/* * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at * * http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance: * contact@openairinterface.org */ /** * Nudr_DataRepository API OpenAPI file * Unified Data Repository Service. © 2020, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, * ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TSDSI, TTA, TTC). All rights reserved. * * The version of the OpenAPI document: 2.1.2 * * * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator * (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit * the class manually. */ #include "SmfRegistration.h" namespace oai::udr::model { SmfRegistration::SmfRegistration() { m_SmfInstanceId = ""; m_SmfSetId = ""; m_SmfSetIdIsSet = false; m_SupportedFeatures = ""; m_SupportedFeaturesIsSet = false; m_PduSessionId = 0; m_Dnn = ""; m_DnnIsSet = false; m_EmergencyServices = false; m_EmergencyServicesIsSet = false; m_PcscfRestorationCallbackUri = ""; m_PcscfRestorationCallbackUriIsSet = false; m_PgwFqdn = ""; m_PgwFqdnIsSet = false; m_EpdgInd = false; m_EpdgIndIsSet = false; m_DeregCallbackUri = ""; m_DeregCallbackUriIsSet = false; m_RegistrationReasonIsSet = false; m_RegistrationTime = ""; m_RegistrationTimeIsSet = false; m_ContextInfoIsSet = false; } SmfRegistration::~SmfRegistration() {} void SmfRegistration::validate() { // TODO: implement validation } void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const SmfRegistration &o) { j = nlohmann::json(); j["smfInstanceId"] = o.m_SmfInstanceId; if (o.smfSetIdIsSet()) j["smfSetId"] = o.m_SmfSetId; if (o.supportedFeaturesIsSet()) j["supportedFeatures"] = o.m_SupportedFeatures; j["pduSessionId"] = o.m_PduSessionId; j["singleNssai"] = o.m_SingleNssai; if (o.dnnIsSet()) j["dnn"] = o.m_Dnn; if (o.emergencyServicesIsSet()) j["emergencyServices"] = o.m_EmergencyServices; if (o.pcscfRestorationCallbackUriIsSet()) j["pcscfRestorationCallbackUri"] = o.m_PcscfRestorationCallbackUri; j["plmnId"] = o.m_PlmnId; if (o.pgwFqdnIsSet()) j["pgwFqdn"] = o.m_PgwFqdn; if (o.epdgIndIsSet()) j["epdgInd"] = o.m_EpdgInd; if (o.deregCallbackUriIsSet()) j["deregCallbackUri"] = o.m_DeregCallbackUri; if (o.registrationReasonIsSet()) j["registrationReason"] = o.m_RegistrationReason; if (o.registrationTimeIsSet()) j["registrationTime"] = o.m_RegistrationTime; if (o.contextInfoIsSet()) j["contextInfo"] = o.m_ContextInfo; } void from_json(const nlohmann::json &j, SmfRegistration &o) { j.at("smfInstanceId").get_to(o.m_SmfInstanceId); if (j.find("smfSetId") != j.end()) { j.at("smfSetId").get_to(o.m_SmfSetId); o.m_SmfSetIdIsSet = true; } if (j.find("supportedFeatures") != j.end()) { j.at("supportedFeatures").get_to(o.m_SupportedFeatures); o.m_SupportedFeaturesIsSet = true; } j.at("pduSessionId").get_to(o.m_PduSessionId); j.at("singleNssai").get_to(o.m_SingleNssai); if (j.find("dnn") != j.end()) { j.at("dnn").get_to(o.m_Dnn); o.m_DnnIsSet = true; } if (j.find("emergencyServices") != j.end()) { j.at("emergencyServices").get_to(o.m_EmergencyServices); o.m_EmergencyServicesIsSet = true; } if (j.find("pcscfRestorationCallbackUri") != j.end()) { j.at("pcscfRestorationCallbackUri").get_to(o.m_PcscfRestorationCallbackUri); o.m_PcscfRestorationCallbackUriIsSet = true; } j.at("plmnId").get_to(o.m_PlmnId); if (j.find("pgwFqdn") != j.end()) { j.at("pgwFqdn").get_to(o.m_PgwFqdn); o.m_PgwFqdnIsSet = true; } if (j.find("epdgInd") != j.end()) { j.at("epdgInd").get_to(o.m_EpdgInd); o.m_EpdgIndIsSet = true; } if (j.find("deregCallbackUri") != j.end()) { j.at("deregCallbackUri").get_to(o.m_DeregCallbackUri); o.m_DeregCallbackUriIsSet = true; } if (j.find("registrationReason") != j.end()) { j.at("registrationReason").get_to(o.m_RegistrationReason); o.m_RegistrationReasonIsSet = true; } if (j.find("registrationTime") != j.end()) { j.at("registrationTime").get_to(o.m_RegistrationTime); o.m_RegistrationTimeIsSet = true; } if (j.find("contextInfo") != j.end()) { j.at("contextInfo").get_to(o.m_ContextInfo); o.m_ContextInfoIsSet = true; } } std::string SmfRegistration::getSmfInstanceId() const { return m_SmfInstanceId; } void SmfRegistration::setSmfInstanceId(std::string const &value) { m_SmfInstanceId = value; } std::string SmfRegistration::getSmfSetId() const { return m_SmfSetId; } void SmfRegistration::setSmfSetId(std::string const &value) { m_SmfSetId = value; m_SmfSetIdIsSet = true; } bool SmfRegistration::smfSetIdIsSet() const { return m_SmfSetIdIsSet; } void SmfRegistration::unsetSmfSetId() { m_SmfSetIdIsSet = false; } std::string SmfRegistration::getSupportedFeatures() const { return m_SupportedFeatures; } void SmfRegistration::setSupportedFeatures(std::string const &value) { m_SupportedFeatures = value; m_SupportedFeaturesIsSet = true; } bool SmfRegistration::supportedFeaturesIsSet() const { return m_SupportedFeaturesIsSet; } void SmfRegistration::unsetSupportedFeatures() { m_SupportedFeaturesIsSet = false; } int32_t SmfRegistration::getPduSessionId() const { return m_PduSessionId; } void SmfRegistration::setPduSessionId(int32_t const value) { m_PduSessionId = value; } Snssai SmfRegistration::getSingleNssai() const { return m_SingleNssai; } void SmfRegistration::setSingleNssai(Snssai const &value) { m_SingleNssai = value; } std::string SmfRegistration::getDnn() const { return m_Dnn; } void SmfRegistration::setDnn(std::string const &value) { m_Dnn = value; m_DnnIsSet = true; } bool SmfRegistration::dnnIsSet() const { return m_DnnIsSet; } void SmfRegistration::unsetDnn() { m_DnnIsSet = false; } bool SmfRegistration::isEmergencyServices() const { return m_EmergencyServices; } void SmfRegistration::setEmergencyServices(bool const value) { m_EmergencyServices = value; m_EmergencyServicesIsSet = true; } bool SmfRegistration::emergencyServicesIsSet() const { return m_EmergencyServicesIsSet; } void SmfRegistration::unsetEmergencyServices() { m_EmergencyServicesIsSet = false; } std::string SmfRegistration::getPcscfRestorationCallbackUri() const { return m_PcscfRestorationCallbackUri; } void SmfRegistration::setPcscfRestorationCallbackUri(std::string const &value) { m_PcscfRestorationCallbackUri = value; m_PcscfRestorationCallbackUriIsSet = true; } bool SmfRegistration::pcscfRestorationCallbackUriIsSet() const { return m_PcscfRestorationCallbackUriIsSet; } void SmfRegistration::unsetPcscfRestorationCallbackUri() { m_PcscfRestorationCallbackUriIsSet = false; } PlmnId SmfRegistration::getPlmnId() const { return m_PlmnId; } void SmfRegistration::setPlmnId(PlmnId const &value) { m_PlmnId = value; } std::string SmfRegistration::getPgwFqdn() const { return m_PgwFqdn; } void SmfRegistration::setPgwFqdn(std::string const &value) { m_PgwFqdn = value; m_PgwFqdnIsSet = true; } bool SmfRegistration::pgwFqdnIsSet() const { return m_PgwFqdnIsSet; } void SmfRegistration::unsetPgwFqdn() { m_PgwFqdnIsSet = false; } bool SmfRegistration::isEpdgInd() const { return m_EpdgInd; } void SmfRegistration::setEpdgInd(bool const value) { m_EpdgInd = value; m_EpdgIndIsSet = true; } bool SmfRegistration::epdgIndIsSet() const { return m_EpdgIndIsSet; } void SmfRegistration::unsetEpdgInd() { m_EpdgIndIsSet = false; } std::string SmfRegistration::getDeregCallbackUri() const { return m_DeregCallbackUri; } void SmfRegistration::setDeregCallbackUri(std::string const &value) { m_DeregCallbackUri = value; m_DeregCallbackUriIsSet = true; } bool SmfRegistration::deregCallbackUriIsSet() const { return m_DeregCallbackUriIsSet; } void SmfRegistration::unsetDeregCallbackUri() { m_DeregCallbackUriIsSet = false; } RegistrationReason SmfRegistration::getRegistrationReason() const { return m_RegistrationReason; } void SmfRegistration::setRegistrationReason(RegistrationReason const &value) { m_RegistrationReason = value; m_RegistrationReasonIsSet = true; } bool SmfRegistration::registrationReasonIsSet() const { return m_RegistrationReasonIsSet; } void SmfRegistration::unsetRegistrationReason() { m_RegistrationReasonIsSet = false; } std::string SmfRegistration::getRegistrationTime() const { return m_RegistrationTime; } void SmfRegistration::setRegistrationTime(std::string const &value) { m_RegistrationTime = value; m_RegistrationTimeIsSet = true; } bool SmfRegistration::registrationTimeIsSet() const { return m_RegistrationTimeIsSet; } void SmfRegistration::unsetRegistrationTime() { m_RegistrationTimeIsSet = false; } ContextInfo SmfRegistration::getContextInfo() const { return m_ContextInfo; } void SmfRegistration::setContextInfo(ContextInfo const &value) { m_ContextInfo = value; m_ContextInfoIsSet = true; } bool SmfRegistration::contextInfoIsSet() const { return m_ContextInfoIsSet; } void SmfRegistration::unsetContextInfo() { m_ContextInfoIsSet = false; } } // namespace oai::udr::model