Commit 696ae1e4 authored by ismail's avatar ismail

CI: updated the wait delay after deploy

Signed-off-by: default avatarismail <>
parent 18c39324
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ pipeline {
sh 'sed -e "s#AMF_IMAGE_TAG#' + amfTag + '#" ci-scripts/dsTesterDockerCompose/docker-compose.tplt > ci-scripts/dsTesterDockerCompose/docker-compose.yml'
dir('ci-scripts/dsTesterDockerCompose') {
sh 'docker-compose up -d > ../../archives/compose_amf_up.log 2>&1'
sh 'sleep 60'
sh 'sleep 100'
// Do a check on number of healthy containers
// 2 == mysql + amf
ret = sh returnStdout: true, script: 'docker-compose ps -a | grep -v unhealthy | grep -c healthy || true'
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