Commit 88905e06 authored by Raphael Defosseux's avatar Raphael Defosseux

CI: adding a OS section row in details table

Signed-off-by: default avatarRaphael Defosseux <>
parent f929996c
......@@ -686,6 +686,11 @@ class HtmlReport():
linenumber = re.sub(':[0-9]*:',"", linenumber)
error_warning_status = re.sub(':',"", wordsList[1])
error_warning_msg = re.sub('^.*' + error_warning_status + ':', '', correctLine)
if nb_warnings == 0 and variant == 'docker':
self.warning_rows += '<tr><td colspan="4" align = "center" bgcolor = "LightGray"><b>Ubuntu 18</b></td></tr>\n'
if nb_warnings == 0 and variant == 'podman':
self.warning_rows += '<tr><td colspan="4" align = "center" bgcolor = "LightGray"><b>RHEL 8</b></td></tr>\n'
nb_warnings += 1
self.warning_rows += '<tr><td>' + filename + '</td><td>' + linenumber + '</td><td>' + error_warning_status + '</td><td>' + error_warning_msg + '</td></tr>\n'
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