Commit fe3273e8 authored by Prateek Mishra's avatar Prateek Mishra

Re-added "m_amf_event_subscriptions" in amf_app.hpp

parent 0b6d4f20
* Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
* the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this
* file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
* License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
/*! \file amf_app.hpp
\author Keliang DU, BUPT
\date 2020
#ifndef _AMF_APP_H_
#define _AMF_APP_H_
#include <map>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <string>
#include "amf_config.hpp"
#include "amf_module_from_config.hpp"
#include "amf_profile.hpp"
#include "itti.hpp"
#include "itti_msg_amf_app.hpp"
#include "itti_msg_sbi.hpp"
#include "ue_context.hpp"
#include "amf_subscription.hpp"
#include "ProblemDetails.h"
#include "uint_generator.hpp"
#include "amf_msg.hpp"
#include "uint_generator.hpp"
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/future.hpp>
#include "uint_generator.hpp"
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/future.hpp>
using namespace config;
static uint32_t amf_app_ue_ngap_id_generator = 1;
namespace amf_application {
using namespace amf;
class amf_app {
amf_profile nf_instance_profile; // AMF profile
std::string amf_instance_id; // AMF instance id
timer_id_t timer_nrf_heartbeat;
util::uint_generator<uint32_t> evsub_id_generator;
std::pair<evsub_id_t, amf_event_t>, std::shared_ptr<amf_subscription>>
explicit amf_app(const amf_config& amf_cfg);
amf_app(amf_app const&) = delete;
void operator=(amf_app const&) = delete;
void allRegistredModulesInit(const amf_modules& modules);
long generate_amf_ue_ngap_id();
// itti handlers
void handle_itti_message(itti_nas_signalling_establishment_request& itti_msg);
void handle_itti_message(itti_n1n2_message_transfer_request& itti_msg);
bool is_amf_ue_id_2_ue_context(const long& amf_ue_ngap_id) const;
std::shared_ptr<ue_context> amf_ue_id_2_ue_context(
const long& amf_ue_ngap_id) const;
void set_amf_ue_ngap_id_2_ue_context(
const long& amf_ue_ngap_id, std::shared_ptr<ue_context> uc);
bool is_ran_amf_id_2_ue_context(const std::string& ue_context_key) const;
std::shared_ptr<ue_context> ran_amf_id_2_ue_context(
const std::string& ue_context_key) const;
void set_ran_amf_id_2_ue_context(
const std::string& ue_context_key, std::shared_ptr<ue_context> uc);
bool is_supi_2_ue_context(const string& supi) const;
std::shared_ptr<ue_context> supi_2_ue_context(const string& supi) const;
void set_supi_2_ue_context(
const string& ue_context_key, std::shared_ptr<ue_context>& uc);
bool find_pdu_session_context(
const string& supi, const std::uint8_t pdu_session_id,
std::shared_ptr<pdu_session_context>& psc);
bool get_pdu_sessions_context(
const string& supi,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<pdu_session_context>>& sessions_ctx);
// SMF Client response handlers
void handle_post_sm_context_response_error_400();
// others
bool generate_5g_guti(
uint32_t ranid, long amfid, std::string& mcc, std::string& mnc,
uint32_t& tmsi);
* Generate an Event Exposure Subscription ID
* @param [void]
* @return the generated reference
evsub_id_t generate_ev_subscription_id();
* Trigger NF instance registration to NRF
* @param [void]
* @return void
void register_to_nrf();
* Handle Event Exposure Msg from NF
* @param [std::shared_ptr<itti_sbi_event_exposure_request>&] Request message
* @return [evsub_id_t] ID of the created subscription
evsub_id_t handle_event_exposure_subscription(
std::shared_ptr<itti_sbi_event_exposure_request> msg);
* Handle NF status notification (e.g., when an UPF becomes available)
* @param [std::shared_ptr<itti_sbi_notification_data>& ] msg: message
* @param [oai::amf::model::ProblemDetails& ] problem_details
* @param [uint8_t&] http_code
* @return true if handle sucessfully, otherwise return false
bool handle_nf_status_notification(
std::shared_ptr<itti_sbi_notification_data>& msg,
oai::amf::model::ProblemDetails& problem_details,
uint8_t& http_code);
* Generate a random UUID for SMF instance
* @param [void]
* @return void
void generate_uuid();
* Add an Event Subscription to the list
* @param [const evsub_id_t&] sub_id: Subscription ID
* @param [amf_event_t] ev: Event type
* @param [std::shared_ptr<amf_subscription>] ss: a shared pointer stored
* information of the subscription
* @return void
void add_event_subscription(
evsub_id_t sub_id, amf_event_t ev, std::shared_ptr<amf_subscription> ss);
* Get a list of subscription associated with a particular event
* @param [amf_event_t] ev: Event type
* @param [std::vector<std::shared_ptr<amf_subscription>>&] subscriptions:
* store the list of the subscription associated with this event type
* @return void
void get_ee_subscriptions(
amf_event_t ev,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<amf_subscription>>& subscriptions);
* Get a list of subscription associated with a particular event
* @param [evsub_id_t] sub_id: Subscription ID
* @param [std::vector<std::shared_ptr<amf_subscription>>&] subscriptions:
* store the list of the subscription associated with this event type
* @return void
void get_ee_subscriptions(
evsub_id_t sub_id,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<amf_subscription>>& subscriptions);
* Get a list of subscription associated with a particular event
* @param [amf_event_t] ev: Event type
* @param [supi64_t] supi: SUPI
* @param [std::vector<std::shared_ptr<amf_subscription>>&] subscriptions:
* store the list of the subscription associated with this event type
* @return void
void get_ee_subscriptions(
amf_event_t ev, supi64_t supi,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<amf_subscription>>& subscriptions);
* Generate a SMF profile for this instance
* @param [void]
* @return void
void generate_amf_profile();
* Send request to N11 task to trigger NF instance registration to NRF
* @param [void]
* @return void
void trigger_nf_registration_request();
* Send request to N11 task to trigger NF instance deregistration to NRF
* @param [void]
* @return void
void trigger_nf_deregistration();
* Store the promise
* @param [uint32_t] pid: promise id
* @param [boost::shared_ptr<boost::promise<uint32_t>>&] p: promise
* @return void
void add_promise(
uint32_t pid, boost::shared_ptr<boost::promise<uint32_t>>& p);
* Remove the promise
* @param [uint32_t] pid: promise id
* @return void
void remove_promise(uint32_t id);
* Generate an unique value for promise id
* @param void
* @return generated promise id
static uint64_t generate_promise_id() {
return util::uint_uid_generator<uint64_t>::get_instance().get_uid();
void trigger_process_response(uint32_t pid, uint32_t http_code);
void add_promise(
uint32_t pid, boost::shared_ptr<boost::promise<std::string>>& p);
void trigger_process_response(uint32_t pid, std::string n2_sm);
// context management
std::map<long, std::shared_ptr<ue_context>> amf_ue_ngap_id2ue_ctx;
mutable std::shared_mutex m_amf_ue_ngap_id2ue_ctx;
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<ue_context>> ue_ctx_key;
mutable std::shared_mutex m_ue_ctx_key;
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<ue_context>> supi2ue_ctx;
mutable std::shared_mutex m_supi2ue_ctx;
mutable std::shared_mutex m_curl_handle_responses_n2_sm;
std::map<uint32_t, boost::shared_ptr<boost::promise<std::string>>>
} // namespace amf_application
* Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
* the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this
* file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
* License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
/*! \file amf_app.hpp
\author Keliang DU, BUPT
\date 2020
#ifndef _AMF_APP_H_
#define _AMF_APP_H_
#include <map>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <string>
#include "amf_config.hpp"
#include "amf_module_from_config.hpp"
#include "amf_profile.hpp"
#include "itti.hpp"
#include "itti_msg_amf_app.hpp"
#include "itti_msg_sbi.hpp"
#include "ue_context.hpp"
#include "amf_subscription.hpp"
#include "ProblemDetails.h"
#include "uint_generator.hpp"
#include "amf_msg.hpp"
#include "uint_generator.hpp"
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/future.hpp>
#include "uint_generator.hpp"
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/future.hpp>
using namespace config;
static uint32_t amf_app_ue_ngap_id_generator = 1;
namespace amf_application {
using namespace amf;
class amf_app {
amf_profile nf_instance_profile; // AMF profile
std::string amf_instance_id; // AMF instance id
timer_id_t timer_nrf_heartbeat;
util::uint_generator<uint32_t> evsub_id_generator;
std::pair<evsub_id_t, amf_event_t>, std::shared_ptr<amf_subscription>>
mutable std::shared_mutex m_amf_event_subscriptions;
explicit amf_app(const amf_config& amf_cfg);
amf_app(amf_app const&) = delete;
void operator=(amf_app const&) = delete;
void allRegistredModulesInit(const amf_modules& modules);
long generate_amf_ue_ngap_id();
// itti handlers
void handle_itti_message(itti_nas_signalling_establishment_request& itti_msg);
void handle_itti_message(itti_n1n2_message_transfer_request& itti_msg);
bool is_amf_ue_id_2_ue_context(const long& amf_ue_ngap_id) const;
std::shared_ptr<ue_context> amf_ue_id_2_ue_context(
const long& amf_ue_ngap_id) const;
void set_amf_ue_ngap_id_2_ue_context(
const long& amf_ue_ngap_id, std::shared_ptr<ue_context> uc);
bool is_ran_amf_id_2_ue_context(const std::string& ue_context_key) const;
std::shared_ptr<ue_context> ran_amf_id_2_ue_context(
const std::string& ue_context_key) const;
void set_ran_amf_id_2_ue_context(
const std::string& ue_context_key, std::shared_ptr<ue_context> uc);
bool is_supi_2_ue_context(const string& supi) const;
std::shared_ptr<ue_context> supi_2_ue_context(const string& supi) const;
void set_supi_2_ue_context(
const string& ue_context_key, std::shared_ptr<ue_context>& uc);
bool find_pdu_session_context(
const string& supi, const std::uint8_t pdu_session_id,
std::shared_ptr<pdu_session_context>& psc);
bool get_pdu_sessions_context(
const string& supi,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<pdu_session_context>>& sessions_ctx);
// SMF Client response handlers
void handle_post_sm_context_response_error_400();
// others
bool generate_5g_guti(
uint32_t ranid, long amfid, std::string& mcc, std::string& mnc,
uint32_t& tmsi);
* Generate an Event Exposure Subscription ID
* @param [void]
* @return the generated reference
evsub_id_t generate_ev_subscription_id();
* Trigger NF instance registration to NRF
* @param [void]
* @return void
void register_to_nrf();
* Handle Event Exposure Msg from NF
* @param [std::shared_ptr<itti_sbi_event_exposure_request>&] Request message
* @return [evsub_id_t] ID of the created subscription
evsub_id_t handle_event_exposure_subscription(
std::shared_ptr<itti_sbi_event_exposure_request> msg);
* Handle NF status notification (e.g., when an UPF becomes available)
* @param [std::shared_ptr<itti_sbi_notification_data>& ] msg: message
* @param [oai::amf::model::ProblemDetails& ] problem_details
* @param [uint8_t&] http_code
* @return true if handle sucessfully, otherwise return false
bool handle_nf_status_notification(
std::shared_ptr<itti_sbi_notification_data>& msg,
oai::amf::model::ProblemDetails& problem_details,
uint8_t& http_code);
* Generate a random UUID for SMF instance
* @param [void]
* @return void
void generate_uuid();
* Add an Event Subscription to the list
* @param [const evsub_id_t&] sub_id: Subscription ID
* @param [amf_event_t] ev: Event type
* @param [std::shared_ptr<amf_subscription>] ss: a shared pointer stored
* information of the subscription
* @return void
void add_event_subscription(
evsub_id_t sub_id, amf_event_t ev, std::shared_ptr<amf_subscription> ss);
* Get a list of subscription associated with a particular event
* @param [amf_event_t] ev: Event type
* @param [std::vector<std::shared_ptr<amf_subscription>>&] subscriptions:
* store the list of the subscription associated with this event type
* @return void
void get_ee_subscriptions(
amf_event_t ev,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<amf_subscription>>& subscriptions);
* Get a list of subscription associated with a particular event
* @param [evsub_id_t] sub_id: Subscription ID
* @param [std::vector<std::shared_ptr<amf_subscription>>&] subscriptions:
* store the list of the subscription associated with this event type
* @return void
void get_ee_subscriptions(
evsub_id_t sub_id,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<amf_subscription>>& subscriptions);
* Get a list of subscription associated with a particular event
* @param [amf_event_t] ev: Event type
* @param [supi64_t] supi: SUPI
* @param [std::vector<std::shared_ptr<amf_subscription>>&] subscriptions:
* store the list of the subscription associated with this event type
* @return void
void get_ee_subscriptions(
amf_event_t ev, supi64_t supi,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<amf_subscription>>& subscriptions);
* Generate a SMF profile for this instance
* @param [void]
* @return void
void generate_amf_profile();
* Send request to N11 task to trigger NF instance registration to NRF
* @param [void]
* @return void
void trigger_nf_registration_request();
* Send request to N11 task to trigger NF instance deregistration to NRF
* @param [void]
* @return void
void trigger_nf_deregistration();
* Store the promise
* @param [uint32_t] pid: promise id
* @param [boost::shared_ptr<boost::promise<uint32_t>>&] p: promise
* @return void
void add_promise(
uint32_t pid, boost::shared_ptr<boost::promise<uint32_t>>& p);
* Remove the promise
* @param [uint32_t] pid: promise id
* @return void
void remove_promise(uint32_t id);
* Generate an unique value for promise id
* @param void
* @return generated promise id
static uint64_t generate_promise_id() {
return util::uint_uid_generator<uint64_t>::get_instance().get_uid();
void trigger_process_response(uint32_t pid, uint32_t http_code);
void add_promise(
uint32_t pid, boost::shared_ptr<boost::promise<std::string>>& p);
void trigger_process_response(uint32_t pid, std::string n2_sm);
// context management
std::map<long, std::shared_ptr<ue_context>> amf_ue_ngap_id2ue_ctx;
mutable std::shared_mutex m_amf_ue_ngap_id2ue_ctx;
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<ue_context>> ue_ctx_key;
mutable std::shared_mutex m_ue_ctx_key;
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<ue_context>> supi2ue_ctx;
mutable std::shared_mutex m_supi2ue_ctx;
mutable std::shared_mutex m_curl_handle_responses_n2_sm;
std::map<uint32_t, boost::shared_ptr<boost::promise<std::string>>>
} // namespace amf_application
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