Commit cf284d76 authored by rmagueta's avatar rmagueta

Fix build after merge

parent 6f19524e
......@@ -482,7 +482,6 @@ int get_nr_table_idx(int nr_bandP, uint8_t scs_index) {
return i;
int get_subband_size(int NPRB,int size) {
// implements table from 36.214
......@@ -124,9 +124,10 @@ int nr_phy_init_RU(RU_t *ru) {
LOG_I(PHY,"[INIT] %s() ru->num_gNB:%d \n", __FUNCTION__, ru->num_gNB);
if (ru->do_precoding == 1) {
int beam_count = 0;
if (ru->nb_tx>1) {//Enable beamforming when nb_tx > 1
if (ru->nb_tx>1) { //Enable beamforming when nb_tx > 1
for (p=0;p<ru->nb_log_antennas;p++) {
//if ((fp->L_ssb >> (63-p)) & 0x01)//64 bit-map with the MSB @2⁶³ corresponds to SSB ssb_index 0
......@@ -149,7 +150,7 @@ int nr_phy_init_RU(RU_t *ru) {
} // for j
} // for p
} //for i
} // for i
ru->common.beam_id = (uint8_t**)malloc16_clear(ru->nb_tx*sizeof(uint8_t*));
......@@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ void nr_generate_pdsch(processingData_L1tx_t *msgTx,
/// Resource mapping
// Non interleaved VRB to PRB mapping
......@@ -228,6 +229,7 @@ void nr_generate_pdsch(processingData_L1tx_t *msgTx,
for (int nl=0; nl<rel15->nrOfLayers; nl++) {
int dmrs_port = get_dmrs_port(nl,rel15->dmrsPorts);
// DMRS params for this dmrs port
get_Wt(Wt, dmrs_port, dmrs_Type);
get_Wf(Wf, dmrs_port, dmrs_Type);
......@@ -92,6 +92,6 @@ uint8_t get_l0(uint16_t dlDmrsSymbPos) {
if ((mask&1) == 1) break;
AssertFatal(l0 < 4,"impossible l0 %d, dlDmrsSymbPos %x\n",l0,dlDmrsSymbPos);
AssertFatal(l0 < 4,"impossible l0 %d, dlDmrsSymbPos %x\n", l0, dlDmrsSymbPos);
return (l0);
......@@ -1528,7 +1528,7 @@ void nr_decode_pucch2(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
printf("cw_ML %d, metric %d dB\n",cw_ML,corr_dB);
LOG_D(PHY,"slot %d PUCCH2 cw_ML %d, metric %d dB\n",slot,cw_ML,corr_dB);
LOG_D(PHY,"slot %d PUCCH2 cw_ML %d, metric %d dB\n", slot, cw_ML, corr_dB);
......@@ -871,10 +871,10 @@ int8_t nr_ue_process_dci(module_id_t module_id, int cc_id, uint8_t gNB_index, fr
(get_softmodem_params()->nsa) ? mac->scc->dmrs_TypeA_Position : mac->mib->dmrs_TypeA_Position,
mappingtype, 1);
dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->dmrsConfigType = (mac->DLbwp[0] != NULL) ?
(mac->DLbwp[0]->bwp_Dedicated->pdsch_Config->choice.setup->dmrs_DownlinkForPDSCH_MappingTypeA->choice.setup->dmrs_Type == NULL ? 0 : 1) : 0;
/* number of DM-RS CDM groups without data according to subclause of 3GPP TS 38.214 version 15.9.0 Release 15 */
if (dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->number_symbols == 2)
dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->n_dmrs_cdm_groups = 1;
......@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ bool allocate_dl_retransmission(module_id_t module_id,
/* check whether we need to switch the TDA allocation since the last
* (re-)transmission */
if (ps->time_domain_allocation != tda)
nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(scc, UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id], sched_ctrl->active_bwp, bwpd, tda, ps->nrOfLayers, sched_ctrl, ps);
nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(scc, cg, sched_ctrl->active_bwp, bwpd, tda, ps->nrOfLayers, sched_ctrl, ps);
} else {
/* the retransmission will use a different time domain allocation, check
* that we have enough resources */
......@@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ void pf_dl(module_id_t module_id,
/* get the PID of a HARQ process awaiting retrnasmission, or -1 otherwise */
sched_pdsch->dl_harq_pid = sched_ctrl->retrans_dl_harq.head;
layers[UE_id] = ps->nrOfLayers; // initialization of layers to the previous value in the strcuture
layers[UE_id] = ps->nrOfLayers; // initialization of layers to the previous value in the structure
/* Calculate Throughput */
const float a = 0.0005f; // corresponds to 200ms window
......@@ -744,6 +744,9 @@ void pf_dl(module_id_t module_id,
sched_pdsch->mcs = get_mcs_from_bler(module_id, /* CC_id = */ 0, frame, slot, UE_id);
layers[UE_id] = set_dl_nrOfLayers(sched_ctrl);
// uint32_t tbs = pf_tbs[ps->mcsTableIdx][sched_pdsch->mcs]; // for nrOfLayers = 1
const uint8_t Qm = nr_get_Qm_dl(sched_pdsch->mcs, ps->mcsTableIdx);
const uint16_t R = nr_get_code_rate_dl(sched_pdsch->mcs, ps->mcsTableIdx);
uint32_t tbs = nr_compute_tbs(Qm,
......@@ -754,6 +757,7 @@ void pf_dl(module_id_t module_id,
0 /* N_PRB_oh, 0 for initialBWP */,
0 /* tb_scaling */,
layers[UE_id]) >> 3;
coeff_ue[UE_id] = (float) tbs / thr_ue[UE_id];
LOG_D(NR_MAC,"b %d, thr_ue[%d] %f, tbs %d, coeff_ue[%d] %f\n",
b, UE_id, thr_ue[UE_id], tbs, UE_id, coeff_ue[UE_id]);
......@@ -856,7 +860,6 @@ void pf_dl(module_id_t module_id,
AssertFatal(tda>=0,"Unable to find PDSCH time domain allocation in list\n");
NR_sched_pdsch_t *sched_pdsch = &sched_ctrl->sched_pdsch;
NR_pdsch_semi_static_t *ps = &sched_ctrl->pdsch_semi_static;
const long f = (sched_ctrl->active_bwp || bwpd) ? sched_ctrl->search_space->searchSpaceType->choice.ue_Specific->dci_Formats : 0;
if (ps->nrOfLayers != layers[UE_id] || ps->time_domain_allocation != tda)
nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(scc, UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id], sched_ctrl->active_bwp, bwpd, tda, layers[UE_id], sched_ctrl, ps);
......@@ -279,12 +279,10 @@ void nr_preprocessor_phytest(module_id_t module_id,
NR_UE_sched_ctrl_t *sched_ctrl = &UE_info->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id];
const int tda = sched_ctrl->active_bwp ? RC.nrmac[module_id]->preferred_dl_tda[sched_ctrl->active_bwp->bwp_Id][slot] : 1;
const long f = sched_ctrl->active_bwp ? sched_ctrl->search_space->searchSpaceType->choice.ue_Specific->dci_Formats : 0;
NR_pdsch_semi_static_t *ps = &sched_ctrl->pdsch_semi_static;
ps->nrOfLayers = target_dl_Nl;
if (ps->time_domain_allocation != tda)
scc, UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id], sched_ctrl->active_bwp, NULL, tda, f, ps);
nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(scc, UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id], sched_ctrl->active_bwp, NULL, tda, ps->nrOfLayers, sched_ctrl, ps);
/* find largest unallocated chunk */
const int bwpSize = NRRIV2BW(sched_ctrl->active_bwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters.locationAndBandwidth, MAX_BWP_SIZE);
......@@ -2437,7 +2437,6 @@ void nr_csirs_scheduling(int Mod_idP,
int period, offset;
nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_body_t *dl_req = &gNB_mac->DL_req[CC_id].dl_tti_request_body;
NR_BWP_Downlink_t *bwp=sched_ctrl->active_bwp;
NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = sched_ctrl->active_bwp ?
......@@ -280,7 +280,6 @@ void compute_li_bitlen(struct NR_CSI_ReportConfig *csi_reportconfig,
void get_n1n2_o1o2_singlepanel(int *n1, int *n2, int *o1, int *o2,
struct NR_CodebookConfig__codebookType__type1__subType__typeI_SinglePanel__nrOfAntennaPorts__moreThanTwo *morethantwo) {
......@@ -547,7 +546,6 @@ void compute_cqi_bitlen(struct NR_CSI_ReportConfig *csi_reportconfig,
AssertFatal(1==0,"Sub-band CQI reporting not yet supported");
//!TODO : same function can be written to handle csi_resources
void compute_csi_bitlen(NR_CSI_MeasConfig_t *csi_MeasConfig, NR_UE_info_t *UE_info, int UE_id, module_id_t Mod_idP){
uint8_t csi_report_id = 0;
......@@ -700,7 +698,7 @@ void nr_csi_meas_reporting(int Mod_idP,
const NR_CSI_MeasConfig_t *csi_measconfig = CellGroup->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->csi_MeasConfig->choice.setup;
AssertFatal(csi_measconfig->csi_ReportConfigToAddModList->list.count > 0,
"NO CSI report configuration available");
NR_PUCCH_Config_t *pucch_Config;
NR_PUCCH_Config_t *pucch_Config = NULL;
if (sched_ctrl->active_ubwp) {
pucch_Config = sched_ctrl->active_ubwp->bwp_Dedicated->pucch_Config->choice.setup;
} else if (RC.nrmac[Mod_idP]->UE_info.CellGroup[UE_id] &&
......@@ -712,7 +710,6 @@ void nr_csi_meas_reporting(int Mod_idP,
pucch_Config = RC.nrmac[Mod_idP]->UE_info.CellGroup[UE_id]->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->initialUplinkBWP->pucch_Config->choice.setup;
for (int csi_report_id = 0; csi_report_id < csi_measconfig->csi_ReportConfigToAddModList->list.count; csi_report_id++){
NR_CSI_ReportConfig_t *csirep = csi_measconfig->csi_ReportConfigToAddModList->list.array[csi_report_id];
......@@ -735,7 +732,7 @@ void nr_csi_meas_reporting(int Mod_idP,
if (*pucchresset->resourceList.list.array[res_index] == pucchcsires->pucch_Resource)
AssertFatal(res_index < n,
"CSI pucch resource %d not found among PUCCH resources\n",pucchcsires->pucch_Resource);
"CSI pucch resource %ld not found among PUCCH resources\n", pucchcsires->pucch_Resource);
// find free PUCCH that is in order with possibly existing PUCCH
// schedulings (other CSI, SR)
......@@ -924,12 +921,9 @@ void tci_handling(module_id_t Mod_idP, int UE_id, frame_t frame, slot_t slot) {
uint8_t idx = 0;
NR_UE_info_t *UE_info = &RC.nrmac[Mod_idP]->UE_info;
NR_UE_sched_ctrl_t *sched_ctrl = &UE_info->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id];
int bwp_id = sched_ctrl->active_bwp ? 1 : 0;
int bwp_id = sched_ctrl->active_bwp ? sched_ctrl->active_bwp->bwp_Id : 0;
NR_CellGroupConfig_t *CellGroup = UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id];
NR_BWP_Downlink_t *bwp = bwp_id>0 ?
NR_BWP_Downlink_t *bwp = bwp_id>0 ? sched_ctrl->active_bwp : NULL;
//bwp indicator
int n_dl_bwp=0;
......@@ -942,7 +936,6 @@ void tci_handling(module_id_t Mod_idP, int UE_id, frame_t frame, slot_t slot) {
int better_rsrp_reported = -140-(-0); /*minimum_measured_RSRP_value - minimum_differntail_RSRP_value*///considering the minimum RSRP value as better RSRP initially
uint8_t diff_rsrp_idx = 0;
uint8_t i, j;
NR_UE_sched_ctrl_t *sched_ctrl = &UE_info->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id];
if (n_dl_bwp < 4)
pdsch_bwp_id = bwp_id;
......@@ -1636,7 +1636,7 @@ void nr_schedule_ulsch(module_id_t module_id, frame_t frame, sub_frame_t slot)
UE_info->mac_stats[UE_id].ulsch_current_bytes = sched_pusch->tb_size;
sched_ctrl->last_ul_frame = sched_pusch->frame;
sched_ctrl->last_ul_slot = sched_pusch->slot;
if (sched_pusch->rbSize > 5)
"ULSCH/PUSCH: %4d.%2d RNTI %04x UL sched %4d.%2d DCI L %d start %2d RBS %3d startSymbol %2d nb_symbol %2d dmrs_pos %x MCS %2d TBS %4d HARQ PID %2d round %d RV %d NDI %d est %6d sched %6d est BSR %6d TPC %d\n",
......@@ -395,7 +395,6 @@ uint8_t do_SIB1_NR(rrc_gNB_carrier_data_t *carrier,
for(int i = 0; i< configuration->scc->downlinkConfigCommon->frequencyInfoDL->frequencyBandList.list.count; i++) {
struct NR_NR_MultiBandInfo, nrMultiBandInfo);
......@@ -510,7 +509,6 @@ uint8_t do_SIB1_NR(rrc_gNB_carrier_data_t *carrier,
ss7->searchSpaceType->choice.common->dci_Format0_0_AndFormat1_0 = calloc(1,sizeof(*ss7->searchSpaceType->choice.common->dci_Format0_0_AndFormat1_0));
asn1cCallocOne(initialDownlinkBWP->pdcch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->searchSpaceSIB1, 0);
asn1cCallocOne(initialDownlinkBWP->pdcch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->searchSpaceOtherSystemInformation, 7);
asn1cCallocOne(initialDownlinkBWP->pdcch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pagingSearchSpace, 5);
......@@ -1301,8 +1299,8 @@ void fill_initial_SpCellConfig(int uid,
// frequency domain resources depends on BWP size
// options are 24, 48 or 96
coreset->frequencyDomainResources.buf = calloc(1,6);
int curr_bwp = scc->downlinkConfigCommon->frequencyInfoDL->scs_SpecificCarrierList.list.array[0]->carrierBandwidth;
if (0) {
int curr_bwp = scc->downlinkConfigCommon->frequencyInfoDL->scs_SpecificCarrierList.list.array[0]->carrierBandwidth;
if (curr_bwp < 48)
coreset->frequencyDomainResources.buf[0] = 0xf0;
......@@ -1455,7 +1453,7 @@ void fill_initial_SpCellConfig(int uid,
csi_MeasConfig->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceSetToReleaseList = NULL;
config_csirs(scc, csi_MeasConfig,carrier->pdsch_AntennaPorts,curr_bwp,carrier->do_CSIRS);
config_csirs(scc, csi_MeasConfig, uid, carrier->pdsch_AntennaPorts, curr_bwp, carrier->do_CSIRS);
csi_MeasConfig->csi_SSB_ResourceSetToAddModList = calloc(1,sizeof(*csi_MeasConfig->csi_SSB_ResourceSetToAddModList));
csi_MeasConfig->csi_SSB_ResourceSetToReleaseList = NULL;
......@@ -1957,7 +1955,7 @@ int do_RRCSetup(rrc_gNB_ue_context_t *const ue_context_pP,
return -1;
LOG_I(NR_RRC,"RRCSetup Encoded %zd bits (%zd bytes)\n",
LOG_D(NR_RRC,"RRCSetup Encoded %zd bits (%zd bytes)\n",
......@@ -158,7 +158,8 @@ void config_csirs(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellconfigcommon,
*nzpcsi0->powerControlOffsetSS = NR_NZP_CSI_RS_Resource__powerControlOffsetSS_db0;
nzpcsi0->scramblingID = *servingcellconfigcommon->physCellId;
set_csirs_periodicity(nzpcsi0, uid, nb_slots_per_period);
nzpcsi0->qcl_InfoPeriodicCSI_RS = NULL;
nzpcsi0->qcl_InfoPeriodicCSI_RS = calloc(1,sizeof(*nzpcsi0->qcl_InfoPeriodicCSI_RS));
*nzpcsi0->qcl_InfoPeriodicCSI_RS = 0;
else {
......@@ -3516,7 +3516,6 @@ void nr_rrc_subframe_process(protocol_ctxt_t *const ctxt_pP, const int CC_id) {
if (fd) fclose(fd);
/* send a tick to x2ap */
if (is_x2ap_enabled()){
msg = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_RRC_ENB, 0, X2AP_SUBFRAME_PROCESS);
......@@ -562,9 +562,7 @@ void fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellco
bwp->bwp_Dedicated->pdsch_Config->choice.setup->dataScramblingIdentityPDSCH = NULL;
if ((get_softmodem_params()->do_ra ||
get_softmodem_params()->phy_test) &&
dl_antenna_ports > 1) // for MIMO, we use DMRS Config Type 2 but only with OAI UE
if ((get_softmodem_params()->do_ra || get_softmodem_params()->phy_test) && dl_antenna_ports > 1) // for MIMO, we use DMRS Config Type 2 but only with OAI UE
......@@ -694,7 +694,6 @@ static int trx_usrp_read(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp *ptimestamp
((int16x8_t *)buff[i])[j] = vshrq_n_s16(buff_tmp[i][j],rxshift);
if (samples_received < nsamps) {
LOG_E(HW,"[recv] received %d samples out of %d\n",samples_received,nsamps);
......@@ -1096,7 +1095,7 @@ extern "C" {
if (device->type==USRP_X300_DEV) {
openair0_cfg[0].rx_gain_calib_table = calib_table_x310;
std::cerr << "-- Using calibration table: calib_table_x310" << std::endl;
// s->usrp->set_rx_dc_offset(true);
if (device->type==USRP_N300_DEV) {
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