 22, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "put")
#sftp_log = os.path.expandvars(locallogdir + '/sftp_module.log')
#sftp_module (user, pw, MachineList[index], 22, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "put")
#print oai_list[index].send('rm -fR ' + logdir)
......@@ -785,6 +897,29 @@ for index in oai_list:
#Now we wait for all the threads to complete
index = 0
for t in threads_init_setup:
setuplogfile = logdir + '/setup_log_' + MachineList[index] + '_.txt'
setup_script = locallogdir + '/setup_script_' + MachineList[index] + '_.txt'
localfile = locallogdir + '/setup_log_' + MachineList[index] + '_.txt'
remotefile = logdir + '/setup_log_' + MachineList[index] + '_.txt'
port = 22
sftp_log = os.path.expandvars(locallogdir + '/sftp_module.log')
paramList.append ( {"operation":'get', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
#sftp_module (user, pw, MachineList[index], port, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")
#Now we copy test_case_list.xml on the remote machines
localfile = os.path.expandvars('$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/test_case_list.xml')
remotefile = logdirOAI5GRepo + '/cmake_targets/autotests/test_case_list.xml'
paramList.append ( {"operation":'put', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
sftp_log = os.path.expandvars(locallogdir + '/sftp_module.log')
sftp_module (user, pw, MachineList[index], port, paramList, sftp_log)
index = index+1
#Now we process all the test cases
......@@ -794,28 +929,28 @@ for testcase in testcaseList:
testcasename = testcase.get('id')
testcaseclass = testcase.findtext('class',default='')
desc = testcase.findtext('desc',default='')
if testcaseclass == 'lte-softmodem' :
if testcasename != '015700':
eNBMachine = testcase.findtext('eNB',default='')
UEMachine = testcase.findtext('UE',default='')
EPCMachine = testcase.findtext('EPC',default='')
index_eNBMachine = MachineList.index(eNBMachine)
index_UEMachine = MachineList.index(UEMachine)
index_EPCMachine = MachineList.index(EPCMachine)
print "testcasename = " + testcasename + " class = " + testcaseclass
handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, CleanUpOldProgs, oai_list, logdirOAI5GRepo, logdirOpenaircnRepo, MachineList, pw, CleanUpAluLteBox )
elif testcaseclass == 'compilation' :
handle_testcaseclass_compilation (testcase)
elif testcaseclass == 'execution' :
handle_testcaseclass_oaisim (testcase)
else :
print "Unknown test case class: " + testcaseclass
if search_test_case_group(testcasename, testcasegroup) == True:
if testcaseclass == 'lte-softmodem' :
eNBMachine = testcase.findtext('eNB',default='')
UEMachine = testcase.findtext('UE',default='')
EPCMachine = testcase.findtext('EPC',default='')
index_eNBMachine = MachineList.index(eNBMachine)
index_UEMachine = MachineList.index(UEMachine)
index_EPCMachine = MachineList.index(EPCMachine)
print "testcasename = " + testcasename + " class = " + testcaseclass
handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, CleanUpOldProgs, oai_list, logdirOAI5GRepo, logdirOpenaircnRepo, MachineList, pw, CleanUpAluLteBox )
elif testcaseclass == 'compilation' :
handle_testcaseclass_compilation (testcase)
elif testcaseclass == 'execution' :
handle_testcaseclass_oaisim (testcase)
else :
print "Unknown test case class: " + testcaseclass
print "Exiting the test cases execution now..."
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