**Table of Contents**


## Machines

| Machine       | IP address      | Lockable Resource     | Function           | Connected devices                                     |
| ------------- | --------------- | --------------------- | ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| asterix       |   | CI-Asterix-Usage      | *unused*           |                                          |
| obelix        |   | CI-Obelix-Usage       | eNB (n40, n78), nrUE |, X300 (                   |
| porcepix      |   | CI-Porcepix           | Executor, EPC, 5GC | --                                                    |
| up2           |    | CI-UP2-Usage          | COTS UE            | Quectel RM520N                                        |
| nepes         |   | CI-Nepes              | gNB (n78), EPC/5GC | B200mini (30C51EB)                                    |
| ofqot         |   | CI-Ofqot              | gNB (n78)          | B200mini (30C51D4)                                    |
| idefix        |   | CI-Idefix             | COTS UE            | Quectel RM500Q                                        |
| caracal       |   | CI-Caracal            | gNB/phytest        | N300 (                                   |
| amariue       |   | CI-Amarisoft-UE-Usage | nrUE               | Amarisoft UE simulator                                |
| nano          |    | CI-Nano-Legacy-EPC    | Executor, EPC, adb | 2x COTS (adb)                                         |
| hutch         |    | CI-Hutch-Legacy-FDD-eNB | eNB (B7)           | B200mini (30C5239)                                  |
| starsky       |    | CI-Starsky-Legacy-TDD-eNB       | eNB (B40)  | b200mini (30A3E3C)                                  |
| carabe        |    | CI-Carabe-Legacy-FDD-OAI-LTE-UE | UE (B7UE)  | B200mini (30AE8C9)                                  |
| nokiabox      |    | _None_                | gNB (Nokia), 5GC   | _Nokia RF integrated_                                 |
| avra          |   | CI-Avra-Usage         | gNB (n78)          | AW2S Jaguar (                          |
| orion         |   | CI-Orion-Build-Sanity-Check-Deploy-Test, CI-Orion-DsTester-Deploy-Test | Build | |
| aerial2       |   | CI-Aerial2-Usage      | gNB (PNF/Nvidia CUBB + VNF) | Foxconn RU, _Nvidia Aerial SDK integrated_   |
| cacofonix     |   | CI-Cacofonix-Usage    | gNB (n78, FHI7.2)  |                                                       |
| matix         |    | CI-Matix-Usage        | gNB (n77)          | N310                                                  |

Note: The available resources, and their current usage, is indicated here:
- [Lockable resources of jenkins-oai](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/lockable-resources/):
  "New" Jenkins, i.e., with RAN-Container-Parent

## Testbenches

### 5G OTA Testbench

**Purpose**: Over-the-air 4G/5G (NSA/SA) tests, performance tests

![5G OTA Testbench](testbenches_doc_resources/5g-ota-bench.png)

[LaTeX/TikZ version](testbenches_doc_resources/5g-ota-bench.tex) if you want to modify to reflect your setup

### 5G NSA/Faraday Cage Testbench

**Purpose**: Faraday cage 5G tests, functional tests

![5G NSA/Faraday Cage Testbench](testbenches_doc_resources/5g-nsa-faraday-bench.png)

[PDF version](testbenches_doc_resources/5g-nsa-faraday-bench.pdf) | [LaTeX/TikZ version](testbenches_doc_resources/5g-nsa-faraday-bench.tex) if you want to modify to reflect your setup

### 5G AW2S Testbench

**Purpose**: AW2S tests with Amarisoft UE simulator

![5G AW2S Testbench](testbenches_doc_resources/5g-aw2s-bench.png)

[PDF version](testbenches_doc_resources/5g-aw2s-bench.pdf) | [LaTeX/TikZ version](testbenches_doc_resources/5g-aw2s-bench.tex) if you want to modify to reflect your setup

### 5G UE OTA Testbench

**Purpose**: Over-the-air 5G tests with OAI UE

![OAI UE Testbench](testbenches_doc_resources/5g-nrue-bench.png)

[PDF version](testbenches_doc_resources/5g-nrue-bench.pdf) | [LaTeX/TikZ version](testbenches_doc_resources/5g-nrue-bench.tex) if you want to modify to reflect your setup

### 4G Testbench(es)

**Purpose**: 4G/LTE testbenches

![4G Faraday Cage Testbench](testbenches_doc_resources/4g-faraday-bench.png)

[PDF version](testbenches_doc_resources/4g-faraday-bench.pdf) | [LaTeX/TikZ version](testbenches_doc_resources/4g-faraday-bench.tex) if you want to modify to reflect your setup

## Pipelines

### [RAN-Container-Parent](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/job/RAN-Container-Parent/)

**Purpose**: automatically triggered tests on MR creation or push, from Gitlab
Webhook ~documentation ~BUILD-ONLY ~4G-LTE ~5G-NR

This pipeline has basically two main stages, as follows. For the image build,
please also refer to the [dedicated documentation](../docker/README.md) for
information on how the images are built.

#### Image Build pipelines

- [RAN-ARM-Cross-Compile-Builder](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/job/RAN-ARM-Cross-Compile-Builder/)
  - orion: Cross-compilation from Intel to ARM
  - base image from `Dockerfile.base.ubuntu22.cross-arm64`
  - build image from `Dockerfile.build.ubuntu22.cross-arm64` (no target images)
- [RAN-cppcheck](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/job/RAN-cppcheck/)
  - bellatrix
  - performs static code analysis, currently not actively enforced
- [RAN-RHEL8-Cluster-Image-Builder](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/job/RAN-RHEL8-Cluster-Image-Builder/)
  - cluster (`Asterix-OC-oaicicd-session` resource): RHEL image build using the OpenShift Cluster (using gcc/clang)
  - base image from `Dockerfile.build.rhel9`
  - build image from `Dockerfile.build.rhel9`, followed by
    - target image from `Dockerfile.eNB.rhel9`
    - target image from `Dockerfile.gNB.rhel9`,
    - target image from `Dockerfile.gNB.aw2s.rhel9`
    - target image from `Dockerfile.nr-cuup.rhel9`
    - target image from `Dockerfile.lteUE.rhel9`
    - target image from `Dockerfile.nrUE.rhel9`
  - build image from `Dockerfile.phySim.rhel9` (creates as direct target physical simulator
  - build image from `Dockerfile.clang.rhel9` (compilation only, artifacts not used currently)
- [RAN-Ubuntu18-Image-Builder](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/job/RAN-Ubuntu18-Image-Builder/)
  - run formatting check from `ci-scripts/docker/Dockerfile.formatting.bionic`
  - obelix: Ubuntu 22 image build using docker (Note: builds U22 images while pipeline is named U18!)
  - base image from `Dockerfile.base.ubuntu22`
  - build image from `Dockerfile.build.ubuntu22`, followed by
    - target image from `Dockerfile.eNB.ubuntu22`
    - target image from `Dockerfile.gNB.ubuntu22`
    - target image from `Dockerfile.nr-cuup.ubuntu22`
    - target image from `Dockerfile.nrUE.ubuntu22`
    - target image from `Dockerfile.lteUE.ubuntu22`
    - target image from `Dockerfile.lteRU.ubuntu22`
  - build unit tests from `ci-scripts/docker/Dockerfile.unittest.ubuntu22`, and run them

#### Image Test pipelines

- [OAI-CN5G-COTS-UE-Test](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/job/OAI-CN5G-COTS-UE-Test/)
  - using 5GC bench (resources `CI-Cetautomatix-OC-oaicicd-session`, `CI-Dogmatix-CN5G-gNB`): Attach/Detach of UE with multiple PDU sessions
- [RAN-gNB-N300-Timing-Phytest-LDPC](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/view/RAN/job/RAN-gNB-N300-Timing-Phytest-LDPC/)
  - caracal + N310
  - pure performance test through phy-test scheduler, see command line for more details
- [RAN-Interop-F1](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/job/RAN-Interop-F1/)
  - ofqot (DU, 1x UE)
  - F1 interoperability: set up connection between Accelleran CU and OAI DU and pass all traffic over F1
  - 3rd-party gNB/CU interoperability: set up connection between Accelleran CU and OAI UE and test connectivity
- [RAN-L2-Sim-Test-4G](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/job/RAN-L2-Sim-Test-4G/)
  - obelix (eNB, 1x UE, OAI EPC)
  - L2simulator: skips physical layer and uses proxy between eNB and UE
- [RAN-LTE-FDD-LTEBOX-Container](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/job/RAN-LTE-FDD-LTEBOX-Container/)
  - hutch + B210, nano w/ ltebox + 2x UE
  - tests RRC inactivity timers, different bandwidths, IF4p5 fronthaul
- [RAN-LTE-FDD-OAIUE-OAICN4G-Container](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/job/RAN-LTE-FDD-OAIUE-OAICN4G-Container/)
  - hutch + B210 (eNB), carabe + B210 (4G UE), nano w/ OAI 4GC
  - tests OAI 4G for 10 MHz/TM1; known to be unstable
- [RAN-LTE-TDD-2x2-Container](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/view/RAN/job/RAN-LTE-TDD-2x2-Container/)
  - obelix + N310, porcepix, up2 + Quectel
  - TM1 and TM2 test, IF4p5 fronthaul
- [RAN-LTE-TDD-LTEBOX-Container](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/job/RAN-LTE-TDD-LTEBOX-Container/)
  - starsky + B210, nano w/ ltebox + 2x UE
  - TM1 over bandwidths 5, 10, 20 MHz in Band 40, default scheduler for 20 MHz
- [RAN-NSA-B200-Module-LTEBOX-Container](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/job/RAN-NSA-B200-Module-LTEBOX-Container/)
  ~4G-LTE ~5G-NR
  - nepes + B200 (eNB), ofqot + B200 (gNB), idefix + Quectel, nepes w/ ltebox
  - basic NSA test
- [RAN-PhySim-Cluster](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/job/RAN-PhySim-Cluster/)
  ~4G-LTE ~5G-NR
  - cluster (`Asterix-OC-oaicicd-session` resource), tests in OpenShift Cluster
  - unitary simulators (`nr_dlsim`, etc.)
  - see [`./physical-simulators.md`](./physical-simulators.md) for an overview
- [RAN-RF-Sim-Test-4G](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/job/RAN-RF-Sim-Test-4G/)
  - cacofonix (eNB, lteUE, OAI EPC)
  - uses RFsimulator, for FDD 5, 10, 20MHz with core, 5MHz noS1
- [RAN-RF-Sim-Test-5G](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/job/RAN-RF-Sim-Test-5G/)
  - cacofonix (gNB, nrUE, OAI 5GC)
  - uses RFsimulator, TDD 40MHz, FDD 40MHz, F1 split
- [RAN-SA-AW2S-CN5G](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/job/RAN-SA-AW2S-CN5G/)
  - 5G-NR SA test setup: avra + AW2S, amariue, OAI CN5G
  - uses OpenShift cluster for CN deployment and container images for gNB deployment
  - multi UE testing using Amarisoft UE simulator
- [RAN-SA-B200-Module-SABOX-Container](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/job/RAN-SA-B200-Module-SABOX-Container/)
  - ofqot + B200, idefix + Quectel, nepes w/ sabox
  - basic SA test (20 MHz TDD), F1, reestablishment, ...
- [RAN-SA-OAIUE-CN5G](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/job/RAN-SA-OAIUE-CN5G/)
  - 5G-NR SA test setup: gNB on avra + N310, OAIUE on caracal + N310, OAI CN5G
  - OpenShift cluster for CN deployment and container images for gNB and UE deployment
- [RAN-SA-AERIAL-CN5G](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/job/RAN-SA-AERIAL-CN5G/)
  - 5G-NR SA test setup: OAI VNF + PNF/NVIDIA CUBB on Aerial2 + Foxconn RU, up2 + COTS UE (Quectel RM520N), OAI CN5G
  - container images for gNB deployment
- [RAN-SA-2x2-Module-CN5G](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/view/RAN/job/RAN-SA-2x2-Module-CN5G/)
  - matix + N310 (gNB), up2 + COTS UE (Quectel RM520N), OAI 5GC deployed in docker on matix
  - NR performance tests: 2x2 configuration, 60 MHz and 100 MHz bandwidth
- [RAN-SA-FHI72-CN5G](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/view/RAN/job/RAN-SA-FHI72-CN5G/)
  - cacofonix + FHI72 + VVDN (gNB), up2 (Quectel RM520N UE), OAI CN5G
  - OpenShift cluster for CN deployment
  - FHI 7.2 testing with 100 MHz bandwidth, 2 layers in DL

### RAN-CI-NSA-Trigger

***DEFUNCT***: longer-running over-the-air LTE, NSA, and SA tests. To be integrated into RAN-Container-Parent.

- [RAN-NSA-2x2-Module-OAIEPC](https://jenkins-oai.eurecom.fr/job/RAN-NSA-2x2-Module-OAIEPC/)
  - obelix + N310 (eNB), asterix + N310 (gNB), nrmodule2 + Quectel, porcepix w/ Magma EPC
  - LTE 2x2 and NR 2x2 (non-standalone)

## How to reproduce CI results

The CI builds docker images at the beginning of every test run. To see the
exact command line steps, please refer to the `docker/Dockerfile.build.*`
files. Note that the console log of each pipeline run also lists the used
docker files.

The CI uses these images for *most* of the pipelines. It uses docker-compose to
orchestrate the images. To identify the docker-compose file, follow these

1. Each CI test run HTML lists the XML file used for a particular test run.
   Open the corresponding XML file under `ci-scripts/xml_files/`.
2. The XML file has a "test case" that refers to deployment of the image; it
   will reference a directory containing a YAML file (the docker-compose file)
   using option `yaml_path`, which will be under `ci-scripts/yaml_files/`. Go
   to this directory and open the docker-compose file.
3. The docker-compose file can be used to run images locally, or you can infer
   the used configuration file and possible additional options that are to be
   passed to the executable to run from source.

For instance, to see how the CI runs the multi-UE 5G RFsim test case, the above
steps look like this:

1. The first tab in the 5G RFsim test mentions
   `xml_files/container_5g_rfsim.xml`, so open
2. This XML file has a `DeployGenObject` test case, referencing the directory
   `yaml_files/5g_rfsimulator`. The corresponding docker-compose file path is
3. To know how to run the gNB, realize that there is a section `oai-gnb`. It
   mounts the configuration
   `ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.sa.band78.106prb.rfsim.conf` (note that the path
   is relative to the directory in which the docker-compose file is located).
   Further, an environment variable `USE_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS` is declared,
   referencing the relevant options `--sa -E --rfsim` (you can ignore logging
   options). You would therefore run the gNB from source like this:
   sudo ./cmake_targets/ran_build/build/nr-softmodem -O ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.sa.band78.106prb.rfsim.conf --sa -E --rfsim
   To run this on your local machine, assuming you have a 5GC installed, you
   might need to change IP information in the config to match your core.

If you wish, you can rebuild CI images locally following [these
steps](../docker/README.md) and then use the docker-compose file directly.

Some tests are run from source (e.g.
`ci-scripts/xml_files/gnb_phytest_usrp_run.xml`), which directly give the
options they are run with.

## How to debug CI failures

It is possible to debug CI failures using the generated core dump and the image
used for the run. A script is provided (see developer instructions below) that,
provided the core dump file, container image, and the source tree, executes
`gdb` inside the container; using the core dump information, a developer can
investigate the cause of failure.

### Developer instructions

The CI team will send you a docker image and a core dump file, and the commit
as of which the pipeline failed. Let's assume the coredump is stored at
`/tmp/coredump.tar.xz`, and the image is in `/tmp/oai-nr-ue.tar.gz`. First, you
should check out the corresponding branch (or directly the commit), let's say
in `~/oai-branch-fail`. Now, unpack the core dump, load the image into docker,
and use the script [`docker/debug_core_image.sh`](../docker/debug_core_image.sh)
to open gdb, as follows:

cd /tmp
tar -xJf /tmp/coredump.tar.xz
docker load < /tmp/oai-nr-ue.tar.gz
~/oai-branch-fail/docker/debug_core_image.sh <image> /tmp/coredump ~/oai-branch-fail

where you replace `<image>` with the image loaded in `docker load`. The script
will start the container and open gdb; you should see information about where
the failure (e.g., segmentation fault) happened. If you just see `??`, the core
dump and container image don't match. Be also on the lookout for the
corresponding message from gdb:
warning: core file may not match specified executable file.

Once you quit `gdb`, the container image will be removed automatically.

### CI team instructions

The entrypoint scripts of all containers print the core pattern that is used on
the running machine. Search for `core_pattern` at the start of the container
logs to retrieve the possible location. Possible locations might be:

- a path: the corresponding directory must be mounted in the container to be
- systemd-coredumpd: see [documentation](https://systemd.io/COREDUMP/)
- abrt: see [documentation](https://abrt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html)
- apport: see [documentation](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport)

See below for instructions on how to retrieve the core dump. Further, download
the image and store it to a file using `docker save`. Make sure to pick the
right image (Ubuntu or RHEL)!

#### Core dump in a file

**This is not recommended, as files could pile up and fill the system disk
completely!** Prefer another method further down.

If the core pattern is a path: it should at least include the time in the
pattern name (suggested pattern: `/tmp/core.%e.%p.%t`) to correlate the time
the segfault occurred with the CI logs. If you identified the core dump,
copy the core dump from that machine; if identification is difficult, consider
rerunning the pipeline.

#### Core dump via systemd

Use the first command to list all core dumps. Scroll down to the core dump of
interest (it lists the executables in the last column; use the time to
correlate the segfault and the CI run).  Take the PID of the executable (first
column after the time). Dump the core dump to a location of your choice.

sudo coredumpctl list
sudo coredumpctl dump <PID> > /tmp/coredump

#### Core dump via abrt (automatic bug reporting tool)

TBD: use the documentation page for the moment.

#### Core dump via apport

I did not find an easy way to use apport. Anyway, the systemd approach works
fine. So remove apport, install systemd-coredump, and verify it is the new
coredump handler:
sudo systemctl stop apport
sudo systemctl mask --now apport
sudo apt install systemd-coredump
# Verify this changed the core pattern to a pipe to systemd-coredump
sysctl kernel.core_pattern