Commit 359c0727 authored by Florian Kaltenberger's avatar Florian Kaltenberger

fixing handling of ndi/first_tx in dci. commenting out corner case of missed...

fixing handling of ndi/first_tx in dci. commenting out corner case of missed ACK, this needs to be done better
parent 1c1c1e5a
......@@ -5214,28 +5214,38 @@ void prepare_dl_decoding_format1_1A(DCI_format_t dci_format,
// DCI has been toggled or this is the first transmission
if (ndi1!=pdlsch0_harq->DCINdi)
// NDI has been toggled or this is the first transmission
if ((ndi1!=pdlsch0_harq->DCINdi) || (pdlsch0_harq->first_tx==1))
pdlsch0_harq->round = 0;
pdlsch0_harq->first_tx = 1;
pdlsch0_harq->first_tx = 0;
pdlsch0_harq->status = ACTIVE;
if( ((ndi1 == pdlsch0_harq->DCINdi) && (pdlsch0_harq->round == 0)) ||
((rv1 != 0) && (pdlsch0_harq->round == 0))
LOG_D(PHY,"skip pdsch decoding and report ack\n");
// skip pdsch decoding and report ack
pdlsch0_harq->status = SCH_IDLE;
pdlsch0->active = 0;
pdlsch0->harq_ack[subframe].ack = 1;
pdlsch0->harq_ack[subframe].harq_id = harq_pid;
pdlsch0->harq_ack[subframe].send_harq_status = 1;
pdlsch0_harq->first_tx = 0;
else if (rv1 != 0 )
//NDI has not been toggled but rv was increased by eNB: retransmission
if (pdlsch0_harq->round == 0)
//packet was actually decoded in previous transmission (ACK was missed by eNB)
//However, the round is not a good check as it might have been decoded in a retransmission prior to this one.
LOG_D(PHY,"skip pdsch decoding and report ack\n");
// skip pdsch decoding and report ack
pdlsch0_harq->status = SCH_IDLE;
pdlsch0->active = 0;
pdlsch0->harq_ack[subframe].ack = 1;
pdlsch0->harq_ack[subframe].harq_id = harq_pid;
pdlsch0->harq_ack[subframe].send_harq_status = 1;
pdlsch0_harq->first_tx = 0;
else //normal retransmission
// nothing to do
pdlsch0_harq->DCINdi = ndi1;
......@@ -5815,18 +5825,22 @@ void prepare_dl_decoding_format2_2A(DCI_format_t dci_format,
LOG_D(PHY,"Format 2 DCI First TX0: Clearing flag\n");
dlsch0_harq->first_tx = 0;
if(dlsch0_harq->round == 0) {
else if (rv1 != 0 )
//NDI has not been toggled but rv was increased by eNB: retransmission
if(dlsch0_harq->round == 0) {
#if 0
// skip pdsch decoding and report ack
dlsch0_harq->status = SCH_IDLE;
pdlsch0->active = 0;
pdlsch0->harq_ack[subframe].ack = 1;
pdlsch0->harq_ack[subframe].harq_id = harq_pid;
pdlsch0->harq_ack[subframe].send_harq_status = 1;
// skip pdsch decoding and report ack
dlsch0_harq->status = SCH_IDLE;
pdlsch0->active = 0;
pdlsch0->harq_ack[subframe].ack = 1;
pdlsch0->harq_ack[subframe].harq_id = harq_pid;
pdlsch0->harq_ack[subframe].send_harq_status = 1;
// if Imcs in [29..31] TBS is assumed to be as determined from DCI transported in the latest
// PDCCH for the same trasport block using Imcs in [0 .. 28]
......@@ -5858,19 +5872,22 @@ void prepare_dl_decoding_format2_2A(DCI_format_t dci_format,
LOG_D(PHY,"Format 2 DCI First TX1: Clearing flag\n");
dlsch1_harq->first_tx = 0;
else if (rv1 != 0 )
//NDI has not been toggled but rv was increased by eNB: retransmission
#if 0
if(dlsch1_harq->round == 0) {
// skip pdsch decoding and report ack
dlsch1_harq->status = SCH_IDLE;
pdlsch1->active = 0;
pdlsch1->harq_ack[subframe].ack = 1;
pdlsch1->harq_ack[subframe].harq_id = harq_pid;
pdlsch1->harq_ack[subframe].send_harq_status = 1;
if(dlsch1_harq->round == 0) {
// skip pdsch decoding and report ack
dlsch1_harq->status = SCH_IDLE;
pdlsch1->active = 0;
pdlsch1->harq_ack[subframe].ack = 1;
pdlsch1->harq_ack[subframe].harq_id = harq_pid;
pdlsch1->harq_ack[subframe].send_harq_status = 1;
// if Imcs in [29..31] TBS is assumed to be as determined from DCI transported in the latest
// PDCCH for the same trasport block using Imcs in [0 .. 28]
if(dlsch1_harq->mcs <= 28)
......@@ -6344,11 +6361,15 @@ int generate_ue_dlsch_params_from_dci(int frame,
dlsch0_harq->mimo_mode = SISO;
if (dlsch0_harq->DCINdi != ((DCI1E_5MHz_2A_M10PRB_TDD_t *)dci_pdu)->ndi) {
if ((dlsch0_harq->DCINdi != ((DCI1E_5MHz_2A_M10PRB_TDD_t *)dci_pdu)->ndi) ||
(dlsch0_harq->first_tx==1)) {
dlsch0_harq->round = 0;
dlsch0_harq->first_tx = 0;
dlsch0_harq->status = ACTIVE;
} else if (dlsch0_harq->status == SCH_IDLE) { // we got an Ndi = 0 for a previously decoded process,
else if (dlsch0_harq->status == SCH_IDLE) { // we got same ndi for a previously decoded process,
// this happens if either another harq process in the same
// is NAK or an ACK was not received
......@@ -6358,6 +6379,7 @@ int generate_ue_dlsch_params_from_dci(int frame,
dlsch0->active = 0;
dlsch0_harq->DCINdi = ((DCI1E_5MHz_2A_M10PRB_TDD_t *)dci_pdu)->ndi;
dlsch0_harq->mcs = ((DCI1E_5MHz_2A_M10PRB_TDD_t *)dci_pdu)->mcs;
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