Commit 6eecf6b5 authored by Teodora's avatar Teodora Committed by sagar arora

E2SM cmake update

  - hardcoded data for E2 Setup Request; fill_rnd_data_e2_setup_req.c dependancy taken
parent 04f87184
add_library(e2_ran_func_cuup STATIC
../flexric/test/rnd/fill_rnd_data_e2_setup_req.c # this is not rnd data; it is used to fill E2 Node Component Configuration Addition List in E2 Setup Request message
CUSTOMIZED/ran_func_gtp.c # current implementation doesn't take split architecture into account, neither CU/DU nor CU-UP/CU-CP
CUSTOMIZED/ran_func_pdcp.c # current implementation doesn't take split architecture into account, neither CU/DU nor CU-UP/CU-CP
CUSTOMIZED/ran_func_tc.c # currently, not implemented; therefore, filling rnd data
O-RAN/ran_func_kpm.c # this file should only contain PDCP-U/GTP; to be done in the future
O-RAN/ran_func_rc.c # this file should only contain PDCP-U/GTP; to be done in the future
CUSTOMIZED/ran_func_gtp.c # GTP SM not yet implemented in CU-UP
CUSTOMIZED/ran_func_tc.c # currently, not implemented; therefore, filling rnd data
target_link_libraries(e2_ran_func_cuup PUBLIC asn1_nr_rrc nr_rrc asn1_nr_rrc_hdrs e2_time_obj kpm_ric_info_common_obj 3gpp_derived_ie_obj sm_common_ie_obj)
......@@ -20,24 +19,31 @@ target_compile_definitions(e2_ran_func_cuup PUBLIC ${E2AP_VERSION} ${KPM_VERSIO
add_library(e2_ran_func_du_cucp_cuup STATIC
../flexric/test/rnd/fill_rnd_data_e2_setup_req.c # this is not rnd data; it is used to fill E2 Node Component Configuration Addition List in E2 Setup Request message
CUSTOMIZED/ran_func_gtp.c # current implementation doesn't take split architecture into account, neither CU/DU nor CU-UP/CU-CP
CUSTOMIZED/ran_func_pdcp.c # current implementation doesn't take split architecture into account, neither CU/DU nor CU-UP/CU-CP
O-RAN/ran_func_kpm.c # this file should only contain RRC/PDCP-C; to be done in the future
# when nr-softmodem is divided in separate executables
O-RAN/ran_func_rc.c # this file should only contain RRC/PDCP-C; to be done in the future
# when nr-softmodem is divided in separate executables
CUSTOMIZED/ran_func_slice.c # currently, not implemented; therefore, filling rnd data
CUSTOMIZED/ran_func_tc.c # currently, not implemented; therefore, filling rnd data
target_link_libraries(e2_ran_func_du_cucp_cuup PUBLIC asn1_nr_rrc nr_rrc asn1_nr_rrc_hdrs e2_time_obj kpm_ric_info_common_obj 3gpp_derived_ie_obj e2sm_rc_ir_obj sm_common_ie_obj e2_agent)
target_link_libraries(e2_ran_func_du_cucp_cuup PUBLIC asn1_nr_rrc nr_rrc asn1_nr_rrc_hdrs e2_time_obj kpm_ric_info_common_obj 3gpp_derived_ie_obj e2sm_rc_ir_obj sm_common_ie_obj)
target_compile_definitions(e2_ran_func_du_cucp_cuup PUBLIC ${E2AP_VERSION} ${KPM_VERSION} NGRAN_GNB_DU NGRAN_GNB_CUCP NGRAN_GNB_CUUP)
# Current implementation:
# - we only have one executable nr-softmodem for 4 node types: DU, CU, gNB-mono, CU-CP
# In the future, when nr-softmodem is separated, linking should be done as following:
# - DU: e2_ran_func_du
# - CU-CP : e2_ran_func_cucp
# - CU-UP: e2_ran_func_cuup (this is available at the moment, executable nr-cuup)
# - CU: e2_ran_func_cucp + e2_ran_func_cuup
# - gNB-mono: e2_ran_func_du + e2_ran_func_cucp + e2_ran_func_cuup
......@@ -21,10 +21,109 @@
#include "read_setup_ran.h"
#include "../../E2AP/flexric/src/lib/e2ap/e2ap_node_component_config_add_wrapper.h"
#include "../../E2AP/flexric/test/rnd/fill_rnd_data_e2_setup_req.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#if defined(E2AP_V2) || defined(E2AP_V3)
static e2ap_node_component_config_add_t fill_ngap_e2ap_node_component_config_add(void)
e2ap_node_component_config_add_t dst = {0};
// Mandatory
// 9.2.26
dst.e2_node_comp_interface_type = NG_E2AP_NODE_COMP_INTERFACE_TYPE;
// Bug!! Optional in the standard, mandatory in ASN.1
// 9.2.32
dst.e2_node_comp_id.type = NG_E2AP_NODE_COMP_INTERFACE_TYPE;
const char ng_msg[] = "Dummy message";
dst.e2_node_comp_id.ng_amf_name = cp_str_to_ba(ng_msg);
// Mandatory
// 9.2.27
const char req[] = "NGAP Request Message sent";
const char res[] = "NGAP Response Message reveived";
dst.e2_node_comp_conf.request = cp_str_to_ba(req);
dst.e2_node_comp_conf.response = cp_str_to_ba(res);
return dst;
// F1AP
static e2ap_node_component_config_add_t fill_f1ap_e2ap_node_component_config_add(void)
e2ap_node_component_config_add_t dst = {0};
// Mandatory
// 9.2.26
dst.e2_node_comp_interface_type = F1_E2AP_NODE_COMP_INTERFACE_TYPE;
// Bug!! Optional in the standard, mandatory in ASN.1
// 9.2.32
dst.e2_node_comp_id.type = F1_E2AP_NODE_COMP_INTERFACE_TYPE;
dst.e2_node_comp_id.f1_gnb_du_id = 1023;
// Mandatory
// 9.2.27
const char req[] = "F1AP Request Message sent";
const char res[] = "F1AP Response Message reveived";
dst.e2_node_comp_conf.request = cp_str_to_ba(req);
dst.e2_node_comp_conf.response = cp_str_to_ba(res);
return dst;
// E1AP
static e2ap_node_component_config_add_t fill_e1ap_e2ap_node_component_config_add(void)
e2ap_node_component_config_add_t dst = {0};
// Mandatory
// 9.2.26
dst.e2_node_comp_interface_type = E1_E2AP_NODE_COMP_INTERFACE_TYPE;
// Bug!! Optional in the standard, mandatory in ASN.1
// 9.2.32
dst.e2_node_comp_id.type = E1_E2AP_NODE_COMP_INTERFACE_TYPE;
dst.e2_node_comp_id.e1_gnb_cu_up_id = 1025;
// Mandatory
// 9.2.27
const char req[] = "E1AP Request Message sent";
const char res[] = "E1AP Response Message reveived";
dst.e2_node_comp_conf.request = cp_str_to_ba(req);
dst.e2_node_comp_conf.response = cp_str_to_ba(res);
return dst;
// S1AP
static e2ap_node_component_config_add_t fill_s1ap_e2ap_node_component_config_add(void)
e2ap_node_component_config_add_t dst = {0};
// Mandatory
// 9.2.26
dst.e2_node_comp_interface_type = S1_E2AP_NODE_COMP_INTERFACE_TYPE;
// Bug!! Optional in the standard, mandatory in ASN.1
// 9.2.32
dst.e2_node_comp_id.type = S1_E2AP_NODE_COMP_INTERFACE_TYPE;
const char str[] = "S1 NAME";
dst.e2_node_comp_id.s1_mme_name = cp_str_to_ba(str);
// Mandatory
// 9.2.27
const char req[] = "S1AP Request Message sent";
const char res[] = "S1AP Response Message reveived";
dst.e2_node_comp_conf.request = cp_str_to_ba(req);
dst.e2_node_comp_conf.response = cp_str_to_ba(res);
return dst;
void read_setup_ran(void* data, const ngran_node_t node_type)
assert(data != NULL);
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