Commit fad58ec3 authored by Tien-Thinh Nguyen's avatar Tien-Thinh Nguyen

Minor update for handling N1 Message Notification at the target AMF

parent c509d831
......@@ -412,7 +412,8 @@ void amf_app::handle_itti_message(
void amf_app::handle_itti_message(itti_sbi_n1_message_notification& itti_msg) {
"Handle a N1 Message Notification from the initial AMF");
"Target AMF, handling a N1 Message Notification from the initial AMF");
// Step 1. Get UE, gNB related information
// Get NAS message (RegistrationRequest, this message included
......@@ -423,34 +424,14 @@ void amf_app::handle_itti_message(itti_sbi_n1_message_notification& itti_msg) {
// get RegistrationContextContainer including gNB info
// UE context information, N1 message from UE, AN address
oai::amf::model::RegistrationContextContainer registration_context =
// UE Context
oai::amf::model::UeContext ue_ctx = registration_context.getUeContext();
std::string supi = {};
std::shared_ptr<ue_context> uc = {};
if (ue_ctx.supiIsSet()) {
supi = ue_ctx.getSupi();
if (!is_supi_2_ue_context(supi)) {
// Create a new UE Context
"No existing UE Context, Create a new one with SUPI %s",
uc = std::shared_ptr<ue_context>(new ue_context());
uc->amf_ue_ngap_id = -1;
uc->supi = supi;
set_supi_2_ue_context(supi, uc);
} else { // Update UE Context
uc = supi_2_ue_context(supi);
// Step 2. Create gNB context if necessary
// TODO: 5gMmCapability
// TODO: MmContext
// TODO: PduSessionContext
// TODO: How to get SCTP-related information and establish a new SCTP
// connection between the Target AMF and gNB?
std::shared_ptr<gnb_context> gc = {};
// GlobalRAN Node ID (~in NGSetupRequest)
oai::amf::model::GlobalRanNodeId ran_node_id =
......@@ -458,20 +439,6 @@ void amf_app::handle_itti_message(itti_sbi_n1_message_notification& itti_msg) {
uint32_t ran_ue_ngap_id = registration_context.getAnN2ApId();
// UserLocation getUserLocation()
// std::string getAnN2IPv4Addr()
// AllowedNssai getAllowedNssai()
// std::vector<ConfiguredSnssai>& getConfiguredNssai();
// rejectedNssaiInPlmn
// rejectedNssaiInTa
// std::string getInitialAmfName()
// Step 2. Create gNB context if necessary
// How to create gNB context without SCTP association?
// TODO: How to establish SCTP connection between the Target AMF and gNB?
std::shared_ptr<gnb_context> gc = {};
if (ran_node_id.gNbIdIsSet()) {
oai::amf::model::GNbId gnb_id_model = ran_node_id.getGNbId();
uint32_t gnb_id = {};
......@@ -480,7 +447,7 @@ void amf_app::handle_itti_message(itti_sbi_n1_message_notification& itti_msg) {
gnb_id = std::stoul(gnb_id_model.getGNBValue(), nullptr, 10);
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
"Error when converting from string to int for gNB Value: %s",
"Error when converting from string to uint32_t for gNB Value: %s",
......@@ -492,7 +459,39 @@ void amf_app::handle_itti_message(itti_sbi_n1_message_notification& itti_msg) {
amf_n2_inst->set_gnb_id_2_gnb_context(gnb_id, gc);
// UserLocation getUserLocation()
// std::string getAnN2IPv4Addr()
// AllowedNssai getAllowedNssai()
// std::vector<ConfiguredSnssai>& getConfiguredNssai();
// rejectedNssaiInPlmn
// rejectedNssaiInTa
// std::string getInitialAmfName()
// Step 3. Create UE Context
oai::amf::model::UeContext ue_ctx = registration_context.getUeContext();
std::string supi = {};
std::shared_ptr<ue_context> uc = {};
if (ue_ctx.supiIsSet()) {
supi = ue_ctx.getSupi();
if (!is_supi_2_ue_context(supi)) {
// Create a new UE Context
"No existing UE Context, Create a new one with SUPI %s",
uc = std::shared_ptr<ue_context>(new ue_context());
uc->amf_ue_ngap_id = -1;
uc->supi = supi;
set_supi_2_ue_context(supi, uc);
} else { // Update UE Context
uc = supi_2_ue_context(supi);
// TODO: 5gMmCapability
// TODO: MmContext
// TODO: PduSessionContext
if (!is_supi_2_ue_context(itti_msg.ue_id)) {
// TODO: Create a new UE Context
......@@ -592,7 +591,6 @@ void amf_app::handle_itti_message(itti_sbi_n1_message_notification& itti_msg) {
itti_n1_msg->nas_msg = n1sm;
itti_n1_msg->mcc = ran_node_id.getPlmnId().getMcc();
itti_n1_msg->mnc = ran_node_id.getPlmnId().getMnc();
itti_n1_msg->is_guti_valid = false;
std::shared_ptr<itti_uplink_nas_data_ind> i =
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