Commit 4b5a3ca0 authored by Robert Schmidt's avatar Robert Schmidt Committed by Makarand kulkarni

Repair used Image information in CI

parent c3a328d0
......@@ -879,8 +879,8 @@ class Containerize():
cnt += 1
mySSH.command('docker inspect --format="ImageUsed: {{.Config.Image}}" ' + containerName, '\$', 5)
for stdoutLine in mySSH.getBefore().split('\n'):
if stdoutLine.count('ImageUsed: porcepix'):
usedImage = stdoutLine.replace('ImageUsed: porcepix', 'porcepix').strip()
if stdoutLine.count('ImageUsed: oai-ci'):
usedImage = stdoutLine.replace('ImageUsed: oai-ci', 'oai-ci').strip()
logging.debug('Used image is ' + usedImage)
if usedImage != '':
mySSH.command('docker image inspect --format "* Size = {{.Size}} bytes\n* Creation = {{.Created}}\n* Id = {{.Id}}" ' + usedImage, '\$', 5, silent=True)
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