Commit 2049b997 authored by Mario Hudon's avatar Mario Hudon

Moved UE SSB/RO handling code from nr_mac_common to nr_ue_procedures

parent 186775bf
......@@ -31,72 +31,8 @@
#include "LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/mac_proto.h"
#include "asn1_conversions.h"
#include <limits.h>
/* Tools */
#include "SIMULATION/TOOLS/sim.h" // for taus
// ================================================
// SSB to RO mapping private defines and structures
// ================================================
#define MAX_NB_PRACH_CONF_PERIOD_IN_ASSOCIATION_PERIOD (16) // Maximum association period is 16
#define MAX_NB_PRACH_CONF_PERIOD_IN_ASSOCIATION_PATTERN_PERIOD (16) // Max association pattern period is 160ms and minimum PRACH configuration period is 10ms
#define MAX_NB_ASSOCIATION_PERIOD_IN_ASSOCIATION_PATTERN_PERIOD (16) // Max nb of association periods in an association pattern period of 160ms
#define MAX_NB_FRAME_IN_PRACH_CONF_PERIOD (16) // Max PRACH configuration period is 160ms and frame is 10ms
#define MAX_NB_SLOT_IN_FRAME (160) // Max number of slots in a frame (@ SCS 240kHz = 160)
#define MAX_NB_FRAME_IN_ASSOCIATION_PATTERN_PERIOD (16) // Maximum number of frames in the maximum association pattern period
#define MAX_NB_SSB (64) // Maximum number of possible SSB indexes
#define MAX_RO_PER_SSB (8) // Maximum number of consecutive ROs that can be mapped to an SSB according to the ssb_per_RACH config
// Maximum number of ROs that can be mapped to an SSB in an association pattern
// This is to reserve enough elements in the SSBs list for each mapped ROs for a single SSB
// An arbitrary maximum number is chosen to be safe: maximum number of slots in an association pattern * maximum number of ROs in a slot
// The PRACH Config period is a series of selected slots in one or multiple frames
typedef struct prach_conf_period {
prach_occasion_slot_t prach_occasion_slot_map[MAX_NB_FRAME_IN_PRACH_CONF_PERIOD][MAX_NB_SLOT_IN_FRAME];
uint16_t nb_of_prach_occasion; // Total number of PRACH occasions in the PRACH Config period
uint8_t nb_of_frame; // Size of the PRACH Config period in number of 10ms frames
uint8_t nb_of_slot; // Nb of slots in each frame
} prach_conf_period_t;
// The association period is a series of PRACH Config periods
typedef struct prach_association_period {
prach_conf_period_t *prach_conf_period_list[MAX_NB_PRACH_CONF_PERIOD_IN_ASSOCIATION_PERIOD];
uint8_t nb_of_prach_conf_period; // Nb of PRACH configuration periods within the association period
uint8_t nb_of_frame; // Total number of frames included in the association period
} prach_association_period_t;
// The association pattern is a series of Association periods
typedef struct prach_association_pattern {
prach_association_period_t prach_association_period_list[MAX_NB_ASSOCIATION_PERIOD_IN_ASSOCIATION_PATTERN_PERIOD];
prach_conf_period_t prach_conf_period_list[MAX_NB_PRACH_CONF_PERIOD_IN_ASSOCIATION_PATTERN_PERIOD];
uint8_t nb_of_assoc_period; // Nb of association periods within the association pattern
uint8_t nb_of_prach_conf_period_in_max_period; // Nb of PRACH configuration periods within the maximum association pattern period (according to the size of the configured PRACH
uint8_t nb_of_frame; // Total number of frames included in the association pattern period (after mapping the SSBs and determining the real association pattern length)
} prach_association_pattern_t;
// SSB details
typedef struct ssb_info {
boolean_t transmitted; // True if the SSB index is transmitted according to the SSB positions map configuration
prach_occasion_info_t *mapped_ro[MAX_NB_RO_PER_SSB_IN_ASSOCIATION_PATTERN]; // List of mapped RACH Occasions to this SSB index
uint16_t nb_mapped_ro; // Total number of mapped ROs to this SSB index
} ssb_info_t;
// List of all the possible SSBs and their details
typedef struct ssb_list_info {
ssb_info_t tx_ssb[MAX_NB_SSB];
uint8_t nb_tx_ssb;
} ssb_list_info_t;
static prach_association_pattern_t prach_assoc_pattern;
static ssb_list_info_t ssb_list;
// ===============================================
// ===============================================
const uint8_t nr_slots_per_frame[5] = {10, 20, 40, 80, 160};
// Table (38.211) NCS for preamble formats with delta_f_RA = 1.25 KHz
......@@ -1011,6 +947,24 @@ int get_format0(uint8_t index,
return format;
int64_t *get_prach_config_info(uint32_t pointa,
uint8_t index,
uint8_t unpaired) {
int64_t *prach_config_info_p;
if (pointa > 2016666) { //FR2
prach_config_info_p = table_6_3_3_2_4_prachConfig_Index[index];
else { // FR1
if (unpaired)
prach_config_info_p = table_6_3_3_2_3_prachConfig_Index[index];
prach_config_info_p = table_6_3_3_2_2_prachConfig_Index[index];
} // FR2 / FR1
return prach_config_info_p;
void find_monitoring_periodicity_offset_common(NR_SearchSpace_t *ss,
uint16_t *slot_period,
uint16_t *offset) {
......@@ -1082,628 +1036,6 @@ void find_monitoring_periodicity_offset_common(NR_SearchSpace_t *ss,
// Build the list of all the valid RACH occasions in the maximum association pattern period according to the PRACH config
static void build_ro_list(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc, uint8_t unpaired) {
int x,y; // PRACH Configuration Index table variables used to compute the valid frame numbers
int y2; // PRACH Configuration Index table additional variable used to compute the valid frame numbers
uint8_t slot_shift_for_map;
uint8_t map_shift;
boolean_t even_slot_invalid;
int64_t s_map;
uint8_t prach_conf_start_symbol; // Starting symbol of the PRACH occasions in the PRACH slot
uint8_t N_t_slot; // Number of PRACH occasions in a 14-symbols PRACH slot
uint8_t N_dur; // Duration of a PRACH occasion (nb of symbols)
uint8_t slot; // Maximum is the number of slots in a frame @ SCS 240kHz
uint16_t format = 0xffff;
uint8_t format2 = 0xff;
int nb_fdm;
uint8_t config_index, mu;
uint32_t pointa;
int msg1_FDM;
uint8_t prach_conf_period_idx;
uint8_t nb_of_frames_per_prach_conf_period;
uint8_t prach_conf_period_frame_idx;
NR_RACH_ConfigCommon_t *setup = scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->rach_ConfigCommon->choice.setup;
NR_FrequencyInfoDL_t *frequencyInfoDL = scc->downlinkConfigCommon->frequencyInfoDL;
NR_RACH_ConfigGeneric_t *rach_ConfigGeneric = &setup->rach_ConfigGeneric;
config_index = rach_ConfigGeneric->prach_ConfigurationIndex;
if (setup->msg1_SubcarrierSpacing)
mu = *setup->msg1_SubcarrierSpacing;
mu = frequencyInfoDL->scs_SpecificCarrierList.list.array[0]->subcarrierSpacing;
pointa = frequencyInfoDL->absoluteFrequencyPointA;
msg1_FDM = rach_ConfigGeneric->msg1_FDM;
switch (msg1_FDM){
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
nb_fdm = 1 << msg1_FDM;
AssertFatal(1 == 0, "Unknown msg1_FDM from rach_ConfigGeneric %d\n", msg1_FDM);
// Create the PRACH occasions map
// ==============================
// WIP-IDCC: For now assume no rejected PRACH occasions because of conflict with SSB or TDD_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon schedule
// Identify the proper PRACH Configuration Index table according to the operating frequency
LOG_D(MAC,"Pointa %u, mu = %u, PRACH config index = %u, unpaired = %u\n", pointa, mu, config_index, unpaired);
if (pointa > 2016666) { //FR2
x = table_6_3_3_2_4_prachConfig_Index[config_index][2];
y = table_6_3_3_2_4_prachConfig_Index[config_index][3];
y2 = table_6_3_3_2_4_prachConfig_Index[config_index][4];
s_map = table_6_3_3_2_4_prachConfig_Index[config_index][5];
prach_conf_start_symbol = table_6_3_3_2_4_prachConfig_Index[config_index][6];
N_t_slot = table_6_3_3_2_4_prachConfig_Index[config_index][8];
N_dur = table_6_3_3_2_4_prachConfig_Index[config_index][9];
if (table_6_3_3_2_4_prachConfig_Index[config_index][1] != -1)
format2 = (uint8_t) table_6_3_3_2_4_prachConfig_Index[config_index][1];
format = ((uint8_t) table_6_3_3_2_4_prachConfig_Index[config_index][0]) | (format2<<8);
slot_shift_for_map = mu-2;
if ( (mu == 3) && (table_6_3_3_2_4_prachConfig_Index[config_index][7] == 1) )
even_slot_invalid = true;
even_slot_invalid = false;
else { // FR1
if (unpaired) {
x = table_6_3_3_2_3_prachConfig_Index[config_index][2];
y = table_6_3_3_2_3_prachConfig_Index[config_index][3];
s_map = table_6_3_3_2_3_prachConfig_Index[config_index][4];
prach_conf_start_symbol = table_6_3_3_2_3_prachConfig_Index[config_index][5];
N_t_slot = table_6_3_3_2_3_prachConfig_Index[config_index][7];
N_dur = table_6_3_3_2_3_prachConfig_Index[config_index][8];
if (table_6_3_3_2_3_prachConfig_Index[config_index][1] != -1)
format2 = (uint8_t) table_6_3_3_2_3_prachConfig_Index[config_index][1];
format = ((uint8_t) table_6_3_3_2_3_prachConfig_Index[config_index][0]) | (format2<<8);
else { // FDD
x = table_6_3_3_2_2_prachConfig_Index[config_index][2];
y = table_6_3_3_2_2_prachConfig_Index[config_index][3];
s_map = table_6_3_3_2_2_prachConfig_Index[config_index][4];
prach_conf_start_symbol = table_6_3_3_2_2_prachConfig_Index[config_index][5];
N_t_slot = table_6_3_3_2_2_prachConfig_Index[config_index][7];
N_dur = table_6_3_3_2_2_prachConfig_Index[config_index][8];
if (table_6_3_3_2_2_prachConfig_Index[config_index][1] != -1)
format2 = (uint8_t) table_6_3_3_2_2_prachConfig_Index[config_index][1];
format = ((uint8_t) table_6_3_3_2_2_prachConfig_Index[config_index][0]) | (format2<<8);
y2 = y;
slot_shift_for_map = mu;
if ( (mu == 1) && (table_6_3_3_2_3_prachConfig_Index[config_index][6] <= 1) )
even_slot_invalid = true;
even_slot_invalid = false;
} // FR2 / FR1
prach_assoc_pattern.nb_of_prach_conf_period_in_max_period = MAX_NB_PRACH_CONF_PERIOD_IN_ASSOCIATION_PATTERN_PERIOD / x;
nb_of_frames_per_prach_conf_period = x;
LOG_D(MAC,"nb_of_prach_conf_period_in_max_period %d\n", prach_assoc_pattern.nb_of_prach_conf_period_in_max_period);
// Fill in the PRACH occasions table for every slot in every frame in every PRACH configuration periods in the maximum association pattern period
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// For every PRACH configuration periods
// -------------------------------------
for (prach_conf_period_idx=0; prach_conf_period_idx<prach_assoc_pattern.nb_of_prach_conf_period_in_max_period; prach_conf_period_idx++) {
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[prach_conf_period_idx].nb_of_prach_occasion = 0;
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[prach_conf_period_idx].nb_of_frame = nb_of_frames_per_prach_conf_period;
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[prach_conf_period_idx].nb_of_slot = nr_slots_per_frame[mu];
LOG_D(MAC,"PRACH Conf Period Idx %d\n", prach_conf_period_idx);
// For every frames in a PRACH configuration period
// ------------------------------------------------
for (prach_conf_period_frame_idx=0; prach_conf_period_frame_idx<nb_of_frames_per_prach_conf_period; prach_conf_period_frame_idx++) {
frame = (prach_conf_period_idx * nb_of_frames_per_prach_conf_period) + prach_conf_period_frame_idx;
LOG_D(MAC,"PRACH Conf Period Frame Idx %d - Frame %d\n", prach_conf_period_frame_idx, frame);
// Is it a valid frame for this PRACH configuration index? (n_sfn mod x = y)
if ( (frame%x)==y || (frame%x)==y2 ) {
// For every slot in a frame
// -------------------------
for (slot=0; slot<nr_slots_per_frame[mu]; slot++) {
// Is it a valid slot?
map_shift = slot >> slot_shift_for_map; // in PRACH configuration index table slots are numbered wrt 60kHz
if ( (s_map>>map_shift)&0x01 ) {
// Valid slot
// Additionally, for 30kHz/120kHz, we must check for the n_RA_Slot param also
if ( even_slot_invalid && (slot%2 == 0) )
continue; // no prach in even slots @ 30kHz/120kHz for 1 prach per 60khz slot/subframe
// We're good: valid frame and valid slot
// Compute all the PRACH occasions in the slot
uint8_t n_prach_occ_in_time;
uint8_t n_prach_occ_in_freq;
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[prach_conf_period_idx].prach_occasion_slot_map[prach_conf_period_frame_idx][slot].nb_of_prach_occasion_in_time = N_t_slot;
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[prach_conf_period_idx].prach_occasion_slot_map[prach_conf_period_frame_idx][slot].nb_of_prach_occasion_in_freq = nb_fdm;
for (n_prach_occ_in_time=0; n_prach_occ_in_time<N_t_slot; n_prach_occ_in_time++) {
uint8_t start_symbol = prach_conf_start_symbol + n_prach_occ_in_time * N_dur;
LOG_D(MAC,"PRACH Occ in time %d\n", n_prach_occ_in_time);
for (n_prach_occ_in_freq=0; n_prach_occ_in_freq<nb_fdm; n_prach_occ_in_freq++) {
prach_occasion_info_t *prach_occasion_p = &prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[prach_conf_period_idx].prach_occasion_slot_map[prach_conf_period_frame_idx][slot].prach_occasion[n_prach_occ_in_time][n_prach_occ_in_freq];
prach_occasion_p->start_symbol = start_symbol;
prach_occasion_p->fdm = n_prach_occ_in_freq;
prach_occasion_p->frame = frame;
prach_occasion_p->slot = slot;
prach_occasion_p->format = format;
LOG_D(MAC,"Adding a PRACH occasion: frame %u, slot-symbol %d-%d, occ_in_time-occ_in-freq %d-%d, nb ROs in conf period %d, for this slot: RO# in time %d, RO# in freq %d\n",
frame, slot, start_symbol, n_prach_occ_in_time, n_prach_occ_in_freq, prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[prach_conf_period_idx].nb_of_prach_occasion,
} // For every freq in the slot
} // For every time occasions in the slot
} // Valid slot?
} // For every slots in a frame
} // Valid frame?
} // For every frames in a prach configuration period
} // For every prach configuration periods in the maximum association pattern period (160ms)
// Build the list of all the valid/transmitted SSBs according to the config
static void build_ssb_list(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc) {
// Create the list of transmitted SSBs
// ===================================
BIT_STRING_t *ssb_bitmap;
uint64_t ssb_positionsInBurst;
uint8_t ssb_idx = 0;
switch (scc->ssb_PositionsInBurst->present) {
case NR_ServingCellConfigCommon__ssb_PositionsInBurst_PR_shortBitmap:
ssb_bitmap = &scc->ssb_PositionsInBurst->choice.shortBitmap;
ssb_positionsInBurst = BIT_STRING_to_uint8(ssb_bitmap);
LOG_D(MAC,"SSB config: SSB_positions_in_burst 0x%lx\n", ssb_positionsInBurst);
for (uint8_t bit_nb=3; bit_nb<=3; bit_nb--) {
// If SSB is transmitted
if ((ssb_positionsInBurst>>bit_nb) & 0x01) {
ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].transmitted = true;
LOG_D(MAC,"SSB idx %d transmitted\n", ssb_idx);
case NR_ServingCellConfigCommon__ssb_PositionsInBurst_PR_mediumBitmap:
ssb_bitmap = &scc->ssb_PositionsInBurst->choice.mediumBitmap;
ssb_positionsInBurst = BIT_STRING_to_uint8(ssb_bitmap);
LOG_D(MAC,"SSB config: SSB_positions_in_burst 0x%lx\n", ssb_positionsInBurst);
for (uint8_t bit_nb=7; bit_nb<=7; bit_nb--) {
// If SSB is transmitted
if ((ssb_positionsInBurst>>bit_nb) & 0x01) {
ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].transmitted = true;
LOG_D(MAC,"SSB idx %d transmitted\n", ssb_idx);
case NR_ServingCellConfigCommon__ssb_PositionsInBurst_PR_longBitmap:
ssb_bitmap = &scc->ssb_PositionsInBurst->choice.longBitmap;
ssb_positionsInBurst = BIT_STRING_to_uint64(ssb_bitmap);
LOG_D(MAC,"SSB config: SSB_positions_in_burst 0x%lx\n", ssb_positionsInBurst);
for (uint8_t bit_nb=63; bit_nb<=63; bit_nb--) {
// If SSB is transmitted
if ((ssb_positionsInBurst>>bit_nb) & 0x01) {
ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].transmitted = true;
LOG_D(MAC,"SSB idx %d transmitted\n", ssb_idx);
AssertFatal(false,"ssb_PositionsInBurst not present\n");
// Map the transmitted SSBs to the ROs and create the association pattern according to the config
static void map_ssb_to_ro(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc) {
// Map SSBs to PRACH occasions
// ===========================
// WIP-IDCC: Assumption: No PRACH occasion is rejected because of a conflict with SSBs or TDD_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon schedule
NR_RACH_ConfigCommon_t *setup = scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->rach_ConfigCommon->choice.setup;
NR_RACH_ConfigCommon__ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR ssb_perRACH_config = setup->ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB->present;
boolean_t multiple_ssb_per_ro; // true if more than one or exactly one SSB per RACH occasion, false if more than one RO per SSB
uint8_t ssb_rach_ratio; // Nb of SSBs per RACH or RACHs per SSB
uint16_t required_nb_of_prach_occasion; // Nb of RACH occasions required to map all the SSBs
uint8_t required_nb_of_prach_conf_period; // Nb of PRACH configuration periods required to map all the SSBs
// Determine the SSB to RACH mapping ratio
// =======================================
switch (ssb_perRACH_config){
case NR_RACH_ConfigCommon__ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR_oneEighth:
multiple_ssb_per_ro = false;
ssb_rach_ratio = 8;
case NR_RACH_ConfigCommon__ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR_oneFourth:
multiple_ssb_per_ro = false;
ssb_rach_ratio = 4;
case NR_RACH_ConfigCommon__ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR_oneHalf:
multiple_ssb_per_ro = false;
ssb_rach_ratio = 2;
case NR_RACH_ConfigCommon__ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR_one:
multiple_ssb_per_ro = true;
ssb_rach_ratio = 1;
case NR_RACH_ConfigCommon__ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR_two:
multiple_ssb_per_ro = true;
ssb_rach_ratio = 2;
case NR_RACH_ConfigCommon__ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR_four:
multiple_ssb_per_ro = true;
ssb_rach_ratio = 4;
case NR_RACH_ConfigCommon__ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR_eight:
multiple_ssb_per_ro = true;
ssb_rach_ratio = 8;
case NR_RACH_ConfigCommon__ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR_sixteen:
multiple_ssb_per_ro = true;
ssb_rach_ratio = 16;
AssertFatal(1 == 0, "Unsupported ssb_perRACH_config %d\n", ssb_perRACH_config);
LOG_D(MAC,"SSB rach ratio %d, Multiple SSB per RO %d\n", ssb_rach_ratio, multiple_ssb_per_ro);
// Evaluate the number of PRACH configuration periods required to map all the SSBs and set the association period
// ==============================================================================================================
// WIP-IDCC: Assumption for now is that all the PRACH configuration periods within a maximum association pattern period have the same number of PRACH occasions
// (No PRACH occasions are conflicting with SSBs nor TDD_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon schedule)
// There is only one possible association period which can contain up to 16 PRACH configuration periods
LOG_D(MAC,"Evaluate the number of PRACH configuration periods required to map all the SSBs and set the association period\n");
if (true == multiple_ssb_per_ro) {
required_nb_of_prach_occasion = ((ssb_list.nb_tx_ssb-1) + ssb_rach_ratio) / ssb_rach_ratio;
else {
required_nb_of_prach_occasion = ssb_list.nb_tx_ssb * ssb_rach_ratio;
required_nb_of_prach_conf_period = ((required_nb_of_prach_occasion-1) + prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[0].nb_of_prach_occasion) / prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[0].nb_of_prach_occasion;
if (required_nb_of_prach_conf_period == 1) {
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[0].nb_of_prach_conf_period = 1;
else if (required_nb_of_prach_conf_period == 2) {
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[0].nb_of_prach_conf_period = 2;
else if (required_nb_of_prach_conf_period <= 4) {
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[0].nb_of_prach_conf_period = 4;
else if (required_nb_of_prach_conf_period <= 8) {
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[0].nb_of_prach_conf_period = 8;
else if (required_nb_of_prach_conf_period <= 16) {
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[0].nb_of_prach_conf_period = 16;
else {
AssertFatal(1 == 0, "Invalid number of PRACH config periods within an association period %d\n", required_nb_of_prach_conf_period);
prach_assoc_pattern.nb_of_assoc_period = 1; // WIP-IDCC: only one possible association period
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[0].nb_of_frame = prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[0].nb_of_prach_conf_period * prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[0].nb_of_frame;
prach_assoc_pattern.nb_of_frame = prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[0].nb_of_frame;
LOG_D(MAC,"Assoc period %d, Nb of frames in assoc period %d\n",
// Proceed to the SSB to RO mapping
// ================================
uint8_t association_period_idx; // Association period index within the association pattern
uint8_t ssb_idx = 0;
uint8_t prach_configuration_period_idx; // PRACH Configuration period index within the association pattern
prach_conf_period_t *prach_conf_period_p;
// Map all the association periods within the association pattern period
LOG_D(MAC,"Proceed to the SSB to RO mapping\n");
for (association_period_idx=0; association_period_idx<prach_assoc_pattern.nb_of_assoc_period; association_period_idx++) {
uint8_t n_prach_conf=0; // PRACH Configuration period index within the association period
uint8_t frame=0;
uint8_t slot=0;
uint8_t ro_in_time=0;
uint8_t ro_in_freq=0;
// Set the starting PRACH Configuration period index in the association_pattern map for this particular association period
prach_configuration_period_idx = 0; // WIP-IDCC: only one possible association period so the starting PRACH configuration period is automatically 0
// Check if we need to map multiple SSBs per RO or multiple ROs per SSB
if (true == multiple_ssb_per_ro) {
// --------------------
// --------------------
// Multiple SSBs per RO
// --------------------
// --------------------
// WIP-IDCC: For the moment, only map each SSB idx once per association period if configuration is multiple SSBs per RO
// this is true if no PRACH occasions are conflicting with SSBs nor TDD_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon schedule
ssb_idx = 0;
// Go through the list of PRACH config periods within this association period
for (n_prach_conf=0; n_prach_conf<prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[association_period_idx].nb_of_prach_conf_period; n_prach_conf++, prach_configuration_period_idx++) {
// Build the association period with its association PRACH Configuration indexes
prach_conf_period_p = &prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[prach_configuration_period_idx];
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[association_period_idx].prach_conf_period_list[n_prach_conf] = prach_conf_period_p;
// Go through all the ROs within the PRACH config period
for (frame=0; frame<prach_conf_period_p->nb_of_frame; frame++) {
for (slot=0; slot<prach_conf_period_p->nb_of_slot; slot++) {
for (ro_in_time=0; ro_in_time<prach_conf_period_p->prach_occasion_slot_map[frame][slot].nb_of_prach_occasion_in_time; ro_in_time++) {
for (ro_in_freq=0; ro_in_freq<prach_conf_period_p->prach_occasion_slot_map[frame][slot].nb_of_prach_occasion_in_freq; ro_in_freq++) {
prach_occasion_info_t *ro_p = &prach_conf_period_p->prach_occasion_slot_map[frame][slot].prach_occasion[ro_in_time][ro_in_freq];
// Go through the list of transmitted SSBs and map the required amount of SSBs to this RO
// WIP-IDCC: For the moment, only map each SSB idx once per association period if configuration is multiple SSBs per RO
// this is true if no PRACH occasions are conflicting with SSBs nor TDD_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon schedule
for (; ssb_idx<MAX_NB_SSB; ssb_idx++) {
// Map only the transmitted ssb_idx
if (true == ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].transmitted) {
ro_p->mapped_ssb_idx[ro_p->nb_mapped_ssb] = ssb_idx;
ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].mapped_ro[ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].nb_mapped_ro] = ro_p;
AssertFatal(MAX_NB_RO_PER_SSB_IN_ASSOCIATION_PATTERN > ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].nb_mapped_ro,"Too many mapped ROs (%d) to a single SSB\n", ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].nb_mapped_ro);
LOG_D(MAC,"Mapped ssb_idx %u to RO slot-symbol %u-%u, %u-%u-%u/%u\n", ssb_idx, ro_p->slot, ro_p->start_symbol, slot, ro_in_time, ro_in_freq, prach_conf_period_p->prach_occasion_slot_map[frame][slot].nb_of_prach_occasion_in_freq);
LOG_D(MAC,"Nb mapped ROs for this ssb idx: in the association period only %u\n", ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].nb_mapped_ro);
// If all the required SSBs are mapped to this RO, exit the loop of SSBs
if (ro_p->nb_mapped_ssb == ssb_rach_ratio) {
} // if ssb_idx is transmitted
} // for ssb_idx
// Exit the loop of ROs if there is no more SSB to map
if (MAX_NB_SSB == ssb_idx) break;
} // for ro_in_freq
// Exit the loop of ROs if there is no more SSB to map
if (MAX_NB_SSB == ssb_idx) break;
} // for ro_in_time
// Exit the loop of slots if there is no more SSB to map
if (MAX_NB_SSB == ssb_idx) break;
} // for slot
// Exit the loop frames if there is no more SSB to map
if (MAX_NB_SSB == ssb_idx) break;
} // for frame
// Exit the loop of PRACH configurations if there is no more SSB to map
if (MAX_NB_SSB == ssb_idx) break;
} // for n_prach_conf
// WIP-IDCC: note that there is no re-mapping of the SSBs within the association period since there is no invalid ROs in the PRACH config periods that would create this situation
} // if multiple_ssbs_per_ro
else {
// --------------------
// --------------------
// Multiple ROs per SSB
// --------------------
// --------------------
n_prach_conf = 0;
// Go through the list of transmitted SSBs
for (ssb_idx=0; ssb_idx<MAX_NB_SSB; ssb_idx++) {
uint8_t nb_mapped_ro_in_association_period=0; // Reset the nb of mapped ROs for the new SSB index
// Map only the transmitted ssb_idx
if (true == ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].transmitted) {
// Map all the required ROs to this SSB
// Go through the list of PRACH config periods within this association period
for (; n_prach_conf<prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[association_period_idx].nb_of_prach_conf_period; n_prach_conf++, prach_configuration_period_idx++) {
// Build the association period with its association PRACH Configuration indexes
prach_conf_period_p = &prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[prach_configuration_period_idx];
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[association_period_idx].prach_conf_period_list[n_prach_conf] = prach_conf_period_p;
for (; frame<prach_conf_period_p->nb_of_frame; frame++) {
for (; slot<prach_conf_period_p->nb_of_slot; slot++) {
for (; ro_in_time<prach_conf_period_p->prach_occasion_slot_map[frame][slot].nb_of_prach_occasion_in_time; ro_in_time++) {
for (; ro_in_freq<prach_conf_period_p->prach_occasion_slot_map[frame][slot].nb_of_prach_occasion_in_freq; ro_in_freq++) {
prach_occasion_info_t *ro_p = &prach_conf_period_p->prach_occasion_slot_map[frame][slot].prach_occasion[ro_in_time][ro_in_freq];
ro_p->mapped_ssb_idx[0] = ssb_idx;
ro_p->nb_mapped_ssb = 1;
ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].mapped_ro[ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].nb_mapped_ro] = ro_p;
AssertFatal(MAX_NB_RO_PER_SSB_IN_ASSOCIATION_PATTERN > ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].nb_mapped_ro,"Too many mapped ROs (%d) to a single SSB\n", ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].nb_mapped_ro);
LOG_D(MAC,"Mapped ssb_idx %u to RO slot-symbol %u-%u, %u-%u-%u/%u\n", ssb_idx, ro_p->slot, ro_p->start_symbol, slot, ro_in_time, ro_in_freq, prach_conf_period_p->prach_occasion_slot_map[frame][slot].nb_of_prach_occasion_in_freq);
LOG_D(MAC,"Nb mapped ROs for this ssb idx: in the association period only %u / total %u\n", ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].nb_mapped_ro, nb_mapped_ro_in_association_period);
// Exit the loop if this SSB has been mapped to all the required ROs
// WIP: Assuming that ssb_rach_ratio equals the maximum nb of times a given ssb_idx is mapped within an association period:
// this is true if no PRACH occasions are conflicting with SSBs nor TDD_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon schedule
if (nb_mapped_ro_in_association_period == ssb_rach_ratio) {
} // for ro_in_freq
// Exit the loop if this SSB has been mapped to all the required ROs
if (nb_mapped_ro_in_association_period == ssb_rach_ratio) {
else ro_in_freq = 0; // else go to the next time symbol in that slot and reset the freq index
} // for ro_in_time
// Exit the loop if this SSB has been mapped to all the required ROs
if (nb_mapped_ro_in_association_period == ssb_rach_ratio) {
else ro_in_time = 0; // else go to the next slot in that PRACH config period and reset the symbol index
} // for slot
// Exit the loop if this SSB has been mapped to all the required ROs
if (nb_mapped_ro_in_association_period == ssb_rach_ratio) {
else slot = 0; // else go to the next frame in that PRACH config period and reset the slot index
} // for frame
// Exit the loop if this SSB has been mapped to all the required ROs
if (nb_mapped_ro_in_association_period == ssb_rach_ratio) {
else frame = 0; // else go to the next PRACH config period in that association period and reset the frame index
} // for n_prach_conf
} // if ssb_idx is transmitted
} // for ssb_idx
} // else if multiple_ssbs_per_ro
} // for association_period_index
// Build the SSB to RO mapping upon RRC configuration update
void build_ssb_to_ro_map(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc, uint8_t unpaired){
// Clear all the lists and maps
memset(&prach_assoc_pattern, 0, sizeof(prach_association_pattern_t));
memset(&ssb_list, 0, sizeof(ssb_list_info_t));
// Build the list of all the valid RACH occasions in the maximum association pattern period according to the PRACH config
LOG_D(MAC,"Build RO list\n");
build_ro_list(scc, unpaired);
// Build the list of all the valid/transmitted SSBs according to the config
LOG_D(MAC,"Build SSB list\n");
// Map the transmitted SSBs to the ROs and create the association pattern according to the config
LOG_D(MAC,"Map SSB to RO\n");
LOG_D(MAC,"Map SSB to RO done\n");
// Returns a RACH occasion if any matches the SSB idx, the frame and the slot
int get_nr_prach_info_from_ssb_index(uint8_t ssb_idx,
int frame,
int slot,
prach_occasion_info_t **prach_occasion_info_pp) {
ssb_info_t *ssb_info_p;
prach_occasion_slot_t *prach_occasion_slot_p = NULL;
*prach_occasion_info_pp = NULL;
// Search for a matching RO slot in the SSB_to_RO map
// A valid RO slot will match:
// - ssb_idx mapped to one of the ROs in that RO slot
// - exact slot number
// - frame offset
ssb_info_p = &ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx];
for (uint8_t n_mapped_ro=0; n_mapped_ro<ssb_info_p->nb_mapped_ro; n_mapped_ro++) {
if ((slot == ssb_info_p->mapped_ro[n_mapped_ro]->slot) &&
(ssb_info_p->mapped_ro[n_mapped_ro]->frame == (frame % prach_assoc_pattern.nb_of_frame))) {
uint8_t prach_config_period_nb = ssb_info_p->mapped_ro[n_mapped_ro]->frame / prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[0].nb_of_frame;
uint8_t frame_nb_in_prach_config_period = ssb_info_p->mapped_ro[n_mapped_ro]->frame % prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[0].nb_of_frame;
prach_occasion_slot_p = &prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[prach_config_period_nb].prach_occasion_slot_map[frame_nb_in_prach_config_period][slot];
// If there is a matching RO slot in the SSB_to_RO map
if (NULL != prach_occasion_slot_p)
// A random RO mapped to the SSB index should be selected in the slot
// First count the number of times the SSB index is found in that RO
uint8_t nb_mapped_ssb = 0;
for (int ro_in_time=0; ro_in_time < prach_occasion_slot_p->nb_of_prach_occasion_in_time; ro_in_time++) {
for (int ro_in_freq=0; ro_in_freq < prach_occasion_slot_p->nb_of_prach_occasion_in_freq; ro_in_freq++) {
prach_occasion_info_t *prach_occasion_info_p = &prach_occasion_slot_p->prach_occasion[ro_in_time][ro_in_freq];
for (uint8_t ssb_nb=0; ssb_nb<prach_occasion_info_p->nb_mapped_ssb; ssb_nb++) {
if (prach_occasion_info_p->mapped_ssb_idx[ssb_nb] == ssb_idx) {
// Choose a random SSB nb
uint8_t random_ssb_nb = 0;
random_ssb_nb = ((taus()) % nb_mapped_ssb);
// Select the RO according to the chosen random SSB nb
for (int ro_in_time=0; ro_in_time < prach_occasion_slot_p->nb_of_prach_occasion_in_time; ro_in_time++) {
for (int ro_in_freq=0; ro_in_freq < prach_occasion_slot_p->nb_of_prach_occasion_in_freq; ro_in_freq++) {
prach_occasion_info_t *prach_occasion_info_p = &prach_occasion_slot_p->prach_occasion[ro_in_time][ro_in_freq];
for (uint8_t ssb_nb=0; ssb_nb<prach_occasion_info_p->nb_mapped_ssb; ssb_nb++) {
if (prach_occasion_info_p->mapped_ssb_idx[ssb_nb] == ssb_idx) {
if (nb_mapped_ssb == random_ssb_nb) {
*prach_occasion_info_pp = prach_occasion_info_p;
return 1;
else {
return 0;
int get_nr_prach_occasion_info_from_index(uint8_t index,
uint32_t pointa,
uint8_t mu,
......@@ -120,9 +120,6 @@ void find_monitoring_periodicity_offset_common(NR_SearchSpace_t *ss,
uint16_t *slot_period,
uint16_t *offset);
void build_ssb_to_ro_map(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc, uint8_t unpaired);
int get_nr_prach_info_from_ssb_index(uint8_t ssb_idx, int frame, int slot, prach_occasion_info_t **prach_occasion_info_pp);
int get_nr_prach_info_from_index(uint8_t index,
int frame,
int slot,
......@@ -166,6 +163,10 @@ int ul_ant_bits(NR_DMRS_UplinkConfig_t *NR_DMRS_UplinkConfig,long transformPreco
int get_format0(uint8_t index, uint8_t unpaired);
int64_t *get_prach_config_info(uint32_t pointa,
uint8_t index,
uint8_t unpaired);
uint16_t get_NCS(uint8_t index, uint16_t format, uint8_t restricted_set_config);
int get_num_dmrs(uint16_t dmrs_mask );
......@@ -306,5 +306,8 @@ void get_num_re_dmrs(nfapi_nr_ue_pusch_pdu_t *pusch_pdu,
uint8_t *nb_dmrs_re_per_rb,
uint16_t *number_dmrs_symbols);
void build_ssb_to_ro_map(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc, uint8_t unpaired);
/** @}*/
......@@ -64,6 +64,10 @@
/* utils */
#include "assertions.h"
/* Tools */
#include "asn1_conversions.h"
#include "SIMULATION/TOOLS/sim.h" // for taus
#include "common/utils/LOG/log.h"
#include "SIMULATION/TOOLS/sim.h" // for taus
#include "openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_COMMON/nr_mac.h"
......@@ -72,12 +76,73 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
// ================================================
// SSB to RO mapping private defines and structures
// ================================================
#define MAX_NB_PRACH_CONF_PERIOD_IN_ASSOCIATION_PERIOD (16) // Maximum association period is 16
#define MAX_NB_PRACH_CONF_PERIOD_IN_ASSOCIATION_PATTERN_PERIOD (16) // Max association pattern period is 160ms and minimum PRACH configuration period is 10ms
#define MAX_NB_ASSOCIATION_PERIOD_IN_ASSOCIATION_PATTERN_PERIOD (16) // Max nb of association periods in an association pattern period of 160ms
#define MAX_NB_FRAME_IN_PRACH_CONF_PERIOD (16) // Max PRACH configuration period is 160ms and frame is 10ms
#define MAX_NB_SLOT_IN_FRAME (160) // Max number of slots in a frame (@ SCS 240kHz = 160)
#define MAX_NB_FRAME_IN_ASSOCIATION_PATTERN_PERIOD (16) // Maximum number of frames in the maximum association pattern period
#define MAX_NB_SSB (64) // Maximum number of possible SSB indexes
#define MAX_RO_PER_SSB (8) // Maximum number of consecutive ROs that can be mapped to an SSB according to the ssb_per_RACH config
// Maximum number of ROs that can be mapped to an SSB in an association pattern
// This is to reserve enough elements in the SSBs list for each mapped ROs for a single SSB
// An arbitrary maximum number is chosen to be safe: maximum number of slots in an association pattern * maximum number of ROs in a slot
// The PRACH Config period is a series of selected slots in one or multiple frames
typedef struct prach_conf_period {
prach_occasion_slot_t prach_occasion_slot_map[MAX_NB_FRAME_IN_PRACH_CONF_PERIOD][MAX_NB_SLOT_IN_FRAME];
uint16_t nb_of_prach_occasion; // Total number of PRACH occasions in the PRACH Config period
uint8_t nb_of_frame; // Size of the PRACH Config period in number of 10ms frames
uint8_t nb_of_slot; // Nb of slots in each frame
} prach_conf_period_t;
// The association period is a series of PRACH Config periods
typedef struct prach_association_period {
prach_conf_period_t *prach_conf_period_list[MAX_NB_PRACH_CONF_PERIOD_IN_ASSOCIATION_PERIOD];
uint8_t nb_of_prach_conf_period; // Nb of PRACH configuration periods within the association period
uint8_t nb_of_frame; // Total number of frames included in the association period
} prach_association_period_t;
// The association pattern is a series of Association periods
typedef struct prach_association_pattern {
prach_association_period_t prach_association_period_list[MAX_NB_ASSOCIATION_PERIOD_IN_ASSOCIATION_PATTERN_PERIOD];
prach_conf_period_t prach_conf_period_list[MAX_NB_PRACH_CONF_PERIOD_IN_ASSOCIATION_PATTERN_PERIOD];
uint8_t nb_of_assoc_period; // Nb of association periods within the association pattern
uint8_t nb_of_prach_conf_period_in_max_period; // Nb of PRACH configuration periods within the maximum association pattern period (according to the size of the configured PRACH
uint8_t nb_of_frame; // Total number of frames included in the association pattern period (after mapping the SSBs and determining the real association pattern length)
} prach_association_pattern_t;
// SSB details
typedef struct ssb_info {
boolean_t transmitted; // True if the SSB index is transmitted according to the SSB positions map configuration
prach_occasion_info_t *mapped_ro[MAX_NB_RO_PER_SSB_IN_ASSOCIATION_PATTERN]; // List of mapped RACH Occasions to this SSB index
uint16_t nb_mapped_ro; // Total number of mapped ROs to this SSB index
} ssb_info_t;
// List of all the possible SSBs and their details
typedef struct ssb_list_info {
ssb_info_t tx_ssb[MAX_NB_SSB];
uint8_t nb_tx_ssb;
} ssb_list_info_t;
static prach_association_pattern_t prach_assoc_pattern;
static ssb_list_info_t ssb_list;
// ===============================================
// ===============================================
extern int bwp_id;
extern dci_pdu_rel15_t *def_dci_pdu_rel15;
extern const uint16_t nr_slots_per_frame[5];
extern const uint8_t nr_slots_per_frame[5];
extern void mac_rlc_data_ind (
const module_id_t module_idP,
......@@ -92,6 +157,617 @@ extern void mac_rlc_data_ind (
num_tb_t num_tbP,
crc_t *crcs_pP);
// Build the list of all the valid RACH occasions in the maximum association pattern period according to the PRACH config
static void build_ro_list(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc, uint8_t unpaired) {
int x,y; // PRACH Configuration Index table variables used to compute the valid frame numbers
int y2; // PRACH Configuration Index table additional variable used to compute the valid frame numbers
uint8_t slot_shift_for_map;
uint8_t map_shift;
boolean_t even_slot_invalid;
int64_t s_map;
uint8_t prach_conf_start_symbol; // Starting symbol of the PRACH occasions in the PRACH slot
uint8_t N_t_slot; // Number of PRACH occasions in a 14-symbols PRACH slot
uint8_t N_dur; // Duration of a PRACH occasion (nb of symbols)
uint8_t slot; // Maximum is the number of slots in a frame @ SCS 240kHz
uint16_t format = 0xffff;
uint8_t format2 = 0xff;
int nb_fdm;
uint8_t config_index, mu;
uint32_t pointa;
int msg1_FDM;
uint8_t prach_conf_period_idx;
uint8_t nb_of_frames_per_prach_conf_period;
uint8_t prach_conf_period_frame_idx;
int64_t *prach_config_info_p;
NR_RACH_ConfigCommon_t *setup = scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->rach_ConfigCommon->choice.setup;
NR_FrequencyInfoDL_t *frequencyInfoDL = scc->downlinkConfigCommon->frequencyInfoDL;
NR_RACH_ConfigGeneric_t *rach_ConfigGeneric = &setup->rach_ConfigGeneric;
config_index = rach_ConfigGeneric->prach_ConfigurationIndex;
if (setup->msg1_SubcarrierSpacing)
mu = *setup->msg1_SubcarrierSpacing;
mu = frequencyInfoDL->scs_SpecificCarrierList.list.array[0]->subcarrierSpacing;
pointa = frequencyInfoDL->absoluteFrequencyPointA;
msg1_FDM = rach_ConfigGeneric->msg1_FDM;
switch (msg1_FDM){
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
nb_fdm = 1 << msg1_FDM;
AssertFatal(1 == 0, "Unknown msg1_FDM from rach_ConfigGeneric %d\n", msg1_FDM);
// Create the PRACH occasions map
// ==============================
// WIP-IDCC: For now assume no rejected PRACH occasions because of conflict with SSB or TDD_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon schedule
// Identify the proper PRACH Configuration Index table according to the operating frequency
LOG_D(MAC,"Pointa %u, mu = %u, PRACH config index = %u, unpaired = %u\n", pointa, mu, config_index, unpaired);
prach_config_info_p = get_prach_config_info(pointa, config_index, unpaired);
if (pointa > 2016666) { //FR2
x = prach_config_info_p[2];
y = prach_config_info_p[3];
y2 = prach_config_info_p[4];
s_map = prach_config_info_p[5];
prach_conf_start_symbol = prach_config_info_p[6];
N_t_slot = prach_config_info_p[8];
N_dur = prach_config_info_p[9];
if (prach_config_info_p[1] != -1)
format2 = (uint8_t) prach_config_info_p[1];
format = ((uint8_t) prach_config_info_p[0]) | (format2<<8);
slot_shift_for_map = mu-2;
if ( (mu == 3) && (prach_config_info_p[7] == 1) )
even_slot_invalid = true;
even_slot_invalid = false;
else { // FR1
x = prach_config_info_p[2];
y = prach_config_info_p[3];
y2 = y;
s_map = prach_config_info_p[4];
prach_conf_start_symbol = prach_config_info_p[5];
N_t_slot = prach_config_info_p[7];
N_dur = prach_config_info_p[8];
if (prach_config_info_p[1] != -1)
format2 = (uint8_t) prach_config_info_p[1];
format = ((uint8_t) prach_config_info_p[0]) | (format2<<8);
slot_shift_for_map = mu;
if ( (mu == 1) && (prach_config_info_p[6] <= 1) )
// no prach in even slots @ 30kHz for 1 prach per subframe
even_slot_invalid = true;
even_slot_invalid = false;
} // FR2 / FR1
prach_assoc_pattern.nb_of_prach_conf_period_in_max_period = MAX_NB_PRACH_CONF_PERIOD_IN_ASSOCIATION_PATTERN_PERIOD / x;
nb_of_frames_per_prach_conf_period = x;
LOG_D(MAC,"nb_of_prach_conf_period_in_max_period %d\n", prach_assoc_pattern.nb_of_prach_conf_period_in_max_period);
// Fill in the PRACH occasions table for every slot in every frame in every PRACH configuration periods in the maximum association pattern period
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// For every PRACH configuration periods
// -------------------------------------
for (prach_conf_period_idx=0; prach_conf_period_idx<prach_assoc_pattern.nb_of_prach_conf_period_in_max_period; prach_conf_period_idx++) {
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[prach_conf_period_idx].nb_of_prach_occasion = 0;
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[prach_conf_period_idx].nb_of_frame = nb_of_frames_per_prach_conf_period;
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[prach_conf_period_idx].nb_of_slot = nr_slots_per_frame[mu];
LOG_D(MAC,"PRACH Conf Period Idx %d\n", prach_conf_period_idx);
// For every frames in a PRACH configuration period
// ------------------------------------------------
for (prach_conf_period_frame_idx=0; prach_conf_period_frame_idx<nb_of_frames_per_prach_conf_period; prach_conf_period_frame_idx++) {
frame = (prach_conf_period_idx * nb_of_frames_per_prach_conf_period) + prach_conf_period_frame_idx;
LOG_D(MAC,"PRACH Conf Period Frame Idx %d - Frame %d\n", prach_conf_period_frame_idx, frame);
// Is it a valid frame for this PRACH configuration index? (n_sfn mod x = y)
if ( (frame%x)==y || (frame%x)==y2 ) {
// For every slot in a frame
// -------------------------
for (slot=0; slot<nr_slots_per_frame[mu]; slot++) {
// Is it a valid slot?
map_shift = slot >> slot_shift_for_map; // in PRACH configuration index table slots are numbered wrt 60kHz
if ( (s_map>>map_shift)&0x01 ) {
// Valid slot
// Additionally, for 30kHz/120kHz, we must check for the n_RA_Slot param also
if ( even_slot_invalid && (slot%2 == 0) )
continue; // no prach in even slots @ 30kHz/120kHz for 1 prach per 60khz slot/subframe
// We're good: valid frame and valid slot
// Compute all the PRACH occasions in the slot
uint8_t n_prach_occ_in_time;
uint8_t n_prach_occ_in_freq;
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[prach_conf_period_idx].prach_occasion_slot_map[prach_conf_period_frame_idx][slot].nb_of_prach_occasion_in_time = N_t_slot;
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[prach_conf_period_idx].prach_occasion_slot_map[prach_conf_period_frame_idx][slot].nb_of_prach_occasion_in_freq = nb_fdm;
for (n_prach_occ_in_time=0; n_prach_occ_in_time<N_t_slot; n_prach_occ_in_time++) {
uint8_t start_symbol = prach_conf_start_symbol + n_prach_occ_in_time * N_dur;
LOG_D(MAC,"PRACH Occ in time %d\n", n_prach_occ_in_time);
for (n_prach_occ_in_freq=0; n_prach_occ_in_freq<nb_fdm; n_prach_occ_in_freq++) {
prach_occasion_info_t *prach_occasion_p = &prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[prach_conf_period_idx].prach_occasion_slot_map[prach_conf_period_frame_idx][slot].prach_occasion[n_prach_occ_in_time][n_prach_occ_in_freq];
prach_occasion_p->start_symbol = start_symbol;
prach_occasion_p->fdm = n_prach_occ_in_freq;
prach_occasion_p->frame = frame;
prach_occasion_p->slot = slot;
prach_occasion_p->format = format;
LOG_D(MAC,"Adding a PRACH occasion: frame %u, slot-symbol %d-%d, occ_in_time-occ_in-freq %d-%d, nb ROs in conf period %d, for this slot: RO# in time %d, RO# in freq %d\n",
frame, slot, start_symbol, n_prach_occ_in_time, n_prach_occ_in_freq, prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[prach_conf_period_idx].nb_of_prach_occasion,
} // For every freq in the slot
} // For every time occasions in the slot
} // Valid slot?
} // For every slots in a frame
} // Valid frame?
} // For every frames in a prach configuration period
} // For every prach configuration periods in the maximum association pattern period (160ms)
// Build the list of all the valid/transmitted SSBs according to the config
static void build_ssb_list(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc) {
// Create the list of transmitted SSBs
// ===================================
BIT_STRING_t *ssb_bitmap;
uint64_t ssb_positionsInBurst;
uint8_t ssb_idx = 0;
switch (scc->ssb_PositionsInBurst->present) {
case NR_ServingCellConfigCommon__ssb_PositionsInBurst_PR_shortBitmap:
ssb_bitmap = &scc->ssb_PositionsInBurst->choice.shortBitmap;
ssb_positionsInBurst = BIT_STRING_to_uint8(ssb_bitmap);
LOG_D(MAC,"SSB config: SSB_positions_in_burst 0x%lx\n", ssb_positionsInBurst);
for (uint8_t bit_nb=3; bit_nb<=3; bit_nb--) {
// If SSB is transmitted
if ((ssb_positionsInBurst>>bit_nb) & 0x01) {
ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].transmitted = true;
LOG_D(MAC,"SSB idx %d transmitted\n", ssb_idx);
case NR_ServingCellConfigCommon__ssb_PositionsInBurst_PR_mediumBitmap:
ssb_bitmap = &scc->ssb_PositionsInBurst->choice.mediumBitmap;
ssb_positionsInBurst = BIT_STRING_to_uint8(ssb_bitmap);
LOG_D(MAC,"SSB config: SSB_positions_in_burst 0x%lx\n", ssb_positionsInBurst);
for (uint8_t bit_nb=7; bit_nb<=7; bit_nb--) {
// If SSB is transmitted
if ((ssb_positionsInBurst>>bit_nb) & 0x01) {
ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].transmitted = true;
LOG_D(MAC,"SSB idx %d transmitted\n", ssb_idx);
case NR_ServingCellConfigCommon__ssb_PositionsInBurst_PR_longBitmap:
ssb_bitmap = &scc->ssb_PositionsInBurst->choice.longBitmap;
ssb_positionsInBurst = BIT_STRING_to_uint64(ssb_bitmap);
LOG_D(MAC,"SSB config: SSB_positions_in_burst 0x%lx\n", ssb_positionsInBurst);
for (uint8_t bit_nb=63; bit_nb<=63; bit_nb--) {
// If SSB is transmitted
if ((ssb_positionsInBurst>>bit_nb) & 0x01) {
ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].transmitted = true;
LOG_D(MAC,"SSB idx %d transmitted\n", ssb_idx);
AssertFatal(false,"ssb_PositionsInBurst not present\n");
// Map the transmitted SSBs to the ROs and create the association pattern according to the config
static void map_ssb_to_ro(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc) {
// Map SSBs to PRACH occasions
// ===========================
// WIP-IDCC: Assumption: No PRACH occasion is rejected because of a conflict with SSBs or TDD_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon schedule
NR_RACH_ConfigCommon_t *setup = scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->rach_ConfigCommon->choice.setup;
NR_RACH_ConfigCommon__ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR ssb_perRACH_config = setup->ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB->present;
boolean_t multiple_ssb_per_ro; // true if more than one or exactly one SSB per RACH occasion, false if more than one RO per SSB
uint8_t ssb_rach_ratio; // Nb of SSBs per RACH or RACHs per SSB
uint16_t required_nb_of_prach_occasion; // Nb of RACH occasions required to map all the SSBs
uint8_t required_nb_of_prach_conf_period; // Nb of PRACH configuration periods required to map all the SSBs
// Determine the SSB to RACH mapping ratio
// =======================================
switch (ssb_perRACH_config){
case NR_RACH_ConfigCommon__ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR_oneEighth:
multiple_ssb_per_ro = false;
ssb_rach_ratio = 8;
case NR_RACH_ConfigCommon__ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR_oneFourth:
multiple_ssb_per_ro = false;
ssb_rach_ratio = 4;
case NR_RACH_ConfigCommon__ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR_oneHalf:
multiple_ssb_per_ro = false;
ssb_rach_ratio = 2;
case NR_RACH_ConfigCommon__ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR_one:
multiple_ssb_per_ro = true;
ssb_rach_ratio = 1;
case NR_RACH_ConfigCommon__ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR_two:
multiple_ssb_per_ro = true;
ssb_rach_ratio = 2;
case NR_RACH_ConfigCommon__ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR_four:
multiple_ssb_per_ro = true;
ssb_rach_ratio = 4;
case NR_RACH_ConfigCommon__ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR_eight:
multiple_ssb_per_ro = true;
ssb_rach_ratio = 8;
case NR_RACH_ConfigCommon__ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR_sixteen:
multiple_ssb_per_ro = true;
ssb_rach_ratio = 16;
AssertFatal(1 == 0, "Unsupported ssb_perRACH_config %d\n", ssb_perRACH_config);
LOG_D(MAC,"SSB rach ratio %d, Multiple SSB per RO %d\n", ssb_rach_ratio, multiple_ssb_per_ro);
// Evaluate the number of PRACH configuration periods required to map all the SSBs and set the association period
// ==============================================================================================================
// WIP-IDCC: Assumption for now is that all the PRACH configuration periods within a maximum association pattern period have the same number of PRACH occasions
// (No PRACH occasions are conflicting with SSBs nor TDD_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon schedule)
// There is only one possible association period which can contain up to 16 PRACH configuration periods
LOG_D(MAC,"Evaluate the number of PRACH configuration periods required to map all the SSBs and set the association period\n");
if (true == multiple_ssb_per_ro) {
required_nb_of_prach_occasion = ((ssb_list.nb_tx_ssb-1) + ssb_rach_ratio) / ssb_rach_ratio;
else {
required_nb_of_prach_occasion = ssb_list.nb_tx_ssb * ssb_rach_ratio;
required_nb_of_prach_conf_period = ((required_nb_of_prach_occasion-1) + prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[0].nb_of_prach_occasion) / prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[0].nb_of_prach_occasion;
if (required_nb_of_prach_conf_period == 1) {
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[0].nb_of_prach_conf_period = 1;
else if (required_nb_of_prach_conf_period == 2) {
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[0].nb_of_prach_conf_period = 2;
else if (required_nb_of_prach_conf_period <= 4) {
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[0].nb_of_prach_conf_period = 4;
else if (required_nb_of_prach_conf_period <= 8) {
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[0].nb_of_prach_conf_period = 8;
else if (required_nb_of_prach_conf_period <= 16) {
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[0].nb_of_prach_conf_period = 16;
else {
AssertFatal(1 == 0, "Invalid number of PRACH config periods within an association period %d\n", required_nb_of_prach_conf_period);
prach_assoc_pattern.nb_of_assoc_period = 1; // WIP-IDCC: only one possible association period
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[0].nb_of_frame = prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[0].nb_of_prach_conf_period * prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[0].nb_of_frame;
prach_assoc_pattern.nb_of_frame = prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[0].nb_of_frame;
LOG_D(MAC,"Assoc period %d, Nb of frames in assoc period %d\n",
// Proceed to the SSB to RO mapping
// ================================
uint8_t association_period_idx; // Association period index within the association pattern
uint8_t ssb_idx = 0;
uint8_t prach_configuration_period_idx; // PRACH Configuration period index within the association pattern
prach_conf_period_t *prach_conf_period_p;
// Map all the association periods within the association pattern period
LOG_D(MAC,"Proceed to the SSB to RO mapping\n");
for (association_period_idx=0; association_period_idx<prach_assoc_pattern.nb_of_assoc_period; association_period_idx++) {
uint8_t n_prach_conf=0; // PRACH Configuration period index within the association period
uint8_t frame=0;
uint8_t slot=0;
uint8_t ro_in_time=0;
uint8_t ro_in_freq=0;
// Set the starting PRACH Configuration period index in the association_pattern map for this particular association period
prach_configuration_period_idx = 0; // WIP-IDCC: only one possible association period so the starting PRACH configuration period is automatically 0
// Check if we need to map multiple SSBs per RO or multiple ROs per SSB
if (true == multiple_ssb_per_ro) {
// --------------------
// --------------------
// Multiple SSBs per RO
// --------------------
// --------------------
// WIP-IDCC: For the moment, only map each SSB idx once per association period if configuration is multiple SSBs per RO
// this is true if no PRACH occasions are conflicting with SSBs nor TDD_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon schedule
ssb_idx = 0;
// Go through the list of PRACH config periods within this association period
for (n_prach_conf=0; n_prach_conf<prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[association_period_idx].nb_of_prach_conf_period; n_prach_conf++, prach_configuration_period_idx++) {
// Build the association period with its association PRACH Configuration indexes
prach_conf_period_p = &prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[prach_configuration_period_idx];
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[association_period_idx].prach_conf_period_list[n_prach_conf] = prach_conf_period_p;
// Go through all the ROs within the PRACH config period
for (frame=0; frame<prach_conf_period_p->nb_of_frame; frame++) {
for (slot=0; slot<prach_conf_period_p->nb_of_slot; slot++) {
for (ro_in_time=0; ro_in_time<prach_conf_period_p->prach_occasion_slot_map[frame][slot].nb_of_prach_occasion_in_time; ro_in_time++) {
for (ro_in_freq=0; ro_in_freq<prach_conf_period_p->prach_occasion_slot_map[frame][slot].nb_of_prach_occasion_in_freq; ro_in_freq++) {
prach_occasion_info_t *ro_p = &prach_conf_period_p->prach_occasion_slot_map[frame][slot].prach_occasion[ro_in_time][ro_in_freq];
// Go through the list of transmitted SSBs and map the required amount of SSBs to this RO
// WIP-IDCC: For the moment, only map each SSB idx once per association period if configuration is multiple SSBs per RO
// this is true if no PRACH occasions are conflicting with SSBs nor TDD_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon schedule
for (; ssb_idx<MAX_NB_SSB; ssb_idx++) {
// Map only the transmitted ssb_idx
if (true == ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].transmitted) {
ro_p->mapped_ssb_idx[ro_p->nb_mapped_ssb] = ssb_idx;
ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].mapped_ro[ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].nb_mapped_ro] = ro_p;
AssertFatal(MAX_NB_RO_PER_SSB_IN_ASSOCIATION_PATTERN > ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].nb_mapped_ro,"Too many mapped ROs (%d) to a single SSB\n", ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].nb_mapped_ro);
LOG_D(MAC,"Mapped ssb_idx %u to RO slot-symbol %u-%u, %u-%u-%u/%u\n", ssb_idx, ro_p->slot, ro_p->start_symbol, slot, ro_in_time, ro_in_freq, prach_conf_period_p->prach_occasion_slot_map[frame][slot].nb_of_prach_occasion_in_freq);
LOG_D(MAC,"Nb mapped ROs for this ssb idx: in the association period only %u\n", ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].nb_mapped_ro);
// If all the required SSBs are mapped to this RO, exit the loop of SSBs
if (ro_p->nb_mapped_ssb == ssb_rach_ratio) {
} // if ssb_idx is transmitted
} // for ssb_idx
// Exit the loop of ROs if there is no more SSB to map
if (MAX_NB_SSB == ssb_idx) break;
} // for ro_in_freq
// Exit the loop of ROs if there is no more SSB to map
if (MAX_NB_SSB == ssb_idx) break;
} // for ro_in_time
// Exit the loop of slots if there is no more SSB to map
if (MAX_NB_SSB == ssb_idx) break;
} // for slot
// Exit the loop frames if there is no more SSB to map
if (MAX_NB_SSB == ssb_idx) break;
} // for frame
// Exit the loop of PRACH configurations if there is no more SSB to map
if (MAX_NB_SSB == ssb_idx) break;
} // for n_prach_conf
// WIP-IDCC: note that there is no re-mapping of the SSBs within the association period since there is no invalid ROs in the PRACH config periods that would create this situation
} // if multiple_ssbs_per_ro
else {
// --------------------
// --------------------
// Multiple ROs per SSB
// --------------------
// --------------------
n_prach_conf = 0;
// Go through the list of transmitted SSBs
for (ssb_idx=0; ssb_idx<MAX_NB_SSB; ssb_idx++) {
uint8_t nb_mapped_ro_in_association_period=0; // Reset the nb of mapped ROs for the new SSB index
// Map only the transmitted ssb_idx
if (true == ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].transmitted) {
// Map all the required ROs to this SSB
// Go through the list of PRACH config periods within this association period
for (; n_prach_conf<prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[association_period_idx].nb_of_prach_conf_period; n_prach_conf++, prach_configuration_period_idx++) {
// Build the association period with its association PRACH Configuration indexes
prach_conf_period_p = &prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[prach_configuration_period_idx];
prach_assoc_pattern.prach_association_period_list[association_period_idx].prach_conf_period_list[n_prach_conf] = prach_conf_period_p;
for (; frame<prach_conf_period_p->nb_of_frame; frame++) {
for (; slot<prach_conf_period_p->nb_of_slot; slot++) {
for (; ro_in_time<prach_conf_period_p->prach_occasion_slot_map[frame][slot].nb_of_prach_occasion_in_time; ro_in_time++) {
for (; ro_in_freq<prach_conf_period_p->prach_occasion_slot_map[frame][slot].nb_of_prach_occasion_in_freq; ro_in_freq++) {
prach_occasion_info_t *ro_p = &prach_conf_period_p->prach_occasion_slot_map[frame][slot].prach_occasion[ro_in_time][ro_in_freq];
ro_p->mapped_ssb_idx[0] = ssb_idx;
ro_p->nb_mapped_ssb = 1;
ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].mapped_ro[ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].nb_mapped_ro] = ro_p;
AssertFatal(MAX_NB_RO_PER_SSB_IN_ASSOCIATION_PATTERN > ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].nb_mapped_ro,"Too many mapped ROs (%d) to a single SSB\n", ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].nb_mapped_ro);
LOG_D(MAC,"Mapped ssb_idx %u to RO slot-symbol %u-%u, %u-%u-%u/%u\n", ssb_idx, ro_p->slot, ro_p->start_symbol, slot, ro_in_time, ro_in_freq, prach_conf_period_p->prach_occasion_slot_map[frame][slot].nb_of_prach_occasion_in_freq);
LOG_D(MAC,"Nb mapped ROs for this ssb idx: in the association period only %u / total %u\n", ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx].nb_mapped_ro, nb_mapped_ro_in_association_period);
// Exit the loop if this SSB has been mapped to all the required ROs
// WIP: Assuming that ssb_rach_ratio equals the maximum nb of times a given ssb_idx is mapped within an association period:
// this is true if no PRACH occasions are conflicting with SSBs nor TDD_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon schedule
if (nb_mapped_ro_in_association_period == ssb_rach_ratio) {
} // for ro_in_freq
// Exit the loop if this SSB has been mapped to all the required ROs
if (nb_mapped_ro_in_association_period == ssb_rach_ratio) {
else ro_in_freq = 0; // else go to the next time symbol in that slot and reset the freq index
} // for ro_in_time
// Exit the loop if this SSB has been mapped to all the required ROs
if (nb_mapped_ro_in_association_period == ssb_rach_ratio) {
else ro_in_time = 0; // else go to the next slot in that PRACH config period and reset the symbol index
} // for slot
// Exit the loop if this SSB has been mapped to all the required ROs
if (nb_mapped_ro_in_association_period == ssb_rach_ratio) {
else slot = 0; // else go to the next frame in that PRACH config period and reset the slot index
} // for frame
// Exit the loop if this SSB has been mapped to all the required ROs
if (nb_mapped_ro_in_association_period == ssb_rach_ratio) {
else frame = 0; // else go to the next PRACH config period in that association period and reset the frame index
} // for n_prach_conf
} // if ssb_idx is transmitted
} // for ssb_idx
} // else if multiple_ssbs_per_ro
} // for association_period_index
// Returns a RACH occasion if any matches the SSB idx, the frame and the slot
static int get_nr_prach_info_from_ssb_index(uint8_t ssb_idx,
int frame,
int slot,
prach_occasion_info_t **prach_occasion_info_pp) {
ssb_info_t *ssb_info_p;
prach_occasion_slot_t *prach_occasion_slot_p = NULL;
*prach_occasion_info_pp = NULL;
// Search for a matching RO slot in the SSB_to_RO map
// A valid RO slot will match:
// - ssb_idx mapped to one of the ROs in that RO slot
// - exact slot number
// - frame offset
ssb_info_p = &ssb_list.tx_ssb[ssb_idx];
for (uint8_t n_mapped_ro=0; n_mapped_ro<ssb_info_p->nb_mapped_ro; n_mapped_ro++) {
if ((slot == ssb_info_p->mapped_ro[n_mapped_ro]->slot) &&
(ssb_info_p->mapped_ro[n_mapped_ro]->frame == (frame % prach_assoc_pattern.nb_of_frame))) {
uint8_t prach_config_period_nb = ssb_info_p->mapped_ro[n_mapped_ro]->frame / prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[0].nb_of_frame;
uint8_t frame_nb_in_prach_config_period = ssb_info_p->mapped_ro[n_mapped_ro]->frame % prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[0].nb_of_frame;
prach_occasion_slot_p = &prach_assoc_pattern.prach_conf_period_list[prach_config_period_nb].prach_occasion_slot_map[frame_nb_in_prach_config_period][slot];
// If there is a matching RO slot in the SSB_to_RO map
if (NULL != prach_occasion_slot_p)
// A random RO mapped to the SSB index should be selected in the slot
// First count the number of times the SSB index is found in that RO
uint8_t nb_mapped_ssb = 0;
for (int ro_in_time=0; ro_in_time < prach_occasion_slot_p->nb_of_prach_occasion_in_time; ro_in_time++) {
for (int ro_in_freq=0; ro_in_freq < prach_occasion_slot_p->nb_of_prach_occasion_in_freq; ro_in_freq++) {
prach_occasion_info_t *prach_occasion_info_p = &prach_occasion_slot_p->prach_occasion[ro_in_time][ro_in_freq];
for (uint8_t ssb_nb=0; ssb_nb<prach_occasion_info_p->nb_mapped_ssb; ssb_nb++) {
if (prach_occasion_info_p->mapped_ssb_idx[ssb_nb] == ssb_idx) {
// Choose a random SSB nb
uint8_t random_ssb_nb = 0;
random_ssb_nb = ((taus()) % nb_mapped_ssb);
// Select the RO according to the chosen random SSB nb
for (int ro_in_time=0; ro_in_time < prach_occasion_slot_p->nb_of_prach_occasion_in_time; ro_in_time++) {
for (int ro_in_freq=0; ro_in_freq < prach_occasion_slot_p->nb_of_prach_occasion_in_freq; ro_in_freq++) {
prach_occasion_info_t *prach_occasion_info_p = &prach_occasion_slot_p->prach_occasion[ro_in_time][ro_in_freq];
for (uint8_t ssb_nb=0; ssb_nb<prach_occasion_info_p->nb_mapped_ssb; ssb_nb++) {
if (prach_occasion_info_p->mapped_ssb_idx[ssb_nb] == ssb_idx) {
if (nb_mapped_ssb == random_ssb_nb) {
*prach_occasion_info_pp = prach_occasion_info_p;
return 1;
else {
return 0;
// Build the SSB to RO mapping upon RRC configuration update
void build_ssb_to_ro_map(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc, uint8_t unpaired){
// Clear all the lists and maps
memset(&prach_assoc_pattern, 0, sizeof(prach_association_pattern_t));
memset(&ssb_list, 0, sizeof(ssb_list_info_t));
// Build the list of all the valid RACH occasions in the maximum association pattern period according to the PRACH config
LOG_D(MAC,"Build RO list\n");
build_ro_list(scc, unpaired);
// Build the list of all the valid/transmitted SSBs according to the config
LOG_D(MAC,"Build SSB list\n");
// Map the transmitted SSBs to the ROs and create the association pattern according to the config
LOG_D(MAC,"Map SSB to RO\n");
LOG_D(MAC,"Map SSB to RO done\n");
void fill_scheduled_response(nr_scheduled_response_t *scheduled_response,
fapi_nr_dl_config_request_t *dl_config,
fapi_nr_ul_config_request_t *ul_config,
......@@ -498,8 +1174,8 @@ int8_t nr_ue_decode_mib(module_id_t module_id,
SFN_C_TYPE sfn_c=SFN_C_IMPOSSIBLE; // only valid for mux=1
uint32_t n_c=UINT_MAX;
uint32_t number_of_search_space_per_slot=UINT_MAX;
uint32_t first_symbol_index=UINT_MAX;
uint32_t search_space_duration; // element of search space
// uint32_t first_symbol_index=UINT_MAX;
// uint32_t search_space_duration; // element of search space
// 38.213 table 10.1-1
......@@ -516,13 +1192,13 @@ int8_t nr_ue_decode_mib(module_id_t module_id,
sfn_c = SFN_C_MOD_2_EQ_0;
if((index_4lsb == 1 || index_4lsb == 3 || index_4lsb == 5 || index_4lsb == 7) && (ssb_index&1)){
first_symbol_index = num_symbols;
first_symbol_index = table_38213_13_11_c4[index_4lsb];
// if((index_4lsb == 1 || index_4lsb == 3 || index_4lsb == 5 || index_4lsb == 7) && (ssb_index&1)){
// first_symbol_index = num_symbols;
// }else{
// first_symbol_index = table_38213_13_11_c4[index_4lsb];
// }
// 38.213 chapter 13: over two consecutive slots
search_space_duration = 2;
// search_space_duration = 2;
if(mac->type0_pdcch_ss_mux_pattern == 1 && frequency_range == FR2){
......@@ -530,15 +1206,15 @@ int8_t nr_ue_decode_mib(module_id_t module_id,
number_of_search_space_per_slot = table_38213_13_11_c2[index_4lsb];
big_m = table_38213_13_12_c3[index_4lsb];
if((index_4lsb == 1 || index_4lsb == 3 || index_4lsb == 5 || index_4lsb == 10) && (ssb_index&1)){
first_symbol_index = 7;
}else if((index_4lsb == 6 || index_4lsb == 7 || index_4lsb == 8 || index_4lsb == 11) && (ssb_index&1)){
first_symbol_index = num_symbols;
first_symbol_index = 0;
// if((index_4lsb == 1 || index_4lsb == 3 || index_4lsb == 5 || index_4lsb == 10) && (ssb_index&1)){
// first_symbol_index = 7;
// }else if((index_4lsb == 6 || index_4lsb == 7 || index_4lsb == 8 || index_4lsb == 11) && (ssb_index&1)){
// first_symbol_index = num_symbols;
// }else{
// first_symbol_index = 0;
// }
// 38.213 chapter 13: over two consecutive slots
search_space_duration = 2;
// search_space_duration = 2;
......@@ -550,21 +1226,21 @@ int8_t nr_ue_decode_mib(module_id_t module_id,
// PDCCH monitoring occasions (SFN and slot number) same as SSB frame-slot
// sfn_c = SFN_C_EQ_SFN_SSB;
n_c = get_ssb_slot(ssb_index);
switch(ssb_index & 0x3){ // ssb_index(i) mod 4
case 0:
first_symbol_index = 0;
case 1:
first_symbol_index = 1;
case 2:
first_symbol_index = 6;
case 3:
first_symbol_index = 7;
default: break;
// switch(ssb_index & 0x3){ // ssb_index(i) mod 4
// case 0:
// first_symbol_index = 0;
// break;
// case 1:
// first_symbol_index = 1;
// break;
// case 2:
// first_symbol_index = 6;
// break;
// case 3:
// first_symbol_index = 7;
// break;
// default: break;
// }
}else if((scs_ssb == scs_240kHz) && (scs_pdcch == scs_120kHz)){
// 38.213 Table 13-14
......@@ -574,36 +1250,36 @@ int8_t nr_ue_decode_mib(module_id_t module_id,
n_c = get_ssb_slot(ssb_index);
switch(ssb_index & 0x7){ // ssb_index(i) mod 8
case 0:
first_symbol_index = 0;
// first_symbol_index = 0;
case 1:
first_symbol_index = 1;
// first_symbol_index = 1;
case 2:
first_symbol_index = 2;
// first_symbol_index = 2;
case 3:
first_symbol_index = 3;
// first_symbol_index = 3;
case 4:
first_symbol_index = 12;
// first_symbol_index = 12;
n_c = get_ssb_slot(ssb_index) - 1;
case 5:
first_symbol_index = 13;
// first_symbol_index = 13;
n_c = get_ssb_slot(ssb_index) - 1;
case 6:
first_symbol_index = 0;
// first_symbol_index = 0;
case 7:
first_symbol_index = 1;
// first_symbol_index = 1;
default: break;
}else{ ; }
// 38.213 chapter 13: over one slot
search_space_duration = 1;
// search_space_duration = 1;
......@@ -614,24 +1290,24 @@ int8_t nr_ue_decode_mib(module_id_t module_id,
// PDCCH monitoring occasions (SFN and slot number) same as SSB frame-slot
// sfn_c = SFN_C_EQ_SFN_SSB;
n_c = get_ssb_slot(ssb_index);
switch(ssb_index & 0x3){ // ssb_index(i) mod 4
case 0:
first_symbol_index = 4;
case 1:
first_symbol_index = 8;
case 2:
first_symbol_index = 2;
case 3:
first_symbol_index = 6;
default: break;
// switch(ssb_index & 0x3){ // ssb_index(i) mod 4
// case 0:
// first_symbol_index = 4;
// break;
// case 1:
// first_symbol_index = 8;
// break;
// case 2:
// first_symbol_index = 2;
// break;
// case 3:
// first_symbol_index = 6;
// break;
// default: break;
// }
}else{ ; }
// 38.213 chapter 13: over one slot
search_space_duration = 1;
// search_space_duration = 1;
......@@ -2214,7 +2890,7 @@ int8_t nr_ue_process_dci_time_dom_resource_assignment(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac,
uint8_t time_domain_ind
int dmrs_typeA_pos = mac->scc->dmrs_TypeA_Position;
uint8_t k_offset=0;
// uint8_t k_offset=0;
uint8_t sliv_S=0;
uint8_t sliv_L=0;
uint8_t table_5_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[16][3]={ // for PDSCH from TS 38.214 subclause
......@@ -2355,7 +3031,7 @@ int8_t nr_ue_process_dci_time_dom_resource_assignment(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac,
else {// Default configuration from tables
k_offset = table_5_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[time_domain_ind-1][0];
// k_offset = table_5_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[time_domain_ind-1][0];
sliv_S = table_5_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[time_domain_ind-1][1];
sliv_L = table_5_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[time_domain_ind-1][2];
// k_offset = table_5_1_2_1_1_3_time_dom_res_alloc_A_extCP[nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment][0];
......@@ -2398,7 +3074,7 @@ int8_t nr_ue_process_dci_time_dom_resource_assignment(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac,
else {
k_offset = table_6_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[time_domain_ind-1][0];
// k_offset = table_6_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[time_domain_ind-1][0];
sliv_S = table_6_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[time_domain_ind-1][1];
sliv_L = table_6_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[time_domain_ind-1][2];
// k_offset = table_6_1_2_1_1_3_time_dom_res_alloc_A_extCP[nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment][0];
......@@ -274,15 +274,22 @@ uint16_t nr_ue_process_rar(module_id_t mod_id,
if (ue_mac->RA_RAPID_found) {
uint8_t freq_hopping, mcs, Msg3_t_alloc, Msg3_f_alloc;
unsigned char tpc_command, csi_req;
unsigned char tpc_command;
#ifdef DEBUG_RAR
unsigned char csi_req;
*t_crnti = rar->TCRNTI_2 + (rar->TCRNTI_1 << 8);
ue_mac->t_crnti = *t_crnti;
// TA command
ta_command = rar->TA2 + (rar->TA1 << 5);
#ifdef DEBUG_RAR
// CSI
csi_req = (unsigned char) (rar->UL_GRANT_4 & 0x01);
// TPC
tpc_command = (unsigned char) ((rar->UL_GRANT_4 >> 1) & 0x07);
switch (tpc_command){
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