Commit afc29984 authored by Khalid Ahmed's avatar Khalid Ahmed Committed by Thomas Schlichter

Fixing signal_energy and noise varience calculation

parent c22ff05a
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ int32_t signal_energy(int32_t *input,uint32_t length)
mm1 = in[i];
mm2 = mm1;
mm1 = _m_pmaddwd(mm1,mm1);
mm1 = _m_psradi(mm1,shift);// shift any 32 bits blocs of the word by the value shift
mm1 = _m_psradi(mm1,9);//shift);// shift any 32 bits blocs of the word by the value shift
mm0 = _m_paddd(mm0,mm1);// add the two 64 bits words 4 bytes by 4 bytes
// mm2 = _m_psrawi(mm2,shift_DC);
mm3 = _m_paddw(mm3,mm2);// add the two 64 bits words 2 bytes by 2 bytes
......@@ -95,7 +95,8 @@ int32_t signal_energy(int32_t *input,uint32_t length)
mm0 = _m_paddd(mm0,mm1);
temp = _m_to_int(mm0);
temp<<=shift; // this is the average of x^2
//temp<<=shift; // this is the average of x^2
// now remove the DC component
......@@ -103,6 +104,7 @@ int32_t signal_energy(int32_t *input,uint32_t length)
mm2 = _m_psrlqi(mm3,32);
mm2 = _m_paddw(mm2,mm3);
mm2 = _m_pmaddwd(mm2,mm2);
mm2 = _m_psradi(mm2,9); // fixed point representation of elements
temp2 = _m_to_int(mm2);
// temp2<<=(2*shift_DC);
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int slot = 0;
int **txdata;
int32_t **txdataF;
double **r_re, **r_im;
int16_t **r_re, **r_im;
FILE *output_fd = NULL;
//uint8_t write_output_file = 0;
int trial, n_trials = 1, n_errors = 0, n_false_positive = 0;
......@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int ap;
int tx_offset;
int sample_offsetF;
int txlev;
double txlev;
cpuf = get_cpu_freq_GHz();
......@@ -393,17 +393,14 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
frame_length_complex_samples = frame_parms->samples_per_subframe;
//frame_length_complex_samples_no_prefix = frame_parms->samples_per_subframe_wCP;
r_re = malloc(2 * sizeof(double *));
r_im = malloc(2 * sizeof(double *));
txdata = malloc(2 * sizeof(int * ));
r_re = malloc(2 * sizeof(int16_t *));
r_im = malloc(2 * sizeof(int16_t *));
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
r_re[i] = malloc(frame_length_complex_samples * sizeof(double));
bzero(r_re[i], frame_length_complex_samples * sizeof(double));
r_im[i] = malloc(frame_length_complex_samples * sizeof(double));
bzero(r_im[i], frame_length_complex_samples * sizeof(double));
txdata[i] = malloc(frame_length_complex_samples * sizeof(int));
bzero(r_re[i], frame_length_complex_samples * sizeof(int)); // [hna] r_re should be txdata
r_re[i] = malloc(frame_length_complex_samples * sizeof(int16_t));
bzero(r_re[i], frame_length_complex_samples * sizeof(int16_t));
r_im[i] = malloc(frame_length_complex_samples * sizeof(int16_t));
bzero(r_im[i], frame_length_complex_samples * sizeof(int16_t));
//configure UE
......@@ -618,7 +615,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
txdataF = UE->common_vars.txdataF;
amp = AMP;
start_rb = 10;
start_rb = 0;
start_sc = frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + start_rb*NR_NB_SC_PER_RB;
if (start_sc >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)
......@@ -666,7 +663,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
((int16_t*)txdataF[ap])[(sample_offsetF)<<1] = (amp * tx_layers[ap][m<<1]) >> 15;
((int16_t*)txdataF[ap])[((sample_offsetF)<<1) + 1] = (amp * tx_layers[ap][(m<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
printf("m %d\t l %d \t k %d \t txdataF: %d %d\n",
m, l, k, ((int16_t*)txdataF[ap])[(sample_offsetF)<<1],
......@@ -675,6 +671,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (++k >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)
k -= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size;
......@@ -689,6 +686,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
tx_offset = slot*frame_parms->samples_per_slot;
txdata = UE->common_vars.txdata;
for (ap=0; ap<harq_process_ul_ue->Nl; ap++) {
if (frame_parms->Ncp == 1) { // extended cyclic prefix
......@@ -711,14 +709,16 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
for (i=0; i<frame_length_complex_samples; i++) {
for (ap=0; ap<frame_parms->nb_antennas_tx; ap++) {
r_re[ap][i] = ((double)(((short *)txdata[ap]))[(i<<1)]);
r_im[ap][i] = ((double)(((short *)txdata[ap]))[(i<<1)+1]);
r_re[ap][i] = ((int16_t *)txdata[ap])[(i<<1)];
r_im[ap][i] = ((int16_t *)txdata[ap])[(i<<1)+1];
txlev = signal_energy(&txdata[0][5*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + 4*frame_parms->nb_prefix_samples + frame_parms->nb_prefix_samples0],
txlev = (double) signal_energy(&txdata[0][tx_offset + 5*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + 4*frame_parms->nb_prefix_samples + frame_parms->nb_prefix_samples0],
frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + frame_parms->nb_prefix_samples);
txlev = txlev/512.0; // output of signal_energy is fixed point representation
for (SNR = snr0; SNR < snr1; SNR += snr_step) {
......@@ -742,8 +742,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
for (i=0; i<frame_length_complex_samples; i++) {
for (ap=0; ap<frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx; ap++) {
((short*) gNB->common_vars.rxdata[ap])[2*i] = (short) ((r_re[ap][i] + sqrt(sigma2/2)*gaussdouble(0.0,1.0)));
((short*) gNB->common_vars.rxdata[ap])[2*i+1] = (short) ((r_im[ap][i] + sqrt(sigma2/2)*gaussdouble(0.0,1.0)));
((short*) gNB->common_vars.rxdata[ap])[2*i] = (r_re[ap][i] + (int16_t)(sqrt(sigma2/2)*gaussdouble(0.0,1.0)*512.0)); // convert to fixed point
((short*) gNB->common_vars.rxdata[ap])[2*i+1] = (r_im[ap][i] + (int16_t)(sqrt(sigma2/2)*gaussdouble(0.0,1.0)*512.0));
......@@ -933,12 +933,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (output_fd)
......@@ -948,4 +946,3 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
return (n_errors);
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