Commit 30feed86 authored by wangdong's avatar wangdong


parent dc6e10f6
......@@ -1035,6 +1035,7 @@ void update_or_remove_dl(mid_t mod_id, Protocol__FlexSlice *s) {
} else {
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "updating DL slice ID %d\n", s->id);
const int rc = flexran_create_dl_slice(mod_id, s);
if (rc < 0){
"error while update slice ID %d: flexran_create_dl_slice() -> %d\n ",
......@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ message flex_slice_scn19 {
optional uint32 tau = 7;
optional uint32 delay = 8;
optional string type = 9;
optional uint32 typeid = 10;
......@@ -3142,6 +3142,8 @@ int flexran_create_dl_slice(mid_t mod_id, const Protocol__FlexSlice *s) {
params = malloc(sizeof(scn19_slice_param_t));
if (!params) return 0;
((scn19_slice_param_t *)params)->type = s->scn19->type;
((scn19_slice_param_t *)params)->typeid = s->scn19->typeid_;
((scn19_slice_param_t *)params)->posLow = s->scn19->poslow;
((scn19_slice_param_t *)params)->posHigh = s->scn19->poshigh;
......@@ -3149,7 +3151,7 @@ int flexran_create_dl_slice(mid_t mod_id, const Protocol__FlexSlice *s) {
((scn19_slice_param_t *)params)->posLow = NULL;
((scn19_slice_param_t *)params)->posHigh = NULL;
((scn19_slice_param_t *)params)->kpsRequired = s->scn19->kpsrequired;
((scn19_slice_param_t *)params)->kpsReference = s->scn19->kpsreference;
......@@ -3157,6 +3159,7 @@ int flexran_create_dl_slice(mid_t mod_id, const Protocol__FlexSlice *s) {
((scn19_slice_param_t *)params)->kpsReference = NULL;
((scn19_slice_param_t *)params)->kpsRequired = s->scn19->kpsrequired;
((scn19_slice_param_t *)params)->tmax = s->scn19->tmax;
((scn19_slice_param_t *)params)->logdelta = s->scn19->logdelta;
((scn19_slice_param_t *)params)->tau = s->scn19->tau;
......@@ -3183,6 +3186,7 @@ int flexran_create_dl_slice(mid_t mod_id, const Protocol__FlexSlice *s) {
return -15;
return dl->addmod_slice(dl->slices, s->id, l, algo, params);
......@@ -3231,41 +3235,30 @@ void flexran_get_dl_slice(mid_t mod_id,
// slice->scn19->has_type = 1;
slice->scn19->type = ((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->type;
if(((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->kpsRequired != NULL){
slice->scn19->typeid_ = ((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->typeid;
if(strcmp(slice->scn19->type ,"dynamic")==0){
slice->scn19->has_kpsrequired = 1;
slice->scn19->kpsrequired = ((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->kpsRequired;
if(((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->kpsReference != NULL){
slice->scn19->has_kpsreference = 1;
slice->scn19->kpsrequired = ((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->kpsRequired;
slice->scn19->kpsreference = ((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->kpsReference;
if(((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->posLow != NULL){
if(strcmp(slice->scn19->type ,"static")==0){
slice->scn19->has_poslow = 1;
slice->scn19->poslow = ((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->posLow;
if(((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->posHigh != NULL){
slice->scn19->has_poshigh = 1;
slice->scn19->poshigh = ((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->posHigh;
if(((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->posHigh != NULL){
slice->scn19->has_poshigh = 1;
slice->scn19->poshigh = ((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->posHigh;
if(((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->tmax != NULL){
if(strcmp(slice->scn19->type ,"ondemand")==0 ){
slice->scn19->has_kpsrequired = 1;
slice->scn19->kpsrequired = ((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->kpsRequired;
slice->scn19->has_tmax = 1;
slice->scn19->tmax = ((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->tmax;
if(((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->logdelta != NULL){
slice->scn19->has_logdelta = 1;
slice->scn19->logdelta = ((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->logdelta;
if(((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->tau != NULL){
slice->scn19->logdelta = ((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->logdelta;
slice->scn19->has_tau = 1;
slice->scn19->tau = ((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->tau;
if(((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->delay != NULL){
slice->scn19->tau = ((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->tau;
slice->scn19->has_delay = 1;
slice->scn19->delay = ((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->delay;
slice->scn19->delay = ((scn19_slice_param_t *)s_->algo_data)->delay;
slice->params_case = PROTOCOL__FLEX_SLICE__PARAMS_SCN19;
......@@ -122,76 +122,242 @@ int addmod_static_slice_dl(slice_info_t *si,
char *label,
void *algo,
void *slice_params_dl) {
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Begin addmod_static_slice_dl in Static Slicing Implementation\n");
scn19_slice_param_t *dl = slice_params_dl;
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "slice type %s\t \n",dl->type);
if (dl && dl->posLow > dl->posHigh)
RET_FAIL(-1, "%s(): slice id %d posLow > posHigh\n", __func__, id);
uint8_t rbgMap[25] = { 0 };
int index = _exists_slice(si->num, si->s, id);
if (index >= 0) {
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Updating addmod_static_slice_dl in Static Slicing Implementation %d\n");
for (int s = 0; s < si->num; ++s) {
static_slice_param_t *sd = dl && si->s[s]->id == id ? dl : si->s[s]->algo_data;
for (int i = sd->posLow; i <= sd->posHigh; ++i) {
if (rbgMap[i])
RET_FAIL(-33, "%s(): overlap of slices detected at RBG %d\n", __func__, i);
rbgMap[i] = 1;
/* no problem, can allocate */
slice_t *s = si->s[index];
if (label) {
if (s->label) free(s->label);
s->label = label;
if (algo) {
s->dl_algo = *(default_sched_dl_algo_t *) algo;
if (!s->
s-> = s->dl_algo.setup();
if (dl) {
s->algo_data = dl;
return index;
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Begin addmod_static_slice_dl in Static Slicing Implementation\n");
if (dl && dl->posLow > dl->posHigh)
RET_FAIL(-1, "%s(): slice id %d posLow > posHigh\n", __func__, id);
uint8_t rbgMap[25] = { 0 };
int index = _exists_slice(si->num, si->s, id);
if (index >= 0) {
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Updating addmod_static_slice_dl in Static Slicing Implementation \n");
for (int s = 0; s < si->num; ++s) {
scn19_slice_param_t *sd = dl && si->s[s]->id == id ? dl : si->s[s]->algo_data;
if(sd->typeid!=1) continue;
for (int i = sd->posLow; i <= sd->posHigh; ++i) {
if (rbgMap[i])
RET_FAIL(-33, "%s(): overlap of slices detected at RBG %d\n", __func__, i);
rbgMap[i] = 1;
/* no problem, can allocate */
slice_t *s = si->s[index];
if (label) {
if (s->label) free(s->label);
s->label = label;
if (algo) {
s->dl_algo = *(default_sched_dl_algo_t *) algo;
if (!s->
s-> = s->dl_algo.setup();
if (dl) {
s->algo_data = dl;
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Updating %d \n", index);
return index;
if (!dl)
RET_FAIL(-100, "%s(): no parameters for new slice %d, aborting\n", __func__, id);
if (si->num >= MAX_STATIC_SLICES)
RET_FAIL(-2, "%s(): cannot have more than %d slices\n", __func__, MAX_STATIC_SLICES);
for (int s = 0; s < si->num; ++s) {
scn19_slice_param_t *sd = si->s[s]->algo_data;
if(sd->typeid!=1) continue;
for (int i = sd->posLow; i <= sd->posHigh; ++i)
rbgMap[i] = 1;
for (int i = dl->posLow; i <= dl->posHigh; ++i)
if (rbgMap[i])
RET_FAIL(-3, "%s(): overlap of slices detected at RBG %d\n", __func__, i);
if (!algo)
RET_FAIL(-14, "%s(): no scheduler algorithm provided\n", __func__);
slice_t *ns = _add_slice(&si->num, si->s);
if (!ns)
RET_FAIL(-4, "%s(): could not create new slice\n", __func__);
ns->id = id;
ns->label = label;
ns->dl_algo = *(default_sched_dl_algo_t *) algo;
if (!ns->
ns-> = ns->dl_algo.setup();
ns->algo_data = dl;
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "End addmod_static_slice_dl in Static Slicing Implementation \n");
return si->num - 1;
if (!dl)
RET_FAIL(-100, "%s(): no parameters for new slice %d, aborting\n", __func__, id);
if (si->num >= MAX_STATIC_SLICES)
RET_FAIL(-2, "%s(): cannot have more than %d slices\n", __func__, MAX_STATIC_SLICES);
for (int s = 0; s < si->num; ++s) {
static_slice_param_t *sd = si->s[s]->algo_data;
for (int i = sd->posLow; i <= sd->posHigh; ++i)
rbgMap[i] = 1;
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Begin addmod_dynamic_slice_dl in dynamic dynamic Implementation \n");
if (dl && dl->kpsRequired > dl->kpsReference)
RET_FAIL(-1, "%s(): slice id %d kpsRequired > kpsReference\n", __func__, id);
uint8_t rbgMap[25] = { 0 };
int index = _exists_slice(si->num, si->s, id);
if (index >= 0) {
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Updating addmod_dynamic_slice_dl in dynamic dynamic Implementation \n");
for (int s = 0; s < si->num; ++s) {
scn19_slice_param_t *sd = dl && si->s[s]->id == id ? dl : si->s[s]->algo_data;
for (int i = sd->posLow; i <= sd->posHigh; ++i) {
if (rbgMap[i])
RET_FAIL(-33, "%s(): overlap of slices detected at RBG %d\n", __func__, i);
rbgMap[i] = 1;
/* no problem, can allocate */
slice_t *s = si->s[index];
if (label) {
if (s->label) free(s->label);
s->label = label;
if (algo) {
s->dl_algo = *(default_sched_dl_algo_t *) algo;
if (!s->
s-> = s->dl_algo.setup();
if (dl) {
s->algo_data = dl;
return index;
if (!dl)
RET_FAIL(-100, "%s(): no parameters for new slice %d, aborting\n", __func__, id);
if (si->num >= MAX_DYNAMIC_SLICES)
RET_FAIL(-2, "%s(): cannot have more than %d slices\n", __func__, MAX_DYNAMIC_SLICES);
// for (int s = 0; s < si->num; ++s) {
// scn19_slice_param_t *sd = si->s[s]->algo_data;
// sd->fexp = sd->kpsRequired;
// sd->rbs = 0;
// sd->eff = (sd->kpsReference / RB_NUMS)
// }
dl->fexp = dl->kpsRequired;
dl->rbs = 0;
dl->eff = (dl->kpsReference / RB_NUMS);
if (!algo)
RET_FAIL(-14, "%s(): no scheduler algorithm provided\n", __func__);
slice_t *ns = _add_slice(&si->num, si->s);
if (!ns)
RET_FAIL(-4, "%s(): could not create new slice\n", __func__);
ns->id = id;
ns->label = label;
ns->dl_algo = *(default_sched_dl_algo_t *) algo;
if (!ns->
ns-> = ns->dl_algo.setup();
ns->algo_data = dl;
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "End addmod_dynamic_slice_dl in dynamic dynamic Implementation \n");
return si->num - 1;
for (int i = dl->posLow; i <= dl->posHigh; ++i)
if (rbgMap[i])
RET_FAIL(-3, "%s(): overlap of slices detected at RBG %d\n", __func__, i);
if (!algo)
RET_FAIL(-14, "%s(): no scheduler algorithm provided\n", __func__);
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Begin addmod_ondemand_slice_dl in OnDemand Implementation \n");
// if (dl && !(((dl->tmax * RB_NUMS)%1)>0.001))
// RET_FAIL(-1, "%s(): slice id %d tmax of OnDemand slice not on RB boundary\n", __func__, id);
uint8_t rbgMap[25] = { 0 };
int index = _exists_slice(si->num, si->s, id);
if (index >= 0) {
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Updating addmod_OnDemand_slice_dl in OnDemand Implementation \n");
// for (int s = 0; s < si->num; ++s) {
// scn19_slice_param_t *sd = dl && si->s[s]->id == id ? dl : si->s[s]->algo_data;
// for (int i = sd->posLow; i <= sd->posHigh; ++i) {
// if (rbgMap[i])
// RET_FAIL(-33, "%s(): overlap of slices detected at RBG %d\n", __func__, i);
// rbgMap[i] = 1;
// }
// }
dl->fexp = dl->kpsRequired;
dl->rbs = 0;
dl->texp =dl->tmax;
dl->fexp = dl->tmax * 5000;
/* no problem, can allocate */
slice_t *s = si->s[index];
if (label) {
if (s->label) free(s->label);
s->label = label;
if (algo) {
s->dl_algo = *(default_sched_dl_algo_t *) algo;
if (!s->
s-> = s->dl_algo.setup();
if (dl) {
s->algo_data = dl;
return index;
if (!dl)
RET_FAIL(-100, "%s(): no parameters for new slice %d, aborting\n", __func__, id);
if (si->num >= MAX_DYNAMIC_SLICES)
RET_FAIL(-2, "%s(): cannot have more than %d slices\n", __func__, MAX_DYNAMIC_SLICES);
// for (int s = 0; s < si->num; ++s) {
// scn19_slice_param_t *sd = si->s[s]->algo_data;
// sd->fexp = sd->kpsRequired;
// sd->rbs = 0;
// sd->eff = (sd->kpsReference / RB_NUMS)
// }
dl->fexp = dl->kpsRequired;
dl->rbs = 0;
dl->texp =dl->tmax;
dl->fexp = dl->tmax * 5000;
if (!algo)
RET_FAIL(-14, "%s(): no scheduler algorithm provided\n", __func__);
slice_t *ns = _add_slice(&si->num, si->s);
if (!ns)
RET_FAIL(-4, "%s(): could not create new slice\n", __func__);
ns->id = id;
ns->label = label;
ns->dl_algo = *(default_sched_dl_algo_t *) algo;
if (!ns->
ns-> = ns->dl_algo.setup();
ns->algo_data = dl;
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "End addmod_OnDemand_slice_dl in OnDemand Implementation \n");
return si->num - 1;
slice_t *ns = _add_slice(&si->num, si->s);
if (!ns)
RET_FAIL(-4, "%s(): could not create new slice\n", __func__);
ns->id = id;
ns->label = label;
ns->dl_algo = *(default_sched_dl_algo_t *) algo;
if (!ns->
ns-> = ns->dl_algo.setup();
ns->algo_data = dl;
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "End addmod_static_slice_dl in Static Slicing Implementation %d\n");
return si->num - 1;
int addmod_static_slice_ul(slice_info_t *si,
......@@ -544,7 +710,9 @@ pp_impl_param_t static_dl_init(module_id_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
si->UE_assoc_slice[i] = -1;
/* insert default slice, all resources */
static_slice_param_t *dlp = malloc(sizeof(static_slice_param_t));
scn19_slice_param_t *dlp = malloc(sizeof(scn19_slice_param_t));
dlp->posLow = 0;
dlp->posHigh = to_rbg(RC.mac[mod_id]->common_channels[CC_id].mib->message.dl_Bandwidth) - 1;
default_sched_dl_algo_t *algo = &RC.mac[mod_id]->pre_processor_dl.dl_algo;
......@@ -555,7 +723,7 @@ pp_impl_param_t static_dl_init(module_id_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
slicing_add_UE(si, UE_id);
pp_impl_param_t sttc;
sttc.algorithm = STATIC_SLICING;
sttc.algorithm = SCN19_SLICING;
sttc.add_UE = slicing_add_UE;
sttc.remove_UE = slicing_remove_UE;
sttc.move_UE = slicing_move_UE;
......@@ -636,11 +804,26 @@ pp_impl_param_t static_ul_init(module_id_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
* B. Then, following the QoS requirements of on-demand slices, we allocate
* necessary resources.
* C. Finally, we schedule resources for dynamic slices.
/************************ SVN19 Slicing Implementation ************************/
* On-demand Slices:
* SLA requirments in slice k:
* 1. A delay-threshold ∆k (ms)
* 2. A packet-loss probability ∂k
* 3. A long-run maximum resouce share t_(k,max)
* For each slice scheduling interval, the sclice tells the number of bits B_k to be
* scheduled to satisfy its ∆k.
* Based on the above parameters (i.e., B_k and t_(k,max)) as well as measured statistics
* (e.g., channel quality, user number), an on-demand slice can estimate its delay bound
* of the scheduling process.
* W_k(t_k) = B_k / (N * b¬_k) * log(t_k) = T_k * log(t_k)
* Weight w'_k = (∂ W_k(t_k)) / (∂ t_k) = T_k / t_k = B_k / b_k, in which b_k = N * b¬_k * t_k
int addmod_scn19_slice_dl(slice_info_t *si,
......@@ -648,73 +831,239 @@ int addmod_scn19_slice_dl(slice_info_t *si,
char *label,
void *algo,
void *slice_params_dl) {
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Begin addmod_static_slice_dl in Static Slicing Implementation %d\n");
static_slice_param_t *dl = slice_params_dl;
if (dl && dl->posLow > dl->posHigh)
RET_FAIL(-1, "%s(): slice id %d posLow > posHigh\n", __func__, id);
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Begin addmod_static_slice_dl in Static Slicing Implementation\n");
uint8_t rbgMap[25] = { 0 };
int index = _exists_slice(si->num, si->s, id);
if (index >= 0) {
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Updating addmod_static_slice_dl in Static Slicing Implementation %d\n");
scn19_slice_param_t *dl = slice_params_dl;
for (int s = 0; s < si->num; ++s) {
static_slice_param_t *sd = dl && si->s[s]->id == id ? dl : si->s[s]->algo_data;
for (int i = sd->posLow; i <= sd->posHigh; ++i) {
if (rbgMap[i])
RET_FAIL(-33, "%s(): overlap of slices detected at RBG %d\n", __func__, i);
rbgMap[i] = 1;
/* no problem, can allocate */
slice_t *s = si->s[index];
if (label) {
if (s->label) free(s->label);
s->label = label;
if (algo) {
s->dl_algo = *(default_sched_dl_algo_t *) algo;
if (!s->
s-> = s->dl_algo.setup();
if (dl) {
s->algo_data = dl;
return index;
if (dl && dl->posLow > dl->posHigh)
RET_FAIL(-1, "%s(): slice id %d posLow > posHigh\n", __func__, id);
uint8_t rbgMap[25] = { 0 };
int index = _exists_slice(si->num, si->s, id);
if (index >= 0) {
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Updating addmod_static_slice_dl in Static Slicing Implementation \n");
for (int s = 0; s < si->num; ++s) {
scn19_slice_param_t *sd = dl && si->s[s]->id == id ? dl : si->s[s]->algo_data;
for (int i = sd->posLow; i <= sd->posHigh; ++i) {
if (rbgMap[i])
RET_FAIL(-33, "%s(): overlap of slices detected at RBG %d\n", __func__, i);
rbgMap[i] = 1;
/* no problem, can allocate */
slice_t *s = si->s[index];
if (label) {
if (s->label) free(s->label);
s->label = label;
if (algo) {
s->dl_algo = *(default_sched_dl_algo_t *) algo;
if (!s->
s-> = s->dl_algo.setup();
if (dl) {
s->algo_data = dl;
return index;
if (!dl)
RET_FAIL(-100, "%s(): no parameters for new slice %d, aborting\n", __func__, id);
if (si->num >= MAX_STATIC_SLICES)
RET_FAIL(-2, "%s(): cannot have more than %d slices\n", __func__, MAX_STATIC_SLICES);
for (int s = 0; s < si->num; ++s) {
scn19_slice_param_t *sd = si->s[s]->algo_data;
for (int i = sd->posLow; i <= sd->posHigh; ++i)
rbgMap[i] = 1;
for (int i = dl->posLow; i <= dl->posHigh; ++i)
if (rbgMap[i])
RET_FAIL(-3, "%s(): overlap of slices detected at RBG %d\n", __func__, i);
if (!algo)
RET_FAIL(-14, "%s(): no scheduler algorithm provided\n", __func__);
slice_t *ns = _add_slice(&si->num, si->s);
if (!ns)
RET_FAIL(-4, "%s(): could not create new slice\n", __func__);
ns->id = id;
ns->label = label;
ns->dl_algo = *(default_sched_dl_algo_t *) algo;
if (!ns->
ns-> = ns->dl_algo.setup();
ns->algo_data = dl;
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "End addmod_static_slice_dl in Static Slicing Implementation \n");
return si->num - 1;
if (!dl)
RET_FAIL(-100, "%s(): no parameters for new slice %d, aborting\n", __func__, id);
if (si->num >= MAX_STATIC_SLICES)
RET_FAIL(-2, "%s(): cannot have more than %d slices\n", __func__, MAX_STATIC_SLICES);
for (int s = 0; s < si->num; ++s) {
static_slice_param_t *sd = si->s[s]->algo_data;
for (int i = sd->posLow; i <= sd->posHigh; ++i)
rbgMap[i] = 1;
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Begin addmod_dynamic_slice_dl in dynamic dynamic Implementation \n");
if (dl && dl->kpsRequired > dl->kpsReference)
RET_FAIL(-1, "%s(): slice id %d kpsRequired > kpsReference\n", __func__, id);
uint8_t rbgMap[25] = { 0 };
int index = _exists_slice(si->num, si->s, id);
if (index >= 0) {
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Updating addmod_dynamic_slice_dl in dynamic dynamic Implementation \n");
// for (int s = 0; s < si->num; ++s) {
// scn19_slice_param_t *sd = dl && si->s[s]->id == id ? dl : si->s[s]->algo_data;
// for (int i = sd->posLow; i <= sd->posHigh; ++i) {
// if (rbgMap[i])
// RET_FAIL(-33, "%s(): overlap of slices detected at RBG %d\n", __func__, i);
// rbgMap[i] = 1;
// }
// }
/* no problem, can allocate */
dl->fexp = dl->kpsRequired;
dl->rbs = 0;
dl->eff = (dl->kpsReference / RB_NUMS);
slice_t *s = si->s[index];
if (label) {
if (s->label) free(s->label);
s->label = label;
if (algo) {
s->dl_algo = *(default_sched_dl_algo_t *) algo;
if (!s->
s-> = s->dl_algo.setup();
if (dl) {
s->algo_data = dl;
return index;
if (!dl)
RET_FAIL(-100, "%s(): no parameters for new slice %d, aborting\n", __func__, id);
if (si->num >= MAX_DYNAMIC_SLICES)
RET_FAIL(-2, "%s(): cannot have more than %d slices\n", __func__, MAX_DYNAMIC_SLICES);
// for (int s = 0; s < si->num; ++s) {
// scn19_slice_param_t *sd = si->s[s]->algo_data;
// sd->fexp = sd->kpsRequired;
// sd->rbs = 0;
// sd->eff = (sd->kpsReference / RB_NUMS)
// }
dl->fexp = dl->kpsRequired;
dl->rbs = 0;
dl->eff = (dl->kpsReference / RB_NUMS);
if (!algo)
RET_FAIL(-14, "%s(): no scheduler algorithm provided\n", __func__);
slice_t *ns = _add_slice(&si->num, si->s);
if (!ns)
RET_FAIL(-4, "%s(): could not create new slice\n", __func__);
ns->id = id;
ns->label = label;
ns->dl_algo = *(default_sched_dl_algo_t *) algo;
if (!ns->
ns-> = ns->dl_algo.setup();
ns->algo_data = dl;
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "End addmod_dynamic_slice_dl in dynamic dynamic Implementation \n");
return si->num - 1;
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Begin addmod_ondemand_slice_dl in dynamic dynamic Implementation \n");
if (dl && !(((dl->tmax * RB_NUMS)%1)>0.001))
RET_FAIL(-1, "%s(): slice id %d tmax of OnDemand slice not on RB boundary\n", __func__, id);
uint8_t rbgMap[25] = { 0 };
int index = _exists_slice(si->num, si->s, id);
if (index >= 0) {
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Updating addmod_dynamic_slice_dl in dynamic dynamic Implementation \n");
// for (int s = 0; s < si->num; ++s) {
// scn19_slice_param_t *sd = dl && si->s[s]->id == id ? dl : si->s[s]->algo_data;
// for (int i = sd->posLow; i <= sd->posHigh; ++i) {
// if (rbgMap[i])
// RET_FAIL(-33, "%s(): overlap of slices detected at RBG %d\n", __func__, i);
// rbgMap[i] = 1;
// }
// }
dl->fexp = dl->kpsRequired;
dl->rbs = 0;
dl->texp =dl->tmax;
dl->fexp = dl->tmax * 5000;
/* no problem, can allocate */
slice_t *s = si->s[index];
if (label) {
if (s->label) free(s->label);
s->label = label;
if (algo) {
s->dl_algo = *(default_sched_dl_algo_t *) algo;
if (!s->
s-> = s->dl_algo.setup();
if (dl) {
s->algo_data = dl;
return index;
if (!dl)
RET_FAIL(-100, "%s(): no parameters for new slice %d, aborting\n", __func__, id);
if (si->num >= MAX_DYNAMIC_SLICES)
RET_FAIL(-2, "%s(): cannot have more than %d slices\n", __func__, MAX_DYNAMIC_SLICES);
// for (int s = 0; s < si->num; ++s) {
// scn19_slice_param_t *sd = si->s[s]->algo_data;
// sd->fexp = sd->kpsRequired;
// sd->rbs = 0;
// sd->eff = (sd->kpsReference / RB_NUMS)
// }
dl->fexp = dl->kpsRequired;
dl->rbs = 0;
dl->texp =dl->tmax;
dl->fexp = dl->tmax * 5000;
if (!algo)
RET_FAIL(-14, "%s(): no scheduler algorithm provided\n", __func__);
slice_t *ns = _add_slice(&si->num, si->s);
if (!ns)
RET_FAIL(-4, "%s(): could not create new slice\n", __func__);
ns->id = id;
ns->label = label;
ns->dl_algo = *(default_sched_dl_algo_t *) algo;
if (!ns->
ns-> = ns->dl_algo.setup();
ns->algo_data = dl;
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "End addmod_dynamic_slice_dl in dynamic dynamic Implementation \n");
return si->num - 1;
for (int i = dl->posLow; i <= dl->posHigh; ++i)
if (rbgMap[i])
RET_FAIL(-3, "%s(): overlap of slices detected at RBG %d\n", __func__, i);
if (!algo)
RET_FAIL(-14, "%s(): no scheduler algorithm provided\n", __func__);
slice_t *ns = _add_slice(&si->num, si->s);
if (!ns)
RET_FAIL(-4, "%s(): could not create new slice\n", __func__);
ns->id = id;
ns->label = label;
ns->dl_algo = *(default_sched_dl_algo_t *) algo;
if (!ns->
ns-> = ns->dl_algo.setup();
ns->algo_data = dl;
LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "End addmod_static_slice_dl in Static Slicing Implementation %d\n");
return si->num - 1;
......@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ int slicing_get_UE_slice_idx(slice_info_t *si, int UE_id);
#define SCN19_SLICING 11
/* only four static slices for UL, DL resp. (not enough DCIs) */
#define RB_NUMS 25
typedef struct {
uint16_t posLow;
uint16_t posHigh;
......@@ -79,6 +81,8 @@ typedef struct {
uint16_t tau;
uint16_t delay;
} ondemand_slice_param_t;
typedef struct {
uint16_t posLow;
uint16_t posHigh;
......@@ -88,8 +92,20 @@ typedef struct {
uint16_t logdelta;
uint16_t tau;
uint16_t delay;
uint16_t typeid;
char *type;
uint16_t fexp;
uint16_t rbs;
uint16_t texp;
uint16_t eff;
} scn19_slice_param_t;
typedef struct {
uint16_t fexp;
uint16_t rbs;
uint16_t texp;
} stats_param_t;
pp_impl_param_t static_dl_init(module_id_t mod_id, int CC_id);
pp_impl_param_t static_ul_init(module_id_t mod_id, int CC_id);
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