/* * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance: * contact@openairinterface.org */ /*! \file flexran_agent_common.c * \brief common primitives for all agents * \author Xenofon Foukas, Mohamed Kassem and Navid Nikaein * \date 2017 * \version 0.1 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include "flexran_agent_common.h" #include "flexran_agent_common_internal.h" #include "flexran_agent_extern.h" #include "flexran_agent_net_comm.h" #include "flexran_agent_ran_api.h" #include "flexran_agent_phy.h" #include "flexran_agent_mac.h" #include "flexran_agent_rrc.h" #include "flexran_agent_s1ap.h" #include "flexran_agent_app.h" //#include "PHY/extern.h" #include "common/utils/LOG/log.h" #include "flexran_agent_mac_internal.h" #include "flexran_agent_rrc_internal.h" //#include "SCHED/defs.h" #include "RRC/LTE/rrc_extern.h" #include "RRC/L2_INTERFACE/openair_rrc_L2_interface.h" #include "rrc_eNB_UE_context.h" /* * message primitives */ int flexran_agent_serialize_message(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg, void **buf, int *size) { *size = protocol__flexran_message__get_packed_size(msg); if (buf == NULL) goto error; *buf = malloc(*size); if (*buf == NULL) goto error; protocol__flexran_message__pack(msg, *buf); return 0; error: LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "an error occured\n"); // change the com return -1; } /* We assume that the buffer size is equal to the message size. Should be chekced durint Tx/Rx */ int flexran_agent_deserialize_message(void *data, int size, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg) { *msg = protocol__flexran_message__unpack(NULL, size, data); if (*msg == NULL) goto error; return 0; error: //LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int flexran_create_header(xid_t xid, Protocol__FlexType type, Protocol__FlexHeader **header) { *header = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexHeader)); if(*header == NULL) goto error; protocol__flex_header__init(*header); (*header)->version = FLEXRAN_VERSION; (*header)->has_version = 1; // check if the type is set (*header)->type = type; (*header)->has_type = 1; (*header)->xid = xid; (*header)->has_xid = 1; return 0; error: LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int flexran_agent_hello(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg) { Protocol__FlexHeader *header = NULL; /*TODO: Need to set random xid or xid from received hello message*/ xid_t xid = 1; Protocol__FlexHello *hello_msg; hello_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexHello)); if(hello_msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__flex_hello__init(hello_msg); if (flexran_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__FLEX_TYPE__FLPT_HELLO, &header) != 0) goto error; hello_msg->header = header; hello_msg->bs_id = flexran_get_bs_id(mod_id); hello_msg->has_bs_id = 1; hello_msg->n_capabilities = flexran_get_capabilities(mod_id, &hello_msg->capabilities); hello_msg->n_splits = flexran_get_splits(mod_id, &hello_msg->splits); *msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexranMessage)); if(*msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__flexran_message__init(*msg); (*msg)->msg_case = PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_HELLO_MSG; (*msg)->msg_dir = PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_DIRECTION__SUCCESSFUL_OUTCOME; (*msg)->has_msg_dir = 1; (*msg)->hello_msg = hello_msg; return 0; error: if(header != NULL) free(header); if(hello_msg != NULL) free(hello_msg); if(*msg != NULL) free(*msg); LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int flexran_agent_destroy_hello(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) { if(msg->msg_case != PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_HELLO_MSG) goto error; free(msg->hello_msg->header); free(msg->hello_msg->capabilities); free(msg->hello_msg->splits); free(msg->hello_msg); free(msg); return 0; error: LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int flexran_agent_echo_request(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg) { Protocol__FlexHeader *header = NULL; /*TODO: Need to set a random xid*/ xid_t xid = 1; Protocol__FlexEchoRequest *echo_request_msg = NULL; echo_request_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexEchoRequest)); if(echo_request_msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__flex_echo_request__init(echo_request_msg); if (flexran_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__FLEX_TYPE__FLPT_ECHO_REQUEST, &header) != 0) goto error; echo_request_msg->header = header; *msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexranMessage)); if(*msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__flexran_message__init(*msg); (*msg)->msg_case = PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_ECHO_REQUEST_MSG; (*msg)->msg_dir = PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_DIRECTION__INITIATING_MESSAGE; (*msg)->echo_request_msg = echo_request_msg; return 0; error: if(header != NULL) free(header); if(echo_request_msg != NULL) free(echo_request_msg); if(*msg != NULL) free(*msg); //LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int flexran_agent_destroy_echo_request(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) { if(msg->msg_case != PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_ECHO_REQUEST_MSG) goto error; free(msg->echo_request_msg->header); free(msg->echo_request_msg); free(msg); return 0; error: LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int flexran_agent_echo_reply(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg) { xid_t xid; Protocol__FlexHeader *header = NULL; Protocol__FlexranMessage *input = (Protocol__FlexranMessage *)params; Protocol__FlexEchoRequest *echo_req = input->echo_request_msg; xid = (echo_req->header)->xid; Protocol__FlexEchoReply *echo_reply_msg = NULL; echo_reply_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexEchoReply)); if(echo_reply_msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__flex_echo_reply__init(echo_reply_msg); if (flexran_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__FLEX_TYPE__FLPT_ECHO_REPLY, &header) != 0) goto error; echo_reply_msg->header = header; *msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexranMessage)); if(*msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__flexran_message__init(*msg); (*msg)->msg_case = PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_ECHO_REPLY_MSG; (*msg)->msg_dir = PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_DIRECTION__SUCCESSFUL_OUTCOME; (*msg)->has_msg_dir = 1; (*msg)->echo_reply_msg = echo_reply_msg; return 0; error: if(header != NULL) free(header); if(echo_reply_msg != NULL) free(echo_reply_msg); if(*msg != NULL) free(*msg); LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int flexran_agent_destroy_echo_reply(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) { if(msg->msg_case != PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_ECHO_REPLY_MSG) goto error; free(msg->echo_reply_msg->header); free(msg->echo_reply_msg); free(msg); return 0; error: LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int flexran_agent_destroy_enb_config_reply(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) { if(msg->msg_case != PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_ENB_CONFIG_REPLY_MSG) goto error; free(msg->enb_config_reply_msg->header); Protocol__FlexEnbConfigReply *reply = msg->enb_config_reply_msg; for (int i = 0; i < reply->n_cell_config; i++) { if (reply->cell_config[i]->mbsfn_subframe_config_rfoffset) free(reply->cell_config[i]->mbsfn_subframe_config_rfoffset); if (reply->cell_config[i]->mbsfn_subframe_config_rfperiod) free(reply->cell_config[i]->mbsfn_subframe_config_rfperiod); if (reply->cell_config[i]->mbsfn_subframe_config_sfalloc) free(reply->cell_config[i]->mbsfn_subframe_config_sfalloc); /* si_config is shared between MAC and RRC, free here */ if (reply->cell_config[i]->si_config) { for(int j = 0; j < reply->cell_config[i]->si_config->n_si_message; j++) { free(reply->cell_config[i]->si_config->si_message[j]); } free(reply->cell_config[i]->si_config->si_message); free(reply->cell_config[i]->si_config); } if (reply->cell_config[i]->slice_config) { flexran_agent_destroy_mac_slice_config(reply->cell_config[i]); } free(reply->cell_config[i]); } if (reply->s1ap) flexran_agent_free_s1ap_cell_config(&reply->s1ap); free(reply->cell_config); free(reply); free(msg); return 0; error: //LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int flexran_agent_destroy_ue_config_reply(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) { if(msg->msg_case != PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_UE_CONFIG_REPLY_MSG) goto error; free(msg->ue_config_reply_msg->header); int i; Protocol__FlexUeConfigReply *reply = msg->ue_config_reply_msg; for(i = 0; i < reply->n_ue_config; i++) { free(reply->ue_config[i]->capabilities); free(reply->ue_config[i]); } free(reply->ue_config); free(reply); free(msg); return 0; error: //LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int flexran_agent_destroy_lc_config_reply(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) { if(msg->msg_case != PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_LC_CONFIG_REPLY_MSG) goto error; int i, j; free(msg->lc_config_reply_msg->header); for (i = 0; i < msg->lc_config_reply_msg->n_lc_ue_config; i++) { for (j = 0; j < msg->lc_config_reply_msg->lc_ue_config[i]->n_lc_config; j++) { free(msg->lc_config_reply_msg->lc_ue_config[i]->lc_config[j]); } free(msg->lc_config_reply_msg->lc_ue_config[i]->lc_config); free(msg->lc_config_reply_msg->lc_ue_config[i]); } free(msg->lc_config_reply_msg->lc_ue_config); free(msg->lc_config_reply_msg); free(msg); return 0; error: //LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int flexran_agent_destroy_enb_config_request(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) { if(msg->msg_case != PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_ENB_CONFIG_REQUEST_MSG) goto error; free(msg->enb_config_request_msg->header); free(msg->enb_config_request_msg); free(msg); return 0; error: //LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int flexran_agent_destroy_ue_config_request(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) { /* TODO: Deallocate memory for a dynamically allocated UE config message */ return 0; } int flexran_agent_destroy_lc_config_request(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) { /* TODO: Deallocate memory for a dynamically allocated LC config message */ return 0; } // call this function to start a nanosecond-resolution timer struct timespec timer_start(void) { struct timespec start_time; clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &start_time); return start_time; } // call this function to end a timer, returning nanoseconds elapsed as a long long timer_end(struct timespec start_time) { struct timespec end_time; clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &end_time); long diffInNanos = end_time.tv_nsec - start_time.tv_nsec; return diffInNanos; } int flexran_agent_control_delegation(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg) { Protocol__FlexranMessage *input = (Protocol__FlexranMessage *)params; Protocol__FlexControlDelegation *control_delegation_msg = input->control_delegation_msg; *msg = NULL; char target[512]; int len = snprintf(target, sizeof(target), "%s/libflex.%s.so", RC.flexran[mod_id]->cache_name, control_delegation_msg->name); if (len >= sizeof(target)) { LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "target has been truncated, cannot write file name\n"); return 0; } if (control_delegation_msg->has_payload) { /* use low-level API: check whether exists while creating so we can abort if * it exists to not overwrite anything */ int fd = open(target, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_EXCL, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (fd >= 0) { ssize_t l = write(fd, control_delegation_msg->payload.data, control_delegation_msg->payload.len); close(fd); if (l < control_delegation_msg->payload.len) { LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "could not write complete control delegation to %s: only %ld out of " "%ld bytes\n", target, l, control_delegation_msg->payload.len); return 0; } else if (l < 0) { LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "can not write control delegation data to %s: %s\n", target, strerror(errno)); return 0; } LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "wrote shared object %s\n", target); } else { if (errno == EEXIST) { LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "file %s already exists, remove it first\n", target); } else { LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "can not write control delegation data to %s: %s\n", target, strerror(errno)); return 0; } } } else { LOG_W(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "remove file %s\n", target); int rc = remove(target); if (rc < 0) LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "cannot remove file %s: %s\n", target, strerror(errno)); } return 0; } int flexran_agent_destroy_control_delegation(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) { /*TODO: Dealocate memory for a dynamically allocated control delegation message*/ return 0; } int flexran_agent_map_name_to_delegated_object(mid_t mod_id, const char *name, char *path, int maxlen) { int len = snprintf(path, maxlen, "%s/libflex.%s.so", RC.flexran[mod_id]->cache_name, name); if (len >= maxlen) { LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "path has been truncated, cannot read object\n"); return -1; } struct stat buf; int status = stat(path, &buf); if (status < 0) { LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Could not stat object %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); return -1; } return 0; } int flexran_agent_reconfiguration(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg) { Protocol__FlexranMessage *input = (Protocol__FlexranMessage *)params; Protocol__FlexAgentReconfiguration *agent_reconfiguration_msg = input->agent_reconfiguration_msg; apply_reconfiguration_policy(mod_id, agent_reconfiguration_msg->policy, strlen(agent_reconfiguration_msg->policy)); *msg = NULL; return 0; } int flexran_agent_destroy_agent_reconfiguration(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) { /*TODO: Dealocate memory for a dynamically allocated agent reconfiguration message*/ return 0; } int flexran_agent_lc_config_reply(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg) { xid_t xid; Protocol__FlexHeader *header = NULL; Protocol__FlexranMessage *input = (Protocol__FlexranMessage *)params; Protocol__FlexLcConfigRequest *lc_config_request_msg = input->lc_config_request_msg; xid = (lc_config_request_msg->header)->xid; Protocol__FlexLcConfigReply *lc_config_reply_msg; lc_config_reply_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexLcConfigReply)); if(lc_config_reply_msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__flex_lc_config_reply__init(lc_config_reply_msg); if(flexran_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__FLEX_TYPE__FLPT_GET_LC_CONFIG_REPLY, &header) != 0) goto error; lc_config_reply_msg->header = header; /* the lc_config_reply entirely depends on MAC except for the * mac_eNB_get_rrc_status() function (which in the current OAI implementation * is reachable if F1 is present). Therefore we check here wether MAC CM is * present and the message gets properly filled if it is or remains empty if * not */ lc_config_reply_msg->n_lc_ue_config = flexran_agent_get_mac_xface(mod_id) ? flexran_get_mac_num_ues(mod_id) : 0; Protocol__FlexLcUeConfig **lc_ue_config = NULL; if (lc_config_reply_msg->n_lc_ue_config > 0) { lc_ue_config = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexLcUeConfig *) * lc_config_reply_msg->n_lc_ue_config); if (lc_ue_config == NULL) { goto error; } // Fill the config for each UE for (int i = 0; i < lc_config_reply_msg->n_lc_ue_config; i++) { lc_ue_config[i] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexLcUeConfig)); if (!lc_ue_config[i]){ for (int j = 0; j < i; j++){ free(lc_ue_config[j]); } free(lc_ue_config); goto error; } protocol__flex_lc_ue_config__init(lc_ue_config[i]); const int UE_id = flexran_get_mac_ue_id(mod_id, i); flexran_agent_fill_mac_lc_ue_config(mod_id, UE_id, lc_ue_config[i]); } // end for UE lc_config_reply_msg->lc_ue_config = lc_ue_config; } // lc_config_reply_msg->n_lc_ue_config > 0 *msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexranMessage)); if (*msg == NULL){ for (int k = 0; k < lc_config_reply_msg->n_lc_ue_config; k++){ free(lc_ue_config[k]); } free(lc_ue_config); goto error; } protocol__flexran_message__init(*msg); (*msg)->msg_case = PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_LC_CONFIG_REPLY_MSG; (*msg)->msg_dir = PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_DIRECTION__SUCCESSFUL_OUTCOME; (*msg)->lc_config_reply_msg = lc_config_reply_msg; return 0; error: // TODO: Need to make proper error handling if (header != NULL) free(header); if (lc_config_reply_msg != NULL) free(lc_config_reply_msg); if(*msg != NULL) free(*msg); //LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } /* * ************************************ * UE Configuration Reply * ************************************ */ int sort_ue_config(const void *a, const void *b) { const Protocol__FlexUeConfig *fa = a; const Protocol__FlexUeConfig *fb = b; if (fa->rnti < fb->rnti) return -1; else if (fa->rnti < fb->rnti) return 1; return 0; } int flexran_agent_ue_config_reply(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg) { xid_t xid; Protocol__FlexHeader *header = NULL; Protocol__FlexranMessage *input = (Protocol__FlexranMessage *)params; Protocol__FlexUeConfigRequest *ue_config_request_msg = input->ue_config_request_msg; xid = (ue_config_request_msg->header)->xid; Protocol__FlexUeConfigReply *ue_config_reply_msg; ue_config_reply_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUeConfigReply)); if(ue_config_reply_msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__flex_ue_config_reply__init(ue_config_reply_msg); if(flexran_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__FLEX_TYPE__FLPT_GET_UE_CONFIG_REPLY, &header) != 0) goto error; ue_config_reply_msg->header = header; ue_config_reply_msg->n_ue_config = flexran_agent_get_num_ues(mod_id); Protocol__FlexUeConfig **ue_config; if (ue_config_reply_msg->n_ue_config > 0) { ue_config = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUeConfig *) * ue_config_reply_msg->n_ue_config); if (ue_config == NULL) { goto error; } rnti_t rntis[ue_config_reply_msg->n_ue_config]; flexran_get_rrc_rnti_list(mod_id, rntis, ue_config_reply_msg->n_ue_config); for (int i = 0; i < ue_config_reply_msg->n_ue_config; i++) { const rnti_t rnti = rntis[i]; ue_config[i] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUeConfig)); protocol__flex_ue_config__init(ue_config[i]); if (flexran_agent_get_rrc_xface(mod_id)) flexran_agent_fill_rrc_ue_config(mod_id, rnti, ue_config[i]); if (flexran_agent_get_mac_xface(mod_id)) { const int UE_id = flexran_get_mac_ue_id_rnti(mod_id, rnti); flexran_agent_fill_mac_ue_config(mod_id, UE_id, ue_config[i]); } } ue_config_reply_msg->ue_config = ue_config; } *msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexranMessage)); if (*msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__flexran_message__init(*msg); (*msg)->msg_case = PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_UE_CONFIG_REPLY_MSG; (*msg)->msg_dir = PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_DIRECTION__SUCCESSFUL_OUTCOME; (*msg)->ue_config_reply_msg = ue_config_reply_msg; return 0; error: // TODO: Need to make proper error handling if (header != NULL) free(header); if (ue_config_reply_msg != NULL) free(ue_config_reply_msg); if(*msg != NULL) free(*msg); //LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } /* * ************************************ * eNB Configuration Request and Reply * ************************************ */ int flexran_agent_enb_config_request(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg) { Protocol__FlexHeader *header = NULL; xid_t xid = 1; Protocol__FlexEnbConfigRequest *enb_config_request_msg; enb_config_request_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexEnbConfigRequest)); if(enb_config_request_msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__flex_enb_config_request__init(enb_config_request_msg); if(flexran_create_header(xid,PROTOCOL__FLEX_TYPE__FLPT_GET_ENB_CONFIG_REQUEST, &header) != 0) goto error; enb_config_request_msg->header = header; *msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexranMessage)); if(*msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__flexran_message__init(*msg); (*msg)->msg_case = PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_ENB_CONFIG_REQUEST_MSG; (*msg)->msg_dir = PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_DIRECTION__INITIATING_MESSAGE; (*msg)->enb_config_request_msg = enb_config_request_msg; return 0; error: // TODO: Need to make proper error handling if (header != NULL) free(header); if (enb_config_request_msg != NULL) free(enb_config_request_msg); if(*msg != NULL) free(*msg); //LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int flexran_agent_enb_config_reply(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg) { xid_t xid; Protocol__FlexHeader *header = NULL; Protocol__FlexranMessage *input = (Protocol__FlexranMessage *)params; Protocol__FlexEnbConfigRequest *enb_config_req_msg = input->enb_config_request_msg; xid = (enb_config_req_msg->header)->xid; Protocol__FlexEnbConfigReply *enb_config_reply_msg; enb_config_reply_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexEnbConfigReply)); if(enb_config_reply_msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__flex_enb_config_reply__init(enb_config_reply_msg); if(flexran_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__FLEX_TYPE__FLPT_GET_ENB_CONFIG_REPLY, &header) != 0) goto error; enb_config_reply_msg->header = header; enb_config_reply_msg->n_cell_config = MAX_NUM_CCs; Protocol__FlexCellConfig **cell_conf; if(enb_config_reply_msg->n_cell_config > 0) { cell_conf = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexCellConfig *) * enb_config_reply_msg->n_cell_config); if(cell_conf == NULL) goto error; for(int i = 0; i < enb_config_reply_msg->n_cell_config; i++) { cell_conf[i] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexCellConfig)); if (!cell_conf[i]) { for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { free(cell_conf[j]); } free(cell_conf); goto error; } protocol__flex_cell_config__init(cell_conf[i]); if (flexran_agent_get_phy_xface(mod_id)) flexran_agent_fill_phy_cell_config(mod_id, i, cell_conf[i]); if (flexran_agent_get_rrc_xface(mod_id)) flexran_agent_fill_rrc_cell_config(mod_id, i, cell_conf[i]); if (flexran_agent_get_mac_xface(mod_id)) flexran_agent_fill_mac_cell_config(mod_id, i, cell_conf[i]); cell_conf[i]->carrier_index = i; cell_conf[i]->has_carrier_index = 1; } enb_config_reply_msg->cell_config=cell_conf; } if (flexran_agent_get_s1ap_xface(mod_id)) flexran_agent_fill_s1ap_cell_config(mod_id, &enb_config_reply_msg->s1ap); *msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexranMessage)); if(*msg == NULL) { for (int k = 0; k < enb_config_reply_msg->n_cell_config; k++) { free(cell_conf[k]); } free(cell_conf); goto error; } protocol__flexran_message__init(*msg); (*msg)->msg_case = PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_ENB_CONFIG_REPLY_MSG; (*msg)->msg_dir = PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_DIRECTION__SUCCESSFUL_OUTCOME; (*msg)->enb_config_reply_msg = enb_config_reply_msg; return 0; error: // TODO: Need to make proper error handling if (header != NULL) free(header); if (enb_config_reply_msg != NULL) free(enb_config_reply_msg); if(*msg != NULL) free(*msg); //LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int flexran_agent_rrc_reconfiguration(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg) { Protocol__FlexranMessage *input = (Protocol__FlexranMessage *)params; Protocol__FlexRrcTriggering *triggering = input->rrc_triggering; // Set the proper values using FlexRAN API (protected with mutex ?) if (!flexran_agent_get_rrc_xface(mod_id)) { LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "%s(): no RRC present, aborting\n", __func__); return -1; } int num_ue = flexran_get_rrc_num_ues(mod_id); if (num_ue == 0) return 0; rnti_t rntis[num_ue]; flexran_get_rrc_rnti_list(mod_id, rntis, num_ue); for (int i = 0; i < num_ue; i++) { const rnti_t rnti = rntis[i]; const int error = update_rrc_reconfig(mod_id, rnti, triggering); if (error < 0) { LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Error in updating user %d\n", i); continue; } // Call the proper wrapper in FlexRAN API if (flexran_call_rrc_reconfiguration (mod_id, rnti) < 0) { LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Error in reconfiguring user %d\n", i); } } *msg = NULL; return 0; } int flexran_agent_rrc_trigger_handover(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg) { Protocol__FlexranMessage *input = (Protocol__FlexranMessage *)params; Protocol__FlexHoCommand *ho_command = input->ho_command_msg; int rnti_found = 0; // Set the proper values using FlexRAN API (protected with mutex ?) if (!flexran_agent_get_rrc_xface(mod_id)) { LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "%s(): no RRC present, aborting\n", __func__); return -1; } int num_ue = flexran_get_rrc_num_ues(mod_id); if (num_ue == 0) return 0; if (!ho_command->has_rnti) { LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "%s(): no UE rnti is present, aborting\n", __func__); return -1; } if (!ho_command->has_target_phy_cell_id) { LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "%s(): no target physical cell id is present, aborting\n", __func__); return -1; } rnti_t rntis[num_ue]; flexran_get_rrc_rnti_list(mod_id, rntis, num_ue); for (int i = 0; i < num_ue; i++) { const rnti_t rnti = rntis[i]; if (ho_command->rnti == rnti) { rnti_found = 1; // Call the proper wrapper in FlexRAN API if (flexran_call_rrc_trigger_handover(mod_id, ho_command->rnti, ho_command->target_phy_cell_id) < 0) { LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Error in handovering user %d/RNTI %x\n", i, rnti); } break; } } if (!rnti_found) return -1; *msg = NULL; return 0; } int flexran_agent_destroy_rrc_reconfiguration(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) { // TODO return 0; } int flexran_agent_destroy_rrc_trigger_handover(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) { // TODO return 0; } int flexran_agent_handle_enb_config_reply(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg) { Protocol__FlexranMessage *input = (Protocol__FlexranMessage *)params; Protocol__FlexEnbConfigReply *enb_config = input->enb_config_reply_msg; if (enb_config->n_cell_config > 1) LOG_W(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "ignoring slice configs for other cell except cell 0\n"); if (enb_config->n_cell_config > 0) { if (flexran_agent_get_mac_xface(mod_id) && enb_config->cell_config[0]->slice_config) { prepare_update_slice_config(mod_id, &enb_config->cell_config[0]->slice_config); } if (enb_config->cell_config[0]->has_eutra_band && enb_config->cell_config[0]->has_dl_freq && enb_config->cell_config[0]->has_ul_freq && enb_config->cell_config[0]->has_dl_bandwidth) { initiate_soft_restart(mod_id, enb_config->cell_config[0]); } if (flexran_agent_get_rrc_xface(mod_id) && enb_config->cell_config[0]->has_x2_ho_net_control) { LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "setting X2 HO NetControl to %d\n", enb_config->cell_config[0]->x2_ho_net_control); const int rc = flexran_set_x2_ho_net_control(mod_id, enb_config->cell_config[0]->x2_ho_net_control); if (rc < 0) LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Error in configuring X2 handover controlled by network"); } if (flexran_agent_get_rrc_xface(mod_id) && enb_config->cell_config[0]->n_plmn_id > 0) { flexran_agent_handle_plmn_update(mod_id, 0, enb_config->cell_config[0]->n_plmn_id, enb_config->cell_config[0]->plmn_id); } } if (flexran_agent_get_s1ap_xface(mod_id) && enb_config->s1ap) { flexran_agent_handle_mme_update(mod_id, enb_config->s1ap->n_mme, enb_config->s1ap->mme); } *msg = NULL; return 0; } int flexran_agent_handle_ue_config_reply(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg) { int i; Protocol__FlexranMessage *input = (Protocol__FlexranMessage *)params; Protocol__FlexUeConfigReply *ue_config_reply = input->ue_config_reply_msg; for (i = 0; flexran_agent_get_mac_xface(mod_id) && i < ue_config_reply->n_ue_config; i++) prepare_ue_slice_assoc_update(mod_id, &ue_config_reply->ue_config[i]); /* prepare_ue_slice_assoc_update takes ownership of the individual * FlexUeConfig messages. Therefore, mark zero messages to not accidentally * free them twice */ ue_config_reply->n_ue_config = 0; *msg = NULL; return 0; } int flexran_agent_get_num_ues(mid_t mod_id) { const int has_rrc = flexran_agent_get_rrc_xface(mod_id) != NULL; const int has_mac = flexran_agent_get_mac_xface(mod_id) != NULL; DevAssert(has_rrc || has_mac); if (has_rrc && !has_mac) return flexran_get_rrc_num_ues(mod_id); if (!has_rrc && has_mac) return flexran_get_mac_num_ues(mod_id); /* has both */ const int nrrc = flexran_get_rrc_num_ues(mod_id); const int nmac = flexran_get_mac_num_ues(mod_id); if (nrrc != nmac) { const int n_ue = nrrc < nmac ? nrrc : nmac; LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "%s(): different numbers of UEs in RRC (%d) and MAC (%d), reporting for %d UEs\n", __func__, nrrc, nmac, n_ue); return n_ue; } return nrrc; }