/* * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under * the OAI Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance: * contact@openairinterface.org */ /*! \file eNB_scheduler_ulsch.c * \brief FlexRAN eNB procedures for the ULSCH transport channel * \author Navid Nikaein and shahab SHARIAT BAGHERI * \date 2017 * \version 1.0 * @ingroup _mac */ #include "assertions.h" #include "PHY/defs.h" #include "PHY/extern.h" #include "SCHED/defs.h" #include "SCHED/extern.h" #include "LAYER2/MAC/flexran_agent_mac_proto.h" #include "LAYER2/MAC/defs.h" #include "LAYER2/MAC/proto.h" #include "LAYER2/MAC/extern.h" #include "UTIL/LOG/log.h" #include "UTIL/LOG/vcd_signal_dumper.h" #include "UTIL/OPT/opt.h" #include "OCG.h" #include "OCG_extern.h" #include "RRC/LITE/extern.h" #include "RRC/L2_INTERFACE/openair_rrc_L2_interface.h" //#include "LAYER2/MAC/pre_processor.c" #include "ENB_APP/flexran_agent_defs.h" #include "flexran_agent_ran_api.h" #include "pdcp.h" #include "header.pb-c.h" #include "flexran.pb-c.h" #include "flexran_agent_mac.h" #if defined(ENABLE_ITTI) # include "intertask_interface.h" #endif #include "T.h" #include <dlfcn.h> /* number of active slices for past and current time*/ int n_active_slices_uplink = 1; int n_active_slices_current_uplink = 1; /* RB share for each slice for past and current time*/ float avg_slice_percentage_uplink=0.25; float slice_percentage_uplink[MAX_NUM_SLICES] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; float slice_percentage_current_uplink[MAX_NUM_SLICES] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; float total_slice_percentage_uplink = 0; float total_slice_percentage_current_uplink = 0; // MAX MCS for each slice for past and current time int slice_maxmcs_uplink[MAX_NUM_SLICES] = {16, 16, 16, 16}; int slice_maxmcs_current_uplink[MAX_NUM_SLICES] = {16,16,16,16}; /*resource blocks allowed*/ uint16_t nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[MAX_NUM_CCs][MAX_NUM_SLICES]; /*Slice Update */ int update_ul_scheduler[MAX_NUM_SLICES] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; int update_ul_scheduler_current[MAX_NUM_SLICES] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; /* Slice Function Pointer */ slice_scheduler_ul slice_sched_ul[MAX_NUM_SLICES] = {0}; /* name of available scheduler*/ char *ul_scheduler_type[MAX_NUM_SLICES] = {"flexran_schedule_ue_ul_spec_embb", "flexran_schedule_ue_ul_spec_embb", "flexran_schedule_ue_ul_spec_embb", "flexran_schedule_ue_ul_spec_embb" // best effort }; uint16_t flexran_nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink(float rb_percentage, int total_rbs){ return (uint16_t) floor(rb_percentage * total_rbs); } void _assign_max_mcs_min_rb(module_id_t module_idP, int slice_id, int frameP, sub_frame_t subframeP, uint16_t *first_rb) { int i; uint16_t n,UE_id; uint8_t CC_id; rnti_t rnti = -1; int mcs; int rb_table_index=0,tbs,tx_power; eNB_MAC_INST *eNB = &eNB_mac_inst[module_idP]; UE_list_t *UE_list = &eNB->UE_list; UE_TEMPLATE *UE_template; LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX; i++) { if (UE_list->active[i] != TRUE) continue; rnti = UE_RNTI(module_idP,i); if (rnti==NOT_A_RNTI) continue; if (UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[i].ul_out_of_sync == 1) continue; if (!phy_stats_exist(module_idP, rnti)) continue; if (UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[i].phr_received == 1) mcs = 20; // if we've received the power headroom information the UE, we can go to maximum mcs else mcs = 10; // otherwise, limit to QPSK PUSCH UE_id = i; for (n=0; n<UE_list->numactiveULCCs[UE_id]; n++) { // This is the actual CC_id in the list CC_id = UE_list->ordered_ULCCids[n][UE_id]; if (CC_id >= MAX_NUM_CCs) { LOG_E( MAC, "CC_id %u should be < %u, loop n=%u < numactiveULCCs[%u]=%u", CC_id, MAX_NUM_CCs, n, UE_id, UE_list->numactiveULCCs[UE_id]); } AssertFatal( CC_id < MAX_NUM_CCs, "CC_id %u should be < %u, loop n=%u < numactiveULCCs[%u]=%u", CC_id, MAX_NUM_CCs, n, UE_id, UE_list->numactiveULCCs[UE_id]); frame_parms=mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(module_idP,CC_id); UE_template = &UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id]; nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][UE_id] = flexran_nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink(slice_percentage_uplink[UE_id], flexran_get_N_RB_UL(module_idP, CC_id)); // if this UE has UL traffic if (UE_template->ul_total_buffer > 0 ) { tbs = mac_xface->get_TBS_UL(mcs,3); // 1 or 2 PRB with cqi enabled does not work well! // fixme: set use_srs flag tx_power= mac_xface->estimate_ue_tx_power(tbs,rb_table[rb_table_index],0,frame_parms->Ncp,0); while ((((UE_template->phr_info - tx_power) < 0 ) || (tbs > UE_template->ul_total_buffer))&& (mcs > 3)) { // LOG_I(MAC,"UE_template->phr_info %d tx_power %d mcs %d\n", UE_template->phr_info,tx_power, mcs); mcs--; tbs = mac_xface->get_TBS_UL(mcs,rb_table[rb_table_index]); tx_power = mac_xface->estimate_ue_tx_power(tbs,rb_table[rb_table_index],0,frame_parms->Ncp,0); // fixme: set use_srs } while ((tbs < UE_template->ul_total_buffer) && (rb_table[rb_table_index]<(nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][UE_id]-first_rb[CC_id])) && ((UE_template->phr_info - tx_power) > 0) && (rb_table_index < 32 )) { // LOG_I(MAC,"tbs %d ul buffer %d rb table %d max ul rb %d\n", tbs, UE_template->ul_total_buffer, rb_table[rb_table_index], frame_parms->N_RB_UL-first_rb[CC_id]); rb_table_index++; tbs = mac_xface->get_TBS_UL(mcs,rb_table[rb_table_index]); tx_power = mac_xface->estimate_ue_tx_power(tbs,rb_table[rb_table_index],0,frame_parms->Ncp,0); } UE_template->ue_tx_power = tx_power; if (rb_table[rb_table_index]>(nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][UE_id]-first_rb[CC_id]-1)) { rb_table_index--; } // 1 or 2 PRB with cqi enabled does not work well! if (rb_table[rb_table_index]<3) { rb_table_index=2; //3PRB } UE_template->pre_assigned_mcs_ul=mcs; UE_template->pre_allocated_rb_table_index_ul=rb_table_index; UE_template->pre_allocated_nb_rb_ul= rb_table[rb_table_index]; LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d] frame %d subframe %d: for UE %d CC %d: pre-assigned mcs %d, pre-allocated rb_table[%d]=%d RBs (phr %d, tx power %d)\n", module_idP, frameP, subframeP, UE_id, CC_id, UE_template->pre_assigned_mcs_ul, UE_template->pre_allocated_rb_table_index_ul, UE_template->pre_allocated_nb_rb_ul, UE_template->phr_info,tx_power); } else { UE_template->pre_allocated_rb_table_index_ul=-1; UE_template->pre_allocated_nb_rb_ul=0; } } } } void _ulsch_scheduler_pre_processor(module_id_t module_idP, int slice_id, int frameP, sub_frame_t subframeP, uint16_t *first_rb) { int16_t i; uint16_t UE_id,n,r; uint8_t CC_id, round, harq_pid; uint16_t nb_allocated_rbs[MAX_NUM_CCs][NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX],total_allocated_rbs[MAX_NUM_CCs],average_rbs_per_user[MAX_NUM_CCs]; uint16_t nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[MAX_NUM_CCs][MAX_NUM_SLICES]; int16_t total_remaining_rbs[MAX_NUM_CCs]; uint16_t max_num_ue_to_be_scheduled=0,total_ue_count=0; rnti_t rnti= -1; UE_list_t *UE_list = &eNB_mac_inst[module_idP].UE_list; UE_TEMPLATE *UE_template = 0; // LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; //Not used yet UE_sched_ctrl *ue_sched_ctl; //LOG_I(MAC,"assign max mcs min rb\n"); // maximize MCS and then allocate required RB according to the buffer occupancy with the limit of max available UL RB _assign_max_mcs_min_rb(module_idP, slice_id, frameP, subframeP, first_rb); //LOG_I(MAC,"sort ue \n"); // sort ues sort_ue_ul (module_idP,frameP, subframeP); // we need to distribute RBs among UEs // step1: reset the vars for (CC_id=0; CC_id<MAX_NUM_CCs; CC_id++) { total_allocated_rbs[CC_id]=0; total_remaining_rbs[CC_id]=0; average_rbs_per_user[CC_id]=0; for (i=UE_list->head_ul; i>=0; i=UE_list->next_ul[i]) { nb_allocated_rbs[CC_id][i]=0; } } //LOG_I(MAC,"step2 \n"); // step 2: calculate the average rb per UE total_ue_count =0; max_num_ue_to_be_scheduled=0; for (i=UE_list->head_ul; i>=0; i=UE_list->next_ul[i]) { rnti = UE_RNTI(module_idP,i); if (rnti==NOT_A_RNTI) continue; if (UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[i].ul_out_of_sync == 1) continue; if (!phy_stats_exist(module_idP, rnti)) continue; UE_id = i; for (n=0; n<UE_list->numactiveULCCs[UE_id]; n++) { // This is the actual CC_id in the list CC_id = UE_list->ordered_ULCCids[n][UE_id]; UE_template = &UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id]; average_rbs_per_user[CC_id]=0; // frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(module_idP,CC_id); if (UE_template->pre_allocated_nb_rb_ul > 0) { total_ue_count+=1; } /* if((mac_xface->get_nCCE_max(module_idP,CC_id,3,subframeP) - nCCE_to_be_used[CC_id]) > (1<<aggregation)) { nCCE_to_be_used[CC_id] = nCCE_to_be_used[CC_id] + (1<<aggregation); max_num_ue_to_be_scheduled+=1; }*/ max_num_ue_to_be_scheduled+=1; nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][UE_id] = flexran_nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink(slice_percentage_uplink[UE_id], flexran_get_N_RB_UL(module_idP, CC_id)); if (total_ue_count == 0) { average_rbs_per_user[CC_id] = 0; } else if (total_ue_count == 1 ) { // increase the available RBs, special case, average_rbs_per_user[CC_id] = nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][i]-first_rb[CC_id]+1; } else if( (total_ue_count <= (nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][i]-first_rb[CC_id])) && (total_ue_count <= max_num_ue_to_be_scheduled)) { average_rbs_per_user[CC_id] = (uint16_t) floor((nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][i]-first_rb[CC_id])/total_ue_count); } else if (max_num_ue_to_be_scheduled > 0 ) { average_rbs_per_user[CC_id] = (uint16_t) floor((nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][i]-first_rb[CC_id])/max_num_ue_to_be_scheduled); } else { average_rbs_per_user[CC_id]=1; LOG_W(MAC,"[eNB %d] frame %d subframe %d: UE %d CC %d: can't get average rb per user (should not be here)\n", module_idP,frameP,subframeP,UE_id,CC_id); } } } if (total_ue_count > 0) LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d] Frame %d subframe %d: total ue to be scheduled %d/%d\n", module_idP, frameP, subframeP,total_ue_count, max_num_ue_to_be_scheduled); //LOG_D(MAC,"step3\n"); // step 3: assigne RBS for (i=UE_list->head_ul; i>=0; i=UE_list->next_ul[i]) { rnti = UE_RNTI(module_idP,i); if (rnti==NOT_A_RNTI) continue; if (UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[i].ul_out_of_sync == 1) continue; if (!phy_stats_exist(module_idP, rnti)) continue; UE_id = i; for (n=0; n<UE_list->numactiveULCCs[UE_id]; n++) { // This is the actual CC_id in the list CC_id = UE_list->ordered_ULCCids[n][UE_id]; ue_sched_ctl = &UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id]; ue_sched_ctl->max_allowed_rbs[CC_id]=nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][UE_id]; // mac_xface->get_ue_active_harq_pid(module_idP,CC_id,rnti,frameP,subframeP,&harq_pid,&round,openair_harq_UL); flexran_get_harq(module_idP, CC_id, UE_id, frameP, subframeP, &harq_pid, &round, openair_harq_UL); if(round>0) { nb_allocated_rbs[CC_id][UE_id] = UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].nb_rb_ul[harq_pid]; } else { nb_allocated_rbs[CC_id][UE_id] = cmin(UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].pre_allocated_nb_rb_ul, average_rbs_per_user[CC_id]); } total_allocated_rbs[CC_id]+= nb_allocated_rbs[CC_id][UE_id]; } } // step 4: assigne the remaining RBs and set the pre_allocated rbs accordingly for(r=0; r<2; r++) { for (i=UE_list->head_ul; i>=0; i=UE_list->next_ul[i]) { rnti = UE_RNTI(module_idP,i); if (rnti==NOT_A_RNTI) continue; if (UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[i].ul_out_of_sync == 1) continue; if (!phy_stats_exist(module_idP, rnti)) continue; UE_id = i; for (n=0; n<UE_list->numactiveULCCs[UE_id]; n++) { // This is the actual CC_id in the list CC_id = UE_list->ordered_ULCCids[n][UE_id]; UE_template = &UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id]; // frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(module_idP,CC_id); total_remaining_rbs[CC_id]=nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][UE_id] - first_rb[CC_id] - total_allocated_rbs[CC_id]; if (total_ue_count == 1 ) { total_remaining_rbs[CC_id]+=1; } if ( r == 0 ) { while ( (UE_template->pre_allocated_nb_rb_ul > 0 ) && (nb_allocated_rbs[CC_id][UE_id] < UE_template->pre_allocated_nb_rb_ul) && (total_remaining_rbs[CC_id] > 0)) { nb_allocated_rbs[CC_id][UE_id] = cmin(nb_allocated_rbs[CC_id][UE_id]+1,UE_template->pre_allocated_nb_rb_ul); total_remaining_rbs[CC_id]--; total_allocated_rbs[CC_id]++; } } else { UE_template->pre_allocated_nb_rb_ul= nb_allocated_rbs[CC_id][UE_id]; LOG_D(MAC,"******************UL Scheduling Information for UE%d CC_id %d ************************\n",UE_id, CC_id); LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d] total RB allocated for UE%d CC_id %d = %d\n", module_idP, UE_id, CC_id, UE_template->pre_allocated_nb_rb_ul); } } } } for (CC_id=0; CC_id<MAX_NUM_CCs; CC_id++) { // frame_parms= mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(module_idP,CC_id); if (total_allocated_rbs[CC_id]>0) { LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d] total RB allocated for all UEs = %d/%d\n", module_idP, total_allocated_rbs[CC_id], nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][slice_id] - first_rb[CC_id]); } } } /* * Main Uplink Slicing * */ void flexran_schedule_ue_ul_spec_default(mid_t mod_id, uint32_t frame, uint32_t cooperation_flag, int subframe, unsigned char sched_subframe, Protocol__FlexranMessage **ul_info) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ { int i=0; flexran_agent_mac_create_empty_ul_config(mod_id, ul_info); total_slice_percentage_uplink=0; avg_slice_percentage_uplink=1.0/n_active_slices_uplink; // reset the slice percentage for inactive slices for (i = n_active_slices_uplink; i< MAX_NUM_SLICES; i++) { slice_percentage_uplink[i]=0; } for (i = 0; i < n_active_slices_uplink; i++) { if (slice_percentage_uplink[i] < 0 ){ LOG_W(MAC, "[eNB %d] frame %d subframe %d:invalid slice %d percentage %f. resetting to zero", mod_id, frame, subframe, i, slice_percentage_uplink[i]); slice_percentage_uplink[i]=0; } total_slice_percentage_uplink+=slice_percentage_uplink[i]; } for (i = 0; i < n_active_slices_uplink; i++) { // Load any updated functions if (update_ul_scheduler[i] > 0 ) { slice_sched_ul[i] = dlsym(NULL, ul_scheduler_type[i]); update_ul_scheduler[i] = 0; update_ul_scheduler_current[i] = 0; //slice_percentage_current_uplink[i]= slice_percentage_uplink[i]; //total_slice_percentage_current_uplink+=slice_percentage_uplink[i]; //if (total_slice_percentage_current_uplink> 1) // total_slice_percentage_current_uplink=1; LOG_N(MAC,"update ul scheduler slice %d\n", i); } // the new total RB share is within the range if (total_slice_percentage_uplink <= 1.0){ // check if the number of slices has changed, and log if (n_active_slices_current_uplink != n_active_slices_uplink ){ if ((n_active_slices_uplink > 0) && (n_active_slices_uplink <= MAX_NUM_SLICES)) { LOG_N(MAC,"[eNB %d]frame %d subframe %d: number of active UL slices has changed: %d-->%d\n", mod_id, frame, subframe, n_active_slices_current_uplink, n_active_slices_uplink); n_active_slices_current_uplink = n_active_slices_uplink; } else { LOG_W(MAC,"invalid number of UL slices %d, revert to the previous value %d\n",n_active_slices_uplink, n_active_slices_current_uplink); n_active_slices_uplink = n_active_slices_current_uplink; } } // check if the slice rb share has changed, and log the console if (slice_percentage_current_uplink[i] != slice_percentage_uplink[i]){ LOG_N(MAC,"[eNB %d][SLICE %d][UL] frame %d subframe %d: total percentage %f-->%f, slice RB percentage has changed: %f-->%f\n", mod_id, i, frame, subframe, total_slice_percentage_current_uplink, total_slice_percentage_uplink, slice_percentage_current_uplink[i], slice_percentage_uplink[i]); total_slice_percentage_current_uplink= total_slice_percentage_uplink; slice_percentage_current_uplink[i] = slice_percentage_uplink[i]; } // check if the slice max MCS, and log the console if (slice_maxmcs_current_uplink[i] != slice_maxmcs_uplink[i]){ if ((slice_maxmcs_uplink[i] >= 0) && (slice_maxmcs_uplink[i] <= 16)){ LOG_N(MAC,"[eNB %d][SLICE %d][UL] frame %d subframe %d: slice MAX MCS has changed: %d-->%d\n", mod_id, i, frame, subframe, slice_maxmcs_current_uplink[i], slice_maxmcs_uplink[i]); slice_maxmcs_current_uplink[i] = slice_maxmcs_uplink[i]; } else { LOG_W(MAC,"[eNB %d][SLICE %d][UL] invalid slice max mcs %d, revert the previous value %d\n",mod_id, i, slice_maxmcs_uplink[i],slice_maxmcs_current_uplink[i]); slice_maxmcs_uplink[i]= slice_maxmcs_current_uplink[i]; } } // check if a new scheduler, and log the console if (update_ul_scheduler_current[i] != update_ul_scheduler[i]){ LOG_N(MAC,"[eNB %d][SLICE %d][UL] frame %d subframe %d: UL scheduler for this slice is updated: %s \n", mod_id, i, frame, subframe, ul_scheduler_type[i]); update_ul_scheduler_current[i] = update_ul_scheduler[i]; } } else { if (n_active_slices_uplink == n_active_slices_current_uplink){ LOG_W(MAC,"[eNB %d][SLICE %d][UL] invalid total RB share (%f->%f), reduce proportionally the RB share by 0.1\n", mod_id,i, total_slice_percentage_current_uplink, total_slice_percentage_uplink); if (slice_percentage_uplink[i] > avg_slice_percentage_uplink){ slice_percentage_uplink[i]-=0.1; total_slice_percentage_uplink-=0.1; } } else { // here we can correct the values, e.g. reduce proportionally LOG_W(MAC,"[eNB %d][SLICE %d][UL] invalid total RB share (%f->%f), revert the number of slice to its previous value (%d->%d)\n", mod_id,i, total_slice_percentage_current_uplink, total_slice_percentage_uplink, n_active_slices_uplink, n_active_slices_current_uplink); n_active_slices_uplink = n_active_slices_current_uplink; slice_percentage_uplink[i] = slice_percentage_current_uplink[i]; } } // Run each enabled slice-specific schedulers one by one slice_sched_ul[i](mod_id, frame, cooperation_flag, subframe, sched_subframe,ul_info); } } void flexran_schedule_ue_ul_spec_embb(mid_t mod_id, frame_t frame, unsigned char cooperation_flag, uint32_t subframe, unsigned char sched_subframe, Protocol__FlexranMessage **ul_info) { flexran_agent_schedule_ulsch_ue_spec(mod_id, frame, cooperation_flag, subframe, sched_subframe, ul_info); } void flexran_agent_schedule_ulsch_ue_spec(mid_t module_idP, frame_t frameP, unsigned char cooperation_flag, sub_frame_t subframeP, unsigned char sched_subframe, Protocol__FlexranMessage **ul_info) { uint16_t first_rb[MAX_NUM_CCs],i; int CC_id; eNB_MAC_INST *eNB=&eNB_mac_inst[module_idP]; start_meas(&eNB->schedule_ulsch); for (CC_id=0; CC_id<MAX_NUM_CCs; CC_id++) { //leave out first RB for PUCCH first_rb[CC_id] = 1; // UE data info; // check which UE has data to transmit // function to decide the scheduling // e.g. scheduling_rslt = Greedy(granted_UEs, nb_RB) // default function for default scheduling // // output of scheduling, the UE numbers in RBs, where it is in the code??? // check if RA (Msg3) is active in this subframeP, if so skip the PRBs used for Msg3 // Msg3 is using 1 PRB so we need to increase first_rb accordingly // not sure about the break (can there be more than 1 active RA procedure?) for (i=0; i<NB_RA_PROC_MAX; i++) { if ((eNB->common_channels[CC_id].RA_template[i].RA_active == TRUE) && (eNB->common_channels[CC_id].RA_template[i].generate_rar == 0) && (eNB->common_channels[CC_id].RA_template[i].generate_Msg4 == 0) && (eNB->common_channels[CC_id].RA_template[i].wait_ack_Msg4 == 0) && (eNB->common_channels[CC_id].RA_template[i].Msg3_subframe == sched_subframe)) { first_rb[CC_id]++; eNB->common_channels[CC_id].RA_template[i].Msg3_subframe = -1; break; } } /* if (mac_xface->is_prach_subframe(&(mac_xface->lte_frame_parms),frameP,subframeP)) { first_rb[CC_id] = (mac_xface->get_prach_prb_offset(&(mac_xface->lte_frame_parms), */ } flexran_agent_schedule_ulsch_rnti(module_idP, cooperation_flag, frameP, subframeP, sched_subframe,first_rb); stop_meas(&eNB->schedule_ulsch); } void flexran_agent_schedule_ulsch_rnti(module_id_t module_idP, unsigned char cooperation_flag, frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t subframeP, unsigned char sched_subframe, uint16_t *first_rb) { int UE_id; uint8_t aggregation = 2; rnti_t rnti = -1; uint8_t round = 0; uint8_t harq_pid = 0; void *ULSCH_dci = NULL; LTE_eNB_UE_stats *eNB_UE_stats = NULL; DCI_PDU *DCI_pdu; uint8_t status = 0; uint8_t rb_table_index = -1; uint16_t TBS = 0; // int32_t buffer_occupancy=0; uint32_t cqi_req,cshift,ndi,mcs=0,rballoc,tpc; int32_t normalized_rx_power, target_rx_power=-90; static int32_t tpc_accumulated=0; int n,CC_id = 0; eNB_MAC_INST *eNB=&eNB_mac_inst[module_idP]; UE_list_t *UE_list=&eNB->UE_list; UE_TEMPLATE *UE_template; UE_sched_ctrl *UE_sched_ctrl; // int rvidx_tab[4] = {0,2,3,1}; LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; int drop_ue=0; // LOG_I(MAC,"entering ulsch preprocesor\n"); /*TODO*/ int slice_id = 0; _ulsch_scheduler_pre_processor(module_idP, slice_id, frameP, subframeP, first_rb); // LOG_I(MAC,"exiting ulsch preprocesor\n"); // loop over all active UEs for (UE_id=UE_list->head_ul; UE_id>=0; UE_id=UE_list->next_ul[UE_id]) { // don't schedule if Msg4 is not received yet if (UE_list->UE_template[UE_PCCID(module_idP,UE_id)][UE_id].configured==FALSE) { LOG_I(MAC,"[eNB %d] frame %d subfarme %d, UE %d: not configured, skipping UE scheduling \n", module_idP,frameP,subframeP,UE_id); continue; } rnti = flexran_get_ue_crnti(module_idP, UE_id); if (rnti==NOT_A_RNTI) { LOG_W(MAC,"[eNB %d] frame %d subfarme %d, UE %d: no RNTI \n", module_idP,frameP,subframeP,UE_id); continue; } /* let's drop the UE if get_eNB_UE_stats returns NULL when calling it with any of the UE's active UL CCs */ /* TODO: refine? */ drop_ue = 0; for (n=0; n<UE_list->numactiveULCCs[UE_id]; n++) { CC_id = UE_list->ordered_ULCCids[n][UE_id]; if (mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(module_idP,CC_id,rnti) == NULL) { LOG_W(MAC,"[eNB %d] frame %d subframe %d, UE %d/%x CC %d: no PHY context\n", module_idP,frameP,subframeP,UE_id,rnti,CC_id); drop_ue = 1; break; } } if (drop_ue == 1) { /* we can't come here, ulsch_scheduler_pre_processor won't put in the list a UE with no PHY context */ abort(); /* TODO: this is a hack. Sometimes the UE has no PHY context but * is still present in the MAC with 'ul_failure_timer' = 0 and * 'ul_out_of_sync' = 0. It seems wrong and the UE stays there forever. Let's * start an UL out of sync procedure in this case. * The root cause of this problem has to be found and corrected. * In the meantime, this hack... */ if (UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_failure_timer == 0 && UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_out_of_sync == 0) { LOG_W(MAC,"[eNB %d] frame %d subframe %d, UE %d/%x CC %d: UE in weird state, let's put it 'out of sync'\n", module_idP,frameP,subframeP,UE_id,rnti,CC_id); // inform RRC of failure and clear timer mac_eNB_rrc_ul_failure(module_idP,CC_id,frameP,subframeP,rnti); UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_failure_timer=0; UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_out_of_sync=1; } continue; } // loop over all active UL CC_ids for this UE for (n=0; n<UE_list->numactiveULCCs[UE_id]; n++) { // This is the actual CC_id in the list CC_id = UE_list->ordered_ULCCids[n][UE_id]; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(module_idP,CC_id); eNB_UE_stats = mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(module_idP,CC_id,rnti); aggregation=get_aggregation(get_bw_index(module_idP,CC_id), eNB_UE_stats->DL_cqi[0], format0); if (CCE_allocation_infeasible(module_idP,CC_id,0,subframeP,aggregation,rnti)) { LOG_W(MAC,"[eNB %d] frame %d subframe %d, UE %d/%x CC %d: not enough nCCE\n", module_idP,frameP,subframeP,UE_id,rnti,CC_id); continue; // break; } else{ LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d] frame %d subframe %d, UE %d/%x CC %d mode %s: aggregation level %d\n", module_idP,frameP,subframeP,UE_id,rnti,CC_id, mode_string[eNB_UE_stats->mode], 1<<aggregation); } if (eNB_UE_stats->mode == PUSCH) { // ue has a ulsch channel DCI_pdu = &eNB->common_channels[CC_id].DCI_pdu; UE_template = &UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id]; UE_sched_ctrl = &UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id]; if (flexran_get_harq(module_idP, CC_id, UE_id, frameP, subframeP, &harq_pid, &round, openair_harq_UL) == -1 ) { LOG_W(MAC,"[eNB %d] Scheduler Frame %d, subframeP %d: candidate harq_pid from PHY for UE %d CC %d RNTI %x\n", module_idP,frameP,subframeP, UE_id, CC_id, rnti); continue; } else LOG_T(MAC,"[eNB %d] Frame %d, subframeP %d, UE %d CC %d : got harq pid %d round %d (rnti %x,mode %s)\n", module_idP,frameP,subframeP,UE_id,CC_id, harq_pid, round,rnti,mode_string[eNB_UE_stats->mode]); PHY_vars_eNB_g[module_idP][CC_id]->pusch_stats_BO[UE_id][(frameP*10)+subframeP] = UE_template->ul_total_buffer; VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_VARIABLE_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_VARIABLES_UE0_BO,PHY_vars_eNB_g[module_idP][CC_id]->pusch_stats_BO[UE_id][(frameP*10)+subframeP]); if (((UE_is_to_be_scheduled(module_idP,CC_id,UE_id)>0)) || (round>0))// || ((frameP%10)==0)) // if there is information on bsr of DCCH, DTCH or if there is UL_SR, or if there is a packet to retransmit, or we want to schedule a periodic feedback every 10 frames { LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d][PUSCH] Frame %d subframe %d Scheduling UE %d/%x in round %d(SR %d,UL_inactivity timer %d,UL_failure timer %d)\n", module_idP,frameP,subframeP,UE_id,rnti,round,UE_template->ul_SR, UE_sched_ctrl->ul_inactivity_timer, UE_sched_ctrl->ul_failure_timer); // reset the scheduling request UE_template->ul_SR = 0; // status = mac_eNB_get_rrc_status(module_idP,rnti); status = flexran_get_rrc_status(module_idP, rnti); if (status < RRC_CONNECTED) cqi_req = 0; else if (UE_sched_ctrl->cqi_req_timer>30) { cqi_req = 1; UE_sched_ctrl->cqi_req_timer=0; } else cqi_req = 0; //power control //compute the expected ULSCH RX power (for the stats) // this is the normalized RX power and this should be constant (regardless of mcs normalized_rx_power = eNB_UE_stats->UL_rssi[0]; target_rx_power = mac_xface->get_target_pusch_rx_power(module_idP,CC_id); // this assumes accumulated tpc // make sure that we are only sending a tpc update once a frame, otherwise the control loop will freak out int32_t framex10psubframe = UE_template->pusch_tpc_tx_frame*10+UE_template->pusch_tpc_tx_subframe; if (((framex10psubframe+10)<=(frameP*10+subframeP)) || //normal case ((framex10psubframe>(frameP*10+subframeP)) && (((10240-framex10psubframe+frameP*10+subframeP)>=10)))) //frame wrap-around { UE_template->pusch_tpc_tx_frame=frameP; UE_template->pusch_tpc_tx_subframe=subframeP; if (normalized_rx_power>(target_rx_power+1)) { tpc = 0; //-1 tpc_accumulated--; } else if (normalized_rx_power<(target_rx_power-1)) { tpc = 2; //+1 tpc_accumulated++; } else { tpc = 1; //0 } } else { tpc = 1; //0 } if (tpc!=1) { LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d] ULSCH scheduler: frame %d, subframe %d, harq_pid %d, tpc %d, accumulated %d, normalized/target rx power %d/%d\n", module_idP,frameP,subframeP,harq_pid,tpc, tpc_accumulated,normalized_rx_power,target_rx_power); } // new transmission if (round==0) { ndi = 1-UE_template->oldNDI_UL[harq_pid]; UE_template->oldNDI_UL[harq_pid]=ndi; UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].normalized_rx_power=normalized_rx_power; UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].target_rx_power=target_rx_power; UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].ulsch_mcs1=UE_template->pre_assigned_mcs_ul; mcs = UE_template->pre_assigned_mcs_ul;//cmin (UE_template->pre_assigned_mcs_ul, openair_daq_vars.target_ue_ul_mcs); // adjust, based on user-defined MCS if (UE_template->pre_allocated_rb_table_index_ul >=0) { rb_table_index=UE_template->pre_allocated_rb_table_index_ul; } else { mcs=10;//cmin (10, openair_daq_vars.target_ue_ul_mcs); rb_table_index=5; // for PHR } UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].ulsch_mcs2=mcs; // buffer_occupancy = UE_template->ul_total_buffer; while (((rb_table[rb_table_index]>(nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][UE_id]-1-first_rb[CC_id])) || (rb_table[rb_table_index]>45)) && (rb_table_index>0)) { rb_table_index--; } TBS = mac_xface->get_TBS_UL(mcs,rb_table[rb_table_index]); UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].total_rbs_used_rx+=rb_table[rb_table_index]; UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].ulsch_TBS=TBS; // buffer_occupancy -= TBS; rballoc = mac_xface->computeRIV(frame_parms->N_RB_UL, first_rb[CC_id], rb_table[rb_table_index]); T(T_ENB_MAC_UE_UL_SCHEDULE, T_INT(module_idP), T_INT(CC_id), T_INT(rnti), T_INT(frameP), T_INT(subframeP), T_INT(harq_pid), T_INT(mcs), T_INT(first_rb[CC_id]), T_INT(rb_table[rb_table_index]), T_INT(TBS), T_INT(ndi)); if (mac_eNB_get_rrc_status(module_idP,rnti) < RRC_CONNECTED) LOG_I(MAC,"[eNB %d][PUSCH %d/%x] CC_id %d Frame %d subframeP %d Scheduled UE %d (mcs %d, first rb %d, nb_rb %d, rb_table_index %d, TBS %d, harq_pid %d)\n", module_idP,harq_pid,rnti,CC_id,frameP,subframeP,UE_id,mcs, first_rb[CC_id],rb_table[rb_table_index], rb_table_index,TBS,harq_pid); // bad indices : 20 (40 PRB), 21 (45 PRB), 22 (48 PRB) // increment for next UE allocation first_rb[CC_id]+=rb_table[rb_table_index]; //store for possible retransmission UE_template->nb_rb_ul[harq_pid] = rb_table[rb_table_index]; UE_sched_ctrl->ul_scheduled |= (1<<harq_pid); if (UE_id == UE_list->head) VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_VARIABLE_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_VARIABLES_UE0_SCHEDULED,UE_sched_ctrl->ul_scheduled); // adjust total UL buffer status by TBS, wait for UL sdus to do final update LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d] CC_id %d UE %d/%x : adjusting ul_total_buffer, old %d, TBS %d\n", module_idP,CC_id,UE_id,rnti,UE_template->ul_total_buffer,TBS); if (UE_template->ul_total_buffer > TBS) UE_template->ul_total_buffer -= TBS; else UE_template->ul_total_buffer = 0; LOG_D(MAC,"ul_total_buffer, new %d\n", UE_template->ul_total_buffer); // Cyclic shift for DM RS cshift = 0;// values from 0 to 7 can be used for mapping the cyclic shift (36.211 , Table if (frame_parms->frame_type == TDD) { switch (frame_parms->N_RB_UL) { case 6: ULSCH_dci = UE_template->ULSCH_DCI[harq_pid]; ((DCI0_1_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->type = 0; ((DCI0_1_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->hopping = 0; ((DCI0_1_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->rballoc = rballoc; ((DCI0_1_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->mcs = mcs; ((DCI0_1_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->ndi = ndi; ((DCI0_1_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->TPC = tpc; ((DCI0_1_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->cshift = cshift; ((DCI0_1_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->padding = 0; ((DCI0_1_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->dai = UE_template->DAI_ul[sched_subframe]; ((DCI0_1_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->cqi_req = cqi_req; add_ue_spec_dci(DCI_pdu, ULSCH_dci, rnti, sizeof(DCI0_1_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t), aggregation, sizeof_DCI0_1_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t, format0, 0); break; default: case 25: ULSCH_dci = UE_template->ULSCH_DCI[harq_pid]; ((DCI0_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->type = 0; ((DCI0_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->hopping = 0; ((DCI0_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->rballoc = rballoc; ((DCI0_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->mcs = mcs; ((DCI0_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->ndi = ndi; ((DCI0_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->TPC = tpc; ((DCI0_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->cshift = cshift; ((DCI0_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->padding = 0; ((DCI0_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->dai = UE_template->DAI_ul[sched_subframe]; ((DCI0_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->cqi_req = cqi_req; add_ue_spec_dci(DCI_pdu, ULSCH_dci, rnti, sizeof(DCI0_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t), aggregation, sizeof_DCI0_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t, format0, 0); break; case 50: ULSCH_dci = UE_template->ULSCH_DCI[harq_pid]; ((DCI0_10MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->type = 0; ((DCI0_10MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->hopping = 0; ((DCI0_10MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->rballoc = rballoc; ((DCI0_10MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->mcs = mcs; ((DCI0_10MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->ndi = ndi; ((DCI0_10MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->TPC = tpc; ((DCI0_10MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->cshift = cshift; ((DCI0_10MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->padding = 0; ((DCI0_10MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->dai = UE_template->DAI_ul[sched_subframe]; ((DCI0_10MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->cqi_req = cqi_req; add_ue_spec_dci(DCI_pdu, ULSCH_dci, rnti, sizeof(DCI0_10MHz_TDD_1_6_t), aggregation, sizeof_DCI0_10MHz_TDD_1_6_t, format0, 0); break; case 100: ULSCH_dci = UE_template->ULSCH_DCI[harq_pid]; ((DCI0_20MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->type = 0; ((DCI0_20MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->hopping = 0; ((DCI0_20MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->rballoc = rballoc; ((DCI0_20MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->mcs = mcs; ((DCI0_20MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->ndi = ndi; ((DCI0_20MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->TPC = tpc; ((DCI0_20MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->cshift = cshift; ((DCI0_20MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->padding = 0; ((DCI0_20MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->dai = UE_template->DAI_ul[sched_subframe]; ((DCI0_20MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)ULSCH_dci)->cqi_req = cqi_req; add_ue_spec_dci(DCI_pdu, ULSCH_dci, rnti, sizeof(DCI0_20MHz_TDD_1_6_t), aggregation, sizeof_DCI0_20MHz_TDD_1_6_t, format0, 0); break; } } // TDD else { //FDD switch (frame_parms->N_RB_UL) { case 25: default: ULSCH_dci = UE_template->ULSCH_DCI[harq_pid]; ((DCI0_5MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->type = 0; ((DCI0_5MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->hopping = 0; ((DCI0_5MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->rballoc = rballoc; ((DCI0_5MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->mcs = mcs; ((DCI0_5MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->ndi = ndi; ((DCI0_5MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->TPC = tpc; ((DCI0_5MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->cshift = cshift; ((DCI0_5MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->padding = 0; ((DCI0_5MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->cqi_req = cqi_req; add_ue_spec_dci(DCI_pdu, ULSCH_dci, rnti, sizeof(DCI0_5MHz_FDD_t), aggregation, sizeof_DCI0_5MHz_FDD_t, format0, 0); break; case 6: ULSCH_dci = UE_template->ULSCH_DCI[harq_pid]; ((DCI0_1_5MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->type = 0; ((DCI0_1_5MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->hopping = 0; ((DCI0_1_5MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->rballoc = rballoc; ((DCI0_1_5MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->mcs = mcs; ((DCI0_1_5MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->ndi = ndi; ((DCI0_1_5MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->TPC = tpc; ((DCI0_1_5MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->cshift = cshift; ((DCI0_1_5MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->padding = 0; ((DCI0_1_5MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->cqi_req = cqi_req; add_ue_spec_dci(DCI_pdu, ULSCH_dci, rnti, sizeof(DCI0_1_5MHz_FDD_t), aggregation, sizeof_DCI0_1_5MHz_FDD_t, format0, 0); break; case 50: ULSCH_dci = UE_template->ULSCH_DCI[harq_pid]; ((DCI0_10MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->type = 0; ((DCI0_10MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->hopping = 0; ((DCI0_10MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->rballoc = rballoc; ((DCI0_10MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->mcs = mcs; ((DCI0_10MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->ndi = ndi; ((DCI0_10MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->TPC = tpc; ((DCI0_10MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->padding = 0; ((DCI0_10MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->cshift = cshift; ((DCI0_10MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->cqi_req = cqi_req; add_ue_spec_dci(DCI_pdu, ULSCH_dci, rnti, sizeof(DCI0_10MHz_FDD_t), aggregation, sizeof_DCI0_10MHz_FDD_t, format0, 0); break; case 100: ULSCH_dci = UE_template->ULSCH_DCI[harq_pid]; ((DCI0_20MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->type = 0; ((DCI0_20MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->hopping = 0; ((DCI0_20MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->rballoc = rballoc; ((DCI0_20MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->mcs = mcs; ((DCI0_20MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->ndi = ndi; ((DCI0_20MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->TPC = tpc; ((DCI0_20MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->padding = 0; ((DCI0_20MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->cshift = cshift; ((DCI0_20MHz_FDD_t *)ULSCH_dci)->cqi_req = cqi_req; add_ue_spec_dci(DCI_pdu, ULSCH_dci, rnti, sizeof(DCI0_20MHz_FDD_t), aggregation, sizeof_DCI0_20MHz_FDD_t, format0, 0); break; } } add_ue_ulsch_info(module_idP, CC_id, UE_id, subframeP, S_UL_SCHEDULED); LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d] CC_id %d Frame %d, subframeP %d: Generated ULSCH DCI for next UE_id %d, format 0\n", module_idP,CC_id,frameP,subframeP,UE_id); #ifdef DEBUG dump_dci(frame_parms, &DCI_pdu->dci_alloc[DCI_pdu->Num_common_dci+DCI_pdu->Num_ue_spec_dci-1]); #endif } else { T(T_ENB_MAC_UE_UL_SCHEDULE_RETRANSMISSION, T_INT(module_idP), T_INT(CC_id), T_INT(rnti), T_INT(frameP), T_INT(subframeP), T_INT(harq_pid), T_INT(mcs), T_INT(first_rb[CC_id]), T_INT(rb_table[rb_table_index]), T_INT(round)); LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d][PUSCH %d/%x] CC_id %d Frame %d subframeP %d Scheduled (PHICH) UE %d (mcs %d, first rb %d, nb_rb %d, rb_table_index %d, TBS %d, harq_pid %d,round %d)\n", module_idP,harq_pid,rnti,CC_id,frameP,subframeP,UE_id,mcs, first_rb[CC_id],rb_table[rb_table_index], rb_table_index,TBS,harq_pid,round); }/* else if (round > 0) { //we schedule a retransmission ndi = UE_template->oldNDI_UL[harq_pid]; if ((round&3)==0) { mcs = openair_daq_vars.target_ue_ul_mcs; } else { mcs = rvidx_tab[round&3] + 28; //not correct for round==4! } LOG_I(MAC,"[eNB %d][PUSCH %d/%x] CC_id %d Frame %d subframeP %d Scheduled UE retransmission (mcs %d, first rb %d, nb_rb %d, harq_pid %d, round %d)\n", module_idP,UE_id,rnti,CC_id,frameP,subframeP,mcs, first_rb[CC_id],UE_template->nb_rb_ul[harq_pid], harq_pid, round); rballoc = mac_xface->computeRIV(frame_parms->N_RB_UL, first_rb[CC_id], UE_template->nb_rb_ul[harq_pid]); first_rb[CC_id]+=UE_template->nb_rb_ul[harq_pid]; // increment for next UE allocation UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].num_retransmission_rx+=1; UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].rbs_used_retx_rx=UE_template->nb_rb_ul[harq_pid]; UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].total_rbs_used_rx+=UE_template->nb_rb_ul[harq_pid]; UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].ulsch_mcs1=mcs; UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].ulsch_mcs2=mcs; } */ } // UE_is_to_be_scheduled } // UE is in PUSCH } // loop over UE_id } // loop of CC_id }