diff --git a/cmake_targets/CMakeLists.txt b/cmake_targets/CMakeLists.txt
index 94a88c095b770b55951840672e551d2084b8e7be..5413014fbfdaaab38b8621823abf1a8c101d0bfe 100644
--- a/cmake_targets/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/cmake_targets/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -820,6 +820,7 @@ include_directories("${OPENAIR_DIR}/targets/ARCH/EXMIMO/USERSPACE/LIB/")
@@ -905,8 +906,11 @@ if (FLEXRAN_AGENT_SB_IF)
+    ${OPENAIR2_DIR}/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_ran_api.c
+    ${OPENAIR2_DIR}/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_timer.c
+    ${OPENAIR2_DIR}/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/RRC/flexran_agent_rrc.c
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/MAC/flexran_agent_mac.c b/openair2/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/MAC/flexran_agent_mac.c
index 1a43f203df6b918888981298cda34684e770914e..01df6248f1b84c6cd2318e03629dfb902717b2e0 100644
--- a/openair2/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/MAC/flexran_agent_mac.c
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/MAC/flexran_agent_mac.c
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 #include "flexran_agent_common.h"
 #include "flexran_agent_mac_internal.h"
 #include "flexran_agent_net_comm.h"
+#include "flexran_agent_timer.h"
 #include "LAYER2/MAC/proto.h"
 #include "LAYER2/MAC/flexran_agent_mac_proto.h"
@@ -54,683 +55,497 @@ struct lfds700_ringbuffer_element *dl_mac_config_array[NUM_MAX_ENB];
 struct lfds700_ringbuffer_state ringbuffer_state[NUM_MAX_ENB];
-int flexran_agent_mac_handle_stats(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg){
+int flexran_agent_mac_stats_reply(mid_t mod_id,       
+          const report_config_t *report_config,
+           Protocol__FlexUeStatsReport **ue_report,
+           Protocol__FlexCellStatsReport **cell_report) {
-  // TODO: Must deal with sanitization of input
-  // TODO: Must check if RNTIs and cell ids of the request actually exist
-  // TODO: Must resolve conflicts among stats requests
-  int i;
-  err_code_t err_code;
-  xid_t xid;
-  uint32_t usec_interval, sec_interval;
-  //TODO: We do not deal with multiple CCs at the moment and eNB id is 0
+  // Protocol__FlexHeader *header;
+  int i, j, k;
+  int cc_id = 0;
   int enb_id = mod_id;
-  //eNB_MAC_INST *eNB = &eNB_mac_inst[enb_id];
-  //UE_list_t *eNB_UE_list=  &eNB->UE_list;
-  report_config_t report_config;
-  uint32_t ue_flags = 0;
-  uint32_t c_flags = 0;
-  Protocol__FlexranMessage *input = (Protocol__FlexranMessage *)params;
-  Protocol__FlexStatsRequest *stats_req = input->stats_request_msg;
-  xid = (stats_req->header)->xid;
-  // Check the type of request that is made
-  switch(stats_req->body_case) {
-    Protocol__FlexCompleteStatsRequest *comp_req = stats_req->complete_stats_request;
-    if (comp_req->report_frequency == PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_REPORT_FREQ__FLSRF_OFF) {
-      /*Disable both periodic and continuous updates*/
-      flexran_agent_disable_cont_mac_stats_update(mod_id);
-      flexran_agent_destroy_timer_by_task_id(xid);
-      *msg = NULL;
-      return 0;
-    } else { //One-off, periodical or continuous reporting
-      //Set the proper flags
-      ue_flags = comp_req->ue_report_flags;
-      c_flags = comp_req->cell_report_flags;
-      //Create a list of all eNB RNTIs and cells
-      //Set the number of UEs and create list with their RNTIs stats configs
-      report_config.nr_ue = flexran_get_num_ues(mod_id); //eNB_UE_list->num_UEs
-      report_config.ue_report_type = (ue_report_type_t *) malloc(sizeof(ue_report_type_t) * report_config.nr_ue);
-      if (report_config.ue_report_type == NULL) {
-	// TODO: Add appropriate error code
-	err_code = -100;
-	goto error;
-      }
-      for (i = 0; i < report_config.nr_ue; i++) {
-	report_config.ue_report_type[i].ue_rnti = flexran_get_ue_crnti(enb_id, i); //eNB_UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[UE_PCCID(enb_id,i)][i].crnti;
-	report_config.ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags = ue_flags;
-      }
-      //Set the number of CCs and create a list with the cell stats configs
-      report_config.nr_cc = MAX_NUM_CCs;
-      report_config.cc_report_type = (cc_report_type_t *) malloc(sizeof(cc_report_type_t) * report_config.nr_cc);
-      if (report_config.cc_report_type == NULL) {
-	// TODO: Add appropriate error code
-	err_code = -100;
-	goto error;
-      }
-      for (i = 0; i < report_config.nr_cc; i++) {
-	//TODO: Must fill in the proper cell ids
-	report_config.cc_report_type[i].cc_id = i;
-	report_config.cc_report_type[i].cc_report_flags = c_flags;
-      }
-      /* Check if request was periodical */
-      if (comp_req->report_frequency == PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_REPORT_FREQ__FLSRF_PERIODICAL) {
-	/* Create a one off flexran message as an argument for the periodical task */
-	Protocol__FlexranMessage *timer_msg;
-	stats_request_config_t request_config;
-	request_config.report_type = PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_TYPE__FLST_COMPLETE_STATS;
-	request_config.report_frequency = PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_REPORT_FREQ__FLSRF_ONCE;
-	request_config.period = 0;
-	/* Need to make sure that the ue flags are saved (Bug) */
-	if (report_config.nr_ue == 0) {
-	  report_config.nr_ue = 1;
-	  report_config.ue_report_type = (ue_report_type_t *) malloc(sizeof(ue_report_type_t));
-	   if (report_config.ue_report_type == NULL) {
-	     // TODO: Add appropriate error code
-	     err_code = -100;
-	     goto error;
-	   }
-	   report_config.ue_report_type[0].ue_rnti = 0; // Dummy value
-	   report_config.ue_report_type[0].ue_report_flags = ue_flags;
-	}
-	request_config.config = &report_config;
-	flexran_agent_mac_stats_request(enb_id, xid, &request_config, &timer_msg);
-	/* Create a timer */
-	long timer_id = 0;
-	flexran_agent_timer_args_t *timer_args;
-	timer_args = malloc(sizeof(flexran_agent_timer_args_t));
-	memset (timer_args, 0, sizeof(flexran_agent_timer_args_t));
-	timer_args->mod_id = enb_id;
-	timer_args->msg = timer_msg;
-	/*Convert subframes to usec time*/
-	usec_interval = 1000*comp_req->sf;
-	sec_interval = 0;
-	/*add seconds if required*/
-	if (usec_interval >= 1000*1000) {
-	  sec_interval = usec_interval/(1000*1000);
-	  usec_interval = usec_interval%(1000*1000);
-	}
-	flexran_agent_create_timer(sec_interval, usec_interval, FLEXRAN_AGENT_DEFAULT, enb_id, FLEXRAN_AGENT_TIMER_TYPE_PERIODIC, xid, flexran_agent_handle_timed_task,(void*) timer_args, &timer_id);
-      } else if (comp_req->report_frequency == PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_REPORT_FREQ__FLSRF_CONTINUOUS) {
-	/*If request was for continuous updates, disable the previous configuration and
-	  set up a new one*/
-	flexran_agent_disable_cont_mac_stats_update(mod_id);
-	stats_request_config_t request_config;
-	request_config.report_type = PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_TYPE__FLST_COMPLETE_STATS;
-	request_config.report_frequency = PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_REPORT_FREQ__FLSRF_ONCE;
-	request_config.period = 0;
-	/* Need to make sure that the ue flags are saved (Bug) */
-	if (report_config.nr_ue == 0) {
-	  report_config.nr_ue = 1;
-	  report_config.ue_report_type = (ue_report_type_t *) malloc(sizeof(ue_report_type_t));
-	  if (report_config.ue_report_type == NULL) {
-	    // TODO: Add appropriate error code
-	    err_code = -100;
-	    goto error;
-	  }
-	  report_config.ue_report_type[0].ue_rnti = 0; // Dummy value
-	  report_config.ue_report_type[0].ue_report_flags = ue_flags;
-	}
-	request_config.config = &report_config;
-	flexran_agent_enable_cont_mac_stats_update(enb_id, xid, &request_config);
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-    Protocol__FlexCellStatsRequest *cell_req = stats_req->cell_stats_request;
-    // UE report config will be blank
-    report_config.nr_ue = 0;
-    report_config.ue_report_type = NULL;
-    report_config.nr_cc = cell_req->n_cell;
-    report_config.cc_report_type = (cc_report_type_t *) malloc(sizeof(cc_report_type_t) * report_config.nr_cc);
-    if (report_config.cc_report_type == NULL) {
-      // TODO: Add appropriate error code
-      err_code = -100;
-      goto error;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < report_config.nr_cc; i++) {
-	//TODO: Must fill in the proper cell ids
-      report_config.cc_report_type[i].cc_id = cell_req->cell[i];
-      report_config.cc_report_type[i].cc_report_flags = cell_req->flags;
-    }
-    break;
-    Protocol__FlexUeStatsRequest *ue_req = stats_req->ue_stats_request;
-    // Cell report config will be blank
-    report_config.nr_cc = 0;
-    report_config.cc_report_type = NULL;
-    report_config.nr_ue = ue_req->n_rnti;
-    report_config.ue_report_type = (ue_report_type_t *) malloc(sizeof(ue_report_type_t) * report_config.nr_ue);
-    if (report_config.ue_report_type == NULL) {
-      // TODO: Add appropriate error code
-      err_code = -100;
-      goto error;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < report_config.nr_ue; i++) {
-      report_config.ue_report_type[i].ue_rnti = ue_req->rnti[i];
-      report_config.ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags = ue_req->flags;
-    }
-    break;
-  default:
-    //TODO: Add appropriate error code
-    err_code = -100;
-    goto error;
-  }
+  /* Allocate memory for list of UE reports */
+  if (report_config->nr_ue > 0) {
-  if (flexran_agent_mac_stats_reply(enb_id, xid, &report_config, msg) < 0 ){
-    goto error;
-  }
+          for (i = 0; i < report_config->nr_ue; i++) {
+                /* Check flag for creation of buffer status report */
+                if (report_config->ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATS_TYPE__FLUST_BSR) {
+                      //TODO should be automated
+                        ue_report[i]->n_bsr = 4; 
+                        uint32_t *elem;
+                        elem = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*ue_report[i]->n_bsr);
+                        if (elem == NULL)
+                               goto error;
+                        for (j = 0; j < ue_report[i]->n_bsr; j++) {
+                                // NN: we need to know the cc_id here, consider the first one 
+                                elem[j] = flexran_get_ue_bsr (enb_id, i, j); 
+                        }
+                        ue_report[i]->bsr = elem;
+                }
+                /* Check flag for creation of PHR report */
+                if (report_config->ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATS_TYPE__FLUST_PHR) {
+                        ue_report[i]->phr = flexran_get_ue_phr (enb_id, i); // eNB_UE_list->UE_template[UE_PCCID(enb_id,i)][i].phr_info;
+                        ue_report[i]->has_phr = 1;
+                }
+                /* Check flag for creation of RLC buffer status report */
+                if (report_config->ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATS_TYPE__FLUST_RLC_BS) {
+                        ue_report[i]->n_rlc_report = 3; // Set this to the number of LCs for this UE. This needs to be generalized for for LCs
+                        Protocol__FlexRlcBsr ** rlc_reports;
+                        rlc_reports = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexRlcBsr *) * ue_report[i]->n_rlc_report);
+                        if (rlc_reports == NULL)
+                              goto error;
+                        // NN: see LAYER2/openair2_proc.c for rlc status
+                        for (j = 0; j < ue_report[i]->n_rlc_report; j++) {
+                              rlc_reports[j] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexRlcBsr));
+                              if (rlc_reports[j] == NULL)
+                                 goto error;
+                              protocol__flex_rlc_bsr__init(rlc_reports[j]);
+                              rlc_reports[j]->lc_id = j+1;
+                              rlc_reports[j]->has_lc_id = 1;
+                              rlc_reports[j]->tx_queue_size = flexran_get_tx_queue_size(enb_id, i, j + 1, "bytes_buffer");
+                              rlc_reports[j]->has_tx_queue_size = 1;
+                              //TODO:Set tx queue head of line delay in ms
+                              rlc_reports[j]->tx_queue_hol_delay = flexran_get_tx_queue_size(enb_id, i, j + 1, "head_line");
+                              rlc_reports[j]->has_tx_queue_hol_delay = 1;
+                              //TODO:Set retransmission queue size in bytes
+                              rlc_reports[j]->retransmission_queue_size = 10;
+                              rlc_reports[j]->has_retransmission_queue_size = 0;
+                              //TODO:Set retransmission queue head of line delay in ms
+                              rlc_reports[j]->retransmission_queue_hol_delay = 100;
+                              rlc_reports[j]->has_retransmission_queue_hol_delay = 0;
+                              //TODO DONE:Set current size of the pending message in bytes
+                              rlc_reports[j]->status_pdu_size = flexran_get_hol_delay(enb_id, i, j + 1);
+                              rlc_reports[j]->has_status_pdu_size = 1;
+                        }
+                        // Add RLC buffer status reports to the full report
+                        if (ue_report[i]->n_rlc_report > 0)
+                            ue_report[i]->rlc_report = rlc_reports;
+                }
+                /* Check flag for creation of MAC CE buffer status report */
+                if (report_config->ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATS_TYPE__FLUST_MAC_CE_BS) {
+                        // TODO: Fill in the actual MAC CE buffer status report
+                        ue_report[i]->pending_mac_ces = (flexran_get_MAC_CE_bitmap_TA(enb_id,i,0) | (0 << 1) | (0 << 2)
+                         | (0 << 3)) & 15; /* Use as bitmap. Set one or more of the; /* Use as bitmap. Set one or more of the
+                                       PROTOCOL__FLEX_CE_TYPE__FLPCET_ values
+                                       found in stats_common.pb-c.h. See
+                                       flex_ce_type in FlexRAN specification */
+                        ue_report[i]->has_pending_mac_ces = 1;
+                }
+                /* Check flag for creation of DL CQI report */
+                if (report_config->ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATS_TYPE__FLUST_DL_CQI) {
+                        // TODO: Fill in the actual DL CQI report for the UE based on its configuration
+                        Protocol__FlexDlCqiReport * dl_report;
+                        dl_report = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexDlCqiReport));
+                        if (dl_report == NULL)
+                          goto error;
+                        protocol__flex_dl_cqi_report__init(dl_report);
+                        dl_report->sfn_sn = flexran_get_sfn_sf(enb_id);
+                        dl_report->has_sfn_sn = 1;
+                        //Set the number of DL CQI reports for this UE. One for each CC
+                        dl_report->n_csi_report = flexran_get_active_CC(enb_id,i);
+                        dl_report->n_csi_report = 1 ;
+                        //Create the actual CSI reports.
+                        Protocol__FlexDlCsi **csi_reports;
+                        csi_reports = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexDlCsi *)*dl_report->n_csi_report);
+                        if (csi_reports == NULL)
+                          goto error;                    
+                        for (j = 0; j < dl_report->n_csi_report; j++) {
+                              csi_reports[j] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexDlCsi));
+                              if (csi_reports[j] == NULL)
+                                goto error;
+                              protocol__flex_dl_csi__init(csi_reports[j]);
+                              //The servCellIndex for this report
+                              csi_reports[j]->serv_cell_index = j;
+                              csi_reports[j]->has_serv_cell_index = 1;
+                              //The rank indicator value for this cc
+                              csi_reports[j]->ri = flexran_get_current_RI(enb_id,i,j);
+                              csi_reports[j]->has_ri = 1;
+                              //TODO: the type of CSI report based on the configuration of the UE
+                              //For now we only support type P10, which only needs a wideband value
+                              //The full set of types can be found in stats_common.pb-c.h and
+                              //in the FlexRAN specifications
+                              csi_reports[j]->type =  PROTOCOL__FLEX_CSI_TYPE__FLCSIT_P10;
+                              csi_reports[j]->has_type = 1;
+                              csi_reports[j]->report_case = PROTOCOL__FLEX_DL_CSI__REPORT_P10CSI;
+                              if(csi_reports[j]->report_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_DL_CSI__REPORT_P10CSI){
+                                    Protocol__FlexCsiP10 *csi10;
+                                    csi10 = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexCsiP10));
+                                    if (csi10 == NULL)
+                                    goto error;
+                                    protocol__flex_csi_p10__init(csi10);
+                                    //TODO: set the wideband value
+                                    // NN: this is also depends on cc_id
+                                    csi10->wb_cqi = flexran_get_ue_wcqi (enb_id, i); //eNB_UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[UE_PCCID(enb_id,i)][i].dl_cqi;
+                                    csi10->has_wb_cqi = 1;
+                                    //Add the type of measurements to the csi report in the proper union type
+                                    csi_reports[j]->p10csi = csi10;
+                              }
+                              else if(csi_reports[j]->report_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_DL_CSI__REPORT_P11CSI){
+                                    Protocol__FlexCsiP11 *csi11;
+                                    csi11 = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexCsiP11));
+                                    if (csi11 == NULL)
+                                    goto error;
+                                    protocol__flex_csi_p11__init(csi11);
+                                    csi11->wb_cqi = flexran_get_ue_wcqi (enb_id, i);                                       
+                                    // According To spec 36.213                                  
+                                    if (flexran_get_antenna_ports(enb_id, j) == 2 && csi_reports[j]->ri == 1) {
+                                        // TODO PMI
+                                        csi11->wb_pmi = flexran_get_ue_pmi(enb_id);                          
+                                        csi11->has_wb_pmi = 1;
+                                       }   
+                                      else if (flexran_get_antenna_ports(enb_id, j) == 2 && csi_reports[j]->ri == 2){
+                                        // TODO PMI
+                                        csi11->wb_pmi = flexran_get_ue_pmi(enb_id);                                      
+                                        csi11->has_wb_pmi = 1;
+                                      }
+                                      else if (flexran_get_antenna_ports(enb_id, j) == 4 && csi_reports[j]->ri == 2){
+                                        // TODO PMI
+                                        csi11->wb_pmi = flexran_get_ue_pmi(enb_id);                                      
+                                        csi11->has_wb_pmi = 1;
+                                      }
+                                      csi11->has_wb_pmi = 0;                                      
+                                      csi_reports[j]->p11csi = csi11;
+                               }
+                              else if(csi_reports[j]->report_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_DL_CSI__REPORT_P20CSI){
+                                    Protocol__FlexCsiP20 *csi20;
+                                    csi20 = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexCsiP20));
+                                    if (csi20 == NULL)
+                                    goto error;
+                                    protocol__flex_csi_p20__init(csi20);
+                                    csi20->wb_cqi = flexran_get_ue_wcqi (enb_id, i);                                       
+                                    csi20->has_wb_cqi = 1;
-  free(report_config.ue_report_type);
-  free(report_config.cc_report_type);
+                                    csi20->bandwidth_part_index = 1 ;//TODO
+                                    csi20->has_bandwidth_part_index = 1;
-  return 0;
+                                    csi20->sb_index = 1 ;//TODO
+                                    csi20->has_sb_index = 1 ;                                     
- error :
-  LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "errno %d occured\n", err_code);
-  return err_code;
-int flexran_agent_mac_stats_request(mid_t mod_id,
-				    xid_t xid,
-				    const stats_request_config_t *report_config,
-				    Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg) {
-  Protocol__FlexHeader *header;
-  int i;
+                                    csi_reports[j]->p20csi = csi20;
-  Protocol__FlexStatsRequest *stats_request_msg;
-  stats_request_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexStatsRequest));
-  if(stats_request_msg == NULL)
-    goto error;
-  protocol__flex_stats_request__init(stats_request_msg);
-  if (flexran_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__FLEX_TYPE__FLPT_STATS_REQUEST, &header) != 0)
-    goto error;
+                              }
-  stats_request_msg->header = header;
+                              else if(csi_reports[j]->report_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_DL_CSI__REPORT_P21CSI){
-  stats_request_msg->type = report_config->report_type;
-  stats_request_msg->has_type = 1;
+                                  // Protocol__FlexCsiP21 *csi21;
+                                  // csi21 = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexCsiP21));
+                                  // if (csi21 == NULL)
+                                  // goto error;
+                                  // protocol__flex_csi_p21__init(csi21);
+                                  // csi21->wb_cqi = flexran_get_ue_wcqi (enb_id, i);                                       
+                                  // csi21->wb_pmi = flexran_get_ue_pmi(enb_id); //TDO inside
+                                  // csi21->has_wb_pmi = 1;
-  switch (report_config->report_type) {
-    Protocol__FlexCompleteStatsRequest *complete_stats;
-    complete_stats = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexCompleteStatsRequest));
-    if(complete_stats == NULL)
-      goto error;
-    protocol__flex_complete_stats_request__init(complete_stats);
-    complete_stats->report_frequency = report_config->report_frequency;
-    complete_stats->has_report_frequency = 1;
-    complete_stats->sf = report_config->period;
-    complete_stats->has_sf = 1;
-    complete_stats->has_cell_report_flags = 1;
-    complete_stats->has_ue_report_flags = 1;
-    if (report_config->config->nr_cc > 0) {
-      complete_stats->cell_report_flags = report_config->config->cc_report_type[0].cc_report_flags;
-    }
-    if (report_config->config->nr_ue > 0) {
-      complete_stats->ue_report_flags = report_config->config->ue_report_type[0].ue_report_flags;
-    }
-    stats_request_msg->complete_stats_request = complete_stats;
-    break;
-    stats_request_msg->body_case = PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_REQUEST__BODY_CELL_STATS_REQUEST;
-     Protocol__FlexCellStatsRequest *cell_stats;
-     cell_stats = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexCellStatsRequest));
-    if(cell_stats == NULL)
-      goto error;
-    protocol__flex_cell_stats_request__init(cell_stats);
-    cell_stats->n_cell = report_config->config->nr_cc;
-    cell_stats->has_flags = 1;
-    if (cell_stats->n_cell > 0) {
-      uint32_t *cells;
-      cells = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*cell_stats->n_cell);
-      for (i = 0; i < cell_stats->n_cell; i++) {
-	cells[i] = report_config->config->cc_report_type[i].cc_id;
-      }
-      cell_stats->cell = cells;
-      cell_stats->flags = report_config->config->cc_report_type[i].cc_report_flags;
-    }
-    stats_request_msg->cell_stats_request = cell_stats;
-    break;
-    stats_request_msg->body_case = PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_REQUEST__BODY_UE_STATS_REQUEST;
-     Protocol__FlexUeStatsRequest *ue_stats;
-     ue_stats = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUeStatsRequest));
-    if(ue_stats == NULL)
-      goto error;
-    protocol__flex_ue_stats_request__init(ue_stats);
-    ue_stats->n_rnti = report_config->config->nr_ue;
-    ue_stats->has_flags = 1;
-    if (ue_stats->n_rnti > 0) {
-      uint32_t *ues;
-      ues = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*ue_stats->n_rnti);
-      for (i = 0; i < ue_stats->n_rnti; i++) {
-	ues[i] = report_config->config->ue_report_type[i].ue_rnti;
-      }
-      ue_stats->rnti = ues;
-      ue_stats->flags = report_config->config->ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags;
-    }
-    stats_request_msg->ue_stats_request = ue_stats;
-    break;
-  default:
-    goto error;
-  }
-  *msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexranMessage));
-  if(*msg == NULL)
-    goto error;
-  protocol__flexran_message__init(*msg);
-  (*msg)->stats_request_msg = stats_request_msg;
-  return 0;
+                                  // csi21->sb_cqi = 1; // TODO 
+                                  // csi21->bandwidth_part_index = 1 ; //TDO inside
+                                  // csi21->has_bandwidth_part_index = 1 ;   
- error:
-  // TODO: Need to make proper error handling
-  if (header != NULL)
-    free(header);
-  if (stats_request_msg != NULL)
-    free(stats_request_msg);
-  if(*msg != NULL)
-    free(*msg);
-  //LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__);
-  return -1;
+                                  // csi21->sb_index = 1 ;//TODO
+                                  // csi21->has_sb_index = 1 ;                                     
-int flexran_agent_mac_destroy_stats_request(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) {
-    goto error;
-  free(msg->stats_request_msg->header);
-  if (msg->stats_request_msg->body_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_REQUEST__BODY_CELL_STATS_REQUEST) {
-    free(msg->stats_request_msg->cell_stats_request->cell);
-  }
-  if (msg->stats_request_msg->body_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_REQUEST__BODY_UE_STATS_REQUEST) {
-    free(msg->stats_request_msg->ue_stats_request->rnti);
-  }
-  free(msg->stats_request_msg);
-  free(msg);
-  return 0;
- error:
-  //LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__);
-  return -1;
+                                  // csi_reports[j]->p20csi = csi21;
-int flexran_agent_mac_stats_reply(mid_t mod_id,
-				  xid_t xid,
-				  const report_config_t *report_config,
-				  Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg) {
-  Protocol__FlexHeader *header;
-  int i, j, k;
-  int enb_id = mod_id;
-  //eNB_MAC_INST *eNB = &eNB_mac_inst[enb_id];
-  //UE_list_t *eNB_UE_list=  &eNB->UE_list;
-  Protocol__FlexStatsReply *stats_reply_msg;
-  stats_reply_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexStatsReply));
-  if (stats_reply_msg == NULL)
-    goto error;
-  protocol__flex_stats_reply__init(stats_reply_msg);
-  if (flexran_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__FLEX_TYPE__FLPT_STATS_REPLY, &header) != 0)
-    goto error;
+                              }
-  stats_reply_msg->header = header;
+                              else if(csi_reports[j]->report_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_DL_CSI__REPORT_A12CSI){
-  stats_reply_msg->n_ue_report = report_config->nr_ue;
-  stats_reply_msg->n_cell_report = report_config->nr_cc;
-  Protocol__FlexUeStatsReport **ue_report;
-  Protocol__FlexCellStatsReport **cell_report;
-  /* Allocate memory for list of UE reports */
-  if (report_config->nr_ue > 0) {
-    ue_report = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUeStatsReport *) * report_config->nr_ue);
-    if (ue_report == NULL)
-      goto error;
-    for (i = 0; i < report_config->nr_ue; i++) {
-      ue_report[i] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUeStatsReport));
-      protocol__flex_ue_stats_report__init(ue_report[i]);
-      ue_report[i]->rnti = report_config->ue_report_type[i].ue_rnti;
-      ue_report[i]->has_rnti = 1;
-      ue_report[i]->flags = report_config->ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags;
-      ue_report[i]->has_flags = 1;
-      /* Check the types of reports that need to be constructed based on flag values */
-      /* Check flag for creation of buffer status report */
-      if (report_config->ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATS_TYPE__FLUST_BSR) {
-	ue_report[i]->n_bsr = 4;
-	uint32_t *elem;
-	elem = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*ue_report[i]->n_bsr);
-	if (elem == NULL)
-	  goto error;
-	for (j = 0; j < ue_report[i]->n_bsr; j++) {
-	  // NN: we need to know the cc_id here, consider the first one
-	  elem[j] = flexran_get_ue_bsr (enb_id, i, j); 
-	}
-	ue_report[i]->bsr = elem;
-      }
-      /* Check flag for creation of PRH report */
-      if (report_config->ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATS_TYPE__FLUST_PRH) {
-	ue_report[i]->phr = flexran_get_ue_phr (enb_id, i); // eNB_UE_list->UE_template[UE_PCCID(enb_id,i)][i].phr_info;
-	ue_report[i]->has_phr = 1;
-      }
+                                  // Protocol__FlexCsiA12 *csi12;
+                                  // csi12 = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexCsiA12));
+                                  // if (csi12 == NULL)
+                                  // goto error;
+                                  // protocol__flex_csi_a12__init(csi12);
+                                  // csi12->wb_cqi = flexran_get_ue_wcqi (enb_id, i);                                       
+                                  // csi12->sb_pmi = 1 ; //TODO inside                                                                      
-      /* Check flag for creation of RLC buffer status report */
-      if (report_config->ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATS_TYPE__FLUST_RLC_BS) {
-	ue_report[i]->n_rlc_report = 3; // Set this to the number of LCs for this UE. This needs to be generalized for for LCs
-	Protocol__FlexRlcBsr ** rlc_reports;
-	rlc_reports = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexRlcBsr *) * ue_report[i]->n_rlc_report);
-	if (rlc_reports == NULL)
-	  goto error;
-	// NN: see LAYER2/openair2_proc.c for rlc status
-	for (j = 0; j < ue_report[i]->n_rlc_report; j++) {
-	  rlc_reports[j] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexRlcBsr));
-	  if (rlc_reports[j] == NULL)
-	    goto error;
-	  protocol__flex_rlc_bsr__init(rlc_reports[j]);
-	  rlc_reports[j]->lc_id = j + 1;
-	  rlc_reports[j]->has_lc_id = 1;
-	  rlc_reports[j]->tx_queue_size = flexran_get_tx_queue_size(enb_id,i,j + 1);
-	  rlc_reports[j]->has_tx_queue_size = 1;
-	  //TODO:Set tx queue head of line delay in ms
-	  rlc_reports[j]->tx_queue_hol_delay = flexran_get_hol_delay(enb_id, i, j+1);
-	  rlc_reports[j]->has_tx_queue_hol_delay = 1;
-	  //TODO:Set retransmission queue size in bytes
-	  rlc_reports[j]->retransmission_queue_size = 10;
-	  rlc_reports[j]->has_retransmission_queue_size = 0;
-	  //TODO:Set retransmission queue head of line delay in ms
-	  rlc_reports[j]->retransmission_queue_hol_delay = 100;
-	  rlc_reports[j]->has_retransmission_queue_hol_delay = 0;
-	  //TODO:Set current size of the pending message in bytes
-	  rlc_reports[j]->status_pdu_size = 100;
-	  rlc_reports[j]->has_status_pdu_size = 0;
-	}
-	// Add RLC buffer status reports to the full report
-	if (ue_report[i]->n_rlc_report > 0)
-	  ue_report[i]->rlc_report = rlc_reports;
-      }
+                                  // TODO continou
+                              }
-      /* Check flag for creation of MAC CE buffer status report */
-      if (report_config->ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATS_TYPE__FLUST_MAC_CE_BS) {
-	// TODO: Fill in the actual MAC CE buffer status report
-	ue_report[i]->pending_mac_ces = (flexran_get_MAC_CE_bitmap_TA(enb_id,i,0) | (0 << 1) | (0 << 2) | (0 << 3)) & 15;  /* Use as bitmap. Set one or more of the
-					       PROTOCOL__FLEX_CE_TYPE__FLPCET_ values
-					       found in stats_common.pb-c.h. See
-					       flex_ce_type in FlexRAN specification */
-	ue_report[i]->has_pending_mac_ces = 1;
-      }
+                              else if(csi_reports[j]->report_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_DL_CSI__REPORT_A22CSI){
-      /* Check flag for creation of DL CQI report */
-      if (report_config->ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATS_TYPE__FLUST_DL_CQI) {
-	// TODO: Fill in the actual DL CQI report for the UE based on its configuration
-	Protocol__FlexDlCqiReport * dl_report;
-	dl_report = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexDlCqiReport));
-	if (dl_report == NULL)
-	  goto error;
-	protocol__flex_dl_cqi_report__init(dl_report);
-	dl_report->sfn_sn = flexran_get_sfn_sf(enb_id);
-	dl_report->has_sfn_sn = 1;
-	//Set the number of DL CQI reports for this UE. One for each CC
-	dl_report->n_csi_report = flexran_get_active_CC(enb_id,i);
-	//Create the actual CSI reports.
-	Protocol__FlexDlCsi **csi_reports;
-	csi_reports = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexDlCsi *)*dl_report->n_csi_report);
-	if (csi_reports == NULL)
-	  goto error;
-	for (j = 0; j < dl_report->n_csi_report; j++) {
-	  csi_reports[j] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexDlCsi));
-	  if (csi_reports[j] == NULL)
-	    goto error;
-	  protocol__flex_dl_csi__init(csi_reports[j]);
-	  //The servCellIndex for this report
-	  csi_reports[j]->serv_cell_index = j;
-	  csi_reports[j]->has_serv_cell_index = 1;
-	  //The rank indicator value for this cc
-	  csi_reports[j]->ri = flexran_get_current_RI(enb_id,i,j);
-	  csi_reports[j]->has_ri = 1;
-	  //TODO: the type of CSI report based on the configuration of the UE
-	  //For now we only support type P10, which only needs a wideband value
-	  //The full set of types can be found in stats_common.pb-c.h and
-	  //in the FlexRAN specifications
-    csi_reports[j]->type =  PROTOCOL__FLEX_CSI_TYPE__FLCSIT_P10;
-		  csi_reports[j]->has_type = 1;
-		  csi_reports[j]->report_case = PROTOCOL__FLEX_DL_CSI__REPORT_P10CSI;
-		  if(csi_reports[j]->report_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_DL_CSI__REPORT_P10CSI){
-			  Protocol__FlexCsiP10 *csi10;
-			  csi10 = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexCsiP10));
-			  if (csi10 == NULL)
-				goto error;
-			  protocol__flex_csi_p10__init(csi10);
-			  //TODO: set the wideband value
-			  // NN: this is also depends on cc_id
-			  csi10->wb_cqi = flexran_get_ue_wcqi (enb_id, i); //eNB_UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[UE_PCCID(enb_id,i)][i].dl_cqi;
-			  csi10->has_wb_cqi = 1;
-			  //Add the type of measurements to the csi report in the proper union type
-			  csi_reports[j]->p10csi = csi10;
-		  }
-		  else if(csi_reports[j]->report_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_DL_CSI__REPORT_P11CSI){
-		  }
-		  else if(csi_reports[j]->report_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_DL_CSI__REPORT_P20CSI){
-		  }
-		  else if(csi_reports[j]->report_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_DL_CSI__REPORT_P21CSI){
-		  }
-		  else if(csi_reports[j]->report_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_DL_CSI__REPORT_A12CSI){
-		  }
-		  else if(csi_reports[j]->report_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_DL_CSI__REPORT_A22CSI){
-		  }
-		  else if(csi_reports[j]->report_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_DL_CSI__REPORT_A20CSI){
-		  }
-		  else if(csi_reports[j]->report_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_DL_CSI__REPORT_A30CSI){
-		  }
-		  else if(csi_reports[j]->report_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_DL_CSI__REPORT_A31CSI){
-		  }
-		}
-	//Add the csi reports to the full DL CQI report
-	dl_report->csi_report = csi_reports;
-	//Add the DL CQI report to the stats report
-	ue_report[i]->dl_cqi_report = dl_report;
-      }
+                                    // Protocol__FlexCsiA22 *csi22;
+                                    // csi22 = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexCsiA22));
+                                    // if (csi22 == NULL)
+                                    // goto error;
+                                    // protocol__flex_csi_a22__init(csi22);
+                                    // csi22->wb_cqi = flexran_get_ue_wcqi (enb_id, i);                                       
+                                    // csi22->sb_cqi = 1 ; //TODO inside                                      
-      /* Check flag for creation of paging buffer status report */
-      if (report_config->ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATS_TYPE__FLUST_PBS) {
-	//TODO: Fill in the actual paging buffer status report. For this field to be valid, the RNTI
-	//set in the report must be a P-RNTI
-	Protocol__FlexPagingBufferReport *paging_report;
-	paging_report = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexPagingBufferReport));
-	if (paging_report == NULL)
-	  goto error;
-	protocol__flex_paging_buffer_report__init(paging_report);
-	//Set the number of pending paging messages
-	paging_report->n_paging_info = 1;
-	//Provide a report for each pending paging message
-	Protocol__FlexPagingInfo **p_info;
-	p_info = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexPagingInfo *) * paging_report->n_paging_info);
-	if (p_info == NULL)
-	  goto error;
-	for (j = 0; j < paging_report->n_paging_info; j++) {
-	  p_info[j] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexPagingInfo));
-	  if(p_info[j] == NULL)
-	    goto error;
-	  protocol__flex_paging_info__init(p_info[j]);
-	  //TODO: Set paging index. This index is the same that will be used for the scheduling of the
-	  //paging message by the controller
-	  p_info[j]->paging_index = 10;
-	  p_info[j]->has_paging_index = 0;
-	  //TODO:Set the paging message size
-	  p_info[j]->paging_message_size = 100;
-	  p_info[j]->has_paging_message_size = 0;
-	  //TODO: Set the paging subframe
-	  p_info[j]->paging_subframe = 10;
-	  p_info[j]->has_paging_subframe = 0;
-	  //TODO: Set the carrier index for the pending paging message
-	  p_info[j]->carrier_index = 0;
-	  p_info[j]->has_carrier_index = 0;
-	}
-	//Add all paging info to the paging buffer rerport
-	paging_report->paging_info = p_info;
-	//Add the paging report to the UE report
-	ue_report[i]->pbr = paging_report;
-      }
+                                    // csi22->wb_pmi = flexran_get_ue_wcqi (enb_id, i);                                       
+                                    // csi22->has_wb_pmi = 1;
+                                    // csi22->sb_pmi = 1 ; //TODO inside                                                                            
+                                    // csi22->has_wb_pmi = 1;
-      /* Check flag for creation of UL CQI report */
-      if (report_config->ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATS_TYPE__FLUST_UL_CQI) {
-	//Fill in the full UL CQI report of the UE
-	Protocol__FlexUlCqiReport *full_ul_report;
-	full_ul_report = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUlCqiReport));
-	if(full_ul_report == NULL)
-	  goto error;
-	protocol__flex_ul_cqi_report__init(full_ul_report);
-	//TODO:Set the SFN and SF of the generated report
-	full_ul_report->sfn_sn = flexran_get_sfn_sf(enb_id);
-	full_ul_report->has_sfn_sn = 1;
-	//TODO:Set the number of UL measurement reports based on the types of measurements
-	//configured for this UE and on the servCellIndex
-	full_ul_report->n_cqi_meas = 1;
-	Protocol__FlexUlCqi **ul_report;
-	ul_report = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUlCqi *) * full_ul_report->n_cqi_meas);
-	if(ul_report == NULL)
-	  goto error;
-	//Fill each UL report of the UE for each of the configured report types
-	for(j = 0; j < full_ul_report->n_cqi_meas; j++) {
-	  ul_report[j] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUlCqi));
-	  if(ul_report[j] == NULL)
-	  goto error;
-	  protocol__flex_ul_cqi__init(ul_report[j]);
-	  //TODO: Set the type of the UL report. As an example set it to SRS UL report
-	  // See enum flex_ul_cqi_type in FlexRAN specification for more details
-	  ul_report[j]->type = PROTOCOL__FLEX_UL_CQI_TYPE__FLUCT_SRS;
-	  ul_report[j]->has_type = 1;
-	  //TODO:Set the number of SINR measurements based on the report type
-	  //See struct flex_ul_cqi in FlexRAN specification for more details
-	  ul_report[j]->n_sinr = 0;
-	  uint32_t *sinr_meas;
-	  sinr_meas = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * ul_report[j]->n_sinr);
-	  if (sinr_meas == NULL)
-	    goto error;
-	  //TODO:Set the SINR measurements for the specified type
-	  for (k = 0; k < ul_report[j]->n_sinr; k++) {
-	    sinr_meas[k] = 10;
-	  }
-	  ul_report[j]->sinr = sinr_meas;
-	  //TODO: Set the servCellIndex for this report
-	  ul_report[j]->serv_cell_index = 0;
-	  ul_report[j]->has_serv_cell_index = 1;
-	  //Set the list of UL reports of this UE to the full UL report
-	  full_ul_report->cqi_meas = ul_report;
-	  full_ul_report->n_pucch_dbm = MAX_NUM_CCs;
-	  full_ul_report->pucch_dbm = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexPucchDbm *) * full_ul_report->n_pucch_dbm);
-	  for (j = 0; j < MAX_NUM_CCs; j++) {
-	    full_ul_report->pucch_dbm[j] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexPucchDbm));
-	    protocol__flex_pucch_dbm__init(full_ul_report->pucch_dbm[j]);
-	    full_ul_report->pucch_dbm[j]->has_serv_cell_index = 1;
-	    full_ul_report->pucch_dbm[j]->serv_cell_index = j;
-	    if(flexran_get_p0_pucch_dbm(enb_id,i, j) != -1){
-	      full_ul_report->pucch_dbm[j]->p0_pucch_dbm = flexran_get_p0_pucch_dbm(enb_id,i,j);
-	      full_ul_report->pucch_dbm[j]->has_p0_pucch_dbm = 1;
-	    }
-	    full_ul_report->pucch_dbm[j]->has_p0_pucch_updated = 1;
-	    full_ul_report->pucch_dbm[j]->p0_pucch_updated = flexran_get_p0_pucch_status(enb_id, i, j);
-	  }
+                                    // csi22->sb_list = flexran_get_ue_wcqi (enb_id, i);                                       
-	  //Add full UL CQI report to the UE report
-	  ue_report[i]->ul_cqi_report = full_ul_report;
-	}
-      }
-    }
-    /* Add list of all UE reports to the message */
-    stats_reply_msg->ue_report = ue_report;
-  }
+                                }
+                                else if(csi_reports[j]->report_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_DL_CSI__REPORT_A20CSI){
+                                    // Protocol__FlexCsiA20 *csi20;
+                                    // csi20 = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexCsiA20));
+                                    // if (csi20 == NULL)
+                                    // goto error;
+                                    // protocol__flex_csi_a20__init(csi20);
+                                    // csi20->wb_cqi = flexran_get_ue_wcqi (enb_id, i);                                       
+                                    // csi20->has_wb_cqi = 1;
+                                    // csi20>sb_cqi = 1 ; //TODO inside                                      
+                                    // csi20>has_sb_cqi = 1 ;
+                                    // csi20->sb_list = 1; // TODO inside
+                                }
+                                else if(csi_reports[j]->report_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_DL_CSI__REPORT_A30CSI){
+                                }
+                                else if(csi_reports[j]->report_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_DL_CSI__REPORT_A31CSI){
+                                }
+                        }
+                     //Add the csi reports to the full DL CQI report
+                    dl_report->csi_report = csi_reports;
+                    //Add the DL CQI report to the stats report
+                     ue_report[i]->dl_cqi_report = dl_report;
+                }
+                /* Check flag for creation of paging buffer status report */
+                if (report_config->ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATS_TYPE__FLUST_PBS) {
+                            //TODO: Fill in the actual paging buffer status report. For this field to be valid, the RNTI
+                            //set in the report must be a P-RNTI
+                            Protocol__FlexPagingBufferReport *paging_report;
+                            paging_report = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexPagingBufferReport));
+                            if (paging_report == NULL)
+                              goto error;
+                            protocol__flex_paging_buffer_report__init(paging_report);
+                            //Set the number of pending paging messages
+                            paging_report->n_paging_info = 1;
+                            //Provide a report for each pending paging message
+                            Protocol__FlexPagingInfo **p_info;
+                            p_info = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexPagingInfo *) * paging_report->n_paging_info);
+                            if (p_info == NULL)
+                              goto error;
+                            for (j = 0; j < paging_report->n_paging_info; j++) {
+                                    p_info[j] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexPagingInfo));
+                                    if(p_info[j] == NULL)
+                                      goto error;
+                                    protocol__flex_paging_info__init(p_info[j]);
+                                    //TODO: Set paging index. This index is the same that will be used for the scheduling of the
+                                    //paging message by the controller
+                                    p_info[j]->paging_index = 10;
+                                    p_info[j]->has_paging_index = 1;
+                                    //TODO:Set the paging message size
+                                    p_info[j]->paging_message_size = 100;
+                                    p_info[j]->has_paging_message_size = 1;
+                                    //TODO: Set the paging subframe
+                                    p_info[j]->paging_subframe = 10;
+                                    p_info[j]->has_paging_subframe = 1;
+                                    //TODO: Set the carrier index for the pending paging message
+                                    p_info[j]->carrier_index = 0;
+                                    p_info[j]->has_carrier_index = 1;
+                            }
+                            //Add all paging info to the paging buffer rerport
+                            paging_report->paging_info = p_info;
+                            //Add the paging report to the UE report
+                            ue_report[i]->pbr = paging_report;
+                }
+                  /* Check flag for creation of UL CQI report */
+                if (report_config->ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATS_TYPE__FLUST_UL_CQI) {
+                      //Fill in the full UL CQI report of the UE
+                      Protocol__FlexUlCqiReport *full_ul_report;
+                      full_ul_report = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUlCqiReport));
+                      if(full_ul_report == NULL)
+                        goto error;
+                      protocol__flex_ul_cqi_report__init(full_ul_report);
+                      //TODO:Set the SFN and SF of the generated report
+                      full_ul_report->sfn_sn = flexran_get_sfn_sf(enb_id);
+                      full_ul_report->has_sfn_sn = 1;
+                      //TODO:Set the number of UL measurement reports based on the types of measurements
+                      //configured for this UE and on the servCellIndex
+                      full_ul_report->n_cqi_meas = 1;
+                      Protocol__FlexUlCqi **ul_report;
+                      ul_report = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUlCqi *) * full_ul_report->n_cqi_meas);
+                      if(ul_report == NULL)
+                        goto error;
+                      //Fill each UL report of the UE for each of the configured report types
+                      for(j = 0; j < full_ul_report->n_cqi_meas; j++) {
+                              ul_report[j] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUlCqi));
+                              if(ul_report[j] == NULL)
+                              goto error;
+                              protocol__flex_ul_cqi__init(ul_report[j]);
+                              //TODO: Set the type of the UL report. As an example set it to SRS UL report
+                              // See enum flex_ul_cqi_type in FlexRAN specification for more details
+                              ul_report[j]->type = PROTOCOL__FLEX_UL_CQI_TYPE__FLUCT_SRS;
+                              ul_report[j]->has_type = 1;
+                              //TODO:Set the number of SINR measurements based on the report type
+                              //See struct flex_ul_cqi in FlexRAN specification for more details
+                              ul_report[j]->n_sinr = 0;
+                              uint32_t *sinr_meas;
+                              sinr_meas = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * ul_report[j]->n_sinr);
+                              if (sinr_meas == NULL)
+                                goto error;
+                              //TODO:Set the SINR measurements for the specified type
+                              for (k = 0; k < ul_report[j]->n_sinr; k++) {
+                                      sinr_meas[k] = 10;
+                              }
+                              ul_report[j]->sinr = sinr_meas;
+                              //TODO: Set the servCellIndex for this report
+                              ul_report[j]->serv_cell_index = 0;
+                              ul_report[j]->has_serv_cell_index = 1;
+                              //Set the list of UL reports of this UE to the full UL report
+                              full_ul_report->cqi_meas = ul_report;
+                              full_ul_report->n_pucch_dbm = MAX_NUM_CCs;
+                              full_ul_report->pucch_dbm = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexPucchDbm *) * full_ul_report->n_pucch_dbm);
+                              for (j = 0; j < MAX_NUM_CCs; j++) {
+                                      full_ul_report->pucch_dbm[j] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexPucchDbm));
+                                      protocol__flex_pucch_dbm__init(full_ul_report->pucch_dbm[j]);
+                                      full_ul_report->pucch_dbm[j]->has_serv_cell_index = 1;
+                                      full_ul_report->pucch_dbm[j]->serv_cell_index = j;
+                                      if(flexran_get_p0_pucch_dbm(enb_id,i, j) != -1){
+                                        full_ul_report->pucch_dbm[j]->p0_pucch_dbm = flexran_get_p0_pucch_dbm(enb_id,i,j);
+                                        full_ul_report->pucch_dbm[j]->has_p0_pucch_dbm = 1;
+                                      }
+                              }
+                          }
+                        //  Add full UL CQI report to the UE report
+                        ue_report[i]->ul_cqi_report = full_ul_report;
+                     }    
+             }       
+     } 
   /* Allocate memory for list of cell reports */
   if (report_config->nr_cc > 0) {
-    cell_report = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexCellStatsReport *) * report_config->nr_cc);
-    if (cell_report == NULL)
-      goto error;
-    // Fill in the Cell reports
-    for (i = 0; i < report_config->nr_cc; i++) {
-      cell_report[i] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexCellStatsReport));
-      if(cell_report[i] == NULL)
-	goto error;
-      protocol__flex_cell_stats_report__init(cell_report[i]);
-      cell_report[i]->carrier_index = report_config->cc_report_type[i].cc_id;
-      cell_report[i]->has_carrier_index = 1;
-      cell_report[i]->flags = report_config->cc_report_type[i].cc_report_flags;
-      cell_report[i]->has_flags = 1;
-      /* Check flag for creation of noise and interference report */
-      if(report_config->cc_report_type[i].cc_report_flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_CELL_STATS_TYPE__FLCST_NOISE_INTERFERENCE) {
-	// TODO: Fill in the actual noise and interference report for this cell
-	Protocol__FlexNoiseInterferenceReport *ni_report;
-	ni_report = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexNoiseInterferenceReport));
-	if(ni_report == NULL)
-	  goto error;
-	protocol__flex_noise_interference_report__init(ni_report);
-	// Current frame and subframe number
-	ni_report->sfn_sf = flexran_get_sfn_sf(enb_id);
-	ni_report->has_sfn_sf = 1;
-	//TODO:Received interference power in dbm
-	ni_report->rip = 0;
-	ni_report->has_rip = 0;
-	//TODO:Thermal noise power in dbm
-	ni_report->tnp = 0;
-	ni_report->has_tnp = 0;
-	ni_report->p0_nominal_pucch = flexran_get_p0_nominal_pucch(enb_id, 0);
-	ni_report->has_p0_nominal_pucch = 1;
-	cell_report[i]->noise_inter_report = ni_report;
-      }
-    }
-    /* Add list of all cell reports to the message */
-    stats_reply_msg->cell_report = cell_report;
+            // Fill in the Cell reports
+            for (i = 0; i < report_config->nr_cc; i++) {
+                      /* Check flag for creation of noise and interference report */
+                      if(report_config->cc_report_type[i].cc_report_flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_CELL_STATS_TYPE__FLCST_NOISE_INTERFERENCE) {
+                            // TODO: Fill in the actual noise and interference report for this cell
+                            Protocol__FlexNoiseInterferenceReport *ni_report;
+                            ni_report = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexNoiseInterferenceReport));
+                            if(ni_report == NULL)
+                              goto error;
+                            protocol__flex_noise_interference_report__init(ni_report);
+                            // Current frame and subframe number
+                            ni_report->sfn_sf = flexran_get_sfn_sf(enb_id);
+                            ni_report->has_sfn_sf = 1;
+                            //TODO:Received interference power in dbm
+                            ni_report->rip = 0;
+                            ni_report->has_rip = 1;
+                            //TODO:Thermal noise power in dbm
+                            ni_report->tnp = 0;
+                            ni_report->has_tnp = 1;
+                            ni_report->p0_nominal_pucch = flexran_get_p0_nominal_pucch(enb_id, 0);
+                            ni_report->has_p0_nominal_pucch = 1;
+                            cell_report[i]->noise_inter_report = ni_report;
+                      }
+            }
-  *msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexranMessage));
-  if(*msg == NULL)
-    goto error;
-  protocol__flexran_message__init(*msg);
-  (*msg)->stats_reply_msg = stats_reply_msg;
   return 0;
-  // TODO: Need to make proper error handling
-  if (header != NULL)
-    free(header);
-  if (stats_reply_msg != NULL)
-    free(stats_reply_msg);
-  if(*msg != NULL)
-    free(*msg);
-  //LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__);
+  if (cell_report != NULL)
+        free(cell_report);
+  if (ue_report != NULL)
+        free(ue_report);
   return -1;
@@ -1346,58 +1161,7 @@ void flexran_agent_send_sf_trigger(mid_t mod_id) {
   LOG_D(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Could not send sf trigger message\n");
-void flexran_agent_send_update_mac_stats(mid_t mod_id) {
-  Protocol__FlexranMessage *current_report = NULL;
-  void *data;
-  int size;
-  err_code_t err_code;
-  int priority = 0;
-  if (pthread_mutex_lock(mac_stats_context[mod_id].mutex)) {
-    goto error;
-  }
-  if (mac_stats_context[mod_id].cont_update == 1) {
-    /*Create a fresh report with the required flags*/
-    err_code = flexran_agent_mac_handle_stats(mod_id, (void *) mac_stats_context[mod_id].stats_req, &current_report);
-    if (err_code < 0) {
-      goto error;
-    }
-  }
-  /* /\*TODO:Check if a previous reports exists and if yes, generate a report */
-  /*  *that is the diff between the old and the new report, */
-  /*  *respecting the thresholds. Otherwise send the new report*\/ */
-  /* if (mac_stats_context[mod_id].prev_stats_reply != NULL) { */
-  /*   msg = flexran_agent_generate_diff_mac_stats_report(current_report, mac_stats_context[mod_id].prev_stats_reply); */
-  /*   /\*Destroy the old stats*\/ */
-  /*    flexran_agent_destroy_flexran_message(mac_stats_context[mod_id].prev_stats_reply); */
-  /* } */
-  /* /\*Use the current report for future comparissons*\/ */
-  /* mac_stats_context[mod_id].prev_stats_reply = current_report; */
-  if (pthread_mutex_unlock(mac_stats_context[mod_id].mutex)) {
-    goto error;
-  }
-  if (current_report != NULL){
-    data=flexran_agent_pack_message(current_report, &size);
-    /*Send any stats updates using the MAC channel of the eNB*/
-    if (flexran_agent_msg_send(mod_id, FLEXRAN_AGENT_MAC, data, size, priority)) {
-      goto error;
-    }
-    LOG_D(FLEXRAN_AGENT,"sent message with size %d\n", size);
-    return;
-  }
- error:
-  LOG_D(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Could not send sf trigger message\n");
 int flexran_agent_register_mac_xface(mid_t mod_id, AGENT_MAC_xface *xface) {
   if (mac_agent_registered[mod_id]) {
@@ -1408,11 +1172,10 @@ int flexran_agent_register_mac_xface(mid_t mod_id, AGENT_MAC_xface *xface) {
   //xface->agent_ctxt = &shared_ctxt[mod_id];
   xface->flexran_agent_send_sr_info = flexran_agent_send_sr_info;
   xface->flexran_agent_send_sf_trigger = flexran_agent_send_sf_trigger;
-  xface->flexran_agent_send_update_mac_stats = flexran_agent_send_update_mac_stats;
+  //xface->flexran_agent_send_update_mac_stats = flexran_agent_send_update_mac_stats;
   xface->flexran_agent_schedule_ue_spec = flexran_schedule_ue_spec_default;
   //xface->flexran_agent_schedule_ue_spec = flexran_schedule_ue_spec_remote;
   xface->flexran_agent_get_pending_dl_mac_config = flexran_agent_get_pending_dl_mac_config;
-  xface->flexran_agent_notify_ue_state_change = flexran_agent_ue_state_change;
   xface->dl_scheduler_loaded_lib = NULL;
@@ -1427,10 +1190,10 @@ int flexran_agent_unregister_mac_xface(mid_t mod_id, AGENT_MAC_xface *xface) {
   //xface->agent_ctxt = NULL;
   xface->flexran_agent_send_sr_info = NULL;
   xface->flexran_agent_send_sf_trigger = NULL;
-  xface->flexran_agent_send_update_mac_stats = NULL;
+  //xface->flexran_agent_send_update_mac_stats = NULL;
   xface->flexran_agent_schedule_ue_spec = NULL;
   xface->flexran_agent_get_pending_dl_mac_config = NULL;
-  xface->flexran_agent_notify_ue_state_change = NULL;
   xface->dl_scheduler_loaded_lib = NULL;
@@ -1441,89 +1204,7 @@ int flexran_agent_unregister_mac_xface(mid_t mod_id, AGENT_MAC_xface *xface) {
- *Implementations of flexran_agent_mac_internal.h functions
- ******************************************************/
-err_code_t flexran_agent_init_cont_mac_stats_update(mid_t mod_id) {
-  /*Initialize the Mac stats update structure*/
-  /*Initially the continuous update is set to false*/
-  mac_stats_context[mod_id].cont_update = 0;
-  mac_stats_context[mod_id].is_initialized = 1;
-  mac_stats_context[mod_id].stats_req = NULL;
-  mac_stats_context[mod_id].prev_stats_reply = NULL;
-  mac_stats_context[mod_id].mutex = calloc(1, sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));
-  if (mac_stats_context[mod_id].mutex == NULL)
-    goto error;
-  if (pthread_mutex_init(mac_stats_context[mod_id].mutex, NULL))
-    goto error;;
-  return 0;
- error:
-  return -1;
-err_code_t flexran_agent_destroy_cont_mac_stats_update(mid_t mod_id) {
-  /*Disable the continuous updates for the MAC*/
-  mac_stats_context[mod_id].cont_update = 0;
-  mac_stats_context[mod_id].is_initialized = 0;
-  flexran_agent_destroy_flexran_message(mac_stats_context[mod_id].stats_req);
-  flexran_agent_destroy_flexran_message(mac_stats_context[mod_id].prev_stats_reply);
-  free(mac_stats_context[mod_id].mutex);
-  mac_agent_registered[mod_id] = 0;
-  return 1;
-err_code_t flexran_agent_enable_cont_mac_stats_update(mid_t mod_id,
-						      xid_t xid, stats_request_config_t *stats_req) {
-  /*Enable the continuous updates for the MAC*/
-  if (pthread_mutex_lock(mac_stats_context[mod_id].mutex)) {
-    goto error;
-  }
-  Protocol__FlexranMessage *req_msg;
-  flexran_agent_mac_stats_request(mod_id, xid, stats_req, &req_msg);
-  mac_stats_context[mod_id].stats_req = req_msg;
-  mac_stats_context[mod_id].prev_stats_reply = NULL;
-  mac_stats_context[mod_id].cont_update = 1;
-  mac_stats_context[mod_id].xid = xid;
-  if (pthread_mutex_unlock(mac_stats_context[mod_id].mutex)) {
-    goto error;
-  }
-  return 0;
- error:
-  LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "mac_stats_context for eNB %d is not initialized\n", mod_id);
-  return -1;
-err_code_t flexran_agent_disable_cont_mac_stats_update(mid_t mod_id) {
-  /*Disable the continuous updates for the MAC*/
-  if (pthread_mutex_lock(mac_stats_context[mod_id].mutex)) {
-    goto error;
-  }
-  mac_stats_context[mod_id].cont_update = 0;
-  mac_stats_context[mod_id].xid = 0;
-  if (mac_stats_context[mod_id].stats_req != NULL) {
-    flexran_agent_destroy_flexran_message(mac_stats_context[mod_id].stats_req);
-  }
-  if (mac_stats_context[mod_id].prev_stats_reply != NULL) {
-    flexran_agent_destroy_flexran_message(mac_stats_context[mod_id].prev_stats_reply);
-  }
-  if (pthread_mutex_unlock(mac_stats_context[mod_id].mutex)) {
-    goto error;
-  }
-  return 0;
- error:
-  LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "mac_stats_context for eNB %d is not initialized\n", mod_id);
-  return -1;
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/MAC/flexran_agent_mac.h b/openair2/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/MAC/flexran_agent_mac.h
index e2378e93119264517ab2a1c2815e3eddb242d918..d2db860ce45d65908d8a3091531019b9da04acb9 100644
--- a/openair2/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/MAC/flexran_agent_mac.h
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/MAC/flexran_agent_mac.h
@@ -37,50 +37,10 @@
 #include "flexran_agent_common.h"
 #include "flexran_agent_extern.h"
-/* These types will be used to give
-   instructions for the type of stats reports
-   we need to create */
-typedef struct {
-  uint16_t ue_rnti;
-  uint32_t ue_report_flags; /* Indicates the report elements
-			       required for this UE id. See
-			       FlexRAN specification */
-} ue_report_type_t;
-typedef struct {
-  uint16_t cc_id;
-  uint32_t cc_report_flags; /* Indicates the report elements
-			      required for this CC index. See
-			      FlexRAN specification */
-} cc_report_type_t;
-typedef struct {
-  int nr_ue;
-  ue_report_type_t *ue_report_type;
-  int nr_cc;
-  cc_report_type_t *cc_report_type;
-} report_config_t;
-typedef struct stats_request_config_s{
-  uint8_t report_type;
-  uint8_t report_frequency;
-  uint16_t period; /*In number of subframes*/
-  report_config_t *config;
-} stats_request_config_t;
 /* Initialization function for the agent structures etc */
 void flexran_agent_init_mac_agent(mid_t mod_id);
-int flexran_agent_mac_handle_stats(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg);
-/* Statistics request protocol message constructor and destructor */
-int flexran_agent_mac_stats_request(mid_t mod_id, xid_t xid, const stats_request_config_t *report_config, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg);
-int flexran_agent_mac_destroy_stats_request(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
-/* Statistics reply protocol message constructor and destructor */
-int flexran_agent_mac_stats_reply(mid_t mod_id, xid_t xid, const report_config_t *report_config, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg);
-int flexran_agent_mac_destroy_stats_reply(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
 /* Scheduling request information protocol message constructor and estructor */
 int flexran_agent_mac_sr_info(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg);
 int flexran_agent_mac_destroy_sr_info(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
@@ -89,6 +49,10 @@ int flexran_agent_mac_destroy_sr_info(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
 int flexran_agent_mac_sf_trigger(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg);
 int flexran_agent_mac_destroy_sf_trigger(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
+/* Statistics reply protocol message constructor and destructor */
+int flexran_agent_mac_stats_reply(mid_t mod_id, const report_config_t *report_config, Protocol__FlexUeStatsReport **ue_report, Protocol__FlexCellStatsReport **cell_report);
+int flexran_agent_mac_destroy_stats_reply(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
 /* DL MAC scheduling decision protocol message constructor (empty command) and destructor */ 
 int flexran_agent_mac_create_empty_dl_config(mid_t mod_id, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg);
 int flexran_agent_mac_destroy_dl_config(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/MAC/flexran_agent_mac_internal.c b/openair2/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/MAC/flexran_agent_mac_internal.c
index 1fa9852487d6922ba211be4e7affddcedbf3339a..66efafae555aa1c792ebb57fcc677da993569643 100644
--- a/openair2/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/MAC/flexran_agent_mac_internal.c
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/MAC/flexran_agent_mac_internal.c
@@ -180,10 +180,12 @@ Protocol__FlexUeStatsReport * copy_ue_stats_report(Protocol__FlexUeStatsReport *
-  if (copy->flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATS_TYPE__FLUST_PRH) {
-    copy->has_phr = original->has_phr;
-    copy->phr = original->phr;
-  }
+   if (copy->flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATS_TYPE__FLUST_PHR) { 
+     copy->has_phr = original->has_phr;
+     copy->phr = original->phr;
+   }
   if (copy->flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATS_TYPE__FLUST_RLC_BS) {
     copy->n_rlc_report = original->n_rlc_report; 
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/RRC/flexran_agent_rrc.c b/openair2/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/RRC/flexran_agent_rrc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9475b066439bce085b5b8e49ddba44d302d4a794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/RRC/flexran_agent_rrc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+ * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ * the OAI Public License, Version 1.0  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+ *      contact@openairinterface.org
+ */ 
+/*! \file flexran_agent_mac.c
+ * \brief FlexRAN agent Control Module RRC 
+ * \author shahab SHARIAT BAGHERI
+ * \date 2017
+ * \version 0.1
+ */
+#include "flexran_agent_rrc.h"
+#include "liblfds700.h"
+#include "log.h"
+/*Flags showing if a rrc agent has already been registered*/
+unsigned int rrc_agent_registered[NUM_MAX_ENB];
+/*Array containing the Agent-RRC interfaces*/
+AGENT_RRC_xface *agent_rrc_xface[NUM_MAX_ENB];
+/* Ringbuffer related structs used for maintaining the dl rrc config messages */
+//message_queue_t *rrc_dl_config_queue;
+struct lfds700_misc_prng_state rrc_ps[NUM_MAX_ENB];
+struct lfds700_ringbuffer_element *rrc_dl_config_array[NUM_MAX_ENB];
+struct lfds700_ringbuffer_state rrc_ringbuffer_state[NUM_MAX_ENB];
+void flexran_agent_init_rrc_agent(mid_t mod_id) {
+  lfds700_misc_library_init_valid_on_current_logical_core();
+  lfds700_misc_prng_init(&rrc_ps[mod_id]);
+  int num_elements = RINGBUFFER_SIZE + 1;
+  //Allow RINGBUFFER_SIZE messages to be stored in the ringbuffer at any time
+  rrc_dl_config_array[mod_id] = malloc( sizeof(struct lfds700_ringbuffer_element) *  num_elements);
+  lfds700_ringbuffer_init_valid_on_current_logical_core( &rrc_ringbuffer_state[mod_id], rrc_dl_config_array[mod_id], num_elements, &rrc_ps[mod_id], NULL );
+int flexran_agent_ue_state_change(mid_t mod_id, uint32_t rnti, uint8_t state_change) {
+  int size;
+  Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg;
+  Protocol__FlexHeader *header;
+  void *data;
+  int priority;
+  err_code_t err_code;
+  int xid = 0;
+  if (flexran_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__FLEX_TYPE__FLPT_UE_STATE_CHANGE, &header) != 0)
+    goto error;
+  Protocol__FlexUeStateChange *ue_state_change_msg;
+  ue_state_change_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUeStateChange));
+  if(ue_state_change_msg == NULL) {
+    goto error;
+  }
+  protocol__flex_ue_state_change__init(ue_state_change_msg);
+  ue_state_change_msg->has_type = 1;
+  ue_state_change_msg->type = state_change;
+  Protocol__FlexUeConfig *config;
+  config = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUeConfig));
+  if (config == NULL) {
+    goto error;
+  }
+  protocol__flex_ue_config__init(config);
+    // Simply set the rnti of the UE
+    config->has_rnti = 1;
+    config->rnti = rnti;
+        int i = find_UE_id(mod_id, rnti);
+      config->has_rnti = 1;
+      config->rnti = rnti;
+        if(flexran_get_time_alignment_timer(mod_id,i) != -1) {
+          config->time_alignment_timer = flexran_get_time_alignment_timer(mod_id,i);
+          config->has_time_alignment_timer = 1;
+        }
+        if(flexran_get_meas_gap_config(mod_id,i) != -1){
+          config->meas_gap_config_pattern = flexran_get_meas_gap_config(mod_id,i);
+            config->has_meas_gap_config_pattern = 1;
+        }
+        if(config->has_meas_gap_config_pattern == 1 &&
+         config->meas_gap_config_pattern != PROTOCOL__FLEX_MEAS_GAP_CONFIG_PATTERN__FLMGCP_OFF) {
+        config->meas_gap_config_sf_offset = flexran_get_meas_gap_config_offset(mod_id,i);
+        config->has_meas_gap_config_sf_offset = 1;
+        }
+        //TODO: Set the SPS configuration (Optional)
+        //Not supported for now, so we do not set it
+        //TODO: Set the SR configuration (Optional)
+        //We do not set it for now
+        //TODO: Set the CQI configuration (Optional)
+        //We do not set it for now
+      if(flexran_get_ue_transmission_mode(mod_id,i) != -1) {
+          config->transmission_mode = flexran_get_ue_transmission_mode(mod_id,i);
+          config->has_transmission_mode = 1;
+        }
+      config->ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_ul = flexran_get_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_ul(mod_id,i);
+        config->has_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_ul = 1;
+      config->ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_dl = flexran_get_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_dl(mod_id,i);
+        config->has_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_dl = 1;
+        //TODO: Set the UE capabilities
+        Protocol__FlexUeCapabilities *c_capabilities;
+        c_capabilities = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUeCapabilities));
+        protocol__flex_ue_capabilities__init(c_capabilities);
+        //TODO: Set half duplex (FDD operation)
+        c_capabilities->has_half_duplex = 0;
+        c_capabilities->half_duplex = 1;//flexran_get_half_duplex(i);
+        //TODO: Set intra-frame hopping flag
+        c_capabilities->has_intra_sf_hopping = 0;
+        c_capabilities->intra_sf_hopping = 1;//flexran_get_intra_sf_hopping(i);
+        //TODO: Set support for type 2 hopping with n_sb > 1
+        c_capabilities->has_type2_sb_1 = 0;
+        c_capabilities->type2_sb_1 = 1;//flexran_get_type2_sb_1(i);
+        //TODO: Set ue category
+        c_capabilities->has_ue_category = 0;
+        c_capabilities->ue_category = 1;//flexran_get_ue_category(i);
+        //TODO: Set UE support for resource allocation type 1
+        c_capabilities->has_res_alloc_type1 = 0;
+        c_capabilities->res_alloc_type1 = 1;//flexran_get_res_alloc_type1(i);
+        //Set the capabilites to the message
+        config->capabilities = c_capabilities;
+        if(flexran_get_ue_transmission_antenna(mod_id,i) != -1) {
+        config->has_ue_transmission_antenna = 1;
+        config->ue_transmission_antenna = flexran_get_ue_transmission_antenna(mod_id,i);
+        }
+        if(flexran_get_tti_bundling(mod_id,i) != -1) {
+        config->has_tti_bundling = 1;
+        config->tti_bundling = flexran_get_tti_bundling(mod_id,i);
+        }
+        if(flexran_get_maxHARQ_TX(mod_id,i) != -1){
+        config->has_max_harq_tx = 1;
+        config->max_harq_tx = flexran_get_maxHARQ_TX(mod_id,i);
+        }
+        if(flexran_get_beta_offset_ack_index(mod_id,i) != -1) {
+        config->has_beta_offset_ack_index = 1;
+        config->beta_offset_ack_index = flexran_get_beta_offset_ack_index(mod_id,i);
+        }
+        if(flexran_get_beta_offset_ri_index(mod_id,i) != -1) {
+        config->has_beta_offset_ri_index = 1;
+        config->beta_offset_ri_index = flexran_get_beta_offset_ri_index(mod_id,i);
+        }
+        if(flexran_get_beta_offset_cqi_index(mod_id,i) != -1) {
+        config->has_beta_offset_cqi_index = 1;
+        config->beta_offset_cqi_index = flexran_get_beta_offset_cqi_index(mod_id,i);
+        }
+        if(flexran_get_ack_nack_simultaneous_trans(mod_id,i) != -1) {
+        config->has_ack_nack_simultaneous_trans = 1;
+        config->ack_nack_simultaneous_trans = flexran_get_ack_nack_simultaneous_trans(mod_id,i);
+        }
+        if(flexran_get_simultaneous_ack_nack_cqi(mod_id,i) != -1) {
+        config->has_simultaneous_ack_nack_cqi = 1;
+        config->simultaneous_ack_nack_cqi = flexran_get_simultaneous_ack_nack_cqi(mod_id,i);
+        }
+        if(flexran_get_aperiodic_cqi_rep_mode(mod_id,i) != -1) {
+        config->has_aperiodic_cqi_rep_mode = 1;
+        int mode = flexran_get_aperiodic_cqi_rep_mode(mod_id,i);
+        if (mode > 4) {
+          config->aperiodic_cqi_rep_mode = PROTOCOL__FLEX_APERIODIC_CQI_REPORT_MODE__FLACRM_NONE;
+        } else {
+          config->aperiodic_cqi_rep_mode = mode;
+        }
+        }
+        if(flexran_get_tdd_ack_nack_feedback(mod_id, i) != -1) {
+        config->has_tdd_ack_nack_feedback = 1;
+        config->tdd_ack_nack_feedback = flexran_get_tdd_ack_nack_feedback(mod_id,i);
+        }
+        if(flexran_get_ack_nack_repetition_factor(mod_id, i) != -1) {
+        config->has_ack_nack_repetition_factor = 1;
+        config->ack_nack_repetition_factor = flexran_get_ack_nack_repetition_factor(mod_id,i);
+        }
+        if(flexran_get_extended_bsr_size(mod_id, i) != -1) {
+        config->has_extended_bsr_size = 1;
+        config->extended_bsr_size = flexran_get_extended_bsr_size(mod_id,i);
+        }
+      config->has_pcell_carrier_index = 1;
+      config->pcell_carrier_index = UE_PCCID(mod_id, i);
+        //TODO: Set carrier aggregation support (boolean)
+        config->has_ca_support = 0;
+        config->ca_support = 0;
+        if(config->has_ca_support){
+        //TODO: Set cross carrier scheduling support (boolean)
+        config->has_cross_carrier_sched_support = 1;
+        config->cross_carrier_sched_support = 0;
+        //TODO: Set secondary cells configuration
+        // We do not set it for now. No carrier aggregation support
+        //TODO: Set deactivation timer for secondary cell
+        config->has_scell_deactivation_timer = 0;
+        config->scell_deactivation_timer = 0;
+        }
+  } else if (state_change == PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATE_CHANGE_TYPE__FLUESC_MOVED) {
+    // TODO: Not supported for now. Leave blank
+  }
+  ue_state_change_msg->config = config;
+  msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexranMessage));
+  if (msg == NULL) {
+    goto error;
+  }
+  protocol__flexran_message__init(msg);
+  msg->ue_state_change_msg = ue_state_change_msg;
+  data = flexran_agent_pack_message(msg, &size);
+  /*Send sr info using the MAC channel of the eNB*/
+  if (flexran_agent_msg_send(mod_id, FLEXRAN_AGENT_DEFAULT, data, size, priority)) {
+    goto error;
+  }
+  LOG_D(FLEXRAN_AGENT,"sent message with size %d\n", size);
+  return;
+ error:
+  LOG_D(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Could not send UE state message\n");
+int flexran_agent_destroy_ue_state_change(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) {
+    goto error;
+  free(msg->ue_state_change_msg->header);
+  //TODO: Free the contents of the UE config structure
+  free(msg->ue_state_change_msg);
+  free(msg);
+  return 0;
+ error:
+  //LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__);
+  return -1;
+/* this is called by RRC as a part of rrc xface  . The controller previously requested  this*/ 
+int flexran_trigger_rrc_measurements (mid_t mod_id, MeasResults_t*  measResults) {
+  // int i, m, k;
+  int                   priority;
+  void                  *data;
+  int                   size;
+  err_code_t             err_code;
+  Protocol__FlexUeStatsReport **ue_report;
+  Protocol__FlexCellStatsReport **cell_report;
+  Protocol__FlexStatsReply *stats_reply_msg;
+  Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg;
+  Protocol__FlexHeader *header;
+  int xid = 0;
+  int i;
+  if (flexran_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__FLEX_TYPE__FLPT_STATS_REPLY, &header) != 0)
+    goto error;
+  stats_reply_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexStatsReply));
+  if (stats_reply_msg == NULL)
+    goto error;
+  protocol__flex_stats_reply__init(stats_reply_msg);
+  stats_reply_msg->header = header;
+  stats_reply_msg->n_ue_report = 1;
+  stats_reply_msg->n_cell_report = 1;
+/****** LOCK ******************************************************************/
+  // pthread_spin_lock(&rrc_meas_t_lock);
+  // struct rrc_meas_trigg *ctxt;
+  // ctxt = rrc_meas_get_trigg(p->rnti, p->meas->measId);
+  // pthread_spin_unlock(&rrc_meas_t_lock);
+/****** UNLOCK ****************************************************************/
+  // if (ctxt == NULL) {
+  //   flexran_RRC_meas_reconf(p->rnti, -1, p->meas->measId, NULL, NULL);
+  //    Free the measurement report received from UE. 
+  //   ASN_STRUCT_FREE(asn_DEF_MeasResults, p->meas);
+  //   /* Free the params. */
+  //   free(p);
+  //   return 0;
+  // }
+  /* Check here whether trigger is registered in agent and then proceed.
+  */
+  // if (em_has_trigger(mod_id, ctxt->t_id, RRC_MEAS_TRIGGER) == 0) {
+  //   flexran_RRC_meas_reconf(p->rnti, -1, p->meas->measId, NULL, NULL);
+  //   /* Trigger does not exist in agent so remove from wrapper as well. */
+  //   if (rrc_meas_rem_trigg(ctxt) < 0) {
+  //     goto error;
+  //   }
+  // }
+  /* Set the RNTI of the UE. */
+  // repl->rnti = p->rnti;
+  /* Set the request status. */
+  // if (p->reconfig_success == 0) {
+  //   repl->status = STATS_REQ_STATUS__SREQS_FAILURE;
+  //   goto error;
+  // }
+  /* Successful outcome. */
+  // repl->status = STATS_REQ_STATUS__SREQS_SUCCESS;
+  /* Set the measurement ID of measurement. */
+  // repl->has_measid = 1;
+  // repl->measid = measResults->measId;
+  /* Fill the Primary Cell RSRP and RSRQ. */
+  // repl->has_pcell_rsrp = 1;
+  // repl->has_pcell_rsrq = 1;
+  // #ifdef Rel10
+    // repl->has_pcell_rsrp = 1;
+    // repl->has_pcell_rsrq = 1;
+    // repl->pcell_rsrp = measResults2->measResultPCell.rsrpResult - 140;
+    // repl->pcell_rsrq = (measResults2->measResultPCell.rsrqResult)/2 - 20;
+    ue_report = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUeStatsReport *) * 1);
+          if (ue_report == NULL)
+            goto error;
+    for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
+      ue_report[i] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUeStatsReport));
+       if(ue_report[i] == NULL)
+          goto error;
+      protocol__flex_ue_stats_report__init(ue_report[i]);
+      ue_report[i]->rnti = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id, 0);
+      ue_report[i]->has_rnti = 1;
+       ue_report[i]->flags = 65536;
+       ue_report[i]->has_flags = 1;
+    }
+    cell_report = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexCellStatsReport *) * 1);
+    if (cell_report == NULL)
+       goto error;
+     for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
+      cell_report[i] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexCellStatsReport));
+      if(cell_report[i] == NULL)
+          goto error;
+      protocol__flex_cell_stats_report__init(cell_report[i]);
+      cell_report[i]->carrier_index = 0; //report_config->cc_report_type[i].cc_id;
+      cell_report[i]->has_carrier_index = 1;
+      cell_report[i]->flags = 0; // report_config->cc_report_type[i].cc_report_flags;
+      cell_report[i]->has_flags = 1;
+     }
+    Protocol__FlexRrcMeasurements *rrc_measurements;
+    rrc_measurements = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexRrcMeasurements));
+    if (rrc_measurements == NULL)
+        goto error;
+    protocol__flex_rrc_measurements__init(rrc_measurements);
+    rrc_measurements->measid = measResults->measId;
+    rrc_measurements->has_measid = 1;
+    rrc_measurements->pcell_rsrp = measResults->measResultPCell.rsrpResult - 140;
+    rrc_measurements->has_pcell_rsrp = 1;
+    rrc_measurements->pcell_rsrq = (measResults->measResultPCell.rsrqResult)/2 - 20;                          
+    rrc_measurements->has_pcell_rsrq = 1 ;
+    ue_report[0]->rrc_measurements = rrc_measurements;
+  // #else
+  //   repl->has_pcell_rsrp = 1;
+  //   repl->has_pcell_rsrq = 1;
+  //   repl->pcell_rsrp = RSRP_meas_mapping[meas->
+  //                       measResultServCell.rsrpResult];
+  //   repl->pcell_rsrq = RSRQ_meas_mapping[meas->
+  //                       measResultServCell.rsrqResult];
+  // #endif
+  // repl->neigh_meas = NULL;
+  // if (meas->measResultNeighCells != NULL) {
+  //   /*
+  //   * Neighboring cells measurements performed by UE.
+  //   */
+  //   NeighCellsMeasurements *neigh_meas;
+  //   neigh_meas = malloc(sizeof(NeighCellsMeasurements));
+  //   if (neigh_meas == NULL)
+  //     goto error;
+  //   neigh_cells_measurements__init(neigh_meas);
+  //   /* EUTRAN RRC Measurements. */
+  //   if (meas->measResultNeighCells->present ==
+  //         MeasResults__measResultNeighCells_PR_measResultListEUTRA) {
+  //     MeasResultListEUTRA_t meas_list = meas->measResultNeighCells->
+  //                         choice.measResultListEUTRA;
+  //     /* Set the number of EUTRAN measurements present in report. */
+  //     neigh_meas->n_eutra_meas = meas_list.list.count;
+  //     if (neigh_meas->n_eutra_meas > 0) {
+  //       /* Initialize EUTRAN measurements. */
+  //       EUTRAMeasurements **eutra_meas;
+  //       eutra_meas = malloc(sizeof(EUTRAMeasurements *) *
+  //                         neigh_meas->n_eutra_meas);
+  //       for (i = 0; i < neigh_meas->n_eutra_meas; i++) {
+  //         eutra_meas[i] = malloc(sizeof(EUTRAMeasurements));
+  //         eutra_measurements__init(eutra_meas[i]);
+  //         /* Fill in the physical cell identifier. */
+  //         eutra_meas[i]->has_phys_cell_id = 1;
+  //         eutra_meas[i]->phys_cell_id = meas_list.list.array[i]->
+  //                                 physCellId;
+  //         // log_i(agent,"PCI of Target %d", eutra_meas[i]->phys_cell_id);
+  //         /* Check for Reference signal measurements. */
+  //         if (&(meas_list.list.array[i]->measResult)) {
+  //           /* Initialize Ref. signal measurements. */
+  //           EUTRARefSignalMeas *meas_result;
+  //           meas_result = malloc(sizeof(EUTRARefSignalMeas));
+  //           eutra_ref_signal_meas__init(meas_result);
+  //           if (meas_list.list.array[i]->measResult.rsrpResult) {
+  //             meas_result->has_rsrp = 1;
+  //             meas_result->rsrp = RSRP_meas_mapping[*(meas_list.
+  //                   list.array[i]->measResult.rsrpResult)];
+  //             // log_i(agent,"RSRP of Target %d", meas_result->rsrp);
+  //           }
+  //           if (meas_list.list.array[i]->measResult.rsrqResult) {
+  //             meas_result->has_rsrq = 1;
+  //             meas_result->rsrq = RSRQ_meas_mapping[*(meas_list.
+  //                   list.array[i]->measResult.rsrqResult)];
+  //             // log_i(agent,"RSRQ of Target %d", meas_result->rsrq);
+  //           }
+  //           eutra_meas[i]->meas_result = meas_result;
+  //         }
+  //         /* Check for CGI measurements. */
+  //         if (meas_list.list.array[i]->cgi_Info) {
+  //           /* Initialize CGI measurements. */
+  //           EUTRACgiMeasurements *cgi_meas;
+  //           cgi_meas = malloc(sizeof(EUTRACgiMeasurements));
+  //           eutra_cgi_measurements__init(cgi_meas);
+  //           /* EUTRA Cell Global Identity (CGI). */
+  //           CellGlobalIdEUTRA *cgi;
+  //           cgi = malloc(sizeof(CellGlobalIdEUTRA));
+  //           cell_global_id__eutra__init(cgi);
+  //           cgi->has_cell_id = 1;
+  //           CellIdentity_t cId = meas_list.list.array[i]->
+  //                     cgi_Info->cellGlobalId.cellIdentity;
+  //           cgi->cell_id = (cId.buf[0] << 20) + (cId.buf[1] << 12) +
+  //                   (cId.buf[2] << 4) + (cId.buf[3] >> 4);
+  //           /* Public land mobile network identifier of neighbor
+  //            * cell.
+  //            */
+  //           PlmnIdentity *plmn_id;
+  //           plmn_id = malloc(sizeof(PlmnIdentity));
+  //           plmn_identity__init(plmn_id);
+  //           MNC_t mnc = meas_list.list.array[i]->
+  //                 cgi_Info->cellGlobalId.plmn_Identity.mnc;
+  //           plmn_id->has_mnc = 1;
+  //           plmn_id->mnc = 0;
+  //           for (m = 0; m < mnc.list.count; m++) {
+  //             plmn_id->mnc += *mnc.list.array[m] *
+  //               ((uint32_t) pow(10, mnc.list.count - m - 1));
+  //           }
+  //           MCC_t *mcc = meas_list.list.array[i]->
+  //                 cgi_Info->cellGlobalId.plmn_Identity.mcc;
+  //           plmn_id->has_mcc = 1;
+  //           plmn_id->mcc = 0;
+  //           for (m = 0; m < mcc->list.count; m++) {
+  //             plmn_id->mcc += *mcc->list.array[m] *
+  //               ((uint32_t) pow(10, mcc->list.count - m - 1));
+  //           }
+  //           TrackingAreaCode_t tac = meas_list.list.array[i]->
+  //                         cgi_Info->trackingAreaCode;
+  //           cgi_meas->has_tracking_area_code = 1;
+  //           cgi_meas->tracking_area_code = (tac.buf[0] << 8) +
+  //                               (tac.buf[1]);
+  //           PLMN_IdentityList2_t *plmn_l = meas_list.list.array[i]->
+  //                         cgi_Info->plmn_IdentityList;
+  //           cgi_meas->n_plmn_id = plmn_l->list.count;
+  //           /* Set the PLMN ID list in CGI measurements. */
+  //           PlmnIdentity **plmn_id_l;
+  //           plmn_id_l = malloc(sizeof(PlmnIdentity *) *
+  //                           cgi_meas->n_plmn_id);
+  //           MNC_t mnc2;
+  //           MCC_t *mcc2;
+  //           for (m = 0; m < cgi_meas->n_plmn_id; m++) {
+  //             plmn_id_l[m] = malloc(sizeof(PlmnIdentity));
+  //             plmn_identity__init(plmn_id_l[m]);
+  //             mnc2 = plmn_l->list.array[m]->mnc;
+  //             plmn_id_l[m]->has_mnc = 1;
+  //             plmn_id_l[m]->mnc = 0;
+  //             for (k = 0; k < mnc2.list.count; k++) {
+  //               plmn_id_l[m]->mnc += *mnc2.list.array[k] *
+  //               ((uint32_t) pow(10, mnc2.list.count - k - 1));
+  //             }
+  //             mcc2 = plmn_l->list.array[m]->mcc;
+  //             plmn_id_l[m]->has_mcc = 1;
+  //             plmn_id_l[m]->mcc = 0;
+  //             for (k = 0; k < mcc2->list.count; k++) {
+  //               plmn_id_l[m]->mcc += *mcc2->list.array[k] *
+  //               ((uint32_t) pow(10, mcc2->list.count - k - 1));
+  //             }
+  //           }
+  //           cgi_meas->plmn_id = plmn_id_l;
+  //           eutra_meas[i]->cgi_meas = cgi_meas;
+  //         }
+  //       }
+  //       neigh_meas->eutra_meas = eutra_meas;
+  //     }
+  //   }
+  //   repl->neigh_meas = neigh_meas;
+  // }
+  /* Attach the RRC measurement reply message to RRC measurements message. */
+  // mrrc_meas->repl = repl;
+  /* Attach RRC measurement message to triggered event message. */
+  // te->mrrc_meas = mrrc_meas;
+  // te->has_action = 0;
+  /* Attach the triggered event message to main message. */
+  // reply->te = te;
+  /* Send the report to controller. */
+  // if (flexran_agent_msg_send(b_id, reply) < 0) {
+  //   goto error;
+  // }
+  /* Free the measurement report received from UE. */
+  // ASN_STRUCT_FREE(asn_DEF_MeasResults, p->meas);
+  /* Free the params. */
+  // free(p);
+  stats_reply_msg->cell_report = cell_report;
+  stats_reply_msg->ue_report = ue_report;
+  msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexranMessage));
+  if(msg == NULL)
+    goto error;
+  protocol__flexran_message__init(msg);
+  msg->stats_reply_msg = stats_reply_msg;
+  data = flexran_agent_pack_message(msg, &size);
+  if (flexran_agent_msg_send(mod_id, FLEXRAN_AGENT_DEFAULT, data, size, priority)) {
+    goto error;
+  }
+   LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT,"RRC Trigger is done  \n");
+  return 0;
+  error:
+    LOG_E(RRC, "Error triggering RRC measurements message!");
+    /* Free the measurement report received from UE. */
+    // ASN_STRUCT_FREE(asn_DEF_MeasResults, p->meas);
+    /* Free the params. */
+    // free(p);
+    return -1;
+int flexran_agent_register_rrc_xface(mid_t mod_id, AGENT_RRC_xface *xface) {
+  if (rrc_agent_registered[mod_id]) {
+    LOG_E(RRC, "RRC agent for eNB %d is already registered\n", mod_id);
+    return -1;
+  }
+//  xface->flexran_agent_send_update_rrc_stats = flexran_agent_send_update_rrc_stats;
+  xface->flexran_agent_notify_ue_state_change = flexran_agent_ue_state_change;
+  xface->flexran_trigger_rrc_measurements = flexran_trigger_rrc_measurements;
+  rrc_agent_registered[mod_id] = 1;
+  agent_rrc_xface[mod_id] = xface;
+  return 0;
+int flexran_agent_unregister_rrc_xface(mid_t mod_id, AGENT_RRC_xface *xface) {
+  //xface->agent_ctxt = NULL;
+//  xface->flexran_agent_send_update_rrc_stats = NULL;
+  xface->flexran_agent_notify_ue_state_change = NULL;
+  xface->flexran_trigger_rrc_measurements = NULL;
+  rrc_agent_registered[mod_id] = 0;
+  agent_rrc_xface[mod_id] = NULL;
+  return 0;
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/RRC/flexran_agent_rrc.h b/openair2/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/RRC/flexran_agent_rrc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17b58dac93c7e20f5ae8191fb13fc857d392e8e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/RRC/flexran_agent_rrc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+    OpenAirInterface
+    Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom
+    OpenAirInterface is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenAirInterface is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenAirInterface.The full GNU General Public License is
+   included in this distribution in the file called "COPYING". If not,
+   see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+  Contact Information
+  OpenAirInterface Admin: openair_admin@eurecom.fr
+  OpenAirInterface Tech : openair_tech@eurecom.fr
+  OpenAirInterface Dev  : openair4g-devel@lists.eurecom.fr
+  Address      : Eurecom, Compus SophiaTech 450, route des chappes, 06451 Biot, France.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+/*! \file flexran_agent_rrc.h
+ * \brief FlexRAN agent Control Module RRC header
+ * \author shahab SHARIAT BAGHERI 
+ * \date 2017
+ * \version 0.1
+ */
+#include "header.pb-c.h"
+#include "flexran.pb-c.h"
+#include "stats_messages.pb-c.h"
+#include "stats_common.pb-c.h"
+#include "MeasResults.h"
+#include "flexran_agent_common.h"
+#include "flexran_agent_rrc_defs.h"
+/* Initialization function for the agent structures etc */
+void flexran_agent_init_rrc_agent(mid_t mod_id);
+/* UE state change message constructor and destructor */
+int flexran_agent_ue_state_change(mid_t mod_id, uint32_t rnti, uint8_t state_change);
+int flexran_agent_destroy_ue_state_change(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
+ * FlexRAN agent - technology RRC API
+ **********************************/
+/* Send to the controller all the rrc stat updates that occured during this subframe*/
+// void flexran_agent_send_update_rrc_stats(mid_t mod_id);
+/* this is called by RRC as a part of rrc xface  . The controller previously requested  this*/ 
+int flexran_trigger_rrc_measurements (mid_t mod_id, MeasResults_t *);
+/*Register technology specific interface callbacks*/
+int flexran_agent_register_rrc_xface(mid_t mod_id, AGENT_RRC_xface *xface);
+/*Unregister technology specific callbacks*/
+int flexran_agent_unregister_rrc_xface(mid_t mod_id, AGENT_RRC_xface*xface);
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/RRC/flexran_agent_rrc_defs.h b/openair2/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/RRC/flexran_agent_rrc_defs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..10fc4ba254c400b82b0d60bb1c7d4fb82652c7de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/CONTROL_MODULES/RRC/flexran_agent_rrc_defs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+    OpenAirInterface
+    Copyright(c) 1999 - 2016 Eurecom
+    OpenAirInterface is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenAirInterface is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenAirInterface.The full GNU General Public License is
+   included in this distribution in the file called "COPYING". If not,
+   see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+  Contact Information
+  OpenAirInterface Admin: openair_admin@eurecom.fr
+  OpenAirInterface Tech : openair_tech@eurecom.fr
+  OpenAirInterface Dev  : openair4g-devel@lists.eurecom.fr
+  Address      : Eurecom, Compus SophiaTech 450, route des chappes, 06451 Biot, France.
+ *******************************************************************************/
+/*! \file flexran_agent_rrc_defs.h
+ * \brief FlexRAN agent - RRC interface primitives
+ * \author shahab SHARIAT BAGHERI
+ * \date 2017
+ * \version 0.1
+ * \mail 
+ */
+#include "flexran_agent_defs.h"
+#include "flexran.pb-c.h"
+#include "header.pb-c.h"
+#define RINGBUFFER_SIZE 100
+/* FLEXRAN AGENT-RRC Interface */
+typedef struct {
+  /// Inform the controller about the scheduling requests received during the subframe
+  //void (*flexran_agent_send_update_rrc_stats)(mid_t mod_id);
+   /// Notify the controller for a state change of a particular UE, by sending the proper
+  /// UE state change message (ACTIVATION, DEACTIVATION, HANDOVER)
+  void (*flexran_agent_notify_ue_state_change)(mid_t mod_id, uint32_t rnti,
+                 uint32_t state_change);
+  void (*flexran_trigger_rrc_measurements)(mid_t mod_id, MeasResults_t*  measResults)
+} AGENT_RRC_xface;
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/MESSAGES/V2/flexran.proto b/openair2/ENB_APP/MESSAGES/V2/flexran.proto
index 3a1d40bca69479daaafa42f055e690add87426ef..7fb3a22df8e103103c12162573cf5175ee14f636 100644
--- a/openair2/ENB_APP/MESSAGES/V2/flexran.proto
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/MESSAGES/V2/flexran.proto
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ message flexran_message {
 	      flex_ue_state_change ue_state_change_msg = 15;
 	      flex_control_delegation control_delegation_msg = 16;
 	      flex_agent_reconfiguration agent_reconfiguration_msg = 17;
+	      flex_rrc_triggering rrc_triggering = 18;
@@ -163,6 +164,13 @@ message flex_dl_mac_config {
 	repeated flex_pdcch_ofdm_sym_count ofdm_sym = 6; // OFDM symbol count for each CC
+message flex_rrc_triggering {
+  optional flex_header header = 1;
+  optional string rrc_trigger = 2;        
 // UE state change message
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/MESSAGES/V2/header.proto b/openair2/ENB_APP/MESSAGES/V2/header.proto
index dfd5ea6c9951ef2b266677413a4aec128c839b24..468dcd201e5ae05fda69ed789448450622bdbb70 100644
--- a/openair2/ENB_APP/MESSAGES/V2/header.proto
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/MESSAGES/V2/header.proto
@@ -39,5 +39,7 @@ enum flex_type {
      // Control delegation messages
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/MESSAGES/V2/stats_common.proto b/openair2/ENB_APP/MESSAGES/V2/stats_common.proto
index 080883ea97997ace22b23e96f5643b59a25e8776..cce36df00a75be5a037d7be06149ece0c31eff06 100644
--- a/openair2/ENB_APP/MESSAGES/V2/stats_common.proto
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/MESSAGES/V2/stats_common.proto
@@ -181,3 +181,63 @@ message flex_noise_interference_report {
 	optional int32 p0_nominal_pucch = 4;
+// RRC Primitives
+message flex_rrc_measurements {
+       // Measurement identifier.
+       optional int32 measid = 1;
+       // Primary Cell Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP).
+        optional int32 pcell_rsrp = 2;
+        // Primary Cell Reference Signal Received Quality (RSRQ).
+        optional int32 pcell_rsrq = 3;
+       // Neighboring cells measurements performed by UE.
+        optional flex_neigh_cells_measurements neigh_meas = 4;
+message flex_neigh_cells_measurements {
+        // Neighboring EUTRA cells measurements.
+        repeated flex_eutra_measurements eutra_meas = 1;
+message flex_eutra_measurements {
+        // Physical Cell identifier.
+        optional int32 phys_cell_id = 1;
+        // EUTRA Cell Global Identity (CGI) measurement.
+        optional flex_eutra_cgi_measurements cgi_meas = 2;
+        // EUTRA nearby cell reference signal measurement.
+        optional flex_eutra_ref_signal_meas meas_result = 3;
+message flex_eutra_cgi_measurements {
+        // EUTRA Cell Global Identity (CGI).
+        optional flex_cell_global_eutra_id cgi = 1;
+        // Tracking area code of the neighbor cell.
+        optional uint32 tracking_area_code = 2;
+        // Public land mobile network identifiers of neighbor cell.
+        repeated flex_plmn_identity plmn_id = 3;
+message flex_cell_global_eutra_id {
+       // Public land mobile network identifier of neighbor cell.
+        optional flex_plmn_identity plmn_id = 1;
+        // Cell identifier of neighbor cell.
+        optional uint32 cell_id = 2;
+message flex_plmn_identity {
+        // Mobile Network Code (MNC).
+        repeated uint32 mnc = 1;
+        // Mobile Country Code (MCC).
+        repeated uint32 mcc = 2;
+        // tracking area code        
+        repeated uint32 tac = 3;
+message flex_eutra_ref_signal_meas {
+        // Neighboring Cell Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP).
+        optional int32 rsrp = 1;
+        // Neighboring Cell Reference Signal Received Quality (RSRQ).
+        optional int32 rsrq = 2;
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/MESSAGES/V2/stats_messages.proto b/openair2/ENB_APP/MESSAGES/V2/stats_messages.proto
index 1b1567dda1e4b87b9f5b41bcdd05d0d2badf8af7..48360f6f687791965db48d3e8c22008038c45a93 100644
--- a/openair2/ENB_APP/MESSAGES/V2/stats_messages.proto
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/MESSAGES/V2/stats_messages.proto
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ message flex_ue_stats_report {
 	optional flex_dl_cqi_report dl_cqi_report = 7;
 	optional flex_paging_buffer_report pbr = 8;
 	optional flex_ul_cqi_report ul_cqi_report = 9;
+    optional flex_rrc_measurements rrc_measurements = 10;
@@ -76,11 +77,12 @@ enum flex_cell_stats_type {
 // Flags for UE-related statistics
 enum flex_ue_stats_type {
      FLUST_BSR = 1;
-     FLUST_PRH = 2;
+     FLUST_PHR = 2;
      FLUST_RLC_BS = 4;
      FLUST_MAC_CE_BS = 8;
      FLUST_DL_CQI = 16;
      FLUST_PBS = 32;
      FLUST_UL_CQI = 64;
      // To be extended with more types of stats
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_config.c b/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_config.c
index 153c89b3e2b2d4fb63461151b155b7607e66666d..09d7495a693e153895689affa044f83d4be78287 100644
--- a/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_config.c
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_config.c
@@ -98,6 +98,8 @@
 #define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_EUTRA_BAND                                    "eutra_band"
 #define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_DOWNLINK_FREQUENCY                            "downlink_frequency"
 #define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_UPLINK_FREQUENCY_OFFSET                       "uplink_frequency_offset"
+#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_RRC_REPORT_CONFIG_AMOUNT                     "report_amount"
+#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_RRC_REPORT_CONFIG_INTERVAL                   "report_interval"
 #define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_NID_CELL                                      "Nid_cell"
 #define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_N_RB_DL                                       "N_RB_DL"
@@ -165,7 +167,7 @@
 #define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_UETIMERS_N310                                 "ue_TimersAndConstants_n310"
 #define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_UETIMERS_N311                                 "ue_TimersAndConstants_n311"
 #define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_UE_TRANSMISSION_MODE                          "ue_TransmissionMode"
+#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_RRC_CONFIG                                   "rrc_config"
 #define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SRB1                                          "srb1_parameters"
 #define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SRB1_TIMER_POLL_RETRANSMIT                    "timer_poll_retransmit"
 #define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SRB1_TIMER_REORDERING                         "timer_reordering"
@@ -456,6 +458,10 @@ void enb_config_display(void)
       printf( "\tue_TransmissionMode for CC %d:\t%ld:\n",j,enb_properties.properties[i]->ue_TransmissionMode[j]);
+      printf( "\n\tRRC Report Config:  \n");
+      printf( "\n\t Report interval \t%ld: ", enb_properties.properties[i]->rrc_report_interval);
+      printf( "\n\t Report amount  \t%ld: \n", enb_properties.properties[i]->rrc_report_amount);
     for (j=0; j < enb_properties.properties[i]->num_otg_elements; j++) {
@@ -545,6 +551,7 @@ const Enb_properties_array_t *enb_config_init(char* lib_config_file_name_pP)
   config_setting_t *setting_enb                   = NULL;
   config_setting_t *setting_otg                   = NULL;
   config_setting_t *subsetting_otg                = NULL;
+  config_setting_t *setting_rrc                   = NULL;
   int               parse_errors                  = 0;
   int               num_enb_properties            = 0;
   int               enb_properties_index          = 0;
@@ -651,7 +658,8 @@ const Enb_properties_array_t *enb_config_init(char* lib_config_file_name_pP)
   libconfig_int     srb1_max_retx_threshold       = 0;
   libconfig_int     my_int;
+  const char*       rrc_report_amount             = NULL;
+  const char*       rrc_report_interval           = NULL;
   char*             if_name                       = NULL;
   char*             ipv4                          = NULL;
@@ -1968,6 +1976,75 @@ const Enb_properties_array_t *enb_config_init(char* lib_config_file_name_pP)
+           setting_rrc = config_setting_get_member (setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_RRC_CONFIG);
+         if (setting_rrc != NULL) {
+           if (!(config_setting_lookup_string(setting_rrc, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_RRC_REPORT_CONFIG_AMOUNT, &rrc_report_amount)
+                  && config_setting_lookup_string(setting_rrc, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_RRC_REPORT_CONFIG_INTERVAL,      &rrc_report_interval)))
+              AssertFatal (0,
+                           "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d, rrc_report_amount and rrc_reporyt_interval !\n",
+                           lib_config_file_name_pP, i);
+           if (strcmp(rrc_report_amount, "r1") == 0) {
+             enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_amount = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportAmount_r1;
+           } else if (strcmp(rrc_report_amount, "r2") == 0) {
+             enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_amount = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportAmount_r2;
+           }else if (strcmp(rrc_report_amount, "r4") == 0) {
+             enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_amount = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportAmount_r4;
+           }else if (strcmp(rrc_report_amount, "r8") == 0) {
+             enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_amount = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportAmount_r8;
+           }else if (strcmp(rrc_report_amount, "r16") == 0) {
+             enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_amount = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportAmount_r16;
+           }else if (strcmp(rrc_report_amount, "r32") == 0) {
+             enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_amount = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportAmount_r32;
+           }else if (strcmp(rrc_report_amount, "r64") == 0) {
+             enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_amount = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportAmount_r64;
+           }else if (strcmp(rrc_report_amount, "infinity") == 0) {
+             enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_amount = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportAmount_infinity;
+           }else{
+                AssertFatal (0,
+                             "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for report_amount choice: r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, infinity !\n",
+                             lib_config_file_name_pP, i,rrc_report_amount);
+           }
+           if (strcmp(rrc_report_interval, "120ms") == 0) {
+             enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_interval = ReportInterval_ms120;
+           } else if (strcmp(rrc_report_interval, "240ms") == 0) {
+             enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_interval = ReportInterval_ms240;
+           }else if (strcmp(rrc_report_interval, "480ms") == 0) {
+             enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_interval = ReportInterval_ms480;
+           }else if (strcmp(rrc_report_interval, "640ms") == 0) {
+            enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_interval = ReportInterval_ms640;
+           }else if (strcmp(rrc_report_interval, "1024ms") == 0) {
+             enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_interval = ReportInterval_ms1024;
+           }else if (strcmp(rrc_report_interval, "2048ms") == 0) {
+             enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_interval = ReportInterval_ms2048;
+           }else if (strcmp(rrc_report_interval, "5120ms") == 0) {
+             enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_interval = ReportInterval_ms5120;
+           }else if (strcmp(rrc_report_interval, "10240ms") == 0) {
+             enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_interval = ReportInterval_ms10240;
+           }else if (strcmp(rrc_report_interval, "1min") == 0) {
+             enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_interval = ReportInterval_min1;
+           }else if (strcmp(rrc_report_interval, "6min") == 0) {
+             enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_interval = ReportInterval_min6;
+           }else if (strcmp(rrc_report_interval, "12min") == 0) {
+             enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_interval = ReportInterval_min12;
+           }else if (strcmp(rrc_report_interval, "30min") == 0) {
+             enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_interval = ReportInterval_min30;
+           } else if (strcmp(rrc_report_interval, "60min") == 0) {
+             enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_interval = ReportInterval_min60;
+           } else {
+             AssertFatal (0,
+                             "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for report_interval choice: 120ms, 240ms, 480ms, 640ms, 1024ms, 2048ms, 5120ms, 10240ms, 1min, 6min, 12",
+                             lib_config_file_name_pP, i,rrc_report_interval);
+           }
+         } else {
+           enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_interval = ReportInterval_ms120;
+           enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->rrc_report_amount =  ReportConfigEUTRA__reportAmount_r1;
+         }
           setting_srb1 = config_setting_get_member (setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SRB1);
           if (setting_srb1 != NULL) {
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_config.h b/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_config.h
index a508a82e1f627b94c16f6ff5d69cccfe20c2da91..094360749b5396389dde42a76ee826612430dc85 100644
--- a/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_config.h
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_config.h
@@ -214,6 +214,10 @@ typedef struct Enb_properties_s {
   long                    srb1_poll_pdu;
   long                    srb1_poll_byte;
   long                    srb1_max_retx_threshold;
+  long                    rrc_report_amount;
+  long                    rrc_report_interval;
   /* Nb of MME to connect to */
   uint8_t             nb_mme;
   /* List of MME to connect to */
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent.c b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent.c
index 0dcacd4b81a6d64da85524cb42619c4937330583..d96076df838632107cf13c5ad1f1b5ed96393ef2 100644
--- a/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent.c
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent.c
@@ -21,27 +21,16 @@
 /*! \file flexran_agent.h
  * \brief top level flexran agent receive thread and itti task
- * \author Xenofon Foukas and Navid Nikaein
- * \date 2016
+ * \author Xenofon Foukas and Navid Nikaein and shahab SHARIAT BAGHERI
+ * \date 2017
  * \version 0.1
-#include "flexran_agent_common.h"
-#include "log.h"
 #include "flexran_agent.h"
-#include "flexran_agent_mac_defs.h"
-#include "flexran_agent_mac.h"
-#include "flexran_agent_mac_internal.h"
-#include "flexran_agent_extern.h"
-#include "assertions.h"
-#include "flexran_agent_net_comm.h"
-#include "flexran_agent_async.h"
 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 //#define TEST_TIMER
 flexran_agent_instance_t flexran_agent[NUM_MAX_ENB];
@@ -264,8 +253,8 @@ int flexran_agent_start(mid_t mod_id, const Enb_properties_array_t* enb_properti
    *flexran_agent_register_channel(mod_id, channel, FLEXRAN_AGENT_MAC);
-  /*Initialize the continuous MAC stats update mechanism*/
-  flexran_agent_init_cont_mac_stats_update(mod_id);
+  /*Initialize the continuous stats update mechanism*/
+  flexran_agent_init_cont_stats_update(mod_id);
   new_thread(receive_thread, &flexran_agent[mod_id]);
@@ -275,6 +264,9 @@ int flexran_agent_start(mid_t mod_id, const Enb_properties_array_t* enb_properti
   AGENT_MAC_xface *mac_agent_xface = (AGENT_MAC_xface *) malloc(sizeof(AGENT_MAC_xface));
   flexran_agent_register_mac_xface(mod_id, mac_agent_xface);
+  AGENT_RRC_xface *rrc_agent_xface = (AGENT_MAC_xface *) malloc(sizeof(AGENT_MAC_xface));
+  flexran_agent_register_rrc_xface(mod_id, rrc_agent_xface);
    * initilize a timer 
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent.h b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent.h
index 21ea21aafcf336551b9c276ef51d0e9976a34b8e..aec4f004a8ab518b4f60cb46f909159d928b6209 100644
--- a/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent.h
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent.h
@@ -22,15 +22,23 @@
 /*! \file flexran_agent.h
  * \brief top level flexran agent  
  * \author Navid Nikaein and Xenofon Foukas
- * \date 2016
+ * \date 2017
  * \version 0.1
-#include "enb_config.h" // for enb properties
 #include "flexran_agent_common.h"
+#include "flexran_agent_async.h"
+#include "flexran_agent_extern.h"
+#include "flexran_agent_timer.h"
+#include "flexran_agent_defs.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "assertions.h"
+#include "enb_config.h" // for enb properties
 /* Initiation and termination of the eNodeB agent */
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_common.c b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_common.c
index f2d00145a05c9f752db5544fc14f35acb0ef9d86..7d9cfe685c2d059e19ff927fde0f25c9c0721527 100644
--- a/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_common.c
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_common.c
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
 /*! \file flexran_agent_common.c
  * \brief common primitives for all agents 
- * \author Xenofon Foukas, Mohamed Kassem and Navid Nikaein
- * \date 2016
+ * \author Xenofon Foukas, Mohamed Kassem and Navid Nikaein, shahab SHARIAT BAGHERI
+ * \date 2017
  * \version 0.1
@@ -41,10 +41,6 @@
 #include "RRC/L2_INTERFACE/openair_rrc_L2_interface.h"
 #include "rrc_eNB_UE_context.h"
-void * enb[NUM_MAX_ENB];
-void * enb_ue[NUM_MAX_ENB];
-void * enb_rrc[NUM_MAX_ENB];
  * message primitives
@@ -344,19 +340,6 @@ int flexran_agent_destroy_lc_config_reply(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) {
   return -1;
-int flexran_agent_destroy_ue_state_change(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) {
-    goto error;
-  free(msg->ue_state_change_msg->header);
-  //TODO: Free the contents of the UE config structure
-  free(msg->ue_state_change_msg);
-  free(msg);
-  return 0;
- error:
-  //LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__);
-  return -1;
 int flexran_agent_destroy_enb_config_request(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) {
@@ -442,1082 +425,6 @@ int flexran_agent_destroy_agent_reconfiguration(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) {
- * get generic info from RAN
- */
-void flexran_set_enb_vars(mid_t mod_id, ran_name_t ran){
-  switch (ran){
-  case RAN_LTE_OAI :
-    enb[mod_id] =  (void *)&eNB_mac_inst[mod_id];
-    enb_ue[mod_id] = (void *)&eNB_mac_inst[mod_id].UE_list;
-    enb_rrc[mod_id] = (void *)&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id];
-    break;
-  default :
-    goto error;
-  }
-  return; 
- error:
-  LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "unknown RAN name %d\n", ran);
-int flexran_get_current_time_ms (mid_t mod_id, int subframe_flag){
-  if (subframe_flag == 1){
-    return ((eNB_MAC_INST *)enb[mod_id])->frame*10 + ((eNB_MAC_INST *)enb[mod_id])->subframe;
-  }else {
-    return ((eNB_MAC_INST *)enb[mod_id])->frame*10;
-  }
-unsigned int flexran_get_current_frame (mid_t mod_id) {
-  //  #warning "SFN will not be in [0-1023] when oaisim is used"
-  return ((eNB_MAC_INST *)enb[mod_id])->frame;
-unsigned int flexran_get_current_system_frame_num(mid_t mod_id) {
-  return (flexran_get_current_frame(mod_id) %1024);
-unsigned int flexran_get_current_subframe (mid_t mod_id) {
-  return ((eNB_MAC_INST *)enb[mod_id])->subframe;
-uint16_t flexran_get_sfn_sf (mid_t mod_id) {
-  frame_t frame;
-  sub_frame_t subframe;
-  uint16_t sfn_sf, frame_mask, sf_mask;
-  frame = (frame_t) flexran_get_current_system_frame_num(mod_id);
-  subframe = (sub_frame_t) flexran_get_current_subframe(mod_id);
-  frame_mask = ((1<<12) - 1);
-  sf_mask = ((1<<4) - 1);
-  sfn_sf = (subframe & sf_mask) | ((frame & frame_mask) << 4);
-  return sfn_sf;
-uint16_t flexran_get_future_sfn_sf (mid_t mod_id, int ahead_of_time) {
-  frame_t frame;
-  sub_frame_t subframe;
-  uint16_t sfn_sf, frame_mask, sf_mask;
-  frame = (frame_t) flexran_get_current_system_frame_num(mod_id);
-  subframe = (sub_frame_t) flexran_get_current_subframe(mod_id);
-  subframe = ((subframe + ahead_of_time) % 10);
-  if (subframe < flexran_get_current_subframe(mod_id)) {
-    frame = (frame + 1) % 1024;
-  }
-  int additional_frames = ahead_of_time / 10;
-  frame = (frame + additional_frames) % 1024;
-  frame_mask = ((1<<12) - 1);
-  sf_mask = ((1<<4) - 1);
-  sfn_sf = (subframe & sf_mask) | ((frame & frame_mask) << 4);
-  return sfn_sf;
-int flexran_get_num_ues (mid_t mod_id){
-  return  ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->num_UEs;
-int flexran_get_ue_crnti (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
-  return  UE_RNTI(mod_id, ue_id);
-int flexran_get_ue_bsr (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, lcid_t lcid) {
-  return ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->UE_template[UE_PCCID(mod_id,ue_id)][ue_id].bsr_info[lcid];
-int flexran_get_ue_phr (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
-  return ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->UE_template[UE_PCCID(mod_id,ue_id)][ue_id].phr_info;
-int flexran_get_ue_wcqi (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
-  LTE_eNB_UE_stats     *eNB_UE_stats     = NULL;
-  eNB_UE_stats = mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(mod_id, 0, UE_RNTI(mod_id, ue_id));
-  return eNB_UE_stats->DL_cqi[0];
-  //  return ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->eNB_UE_stats[UE_PCCID(mod_id,ue_id)][ue_id].dl_cqi;
-int flexran_get_tx_queue_size(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, logical_chan_id_t channel_id) {
-  rnti_t rnti = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-  uint16_t frame = (uint16_t) flexran_get_current_frame(mod_id);
-  mac_rlc_status_resp_t rlc_status = mac_rlc_status_ind(mod_id,rnti, mod_id,frame,ENB_FLAG_YES,MBMS_FLAG_NO, channel_id, 0);
-  return rlc_status.bytes_in_buffer;
-int flexran_get_hol_delay(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, logical_chan_id_t channel_id) {
-  rnti_t rnti = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-  uint16_t frame = (uint16_t) flexran_get_current_frame(mod_id);
-  mac_rlc_status_resp_t rlc_status = mac_rlc_status_ind(mod_id, rnti, mod_id, frame, ENB_FLAG_YES, MBMS_FLAG_NO, channel_id, 0);
-  return rlc_status.head_sdu_creation_time;
-short flexran_get_TA(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id) {
-  UE_list_t *UE_list=&eNB_mac_inst[mod_id].UE_list;
-  int rnti;
-  rnti = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id, ue_id);
-  LTE_eNB_UE_stats		*eNB_UE_stats = mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(mod_id, CC_id, rnti);
-  //ue_sched_ctl->ta_timer		      = 20;	// wait 20 subframes before taking TA measurement from PHY                                         
-  switch (PHY_vars_eNB_g[mod_id][CC_id]->frame_parms.N_RB_DL) {
-  case 6:
-    return eNB_UE_stats->timing_advance_update;
-  case 15:
-    return eNB_UE_stats->timing_advance_update/2;
-  case 25:
-    return eNB_UE_stats->timing_advance_update/4;
-  case 50:
-    return eNB_UE_stats->timing_advance_update/8;
-  case 75:
-    return eNB_UE_stats->timing_advance_update/12;
-  case 100:
-    if (PHY_vars_eNB_g[mod_id][CC_id]->frame_parms.threequarter_fs == 0) {
-      return eNB_UE_stats->timing_advance_update/16;
-    } else {
-      return eNB_UE_stats->timing_advance_update/12;
-    }
-  default:
-    return 0;
-  }
-void flexran_update_TA(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id) {
-  UE_list_t *UE_list=&eNB_mac_inst[mod_id].UE_list;
-  UE_sched_ctrl *ue_sched_ctl = &UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[ue_id];
-  if (ue_sched_ctl->ta_timer == 0) {
-    // WE SHOULD PROTECT the eNB_UE_stats with a mutex here ...                                                                         
-    //    LTE_eNB_UE_stats		*eNB_UE_stats = mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(mod_id, CC_id, rnti);
-    //ue_sched_ctl->ta_timer		      = 20;	// wait 20 subframes before taking TA measurement from PHY                                         
-    ue_sched_ctl->ta_update = flexran_get_TA(mod_id, ue_id, CC_id);
-    // clear the update in case PHY does not have a new measurement after timer expiry                                               
-    //    eNB_UE_stats->timing_advance_update	      = 0;
-  } else {
-    ue_sched_ctl->ta_timer--;
-    ue_sched_ctl->ta_update		      = 0;	// don't trigger a timing advance command      
-  }
-int flexran_get_MAC_CE_bitmap_TA(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id,int CC_id) {
-  UE_list_t			*UE_list      = &eNB_mac_inst[mod_id].UE_list;
-  rnti_t rnti = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-  LTE_eNB_UE_stats *eNB_UE_stats = mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(mod_id,CC_id,rnti);
-  if (eNB_UE_stats == NULL) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if (flexran_get_TA(mod_id, ue_id, CC_id) != 0) {
-  } else {
-    return 0;
-  }
-int flexran_get_active_CC(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
-	return ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->numactiveCCs[ue_id];
-int flexran_get_current_RI(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_eNB_UE_stats	*eNB_UE_stats = NULL;
-	rnti_t			 rnti	      = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-	eNB_UE_stats			      = mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(mod_id,CC_id,rnti);
-	if (eNB_UE_stats == NULL) {
-	  return 0;
-	}
-	return eNB_UE_stats[CC_id].rank;
-int flexran_get_tpc(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
-	LTE_eNB_UE_stats	*eNB_UE_stats = NULL;
-	int32_t			 normalized_rx_power, target_rx_power;
-	int			 tpc	      = 1;
-	int			 pCCid	      = UE_PCCID(mod_id,ue_id);
-	rnti_t			 rnti	      = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-	eNB_UE_stats = mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(mod_id, pCCid, rnti);
-	target_rx_power = mac_xface->get_target_pusch_rx_power(mod_id,pCCid);
-	if (eNB_UE_stats == NULL) {
-	  normalized_rx_power = target_rx_power;
-	} else if (eNB_UE_stats->UL_rssi != NULL) {
-	  normalized_rx_power = eNB_UE_stats->UL_rssi[0];
-	} else {
-	  normalized_rx_power = target_rx_power;
-	}
-	if (normalized_rx_power>(target_rx_power+1)) {
-		tpc = 0;	//-1
-	} else if (normalized_rx_power<(target_rx_power-1)) {
-		tpc = 2;	//+1
-	} else {
-		tpc = 1;	//0
-	}
-	return tpc;
-int flexran_get_harq(const mid_t mod_id, 
-		     const uint8_t CC_id, 
-		     const mid_t ue_id, 
-		     const int frame, 
-		     const uint8_t subframe, 
-		     uint8_t *id, 
-		     uint8_t *round)	{ //flag_id_status = 0 then id, else status
-	/*TODO: Add int TB in function parameters to get the status of the second TB. This can be done to by editing in
-	 * get_ue_active_harq_pid function in line 272 file: phy_procedures_lte_eNB.c to add
-	 * DLSCH_ptr = PHY_vars_eNB_g[Mod_id][CC_id]->dlsch_eNB[(uint32_t)UE_id][1];*/
-  uint8_t harq_pid;
-  uint8_t harq_round;
-  uint16_t rnti = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-  mac_xface->get_ue_active_harq_pid(mod_id,CC_id,rnti,frame,subframe,&harq_pid,&harq_round,openair_harq_DL);
-  *id = harq_pid;
-  *round = harq_round;
-  /* if (round > 0) { */
-  /*   *status = 1; */
-  /* } else { */
-  /*   *status = 0; */
-  /* } */
-  /* return 0; */
-  return *round;
-int flexran_get_p0_pucch_dbm(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id) {
-  LTE_eNB_UE_stats *eNB_UE_stats = NULL;
-  uint32_t rnti = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-  eNB_UE_stats =  mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(mod_id, CC_id, rnti);
-  if (eNB_UE_stats == NULL) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  //	if(eNB_UE_stats->Po_PUCCH_update == 1) {
-  return eNB_UE_stats->Po_PUCCH_dBm;
-  //}
-  //else
-  //  return -1;
-int flexran_get_p0_nominal_pucch(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-  int32_t pucch_rx_received = mac_xface->get_target_pucch_rx_power(mod_id, CC_id);
-  return pucch_rx_received;
-int flexran_get_p0_pucch_status(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id) {
-  LTE_eNB_UE_stats *eNB_UE_stats = NULL;
-  uint32_t rnti = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-  eNB_UE_stats =  mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(mod_id, CC_id, rnti);
-  return eNB_UE_stats->Po_PUCCH_update;
-int flexran_update_p0_pucch(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id) {
-  LTE_eNB_UE_stats *eNB_UE_stats = NULL;
-  uint32_t rnti = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-  eNB_UE_stats =  mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(mod_id, CC_id, rnti);
-  eNB_UE_stats->Po_PUCCH_update = 0;
-  return 0;
- * ************************************
- * Get Messages for eNB Configuration Reply
- * ************************************
- */
-int flexran_get_hopping_offset(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->pusch_config_common.pusch_HoppingOffset;
-int flexran_get_hopping_mode(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->pusch_config_common.hoppingMode;
-int flexran_get_n_SB(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->pusch_config_common.n_SB;
-int flexran_get_enable64QAM(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->pusch_config_common.enable64QAM;
-int flexran_get_phich_duration(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->phich_config_common.phich_duration;
-int flexran_get_phich_resource(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	if(frame_parms->phich_config_common.phich_resource == oneSixth)
-		return 0;
-	else if(frame_parms->phich_config_common.phich_resource == half)
-		return 1;
-	else if(frame_parms->phich_config_common.phich_resource == one)
-		return 2;
-	else if(frame_parms->phich_config_common.phich_resource == two)
-		return 3;
-	return -1;
-int flexran_get_n1pucch_an(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->pucch_config_common.n1PUCCH_AN;
-int flexran_get_nRB_CQI(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->pucch_config_common.nRB_CQI;
-int flexran_get_deltaPUCCH_Shift(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->pucch_config_common.deltaPUCCH_Shift;
-int flexran_get_prach_ConfigIndex(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->prach_config_common.prach_ConfigInfo.prach_ConfigIndex;
-int flexran_get_prach_FreqOffset(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->prach_config_common.prach_ConfigInfo.prach_FreqOffset;
-int flexran_get_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->maxHARQ_Msg3Tx;
-int flexran_get_ul_cyclic_prefix_length(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->Ncp_UL;
-int flexran_get_dl_cyclic_prefix_length(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->Ncp;
-int flexran_get_cell_id(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->Nid_cell;
-int flexran_get_srs_BandwidthConfig(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->soundingrs_ul_config_common.srs_BandwidthConfig;
-int flexran_get_srs_SubframeConfig(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->soundingrs_ul_config_common.srs_SubframeConfig;
-int flexran_get_srs_MaxUpPts(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->soundingrs_ul_config_common.srs_MaxUpPts;
-int flexran_get_N_RB_DL(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->N_RB_DL;
-int flexran_get_N_RB_UL(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->N_RB_UL;
-int flexran_get_N_RBG(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-  	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->N_RBG;
-int flexran_get_subframe_assignment(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->tdd_config;
-int flexran_get_special_subframe_assignment(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	return frame_parms->tdd_config_S;
-int flexran_get_ra_ResponseWindowSize(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-  return enb_config_get()->properties[mod_id]->rach_raResponseWindowSize[CC_id];
-int flexran_get_mac_ContentionResolutionTimer(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-  return enb_config_get()->properties[mod_id]->rach_macContentionResolutionTimer[CC_id];
-int flexran_get_duplex_mode(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
-	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
-	if(frame_parms->frame_type == TDD)
-	else if (frame_parms->frame_type == FDD)
-	return -1;
-long flexran_get_si_window_length(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	return  ((eNB_RRC_INST *)enb_rrc[mod_id])->carrier[CC_id].sib1->si_WindowLength;
-int flexran_get_sib1_length(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-	return  ((eNB_RRC_INST *)enb_rrc[mod_id])->carrier[CC_id].sizeof_SIB1;
-int flexran_get_num_pdcch_symb(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
-  /* TODO: This should return the number of PDCCH symbols initially used by the cell CC_id */
-  return 0;
-  //(PHY_vars_UE_g[mod_id][CC_id]->lte_ue_pdcch_vars[mod_id]->num_pdcch_symbols);
- * ************************************
- * Get Messages for UE Configuration Reply
- * ************************************
- */
-int flexran_get_time_alignment_timer(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
-  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
-  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
-  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
-    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.mac_MainConfig != NULL) {
-      return ue_context_p->ue_context.mac_MainConfig->timeAlignmentTimerDedicated;
-    } else {
-      return -1;
-    }
-  } else {
-    return -1;
-  }
-int flexran_get_meas_gap_config(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
-  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
-  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
-  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
-    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.measGapConfig != NULL) {
-      if(ue_context_p->ue_context.measGapConfig->present == MeasGapConfig_PR_setup) {
-	if (ue_context_p->ue_context.measGapConfig->choice.setup.gapOffset.present == MeasGapConfig__setup__gapOffset_PR_gp0) {
-	} else if (ue_context_p->ue_context.measGapConfig->choice.setup.gapOffset.present == MeasGapConfig__setup__gapOffset_PR_gp1) {
-	} else {
-	}
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return -1;
-int flexran_get_meas_gap_config_offset(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
-  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
-  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
-  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
-    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.measGapConfig != NULL){
-      if(ue_context_p->ue_context.measGapConfig->present == MeasGapConfig_PR_setup) {
-	if (ue_context_p->ue_context.measGapConfig->choice.setup.gapOffset.present == MeasGapConfig__setup__gapOffset_PR_gp0) {
-	  return ue_context_p->ue_context.measGapConfig->choice.setup.gapOffset.choice.gp0;
-	} else if (ue_context_p->ue_context.measGapConfig->choice.setup.gapOffset.present == MeasGapConfig__setup__gapOffset_PR_gp1) {
-	  return ue_context_p->ue_context.measGapConfig->choice.setup.gapOffset.choice.gp0;
-	} 
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return -1;
-int flexran_get_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_dl (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
-	return ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->UE_sched_ctrl[ue_id].ue_AggregatedMaximumBitrateDL;
-int flexran_get_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_ul (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
-	return ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->UE_sched_ctrl[ue_id].ue_AggregatedMaximumBitrateUL;
-int flexran_get_half_duplex(mid_t ue_id) {
-  // TODO
-	//int halfduplex = 0;
-	//int bands_to_scan = ((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->UECap->UE_EUTRA_Capability->rf_Parameters.supportedBandListEUTRA.list.count;
-	//for (int i =0; i < bands_to_scan; i++){
-		//if(((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->UECap->UE_EUTRA_Capability->rf_Parameters.supportedBandListEUTRA.list.array[i]->halfDuplex > 0)
-		//	halfduplex = 1;
-	//}
-	//return halfduplex;
-  return 0;
-int flexran_get_intra_sf_hopping(mid_t ue_id) {
-	//TODO:Get proper value
-	//temp = (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->UECap->UE_EUTRA_Capability->featureGroupIndicators->buf);
-	//return (0 & ( 1 << (31)));
-  return 0;
-int flexran_get_type2_sb_1(mid_t ue_id) {
-	//TODO:Get proper value
-	//uint8_t temp = 0;
-	//temp = (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->UECap->UE_EUTRA_Capability->featureGroupIndicators->buf);
-	//return (temp & ( 1 << (11)));
-  return 0;
-int flexran_get_ue_category(mid_t ue_id) {
-	//TODO:Get proper value
-	//return (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->UECap->UE_EUTRA_Capability->ue_Category);
-  return 0;
-int flexran_get_res_alloc_type1(mid_t ue_id) {
-	//TODO:Get proper value
-	//uint8_t temp = 0;
-	//temp = (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->UECap->UE_EUTRA_Capability->featureGroupIndicators->buf);
-	//return (temp & ( 1 << (30)));
-  return 0;
-int flexran_get_ue_transmission_mode(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
-  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
-  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
-  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
-    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated != NULL){
-      return ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.transmissionMode;
-    } else {
-      return -1;
-    }
-  } else {
-    return -1;
-  }
-int flexran_get_tti_bundling(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
-  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
-  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
-  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
-    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.mac_MainConfig != NULL){
-      return ue_context_p->ue_context.mac_MainConfig->ul_SCH_Config->ttiBundling;
-    } else {
-      return -1;
-    }
-  }
-  else {
-    return -1;
-  }
-int flexran_get_maxHARQ_TX(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
-  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
-  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
-  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
-    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.mac_MainConfig != NULL){
-      return *ue_context_p->ue_context.mac_MainConfig->ul_SCH_Config->maxHARQ_Tx;
-    }
-  }
-  return -1;
-int flexran_get_beta_offset_ack_index(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
-  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
-  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
-  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
-    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated != NULL){
-      return ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->pusch_ConfigDedicated->betaOffset_ACK_Index;
-    } else {
-      return -1;
-    } 
-  } else {
-    return -1;
-  }
-int flexran_get_beta_offset_ri_index(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
-  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
-  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
-  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
-    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated != NULL){
-      return ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->pusch_ConfigDedicated->betaOffset_RI_Index;
-    } else {
-      return -1;
-    }
-  } else {
-    return -1;
-  }
-int flexran_get_beta_offset_cqi_index(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
-  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
-  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
-  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
-    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated != NULL){
-      return ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->pusch_ConfigDedicated->betaOffset_CQI_Index;
-    } else {
-      return -1;
-    }
-  }
-  else {
-    return -1;
-  }
-int flexran_get_simultaneous_ack_nack_cqi(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
-  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
-  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
-  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
-    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated != NULL){
-      if (ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->cqi_ReportConfig->cqi_ReportPeriodic != NULL) {
-	return ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->cqi_ReportConfig->cqi_ReportPeriodic->choice.setup.simultaneousAckNackAndCQI;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return -1;
-int flexran_get_ack_nack_simultaneous_trans(mid_t mod_id,mid_t ue_id) {
-	return (&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id])->carrier[0].sib2->radioResourceConfigCommon.soundingRS_UL_ConfigCommon.choice.setup.ackNackSRS_SimultaneousTransmission;
-int flexran_get_aperiodic_cqi_rep_mode(mid_t mod_id,mid_t ue_id) {
-  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
-  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
-  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
-    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated != NULL){
-      return *ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->cqi_ReportConfig->cqi_ReportModeAperiodic;
-    }
-  }
-  return -1;
-int flexran_get_tdd_ack_nack_feedback(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
-  // TODO: This needs fixing
-  return -1;
-  /* struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL; */
-  /* uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id); */
-  /* ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP); */
-  /* if(ue_context_p != NULL) { */
-  /*   if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated != NULL){ */
-  /*     return ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->pucch_ConfigDedicated->tdd_AckNackFeedbackMode; */
-  /*   } else { */
-  /*     return -1; */
-  /*   } */
-  /* } else { */
-  /*   return -1; */
-  /* } */
-int flexran_get_ack_nack_repetition_factor(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
-  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
-  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
-  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
-    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated != NULL){
-      return ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->pucch_ConfigDedicated->ackNackRepetition.choice.setup.repetitionFactor;
-    } else {
-      return -1;
-    }
-  } else {
-    return -1;
-  }
-int flexran_get_extended_bsr_size(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
-  //TODO: need to double check
-  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
-  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
-  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
-    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.mac_MainConfig != NULL){
-      if(ue_context_p->ue_context.mac_MainConfig->ext2 != NULL){
-	long val = (*(ue_context_p->ue_context.mac_MainConfig->ext2->mac_MainConfig_v1020->extendedBSR_Sizes_r10));
-	if (val > 0) {
-	  return 1;
-	}
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return -1;
-int flexran_get_ue_transmission_antenna(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
-  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
-  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
-  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
-  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
-    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated != NULL){
-      if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.ue_TransmitAntennaSelection.choice.setup == AntennaInfoDedicated__ue_TransmitAntennaSelection__setup_closedLoop) {
-	return 2;
-      } else if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.ue_TransmitAntennaSelection.choice.setup == AntennaInfoDedicated__ue_TransmitAntennaSelection__setup_openLoop) {
-	return 1;
-      } else {
-	return 0;
-      }
-    } else {
-      return -1;
-    }
-  } else {
-    return -1;
-  }
-int flexran_get_lcg(mid_t ue_id, mid_t lc_id) {
-  if (UE_mac_inst == NULL) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  if(UE_mac_inst[ue_id].logicalChannelConfig[lc_id] != NULL) {
-    return *UE_mac_inst[ue_id].logicalChannelConfig[lc_id]->ul_SpecificParameters->logicalChannelGroup;
-  } else {
-    return -1;
-  }
-int flexran_get_direction(mid_t ue_id, mid_t lc_id) {
-	/*TODO: fill with the value for the rest of LCID*/
-  if(lc_id == DCCH || lc_id == DCCH1) {
-    return 2;
-  } else if(lc_id == DTCH) {
-    return 1;
-  } else {
-    return -1;
-  }
-int flexran_agent_ue_state_change(mid_t mod_id, uint32_t rnti, uint8_t state_change) {
-  int size;
-  Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg;
-  Protocol__FlexHeader *header;
-  void *data;
-  int priority = 0;
-  int xid = 0;
-  if (flexran_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__FLEX_TYPE__FLPT_UE_STATE_CHANGE, &header) != 0)
-    goto error;
-  Protocol__FlexUeStateChange *ue_state_change_msg;
-  ue_state_change_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUeStateChange));
-  if(ue_state_change_msg == NULL) {
-    goto error;
-  }
-  protocol__flex_ue_state_change__init(ue_state_change_msg);
-  ue_state_change_msg->has_type = 1;
-  ue_state_change_msg->type = state_change;
-  Protocol__FlexUeConfig *config;
-  config = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUeConfig));
-  if (config == NULL) {
-    goto error;
-  }
-  protocol__flex_ue_config__init(config);
-    // Simply set the rnti of the UE
-    config->has_rnti = 1;
-    config->rnti = rnti;
-	  	  int i = find_UE_id(mod_id, rnti);
-		  config->has_rnti = 1;
-		  config->rnti = rnti;
-	  	  if(flexran_get_time_alignment_timer(mod_id,i) != -1) {
-	  		  config->time_alignment_timer = flexran_get_time_alignment_timer(mod_id,i);
-	  		  config->has_time_alignment_timer = 1;
-	  	  }
-	  	  if(flexran_get_meas_gap_config(mod_id,i) != -1){
-	  		  config->meas_gap_config_pattern = flexran_get_meas_gap_config(mod_id,i);
-	  	  	  config->has_meas_gap_config_pattern = 1;
-	  	  }
-	  	  if(config->has_meas_gap_config_pattern == 1 &&
-		     config->meas_gap_config_pattern != PROTOCOL__FLEX_MEAS_GAP_CONFIG_PATTERN__FLMGCP_OFF) {
-		    config->meas_gap_config_sf_offset = flexran_get_meas_gap_config_offset(mod_id,i);
-		    config->has_meas_gap_config_sf_offset = 1;
-	  	  }
-	  	  //TODO: Set the SPS configuration (Optional)
-	  	  //Not supported for now, so we do not set it
-	  	  //TODO: Set the SR configuration (Optional)
-	  	  //We do not set it for now
-	  	  //TODO: Set the CQI configuration (Optional)
-	  	  //We do not set it for now
-		  if(flexran_get_ue_transmission_mode(mod_id,i) != -1) {
-	  		  config->transmission_mode = flexran_get_ue_transmission_mode(mod_id,i);
-	  		  config->has_transmission_mode = 1;
-	  	  }
-		  config->ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_ul = flexran_get_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_ul(mod_id,i);
-	  	  config->has_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_ul = 1;
-		  config->ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_dl = flexran_get_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_dl(mod_id,i);
-	  	  config->has_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_dl = 1;
-	  	  //TODO: Set the UE capabilities
-	  	  Protocol__FlexUeCapabilities *c_capabilities;
-	  	  c_capabilities = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUeCapabilities));
-	  	  protocol__flex_ue_capabilities__init(c_capabilities);
-	  	  //TODO: Set half duplex (FDD operation)
-	  	  c_capabilities->has_half_duplex = 0;
-	  	  c_capabilities->half_duplex = 1;//flexran_get_half_duplex(i);
-	  	  //TODO: Set intra-frame hopping flag
-	  	  c_capabilities->has_intra_sf_hopping = 0;
-	  	  c_capabilities->intra_sf_hopping = 1;//flexran_get_intra_sf_hopping(i);
-	  	  //TODO: Set support for type 2 hopping with n_sb > 1
-	  	  c_capabilities->has_type2_sb_1 = 0;
-	  	  c_capabilities->type2_sb_1 = 1;//flexran_get_type2_sb_1(i);
-	  	  //TODO: Set ue category
-	  	  c_capabilities->has_ue_category = 0;
-	  	  c_capabilities->ue_category = 1;//flexran_get_ue_category(i);
-	  	  //TODO: Set UE support for resource allocation type 1
-	  	  c_capabilities->has_res_alloc_type1 = 0;
-	  	  c_capabilities->res_alloc_type1 = 1;//flexran_get_res_alloc_type1(i);
-	  	  //Set the capabilites to the message
-	  	  config->capabilities = c_capabilities;
-	  	  if(flexran_get_ue_transmission_antenna(mod_id,i) != -1) {
-		    config->has_ue_transmission_antenna = 1;
-		    config->ue_transmission_antenna = flexran_get_ue_transmission_antenna(mod_id,i);
-	  	  }
-	  	  if(flexran_get_tti_bundling(mod_id,i) != -1) {
-		    config->has_tti_bundling = 1;
-		    config->tti_bundling = flexran_get_tti_bundling(mod_id,i);
-	  	  }
-	  	  if(flexran_get_maxHARQ_TX(mod_id,i) != -1){
-		    config->has_max_harq_tx = 1;
-		    config->max_harq_tx = flexran_get_maxHARQ_TX(mod_id,i);
-	  	  }
-	  	  if(flexran_get_beta_offset_ack_index(mod_id,i) != -1) {
-		    config->has_beta_offset_ack_index = 1;
-		    config->beta_offset_ack_index = flexran_get_beta_offset_ack_index(mod_id,i);
-	  	  }
-	  	  if(flexran_get_beta_offset_ri_index(mod_id,i) != -1) {
-		    config->has_beta_offset_ri_index = 1;
-		    config->beta_offset_ri_index = flexran_get_beta_offset_ri_index(mod_id,i);
-	  	  }
-	  	  if(flexran_get_beta_offset_cqi_index(mod_id,i) != -1) {
-		    config->has_beta_offset_cqi_index = 1;
-		    config->beta_offset_cqi_index = flexran_get_beta_offset_cqi_index(mod_id,i);
-	  	  }
-	  	  if(flexran_get_ack_nack_simultaneous_trans(mod_id,i) != -1) {
-		    config->has_ack_nack_simultaneous_trans = 1;
-		    config->ack_nack_simultaneous_trans = flexran_get_ack_nack_simultaneous_trans(mod_id,i);
-	  	  }
-	  	  if(flexran_get_simultaneous_ack_nack_cqi(mod_id,i) != -1) {
-		    config->has_simultaneous_ack_nack_cqi = 1;
-		    config->simultaneous_ack_nack_cqi = flexran_get_simultaneous_ack_nack_cqi(mod_id,i);
-	  	  }
-	  	  if(flexran_get_aperiodic_cqi_rep_mode(mod_id,i) != -1) {
-		    config->has_aperiodic_cqi_rep_mode = 1;
-		    int mode = flexran_get_aperiodic_cqi_rep_mode(mod_id,i);
-		    if (mode > 4) {
-		      config->aperiodic_cqi_rep_mode = PROTOCOL__FLEX_APERIODIC_CQI_REPORT_MODE__FLACRM_NONE;
-		    } else {
-		      config->aperiodic_cqi_rep_mode = mode;
-		    }
-	  	  }
-	  	  if(flexran_get_tdd_ack_nack_feedback(mod_id, i) != -1) {
-		    config->has_tdd_ack_nack_feedback = 1;
-		    config->tdd_ack_nack_feedback = flexran_get_tdd_ack_nack_feedback(mod_id,i);
-	  	  }
-	  	  if(flexran_get_ack_nack_repetition_factor(mod_id, i) != -1) {
-		    config->has_ack_nack_repetition_factor = 1;
-		    config->ack_nack_repetition_factor = flexran_get_ack_nack_repetition_factor(mod_id,i);
-	  	  }
-	  	  if(flexran_get_extended_bsr_size(mod_id, i) != -1) {
-		    config->has_extended_bsr_size = 1;
-		    config->extended_bsr_size = flexran_get_extended_bsr_size(mod_id,i);
-	  	  }
-		  config->has_pcell_carrier_index = 1;
-		  config->pcell_carrier_index = UE_PCCID(mod_id, i);
-	  	  //TODO: Set carrier aggregation support (boolean)
-	  	  config->has_ca_support = 0;
-	  	  config->ca_support = 0;
-	  	  if(config->has_ca_support){
-		    //TODO: Set cross carrier scheduling support (boolean)
-		    config->has_cross_carrier_sched_support = 1;
-		    config->cross_carrier_sched_support = 0;
-		    //TODO: Set secondary cells configuration
-		    // We do not set it for now. No carrier aggregation support
-		    //TODO: Set deactivation timer for secondary cell
-		    config->has_scell_deactivation_timer = 0;
-		    config->scell_deactivation_timer = 0;
-	  	  }
-  } else if (state_change == PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATE_CHANGE_TYPE__FLUESC_MOVED) {
-    // TODO: Not supported for now. Leave blank
-  }
-  ue_state_change_msg->config = config;
-  msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexranMessage));
-  if (msg == NULL) {
-    goto error;
-  }
-  protocol__flexran_message__init(msg);
-  msg->ue_state_change_msg = ue_state_change_msg;
-  data = flexran_agent_pack_message(msg, &size);
-  /*Send sr info using the MAC channel of the eNB*/
-  if (flexran_agent_msg_send(mod_id, FLEXRAN_AGENT_DEFAULT, data, size, priority)) {
-    goto error;
-  }
-  LOG_D(FLEXRAN_AGENT,"sent message with size %d\n", size);
-  return 0;
- error:
-  LOG_D(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Could not send UE state message\n");
-  return -1;
 int flexran_agent_lc_config_reply(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg) {
@@ -2138,191 +1045,38 @@ int flexran_agent_enb_config_reply(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__F
+int flexran_agent_rrc_measurement(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg) {
- * timer primitives
- */
-//struct flexran_agent_map agent_map;
-flexran_agent_timer_instance_t timer_instance;
-int agent_timer_init = 0;
-err_code_t flexran_agent_init_timer(void){
-  LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "init RB tree\n");
-  if (!agent_timer_init) {
-    RB_INIT(&timer_instance.flexran_agent_head);
-    agent_timer_init = 1;
-  }
+  protocol_ctxt_t  ctxt;
-RB_GENERATE(flexran_agent_map, flexran_agent_timer_element_s, entry, flexran_agent_compare_timer);
+  Protocol__FlexranMessage *input = (Protocol__FlexranMessage *)params;
+  Protocol__FlexRrcTriggering *triggering = input->rrc_triggering;
-/* The timer_id might not be the best choice for the comparison */
-int flexran_agent_compare_timer(struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s *a, struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s *b){
+  agent_reconf_rrc *reconf_param = malloc(sizeof(agent_reconf_rrc));
-  if (a->timer_id < b->timer_id) return -1;
-  if (a->timer_id > b->timer_id) return 1;
+  reconf_param->trigger_policy = triggering->rrc_trigger;
-  // equal timers
-  return 0;
+  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s   *ue_context_p = NULL;
-err_code_t flexran_agent_create_timer(uint32_t interval_sec,
-				      uint32_t interval_usec,
-				      agent_id_t     agent_id,
-				      instance_t     instance,
-				      uint32_t timer_type,
-				      xid_t xid,
-				      flexran_agent_timer_callback_t cb,
-				      void*    timer_args,
-				      long *timer_id){
-  struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s *e = calloc(1, sizeof(*e));
-  DevAssert(e != NULL);
-//uint32_t timer_id;
-  int ret=-1;
-  if ((interval_sec == 0) && (interval_usec == 0 ))
-    return TIMER_NULL;
-  if (timer_type >= FLEXRAN_AGENT_TIMER_TYPE_MAX)
-  if (timer_type  ==   FLEXRAN_AGENT_TIMER_TYPE_ONESHOT){ 
-    ret = timer_setup(interval_sec, 
-		      interval_usec, 
-		      instance, 
-		      TIMER_ONE_SHOT,
-		      timer_args,
-		      timer_id);
-    e->type = TIMER_ONE_SHOT;
-  }
-  else if (timer_type  ==   FLEXRAN_AGENT_TIMER_TYPE_PERIODIC ){
-    ret = timer_setup(interval_sec, 
-		      interval_usec, 
-		      instance, 
-		      timer_args,
-		      timer_id);
-    e->type = TIMER_PERIODIC;
-  }
-  if (ret < 0 ) {
-    return TIMER_SETUP_FAILED; 
-  }
+  RB_FOREACH(ue_context_p, rrc_ue_tree_s, &(eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id].rrc_ue_head)){
-  e->agent_id = agent_id;
-  e->instance = instance;
-  e->timer_id = *timer_id;
-  e->xid = xid;
-  e->timer_args = timer_args; 
-  e->cb = cb;
-  /*element should be a real pointer*/
-  RB_INSERT(flexran_agent_map, &timer_instance.flexran_agent_head, e); 
-  LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT,"Created a new timer with id 0x%lx for agent %d, instance %d \n",
-	e->timer_id, e->agent_id, e->instance);
-  return 0; 
-err_code_t flexran_agent_destroy_timer(long timer_id){
+  PROTOCOL_CTXT_SET_BY_MODULE_ID(&ctxt, mod_id, ENB_FLAG_YES, ue_context_p->ue_context.rnti, flexran_get_current_frame(mod_id), flexran_get_current_subframe (mod_id), mod_id);
-  struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s *e = get_timer_entry(timer_id);
+  flexran_rrc_eNB_generate_defaultRRCConnectionReconfiguration(&ctxt, ue_context_p, 0, reconf_param);  
-  if (e != NULL ) {
-    RB_REMOVE(flexran_agent_map, &timer_instance.flexran_agent_head, e);
-    flexran_agent_destroy_flexran_message(e->timer_args->msg);
-    free(e);
-  if (timer_remove(timer_id) < 0 ) 
-    goto error;
+  *msg = NULL;
   return 0;
- error:
-  LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "timer can't be removed\n");
-err_code_t flexran_agent_destroy_timer_by_task_id(xid_t xid) {
-  struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s *e = NULL;
-  long timer_id;
-  RB_FOREACH(e, flexran_agent_map, &timer_instance.flexran_agent_head) {
-    if (e->xid == xid) {
-      timer_id = e->timer_id;
-      RB_REMOVE(flexran_agent_map, &timer_instance.flexran_agent_head, e);
-      flexran_agent_destroy_flexran_message(e->timer_args->msg);
-      free(e);
-      if (timer_remove(timer_id) < 0 ) { 
-	goto error;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
- error:
-  LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "timer can't be removed\n");
-err_code_t flexran_agent_destroy_timers(void){
-  struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s *e = NULL;
-  RB_FOREACH(e, flexran_agent_map, &timer_instance.flexran_agent_head) {
-    RB_REMOVE(flexran_agent_map, &timer_instance.flexran_agent_head, e);
-    timer_remove(e->timer_id);
-    flexran_agent_destroy_flexran_message(e->timer_args->msg);
-    free(e);
-  }  
-  return 0;
-void flexran_agent_sleep_until(struct timespec *ts, int delay) {
-  ts->tv_nsec += delay;
-  if(ts->tv_nsec >= 1000*1000*1000){
-    ts->tv_nsec -= 1000*1000*1000;
-    ts->tv_sec++;
-  }
-  clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TIMER_ABSTIME, ts,  NULL);
+int flexran_agent_destroy_rrc_measurement(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg){
-err_code_t flexran_agent_stop_timer(long timer_id){
-  struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s *e=NULL;
-  struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s search;
-  memset(&search, 0, sizeof(struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s));
-  search.timer_id = timer_id;
-  e = RB_FIND(flexran_agent_map, &timer_instance.flexran_agent_head, &search);
-  if (e != NULL ) {
-  }
-  timer_remove(timer_id);
-  return 0;
-struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s * get_timer_entry(long timer_id) {
-  struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s search;
-  memset(&search, 0, sizeof(struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s));
-  search.timer_id = timer_id;
-  return  RB_FIND(flexran_agent_map, &timer_instance.flexran_agent_head, &search); 
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_common.h b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_common.h
index abe5a05b447fe206e7f0bc857c82019806037277..4f2b9c71bbdbf78df63d79187acbe755ae4e6562 100644
--- a/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_common.h
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_common.h
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
 /*! \file flexran_agent_common.h
  * \brief common message primitves and utilities 
- * \author Xenofon Foukas, Mohamed Kassem and Navid Nikaein
- * \date 2016
+ * \author Xenofon Foukas, Mohamed Kassem and Navid Nikaein and shahab SHARIAT BAGHERI
+ * \date 2017
  * \version 0.1
@@ -60,6 +60,19 @@ typedef int (*flexran_agent_message_destruction_callback)(
 	Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg
+typedef struct {
+  uint8_t is_initialized;
+  volatile uint8_t cont_update;
+  xid_t xid;
+  Protocol__FlexranMessage *stats_req;
+  Protocol__FlexranMessage *prev_stats_reply;
+  pthread_mutex_t *mutex;
+} stats_updates_context_t;
+stats_updates_context_t stats_context[NUM_MAX_ENB];
  * FlexRAN protocol messages helper 
  * functions and generic handlers
@@ -116,10 +129,6 @@ int flexran_agent_destroy_ue_config_request(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
 /* TODO: Need to define and implement destructor */
 int flexran_agent_destroy_lc_config_request(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
-/* UE state change message constructor and destructor */
-int flexran_agent_ue_state_change(mid_t mod_id, uint32_t rnti, uint8_t state_change);
-int flexran_agent_destroy_ue_state_change(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
 /* Control delegation message constructor and destructor */
 int flexran_agent_control_delegation(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg);
 int flexran_agent_destroy_control_delegation(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
@@ -128,6 +137,11 @@ int flexran_agent_destroy_control_delegation(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
 int flexran_agent_reconfiguration(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg);
 int flexran_agent_destroy_agent_reconfiguration(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
+/* rrc triggering measurement message constructor and destructor */
+int flexran_agent_rrc_measurement(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg);
+int flexran_agent_destroy_rrc_measurement(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
 /* FlexRAN protocol message dispatcher function */
 Protocol__FlexranMessage* flexran_agent_handle_message (mid_t mod_id, 
 						    uint8_t *data, 
@@ -136,367 +150,22 @@ Protocol__FlexranMessage* flexran_agent_handle_message (mid_t mod_id,
 /* Function to be used to send a message to a dispatcher once the appropriate event is triggered. */
 Protocol__FlexranMessage *flexran_agent_handle_timed_task(void *args);
+/*Top level Statistics hanlder*/
+int flexran_agent_handle_stats(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg);
+/* Function to be used to handle reply message . */
+int flexran_agent_stats_reply(mid_t enb_id, xid_t xid, const report_config_t *report_config, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg);
+/* Statistics request protocol message constructor and destructor */
+int flexran_agent_stats_request(mid_t mod_id, xid_t xid, const stats_request_config_t *report_config, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg);
+int flexran_agent_destroy_stats_request(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
- * get generic info from RAN
- ****************************/
-void flexran_set_enb_vars(mid_t mod_id, ran_name_t ran);
-int flexran_get_current_time_ms (mid_t mod_id, int subframe_flag);
-/*Return the current frame number
- *Could be using implementation specific numbering of frames
- */
-unsigned int flexran_get_current_frame(mid_t mod_id);
-/*Return the current SFN (0-1023)*/ 
-unsigned int flexran_get_current_system_frame_num(mid_t mod_id);
-unsigned int flexran_get_current_subframe(mid_t mod_id);
-/*Return the frame and subframe number in compact 16-bit format.
-  Bits 0-3 subframe, rest for frame. Required by FlexRAN protocol*/
-uint16_t flexran_get_sfn_sf (mid_t mod_id);
-/* Return a future frame and subframe number that is ahead_of_time
-   subframes later in compact 16-bit format. Bits 0-3 subframe,
-   rest for frame */
-uint16_t flexran_get_future_sfn_sf(mid_t mod_id, int ahead_of_time);
-/* Return the number of attached UEs */
-int flexran_get_num_ues(mid_t mod_id);
-/* Get the rnti of a UE with id ue_id */
-int flexran_get_ue_crnti (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
-/* Get the RLC buffer status report of a ue for a designated
-   logical channel id */
-int flexran_get_ue_bsr (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, lcid_t lcid);
-/* Get power headroom of UE with id ue_id */
-int flexran_get_ue_phr (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
-/* Get the UE wideband CQI */
-int flexran_get_ue_wcqi (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
-/* Get the transmission queue size for a UE with a channel_id logical channel id */
-int flexran_get_tx_queue_size(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, logical_chan_id_t channel_id);
-/* Get the head of line delay for a UE with a channel_id logical channel id */
-int flexran_get_hol_delay(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, logical_chan_id_t channel_id);
-/* Check the status of the timing advance for a UE */
-short flexran_get_TA(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id);
-/* Update the timing advance status (find out whether a timing advance command is required) */
-void flexran_update_TA(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id);
-/* Return timing advance MAC control element for a designated cell and UE */
-int flexran_get_MAC_CE_bitmap_TA(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id);
-/* Get the number of active component carriers for a specific UE */
-int flexran_get_active_CC(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
-/* Get the rank indicator for a designated cell and UE */
-int flexran_get_current_RI(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id);
-/* See TS 36.213, section 10.1 */
-int flexran_get_n1pucch_an(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* See TS 36.211, section 5.4 */
-int flexran_get_nRB_CQI(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* See TS 36.211, section 5.4 */
-int flexran_get_deltaPUCCH_Shift(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* See TS 36.211, section 5.7.1 */
-int flexran_get_prach_ConfigIndex(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* See TS 36.211, section 5.7.1 */
-int flexran_get_prach_FreqOffset(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* See TS 36.321 */
-int flexran_get_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* Get the length of the UL cyclic prefix */
-int flexran_get_ul_cyclic_prefix_length(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* Get the length of the DL cyclic prefix */
-int flexran_get_dl_cyclic_prefix_length(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* Get the physical cell id of a cell */
-int flexran_get_cell_id(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* See TS 36.211, section */
-int flexran_get_srs_BandwidthConfig(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* See TS 36.211, table and 2 */
-int flexran_get_srs_SubframeConfig(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* Boolean value. See TS 36.211,
-   section TDD only */
-int flexran_get_srs_MaxUpPts(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* Get number of DL resource blocks */
-int flexran_get_N_RB_DL(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* Get number of UL resource blocks */
-int flexran_get_N_RB_UL(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* Get number of resource block groups */
-int flexran_get_N_RBG(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* Get DL/UL subframe assignment. TDD only */
-int flexran_get_subframe_assignment(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* TDD only. See TS 36.211, table 4.2.1 */
-int flexran_get_special_subframe_assignment(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* Get the duration of the random access response window in subframes */
-int flexran_get_ra_ResponseWindowSize(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* Get timer used for random access */
-int flexran_get_mac_ContentionResolutionTimer(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* Get type of duplex mode (FDD/TDD) */
-int flexran_get_duplex_mode(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* Get the SI window length */
-long flexran_get_si_window_length(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* Get the number of PDCCH symbols configured for the cell */
-int flexran_get_num_pdcch_symb(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-/* See TS 36.213, sec */
-int flexran_get_tpc(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
-/* Get the first available HARQ process for a specific cell and UE during 
-   a designated frame and subframe. Returns 0 for success. The id and the 
-   status of the HARQ process are stored in id and status respectively */
-int flexran_get_harq(const mid_t mod_id, const uint8_t CC_id, const mid_t ue_id,
-		     const int frame, const uint8_t subframe, unsigned char *id, unsigned char *round);
-/* Uplink power control management*/
-int flexran_get_p0_pucch_dbm(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id);
-int flexran_get_p0_nominal_pucch(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
-int flexran_get_p0_pucch_status(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id);
-int flexran_update_p0_pucch(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id);
- * ************************************
- * Get Messages for UE Configuration Reply
- * ************************************
- */
-/* Get timer in subframes. Controls the synchronization
-   status of the UE, not the actual timing 
-   advance procedure. See TS 36.321 */
-int flexran_get_time_alignment_timer(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
-/* Get measurement gap configuration. See TS 36.133 */
-int flexran_get_meas_gap_config(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
-/* Get measurement gap configuration offset if applicable */
-int flexran_get_meas_gap_config_offset(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
-/* DL aggregated bit-rate of non-gbr bearer
-   per UE. See TS 36.413 */
-int flexran_get_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_dl (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
-/* UL aggregated bit-rate of non-gbr bearer
-   per UE. See TS 36.413 */
-int flexran_get_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_ul (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
-/* Only half-duplex support. FDD
-   operation. Boolean value */
-int flexran_get_half_duplex(mid_t ue_id);
-/* Support of intra-subframe hopping.
-   Boolean value */
-int flexran_get_intra_sf_hopping(mid_t ue_id);
-/* UE support for type 2 hopping with
-   n_sb>1 */
-int flexran_get_type2_sb_1(mid_t ue_id);
-/* Get the UE category */
-int flexran_get_ue_category(mid_t ue_id);
-/* UE support for resource allocation
-   type 1 */
-int flexran_get_res_alloc_type1(mid_t ue_id);
-/* Get UE transmission mode */
-int flexran_get_ue_transmission_mode(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
-/* Boolean value. See TS 36.321 */
-int flexran_get_tti_bundling(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
-/* The max HARQ retransmission for UL.
-   See TS 36.321 */
-int flexran_get_maxHARQ_TX(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
-/* See TS 36.213 */
-int flexran_get_beta_offset_ack_index(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
-/* See TS 36.213 */
-int flexran_get_beta_offset_ri_index(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
-/* See TS 36.213 */
-int flexran_get_beta_offset_cqi_index(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
-/* Boolean. See TS36.213, Section 10.1 */
-int flexran_get_simultaneous_ack_nack_cqi(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
-/* Boolean. See TS 36.213, Section 8.2 */
-int flexran_get_ack_nack_simultaneous_trans(mid_t mod_id,mid_t ue_id);
-/* Get aperiodic CQI report mode */
-int flexran_get_aperiodic_cqi_rep_mode(mid_t mod_id,mid_t ue_id);
-/* Get ACK/NACK feedback mode. TDD only */
-int flexran_get_tdd_ack_nack_feedback(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
-/* See TS36.213, section 10.1 */
-int flexran_get_ack_nack_repetition_factor(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
-/* Boolean. Extended buffer status report size */
-int flexran_get_extended_bsr_size(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
-/* Get number of UE transmission antennas */
-int flexran_get_ue_transmission_antenna(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
-/* Get logical channel group of a channel with id lc_id */
-int flexran_get_lcg(mid_t ue_id, mid_t lc_id);
-/* Get direction of logical channel with id lc_id */
-int flexran_get_direction(mid_t ue_id, mid_t lc_id);
- * timer primitves
- *******************/
-#define TIMER_NULL                 -1 
-#define TIMER_TYPE_INVALIDE        -2
-#define	TIMER_SETUP_FAILED         -3
-#define	TIMER_REMOVED_FAILED       -4
-/* Type of the callback executed when the timer expired */
-typedef Protocol__FlexranMessage *(*flexran_agent_timer_callback_t)(void*);
-typedef enum {
-  /* oneshot timer:  */
-  /* periodic timer  */
-  /* Inactive state: initial state for any timer. */
-  /* Max number of states available */
-} flexran_agent_timer_type_t;
-typedef enum {
-  /* Inactive state: initial state for any timer. */
-  /* Inactive state: initial state for any timer. */
-  /* Inactive state: initial state for any timer. */
-  /* Max number of states available */
-} flexran_agent_timer_state_t;
-typedef struct flexran_agent_timer_args_s{
-  mid_t            mod_id;
-  Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg;
-} flexran_agent_timer_args_t;
-typedef struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s{
-  RB_ENTRY(flexran_agent_timer_element_s) entry;
-  agent_id_t             agent_id;
-  instance_t       instance;
-  flexran_agent_timer_type_t  type;
-  flexran_agent_timer_state_t state;
-  uint32_t interval_sec;
-  uint32_t interval_usec;
-  long timer_id;  /* Timer id returned by the timer API*/
-  xid_t xid; /*The id of the task as received by the controller
-	       message*/
-  flexran_agent_timer_callback_t cb;
-  flexran_agent_timer_args_t *timer_args;
-} flexran_agent_timer_element_t;
-typedef struct flexran_agent_timer_instance_s{
-  RB_HEAD(flexran_agent_map, flexran_agent_timer_element_s) flexran_agent_head;
-err_code_t flexran_agent_init_timer(void);
-/* Create a timer for some agent related event with id xid. Will store the id 
-   of the generated timer in timer_id */
-err_code_t flexran_agent_create_timer(uint32_t interval_sec,
-				  uint32_t interval_usec,
-				  agent_id_t     agent_id,
-				  instance_t     instance,
-				  uint32_t timer_type,
-				  xid_t xid,
-				  flexran_agent_timer_callback_t cb,
-				  void*    timer_args,
-				  long *timer_id);
-/* Destroy all existing timers */
-err_code_t flexran_agent_destroy_timers(void);
-/* Destroy the timer with the given timer_id */
-err_code_t flexran_agent_destroy_timer(long timer_id);
-/* Destroy the timer for task with id xid */
-err_code_t flexran_agent_destroy_timer_by_task_id(xid_t xid);
-/* Stop a timer */
-err_code_t flexran_agent_stop_timer(long timer_id);
-/* Restart the given timer */
-err_code_t flexran_agent_restart_timer(long *timer_id);
-/* Find the timer with the given timer_id */
-struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s * get_timer_entry(long timer_id);
-/* Obtain the protocol message stored in the given expired timer */
-Protocol__FlexranMessage * flexran_agent_process_timeout(long timer_id, void* timer_args);
-/* Comparator function comparing two timers. Decides the ordering of the timers */
-int flexran_agent_compare_timer(struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s *a, struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s *b);
-/*Specify a delay in nanoseconds to timespec and sleep until then*/
-void flexran_agent_sleep_until(struct timespec *ts, int delay);
+int flexran_agent_stats_request(mid_t mod_id, xid_t xid, const stats_request_config_t *report_config, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg);
+int flexran_agent_destroy_stats_request(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
+err_code_t flexran_agent_enable_cont_stats_update(mid_t mod_id, xid_t xid, stats_request_config_t *stats_req) ;
-/* RB_PROTOTYPE is for .h files */
-RB_PROTOTYPE(flexran_agent_map, flexran_agent_timer_element_s, entry, flexran_agent_compare_timer);
+int flexran_agent_stats_request(mid_t mod_id, xid_t xid,  const stats_request_config_t *report_config, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg);
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_defs.h b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_defs.h
index d60510b0c782bbf39fc17a3b650bc4aa9edc2a03..0b8822a9491f57dc45ce54f44cf1ae84354cac3b 100644
--- a/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_defs.h
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_defs.h
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
 /*! \file flexran_agent_defs.h
  * \brief FlexRAN agent common definitions 
- * \author Navid Nikaein and Xenofon Foukas
- * \date 2016
+ * \author Navid Nikaein and Xenofon Foukas and shahab SHARIAT BAGHERI
+ * \date 2017
  * \version 0.1
@@ -102,6 +102,38 @@ typedef uint8_t lcid_t;
 typedef int32_t  err_code_t; 
+/*---------Timer Enums --------- */
+typedef enum {
+  /* oneshot timer:  */
+  /* periodic timer  */
+  /* Inactive state: initial state for any timer. */
+  /* Max number of states available */
+} flexran_agent_timer_type_t;
+typedef enum {
+  /* Inactive state: initial state for any timer. */
+  /* Inactive state: initial state for any timer. */
+  /* Inactive state: initial state for any timer. */
+  /* Max number of states available */
+} flexran_agent_timer_state_t;
 typedef struct {
   /* general info */ 
@@ -116,6 +148,53 @@ typedef struct {
 } flexran_agent_info_t;
+rrc triggering
+ */
+typedef struct {
+   char   * trigger_policy;
+   uint32_t report_interval;
+   uint32_t report_amount;
+} agent_reconf_rrc;
+/* These structs will be used to give
+   instructions for the type of stats reports
+   we need to create */
+typedef struct {
+  uint16_t ue_rnti;
+  uint32_t ue_report_flags; /* Indicates the report elements
+             required for this UE id. See
+             FlexRAN specification */
+} ue_report_type_t;
+typedef struct {
+  uint16_t cc_id;
+  uint32_t cc_report_flags; /* Indicates the report elements
+            required for this CC index. See
+            FlexRAN specification */
+} cc_report_type_t;
+typedef struct {
+  int nr_ue;
+  ue_report_type_t *ue_report_type;
+  int nr_cc;
+  cc_report_type_t *cc_report_type;
+} report_config_t;
+typedef struct stats_request_config_s{
+  uint8_t report_type;
+  uint8_t report_frequency;
+  uint16_t period; /*In number of subframes*/
+  report_config_t *config;
+} stats_request_config_t;
 typedef struct {
   mid_t enb_id;
   flexran_agent_info_t agent_info;
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_extern.h b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_extern.h
index 4a04d5d3a670b290ab8009e6a61adb79a168b27a..4df984e1a09b84a06be9091e42207320ad0daab5 100644
--- a/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_extern.h
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_extern.h
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
 /*! \file ENB_APP/extern.h
- * \brief FlexRAN agent - mac interface primitives
- * \author Xenofon Foukas
- * \date 2016
+ * \brief FlexRAN agent - Extern VSF xfaces
+ * \author Xenofon Foukas and shahab SHARIAT BAGHERI
+ * \date 2017
  * \version 0.1
  * \mail x.foukas@sms.ed.ac.uk
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
-#include "flexran_agent_defs.h"
+// #include "flexran_agent_defs.h"
 #include "flexran_agent_mac_defs.h"
+#include "flexran_agent_rrc_defs.h"
 //extern msg_context_t shared_ctxt[NUM_MAX_ENB][FLEXRAN_AGENT_MAX];
@@ -45,6 +45,12 @@ extern AGENT_MAC_xface *agent_mac_xface[NUM_MAX_ENB];
 /* Flag indicating whether the VSFs for the MAC control module have been registered */
 extern unsigned int mac_agent_registered[NUM_MAX_ENB];
+/* Control module interface for the communication of the RRC Control Module with the agent */
+extern AGENT_RRC_xface *agent_rrc_xface[NUM_MAX_ENB];
+/* Flag indicating whether the VSFs for the RRC control module have been registered */
+extern unsigned int rrc_agent_registered[NUM_MAX_ENB];
 /* Requried to know which UEs had a harq updated over some subframe */
 extern int harq_pid_updated[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX][8];
 extern int harq_pid_round[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX][8];
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_handler.c b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_handler.c
index 29a1c1000c369c33fc2de403e277310133fdc976..b57039bec5f6d2c9774fcef6bc6559a65bb551b5 100644
--- a/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_handler.c
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_handler.c
@@ -21,14 +21,16 @@
 /*! \file flexran_agent_handler.c
  * \brief FlexRAN agent tx and rx message handler 
- * \author Xenofon Foukas and Navid Nikaein
- * \date 2016
+ * \author Xenofon Foukas and Navid Nikaein and shahab SHARIAT BAGHERI
+ * \date 2017
  * \version 0.1
+#include "flexran_agent_defs.h"
 #include "flexran_agent_common.h"
 #include "flexran_agent_mac.h"
+#include "flexran_agent_rrc.h"
+#include "flexran_agent_timer.h"
 #include "log.h"
 #include "assertions.h"
@@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ flexran_agent_message_decoded_callback agent_messages_callback[][3] = {
   {flexran_agent_hello, 0, 0}, /*PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_HELLO_MSG*/
   {flexran_agent_echo_reply, 0, 0}, /*PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_ECHO_REQUEST_MSG*/
   {0, 0, 0}, /*PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_ECHO_REPLY_MSG*/ //Must add handler when receiving echo reply
-  {flexran_agent_mac_handle_stats, 0, 0}, /*PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_STATS_REQUEST_MSG*/
+  {flexran_agent_handle_stats, 0, 0}, /*PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_STATS_REQUEST_MSG*/
@@ -51,13 +53,14 @@ flexran_agent_message_decoded_callback agent_messages_callback[][3] = {
   {flexran_agent_control_delegation, 0, 0}, /*PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_CONTROL_DELEGATION_MSG*/
   {flexran_agent_reconfiguration, 0, 0}, /*PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_AGENT_RECONFIGURATION_MSG*/
+  {flexran_agent_rrc_measurement, 0, 0}, /*PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_RRC_TRIGGERING_MSG*/
 flexran_agent_message_destruction_callback message_destruction_callback[] = {
-  flexran_agent_mac_destroy_stats_request,
+  flexran_agent_destroy_stats_request,
@@ -93,7 +96,7 @@ Protocol__FlexranMessage* flexran_agent_handle_message (mid_t mod_id,
     goto error; 
+  printf("==================>   %d    %d  \n", decoded_message->msg_case, decoded_message->msg_dir);
   if ((decoded_message->msg_case > sizeof(agent_messages_callback) / (3 * sizeof(flexran_agent_message_decoded_callback))) || 
       (decoded_message->msg_dir > PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_DIRECTION__UNSUCCESSFUL_OUTCOME)){
@@ -187,3 +190,568 @@ Protocol__FlexranMessage* flexran_agent_process_timeout(long timer_id, void* tim
 err_code_t flexran_agent_destroy_flexran_message(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) {
   return ((*message_destruction_callback[msg->msg_case-1])(msg));
+  Top Level Statistics Report
+ */
+int flexran_agent_handle_stats(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg){
+  // TODO: Must deal with sanitization of input
+  // TODO: Must check if RNTIs and cell ids of the request actually exist
+  // TODO: Must resolve conflicts among stats requests
+  int i;
+  err_code_t err_code;
+  xid_t xid;
+  uint32_t usec_interval, sec_interval;
+  //TODO: We do not deal with multiple CCs at the moment and eNB id is 0
+  int enb_id = mod_id;
+  //eNB_MAC_INST *eNB = &eNB_mac_inst[enb_id];
+  //UE_list_t *eNB_UE_list=  &eNB->UE_list;
+  report_config_t report_config;
+  uint32_t ue_flags = 0;
+  uint32_t c_flags = 0;
+  Protocol__FlexranMessage *input = (Protocol__FlexranMessage *)params;
+  Protocol__FlexStatsRequest *stats_req = input->stats_request_msg;
+  xid = (stats_req->header)->xid;
+  // Check the type of request that is made
+  switch(stats_req->body_case) {
+    Protocol__FlexCompleteStatsRequest *comp_req = stats_req->complete_stats_request;
+    if (comp_req->report_frequency == PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_REPORT_FREQ__FLSRF_OFF) {
+      /*Disable both periodic and continuous updates*/
+      // flexran_agent_disable_cont_stats_update(mod_id);
+      flexran_agent_destroy_timer_by_task_id(xid);
+      *msg = NULL;
+      return 0;
+    } else { //One-off, periodical or continuous reporting
+      //Set the proper flags
+      ue_flags = comp_req->ue_report_flags;
+      c_flags = comp_req->cell_report_flags;
+      //Create a list of all eNB RNTIs and cells
+      //Set the number of UEs and create list with their RNTIs stats configs
+      report_config.nr_ue = flexran_get_num_ues(mod_id); //eNB_UE_list->num_UEs
+      report_config.ue_report_type = (ue_report_type_t *) malloc(sizeof(ue_report_type_t) * report_config.nr_ue);
+      if (report_config.ue_report_type == NULL) {
+  // TODO: Add appropriate error code
+  err_code = -100;
+  goto error;
+      }
+      for (i = 0; i < report_config.nr_ue; i++) {
+  report_config.ue_report_type[i].ue_rnti = flexran_get_ue_crnti(enb_id, i); //eNB_UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[UE_PCCID(enb_id,i)][i].crnti;
+  report_config.ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags = ue_flags;
+      }
+      //Set the number of CCs and create a list with the cell stats configs
+      report_config.nr_cc = MAX_NUM_CCs;
+      report_config.cc_report_type = (cc_report_type_t *) malloc(sizeof(cc_report_type_t) * report_config.nr_cc);
+      if (report_config.cc_report_type == NULL) {
+  // TODO: Add appropriate error code
+  err_code = -100;
+  goto error;
+      }
+      for (i = 0; i < report_config.nr_cc; i++) {
+  //TODO: Must fill in the proper cell ids
+  report_config.cc_report_type[i].cc_id = i;
+  report_config.cc_report_type[i].cc_report_flags = c_flags;
+      }
+      /* Check if request was periodical */
+      if (comp_req->report_frequency == PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_REPORT_FREQ__FLSRF_PERIODICAL) {
+  /* Create a one off flexran message as an argument for the periodical task */
+  Protocol__FlexranMessage *timer_msg;
+  stats_request_config_t request_config;
+  request_config.report_type = PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_TYPE__FLST_COMPLETE_STATS;
+  request_config.report_frequency = PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_REPORT_FREQ__FLSRF_ONCE;
+  request_config.period = 0;
+  /* Need to make sure that the ue flags are saved (Bug) */
+  if (report_config.nr_ue == 0) {
+    report_config.nr_ue = 1;
+    report_config.ue_report_type = (ue_report_type_t *) malloc(sizeof(ue_report_type_t));
+     if (report_config.ue_report_type == NULL) {
+       // TODO: Add appropriate error code
+       err_code = -100;
+       goto error;
+     }
+     report_config.ue_report_type[0].ue_rnti = 0; // Dummy value
+     report_config.ue_report_type[0].ue_report_flags = ue_flags;
+  }
+  request_config.config = &report_config;
+  flexran_agent_stats_request(enb_id, xid, &request_config, &timer_msg);
+  /* Create a timer */
+  long timer_id = 0;
+  flexran_agent_timer_args_t *timer_args;
+  timer_args = malloc(sizeof(flexran_agent_timer_args_t));
+  memset (timer_args, 0, sizeof(flexran_agent_timer_args_t));
+  timer_args->mod_id = enb_id;
+  timer_args->msg = timer_msg;
+  /*Convert subframes to usec time*/
+  usec_interval = 1000*comp_req->sf;
+  sec_interval = 0;
+  /*add seconds if required*/
+  if (usec_interval >= 1000*1000) {
+    sec_interval = usec_interval/(1000*1000);
+    usec_interval = usec_interval%(1000*1000);
+  }
+  flexran_agent_create_timer(sec_interval, usec_interval, FLEXRAN_AGENT_DEFAULT, enb_id, FLEXRAN_AGENT_TIMER_TYPE_PERIODIC, xid, flexran_agent_handle_timed_task,(void*) timer_args, &timer_id);
+      } else if (comp_req->report_frequency == PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_REPORT_FREQ__FLSRF_CONTINUOUS) {
+  /*If request was for continuous updates, disable the previous configuration and
+    set up a new one*/
+  // flexran_agent_disable_cont_stats_update(mod_id);
+  stats_request_config_t request_config;
+  request_config.report_type = PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_TYPE__FLST_COMPLETE_STATS;
+  request_config.report_frequency = PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_REPORT_FREQ__FLSRF_ONCE;
+  request_config.period = 0;
+  /* Need to make sure that the ue flags are saved (Bug) */
+  if (report_config.nr_ue == 0) {
+    report_config.nr_ue = 1;
+    report_config.ue_report_type = (ue_report_type_t *) malloc(sizeof(ue_report_type_t));
+    if (report_config.ue_report_type == NULL) {
+      // TODO: Add appropriate error code
+      err_code = -100;
+      goto error;
+    }
+    report_config.ue_report_type[0].ue_rnti = 0; // Dummy value
+    report_config.ue_report_type[0].ue_report_flags = ue_flags;
+  }
+  request_config.config = &report_config;
+  flexran_agent_enable_cont_stats_update(enb_id, xid, &request_config);
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+    Protocol__FlexCellStatsRequest *cell_req = stats_req->cell_stats_request;
+    // UE report config will be blank
+    report_config.nr_ue = 0;
+    report_config.ue_report_type = NULL;
+    report_config.nr_cc = cell_req->n_cell;
+    report_config.cc_report_type = (cc_report_type_t *) malloc(sizeof(cc_report_type_t) * report_config.nr_cc);
+    if (report_config.cc_report_type == NULL) {
+      // TODO: Add appropriate error code
+      err_code = -100;
+      goto error;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < report_config.nr_cc; i++) {
+  //TODO: Must fill in the proper cell ids
+      report_config.cc_report_type[i].cc_id = cell_req->cell[i];
+      report_config.cc_report_type[i].cc_report_flags = cell_req->flags;
+    }
+    break;
+    Protocol__FlexUeStatsRequest *ue_req = stats_req->ue_stats_request;
+    // Cell report config will be blank
+    report_config.nr_cc = 0;
+    report_config.cc_report_type = NULL;
+    report_config.nr_ue = ue_req->n_rnti;
+    report_config.ue_report_type = (ue_report_type_t *) malloc(sizeof(ue_report_type_t) * report_config.nr_ue);
+    if (report_config.ue_report_type == NULL) {
+      // TODO: Add appropriate error code
+      err_code = -100;
+      goto error;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < report_config.nr_ue; i++) {
+      report_config.ue_report_type[i].ue_rnti = ue_req->rnti[i];
+      report_config.ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags = ue_req->flags;
+    }
+    break;
+  default:
+    //TODO: Add appropriate error code
+    err_code = -100;
+    goto error;
+  }
+   if (flexran_agent_stats_reply(enb_id, xid, &report_config, msg )){  
+      goto error;
+    }
+  free(report_config.ue_report_type);
+  free(report_config.cc_report_type);
+  return 0;
+ error :
+  LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "errno %d occured\n", err_code);
+  return err_code;
+  Top level reply 
+ */
+int flexran_agent_stats_reply(mid_t enb_id, xid_t xid, const report_config_t *report_config, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg){
+  Protocol__FlexHeader *header;
+  err_code_t err_code;
+  int i;
+  if (flexran_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__FLEX_TYPE__FLPT_STATS_REPLY, &header) != 0)
+    goto error;
+  Protocol__FlexStatsReply *stats_reply_msg;
+  stats_reply_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexStatsReply));
+  if (stats_reply_msg == NULL)
+    goto error;
+  protocol__flex_stats_reply__init(stats_reply_msg);
+  stats_reply_msg->header = header;
+  stats_reply_msg->n_ue_report = report_config->nr_ue;
+  stats_reply_msg->n_cell_report = report_config->nr_cc;
+  // UE report
+  Protocol__FlexUeStatsReport **ue_report;
+  ue_report = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUeStatsReport *) * report_config->nr_ue);
+          if (ue_report == NULL)
+            goto error;
+  for (i = 0; i < report_config->nr_ue; i++) {
+      ue_report[i] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUeStatsReport));
+      protocol__flex_ue_stats_report__init(ue_report[i]);
+      ue_report[i]->rnti = report_config->ue_report_type[i].ue_rnti;
+      ue_report[i]->has_rnti = 1;
+      ue_report[i]->flags = report_config->ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags;
+      ue_report[i]->has_flags = 1;
+  }
+  // cell rpoert 
+  Protocol__FlexCellStatsReport **cell_report;
+  cell_report = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexCellStatsReport *) * report_config->nr_cc);
+  if (cell_report == NULL)
+    goto error;
+  for (i = 0; i < report_config->nr_cc; i++) {
+      cell_report[i] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexCellStatsReport));
+      if(cell_report[i] == NULL)
+          goto error;
+      protocol__flex_cell_stats_report__init(cell_report[i]);
+      cell_report[i]->carrier_index = report_config->cc_report_type[i].cc_id;
+      cell_report[i]->has_carrier_index = 1;
+      cell_report[i]->flags = report_config->cc_report_type[i].cc_report_flags;
+      cell_report[i]->has_flags = 1;
+  }
+    /*
+      MAC reply split
+     */
+    if (flexran_agent_mac_stats_reply(enb_id, report_config,  ue_report, cell_report) < 0 ) {
+        err_code = PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_ERR__MSG_BUILD;
+        goto error;
+    }
+  stats_reply_msg->cell_report = cell_report;
+  stats_reply_msg->ue_report = ue_report;
+ *msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexranMessage));
+  if(*msg == NULL)
+    goto error;
+  protocol__flexran_message__init(*msg);
+  (*msg)->stats_reply_msg = stats_reply_msg;
+  return 0;
+error :
+  LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "errno %d occured\n", err_code);
+  return err_code;
+  Top Level Request 
+ */
+int flexran_agent_stats_request(mid_t mod_id,
+            xid_t xid,
+            const stats_request_config_t *report_config,
+            Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg) {
+  Protocol__FlexHeader *header;
+  int i;
+  Protocol__FlexStatsRequest *stats_request_msg;
+  stats_request_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexStatsRequest));
+  if(stats_request_msg == NULL)
+    goto error;
+  protocol__flex_stats_request__init(stats_request_msg);
+  if (flexran_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__FLEX_TYPE__FLPT_STATS_REQUEST, &header) != 0)
+    goto error;
+  stats_request_msg->header = header;
+  stats_request_msg->type = report_config->report_type;
+  stats_request_msg->has_type = 1;
+  switch (report_config->report_type) {
+    Protocol__FlexCompleteStatsRequest *complete_stats;
+    complete_stats = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexCompleteStatsRequest));
+    if(complete_stats == NULL)
+      goto error;
+    protocol__flex_complete_stats_request__init(complete_stats);
+    complete_stats->report_frequency = report_config->report_frequency;
+    complete_stats->has_report_frequency = 1;
+    complete_stats->sf = report_config->period;
+    complete_stats->has_sf = 1;
+    complete_stats->has_cell_report_flags = 1;
+    complete_stats->has_ue_report_flags = 1;
+    if (report_config->config->nr_cc > 0) {
+      complete_stats->cell_report_flags = report_config->config->cc_report_type[0].cc_report_flags;
+    }
+    if (report_config->config->nr_ue > 0) {
+      complete_stats->ue_report_flags = report_config->config->ue_report_type[0].ue_report_flags;
+    }
+    stats_request_msg->complete_stats_request = complete_stats;
+    break;
+    stats_request_msg->body_case = PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_REQUEST__BODY_CELL_STATS_REQUEST;
+     Protocol__FlexCellStatsRequest *cell_stats;
+     cell_stats = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexCellStatsRequest));
+    if(cell_stats == NULL)
+      goto error;
+    protocol__flex_cell_stats_request__init(cell_stats);
+    cell_stats->n_cell = report_config->config->nr_cc;
+    cell_stats->has_flags = 1;
+    if (cell_stats->n_cell > 0) {
+      uint32_t *cells;
+      cells = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*cell_stats->n_cell);
+      for (i = 0; i < cell_stats->n_cell; i++) {
+  cells[i] = report_config->config->cc_report_type[i].cc_id;
+      }
+      cell_stats->cell = cells;
+      cell_stats->flags = report_config->config->cc_report_type[i].cc_report_flags;
+    }
+    stats_request_msg->cell_stats_request = cell_stats;
+    break;
+    stats_request_msg->body_case = PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_REQUEST__BODY_UE_STATS_REQUEST;
+     Protocol__FlexUeStatsRequest *ue_stats;
+     ue_stats = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexUeStatsRequest));
+    if(ue_stats == NULL)
+      goto error;
+    protocol__flex_ue_stats_request__init(ue_stats);
+    ue_stats->n_rnti = report_config->config->nr_ue;
+    ue_stats->has_flags = 1;
+    if (ue_stats->n_rnti > 0) {
+      uint32_t *ues;
+      ues = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*ue_stats->n_rnti);
+      for (i = 0; i < ue_stats->n_rnti; i++) {
+  ues[i] = report_config->config->ue_report_type[i].ue_rnti;
+      }
+      ue_stats->rnti = ues;
+      ue_stats->flags = report_config->config->ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags;
+    }
+    stats_request_msg->ue_stats_request = ue_stats;
+    break;
+  default:
+    goto error;
+  }
+  *msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexranMessage));
+  if(*msg == NULL)
+    goto error;
+  protocol__flexran_message__init(*msg);
+  (*msg)->stats_request_msg = stats_request_msg;
+  return 0;
+ error:
+  // TODO: Need to make proper error handling
+  if (header != NULL)
+    free(header);
+  if (stats_request_msg != NULL)
+    free(stats_request_msg);
+  if(*msg != NULL)
+    free(*msg);
+  //LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__);
+  return -1;
+int flexran_agent_destroy_stats_request(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) {
+    goto error;
+  free(msg->stats_request_msg->header);
+  if (msg->stats_request_msg->body_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_REQUEST__BODY_CELL_STATS_REQUEST) {
+    free(msg->stats_request_msg->cell_stats_request->cell);
+  }
+  if (msg->stats_request_msg->body_case == PROTOCOL__FLEX_STATS_REQUEST__BODY_UE_STATS_REQUEST) {
+    free(msg->stats_request_msg->ue_stats_request->rnti);
+  }
+  free(msg->stats_request_msg);
+  free(msg);
+  return 0;
+ error:
+  //LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__);
+  return -1;
+  Top Level Update 
+ */
+void flexran_agent_send_update_stats(mid_t mod_id) {
+  Protocol__FlexranMessage *current_report = NULL;
+  void *data;
+  int size;
+  err_code_t err_code;
+  int priority = 0;
+  if (pthread_mutex_lock(stats_context[mod_id].mutex)) {
+    goto error;
+  }
+  if (stats_context[mod_id].cont_update == 1) {
+    /*Create a fresh report with the required flags*/
+    err_code = flexran_agent_handle_stats(mod_id, (void *) stats_context[mod_id].stats_req, &current_report);
+    if (err_code < 0) {
+      goto error;
+    }
+  }
+  /* /\*TODO:Check if a previous reports exists and if yes, generate a report */
+  /*  *that is the diff between the old and the new report, */
+  /*  *respecting the thresholds. Otherwise send the new report*\/ */
+  /* if (stats_context[mod_id].prev_stats_reply != NULL) { */
+  /*   msg = flexran_agent_generate_diff_mac_stats_report(current_report, stats_context[mod_id].prev_stats_reply); */
+  /*   /\*Destroy the old stats*\/ */
+  /*    flexran_agent_destroy_flexran_message(stats_context[mod_id].prev_stats_reply); */
+  /* } */
+  /* /\*Use the current report for future comparissons*\/ */
+  /* stats_context[mod_id].prev_stats_reply = current_report; */
+  if (pthread_mutex_unlock(stats_context[mod_id].mutex)) {
+    goto error;
+  }
+  if (current_report != NULL){
+    data=flexran_agent_pack_message(current_report, &size);
+    /*Send any stats updates using the MAC channel of the eNB*/
+    if (flexran_agent_msg_send(mod_id, FLEXRAN_AGENT_MAC, data, size, priority)) {
+      goto error;
+    }
+    LOG_D(FLEXRAN_AGENT,"sent message with size %d\n", size);
+    return;
+  }
+ error:
+  LOG_D(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Could not send sf trigger message\n");
+err_code_t flexran_agent_disable_cont_stats_update(mid_t mod_id) {
+  /*Disable the continuous updates for the MAC*/
+  if (pthread_mutex_lock(stats_context[mod_id].mutex)) {
+    goto error;
+  }
+  stats_context[mod_id].cont_update = 0;
+  stats_context[mod_id].xid = 0;
+  if (stats_context[mod_id].stats_req != NULL) {
+    flexran_agent_destroy_flexran_message(stats_context[mod_id].stats_req);
+  }
+  if (stats_context[mod_id].prev_stats_reply != NULL) {
+    flexran_agent_destroy_flexran_message(stats_context[mod_id].prev_stats_reply);
+  }
+  if (pthread_mutex_unlock(stats_context[mod_id].mutex)) {
+    goto error;
+  }
+  return 0;
+ error:
+  LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "stats_context for eNB %d is not initialized\n", mod_id);
+  return -1;
+err_code_t flexran_agent_enable_cont_stats_update(mid_t mod_id,
+                  xid_t xid, stats_request_config_t *stats_req) {
+  if (pthread_mutex_lock(stats_context[mod_id].mutex)) {
+    goto error;
+  }
+  Protocol__FlexranMessage *req_msg;
+  flexran_agent_stats_request(mod_id, xid, stats_req, &req_msg);
+  stats_context[mod_id].stats_req = req_msg;
+  stats_context[mod_id].prev_stats_reply = NULL;
+  stats_context[mod_id].cont_update = 1;
+  stats_context[mod_id].xid = xid;
+  if (pthread_mutex_unlock(stats_context[mod_id].mutex)) {
+    goto error;
+  }
+  return 0;
+ error:
+  LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "stats_context for eNB %d is not initialized\n", mod_id);
+  return -1;
+err_code_t flexran_agent_init_cont_stats_update(mid_t mod_id) {
+  /*Initially the continuous update is set to false*/
+  stats_context[mod_id].cont_update = 0;
+  stats_context[mod_id].is_initialized = 1;
+  stats_context[mod_id].stats_req = NULL;
+  stats_context[mod_id].prev_stats_reply = NULL;
+  stats_context[mod_id].mutex = calloc(1, sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));
+  if (stats_context[mod_id].mutex == NULL)
+    goto error;
+  if (pthread_mutex_init(stats_context[mod_id].mutex, NULL))
+    goto error;;
+  return 0;
+ error:
+  return -1;
+err_code_t flexran_agent_destroy_cont_stats_update(mid_t mod_id) {
+  stats_context[mod_id].cont_update = 0;
+  stats_context[mod_id].is_initialized = 0;
+  flexran_agent_destroy_flexran_message(stats_context[mod_id].stats_req);
+  flexran_agent_destroy_flexran_message(stats_context[mod_id].prev_stats_reply);
+  free(stats_context[mod_id].mutex);
+  // mac_agent_registered[mod_id] = 0;
+  return 1;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_ran_api.c b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_ran_api.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17a53c7eb0f8507a545d9b0a052a182919cd9464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_ran_api.c
@@ -0,0 +1,929 @@
+ * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ * the OAI Public License, Version 1.0  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+ *      contact@openairinterface.org
+ */ 
+/*! \file flexran_agent_ran_api.c
+ * \brief FlexRAN RAN API abstraction 
+ * \author shahab SHARIAT BAGHERI
+ * \date 2017
+ * \version 0.1
+ */
+#include "flexran_agent_ran_api.h"
+ * get generic info from RAN
+ */
+void * enb[NUM_MAX_ENB];
+void * enb_ue[NUM_MAX_ENB];
+void * enb_rrc[NUM_MAX_ENB];
+void flexran_set_enb_vars(mid_t mod_id, ran_name_t ran){
+  switch (ran){
+  case RAN_LTE_OAI :
+    enb[mod_id] =  (void *)&eNB_mac_inst[mod_id];
+    enb_ue[mod_id] = (void *)&eNB_mac_inst[mod_id].UE_list;
+    enb_rrc[mod_id] = (void *)&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id];
+    break;
+  default :
+    goto error;
+  }
+  return; 
+ error:
+  LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "unknown RAN name %d\n", ran);
+int flexran_get_current_time_ms (mid_t mod_id, int subframe_flag){
+  if (subframe_flag == 1){
+    return ((eNB_MAC_INST *)enb[mod_id])->frame*10 + ((eNB_MAC_INST *)enb[mod_id])->subframe;
+  }else {
+    return ((eNB_MAC_INST *)enb[mod_id])->frame*10;
+  }
+unsigned int flexran_get_current_frame (mid_t mod_id) {
+  //  #warning "SFN will not be in [0-1023] when oaisim is used"
+  return ((eNB_MAC_INST *)enb[mod_id])->frame;
+unsigned int flexran_get_current_system_frame_num(mid_t mod_id) {
+  return (flexran_get_current_frame(mod_id) %1024);
+unsigned int flexran_get_current_subframe (mid_t mod_id) {
+  return ((eNB_MAC_INST *)enb[mod_id])->subframe;
+uint16_t flexran_get_sfn_sf (mid_t mod_id) {
+  frame_t frame;
+  sub_frame_t subframe;
+  uint16_t sfn_sf, frame_mask, sf_mask;
+  frame = (frame_t) flexran_get_current_system_frame_num(mod_id);
+  subframe = (sub_frame_t) flexran_get_current_subframe(mod_id);
+  frame_mask = ((1<<12) - 1);
+  sf_mask = ((1<<4) - 1);
+  sfn_sf = (subframe & sf_mask) | ((frame & frame_mask) << 4);
+  return sfn_sf;
+uint16_t flexran_get_future_sfn_sf (mid_t mod_id, int ahead_of_time) {
+  frame_t frame;
+  sub_frame_t subframe;
+  uint16_t sfn_sf, frame_mask, sf_mask;
+  frame = (frame_t) flexran_get_current_system_frame_num(mod_id);
+  subframe = (sub_frame_t) flexran_get_current_subframe(mod_id);
+  subframe = ((subframe + ahead_of_time) % 10);
+  if (subframe < flexran_get_current_subframe(mod_id)) {
+    frame = (frame + 1) % 1024;
+  }
+  int additional_frames = ahead_of_time / 10;
+  frame = (frame + additional_frames) % 1024;
+  frame_mask = ((1<<12) - 1);
+  sf_mask = ((1<<4) - 1);
+  sfn_sf = (subframe & sf_mask) | ((frame & frame_mask) << 4);
+  return sfn_sf;
+int flexran_get_num_ues (mid_t mod_id){
+  return  ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->num_UEs;
+int flexran_get_ue_crnti (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
+  return  UE_RNTI(mod_id, ue_id);
+int flexran_get_ue_bsr (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, lcid_t lcid) {
+  return ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->UE_template[UE_PCCID(mod_id,ue_id)][ue_id].bsr_info[lcid];
+int flexran_get_ue_phr (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
+  return ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->UE_template[UE_PCCID(mod_id,ue_id)][ue_id].phr_info;
+int flexran_get_ue_wcqi (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
+  LTE_eNB_UE_stats     *eNB_UE_stats     = NULL;
+  eNB_UE_stats = mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(mod_id, 0, UE_RNTI(mod_id, ue_id));
+  return eNB_UE_stats->DL_cqi[0];
+  //  return ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->eNB_UE_stats[UE_PCCID(mod_id,ue_id)][ue_id].dl_cqi;
+int flexran_get_tx_queue_size(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, logical_chan_id_t channel_id) {
+  rnti_t rnti = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+  uint16_t frame = (uint16_t) flexran_get_current_frame(mod_id);
+  mac_rlc_status_resp_t rlc_status = mac_rlc_status_ind(mod_id,rnti, mod_id,frame,ENB_FLAG_YES,MBMS_FLAG_NO, channel_id, 0);
+  return rlc_status.bytes_in_buffer;
+int flexran_get_hol_delay(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, logical_chan_id_t channel_id) {
+  rnti_t rnti = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+  uint16_t frame = (uint16_t) flexran_get_current_frame(mod_id);
+  mac_rlc_status_resp_t rlc_status = mac_rlc_status_ind(mod_id, rnti, mod_id, frame, ENB_FLAG_YES, MBMS_FLAG_NO, channel_id, 0);
+  return rlc_status.head_sdu_creation_time;
+short flexran_get_TA(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id) {
+  UE_list_t *UE_list=&eNB_mac_inst[mod_id].UE_list;
+  int rnti;
+  rnti = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id, ue_id);
+  LTE_eNB_UE_stats		*eNB_UE_stats = mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(mod_id, CC_id, rnti);
+  //ue_sched_ctl->ta_timer		      = 20;	// wait 20 subframes before taking TA measurement from PHY                                         
+  switch (PHY_vars_eNB_g[mod_id][CC_id]->frame_parms.N_RB_DL) {
+  case 6:
+    return eNB_UE_stats->timing_advance_update;
+  case 15:
+    return eNB_UE_stats->timing_advance_update/2;
+  case 25:
+    return eNB_UE_stats->timing_advance_update/4;
+  case 50:
+    return eNB_UE_stats->timing_advance_update/8;
+  case 75:
+    return eNB_UE_stats->timing_advance_update/12;
+  case 100:
+    if (PHY_vars_eNB_g[mod_id][CC_id]->frame_parms.threequarter_fs == 0) {
+      return eNB_UE_stats->timing_advance_update/16;
+    } else {
+      return eNB_UE_stats->timing_advance_update/12;
+    }
+  default:
+    return 0;
+  }
+int flexran_get_ue_pmi(mid_t mod_id){
+  /*Xenofon to check this*/
+  return 0;
+void flexran_update_TA(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id) {
+  UE_list_t *UE_list=&eNB_mac_inst[mod_id].UE_list;
+  UE_sched_ctrl *ue_sched_ctl = &UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[ue_id];
+  if (ue_sched_ctl->ta_timer == 0) {
+    // WE SHOULD PROTECT the eNB_UE_stats with a mutex here ...                                                                         
+    //    LTE_eNB_UE_stats		*eNB_UE_stats = mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(mod_id, CC_id, rnti);
+    //ue_sched_ctl->ta_timer		      = 20;	// wait 20 subframes before taking TA measurement from PHY                                         
+    ue_sched_ctl->ta_update = flexran_get_TA(mod_id, ue_id, CC_id);
+    // clear the update in case PHY does not have a new measurement after timer expiry                                               
+    //    eNB_UE_stats->timing_advance_update	      = 0;
+  } else {
+    ue_sched_ctl->ta_timer--;
+    ue_sched_ctl->ta_update		      = 0;	// don't trigger a timing advance command      
+  }
+int flexran_get_MAC_CE_bitmap_TA(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id,int CC_id) {
+  UE_list_t			*UE_list      = &eNB_mac_inst[mod_id].UE_list;
+  rnti_t rnti = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+  LTE_eNB_UE_stats *eNB_UE_stats = mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(mod_id,CC_id,rnti);
+  if (eNB_UE_stats == NULL) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if (flexran_get_TA(mod_id, ue_id, CC_id) != 0) {
+  } else {
+    return 0;
+  }
+int flexran_get_active_CC(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
+	return ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->numactiveCCs[ue_id];
+int flexran_get_current_RI(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_eNB_UE_stats	*eNB_UE_stats = NULL;
+	rnti_t			 rnti	      = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+	eNB_UE_stats			      = mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(mod_id,CC_id,rnti);
+	if (eNB_UE_stats == NULL) {
+	  return 0;
+	}
+	return eNB_UE_stats[CC_id].rank;
+int flexran_get_tpc(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
+	LTE_eNB_UE_stats	*eNB_UE_stats = NULL;
+	int32_t			 normalized_rx_power, target_rx_power;
+	int			 tpc	      = 1;
+	int			 pCCid	      = UE_PCCID(mod_id,ue_id);
+	rnti_t			 rnti	      = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+	eNB_UE_stats = mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(mod_id, pCCid, rnti);
+	target_rx_power = mac_xface->get_target_pusch_rx_power(mod_id,pCCid);
+	if (eNB_UE_stats == NULL) {
+	  normalized_rx_power = target_rx_power;
+	} else if (eNB_UE_stats->UL_rssi != NULL) {
+	  normalized_rx_power = eNB_UE_stats->UL_rssi[0];
+	} else {
+	  normalized_rx_power = target_rx_power;
+	}
+	if (normalized_rx_power>(target_rx_power+1)) {
+		tpc = 0;	//-1
+	} else if (normalized_rx_power<(target_rx_power-1)) {
+		tpc = 2;	//+1
+	} else {
+		tpc = 1;	//0
+	}
+	return tpc;
+int flexran_get_harq(const mid_t mod_id, 
+		     const uint8_t CC_id, 
+		     const mid_t ue_id, 
+		     const int frame, 
+		     const uint8_t subframe, 
+		     uint8_t *id, 
+		     uint8_t *round)	{ //flag_id_status = 0 then id, else status
+	/*TODO: Add int TB in function parameters to get the status of the second TB. This can be done to by editing in
+	 * get_ue_active_harq_pid function in line 272 file: phy_procedures_lte_eNB.c to add
+	 * DLSCH_ptr = PHY_vars_eNB_g[Mod_id][CC_id]->dlsch_eNB[(uint32_t)UE_id][1];*/
+  uint8_t harq_pid;
+  uint8_t harq_round;
+  uint16_t rnti = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+  mac_xface->get_ue_active_harq_pid(mod_id,CC_id,rnti,frame,subframe,&harq_pid,&harq_round,openair_harq_DL);
+  *id = harq_pid;
+  *round = harq_round;
+  /* if (round > 0) { */
+  /*   *status = 1; */
+  /* } else { */
+  /*   *status = 0; */
+  /* } */
+  /* return 0; */
+  return *round;
+int flexran_get_p0_pucch_dbm(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id) {
+  LTE_eNB_UE_stats *eNB_UE_stats = NULL;
+  uint32_t rnti = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+  eNB_UE_stats =  mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(mod_id, CC_id, rnti);
+  if (eNB_UE_stats == NULL) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  //	if(eNB_UE_stats->Po_PUCCH_update == 1) {
+  return eNB_UE_stats->Po_PUCCH_dBm;
+  //}
+  //else
+  //  return -1;
+int flexran_get_p0_nominal_pucch(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+  int32_t pucch_rx_received = mac_xface->get_target_pucch_rx_power(mod_id, CC_id);
+  return pucch_rx_received;
+int flexran_get_p0_pucch_status(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id) {
+  LTE_eNB_UE_stats *eNB_UE_stats = NULL;
+  uint32_t rnti = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+  eNB_UE_stats =  mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(mod_id, CC_id, rnti);
+  return eNB_UE_stats->Po_PUCCH_update;
+int flexran_update_p0_pucch(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id) {
+  LTE_eNB_UE_stats *eNB_UE_stats = NULL;
+  uint32_t rnti = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+  eNB_UE_stats =  mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(mod_id, CC_id, rnti);
+  eNB_UE_stats->Po_PUCCH_update = 0;
+  return 0;
+ * ************************************
+ * Get Messages for eNB Configuration Reply
+ * ************************************
+ */
+int flexran_get_hopping_offset(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->pusch_config_common.pusch_HoppingOffset;
+int flexran_get_hopping_mode(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->pusch_config_common.hoppingMode;
+int flexran_get_n_SB(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->pusch_config_common.n_SB;
+int flexran_get_enable64QAM(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->pusch_config_common.enable64QAM;
+int flexran_get_phich_duration(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->phich_config_common.phich_duration;
+int flexran_get_phich_resource(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	if(frame_parms->phich_config_common.phich_resource == oneSixth)
+		return 0;
+	else if(frame_parms->phich_config_common.phich_resource == half)
+		return 1;
+	else if(frame_parms->phich_config_common.phich_resource == one)
+		return 2;
+	else if(frame_parms->phich_config_common.phich_resource == two)
+		return 3;
+	return -1;
+int flexran_get_n1pucch_an(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->pucch_config_common.n1PUCCH_AN;
+int flexran_get_nRB_CQI(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->pucch_config_common.nRB_CQI;
+int flexran_get_deltaPUCCH_Shift(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->pucch_config_common.deltaPUCCH_Shift;
+int flexran_get_prach_ConfigIndex(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->prach_config_common.prach_ConfigInfo.prach_ConfigIndex;
+int flexran_get_prach_FreqOffset(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->prach_config_common.prach_ConfigInfo.prach_FreqOffset;
+int flexran_get_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->maxHARQ_Msg3Tx;
+int flexran_get_ul_cyclic_prefix_length(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->Ncp_UL;
+int flexran_get_dl_cyclic_prefix_length(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->Ncp;
+int flexran_get_cell_id(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->Nid_cell;
+int flexran_get_srs_BandwidthConfig(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->soundingrs_ul_config_common.srs_BandwidthConfig;
+int flexran_get_srs_SubframeConfig(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->soundingrs_ul_config_common.srs_SubframeConfig;
+int flexran_get_srs_MaxUpPts(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->soundingrs_ul_config_common.srs_MaxUpPts;
+int flexran_get_N_RB_DL(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->N_RB_DL;
+int flexran_get_N_RB_UL(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->N_RB_UL;
+int flexran_get_N_RBG(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+  	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->N_RBG;
+int flexran_get_subframe_assignment(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->tdd_config;
+int flexran_get_special_subframe_assignment(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	return frame_parms->tdd_config_S;
+int flexran_get_ra_ResponseWindowSize(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+  return enb_config_get()->properties[mod_id]->rach_raResponseWindowSize[CC_id];
+int flexran_get_mac_ContentionResolutionTimer(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+  return enb_config_get()->properties[mod_id]->rach_macContentionResolutionTimer[CC_id];
+int flexran_get_duplex_mode(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+	frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+	if(frame_parms->frame_type == TDD)
+	else if (frame_parms->frame_type == FDD)
+	return -1;
+long flexran_get_si_window_length(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	return  ((eNB_RRC_INST *)enb_rrc[mod_id])->carrier[CC_id].sib1->si_WindowLength;
+int flexran_get_sib1_length(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+	return  ((eNB_RRC_INST *)enb_rrc[mod_id])->carrier[CC_id].sizeof_SIB1;
+int flexran_get_num_pdcch_symb(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) {
+  /* TODO: This should return the number of PDCCH symbols initially used by the cell CC_id */
+  return 0;
+  //(PHY_vars_UE_g[mod_id][CC_id]->lte_ue_pdcch_vars[mod_id]->num_pdcch_symbols);
+ * ************************************
+ * Get Messages for UE Configuration Reply
+ * ************************************
+ */
+int flexran_get_time_alignment_timer(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
+  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
+  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
+  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
+    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.mac_MainConfig != NULL) {
+      return ue_context_p->ue_context.mac_MainConfig->timeAlignmentTimerDedicated;
+    } else {
+      return -1;
+    }
+  } else {
+    return -1;
+  }
+int flexran_get_meas_gap_config(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
+  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
+  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
+  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
+    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.measGapConfig != NULL) {
+      if(ue_context_p->ue_context.measGapConfig->present == MeasGapConfig_PR_setup) {
+	if (ue_context_p->ue_context.measGapConfig->choice.setup.gapOffset.present == MeasGapConfig__setup__gapOffset_PR_gp0) {
+	} else if (ue_context_p->ue_context.measGapConfig->choice.setup.gapOffset.present == MeasGapConfig__setup__gapOffset_PR_gp1) {
+	} else {
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return -1;
+int flexran_get_meas_gap_config_offset(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
+  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
+  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
+  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
+    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.measGapConfig != NULL){
+      if(ue_context_p->ue_context.measGapConfig->present == MeasGapConfig_PR_setup) {
+	if (ue_context_p->ue_context.measGapConfig->choice.setup.gapOffset.present == MeasGapConfig__setup__gapOffset_PR_gp0) {
+	  return ue_context_p->ue_context.measGapConfig->choice.setup.gapOffset.choice.gp0;
+	} else if (ue_context_p->ue_context.measGapConfig->choice.setup.gapOffset.present == MeasGapConfig__setup__gapOffset_PR_gp1) {
+	  return ue_context_p->ue_context.measGapConfig->choice.setup.gapOffset.choice.gp0;
+	} 
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return -1;
+int flexran_get_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_dl (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
+	return ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->UE_sched_ctrl[ue_id].ue_AggregatedMaximumBitrateDL;
+int flexran_get_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_ul (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
+	return ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->UE_sched_ctrl[ue_id].ue_AggregatedMaximumBitrateUL;
+int flexran_get_half_duplex(mid_t ue_id) {
+  // TODO
+	//int halfduplex = 0;
+	//int bands_to_scan = ((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->UECap->UE_EUTRA_Capability->rf_Parameters.supportedBandListEUTRA.list.count;
+	//for (int i =0; i < bands_to_scan; i++){
+		//if(((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->UECap->UE_EUTRA_Capability->rf_Parameters.supportedBandListEUTRA.list.array[i]->halfDuplex > 0)
+		//	halfduplex = 1;
+	//}
+	//return halfduplex;
+  return 0;
+int flexran_get_intra_sf_hopping(mid_t ue_id) {
+	//TODO:Get proper value
+	//temp = (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->UECap->UE_EUTRA_Capability->featureGroupIndicators->buf);
+	//return (0 & ( 1 << (31)));
+  return 0;
+int flexran_get_type2_sb_1(mid_t ue_id) {
+	//TODO:Get proper value
+	//uint8_t temp = 0;
+	//temp = (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->UECap->UE_EUTRA_Capability->featureGroupIndicators->buf);
+	//return (temp & ( 1 << (11)));
+  return 0;
+int flexran_get_ue_category(mid_t ue_id) {
+	//TODO:Get proper value
+	//return (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->UECap->UE_EUTRA_Capability->ue_Category);
+  return 0;
+int flexran_get_res_alloc_type1(mid_t ue_id) {
+	//TODO:Get proper value
+	//uint8_t temp = 0;
+	//temp = (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->UECap->UE_EUTRA_Capability->featureGroupIndicators->buf);
+	//return (temp & ( 1 << (30)));
+  return 0;
+int flexran_get_ue_transmission_mode(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
+  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
+  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
+  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
+    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated != NULL){
+      return ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.transmissionMode;
+    } else {
+      return -1;
+    }
+  } else {
+    return -1;
+  }
+int flexran_get_tti_bundling(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
+  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
+  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
+  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
+    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.mac_MainConfig != NULL){
+      return ue_context_p->ue_context.mac_MainConfig->ul_SCH_Config->ttiBundling;
+    } else {
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    return -1;
+  }
+int flexran_get_maxHARQ_TX(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
+  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
+  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
+  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
+    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.mac_MainConfig != NULL){
+      return *ue_context_p->ue_context.mac_MainConfig->ul_SCH_Config->maxHARQ_Tx;
+    }
+  }
+  return -1;
+int flexran_get_beta_offset_ack_index(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
+  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
+  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
+  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
+    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated != NULL){
+      return ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->pusch_ConfigDedicated->betaOffset_ACK_Index;
+    } else {
+      return -1;
+    } 
+  } else {
+    return -1;
+  }
+int flexran_get_beta_offset_ri_index(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
+  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
+  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
+  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
+    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated != NULL){
+      return ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->pusch_ConfigDedicated->betaOffset_RI_Index;
+    } else {
+      return -1;
+    }
+  } else {
+    return -1;
+  }
+int flexran_get_beta_offset_cqi_index(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
+  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
+  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
+  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
+    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated != NULL){
+      return ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->pusch_ConfigDedicated->betaOffset_CQI_Index;
+    } else {
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    return -1;
+  }
+int flexran_get_simultaneous_ack_nack_cqi(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
+  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
+  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
+  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
+    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated != NULL){
+      if (ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->cqi_ReportConfig->cqi_ReportPeriodic != NULL) {
+	return ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->cqi_ReportConfig->cqi_ReportPeriodic->choice.setup.simultaneousAckNackAndCQI;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return -1;
+int flexran_get_ack_nack_simultaneous_trans(mid_t mod_id,mid_t ue_id) {
+	return (&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id])->carrier[0].sib2->radioResourceConfigCommon.soundingRS_UL_ConfigCommon.choice.setup.ackNackSRS_SimultaneousTransmission;
+int flexran_get_aperiodic_cqi_rep_mode(mid_t mod_id,mid_t ue_id) {
+  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
+  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
+  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
+    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated != NULL){
+      return *ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->cqi_ReportConfig->cqi_ReportModeAperiodic;
+    }
+  }
+  return -1;
+int flexran_get_tdd_ack_nack_feedback(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
+  // TODO: This needs fixing
+  return -1;
+  /* struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL; */
+  /* uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id); */
+  /* ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP); */
+  /* if(ue_context_p != NULL) { */
+  /*   if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated != NULL){ */
+  /*     return ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->pucch_ConfigDedicated->tdd_AckNackFeedbackMode; */
+  /*   } else { */
+  /*     return -1; */
+  /*   } */
+  /* } else { */
+  /*   return -1; */
+  /* } */
+int flexran_get_ack_nack_repetition_factor(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
+  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
+  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
+  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
+    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated != NULL){
+      return ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->pucch_ConfigDedicated->ackNackRepetition.choice.setup.repetitionFactor;
+    } else {
+      return -1;
+    }
+  } else {
+    return -1;
+  }
+int flexran_get_extended_bsr_size(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
+  //TODO: need to double check
+  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
+  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
+  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
+    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.mac_MainConfig != NULL){
+      if(ue_context_p->ue_context.mac_MainConfig->ext2 != NULL){
+	long val = (*(ue_context_p->ue_context.mac_MainConfig->ext2->mac_MainConfig_v1020->extendedBSR_Sizes_r10));
+	if (val > 0) {
+	  return 1;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return -1;
+int flexran_get_ue_transmission_antenna(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) {
+  struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
+  uint32_t rntiP = flexran_get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id);
+  ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context(&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id],rntiP);
+  if(ue_context_p != NULL) {
+    if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated != NULL){
+      if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.ue_TransmitAntennaSelection.choice.setup == AntennaInfoDedicated__ue_TransmitAntennaSelection__setup_closedLoop) {
+	return 2;
+      } else if(ue_context_p->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.ue_TransmitAntennaSelection.choice.setup == AntennaInfoDedicated__ue_TransmitAntennaSelection__setup_openLoop) {
+	return 1;
+      } else {
+	return 0;
+      }
+    } else {
+      return -1;
+    }
+  } else {
+    return -1;
+  }
+int flexran_get_lcg(mid_t ue_id, mid_t lc_id) {
+  if (UE_mac_inst == NULL) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  if(UE_mac_inst[ue_id].logicalChannelConfig[lc_id] != NULL) {
+    return *UE_mac_inst[ue_id].logicalChannelConfig[lc_id]->ul_SpecificParameters->logicalChannelGroup;
+  } else {
+    return -1;
+  }
+int flexran_get_direction(mid_t ue_id, mid_t lc_id) {
+	/*TODO: fill with the value for the rest of LCID*/
+  if(lc_id == DCCH || lc_id == DCCH1) {
+    return 2;
+  } else if(lc_id == DTCH) {
+    return 1;
+  } else {
+    return -1;
+  }
+int flexran_get_antenna_ports(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id){
+  LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   *frame_parms;
+  frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id);
+  return frame_parms->nb_antenna_ports_eNB;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_ran_api.h b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_ran_api.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..12962a1f9de95031e8e7f537bc47b2b1f095b0fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_ran_api.h
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+ * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ * the OAI Public License, Version 1.0  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+ *      contact@openairinterface.org
+ */ 
+/*! \file flexran_agent_ran_api.h
+ * \brief FlexRAN RAN API abstraction header 
+ * \author shahab SHARIAT BAGHERI
+ * \date 2017
+ * \version 0.1
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "flexran_agent_common.h"
+#include "flexran_agent_common_internal.h"
+#include "flexran_agent_extern.h"
+#include "flexran_agent_defs.h"
+#include "enb_config.h"
+#include "LAYER2/MAC/extern.h"
+#include "LAYER2/RLC/rlc.h"
+#include "SCHED/defs.h"
+#include "RRC/LITE/extern.h"
+#include "RRC/L2_INTERFACE/openair_rrc_L2_interface.h"
+#include "RRC/LITE/rrc_eNB_UE_context.h"
+#include "PHY/extern.h"
+#include "log.h"
+ * get generic info from RAN
+ ****************************/
+void flexran_set_enb_vars(mid_t mod_id, ran_name_t ran);
+int flexran_get_current_time_ms (mid_t mod_id, int subframe_flag);
+/*Return the current frame number
+ *Could be using implementation specific numbering of frames
+ */
+unsigned int flexran_get_current_frame(mid_t mod_id);
+/*Return the current SFN (0-1023)*/ 
+unsigned int flexran_get_current_system_frame_num(mid_t mod_id);
+unsigned int flexran_get_current_subframe(mid_t mod_id);
+/*Return the frame and subframe number in compact 16-bit format.
+  Bits 0-3 subframe, rest for frame. Required by FlexRAN protocol*/
+uint16_t flexran_get_sfn_sf (mid_t mod_id);
+/* Return a future frame and subframe number that is ahead_of_time
+   subframes later in compact 16-bit format. Bits 0-3 subframe,
+   rest for frame */
+uint16_t flexran_get_future_sfn_sf(mid_t mod_id, int ahead_of_time);
+/* Return the number of attached UEs */
+int flexran_get_num_ues(mid_t mod_id);
+/* Get the rnti of a UE with id ue_id */
+int flexran_get_ue_crnti (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
+/* Get the RLC buffer status report of a ue for a designated
+   logical channel id */
+int flexran_get_ue_bsr (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, lcid_t lcid);
+/* Get power headroom of UE with id ue_id */
+int flexran_get_ue_phr (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
+/* Get the UE wideband CQI */
+int flexran_get_ue_wcqi (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
+/* Get the transmission queue size for a UE with a channel_id logical channel id */
+int flexran_get_tx_queue_size(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, logical_chan_id_t channel_id);
+/* Get the head of line delay for a UE with a channel_id logical channel id */
+int flexran_get_hol_delay(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, logical_chan_id_t channel_id);
+/* Check the status of the timing advance for a UE */
+short flexran_get_TA(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id);
+/* Update the timing advance status (find out whether a timing advance command is required) */
+void flexran_update_TA(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id);
+/* Return timing advance MAC control element for a designated cell and UE */
+int flexran_get_MAC_CE_bitmap_TA(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id);
+/* Get the number of active component carriers for a specific UE */
+int flexran_get_active_CC(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
+/* Get the rank indicator for a designated cell and UE */
+int flexran_get_current_RI(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id);
+/* See TS 36.213, section 10.1 */
+int flexran_get_n1pucch_an(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* See TS 36.211, section 5.4 */
+int flexran_get_nRB_CQI(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* See TS 36.211, section 5.4 */
+int flexran_get_deltaPUCCH_Shift(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* See TS 36.211, section 5.7.1 */
+int flexran_get_prach_ConfigIndex(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* See TS 36.211, section 5.7.1 */
+int flexran_get_prach_FreqOffset(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* See TS 36.321 */
+int flexran_get_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* Get the length of the UL cyclic prefix */
+int flexran_get_ul_cyclic_prefix_length(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* Get the length of the DL cyclic prefix */
+int flexran_get_dl_cyclic_prefix_length(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* Get the physical cell id of a cell */
+int flexran_get_cell_id(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* See TS 36.211, section */
+int flexran_get_srs_BandwidthConfig(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* See TS 36.211, table and 2 */
+int flexran_get_srs_SubframeConfig(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* Boolean value. See TS 36.211,
+   section TDD only */
+int flexran_get_srs_MaxUpPts(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* Get number of DL resource blocks */
+int flexran_get_N_RB_DL(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* Get number of UL resource blocks */
+int flexran_get_N_RB_UL(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* Get number of resource block groups */
+int flexran_get_N_RBG(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* Get DL/UL subframe assignment. TDD only */
+int flexran_get_subframe_assignment(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* TDD only. See TS 36.211, table 4.2.1 */
+int flexran_get_special_subframe_assignment(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* Get the duration of the random access response window in subframes */
+int flexran_get_ra_ResponseWindowSize(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* Get timer used for random access */
+int flexran_get_mac_ContentionResolutionTimer(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* Get type of duplex mode (FDD/TDD) */
+int flexran_get_duplex_mode(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* Get the SI window length */
+long flexran_get_si_window_length(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* Get the number of PDCCH symbols configured for the cell */
+int flexran_get_num_pdcch_symb(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+int flexran_get_antenna_ports(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+/* See TS 36.213, sec */
+int flexran_get_tpc(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
+int flexran_get_ue_pmi(mid_t mod_id);
+/* Get the first available HARQ process for a specific cell and UE during 
+   a designated frame and subframe. Returns 0 for success. The id and the 
+   status of the HARQ process are stored in id and status respectively */
+int flexran_get_harq(const mid_t mod_id, const uint8_t CC_id, const mid_t ue_id,
+		     const int frame, const uint8_t subframe, unsigned char *id, unsigned char *round);
+/* Uplink power control management*/
+int flexran_get_p0_pucch_dbm(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id);
+int flexran_get_p0_nominal_pucch(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id);
+int flexran_get_p0_pucch_status(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id);
+int flexran_update_p0_pucch(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id);
+ * ************************************
+ * Get Messages for UE Configuration Reply
+ * ************************************
+ */
+/* Get timer in subframes. Controls the synchronization
+   status of the UE, not the actual timing 
+   advance procedure. See TS 36.321 */
+int flexran_get_time_alignment_timer(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
+/* Get measurement gap configuration. See TS 36.133 */
+int flexran_get_meas_gap_config(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
+/* Get measurement gap configuration offset if applicable */
+int flexran_get_meas_gap_config_offset(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
+/* DL aggregated bit-rate of non-gbr bearer
+   per UE. See TS 36.413 */
+int flexran_get_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_dl (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
+/* UL aggregated bit-rate of non-gbr bearer
+   per UE. See TS 36.413 */
+int flexran_get_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_ul (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
+/* Only half-duplex support. FDD
+   operation. Boolean value */
+int flexran_get_half_duplex(mid_t ue_id);
+/* Support of intra-subframe hopping.
+   Boolean value */
+int flexran_get_intra_sf_hopping(mid_t ue_id);
+/* UE support for type 2 hopping with
+   n_sb>1 */
+int flexran_get_type2_sb_1(mid_t ue_id);
+/* Get the UE category */
+int flexran_get_ue_category(mid_t ue_id);
+/* UE support for resource allocation
+   type 1 */
+int flexran_get_res_alloc_type1(mid_t ue_id);
+/* Get UE transmission mode */
+int flexran_get_ue_transmission_mode(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
+/* Boolean value. See TS 36.321 */
+int flexran_get_tti_bundling(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
+/* The max HARQ retransmission for UL.
+   See TS 36.321 */
+int flexran_get_maxHARQ_TX(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
+/* See TS 36.213 */
+int flexran_get_beta_offset_ack_index(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
+/* See TS 36.213 */
+int flexran_get_beta_offset_ri_index(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
+/* See TS 36.213 */
+int flexran_get_beta_offset_cqi_index(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
+/* Boolean. See TS36.213, Section 10.1 */
+int flexran_get_simultaneous_ack_nack_cqi(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
+/* Boolean. See TS 36.213, Section 8.2 */
+int flexran_get_ack_nack_simultaneous_trans(mid_t mod_id,mid_t ue_id);
+/* Get aperiodic CQI report mode */
+int flexran_get_aperiodic_cqi_rep_mode(mid_t mod_id,mid_t ue_id);
+/* Get ACK/NACK feedback mode. TDD only */
+int flexran_get_tdd_ack_nack_feedback(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
+/* See TS36.213, section 10.1 */
+int flexran_get_ack_nack_repetition_factor(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
+/* Boolean. Extended buffer status report size */
+int flexran_get_extended_bsr_size(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
+/* Get number of UE transmission antennas */
+int flexran_get_ue_transmission_antenna(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
+/* Get logical channel group of a channel with id lc_id */
+int flexran_get_lcg(mid_t ue_id, mid_t lc_id);
+/* Get direction of logical channel with id lc_id */
+int flexran_get_direction(mid_t ue_id, mid_t lc_id);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_timer.c b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_timer.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f5436e4d01dcf192744dac2506978986ad5bc02e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_timer.c
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+ * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ * the OAI Public License, Version 1.0  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+ *      contact@openairinterface.org
+ */ 
+/*! \file flexran_agent_timer.c
+ * \brief FlexRAN Timer  
+ * \author shahab SHARIAT BAGHERI
+ * \date 2017
+ * \version 0.1
+ */
+ * timer primitives
+ */
+#include "flexran_agent_timer.h"
+//struct flexran_agent_map agent_map;
+flexran_agent_timer_instance_t timer_instance;
+int agent_timer_init = 0;
+err_code_t flexran_agent_init_timer(void){
+  LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "init RB tree\n");
+  if (!agent_timer_init) {
+    RB_INIT(&timer_instance.flexran_agent_head);
+    agent_timer_init = 1;
+  }
+RB_GENERATE(flexran_agent_map, flexran_agent_timer_element_s, entry, flexran_agent_compare_timer);
+/* The timer_id might not be the best choice for the comparison */
+int flexran_agent_compare_timer(struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s *a, struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s *b){
+  if (a->timer_id < b->timer_id) return -1;
+  if (a->timer_id > b->timer_id) return 1;
+  // equal timers
+  return 0;
+err_code_t flexran_agent_create_timer(uint32_t interval_sec,
+				      uint32_t interval_usec,
+				      agent_id_t     agent_id,
+				      instance_t     instance,
+				      uint32_t timer_type,
+				      xid_t xid,
+				      flexran_agent_timer_callback_t cb,
+				      void*    timer_args,
+				      long *timer_id){
+  struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s *e = calloc(1, sizeof(*e));
+  DevAssert(e != NULL);
+//uint32_t timer_id;
+  int ret=-1;
+  if ((interval_sec == 0) && (interval_usec == 0 ))
+    return TIMER_NULL;
+  if (timer_type >= FLEXRAN_AGENT_TIMER_TYPE_MAX)
+  if (timer_type  ==   FLEXRAN_AGENT_TIMER_TYPE_ONESHOT){ 
+    ret = timer_setup(interval_sec, 
+		      interval_usec, 
+		      instance, 
+		      TIMER_ONE_SHOT,
+		      timer_args,
+		      timer_id);
+    e->type = TIMER_ONE_SHOT;
+  }
+  else if (timer_type  ==   FLEXRAN_AGENT_TIMER_TYPE_PERIODIC ){
+    ret = timer_setup(interval_sec, 
+		      interval_usec, 
+		      instance, 
+		      timer_args,
+		      timer_id);
+    e->type = TIMER_PERIODIC;
+  }
+  if (ret < 0 ) {
+    return TIMER_SETUP_FAILED; 
+  }
+  e->agent_id = agent_id;
+  e->instance = instance;
+  e->timer_id = *timer_id;
+  e->xid = xid;
+  e->timer_args = timer_args; 
+  e->cb = cb;
+  /*element should be a real pointer*/
+  RB_INSERT(flexran_agent_map, &timer_instance.flexran_agent_head, e); 
+  LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT,"Created a new timer with id 0x%lx for agent %d, instance %d \n",
+	e->timer_id, e->agent_id, e->instance);
+  return 0; 
+err_code_t flexran_agent_destroy_timer(long timer_id){
+  struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s *e = get_timer_entry(timer_id);
+  if (e != NULL ) {
+    RB_REMOVE(flexran_agent_map, &timer_instance.flexran_agent_head, e);
+    flexran_agent_destroy_flexran_message(e->timer_args->msg);
+    free(e);
+  }
+  if (timer_remove(timer_id) < 0 ) 
+    goto error;
+  return 0;
+ error:
+  LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "timer can't be removed\n");
+err_code_t flexran_agent_destroy_timer_by_task_id(xid_t xid) {
+  struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s *e = NULL;
+  long timer_id;
+  RB_FOREACH(e, flexran_agent_map, &timer_instance.flexran_agent_head) {
+    if (e->xid == xid) {
+      timer_id = e->timer_id;
+      RB_REMOVE(flexran_agent_map, &timer_instance.flexran_agent_head, e);
+      flexran_agent_destroy_flexran_message(e->timer_args->msg);
+      free(e);
+      if (timer_remove(timer_id) < 0 ) { 
+	goto error;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+ error:
+  LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "timer can't be removed\n");
+err_code_t flexran_agent_destroy_timers(void){
+  struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s *e = NULL;
+  RB_FOREACH(e, flexran_agent_map, &timer_instance.flexran_agent_head) {
+    RB_REMOVE(flexran_agent_map, &timer_instance.flexran_agent_head, e);
+    timer_remove(e->timer_id);
+    flexran_agent_destroy_flexran_message(e->timer_args->msg);
+    free(e);
+  }  
+  return 0;
+void flexran_agent_sleep_until(struct timespec *ts, int delay) {
+  ts->tv_nsec += delay;
+  if(ts->tv_nsec >= 1000*1000*1000){
+    ts->tv_nsec -= 1000*1000*1000;
+    ts->tv_sec++;
+  }
+  clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TIMER_ABSTIME, ts,  NULL);
+err_code_t flexran_agent_stop_timer(long timer_id){
+  struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s *e=NULL;
+  struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s search;
+  memset(&search, 0, sizeof(struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s));
+  search.timer_id = timer_id;
+  e = RB_FIND(flexran_agent_map, &timer_instance.flexran_agent_head, &search);
+  if (e != NULL ) {
+  }
+  timer_remove(timer_id);
+  return 0;
+struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s * get_timer_entry(long timer_id) {
+  struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s search;
+  memset(&search, 0, sizeof(struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s));
+  search.timer_id = timer_id;
+  return  RB_FIND(flexran_agent_map, &timer_instance.flexran_agent_head, &search); 
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_timer.h b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_timer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..86e0d07825c094ed2fc2efa80f929414931db02d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/flexran_agent_timer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ * the OAI Public License, Version 1.0  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+ *      contact@openairinterface.org
+ */ 
+/*! \file flexran_agent_timer.h
+ * \brief FlexRAN Timer  header
+ * \author shahab SHARIAT BAGHERI
+ * \date 2017
+ * \version 0.1
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "flexran_agent_common.h"
+#include "flexran_agent_common_internal.h"
+#include "flexran_agent_extern.h"
+#include "flexran_agent_defs.h"
+# include "tree.h"
+# include "intertask_interface.h"
+# include "timer.h"
+ * timer primitves
+ *******************/
+#define TIMER_NULL                 -1 
+#define TIMER_TYPE_INVALIDE        -2
+#define	TIMER_SETUP_FAILED         -3
+#define	TIMER_REMOVED_FAILED       -4
+/* Type of the callback executed when the timer expired */
+typedef Protocol__FlexranMessage *(*flexran_agent_timer_callback_t)(void*);
+typedef struct flexran_agent_timer_args_s{
+  mid_t            mod_id;
+  Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg;
+} flexran_agent_timer_args_t;
+typedef struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s{
+  RB_ENTRY(flexran_agent_timer_element_s) entry;
+  agent_id_t             agent_id;
+  instance_t       instance;
+  flexran_agent_timer_type_t  type;
+  flexran_agent_timer_state_t state;
+  uint32_t interval_sec;
+  uint32_t interval_usec;
+  long timer_id;  /* Timer id returned by the timer API*/
+  xid_t xid; /*The id of the task as received by the controller
+	       message*/
+  flexran_agent_timer_callback_t cb;
+  flexran_agent_timer_args_t *timer_args;
+} flexran_agent_timer_element_t;
+typedef struct flexran_agent_timer_instance_s{
+  RB_HEAD(flexran_agent_map, flexran_agent_timer_element_s) flexran_agent_head;
+err_code_t flexran_agent_init_timer(void);
+/* Create a timer for some agent related event with id xid. Will store the id 
+   of the generated timer in timer_id */
+err_code_t flexran_agent_create_timer(uint32_t interval_sec,
+				  uint32_t interval_usec,
+				  agent_id_t     agent_id,
+				  instance_t     instance,
+				  uint32_t timer_type,
+				  xid_t xid,
+				  flexran_agent_timer_callback_t cb,
+				  void*    timer_args,
+				  long *timer_id);
+/* Destroy all existing timers */
+err_code_t flexran_agent_destroy_timers(void);
+/* Destroy the timer with the given timer_id */
+err_code_t flexran_agent_destroy_timer(long timer_id);
+/* Destroy the timer for task with id xid */
+err_code_t flexran_agent_destroy_timer_by_task_id(xid_t xid);
+/* Stop a timer */
+err_code_t flexran_agent_stop_timer(long timer_id);
+/* Restart the given timer */
+err_code_t flexran_agent_restart_timer(long *timer_id);
+/* Find the timer with the given timer_id */
+struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s * get_timer_entry(long timer_id);
+/* Obtain the protocol message stored in the given expired timer */
+Protocol__FlexranMessage * flexran_agent_process_timeout(long timer_id, void* timer_args);
+/* Comparator function comparing two timers. Decides the ordering of the timers */
+int flexran_agent_compare_timer(struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s *a, struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s *b);
+/*Specify a delay in nanoseconds to timespec and sleep until then*/
+void flexran_agent_sleep_until(struct timespec *ts, int delay);
+/* RB_PROTOTYPE is for .h files */
+RB_PROTOTYPE(flexran_agent_map, flexran_agent_timer_element_s, entry, flexran_agent_compare_timer);
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler.c b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler.c
index 6509471124a52a4d3efe011c203e6b6c6d0f225b..b75a3e7e8e36797e870a3fa176a0720c73da3f11 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler.c
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ void eNB_dlsch_ulsch_scheduler(module_id_t module_idP,uint8_t cooperation_flag,
 	//mac_remove_ue(module_idP, i, frameP, subframeP);
       //Inform the controller about the UE deactivation. Should be moved to RRC agent in the future
 #if defined(FLEXRAN_AGENT_SB_IF)
-      if (mac_agent_registered[module_idP]) {
-	agent_mac_xface[module_idP]->flexran_agent_notify_ue_state_change(module_idP,
+      if (rrc_agent_registered[module_idP]) {
+	agent_rrc_xface[module_idP]->flexran_agent_notify_ue_state_change(module_idP,
@@ -1082,15 +1082,15 @@ void eNB_dlsch_ulsch_scheduler(module_id_t module_idP,uint8_t cooperation_flag,
   for (CC_id=0;CC_id<MAX_NUM_CCs;CC_id++)
-#if defined(FLEXRAN_AGENT_SB_IF)
+// #if defined(FLEXRAN_AGENT_SB_IF)
   //Send subframe trigger to the controller
-  if (mac_agent_registered[module_idP]) {
-    agent_mac_xface[module_idP]->flexran_agent_send_update_mac_stats(module_idP);
-  }
+  // if (mac_agent_registered[module_idP]) {
+  //   agent_mac_xface[module_idP]->flexran_agent_send_update_mac_stats(module_idP);
+  // }
+// #endif
+// #endif
   int dummy=0;
   for (i=0;
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_primitives.c b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_primitives.c
index 56ede260e8cacf7cf6ad4a622eda7e46f4841c0d..01edbb87cf293f9e09f45f4204f082b8effaf429 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_primitives.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_primitives.c
@@ -180,6 +180,10 @@ uint8_t find_active_UEs(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_id){
+int UE_BSR (uint8_t mod_id, uint8_t ue_id, uint8_t lcid) {
+  return eNB_mac_inst[mod_id].UE_list.UE_template[UE_PCCID(mod_id,ue_id)][ue_id].bsr_info[lcid];
 // get aggregation (L) form phy for a give UE
 unsigned char get_aggregation (uint8_t bw_index, uint8_t cqi, uint8_t dci_fmt)
@@ -304,6 +308,12 @@ printf("MAC: cannot add new UE for rnti %x\n", rntiP);
+int  CC_id_rnti_downlink (uint8_t mod_id, int CC_index, uint16_t ue_rnti) {
+  return eNB_mac_inst[mod_id].UE_list.ordered_CCids[CC_index][ue_rnti];
 int rrc_mac_remove_ue(module_id_t mod_idP,rnti_t rntiP) 
diff --git a/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_eNB.c b/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_eNB.c
index da9d93c19a2f0ccb5b8107b7087722c1664c6c2e..6247548bcc9206d170b7a84df424c244d35a8653 100644
--- a/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_eNB.c
+++ b/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_eNB.c
@@ -1899,109 +1899,723 @@ rrc_eNB_generate_defaultRRCConnectionReconfiguration(const protocol_ctxt_t* cons
   ReportConfig_A1->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportAmount = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportAmount_infinity;
   ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&ReportConfig_list->list, ReportConfig_A1);
+  if (ho_state == 1 /*HO_MEASURMENT */ ) {
+    LOG_I(RRC, "[eNB %d] frame %d: requesting A2, A3, A4, A5, and A6 event reporting\n",
+          ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->frame);
+    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfigId = 3;
+    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfig.present = ReportConfigToAddMod__reportConfig_PR_reportConfigEUTRA;
+    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.present =
+      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerType_PR_event;
+    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.present =
+      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerType__event__eventId_PR_eventA2;
+    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.choice.
+    eventA2.a2_Threshold.present = ThresholdEUTRA_PR_threshold_RSRP;
+    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.choice.
+    eventA2.a2_Threshold.choice.threshold_RSRP = 10;
+    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerQuantity =
+      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerQuantity_rsrp;
+    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportQuantity = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportQuantity_both;
+    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.maxReportCells = 2;
+    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportInterval = ReportInterval_ms120;
+    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportAmount = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportAmount_infinity;
+    ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&ReportConfig_list->list, ReportConfig_A2);
+    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfigId = 4;
+    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.present = ReportConfigToAddMod__reportConfig_PR_reportConfigEUTRA;
+    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.present =
+      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerType_PR_event;
+    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.present =
+      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerType__event__eventId_PR_eventA3;
+    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.choice.eventA3.a3_Offset = 1;   //10;
+    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.choice.
+    eventA3.reportOnLeave = 1;
+    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerQuantity =
+      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerQuantity_rsrp;
+    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportQuantity = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportQuantity_both;
+    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.maxReportCells = 2;
+    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportInterval = ReportInterval_ms120;
+    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportAmount = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportAmount_infinity;
+    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.hysteresis = 0.5; // FIXME ...hysteresis is of type long!
+    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.timeToTrigger =
+      TimeToTrigger_ms40;
+    ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&ReportConfig_list->list, ReportConfig_A3);
+    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfigId = 5;
+    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfig.present = ReportConfigToAddMod__reportConfig_PR_reportConfigEUTRA;
+    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.present =
+      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerType_PR_event;
+    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.present =
+      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerType__event__eventId_PR_eventA4;
+    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.choice.
+    eventA4.a4_Threshold.present = ThresholdEUTRA_PR_threshold_RSRP;
+    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.choice.
+    eventA4.a4_Threshold.choice.threshold_RSRP = 10;
+    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerQuantity =
+      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerQuantity_rsrp;
+    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportQuantity = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportQuantity_both;
+    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.maxReportCells = 2;
+    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportInterval = ReportInterval_ms120;
+    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportAmount = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportAmount_infinity;
+    ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&ReportConfig_list->list, ReportConfig_A4);
+    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfigId = 6;
+    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.present = ReportConfigToAddMod__reportConfig_PR_reportConfigEUTRA;
+    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.present =
+      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerType_PR_event;
+    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.present =
+      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerType__event__eventId_PR_eventA5;
+    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.choice.
+    eventA5.a5_Threshold1.present = ThresholdEUTRA_PR_threshold_RSRP;
+    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.choice.
+    eventA5.a5_Threshold2.present = ThresholdEUTRA_PR_threshold_RSRP;
+    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.choice.
+    eventA5.a5_Threshold1.choice.threshold_RSRP = 10;
+    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.choice.
+    eventA5.a5_Threshold2.choice.threshold_RSRP = 10;
+    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerQuantity =
+      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerQuantity_rsrp;
+    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportQuantity = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportQuantity_both;
+    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.maxReportCells = 2;
+    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportInterval = ReportInterval_ms120;
+    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportAmount = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportAmount_infinity;
+    ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&ReportConfig_list->list, ReportConfig_A5);
+    //  rrcConnectionReconfiguration->criticalExtensions.choice.c1.choice.rrcConnectionReconfiguration_r8.measConfig->reportConfigToAddModList = ReportConfig_list;
+    rsrp = CALLOC(1, sizeof(RSRP_Range_t));
+    *rsrp = 20;
+    Sparams = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*Sparams));
+    Sparams->present = MeasConfig__speedStatePars_PR_setup;
+    Sparams->choice.setup.timeToTrigger_SF.sf_High = SpeedStateScaleFactors__sf_Medium_oDot75;
+    Sparams->choice.setup.timeToTrigger_SF.sf_Medium = SpeedStateScaleFactors__sf_High_oDot5;
+    Sparams->choice.setup.mobilityStateParameters.n_CellChangeHigh = 10;
+    Sparams->choice.setup.mobilityStateParameters.n_CellChangeMedium = 5;
+    Sparams->choice.setup.mobilityStateParameters.t_Evaluation = MobilityStateParameters__t_Evaluation_s60;
+    Sparams->choice.setup.mobilityStateParameters.t_HystNormal = MobilityStateParameters__t_HystNormal_s120;
+    quantityConfig = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*quantityConfig));
+    memset((void *)quantityConfig, 0, sizeof(*quantityConfig));
+    quantityConfig->quantityConfigEUTRA = CALLOC(1, sizeof(struct QuantityConfigEUTRA));
+    memset((void *)quantityConfig->quantityConfigEUTRA, 0, sizeof(*quantityConfig->quantityConfigEUTRA));
+    quantityConfig->quantityConfigCDMA2000 = NULL;
+    quantityConfig->quantityConfigGERAN = NULL;
+    quantityConfig->quantityConfigUTRA = NULL;
+    quantityConfig->quantityConfigEUTRA->filterCoefficientRSRP =
+      CALLOC(1, sizeof(*(quantityConfig->quantityConfigEUTRA->filterCoefficientRSRP)));
+    quantityConfig->quantityConfigEUTRA->filterCoefficientRSRQ =
+      CALLOC(1, sizeof(*(quantityConfig->quantityConfigEUTRA->filterCoefficientRSRQ)));
+    *quantityConfig->quantityConfigEUTRA->filterCoefficientRSRP = FilterCoefficient_fc4;
+    *quantityConfig->quantityConfigEUTRA->filterCoefficientRSRQ = FilterCoefficient_fc4;
+    LOG_I(RRC,
+          "[eNB %d] Frame %d: potential handover preparation: store the information in an intermediate structure in case of failure\n",
+          ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->frame);
+    // store the information in an intermediate structure for Hanodver management
+    //rrc_inst->handover_info.as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.srb_ToAddModList = CALLOC(1,sizeof());
+    ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*(ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info)));
+    //memcpy((void *)rrc_inst->handover_info[ue_mod_idP]->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.srb_ToAddModList,(void *)SRB_list,sizeof(SRB_ToAddModList_t));
+    ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.srb_ToAddModList = *SRB_configList2;
+    //memcpy((void *)rrc_inst->handover_info[ue_mod_idP]->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.drb_ToAddModList,(void *)DRB_list,sizeof(DRB_ToAddModList_t));
+    ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.drb_ToAddModList = *DRB_configList;
+    ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.drb_ToReleaseList = NULL;
+    ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.mac_MainConfig =
+      CALLOC(1, sizeof(*ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.mac_MainConfig));
+    memcpy((void*)ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.mac_MainConfig,
+           (void *)mac_MainConfig, sizeof(MAC_MainConfig_t));
+    ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.physicalConfigDedicated =
+      CALLOC(1, sizeof(PhysicalConfigDedicated_t));
+    memcpy((void*)ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.physicalConfigDedicated,
+           (void*)ue_context_pP->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated, sizeof(PhysicalConfigDedicated_t));
+    ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.sps_Config = NULL;
+    //memcpy((void *)rrc_inst->handover_info[ue_mod_idP]->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.sps_Config,(void *)rrc_inst->sps_Config[ue_mod_idP],sizeof(SPS_Config_t));
+  }
+#if defined(ENABLE_ITTI)
+  /* Initialize NAS list */
+  dedicatedInfoNASList = CALLOC(1, sizeof(struct RRCConnectionReconfiguration_r8_IEs__dedicatedInfoNASList));
+  /* Add all NAS PDUs to the list */
+  for (i = 0; i < ue_context_pP->ue_context.nb_of_e_rabs; i++) {
+    if (ue_context_pP->ue_context.e_rab[i].param.nas_pdu.buffer != NULL) {
+      dedicatedInfoNas = CALLOC(1, sizeof(DedicatedInfoNAS_t));
+      memset(dedicatedInfoNas, 0, sizeof(OCTET_STRING_t));
+      OCTET_STRING_fromBuf(dedicatedInfoNas, 
+			   (char*)ue_context_pP->ue_context.e_rab[i].param.nas_pdu.buffer,
+                           ue_context_pP->ue_context.e_rab[i].param.nas_pdu.length);
+      ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&dedicatedInfoNASList->list, dedicatedInfoNas);
+    }
+    /* TODO parameters yet to process ... */
+    {
+      //      ue_context_pP->ue_context.e_rab[i].param.qos;
+      //      ue_context_pP->ue_context.e_rab[i].param.sgw_addr;
+      //      ue_context_pP->ue_context.e_rab[i].param.gtp_teid;
+    }
+    /* TODO should test if e RAB are Ok before! */
+    ue_context_pP->ue_context.e_rab[i].status = E_RAB_STATUS_DONE;
+    LOG_D(RRC, "setting the status for the default DRB (index %d) to (%d,%s)\n", 
+	  i, ue_context_pP->ue_context.e_rab[i].status, "E_RAB_STATUS_DONE");
+  }
+  /* If list is empty free the list and reset the address */
+  if (dedicatedInfoNASList->list.count == 0) {
+    free(dedicatedInfoNASList);
+    dedicatedInfoNASList = NULL;
+  }
+  memset(buffer, 0, RRC_BUF_SIZE);
+  size = do_RRCConnectionReconfiguration(ctxt_pP,
+                                         buffer,
+                                         xid,   //Transaction_id,
+                                         (SRB_ToAddModList_t*)*SRB_configList2, // SRB_configList
+                                         (DRB_ToAddModList_t*)*DRB_configList,
+                                         (DRB_ToReleaseList_t*)NULL,  // DRB2_list,
+                                         (struct SPS_Config*)NULL,    // *sps_Config,
+                                         (struct PhysicalConfigDedicated*)*physicalConfigDedicated,
+#ifdef EXMIMO_IOT
+                                         NULL, NULL, NULL,NULL,
+                                         (MeasObjectToAddModList_t*)MeasObj_list,
+                                         (ReportConfigToAddModList_t*)ReportConfig_list,
+                                         (QuantityConfig_t*)quantityConfig,
+                                         (MeasIdToAddModList_t*)MeasId_list,
+                                         (MAC_MainConfig_t*)mac_MainConfig,
+                                         (MeasGapConfig_t*)NULL,
+                                         (MobilityControlInfo_t*)NULL,
+                                         (struct MeasConfig__speedStatePars*)Sparams,
+                                         (RSRP_Range_t*)rsrp,
+                                         (C_RNTI_t*)cba_RNTI,
+                                         (struct RRCConnectionReconfiguration_r8_IEs__dedicatedInfoNASList*)dedicatedInfoNASList
+#if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14)
+                                         , (SCellToAddMod_r10_t*)NULL
+                                        );
+  LOG_F(RRC,"[MSG] RRC Connection Reconfiguration\n");
+  for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+    LOG_F(RRC,"%02x ", ((uint8_t*)buffer)[i]);
+  }
+  LOG_F(RRC,"\n");
+  ////////////////////////////////////////
+#if defined(ENABLE_ITTI)
+  /* Free all NAS PDUs */
+  for (i = 0; i < ue_context_pP->ue_context.nb_of_e_rabs; i++) {
+    if (ue_context_pP->ue_context.e_rab[i].param.nas_pdu.buffer != NULL) {
+      /* Free the NAS PDU buffer and invalidate it */
+      free(ue_context_pP->ue_context.e_rab[i].param.nas_pdu.buffer);
+      ue_context_pP->ue_context.e_rab[i].param.nas_pdu.buffer = NULL;
+    }
+  }
+        "[eNB %d] Frame %d, Logical Channel DL-DCCH, Generate RRCConnectionReconfiguration (bytes %d, UE id %x)\n",
+        ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->frame, size, ue_context_pP->ue_context.rnti);
+        "[FRAME %05d][RRC_eNB][MOD %u][][--- PDCP_DATA_REQ/%d Bytes (rrcConnectionReconfiguration to UE %x MUI %d) --->][PDCP][MOD %u][RB %u]\n",
+        ctxt_pP->frame, ctxt_pP->module_id, size, ue_context_pP->ue_context.rnti, rrc_eNB_mui, ctxt_pP->module_id, DCCH);
+    MSC_RRC_UE,
+    buffer,
+    size,
+    MSC_AS_TIME_FMT" rrcConnectionReconfiguration UE %x MUI %d size %u",
+    MSC_AS_TIME_ARGS(ctxt_pP),
+    ue_context_pP->ue_context.rnti,
+    rrc_eNB_mui,
+    size);
+  rrc_data_req(
+	       ctxt_pP,
+	       DCCH,
+	       rrc_eNB_mui++,
+	       SDU_CONFIRM_NO,
+	       size,
+	       buffer,
+flexran_rrc_eNB_generate_defaultRRCConnectionReconfiguration(const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP,
+                 rrc_eNB_ue_context_t*          const ue_context_pP,
+                 const uint8_t                ho_state,
+                 agent_reconf_rrc * trig_param
+                 )
+  uint8_t                             buffer[RRC_BUF_SIZE];
+  uint16_t                            size;
+  int                                 i;
+  // configure SRB1/SRB2, PhysicalConfigDedicated, MAC_MainConfig for UE
+  eNB_RRC_INST*                       rrc_inst = &eNB_rrc_inst[ctxt_pP->module_id];
+  struct PhysicalConfigDedicated**    physicalConfigDedicated = &ue_context_pP->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated;
+  struct SRB_ToAddMod                *SRB2_config                      = NULL;
+  struct SRB_ToAddMod__rlc_Config    *SRB2_rlc_config                  = NULL;
+  struct SRB_ToAddMod__logicalChannelConfig *SRB2_lchan_config         = NULL;
+  struct LogicalChannelConfig__ul_SpecificParameters
+      *SRB2_ul_SpecificParameters       = NULL;
+  SRB_ToAddModList_t*                 SRB_configList = ue_context_pP->ue_context.SRB_configList;
+  SRB_ToAddModList_t                 **SRB_configList2                  = NULL;
+  struct DRB_ToAddMod                *DRB_config                       = NULL;
+  struct RLC_Config                  *DRB_rlc_config                   = NULL;
+  struct PDCP_Config                 *DRB_pdcp_config                  = NULL;
+  struct PDCP_Config__rlc_AM         *PDCP_rlc_AM                      = NULL;
+  struct PDCP_Config__rlc_UM         *PDCP_rlc_UM                      = NULL;
+  struct LogicalChannelConfig        *DRB_lchan_config                 = NULL;
+  struct LogicalChannelConfig__ul_SpecificParameters
+      *DRB_ul_SpecificParameters        = NULL;
+  DRB_ToAddModList_t**                DRB_configList = &ue_context_pP->ue_context.DRB_configList;
+  DRB_ToAddModList_t**                DRB_configList2 = NULL;
+   MAC_MainConfig_t                   *mac_MainConfig                   = NULL;
+  MeasObjectToAddModList_t           *MeasObj_list                     = NULL;
+  MeasObjectToAddMod_t               *MeasObj                          = NULL;
+  ReportConfigToAddModList_t         *ReportConfig_list                = NULL;
+  ReportConfigToAddMod_t             *ReportConfig_per, *ReportConfig_A1,
+                                     *ReportConfig_A2, *ReportConfig_A3, *ReportConfig_A4, *ReportConfig_A5;
+  MeasIdToAddModList_t               *MeasId_list                      = NULL;
+  MeasIdToAddMod_t                   *MeasId0, *MeasId1, *MeasId2, *MeasId3, *MeasId4, *MeasId5;
+#if Rel10
+  long                               *sr_ProhibitTimer_r9              = NULL;
+  //     uint8_t sCellIndexToAdd = rrc_find_free_SCell_index(enb_mod_idP, ue_mod_idP, 1);
+  //uint8_t                            sCellIndexToAdd = 0;
+  long                               *logicalchannelgroup, *logicalchannelgroup_drb;
+  long                               *maxHARQ_Tx, *periodicBSR_Timer;
+  RSRP_Range_t                       *rsrp                             = NULL;
+  struct MeasConfig__speedStatePars  *Sparams                          = NULL;
+  QuantityConfig_t                   *quantityConfig                   = NULL;
+  CellsToAddMod_t                    *CellToAdd                        = NULL;
+  CellsToAddModList_t                *CellsToAddModList                = NULL;
+  struct RRCConnectionReconfiguration_r8_IEs__dedicatedInfoNASList *dedicatedInfoNASList = NULL;
+  DedicatedInfoNAS_t                 *dedicatedInfoNas                 = NULL;
+  /* for no gcc warnings */
+  (void)dedicatedInfoNas;
+  C_RNTI_t                           *cba_RNTI                         = NULL;
+  uint8_t xid = rrc_eNB_get_next_transaction_identifier(ctxt_pP->module_id);   //Transaction_id,
+#ifdef CBA
+  //struct PUSCH_CBAConfigDedicated_vlola  *pusch_CBAConfigDedicated_vlola;
+  uint8_t                            *cba_RNTI_buf;
+  cba_RNTI = CALLOC(1, sizeof(C_RNTI_t));
+  cba_RNTI_buf = CALLOC(1, 2 * sizeof(uint8_t));
+  cba_RNTI->buf = cba_RNTI_buf;
+  cba_RNTI->size = 2;
+  cba_RNTI->bits_unused = 0;
+  // associate UEs to the CBa groups as a function of their UE id
+  if (rrc_inst->num_active_cba_groups) {
+    cba_RNTI->buf[0] = rrc_inst->cba_rnti[ue_mod_idP % rrc_inst->num_active_cba_groups] & 0xff;
+    cba_RNTI->buf[1] = 0xff;
+    LOG_D(RRC,
+          "[eNB %d] Frame %d: cba_RNTI = %x in group %d is attribued to UE %d\n",
+          enb_mod_idP, frameP,
+          rrc_inst->cba_rnti[ue_mod_idP % rrc_inst->num_active_cba_groups],
+          ue_mod_idP % rrc_inst->num_active_cba_groups, ue_mod_idP);
+  } else {
+    cba_RNTI->buf[0] = 0x0;
+    cba_RNTI->buf[1] = 0x0;
+    LOG_D(RRC, "[eNB %d] Frame %d: no cba_RNTI is configured for UE %d\n", enb_mod_idP, frameP, ue_mod_idP);
+  }
+  T(T_ENB_RRC_CONNECTION_RECONFIGURATION, T_INT(ctxt_pP->module_id), T_INT(ctxt_pP->frame),
+    T_INT(ctxt_pP->subframe), T_INT(ctxt_pP->rnti));
+  // Configure SRB2
+  /// SRB2
+  SRB_configList2=&ue_context_pP->ue_context.SRB_configList2[xid];
+  if (*SRB_configList2) {
+    free(*SRB_configList2);
+  }
+  *SRB_configList2 = CALLOC(1, sizeof(**SRB_configList2));
+  memset(*SRB_configList2, 0, sizeof(**SRB_configList2));
+  SRB2_config = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*SRB2_config));
+  SRB2_config->srb_Identity = 2;
+  SRB2_rlc_config = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*SRB2_rlc_config));
+  SRB2_config->rlc_Config = SRB2_rlc_config;
+  SRB2_rlc_config->present = SRB_ToAddMod__rlc_Config_PR_explicitValue;
+  SRB2_rlc_config->choice.explicitValue.present = RLC_Config_PR_am;
+  SRB2_rlc_config->choice.explicitValue.choice.am.ul_AM_RLC.t_PollRetransmit = T_PollRetransmit_ms15;
+  SRB2_rlc_config->choice.explicitValue.choice.am.ul_AM_RLC.pollPDU = PollPDU_p8;
+  SRB2_rlc_config->choice.explicitValue.choice.am.ul_AM_RLC.pollByte = PollByte_kB1000;
+  SRB2_rlc_config->choice.explicitValue.choice.am.ul_AM_RLC.maxRetxThreshold = UL_AM_RLC__maxRetxThreshold_t32;
+  SRB2_rlc_config->choice.explicitValue.choice.am.dl_AM_RLC.t_Reordering = T_Reordering_ms35;
+  SRB2_rlc_config->choice.explicitValue.choice.am.dl_AM_RLC.t_StatusProhibit = T_StatusProhibit_ms10;
+  SRB2_lchan_config = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*SRB2_lchan_config));
+  SRB2_config->logicalChannelConfig = SRB2_lchan_config;
+  SRB2_lchan_config->present = SRB_ToAddMod__logicalChannelConfig_PR_explicitValue;
+  SRB2_ul_SpecificParameters = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*SRB2_ul_SpecificParameters));
+  SRB2_ul_SpecificParameters->priority = 3; // let some priority for SRB1 and dedicated DRBs
+  SRB2_ul_SpecificParameters->prioritisedBitRate =
+    LogicalChannelConfig__ul_SpecificParameters__prioritisedBitRate_infinity;
+  SRB2_ul_SpecificParameters->bucketSizeDuration =
+    LogicalChannelConfig__ul_SpecificParameters__bucketSizeDuration_ms50;
+  // LCG for CCCH and DCCH is 0 as defined in 36331
+  logicalchannelgroup = CALLOC(1, sizeof(long));
+  *logicalchannelgroup = 0;
+  SRB2_ul_SpecificParameters->logicalChannelGroup = logicalchannelgroup;
+  SRB2_lchan_config->choice.explicitValue.ul_SpecificParameters = SRB2_ul_SpecificParameters;
+  // this list has the configuration for SRB1 and SRB2
+  ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&SRB_configList->list, SRB2_config);
+  // this list has only the configuration for SRB2
+  ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&(*SRB_configList2)->list, SRB2_config);
+  // Configure DRB
+  //*DRB_configList = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*DRB_configList));
+  // list for all the configured DRB
+  if (*DRB_configList) {
+    free(*DRB_configList);
+  }
+  *DRB_configList = CALLOC(1, sizeof(**DRB_configList));
+  memset(*DRB_configList, 0, sizeof(**DRB_configList));
+  // list for the configured DRB for a this xid
+  DRB_configList2=&ue_context_pP->ue_context.DRB_configList2[xid];
+  if (*DRB_configList2) {
+    free(*DRB_configList2);
+  }
+  *DRB_configList2 = CALLOC(1, sizeof(**DRB_configList2));
+  memset(*DRB_configList2, 0, sizeof(**DRB_configList2));
+  /// DRB
+  DRB_config = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*DRB_config));
+  DRB_config->eps_BearerIdentity = CALLOC(1, sizeof(long));
+  *(DRB_config->eps_BearerIdentity) = 5L; // LW set to first value, allowed value 5..15, value : x+4
+  // DRB_config->drb_Identity = (DRB_Identity_t) 1; //allowed values 1..32
+  // NN: this is the 1st DRB for this ue, so set it to 1
+  DRB_config->drb_Identity = (DRB_Identity_t) 1;  // (ue_mod_idP+1); //allowed values 1..32, value: x
+  DRB_config->logicalChannelIdentity = CALLOC(1, sizeof(long));
+  *(DRB_config->logicalChannelIdentity) = (long)3; // value : x+2
+  DRB_rlc_config = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*DRB_rlc_config));
+  DRB_config->rlc_Config = DRB_rlc_config;
+  DRB_rlc_config->present = RLC_Config_PR_am;
+  DRB_rlc_config->choice.am.ul_AM_RLC.t_PollRetransmit = T_PollRetransmit_ms50;
+  DRB_rlc_config->choice.am.ul_AM_RLC.pollPDU = PollPDU_p16;
+  DRB_rlc_config->choice.am.ul_AM_RLC.pollByte = PollByte_kBinfinity;
+  DRB_rlc_config->choice.am.ul_AM_RLC.maxRetxThreshold = UL_AM_RLC__maxRetxThreshold_t8;
+  DRB_rlc_config->choice.am.dl_AM_RLC.t_Reordering = T_Reordering_ms35;
+  DRB_rlc_config->choice.am.dl_AM_RLC.t_StatusProhibit = T_StatusProhibit_ms25;
+  DRB_rlc_config->present = RLC_Config_PR_um_Bi_Directional;
+  DRB_rlc_config->choice.um_Bi_Directional.ul_UM_RLC.sn_FieldLength = SN_FieldLength_size10;
+  DRB_rlc_config->choice.um_Bi_Directional.dl_UM_RLC.sn_FieldLength = SN_FieldLength_size10;
+#ifdef CBA
+  DRB_rlc_config->choice.um_Bi_Directional.dl_UM_RLC.t_Reordering   = T_Reordering_ms5;//T_Reordering_ms25;
+  DRB_rlc_config->choice.um_Bi_Directional.dl_UM_RLC.t_Reordering = T_Reordering_ms35;
+  DRB_pdcp_config = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*DRB_pdcp_config));
+  DRB_config->pdcp_Config = DRB_pdcp_config;
+  DRB_pdcp_config->discardTimer = CALLOC(1, sizeof(long));
+  *DRB_pdcp_config->discardTimer = PDCP_Config__discardTimer_infinity;
+  DRB_pdcp_config->rlc_AM = NULL;
+  DRB_pdcp_config->rlc_UM = NULL;
+  /* avoid gcc warnings */
+  (void)PDCP_rlc_AM;
+  (void)PDCP_rlc_UM;
+  PDCP_rlc_AM = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*PDCP_rlc_AM));
+  DRB_pdcp_config->rlc_AM = PDCP_rlc_AM;
+  PDCP_rlc_AM->statusReportRequired = FALSE;
+  PDCP_rlc_UM = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*PDCP_rlc_UM));
+  DRB_pdcp_config->rlc_UM = PDCP_rlc_UM;
+  PDCP_rlc_UM->pdcp_SN_Size = PDCP_Config__rlc_UM__pdcp_SN_Size_len12bits;
+  DRB_pdcp_config->headerCompression.present = PDCP_Config__headerCompression_PR_notUsed;
+  DRB_lchan_config = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*DRB_lchan_config));
+  DRB_config->logicalChannelConfig = DRB_lchan_config;
+  DRB_ul_SpecificParameters = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*DRB_ul_SpecificParameters));
+  DRB_lchan_config->ul_SpecificParameters = DRB_ul_SpecificParameters;
+  DRB_ul_SpecificParameters->priority = 12;    // lower priority than srb1, srb2 and other dedicated bearer
+  DRB_ul_SpecificParameters->prioritisedBitRate =LogicalChannelConfig__ul_SpecificParameters__prioritisedBitRate_kBps8 ;
+    //LogicalChannelConfig__ul_SpecificParameters__prioritisedBitRate_infinity;
+  DRB_ul_SpecificParameters->bucketSizeDuration =
+    LogicalChannelConfig__ul_SpecificParameters__bucketSizeDuration_ms50;
+  // LCG for DTCH can take the value from 1 to 3 as defined in 36331: normally controlled by upper layers (like RRM)
+  logicalchannelgroup_drb = CALLOC(1, sizeof(long));
+  *logicalchannelgroup_drb = 1;
+  DRB_ul_SpecificParameters->logicalChannelGroup = logicalchannelgroup_drb;
+  ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&(*DRB_configList)->list, DRB_config);
+  ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&(*DRB_configList2)->list, DRB_config);
+  //ue_context_pP->ue_context.DRB_configList2[0] = &(*DRB_configList);
+  mac_MainConfig = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*mac_MainConfig));
+  // ue_context_pP->ue_context.mac_MainConfig = mac_MainConfig;
+  mac_MainConfig->ul_SCH_Config = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*mac_MainConfig->ul_SCH_Config));
+  maxHARQ_Tx = CALLOC(1, sizeof(long));
+  *maxHARQ_Tx = MAC_MainConfig__ul_SCH_Config__maxHARQ_Tx_n5;
+  mac_MainConfig->ul_SCH_Config->maxHARQ_Tx = maxHARQ_Tx;
+  periodicBSR_Timer = CALLOC(1, sizeof(long));
+  *periodicBSR_Timer = PeriodicBSR_Timer_r12_sf64;
+  mac_MainConfig->ul_SCH_Config->periodicBSR_Timer = periodicBSR_Timer;
+  mac_MainConfig->ul_SCH_Config->retxBSR_Timer = RetxBSR_Timer_r12_sf320;
+  mac_MainConfig->ul_SCH_Config->ttiBundling = 0; // FALSE
+  mac_MainConfig->timeAlignmentTimerDedicated = TimeAlignmentTimer_infinity;
+  mac_MainConfig->drx_Config = NULL;
+  mac_MainConfig->phr_Config = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*mac_MainConfig->phr_Config));
+  mac_MainConfig->phr_Config->present = MAC_MainConfig__phr_Config_PR_setup;
+  mac_MainConfig->phr_Config->choice.setup.periodicPHR_Timer = MAC_MainConfig__phr_Config__setup__periodicPHR_Timer_sf20; // sf20 = 20 subframes
+  mac_MainConfig->phr_Config->choice.setup.prohibitPHR_Timer = MAC_MainConfig__phr_Config__setup__prohibitPHR_Timer_sf20; // sf20 = 20 subframes
+  mac_MainConfig->phr_Config->choice.setup.dl_PathlossChange = MAC_MainConfig__phr_Config__setup__dl_PathlossChange_dB1;  // Value dB1 =1 dB, dB3 = 3 dB
+#ifdef Rel10
+  sr_ProhibitTimer_r9 = CALLOC(1, sizeof(long));
+  *sr_ProhibitTimer_r9 = 0;   // SR tx on PUCCH, Value in number of SR period(s). Value 0 = no timer for SR, Value 2= 2*SR
+  mac_MainConfig->ext1 = CALLOC(1, sizeof(struct MAC_MainConfig__ext1));
+  mac_MainConfig->ext1->sr_ProhibitTimer_r9 = sr_ProhibitTimer_r9;
+  //sps_RA_ConfigList_rlola = NULL;
-  if (ho_state == 1 /*HO_MEASURMENT */ ) {
-    LOG_I(RRC, "[eNB %d] frame %d: requesting A2, A3, A4, A5, and A6 event reporting\n",
-          ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->frame);
-    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfigId = 3;
-    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfig.present = ReportConfigToAddMod__reportConfig_PR_reportConfigEUTRA;
-    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.present =
-      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerType_PR_event;
-    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.present =
-      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerType__event__eventId_PR_eventA2;
-    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.choice.
-    eventA2.a2_Threshold.present = ThresholdEUTRA_PR_threshold_RSRP;
-    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.choice.
-    eventA2.a2_Threshold.choice.threshold_RSRP = 10;
+  //change the transmission mode for the primary component carrier
+  //TODO: add codebook subset restriction here
+  //TODO: change TM for secondary CC in SCelltoaddmodlist
+  if (*physicalConfigDedicated) {
+    if ((*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo) {
+      (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.transmissionMode = rrc_inst->configuration.ue_TransmissionMode[0];
+      LOG_D(RRC,"Setting transmission mode to %ld+1\n",rrc_inst->configuration.ue_TransmissionMode[0]);
+      if (rrc_inst->configuration.ue_TransmissionMode[0]==AntennaInfoDedicated__transmissionMode_tm3) {
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction=     
+    CALLOC(1,sizeof(AntennaInfoDedicated__codebookSubsetRestriction_PR));
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction->present =
+    AntennaInfoDedicated__codebookSubsetRestriction_PR_n2TxAntenna_tm3;
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction->choice.n2TxAntenna_tm3.buf= MALLOC(1);
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction->choice.n2TxAntenna_tm3.buf[0] = 0xc0;
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction->choice.n2TxAntenna_tm3.size=1;
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction->choice.n2TxAntenna_tm3.bits_unused=6;
+      }
+      else if (rrc_inst->configuration.ue_TransmissionMode[0]==AntennaInfoDedicated__transmissionMode_tm4) {
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction=     
+    CALLOC(1,sizeof(AntennaInfoDedicated__codebookSubsetRestriction_PR));
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction->present =
+    AntennaInfoDedicated__codebookSubsetRestriction_PR_n2TxAntenna_tm4;
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction->choice.n2TxAntenna_tm4.buf= MALLOC(1);
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction->choice.n2TxAntenna_tm4.buf[0] = 0xfc;
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction->choice.n2TxAntenna_tm4.size=1;
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction->choice.n2TxAntenna_tm4.bits_unused=2;
-    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerQuantity =
-      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerQuantity_rsrp;
-    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportQuantity = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportQuantity_both;
-    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.maxReportCells = 2;
-    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportInterval = ReportInterval_ms120;
-    ReportConfig_A2->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportAmount = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportAmount_infinity;
+      }
+      else if (rrc_inst->configuration.ue_TransmissionMode[0]==AntennaInfoDedicated__transmissionMode_tm5) {
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction=     
+    CALLOC(1,sizeof(AntennaInfoDedicated__codebookSubsetRestriction_PR));
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction->present =
+    AntennaInfoDedicated__codebookSubsetRestriction_PR_n2TxAntenna_tm5;
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction->choice.n2TxAntenna_tm5.buf= MALLOC(1);
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction->choice.n2TxAntenna_tm5.buf[0] = 0xf0;
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction->choice.n2TxAntenna_tm5.size=1;
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction->choice.n2TxAntenna_tm5.bits_unused=4;
+      }
+      else if (rrc_inst->configuration.ue_TransmissionMode[0]==AntennaInfoDedicated__transmissionMode_tm6) {
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction=     
+    CALLOC(1,sizeof(AntennaInfoDedicated__codebookSubsetRestriction_PR));
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction->present =
+    AntennaInfoDedicated__codebookSubsetRestriction_PR_n2TxAntenna_tm6;
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction->choice.n2TxAntenna_tm6.buf= MALLOC(1);
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction->choice.n2TxAntenna_tm6.buf[0] = 0xf0;
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction->choice.n2TxAntenna_tm6.size=1;
+  (*physicalConfigDedicated)->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.codebookSubsetRestriction->choice.n2TxAntenna_tm6.bits_unused=4;
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      LOG_E(RRC,"antenna_info not present in physical_config_dedicated. Not reconfiguring!\n");
+    }
+    if ((*physicalConfigDedicated)->cqi_ReportConfig) {
+      if ((rrc_inst->configuration.ue_TransmissionMode[0]==AntennaInfoDedicated__transmissionMode_tm4) ||
+    (rrc_inst->configuration.ue_TransmissionMode[0]==AntennaInfoDedicated__transmissionMode_tm5) ||
+    (rrc_inst->configuration.ue_TransmissionMode[0]==AntennaInfoDedicated__transmissionMode_tm6)) {
+  //feedback mode needs to be set as well
+  //TODO: I think this is taken into account in the PHY automatically based on the transmission mode variable
+  printf("setting cqi reporting mode to rm31\n");
+#if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14)
+  *((*physicalConfigDedicated)->cqi_ReportConfig->cqi_ReportModeAperiodic)=CQI_ReportModeAperiodic_rm31;
+  *((*physicalConfigDedicated)->cqi_ReportConfig->cqi_ReportModeAperiodic)=CQI_ReportConfig__cqi_ReportModeAperiodic_rm31; // HLC CQI, no PMI
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      LOG_E(RRC,"cqi_ReportConfig not present in physical_config_dedicated. Not reconfiguring!\n");
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    LOG_E(RRC,"physical_config_dedicated not present in RRCConnectionReconfiguration. Not reconfiguring!\n");
+  }
-    ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&ReportConfig_list->list, ReportConfig_A2);
+  // Measurement ID list
+  MeasId_list = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*MeasId_list));
+  memset((void *)MeasId_list, 0, sizeof(*MeasId_list));
-    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfigId = 4;
-    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.present = ReportConfigToAddMod__reportConfig_PR_reportConfigEUTRA;
-    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.present =
-      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerType_PR_event;
-    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.present =
-      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerType__event__eventId_PR_eventA3;
+  MeasId0 = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*MeasId0));
+  MeasId0->measId = 1;
+  MeasId0->measObjectId = 1;
+  MeasId0->reportConfigId = 1;
+  ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&MeasId_list->list, MeasId0);
-    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.choice.eventA3.a3_Offset = 1;   //10;
-    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.choice.
-    eventA3.reportOnLeave = 1;
+  /*
+   * Add one EUTRA Measurement Object
+  */
-    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerQuantity =
-      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerQuantity_rsrp;
-    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportQuantity = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportQuantity_both;
-    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.maxReportCells = 2;
-    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportInterval = ReportInterval_ms120;
-    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportAmount = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportAmount_infinity;
+  MeasObj_list = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*MeasObj_list));
+  memset((void *)MeasObj_list, 0, sizeof(*MeasObj_list));
-    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.hysteresis = 0.5; // FIXME ...hysteresis is of type long!
-    ReportConfig_A3->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.timeToTrigger =
-      TimeToTrigger_ms40;
-    ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&ReportConfig_list->list, ReportConfig_A3);
+  // Configure MeasObject 
-    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfigId = 5;
-    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfig.present = ReportConfigToAddMod__reportConfig_PR_reportConfigEUTRA;
-    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.present =
-      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerType_PR_event;
-    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.present =
-      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerType__event__eventId_PR_eventA4;
-    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.choice.
-    eventA4.a4_Threshold.present = ThresholdEUTRA_PR_threshold_RSRP;
-    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.choice.
-    eventA4.a4_Threshold.choice.threshold_RSRP = 10;
+  MeasObj = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*MeasObj));
+  memset((void *)MeasObj, 0, sizeof(*MeasObj));
-    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerQuantity =
-      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerQuantity_rsrp;
-    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportQuantity = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportQuantity_both;
-    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.maxReportCells = 2;
-    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportInterval = ReportInterval_ms120;
-    ReportConfig_A4->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportAmount = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportAmount_infinity;
+  MeasObj->measObjectId = 1;
+  MeasObj->measObject.present = MeasObjectToAddMod__measObject_PR_measObjectEUTRA;
+  MeasObj->measObject.choice.measObjectEUTRA.carrierFreq = 3350; //band 7, 2.68GHz
+  //MeasObj->measObject.choice.measObjectEUTRA.carrierFreq = 36090; //band 33, 1.909GHz
+  MeasObj->measObject.choice.measObjectEUTRA.allowedMeasBandwidth = AllowedMeasBandwidth_mbw25;
+  MeasObj->measObject.choice.measObjectEUTRA.presenceAntennaPort1 = 1;
+  MeasObj->measObject.choice.measObjectEUTRA.neighCellConfig.buf = CALLOC(1, sizeof(uint8_t));
+  MeasObj->measObject.choice.measObjectEUTRA.neighCellConfig.buf[0] = 0;
+  MeasObj->measObject.choice.measObjectEUTRA.neighCellConfig.size = 1;
+  MeasObj->measObject.choice.measObjectEUTRA.neighCellConfig.bits_unused = 6;
+  MeasObj->measObject.choice.measObjectEUTRA.offsetFreq = NULL;   // Default is 15 or 0dB
-    ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&ReportConfig_list->list, ReportConfig_A4);
+  MeasObj->measObject.choice.measObjectEUTRA.cellsToAddModList =
+    (CellsToAddModList_t *) CALLOC(1, sizeof(*CellsToAddModList));
-    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfigId = 6;
-    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.present = ReportConfigToAddMod__reportConfig_PR_reportConfigEUTRA;
-    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.present =
-      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerType_PR_event;
-    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.present =
-      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerType__event__eventId_PR_eventA5;
-    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.choice.
-    eventA5.a5_Threshold1.present = ThresholdEUTRA_PR_threshold_RSRP;
-    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.choice.
-    eventA5.a5_Threshold2.present = ThresholdEUTRA_PR_threshold_RSRP;
-    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.choice.
-    eventA5.a5_Threshold1.choice.threshold_RSRP = 10;
-    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.eventId.choice.
-    eventA5.a5_Threshold2.choice.threshold_RSRP = 10;
+  CellsToAddModList = MeasObj->measObject.choice.measObjectEUTRA.cellsToAddModList;
-    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerQuantity =
-      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerQuantity_rsrp;
-    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportQuantity = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportQuantity_both;
-    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.maxReportCells = 2;
-    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportInterval = ReportInterval_ms120;
-    ReportConfig_A5->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportAmount = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportAmount_infinity;
+  // Add adjacent cell lists (6 per eNB)
+  for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+    CellToAdd = (CellsToAddMod_t *) CALLOC(1, sizeof(*CellToAdd));
+    CellToAdd->cellIndex = i + 1;
+    CellToAdd->physCellId = get_adjacent_cell_id(ctxt_pP->module_id, i);
+    CellToAdd->cellIndividualOffset = Q_OffsetRange_dB0;
-    ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&ReportConfig_list->list, ReportConfig_A5);
-    //  rrcConnectionReconfiguration->criticalExtensions.choice.c1.choice.rrcConnectionReconfiguration_r8.measConfig->reportConfigToAddModList = ReportConfig_list;
+    ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&CellsToAddModList->list, CellToAdd);
+  }
+  ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&MeasObj_list->list, MeasObj);
+  //  rrcConnectionReconfiguration->criticalExtensions.choice.c1.choice.rrcConnectionReconfiguration_r8.measConfig->measObjectToAddModList = MeasObj_list;
+  // Report Configurations for periodical, A1-A5 events
+  /* RRC Strategy Measurement */
+  if (strcmp("one_shot", trig_param->trigger_policy) == 0){
+      trig_param->report_interval = 0;
+      trig_param->report_amount = 0;
+  }
+  else if (strcmp("event_driven", trig_param->trigger_policy) == 0){
+      trig_param->report_interval = 6;
+      trig_param->report_amount = 2;
+  }
+  else if (strcmp("periodical", trig_param->trigger_policy) == 0){
+      trig_param->report_interval = 1;
+      trig_param->report_amount = 7;
+  }
+  else {
+     LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "There is something wrong on RRC agent!");
+  }
+  ReportConfig_list = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*ReportConfig_list));
+  ReportConfig_per = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*ReportConfig_per));
+    // Periodical Measurement Report
+  ReportConfig_per->reportConfigId = 1;
+  ReportConfig_per->reportConfig.present = ReportConfigToAddMod__reportConfig_PR_reportConfigEUTRA;
+    ReportConfig_per->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.present =
+      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerType_PR_periodical;
+    ReportConfig_per->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.periodical.purpose =
+      ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerType__periodical__purpose_reportStrongestCells;
+    // ReportConfig_per->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerType.choice.event.timeToTrigger = TimeToTrigger_ms40;  
+    ReportConfig_per->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.triggerQuantity = ReportConfigEUTRA__triggerQuantity_rsrp;
+   ReportConfig_per->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportQuantity = ReportConfigEUTRA__reportQuantity_both;
+   ReportConfig_per->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.maxReportCells = 2;
+   ReportConfig_per->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportInterval = trig_param->report_interval ;//ReportInterval_ms2048; // RRC counter frame- ms1024 is 1ms   
+   ReportConfig_per->reportConfig.choice.reportConfigEUTRA.reportAmount = trig_param->report_amount; //ReportConfigEUTRA__reportAmount_r2; // put r1 to see once, r2 for 2 times and ...
+  ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&ReportConfig_list->list, ReportConfig_per);
-    rsrp = CALLOC(1, sizeof(RSRP_Range_t));
-    *rsrp = 20;
-    Sparams = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*Sparams));
-    Sparams->present = MeasConfig__speedStatePars_PR_setup;
-    Sparams->choice.setup.timeToTrigger_SF.sf_High = SpeedStateScaleFactors__sf_Medium_oDot75;
-    Sparams->choice.setup.timeToTrigger_SF.sf_Medium = SpeedStateScaleFactors__sf_High_oDot5;
-    Sparams->choice.setup.mobilityStateParameters.n_CellChangeHigh = 10;
-    Sparams->choice.setup.mobilityStateParameters.n_CellChangeMedium = 5;
-    Sparams->choice.setup.mobilityStateParameters.t_Evaluation = MobilityStateParameters__t_Evaluation_s60;
-    Sparams->choice.setup.mobilityStateParameters.t_HystNormal = MobilityStateParameters__t_HystNormal_s120;
     quantityConfig = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*quantityConfig));
     memset((void *)quantityConfig, 0, sizeof(*quantityConfig));
@@ -2017,30 +2631,7 @@ rrc_eNB_generate_defaultRRCConnectionReconfiguration(const protocol_ctxt_t* cons
     *quantityConfig->quantityConfigEUTRA->filterCoefficientRSRP = FilterCoefficient_fc4;
     *quantityConfig->quantityConfigEUTRA->filterCoefficientRSRQ = FilterCoefficient_fc4;
-    LOG_I(RRC,
-          "[eNB %d] Frame %d: potential handover preparation: store the information in an intermediate structure in case of failure\n",
-          ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->frame);
-    // store the information in an intermediate structure for Hanodver management
-    //rrc_inst->handover_info.as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.srb_ToAddModList = CALLOC(1,sizeof());
-    ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*(ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info)));
-    //memcpy((void *)rrc_inst->handover_info[ue_mod_idP]->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.srb_ToAddModList,(void *)SRB_list,sizeof(SRB_ToAddModList_t));
-    ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.srb_ToAddModList = *SRB_configList2;
-    //memcpy((void *)rrc_inst->handover_info[ue_mod_idP]->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.drb_ToAddModList,(void *)DRB_list,sizeof(DRB_ToAddModList_t));
-    ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.drb_ToAddModList = *DRB_configList;
-    ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.drb_ToReleaseList = NULL;
-    ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.mac_MainConfig =
-      CALLOC(1, sizeof(*ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.mac_MainConfig));
-    memcpy((void*)ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.mac_MainConfig,
-           (void *)mac_MainConfig, sizeof(MAC_MainConfig_t));
-    ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.physicalConfigDedicated =
-      CALLOC(1, sizeof(PhysicalConfigDedicated_t));
-    memcpy((void*)ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.physicalConfigDedicated,
-           (void*)ue_context_pP->ue_context.physicalConfigDedicated, sizeof(PhysicalConfigDedicated_t));
-    ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.sps_Config = NULL;
-    //memcpy((void *)rrc_inst->handover_info[ue_mod_idP]->as_config.sourceRadioResourceConfig.sps_Config,(void *)rrc_inst->sps_Config[ue_mod_idP],sizeof(SPS_Config_t));
-  }
 #if defined(ENABLE_ITTI)
   /* Initialize NAS list */
   dedicatedInfoNASList = CALLOC(1, sizeof(struct RRCConnectionReconfiguration_r8_IEs__dedicatedInfoNASList));
@@ -2051,22 +2642,22 @@ rrc_eNB_generate_defaultRRCConnectionReconfiguration(const protocol_ctxt_t* cons
       dedicatedInfoNas = CALLOC(1, sizeof(DedicatedInfoNAS_t));
       memset(dedicatedInfoNas, 0, sizeof(OCTET_STRING_t));
-			   (char*)ue_context_pP->ue_context.e_rab[i].param.nas_pdu.buffer,
+         (char*)ue_context_pP->ue_context.e_rab[i].param.nas_pdu.buffer,
       ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&dedicatedInfoNASList->list, dedicatedInfoNas);
     /* TODO parameters yet to process ... */
-    {
+    // {
       //      ue_context_pP->ue_context.e_rab[i].param.qos;
       //      ue_context_pP->ue_context.e_rab[i].param.sgw_addr;
       //      ue_context_pP->ue_context.e_rab[i].param.gtp_teid;
-    }
+    // }
     /* TODO should test if e RAB are Ok before! */
     ue_context_pP->ue_context.e_rab[i].status = E_RAB_STATUS_DONE;
     LOG_D(RRC, "setting the status for the default DRB (index %d) to (%d,%s)\n", 
-	  i, ue_context_pP->ue_context.e_rab[i].status, "E_RAB_STATUS_DONE");
+    i, ue_context_pP->ue_context.e_rab[i].status, "E_RAB_STATUS_DONE");
   /* If list is empty free the list and reset the address */
@@ -2078,23 +2669,23 @@ rrc_eNB_generate_defaultRRCConnectionReconfiguration(const protocol_ctxt_t* cons
   memset(buffer, 0, RRC_BUF_SIZE);
   size = do_RRCConnectionReconfiguration(ctxt_pP,
                                          xid,   //Transaction_id,
-                                         (SRB_ToAddModList_t*)*SRB_configList2, // SRB_configList
-                                         (DRB_ToAddModList_t*)*DRB_configList,
+                                         (SRB_ToAddModList_t*)NULL, // SRB_configList
+                                         (DRB_ToAddModList_t*)NULL,
                                          (DRB_ToReleaseList_t*)NULL,  // DRB2_list,
                                          (struct SPS_Config*)NULL,    // *sps_Config,
                                          (struct PhysicalConfigDedicated*)*physicalConfigDedicated,
-#ifdef EXMIMO_IOT
-                                         NULL, NULL, NULL,NULL,
+// #ifdef EXMIMO_IOT
+//                                          NULL, NULL, NULL,NULL,
+// #else
+// #endif
@@ -2149,17 +2740,18 @@ rrc_eNB_generate_defaultRRCConnectionReconfiguration(const protocol_ctxt_t* cons
-	       ctxt_pP,
-	       DCCH,
-	       rrc_eNB_mui++,
-	       SDU_CONFIRM_NO,
-	       size,
-	       buffer,
+         ctxt_pP,
+         DCCH,
+         rrc_eNB_mui++,
+         SDU_CONFIRM_NO,
+         size,
+         buffer,
@@ -2246,41 +2838,41 @@ rrc_eNB_process_MeasurementReport(
-  T(T_ENB_RRC_MEASUREMENT_REPORT, T_INT(ctxt_pP->module_id), T_INT(ctxt_pP->frame),
-    T_INT(ctxt_pP->subframe), T_INT(ctxt_pP->rnti));
+  // T(T_ENB_RRC_MEASUREMENT_REPORT, T_INT(ctxt_pP->module_id), T_INT(ctxt_pP->frame),
+  //   T_INT(ctxt_pP->subframe), T_INT(ctxt_pP->rnti));
-  LOG_I(RRC, "[eNB %d] Frame %d: Process Measurement Report From UE %x (Measurement Id %d)\n",
-        ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->frame, ctxt_pP->rnti, (int)measResults2->measId);
+  // LOG_I(RRC, "[eNB %d] Frame %d: Process Measurement Report From UE %x (Measurement Id %d)\n",
+  //       ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->frame, ctxt_pP->rnti, (int)measResults2->measId);
-  if (measResults2->measResultNeighCells->choice.measResultListEUTRA.list.count > 0) {
-    LOG_I(RRC, "Physical Cell Id %d\n",
-          (int)measResults2->measResultNeighCells->choice.measResultListEUTRA.list.array[0]->physCellId);
-    LOG_I(RRC, "RSRP of Target %d\n",
-          (int)*(measResults2->measResultNeighCells->choice.measResultListEUTRA.list.array[0]->
-                 measResult.rsrpResult));
-    LOG_I(RRC, "RSRQ of Target %d\n",
-          (int)*(measResults2->measResultNeighCells->choice.measResultListEUTRA.list.array[0]->
-                 measResult.rsrqResult));
-  }
+  // if (measResults2->measResultNeighCells->choice.measResultListEUTRA.list.count > 0) {
+  //   LOG_I(RRC, "Physical Cell Id %d\n",
+  //         (int)measResults2->measResultNeighCells->choice.measResultListEUTRA.list.array[0]->physCellId);
+  //   LOG_I(RRC, "RSRP of Target %d\n",
+  //         (int)*(measResults2->measResultNeighCells->choice.measResultListEUTRA.list.array[0]->
+  //                measResult.rsrpResult));
+  //   LOG_I(RRC, "RSRQ of Target %d\n",
+  //         (int)*(measResults2->measResultNeighCells->choice.measResultListEUTRA.list.array[0]->
+  //                measResult.rsrqResult));
+  // }
-#if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14)
+// #if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14)
   LOG_I(RRC, "RSRP of Source %ld\n", measResults2->measResultPCell.rsrpResult);
   LOG_I(RRC, "RSRQ of Source %ld\n", measResults2->measResultPCell.rsrqResult);
-  LOG_I(RRC, "RSRP of Source %d\n", measResults2->measResultServCell.rsrpResult);
-  LOG_I(RRC, "RSRQ of Source %d\n", measResults2->measResultServCell.rsrqResult);
-  if (ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info->ho_prepare != 0xF0) {
-    rrc_eNB_generate_HandoverPreparationInformation(ctxt_pP,
-        ue_context_pP,
-        measResults2->measResultNeighCells->choice.
-        measResultListEUTRA.list.array[0]->physCellId);
-  } else {
-    LOG_D(RRC, "[eNB %d] Frame %d: Ignoring MeasReport from UE %x as Handover is in progress... \n", ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->frame,
-          ctxt_pP->rnti);
-  }
+// #else
+  // LOG_I(RRC, "RSRP of Source %d\n", measResults2->measResultServCell.rsrpResult);
+  // LOG_I(RRC, "RSRQ of Source %d\n", measResults2->measResultServCell.rsrqResult);
+// #endif
+  // if (ue_context_pP->ue_context.handover_info->ho_prepare != 0xF0) {
+  //   rrc_eNB_generate_HandoverPreparationInformation(ctxt_pP,
+  //       ue_context_pP,
+  //       measResults2->measResultNeighCells->choice.
+  //       measResultListEUTRA.list.array[0]->physCellId);
+  // } else {
+  //   LOG_D(RRC, "[eNB %d] Frame %d: Ignoring MeasReport from UE %x as Handover is in progress... \n", ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->frame,
+  //         ctxt_pP->rnti);
+  // }
   //Look for IP address of the target eNB
   //Send Handover Request -> target eNB
@@ -4501,6 +5093,13 @@ rrc_eNB_decode_dcch(
+ #if defined(FLEXRAN_AGENT_SB_IF)
+      if (rrc_agent_registered[ctxt_pP->module_id]) {
+        agent_rrc_xface[ctxt_pP->eNB_index]->flexran_trigger_rrc_measurements (ctxt_pP->module_id, &ul_dcch_msg->message.choice.c1.choice.measurementReport.criticalExtensions.choice.c1.choice.measurementReport_r8.measResults);
+            }
     case UL_DCCH_MessageType__c1_PR_rrcConnectionReconfigurationComplete:
@@ -4553,8 +5152,8 @@ rrc_eNB_decode_dcch(
 #if defined(FLEXRAN_AGENT_SB_IF)
 	//WARNING:Inform the controller about the UE activation. Should be moved to RRC agent in the future
-	if (mac_agent_registered[ctxt_pP->module_id]) {
-	  agent_mac_xface[ctxt_pP->eNB_index]->flexran_agent_notify_ue_state_change(ctxt_pP->module_id,
+	if (rrc_agent_registered[ctxt_pP->module_id]) {
+	  agent_rrc_xface[ctxt_pP->eNB_index]->flexran_agent_notify_ue_state_change(ctxt_pP->module_id,
@@ -4657,8 +5256,8 @@ rrc_eNB_decode_dcch(
 #if defined(FLEXRAN_AGENT_SB_IF)
 	  //WARNING:Inform the controller about the UE activation. Should be moved to RRC agent in the future
-	  if (mac_agent_registered[ctxt_pP->module_id]) {
-	    agent_mac_xface[ctxt_pP->eNB_index]->flexran_agent_notify_ue_state_change(ctxt_pP->module_id,
+	  if (rrc_agent_registered[ctxt_pP->module_id]) {
+	    agent_rrc_xface[ctxt_pP->eNB_index]->flexran_agent_notify_ue_state_change(ctxt_pP->module_id,