diff --git a/cmake_targets/autotests/run_exec_autotests.bash b/cmake_targets/autotests/run_exec_autotests.bash
index c00500cfc3695e1a0a6c1461c2b2eec4227b9783..fd5cc45e7775f9112ed8d831bd0c26155a8940f2 100755
--- a/cmake_targets/autotests/run_exec_autotests.bash
+++ b/cmake_targets/autotests/run_exec_autotests.bash
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+#set -xv
 # * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
 # * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
@@ -92,78 +93,55 @@ function test_run() {
     for main_exec_args_array_index in "${main_exec_args_array[@]}"
-      global_result=1
+      global_result=PASS
       PROPER_DESC=`echo ${desc_array[$tags_array_index]} | sed -e "s@^.*Test cases.*(Test@Test@" -e "s@^ *(@@" -e"s/)$//" -e "s/),$//"`
       echo_info "$PROPER_DESC"
      for (( run_index=1; run_index <= $nruns; run_index++ ))
-        temp_exec_log=$log_dir/test.$test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}.run_$run_index
-        echo "" > $temp_exec_log
+        temp_exec_log="$log_dir/test.$test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}.run_$run_index"
         echo "Executing test case $test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}, Run Index = $run_index, Execution Log file = $temp_exec_log"
-        echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> $temp_exec_log  2>&1
-        echo "<EXECUTION LOG Test Case = $test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}, Run = $run_index >" >> $temp_exec_log  2>&1
-        echo "Executing $main_exec $main_exec_args_array_index " | tee $temp_exec_log
-        { uname -a ; eval "$main_exec $main_exec_args_array_index" ;} >> $temp_exec_log  2>&1
+        echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" > "$temp_exec_log"
+        echo "<EXECUTION LOG Test Case = $test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}, Run = $run_index >" >> "$temp_exec_log"
+        echo "Executing $main_exec $main_exec_args_array_index " >> "$temp_exec_log"
+        uname -a >> "$temp_exec_log"
+        "$main_exec" $main_exec_args_array_index >> "$temp_exec_log"  2>&1
         echo "</EXECUTION LOG Test Case = $test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]},  Run = $run_index >" >> $temp_exec_log  2>&1
         cat $temp_exec_log >> $log_file  2>&1
-        result=1
+        result=PASS
         for search_expr in "${search_expr_array[@]}"
-          search_result=`grep -E "$search_expr" $temp_exec_log`
-          if [ -z "$search_result" ]; then
-            let "result = result & 0"
-          else
-            let "result = result & 1"
-          fi
+          grep -Eq "$search_expr" $temp_exec_log || result=FAIL
         #If we find a negative search result then there is crash of program and test case is failed even if above condition is true
-        search_result=`grep -iE "$search_expr_negative" $temp_exec_log`
-        if [ -n "$search_result" ]; then
-          result=0
-        fi
-        let "global_result = global_result & result"
-        #echo "result = $result"
-        if [ "$result" -eq "0" ]; then
-          result_string=$result_string" Run_$run_index =FAIL"
+        grep -q -iE "$search_expr_negative" $temp_exec_log && result=FAIL
+        if [ "$result" != PASS ]; then
           echo_error "$test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]} RUN = $run_index Result = FAIL"
-        fi
-        if [ "$result" -eq "1" ]; then
-          result_string=$result_string" Run_$run_index =PASS"
+        else
           echo_success "$test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]} RUN = $run_index Result = PASS"
+        result_string=$result_string" Run_$run_index =$result"
+        if [ $result != PASS ] ; then 
+          global_result = FAIL
+        fi
       done #End of for loop (nindex)
-     echo " Result String = $result_string"
-     if [ "$result_string" == "" ]; then
-         echo_error "execution $test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]} {$PROPER_DESC} Run_Result = \"$result_string\"  Result = FAIL"
-         xUnit_fail "execution" "$test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}" "FAIL" "$result_string" "$xmlfile_testcase" "$PROPER_DESC"
-     else
-      if [ "$global_result" == "0" ]; then
+      if [ "$global_result" != PASS ]; then
          echo_error "execution $test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]} {$PROPER_DESC} Run_Result = \"$result_string\" Result =  FAIL"
          xUnit_fail "execution" "$test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}" "FAIL" "$result_string" "$xmlfile_testcase" "$PROPER_DESC"
-      fi
-      if [ "$global_result" == "1" ]; then
+       else
          echo_success "execution $test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]} {$PROPER_DESC} Run_Result = \"$result_string\"  Result = PASS "
          xUnit_success "execution" "$test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}" "PASS" "$result_string"   "$xmlfile_testcase"  "$PROPER_DESC"
-     fi
      let "tags_array_index++"
diff --git a/openair1/SIMULATION/TOOLS/multipath_channel.c b/openair1/SIMULATION/TOOLS/multipath_channel.c
index c1bc2689168e60ec4d1b5996cabc998e1bd206f9..992c6be4614aa7ed0c872c9921343944074a06a9 100644
--- a/openair1/SIMULATION/TOOLS/multipath_channel.c
+++ b/openair1/SIMULATION/TOOLS/multipath_channel.c
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ uint8_t multipath_channel_nosigconv(channel_desc_t *desc)
 //#define CHANNEL_SSE
-void multipath_channel(channel_desc_t *desc,
+void __attribute__ ((no_sanitize_address)) multipath_channel(channel_desc_t *desc,
                        double tx_sig_re[NB_ANTENNAS_TX][30720*2],
                        double tx_sig_im[NB_ANTENANS_TX][30720*2],
                        double rx_sig_re[NB_ANTENNAS_RX][30720*2],
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ void add_noise(c16_t **rxdata,
-void multipath_channel(channel_desc_t *desc,
+void __attribute__ ((no_sanitize_address)) multipath_channel(channel_desc_t *desc,
                        double *tx_sig_re[NB_ANTENNAS_TX],
                        double *tx_sig_im[NB_ANTENNAS_TX],
                        double *rx_sig_re[NB_ANTENNAS_RX],
@@ -180,9 +180,6 @@ void multipath_channel(channel_desc_t *desc,
 		                   int log_channel)
-  int i,ii,j,l;
-  struct complexd rx_tmp,tx;
   double path_loss = pow(10,desc->path_loss_dB/20);
   int dd;
   dd = abs(desc->channel_offset);
@@ -204,29 +201,24 @@ void multipath_channel(channel_desc_t *desc,
-  for (i=0; i<((int)length-dd); i++) {
-    for (ii=0; ii<desc->nb_rx; ii++) {
-      rx_tmp.r = 0;
-      rx_tmp.i = 0;
-      for (j=0; j<desc->nb_tx; j++) {
-        for (l = 0; l<(int)desc->channel_length; l++) {
+  for (int i=0; i<((int)length-dd); i++) {
+    for (int ii=0; ii<desc->nb_rx; ii++) {
+      struct complexd rx_tmp={0};
+      for (int j=0; j<desc->nb_tx; j++) {
+        struct complexd *chan=desc->ch[ii+(j*desc->nb_rx)];        
+        for (int l = 0; l<(int)desc->channel_length; l++) {
           if ((i>=0) && (i-l)>=0) {
+            struct complexd tx;
             tx.r = tx_sig_re[j][i-l];
             tx.i = tx_sig_im[j][i-l];
-          } else {
-            tx.r =0;
-            tx.i =0;
+            rx_tmp.r += (tx.r * chan[l].r) - (tx.i * chan[l].i);
+            rx_tmp.i += (tx.i * chan[l].r) + (tx.r * chan[l].i);
-          rx_tmp.r += (tx.r * desc->ch[ii+(j*desc->nb_rx)][l].r) - (tx.i * desc->ch[ii+(j*desc->nb_rx)][l].i);
-          rx_tmp.i += (tx.i * desc->ch[ii+(j*desc->nb_rx)][l].r) + (tx.r * desc->ch[ii+(j*desc->nb_rx)][l].i);
           if (i==0 && log_channel == 1) {
 	           printf("channel[%d][%d][%d] = %f dB \t(%e, %e)\n",
-                    ii, j, l, 10*log10(pow(desc->ch[ii+(j*desc->nb_rx)][l].r,2.0)+pow(desc->ch[ii+(j*desc->nb_rx)][l].i,2.0)),
-		         desc->ch[ii+(j*desc->nb_rx)][l].r,
-		         desc->ch[ii+(j*desc->nb_rx)][l].i);
+                    ii, j, l, 10*log10(pow(chan[l].r,2.0)+pow(chan[l].i,2.0)),
+		         chan[l].r,
+		         chan[l].i);
         } //l
       }  // j
diff --git a/openair1/SIMULATION/TOOLS/rangen_double.c b/openair1/SIMULATION/TOOLS/rangen_double.c
index 20bd9c1ecb030cc8a3952b16faa5036dd8eff2aa..8f6f1bdfd93293c53f6b6f52eb56cd11940eeca9 100644
--- a/openair1/SIMULATION/TOOLS/rangen_double.c
+++ b/openair1/SIMULATION/TOOLS/rangen_double.c
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ double uniformrandom(void)
 /*!\brief Gaussian random number generator based on modified Box-Muller transformation.Returns a double-precision floating-point number. */
-double gaussdouble(double mean, double variance)
+double __attribute__ ((no_sanitize_address)) gaussdouble(double mean, double variance)
   static int iset=0;
   static double gset;
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ void tableNor(unsigned long seed)
-double gaussZiggurat(double mean, double variance)
+double __attribute__ ((no_sanitize_address)) gaussZiggurat(double mean, double variance)
   hz = SHR3;
   iz = hz & 127;