Commit 61c835c8 authored by winckel's avatar winckel

Added some TDD configuration parameters in eNB config file.

Propagated eutra band into SIB 1.

git-svn-id: 818b1a75-f10b-46b9-bf7c-635c3b92a50f
parent 09d34cb0
......@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ typedef struct RrcConfigurationReq_s {
paging_drx_t default_drx;
lte_frame_type_t frame_type;
int16_t eutra_band;
} RrcConfigurationReq;
// UE: NAS -> RRC messages
......@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ static void configure_rrc(uint32_t enb_id, const Enb_properties_array_t *enb_pro
RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).mnc = enb_properties->properties[enb_id]->mnc;
RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).default_drx = enb_properties->properties[enb_id]->default_drx;
RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).frame_type = enb_properties->properties[enb_id]->frame_type;
RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).eutra_band = enb_properties->properties[enb_id]->eutra_band;
itti_send_msg_to_task (TASK_RRC_ENB, enb_id, msg_p);
......@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_DEFAULT_PAGING_DRX "default_paging_drx"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_FRAME_TYPE "frame_type"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_TDD_CONFIG "tdd_config"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_TDD_CONFIG_S "tdd_config_s"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PREFIX_TYPE "prefix_type"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_EUTRA_BAND "eutra_band"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_DOWNLINK_FREQUENCY "downlink_frequency"
......@@ -129,7 +131,7 @@ static int enb_check_band_frequencies(char* lib_config_file_name_pP,
int32_t uplink_frequency_offset,
lte_frame_type_t frame_type)
int result = 0;
int errors = 0;
if (band > 0)
......@@ -140,26 +142,28 @@ static int enb_check_band_frequencies(char* lib_config_file_name_pP,
if (band == eutra_bands[band_index].band)
uint32_t uplink_frequency = downlink_frequency + uplink_frequency_offset;
result = 1;
AssertError (eutra_bands[band_index].dl_min < downlink_frequency, result = 0, "Downlink frequency %u too low (%u) for band %d!",
downlink_frequency, eutra_bands[band_index].dl_min, band);
AssertError (downlink_frequency < eutra_bands[band_index].dl_max, result = 0, "Downlink frequency %u too high (%u) for band %d!",
downlink_frequency, eutra_bands[band_index].dl_max, band);
AssertError (eutra_bands[band_index].ul_min < uplink_frequency, result = 0, "Uplink frequency %u too low (%u) for band %d!",
uplink_frequency, eutra_bands[band_index].ul_min, band);
AssertError (uplink_frequency < eutra_bands[band_index].ul_max, result = 0, "Uplink frequency %u too high (%u) for band %d!",
uplink_frequency, eutra_bands[band_index].ul_max, band);
AssertError (eutra_bands[band_index].frame_type == frame_type, result = 0, "Invalid frame type (%d/%d) for band %d!",
eutra_bands[band_index].frame_type, frame_type, band);
AssertFatal (result == 1, "Invalid settings for eNB %d in file %s!", enb_properties_index, lib_config_file_name_pP);
AssertError (eutra_bands[band_index].dl_min < downlink_frequency, errors ++,
"Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d downlink frequency %u too low (%u) for band %d!",
lib_config_file_name_pP, enb_properties_index, downlink_frequency, eutra_bands[band_index].dl_min, band);
AssertError (downlink_frequency < eutra_bands[band_index].dl_max, errors ++,
"Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d downlink frequency %u too high (%u) for band %d!",
lib_config_file_name_pP, enb_properties_index, downlink_frequency, eutra_bands[band_index].dl_max, band);
AssertError (eutra_bands[band_index].ul_min < uplink_frequency, errors ++,
"Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d uplink frequency %u too low (%u) for band %d!",
lib_config_file_name_pP, enb_properties_index, uplink_frequency, eutra_bands[band_index].ul_min, band);
AssertError (uplink_frequency < eutra_bands[band_index].ul_max, errors ++,
"Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d uplink frequency %u too high (%u) for band %d!",
lib_config_file_name_pP, enb_properties_index, uplink_frequency, eutra_bands[band_index].ul_max, band);
AssertError (eutra_bands[band_index].frame_type == frame_type, errors ++,
"Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d invalid frame type (%d/%d) for band %d!",
lib_config_file_name_pP, enb_properties_index, eutra_bands[band_index].frame_type, frame_type, band);
return result;
return errors;
const Enb_properties_array_t *enb_config_init(char* lib_config_file_name_pP) {
......@@ -174,7 +178,7 @@ const Enb_properties_array_t *enb_config_init(char* lib_config_file_name_pP) {
int num_mme_address;
int i;
int j;
int parse_error = 0;
int parse_errors = 0;
long int enb_id;
const char* cell_type;
long int tac;
......@@ -183,6 +187,8 @@ const Enb_properties_array_t *enb_config_init(char* lib_config_file_name_pP) {
long int mnc;
const char* default_drx;
const char* frame_type;
long int tdd_config;
long int tdd_config_s;
const char* prefix_type;
long int eutra_band;
double downlink_frequency;
......@@ -234,7 +240,7 @@ const Enb_properties_array_t *enb_config_init(char* lib_config_file_name_pP) {
if(setting != NULL)
enb_properties_index = 0;
parse_error = 0;
parse_errors = 0;
num_enbs = config_setting_length(setting);
for (i = 0; i < num_enbs; i++) {
setting_enb = config_setting_get_elem(setting, i);
......@@ -259,7 +265,7 @@ const Enb_properties_array_t *enb_config_init(char* lib_config_file_name_pP) {
&& config_setting_lookup_string(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_DEFAULT_PAGING_DRX, &default_drx)
) {
AssertError (0, parse_error ++,
AssertError (0, parse_errors ++,
"Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, %u th enb\n",
lib_config_file_name_pP, i);
......@@ -274,7 +280,7 @@ const Enb_properties_array_t *enb_config_init(char* lib_config_file_name_pP) {
} else if (strcmp(cell_type, "CELL_HOME_ENB") == 0) {[enb_properties_index]->cell_type = CELL_HOME_ENB;
} else {
AssertError (0, parse_error ++,
AssertError (0, parse_errors ++,
"Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for cell_type choice: CELL_MACRO_ENB or CELL_HOME_ENB !\n",
lib_config_file_name_pP, i, cell_type);
......@@ -292,7 +298,7 @@ const Enb_properties_array_t *enb_config_init(char* lib_config_file_name_pP) {
} else if (strcmp(default_drx, "PAGING_DRX_256") == 0) {[enb_properties_index]->default_drx = PAGING_DRX_256;
} else {
AssertError (0, parse_error ++,
AssertError (0, parse_errors ++,
"Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for default_drx choice: PAGING_DRX_32..PAGING_DRX_256 !\n",
lib_config_file_name_pP, i, default_drx);
......@@ -304,7 +310,7 @@ const Enb_properties_array_t *enb_config_init(char* lib_config_file_name_pP) {
} else if (strcmp(frame_type, "TDD") == 0) {[enb_properties_index]->frame_type = TDD;
} else {
AssertError (0, parse_error ++,
AssertError (0, parse_errors ++,
"Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for frame_type choice: FDD or TDD !\n",
lib_config_file_name_pP, i, frame_type);
......@@ -312,13 +318,31 @@ const Enb_properties_array_t *enb_config_init(char* lib_config_file_name_pP) {[enb_properties_index]->frame_type = FDD; // Default frame type
if(config_setting_lookup_int(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_TDD_CONFIG, &tdd_config)) {[enb_properties_index]->tdd_config = tdd_config;
AssertError (tdd_config <= TDD_Config__subframeAssignment_sa6, parse_errors ++,
"Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d illegal tdd_config %ld (should be 0-%d)!",
lib_config_file_name_pP, i, tdd_config, TDD_Config__subframeAssignment_sa6);
} else {[enb_properties_index]->tdd_config = 3; // Default TDD sub-frame configuration
if(config_setting_lookup_int(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_TDD_CONFIG_S, &tdd_config_s)) {[enb_properties_index]->tdd_config_s = tdd_config_s;
AssertError (tdd_config_s <= TDD_Config__specialSubframePatterns_ssp8, parse_errors ++,
"Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d illegal tdd_config_s %ld (should be 0-%d)!",
lib_config_file_name_pP, i, tdd_config_s, TDD_Config__specialSubframePatterns_ssp8);
} else {[enb_properties_index]->tdd_config_s = 0; // Default TDD S-sub-frame configuration
if(config_setting_lookup_string(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PREFIX_TYPE, &prefix_type)) {
if (strcmp(prefix_type, "NORMAL") == 0) {[enb_properties_index]->prefix_type = NORMAL;
} else if (strcmp(prefix_type, "EXTENDED") == 0) {[enb_properties_index]->prefix_type = EXTENDED;
} else {
AssertError (0, parse_error ++,
AssertError (0, parse_errors ++,
"Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for prefix_type choice: NORMAL or EXTENDED !\n",
lib_config_file_name_pP, i, prefix_type);
......@@ -349,12 +373,12 @@ const Enb_properties_array_t *enb_config_init(char* lib_config_file_name_pP) {
parse_errors += enb_check_band_frequencies(lib_config_file_name_pP,
setting_mme_addresses = config_setting_get_member (setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_MME_IP_ADDRESS);
num_mme_address = config_setting_length(setting_mme_addresses);
......@@ -368,7 +392,7 @@ const Enb_properties_array_t *enb_config_init(char* lib_config_file_name_pP) {
&& config_setting_lookup_string(setting_mme_address, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_MME_IP_ADDRESS_PREFERENCE, (const char **)&preference)
) {
AssertError (0, parse_error ++,
AssertError (0, parse_errors ++,
"Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, %u th enb %u th mme address !\n",
lib_config_file_name_pP, i, j);
......@@ -400,13 +424,13 @@ const Enb_properties_array_t *enb_config_init(char* lib_config_file_name_pP) {
enb_properties.number = num_enb_properties;
AssertError (enb_properties_index == num_enb_properties, parse_error ++,
AssertError (enb_properties_index == num_enb_properties, parse_errors ++,
"Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, mismatch between %u active eNBs and %u corresponding defined eNBs !\n",
lib_config_file_name_pP, num_enb_properties, enb_properties_index);
AssertFatal (parse_error == 0,
AssertFatal (parse_errors == 0,
"Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, found %d error%s !\n",
lib_config_file_name_pP, parse_error, parse_error > 1 ? "s" : "");
lib_config_file_name_pP, parse_errors, parse_errors > 1 ? "s" : "");
return &enb_properties;
......@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ typedef struct Enb_properties_s {
/* Physical parameters */
lte_frame_type_t frame_type;
uint8_t tdd_config;
uint8_t tdd_config_s;
lte_prefix_type_t prefix_type;
int16_t eutra_band;
uint32_t downlink_frequency;
......@@ -503,7 +503,12 @@ uint8_t do_SIB1(uint8_t Mod_id, LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms, uint8_t *buffer
(*sib1)->freqBandIndicator = 7;
(*sib1)->freqBandIndicator =
#if defined(ENABLE_ITTI)
......@@ -518,11 +523,11 @@ uint8_t do_SIB1(uint8_t Mod_id, LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms, uint8_t *buffer
if (configuration->frame_type == TDD)
(*sib1)->tdd_Config = CALLOC(1,sizeof(struct TDD_Config));
(*sib1)->tdd_Config = CALLOC(1,sizeof(struct TDD_Config));
(*sib1)->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment=frame_parms->tdd_config; //TDD_Config__subframeAssignment_sa3;
(*sib1)->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment = frame_parms->tdd_config;
(*sib1)->tdd_Config->specialSubframePatterns = frame_parms->tdd_config_S;
......@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ eNBs =
////////// Physical parameters:
frame_type = "TDD";
tdd_config = 3;
tdd_config_s = 0;
prefix_type = "NORMAL";
eutra_band = 33;
downlink_frequency = 1907.6e6;
......@@ -325,10 +325,8 @@ void get_simulation_options(int argc, char *argv[]) {
case 'C': = atoi (optarg);
if ( > 6) {
printf("Illegal tdd_config %d (should be 0-6)\n",;
exit (-1);
AssertFatal ( <= TDD_Config__subframeAssignment_sa6, "Illegal tdd_config %d (should be 0-%d)!",, TDD_Config__subframeAssignment_sa6);
case 'D':
......@@ -601,8 +599,9 @@ void get_simulation_options(int argc, char *argv[]) {
/* Update some simulation parameters */ = enb_properties->properties[0]->frame_type; = enb_properties->properties[0]->tdd_config; = enb_properties->properties[0]->tdd_config_s; = enb_properties->properties[0]->prefix_type;
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