Commit f278b008 authored by Guido Casati's avatar Guido Casati

Add encoding/decoding library for F1AP Setup Request (Interface Management)

parent 1a8ed864
......@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ typedef struct served_cells_to_activate_s {
f1ap_plmn_t plmn;
// NR Global Cell Id
uint64_t nr_cellid;
/// NRPCI [int 0..1007]
uint16_t nrpci;
/// num SI messages per DU cell
uint8_t num_SI;
......@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
#include "f1ap_encoder.h"
#include "f1ap_itti_messaging.h"
#include "f1ap_cu_interface_management.h"
#include "f1ap_default_values.h"
#include "lib/f1ap_interface_management.h"
int CU_handle_RESET_ACKNOWLEDGE(instance_t instance, sctp_assoc_t assoc_id, uint32_t stream, F1AP_F1AP_PDU_t *pdu)
add_library(f1ap_lib OBJECT
target_link_libraries(f1ap_lib PRIVATE asn1_f1ap)
target_include_directories(f1ap_lib PUBLIC
* Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
* the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
#include <string.h>
#include "common/utils/assertions.h"
#include "openair3/UTILS/conversions.h"
#include "common/utils/oai_asn1.h"
#include "common/utils/utils.h"
#include "f1ap_interface_management.h"
#include "f1ap_lib_common.h"
#include "f1ap_lib_includes.h"
#include "f1ap_messages_types.h"
#include "f1ap_lib_extern.h"
static const int nrb_lut[29] = {11, 18, 24, 25, 31, 32, 38, 51, 52, 65, 66, 78, 79, 93, 106,
107, 121, 132, 133, 135, 160, 162, 189, 216, 217, 245, 264, 270, 273};
static int to_NRNRB(int nrb)
for (int i = 0; i < sizeofArray(nrb_lut); i++)
if (nrb_lut[i] == nrb)
return i;
AssertFatal(1 == 0, "nrb %d is not in the list of possible NRNRB\n", nrb);
static int read_slice_info(const F1AP_ServedPLMNs_Item_t *plmn, nssai_t *nssai, int max_nssai)
if (plmn->iE_Extensions == NULL)
return 0;
const F1AP_ProtocolExtensionContainer_10696P34_t *p = (F1AP_ProtocolExtensionContainer_10696P34_t *)plmn->iE_Extensions;
if (p->list.count == 0)
return 0;
const F1AP_ServedPLMNs_ItemExtIEs_t *splmn = p->list.array[0];
DevAssert(splmn->id == F1AP_ProtocolIE_ID_id_TAISliceSupportList);
DevAssert(splmn->extensionValue.present == F1AP_ServedPLMNs_ItemExtIEs__extensionValue_PR_SliceSupportList);
const F1AP_SliceSupportList_t *ssl = &splmn->extensionValue.choice.SliceSupportList;
AssertFatal(ssl->list.count <= max_nssai, "cannot handle more than 16 slices\n");
for (int s = 0; s < ssl->list.count; ++s) {
const F1AP_SliceSupportItem_t *sl = ssl->list.array[s];
nssai_t *n = &nssai[s];
OCTET_STRING_TO_INT8(&sl->sNSSAI.sST, n->sst);
n->sd = 0xffffff;
if (sl->sNSSAI.sD != NULL)
OCTET_STRING_TO_INT24(sl->sNSSAI.sD, n->sd);
return ssl->list.count;
* @brief F1AP Setup Request memory management
static void free_f1ap_cell(const f1ap_served_cell_info_t *info, const f1ap_gnb_du_system_info_t *sys_info)
if (sys_info) {
free((void *)sys_info);
* @brief Encoding of Served Cell Information ( of 3GPP TS 38.473)
static F1AP_Served_Cell_Information_t encode_served_cell_info(const f1ap_served_cell_info_t *c)
F1AP_Served_Cell_Information_t scell_info = {0};
MCC_MNC_TO_PLMNID(c->plmn.mcc, c->plmn.mnc, c->plmn.mnc_digit_length, &(scell_info.nRCGI.pLMN_Identity));
NR_CELL_ID_TO_BIT_STRING(c->nr_cellid, &(scell_info.nRCGI.nRCellIdentity));
scell_info.nRPCI = c->nr_pci; // int 0..1007
// 5GS TAC
if (c->tac != NULL) {
uint32_t tac = htonl(*c->tac);
asn1cCalloc(scell_info.fiveGS_TAC, netOrder);
OCTET_STRING_fromBuf(netOrder, ((char *)&tac) + 1, 3);
// Served PLMNs
asn1cSequenceAdd(scell_info.servedPLMNs.list, F1AP_ServedPLMNs_Item_t, servedPLMN_item);
MCC_MNC_TO_PLMNID(c->plmn.mcc, c->plmn.mnc, c->plmn.mnc_digit_length, &servedPLMN_item->pLMN_Identity);
// NR-Mode-Info
F1AP_NR_Mode_Info_t *nR_Mode_Info = &scell_info.nR_Mode_Info;
if (c->mode == F1AP_MODE_FDD) { // FDD
const f1ap_fdd_info_t *fdd = &c->fdd;
nR_Mode_Info->present = F1AP_NR_Mode_Info_PR_fDD;
asn1cCalloc(nR_Mode_Info->choice.fDD, fDD_Info);
/* FDD.1.1 UL NRFreqInfo ARFCN */
fDD_Info->uL_NRFreqInfo.nRARFCN = fdd->ul_freqinfo.arfcn;
/* FDD.1.3 freqBandListNr */
int ul_band = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < ul_band; j++) {
asn1cSequenceAdd(fDD_Info->uL_NRFreqInfo.freqBandListNr.list, F1AP_FreqBandNrItem_t, nr_freqBandNrItem);
/* FDD.1.3.1 freqBandIndicatorNr*/
nr_freqBandNrItem->freqBandIndicatorNr = fdd->;
/* FDD.2.1 DL NRFreqInfo ARFCN */
fDD_Info->dL_NRFreqInfo.nRARFCN = fdd->dl_freqinfo.arfcn;
/* FDD.2.3 freqBandListNr */
int dl_bands = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < dl_bands; j++) {
asn1cSequenceAdd(fDD_Info->dL_NRFreqInfo.freqBandListNr.list, F1AP_FreqBandNrItem_t, nr_freqBandNrItem);
/* FDD.2.3.1 freqBandIndicatorNr*/
nr_freqBandNrItem->freqBandIndicatorNr = fdd->;
} // for FDD : DL freq_Bands
/* FDD.3 UL Transmission Bandwidth */
fDD_Info->uL_Transmission_Bandwidth.nRSCS = fdd->ul_tbw.scs;
fDD_Info->uL_Transmission_Bandwidth.nRNRB = to_NRNRB(fdd->ul_tbw.nrb);
/* FDD.4 DL Transmission Bandwidth */
fDD_Info->dL_Transmission_Bandwidth.nRSCS = fdd->dl_tbw.scs;
fDD_Info->dL_Transmission_Bandwidth.nRNRB = to_NRNRB(fdd->dl_tbw.nrb);
} else if (c->mode == F1AP_MODE_TDD) {
const f1ap_tdd_info_t *tdd = &c->tdd;
nR_Mode_Info->present = F1AP_NR_Mode_Info_PR_tDD;
asn1cCalloc(nR_Mode_Info->choice.tDD, tDD_Info);
/* TDD.1.1 nRFreqInfo ARFCN */
tDD_Info->nRFreqInfo.nRARFCN = tdd->freqinfo.arfcn;
/* TDD.1.3 freqBandListNr */
int bands = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < bands; j++) {
asn1cSequenceAdd(tDD_Info->nRFreqInfo.freqBandListNr.list, F1AP_FreqBandNrItem_t, nr_freqBandNrItem);
/* TDD.1.3.1 freqBandIndicatorNr*/
nr_freqBandNrItem->freqBandIndicatorNr = tdd->;
/* TDD.2 transmission_Bandwidth */
tDD_Info->transmission_Bandwidth.nRSCS = tdd->tbw.scs;
tDD_Info->transmission_Bandwidth.nRNRB = to_NRNRB(tdd->tbw.nrb);
} else {
AssertFatal(false, "unknown duplex mode %d\n", c->mode);
// Measurement Timing Configuration
(const char *)c->measurement_timing_config,
return scell_info;
static bool decode_served_cell_info(const F1AP_Served_Cell_Information_t *in, f1ap_served_cell_info_t *info)
AssertError(in != NULL, return false, "Input message pointer is NULL");
// 5GS TAC (O)
if (in->fiveGS_TAC) {
info->tac = malloc_or_fail(sizeof(*info->tac));
OCTET_STRING_TO_INT24(in->fiveGS_TAC, *info->tac);
// NR CGI (M)
TBCD_TO_MCC_MNC(&(in->nRCGI.pLMN_Identity), info->plmn.mcc, info->plmn.mnc, info->plmn.mnc_digit_length);
// NR Cell Identity (M)
BIT_STRING_TO_NR_CELL_IDENTITY(&in->nRCGI.nRCellIdentity, info->nr_cellid);
// NR PCI (M)
info->nr_pci = in->nRPCI;
// Served PLMNs (>= 1)
AssertError(in->servedPLMNs.list.count == 1, return false, "at least and only 1 PLMN must be present");
info->num_ssi = read_slice_info(in->servedPLMNs.list.array[0], info->nssai, 16);
// FDD Info
if (in->nR_Mode_Info.present == F1AP_NR_Mode_Info_PR_fDD) {
info->mode = F1AP_MODE_FDD;
f1ap_fdd_info_t *FDDs = &info->fdd;
F1AP_FDD_Info_t *fDD_Info = in->nR_Mode_Info.choice.fDD;
FDDs->ul_freqinfo.arfcn = fDD_Info->uL_NRFreqInfo.nRARFCN;
// Note: cannot handle more than one UL frequency band
int num_ulBands = fDD_Info->uL_NRFreqInfo.freqBandListNr.list.count;
AssertError(num_ulBands == 1, return false, "1 FDD UL frequency band must be present, more is not supported");
for (int f = 0; f < num_ulBands && f < 1; f++) {
F1AP_FreqBandNrItem_t *FreqItem = fDD_Info->uL_NRFreqInfo.freqBandListNr.list.array[f];
FDDs-> = FreqItem->freqBandIndicatorNr;
AssertError(FreqItem->supportedSULBandList.list.count == 0, return false, "cannot handle FDD SUL bands");
// Note: cannot handle more than one DL frequency band
FDDs->dl_freqinfo.arfcn = fDD_Info->dL_NRFreqInfo.nRARFCN;
int num_dlBands = fDD_Info->dL_NRFreqInfo.freqBandListNr.list.count;
AssertError(num_dlBands == 1, return false, "1 FDD DL frequency band must be present, more is not supported");
for (int dlB = 0; dlB < num_dlBands && dlB < 1; dlB++) {
F1AP_FreqBandNrItem_t *FreqItem = fDD_Info->dL_NRFreqInfo.freqBandListNr.list.array[dlB];
FDDs-> = FreqItem->freqBandIndicatorNr;
AssertError(FreqItem->supportedSULBandList.list.count == 0, return false, "cannot handle FDD SUL bands");
FDDs->ul_tbw.scs = fDD_Info->uL_Transmission_Bandwidth.nRSCS;
FDDs->ul_tbw.nrb = nrb_lut[fDD_Info->uL_Transmission_Bandwidth.nRNRB];
FDDs->dl_tbw.scs = fDD_Info->dL_Transmission_Bandwidth.nRSCS;
FDDs->dl_tbw.nrb = nrb_lut[fDD_Info->dL_Transmission_Bandwidth.nRNRB];
} else if (in->nR_Mode_Info.present == F1AP_NR_Mode_Info_PR_tDD) {
info->mode = F1AP_MODE_TDD;
f1ap_tdd_info_t *TDDs = &info->tdd;
F1AP_TDD_Info_t *tDD_Info = in->nR_Mode_Info.choice.tDD;
TDDs->freqinfo.arfcn = tDD_Info->nRFreqInfo.nRARFCN;
// Handle frequency bands
int num_tddBands = tDD_Info->nRFreqInfo.freqBandListNr.list.count;
AssertError(num_tddBands == 1, return false, "1 TDD DL frequency band must be present, more is not supported");
for (int f = 0; f < num_tddBands && f < 1; f++) {
struct F1AP_FreqBandNrItem *FreqItem = tDD_Info->nRFreqInfo.freqBandListNr.list.array[f];
TDDs-> = FreqItem->freqBandIndicatorNr;
AssertError(FreqItem->supportedSULBandList.list.count == 0, return false, "cannot handle TDD SUL bands");
TDDs->tbw.scs = tDD_Info->transmission_Bandwidth.nRSCS;
TDDs->tbw.nrb = nrb_lut[tDD_Info->transmission_Bandwidth.nRNRB];
} else {
AssertError(1 == 0, return false, "unknown or missing NR Mode info %d\n", in->nR_Mode_Info.present);
// MeasurementConfig (M)
AssertError(in->measurementTimingConfiguration.size > 0, return false, "measurementTimingConfigurationc size is 0");
info->measurement_timing_config = cp_octet_string(&in->measurementTimingConfiguration, &info->measurement_timing_config_len);
return true;
static F1AP_GNB_DU_System_Information_t *encode_system_info(const f1ap_gnb_du_system_info_t *sys_info)
if (sys_info == NULL)
return NULL; /* optional: can be NULL */
F1AP_GNB_DU_System_Information_t *enc_sys_info = calloc_or_fail(1, sizeof(*enc_sys_info));
AssertFatal(sys_info->mib != NULL, "MIB must be present in DU sys info\n");
OCTET_STRING_fromBuf(&enc_sys_info->mIB_message, (const char *)sys_info->mib, sys_info->mib_length);
AssertFatal(sys_info->sib1 != NULL, "SIB1 must be present in DU sys info\n");
OCTET_STRING_fromBuf(&enc_sys_info->sIB1_message, (const char *)sys_info->sib1, sys_info->sib1_length);
return enc_sys_info;
static void decode_system_info(struct F1AP_GNB_DU_System_Information *DUsi, f1ap_gnb_du_system_info_t *sys_info)
/* mib */
sys_info->mib = calloc_or_fail(DUsi->mIB_message.size, sizeof(*sys_info->mib));
memcpy(sys_info->mib, DUsi->mIB_message.buf, DUsi->mIB_message.size);
sys_info->mib_length = DUsi->mIB_message.size;
/* sib1 */
sys_info->sib1 = calloc_or_fail(DUsi->sIB1_message.size, sizeof(*sys_info->sib1));
memcpy(sys_info->sib1, DUsi->sIB1_message.buf, DUsi->sIB1_message.size);
sys_info->sib1_length = DUsi->sIB1_message.size;
/* ====================================
* ==================================== */
* @brief F1 SETUP REQUEST encoding ( of 3GPP TS 38.473)
* gNB-DU → gNB-CU
F1AP_F1AP_PDU_t *encode_f1ap_setup_request(const f1ap_setup_req_t *msg)
F1AP_F1AP_PDU_t *pdu = calloc_or_fail(1, sizeof(*pdu));
/* Create */
/* 0. pdu Type */
pdu->present = F1AP_F1AP_PDU_PR_initiatingMessage;
asn1cCalloc(pdu->choice.initiatingMessage, initMsg);
initMsg->procedureCode = F1AP_ProcedureCode_id_F1Setup;
initMsg->criticality = F1AP_Criticality_reject;
initMsg->value.present = F1AP_InitiatingMessage__value_PR_F1SetupRequest;
F1AP_F1SetupRequest_t *f1Setup = &initMsg->value.choice.F1SetupRequest;
// Transaction ID (M)
asn1cSequenceAdd(f1Setup->protocolIEs.list, F1AP_F1SetupRequestIEs_t, ieC1);
ieC1->id = F1AP_ProtocolIE_ID_id_TransactionID;
ieC1->criticality = F1AP_Criticality_reject;
ieC1->value.present = F1AP_F1SetupRequestIEs__value_PR_TransactionID;
ieC1->value.choice.TransactionID = msg->transaction_id;
// gNB-DU ID (M)
asn1cSequenceAdd(f1Setup->protocolIEs.list, F1AP_F1SetupRequestIEs_t, ieC2);
ieC2->id = F1AP_ProtocolIE_ID_id_gNB_DU_ID;
ieC2->criticality = F1AP_Criticality_reject;
ieC2->value.present = F1AP_F1SetupRequestIEs__value_PR_GNB_DU_ID;
asn_int642INTEGER(&ieC2->value.choice.GNB_DU_ID, msg->gNB_DU_id);
// gNB-DU Name (O)
if (msg->gNB_DU_name) {
asn1cSequenceAdd(f1Setup->protocolIEs.list, F1AP_F1SetupRequestIEs_t, ieC3);
ieC3->id = F1AP_ProtocolIE_ID_id_gNB_DU_Name;
ieC3->criticality = F1AP_Criticality_ignore;
ieC3->value.present = F1AP_F1SetupRequestIEs__value_PR_GNB_DU_Name;
OCTET_STRING_fromBuf(&ieC3->value.choice.GNB_DU_Name, msg->gNB_DU_name, strlen(msg->gNB_DU_name));
/// gNB-DU Served Cells List (0..1)
asn1cSequenceAdd(f1Setup->protocolIEs.list, F1AP_F1SetupRequestIEs_t, ieCells);
ieCells->id = F1AP_ProtocolIE_ID_id_gNB_DU_Served_Cells_List;
ieCells->criticality = F1AP_Criticality_reject;
ieCells->value.present = F1AP_F1SetupRequestIEs__value_PR_GNB_DU_Served_Cells_List;
for (int i = 0; i < msg->num_cells_available; i++) {
// gNB-DU Served Cells Item (M)
const f1ap_served_cell_info_t *cell = &msg->cell[i].info;
const f1ap_gnb_du_system_info_t *sys_info = msg->cell[i].sys_info;
asn1cSequenceAdd(ieCells->value.choice.GNB_DU_Served_Cells_List.list, F1AP_GNB_DU_Served_Cells_ItemIEs_t, duServedCell);
duServedCell->id = F1AP_ProtocolIE_ID_id_GNB_DU_Served_Cells_Item;
duServedCell->criticality = F1AP_Criticality_reject;
duServedCell->value.present = F1AP_GNB_DU_Served_Cells_ItemIEs__value_PR_GNB_DU_Served_Cells_Item;
F1AP_GNB_DU_Served_Cells_Item_t *scell_item = &duServedCell->value.choice.GNB_DU_Served_Cells_Item;
scell_item->served_Cell_Information = encode_served_cell_info(cell);
scell_item->gNB_DU_System_Information = encode_system_info(sys_info);
// gNB-DU RRC version (M)
asn1cSequenceAdd(f1Setup->protocolIEs.list, F1AP_F1SetupRequestIEs_t, ie2);
ie2->id = F1AP_ProtocolIE_ID_id_GNB_DU_RRC_Version;
ie2->criticality = F1AP_Criticality_reject;
ie2->value.present = F1AP_F1SetupRequestIEs__value_PR_RRC_Version;
// RRC Version: "This IE is not used in this release."
// we put one bit for each byte in rrc_ver that is != 0
uint8_t bits = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeofArray(msg->rrc_ver); ++i)
bits |= (msg->rrc_ver[i] != 0) << i;
BIT_STRING_t *bs = &ie2->value.choice.RRC_Version.latest_RRC_Version;
bs->buf = calloc_or_fail(1, sizeof(*bs->buf));
bs->buf[0] = bits;
bs->size = 1;
bs->bits_unused = 5;
F1AP_ProtocolExtensionContainer_10696P228_t *p = calloc_or_fail(1, sizeof(*p));
asn1cSequenceAdd(p->list, F1AP_RRC_Version_ExtIEs_t, rrcv_ext);
rrcv_ext->id = F1AP_ProtocolIE_ID_id_latest_RRC_Version_Enhanced;
rrcv_ext->criticality = F1AP_Criticality_ignore;
rrcv_ext->extensionValue.present = F1AP_RRC_Version_ExtIEs__extensionValue_PR_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_3_;
OCTET_STRING_t *os = &rrcv_ext->extensionValue.choice.OCTET_STRING_SIZE_3_;
os->size = sizeofArray(msg->rrc_ver);
os->buf = malloc_or_fail(sizeof(msg->rrc_ver));
for (int i = 0; i < sizeofArray(msg->rrc_ver); ++i)
os->buf[i] = msg->rrc_ver[i];
ie2->value.choice.RRC_Version.iE_Extensions = (struct F1AP_ProtocolExtensionContainer *)p;
return pdu;
* @brief F1AP Setup Request decoding
bool decode_f1ap_setup_request(const F1AP_F1AP_PDU_t *pdu, f1ap_setup_req_t *out)
/* Check presence of message type */
_F1_EQ_CHECK_INT(pdu->present, F1AP_F1AP_PDU_PR_initiatingMessage);
AssertError(pdu->choice.initiatingMessage != NULL, return false, "pdu->choice.initiatingMessage is NULL");
_F1_EQ_CHECK_LONG(pdu->choice.initiatingMessage->procedureCode, F1AP_ProcedureCode_id_F1Setup);
_F1_EQ_CHECK_INT(pdu->choice.initiatingMessage->value.present, F1AP_InitiatingMessage__value_PR_F1SetupRequest);
/* Check presence of mandatory IEs */
F1AP_F1SetupRequest_t *in = &pdu->choice.initiatingMessage->value.choice.F1SetupRequest;
F1AP_F1SetupRequestIEs_t *ie;
F1AP_LIB_FIND_IE(F1AP_F1SetupRequestIEs_t, ie, in, F1AP_ProtocolIE_ID_id_TransactionID, true);
F1AP_LIB_FIND_IE(F1AP_F1SetupRequestIEs_t, ie, in, F1AP_ProtocolIE_ID_id_gNB_DU_ID, true);
F1AP_LIB_FIND_IE(F1AP_F1SetupRequestIEs_t, ie, in, F1AP_ProtocolIE_ID_id_GNB_DU_RRC_Version, true);
/* Loop over all IEs */
for (int i = 0; i < in->protocolIEs.list.count; i++) {
AssertError(in->protocolIEs.list.array[i] != NULL, return false, "in->protocolIEs.list.array[i] is NULL");
ie = in->protocolIEs.list.array[i];
switch (ie->id) {
case F1AP_ProtocolIE_ID_id_TransactionID:
// Transaction ID (M)
_F1_EQ_CHECK_INT(ie->value.present, F1AP_F1SetupRequestIEs__value_PR_TransactionID);
AssertError(ie->value.choice.TransactionID != -1, return false, "ie->value.choice.TransactionID is -1");
out->transaction_id = ie->value.choice.TransactionID;
case F1AP_ProtocolIE_ID_id_gNB_DU_ID:
// gNB-DU ID (M)
_F1_EQ_CHECK_INT(ie->value.present, F1AP_F1SetupRequestIEs__value_PR_GNB_DU_ID);
asn_INTEGER2ulong(&ie->value.choice.GNB_DU_ID, &out->gNB_DU_id);
case F1AP_ProtocolIE_ID_id_gNB_DU_Name: {
const F1AP_GNB_DU_Name_t *du_name = &ie->value.choice.GNB_DU_Name;
out->gNB_DU_name = calloc_or_fail(du_name->size + 1, sizeof(*out->gNB_DU_name));
strncpy(out->gNB_DU_name, (char *)du_name->buf, du_name->size);
case F1AP_ProtocolIE_ID_id_gNB_DU_Served_Cells_List:
/* GNB_DU_Served_Cells_List */
out->num_cells_available = ie->value.choice.GNB_DU_Served_Cells_List.list.count;
AssertError(out->num_cells_available > 0, return false, "at least 1 cell must be present");
/* Loop over gNB-DU Served Cells Items */
for (int i = 0; i < out->num_cells_available; i++) {
F1AP_GNB_DU_Served_Cells_Item_t *served_cells_item =
&(((F1AP_GNB_DU_Served_Cells_ItemIEs_t *)ie->value.choice.GNB_DU_Served_Cells_List.list.array[i])
// gNB-DU System Information (O)
struct F1AP_GNB_DU_System_Information *DUsi = served_cells_item->gNB_DU_System_Information;
if (DUsi != NULL) {
// System Information
out->cell[i].sys_info = calloc_or_fail(1, sizeof(*out->cell[i].sys_info));
f1ap_gnb_du_system_info_t *sys_info = out->cell[i].sys_info;
/* mib */
sys_info->mib = cp_octet_string(&DUsi->mIB_message, &sys_info->mib_length);
/* sib1 */
sys_info->sib1 = cp_octet_string(&DUsi->sIB1_message, &sys_info->sib1_length);
/* Served Cell Information (M) */
if (!decode_served_cell_info(&served_cells_item->served_Cell_Information, &out->cell[i].info))
return false;
case F1AP_ProtocolIE_ID_id_GNB_DU_RRC_Version:
/* gNB-DU RRC version (M) */
if (ie->value.choice.RRC_Version.iE_Extensions) {
F1AP_ProtocolExtensionContainer_10696P228_t *ext =
(F1AP_ProtocolExtensionContainer_10696P228_t *)ie->value.choice.RRC_Version.iE_Extensions;
if (ext->list.count > 0) {
F1AP_RRC_Version_ExtIEs_t *rrcext = ext->list.array[0];
OCTET_STRING_t *os = &rrcext->extensionValue.choice.OCTET_STRING_SIZE_3_;
DevAssert(os->size == sizeofArray(out->rrc_ver));
for (int i = 0; i < os->size; ++i)
out->rrc_ver[i] = os->buf[i];
AssertError(1 == 0, return false, "F1AP_ProtocolIE_ID_id %ld unknown\n", ie->id);
return true;
static void copy_f1ap_served_cell_info(f1ap_served_cell_info_t *dest, const f1ap_served_cell_info_t *src) {
*dest = *src;
dest->mode = src->mode;
dest->tdd = src->tdd;
dest->fdd = src->fdd;
dest->plmn = src->plmn;
if (src->tac) {
dest->tac = malloc_or_fail(sizeof(*dest->tac));
*dest->tac = *src->tac;
if (src->measurement_timing_config_len) {
dest->measurement_timing_config = calloc_or_fail(src->measurement_timing_config_len, sizeof(*dest->measurement_timing_config));
memcpy(dest->measurement_timing_config, src->measurement_timing_config, src->measurement_timing_config_len);
* @brief F1AP Setup Request deep copy
f1ap_setup_req_t cp_f1ap_setup_request(const f1ap_setup_req_t *msg)
f1ap_setup_req_t cp = {0};
/* gNB_DU_id */
cp.gNB_DU_id = msg->gNB_DU_id;
/* gNB_DU_name */
if (msg->gNB_DU_name != NULL)
cp.gNB_DU_name = strdup(msg->gNB_DU_name);
/* transaction_id */
cp.transaction_id = msg->transaction_id;
/* num_cells_available */
cp.num_cells_available = msg->num_cells_available;
for (int n = 0; n < msg->num_cells_available; n++) {
/* */
f1ap_served_cell_info_t *sci = &cp.cell[n].info;
const f1ap_served_cell_info_t *msg_sci = &msg->cell[n].info;
copy_f1ap_served_cell_info(sci, msg_sci);
/* cell.sys_info */
if (msg->cell[n].sys_info) {
f1ap_gnb_du_system_info_t *orig_sys_info = msg->cell[n].sys_info;
f1ap_gnb_du_system_info_t *copy_sys_info = calloc_or_fail(1, sizeof(*copy_sys_info));
cp.cell[n].sys_info = copy_sys_info;
if (orig_sys_info->mib_length > 0) {
copy_sys_info->mib = calloc_or_fail(orig_sys_info->mib_length, sizeof(*copy_sys_info->mib));
copy_sys_info->mib_length = orig_sys_info->mib_length;
memcpy(copy_sys_info->mib, orig_sys_info->mib, copy_sys_info->mib_length);
if (orig_sys_info->sib1_length > 0) {
copy_sys_info->sib1 = calloc_or_fail(orig_sys_info->sib1_length, sizeof(*copy_sys_info->sib1));
copy_sys_info->sib1_length = orig_sys_info->sib1_length;
memcpy(copy_sys_info->sib1, orig_sys_info->sib1, copy_sys_info->sib1_length);
for (int i = 0; i < sizeofArray(msg->rrc_ver); i++)
cp.rrc_ver[i] = msg->rrc_ver[i];
return cp;
* @brief F1AP Setup Request equality check
bool eq_f1ap_setup_request(const f1ap_setup_req_t *a, const f1ap_setup_req_t *b)
_F1_EQ_CHECK_LONG(a->gNB_DU_id, b->gNB_DU_id);
_F1_EQ_CHECK_STR(a->gNB_DU_name, b->gNB_DU_name);
_F1_EQ_CHECK_LONG(a->transaction_id, b->transaction_id);
_F1_EQ_CHECK_INT(a->num_cells_available, b->num_cells_available);
for (int i = 0; i < a->num_cells_available; i++) {
if (!eq_f1ap_cell_info(&a->cell[i].info, &b->cell[i].info))
return false;
if (!eq_f1ap_sys_info(a->cell[i].sys_info, b->cell[i].sys_info))
return false;
_F1_EQ_CHECK_LONG(sizeofArray(a->rrc_ver), sizeofArray(b->rrc_ver));
for (int i = 0; i < sizeofArray(a->rrc_ver); i++) {
_F1_EQ_CHECK_INT(a->rrc_ver[i], b->rrc_ver[i]);
return true;
* @brief F1AP Setup Request memory management
void free_f1ap_setup_request(const f1ap_setup_req_t *msg)
DevAssert(msg != NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < msg->num_cells_available; i++) {
free_f1ap_cell(&msg->cell[i].info, msg->cell[i].sys_info);
* Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
* the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "f1ap_messages_types.h"
struct F1AP_F1AP_PDU;
struct F1AP_F1AP_PDU *encode_f1ap_setup_request(const f1ap_setup_req_t *msg);
bool decode_f1ap_setup_request(const struct F1AP_F1AP_PDU *pdu, f1ap_setup_req_t *out);
f1ap_setup_req_t cp_f1ap_setup_request(const f1ap_setup_req_t *msg);
bool eq_f1ap_setup_request(const f1ap_setup_req_t *a, const f1ap_setup_req_t *b);
void free_f1ap_setup_request(const f1ap_setup_req_t *msg);
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
#include "f1ap_messages_types.h"
#include "OCTET_STRING.h"
#include "common/utils/utils.h"
#include "common/utils/assertions.h"
#include "common/utils/utils.h"
......@@ -35,6 +35,79 @@ bool eq_f1ap_plmn(const f1ap_plmn_t *a, const f1ap_plmn_t *b)
return true;
bool eq_f1ap_freq_info(const f1ap_nr_frequency_info_t *a, const f1ap_nr_frequency_info_t *b)
if (a->arfcn != b->arfcn)
return false;
if (a->band != b->band)
return false;
return true;
bool eq_f1ap_tx_bandwidth(const f1ap_transmission_bandwidth_t *a, const f1ap_transmission_bandwidth_t *b)
if (a->nrb != b->nrb)
return false;
if (a->scs != b->scs)
return false;
return true;
bool eq_f1ap_cell_info(const f1ap_served_cell_info_t *a, const f1ap_served_cell_info_t *b)
if (a->nr_cellid != b->nr_cellid)
return false;
if (a->nr_pci != b->nr_pci)
return false;
if (*a->tac != *b->tac)
return false;
if (a->mode != b->mode)
return false;
if (a->mode == F1AP_MODE_TDD) {
/* TDD */
if (!eq_f1ap_tx_bandwidth(&a->tdd.tbw, &b->tdd.tbw))
return false;
if (!eq_f1ap_freq_info(&a->tdd.freqinfo, &b->tdd.freqinfo))
return false;
} else if (a->mode == F1AP_MODE_FDD) {
/* FDD */
if (!eq_f1ap_tx_bandwidth(&a->fdd.dl_tbw, &b->fdd.dl_tbw))
return false;
if (!eq_f1ap_freq_info(&a->fdd.dl_freqinfo, &b->fdd.dl_freqinfo))
return false;
if (!eq_f1ap_tx_bandwidth(&a->fdd.ul_tbw, &b->fdd.ul_tbw))
return false;
if (!eq_f1ap_freq_info(&a->fdd.ul_freqinfo, &b->fdd.ul_freqinfo))
return false;
if (a->measurement_timing_config_len != b->measurement_timing_config_len)
return false;
if (*a->measurement_timing_config != *b->measurement_timing_config)
return false;
if (!eq_f1ap_plmn(&a->plmn, &b->plmn))
return false;
return true;
bool eq_f1ap_sys_info(const f1ap_gnb_du_system_info_t *a, const f1ap_gnb_du_system_info_t *b)
/* MIB */
if (a->mib_length != b->mib_length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < a->mib_length; i++) {
if (a->mib[i] != b->mib[i])
return false;
/* SIB1 */
if (a->sib1_length != b->sib1_length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < a->sib1_length; i++) {
if (a->sib1[i] != b->sib1[i])
return false;
return true;
uint8_t *cp_octet_string(const OCTET_STRING_t *os, int *len)
uint8_t *buf = calloc_or_fail(os->size, sizeof(*buf));
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "openair3/UTILS/conversions.h"
#define PRINT_ERROR(...) fprintf(stderr, ##__VA_ARGS__)
......@@ -69,6 +70,14 @@
struct f1ap_plmn_t;
bool eq_f1ap_plmn(const struct f1ap_plmn_t *a, const struct f1ap_plmn_t *b);
struct f1ap_served_cell_info_t;
bool eq_f1ap_cell_info(const struct f1ap_served_cell_info_t *a, const struct f1ap_served_cell_info_t *b);
struct f1ap_gnb_du_system_info_t;
bool eq_f1ap_sys_info(const struct f1ap_gnb_du_system_info_t *a, const struct f1ap_gnb_du_system_info_t *b);
struct f1ap_nr_frequency_info_t;
bool eq_f1ap_freq_info(const struct f1ap_nr_frequency_info_t *a, const struct f1ap_nr_frequency_info_t *b);
struct f1ap_transmission_bandwidth_t;
bool eq_f1ap_tx_bandwidth(const struct f1ap_transmission_bandwidth_t *a, const struct f1ap_transmission_bandwidth_t *b);
uint8_t *cp_octet_string(const struct OCTET_STRING *os, int *len);
......@@ -27,5 +27,15 @@
#include "F1AP_InitiatingMessage.h"
#include "F1AP_NRCellIdentity.h"
#include "F1AP_ProtocolIE-Field.h"
#include "F1AP_ServedPLMNs-Item.h"
#include "F1AP_ProtocolExtensionContainer.h"
#include "F1AP_ProtocolExtensionField.h"
#include "F1AP_ProtocolIE-Field.h"
#include "F1AP_SliceSupportItem.h"
#include "F1AP_NR-Mode-Info.h"
#include "F1AP_GNB-DU-System-Information.h"
#include "F1AP_FDD-Info.h"
#include "F1AP_TDD-Info.h"
#include "F1AP_FreqBandNrItem.h"
#endif /* F1AP_LIB_INCLUDES_H_ */
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