diff --git a/cmake_targets/tools/build_helper b/cmake_targets/tools/build_helper
index 30cb1f0b00b5d0e3fe01eb6bf067ed5a1a400b97..af5d73e259b0a3af79f727a2f8fa57a246209dfb 100755
--- a/cmake_targets/tools/build_helper
+++ b/cmake_targets/tools/build_helper
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ check_supported_distribution() {
         "rocky9.1")    return 0 ;;
         "rocky9.2")    return 0 ;;
         "rocky9.3")    return 0 ;;
+        "rocky9.4")    return 0 ;;
     return 1
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.base.rocky b/docker/Dockerfile.base.rocky
index 0e9d630bac1fccb7fee765b176d7677685bf615c..44be5273447ca50d5906d30716d063b3eb960b8b 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile.base.rocky
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.base.rocky
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ ENV UHD_VERSION=
 RUN dnf install 'dnf-command(config-manager)' -y && \
     dnf install epel-release -y && crb enable && \
     dnf update -y && \
+    cat /etc/os-release && \
     dnf install -y \
        #gcc needed for build_oai
        gcc gcc-c++ \ 
@@ -42,9 +43,22 @@ RUN dnf install 'dnf-command(config-manager)' -y && \
        file \
        psmisc \
        git \
+       meson \
+       wget \
+       xz \
+       pkg-config \
+       pcre2-devel \
+       m4 \
+       python3-devel \
+       numactl-libs \
+       numactl-devel \
+       gcc-toolset-12-gcc \
+       gcc-toolset-12-gcc-c++ \
        # python3-pip and pyyaml are used for conf template generation
        python3-pip && \
-    pip3 install --ignore-installed pyyaml
+    pip3 install --ignore-installed pyyaml && \
+    echo "/usr/local/lib" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/local-lib.conf && \
+    echo "/usr/local/lib64" >> /etc/ld.so.conf.d/local-lib.conf
 # Add "Tini - A tiny but valid init for containers", https://github.com/krallin/tini
 # it will be copied into target containers, to print exit numbers and handle signals properly
@@ -65,7 +79,8 @@ WORKDIR /oai-ran
 COPY oaienv .
 #run build_oai -I to get the builder image
-RUN /bin/sh oaienv && \ 
+RUN /bin/sh oaienv && \
     cd cmake_targets && \
     mkdir -p log && \
-    ./build_oai -I --install-optional-packages -w USRP
+    scl enable gcc-toolset-12 "\
+    ./build_oai -I --install-optional-packages -w USRP"
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.build.rocky b/docker/Dockerfile.build.rocky
index 3fe164b10d19f931b0e7050bc9271042a7f0a8d0..1126c420574045c256426310f6a92c94a72ed06d 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile.build.rocky
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.build.rocky
@@ -35,4 +35,12 @@ COPY . .
 RUN /bin/sh oaienv && \ 
     cd cmake_targets && \
     mkdir -p log && \
-    ./build_oai --eNB --gNB --RU --UE --nrUE --ninja --build-lib "telnetsrv enbscope uescope nrscope" -w USRP -t Ethernet --noavx512 -c
+    CXXFLAGS="-Werror -fstack-protector-strong" CFLAGS="-Werror -fstack-protector-strong" ./build_oai -c --ninja \
+      --eNB --gNB --RU --UE --nrUE \
+      --build-lib "telnetsrv enbscope uescope nrscope" \
+      -w USRP -t Ethernet \
+      --noavx512 && \
+    echo "---- ldd on executables ----" && \
+    ldd ran_build/build/*softmodem* ran_build/build/nr-cuup ran_build/build/oairu && \
+    echo "---- ldd on shared libraries ----" && \
+    ldd ran_build/build/*.so
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.gNB.fhi72.rocky b/docker/Dockerfile.gNB.fhi72.rocky
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a98c0b1948cb97eaac952312f89381a5789b242a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.gNB.fhi72.rocky
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+# * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+# * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+# * except in compliance with the License.
+# * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# *
+# *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+# *
+# * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+# * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# * limitations under the License.
+# *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+# *      contact@openairinterface.org
+# */
+# Dockerfile for the Open-Air-Interface 7.2 Fronthaul 
+#      Valid for Rocky 9
+FROM ran-base:latest AS gnb-base
+FROM ran-build-fhi72:latest AS gnb-build
+#start from scratch for target executable
+FROM docker.io/rockylinux:9 AS oai-gnb-fhi72
+ENV TZ=Europe/Paris
+RUN dnf update -y && \
+    dnf install -y \
+        procps-ng \
+        libXpm \
+        libX11 \
+        lksctp-tools \
+        xz \
+        numactl-libs \
+        numactl-devel \
+        pkg-config \
+        pciutils \
+        tzdata \
+        gdb \
+        python3 \
+        python3-pip \
+        net-tools \
+        iputils && \
+    pip3 install six && \
+    pip3 install requests && \
+    echo "/usr/local/lib" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/local-lib.conf && \
+    echo "/usr/local/lib64" >> /etc/ld.so.conf.d/local-lib.conf
+WORKDIR /opt/oai-gnb/bin
+COPY --from=gnb-build \
+    /oai-ran/cmake_targets/ran_build/build/nr-softmodem ./
+COPY ./docker/scripts/gnb_entrypoint.sh ./entrypoint.sh
+COPY --from=gnb-build \
+    /oai-ran/cmake_targets/ran_build/build/librfsimulator.so \
+    /oai-ran/cmake_targets/ran_build/build/liboran_fhlib_5g.so \
+    /oai-ran/cmake_targets/ran_build/build/liboai_transpro.so \
+    /oai-ran/cmake_targets/ran_build/build/libcoding.so \
+    /oai-ran/cmake_targets/ran_build/build/libparams_libconfig.so \
+    /oai-ran/cmake_targets/ran_build/build/libdfts.so \
+    /oai-ran/cmake_targets/ran_build/build/libldpc*.so \
+    /oai-ran/cmake_targets/ran_build/build/libtelnetsrv.so \
+    /oai-ran/cmake_targets/ran_build/build/libtelnetsrv_ci.so \
+    /usr/local/lib/
+## Libxran library
+COPY --from=gnb-build \
+    /opt/phy/fhi_lib/lib/build/libxran.so \
+    /opt/phy/fhi_lib/lib/build/
+## Copy all DPDK libraries as liboran_fhlib_5g.so require most of them
+COPY --from=gnb-build /usr/local/lib64/ /usr/local/lib64/
+## Copy E2 SM models
+COPY --from=gnb-build /usr/local/lib64/flexric /usr/local/lib64/flexric
+# Copying file for configuration module
+COPY --from=gnb-base \
+    /lib64/libconfig.so.11 \
+    /lib64/libforms.so.2 \
+    /lib64/libblas.so.3 \
+    /lib64/libcblas.so.3 \
+    /lib64/liblapack.so.3 \
+    /lib64/liblapacke.so.3 \
+    /lib64/libicudata.so.67 \
+    /lib64/libicui18n.so.67 \
+    /lib64/libicuuc.so.67 \
+    /lib64/
+RUN ldconfig && \
+    echo "---- ldd on executable nr-softmodem ----" && \
+    ldd /opt/oai-gnb/bin/nr-softmodem && \
+    echo "---- ldd on shared libraries ----" && \
+    ldd /usr/local/lib/librfsimulator.so \
+        /usr/local/lib/liboran_fhlib_5g.so \
+        /usr/local/lib/liboai_transpro.so \
+        /usr/local/lib/libcoding.so \
+        /usr/local/lib/libparams_libconfig.so \
+        /usr/local/lib/libdfts.so \
+        /usr/local/lib/libldpc*.so \
+        /usr/local/lib/libtelnetsrv.so \
+        /usr/local/lib/libtelnetsrv_ci.so \
+        /opt/phy/fhi_lib/lib/build/libxran.so
+WORKDIR /opt/oai-gnb
+COPY --from=gnb-base /tini /tini
+ENTRYPOINT ["/tini", "-v", "--", "/opt/oai-gnb/bin/entrypoint.sh"]
+CMD ["/opt/oai-gnb/bin/nr-softmodem", "-O", "/opt/oai-gnb/etc/gnb.conf"]