if (coarse){ // coarse = 1: first estimation at 240 kHz
if(coarse){// coarse = 1: first estimation
length_seq_NPRACH = (length_CP_0+5*8192)/128;
length_CP = length_CP_0/128;
length_symbol = 64;
offset_start = 0;
offset_start = 0;
length_correl_window=20512/sub_sampling_rate;// corresponds to the max TA, i.e. 667.66 micro s //FRAME_LENGTH_COMPLEX_SUB_SAMPLES - 4*length_seq_NPRACH+1;
length_correl_window = 80; //20512/sub_sampling_rate; // corresponds to the max TA, i.e. 667.66 micro s //FRAME_LENGTH_COMPLEX_SUB_SAMPLES - 4*length_seq_NPRACH+1;
fs_sub_sampled = (uint32_t)fs/128;
length_seq_NPRACH = (length_CP_0+5*8192)/16;
length_CP = length_CP_0/16;
length_symbol = 8192/16;
offset_estimation = 8 * estimated_TA_coarse;
offset_estimation = 8 * estimated_TA_coarse;
base_length = 32;
base_length = 32;
// we arbitrarily define the length of correl window as base_length samples.
// we arbitrarily define the length of correl window as base_length samples.
for (n=0;n<length_correl_window;n++){ // loops over samples %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
for (n=0;n<length_correl_window;n++){ // loops over samples %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
for (k=0;k<4*length_seq_NPRACH;k++){ ///// creation of two variables for tab indexes /// replace "2*(float)M_PI*estimated_CFO*k/fs_sub_sampled" and "2*(n+offset_start+k)"
// sub-optimal ML TA estimation /============================================================/
// sub-optimal ML TA estimation /============================================================/
for(k=0;k<4;k++){// loop over the 4 sequence of a preamble
for (k=0;k<4;k++){ // loop over the 4 sequences of a preamble
pow_n1 = 1;
for (o=0;o<5;o++){ // loop over the symbols of a sequence
for (o=0;o<5;o++){ // loop over the symbols of a sequence
for (m=0;m<length_symbol;m++){
for (m=0;m<length_symbol;m++){
sub_sequence_reference_re[k][m]=sub_sequence_reference_re[k][m]+(int32_t)pow(-1,o)*signal_CFO_compensed_re[k*length_seq_NPRACH+o*length_symbol+length_CP+m]/5;// average over the 5 symbols of a group
// mon_variable=k*length_seq_NPRACH + o*length_symbol + length_CP + m ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
sub_sequence_reference_im[k][m]=sub_sequence_reference_im[k][m]+(int32_t)pow(-1,o)*signal_CFO_compensed_im[k*length_seq_NPRACH+o*length_symbol+length_CP+m]/5;// average over the 5 symbols of a group
sub_sequence_reference_re[k][m] = sub_sequence_reference_re[k][m] + pow_n1 * signal_CFO_compensed_re[k*length_seq_NPRACH + o*length_symbol + length_CP + m] / 5; // average over the 5 symbols of a group
sub_sequence_reference_im[k][m] = sub_sequence_reference_im[k][m] + pow_n1 * signal_CFO_compensed_im [k*length_seq_NPRACH + o*length_symbol + length_CP + m]/ 5; // average over the 5 symbols of a group
for (k=0;k<4;k++){ // loop over the 4 sequences of a preamble
pow_n1 = 1;
for (o=0;o<5;o++){ // loop over the symbols of a sequence // mon_variable=k*length_seq_NPRACH+o*length_symbol +length_CP +m///////////////////////////////////////////////
int16_t*sub_sampling_NB_IoT(int16_t*input_buffer,uint32_tlength_input,uint32_t*length_ouput,uint16_tsub_sampling_rate){// void function ////// adding flag for switching between output_buffers