Commit 6973fada authored by laurent's avatar laurent

merge develop-nr

parent 9acaa713
......@@ -38,7 +38,9 @@ float tput_ue_max[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX] = {0};
extern int64_t *pss_corr_ue[3];
static void ia_receiver_on_off( FL_OBJECT *button, long arg) {
static void ia_receiver_on_off( FL_OBJECT *button, long arg)
if (fl_get_button(button)) {
fl_set_object_label(button, "IA Receiver ON");
// PHY_vars_UE_g[0][0]->use_ia_receiver = 1;
......@@ -50,7 +52,9 @@ static void ia_receiver_on_off( FL_OBJECT *button, long arg) {
static void dl_traffic_on_off( FL_OBJECT *button, long arg) {
static void dl_traffic_on_off( FL_OBJECT *button, long arg)
if (fl_get_button(button)) {
fl_set_object_label(button, "DL Traffic ON");
otg_enabled = 1;
......@@ -62,37 +66,46 @@ static void dl_traffic_on_off( FL_OBJECT *button, long arg) {
FD_lte_phy_scope_enb *create_lte_phy_scope_enb( void ) {
FD_lte_phy_scope_enb *create_lte_phy_scope_enb( void )
FD_lte_phy_scope_enb *fdui = fl_malloc( sizeof *fdui );
// Define form
fdui->lte_phy_scope_enb = fl_bgn_form( FL_NO_BOX, 800, 800 );
// This the whole UI box
obj = fl_add_box( FL_BORDER_BOX, 0, 0, 800, 800, "" );
fl_set_object_color( obj, FL_BLACK, FL_BLACK );
// Received signal
fdui->rxsig_t = fl_add_xyplot( FL_NORMAL_XYPLOT, 20, 20, 370, 100, "Received Signal (Time-Domain, dB)" );
fl_set_object_boxtype( fdui->rxsig_t, FL_EMBOSSED_BOX );
fl_set_object_color( fdui->rxsig_t, FL_BLACK, FL_RED );
fl_set_object_lcolor( fdui->rxsig_t, FL_WHITE ); // Label color
// Time-domain channel response
fdui->chest_t = fl_add_xyplot( FL_NORMAL_XYPLOT, 410, 20, 370, 100, "SRS Frequency Response (samples, abs)" );
fl_set_object_boxtype( fdui->chest_t, FL_EMBOSSED_BOX );
fl_set_object_color( fdui->chest_t, FL_BLACK, FL_RED );
fl_set_object_lcolor( fdui->chest_t, FL_WHITE ); // Label color
// Frequency-domain channel response
fdui->chest_f = fl_add_xyplot( FL_IMPULSE_XYPLOT, 20, 140, 760, 100, "Channel Frequency Response (RE, dB)" );
fl_set_object_boxtype( fdui->chest_f, FL_EMBOSSED_BOX );
fl_set_object_color( fdui->chest_f, FL_BLACK, FL_RED );
fl_set_object_lcolor( fdui->chest_f, FL_WHITE ); // Label color
fl_set_xyplot_ybounds( fdui->chest_f,30,70);
fdui->pusch_llr = fl_add_xyplot( FL_POINTS_XYPLOT, 20, 260, 500, 200, "PUSCH Log-Likelihood Ratios (LLR, mag)" );
fl_set_object_boxtype( fdui->pusch_llr, FL_EMBOSSED_BOX );
fl_set_object_color( fdui->pusch_llr, FL_BLACK, FL_YELLOW );
fl_set_object_lcolor( fdui->pusch_llr, FL_WHITE ); // Label color
fl_set_xyplot_symbolsize( fdui->pusch_llr,2);
// I/Q PUSCH comp
fdui->pusch_comp = fl_add_xyplot( FL_POINTS_XYPLOT, 540, 260, 240, 200, "PUSCH I/Q of MF Output" );
fl_set_object_boxtype( fdui->pusch_comp, FL_EMBOSSED_BOX );
......@@ -100,6 +113,7 @@ FD_lte_phy_scope_enb *create_lte_phy_scope_enb( void ) {
fl_set_object_lcolor( fdui->pusch_comp, FL_WHITE ); // Label color
fl_set_xyplot_symbolsize( fdui->pusch_comp,2);
fl_set_xyplot_xgrid( fdui->pusch_llr,FL_GRID_MAJOR);
// I/Q PUCCH comp (format 1)
fdui->pucch_comp1 = fl_add_xyplot( FL_POINTS_XYPLOT, 540, 480, 240, 100, "PUCCH1 Energy (SR)" );
fl_set_object_boxtype( fdui->pucch_comp1, FL_EMBOSSED_BOX );
......@@ -107,6 +121,7 @@ FD_lte_phy_scope_enb *create_lte_phy_scope_enb( void ) {
fl_set_object_lcolor( fdui->pucch_comp1, FL_WHITE ); // Label color
fl_set_xyplot_symbolsize( fdui->pucch_comp1,2);
// fl_set_xyplot_xgrid( fdui->pusch_llr,FL_GRID_MAJOR);
// I/Q PUCCH comp (fromat 1a/b)
fdui->pucch_comp = fl_add_xyplot( FL_POINTS_XYPLOT, 540, 600, 240, 100, "PUCCH I/Q of MF Output" );
fl_set_object_boxtype( fdui->pucch_comp, FL_EMBOSSED_BOX );
......@@ -114,11 +129,13 @@ FD_lte_phy_scope_enb *create_lte_phy_scope_enb( void ) {
fl_set_object_lcolor( fdui->pucch_comp, FL_WHITE ); // Label color
fl_set_xyplot_symbolsize( fdui->pucch_comp,2);
// fl_set_xyplot_xgrid( fdui->pusch_llr,FL_GRID_MAJOR);
// Throughput on PUSCH
fdui->pusch_tput = fl_add_xyplot( FL_NORMAL_XYPLOT, 20, 480, 500, 100, "PUSCH Throughput [frame]/[kbit/s]" );
fl_set_object_boxtype( fdui->pusch_tput, FL_EMBOSSED_BOX );
fl_set_object_color( fdui->pusch_tput, FL_BLACK, FL_WHITE );
fl_set_object_lcolor( fdui->pusch_tput, FL_WHITE ); // Label color
// Generic eNB Button
fdui->button_0 = fl_add_button( FL_PUSH_BUTTON, 20, 600, 240, 40, "" );
fl_set_object_lalign(fdui->button_0, FL_ALIGN_CENTER );
......@@ -127,8 +144,10 @@ FD_lte_phy_scope_enb *create_lte_phy_scope_enb( void ) {
fl_set_object_label(fdui->button_0, "DL Traffic OFF");
fl_set_object_color(fdui->button_0, FL_RED, FL_RED);
fl_set_object_callback(fdui->button_0, dl_traffic_on_off, 0 );
fl_end_form( );
fdui->lte_phy_scope_enb->fdui = fdui;
return fdui;
......@@ -360,31 +379,39 @@ void phy_scope_eNB(FD_lte_phy_scope_enb *form,
FD_lte_phy_scope_ue *create_lte_phy_scope_ue( void ) {
FD_lte_phy_scope_ue *create_lte_phy_scope_ue( void )
FD_lte_phy_scope_ue *fdui = fl_malloc( sizeof *fdui );
// Define form
fdui->lte_phy_scope_ue = fl_bgn_form( FL_NO_BOX, 800, 900 );
// This the whole UI box
obj = fl_add_box( FL_BORDER_BOX, 0, 0, 800, 900, "" );
fl_set_object_color( obj, FL_BLACK, FL_BLACK );
// Received signal
fdui->rxsig_t = fl_add_xyplot( FL_NORMAL_XYPLOT, 20, 20, 370, 100, "Received Signal (Time-Domain, dB)" );
fl_set_object_boxtype( fdui->rxsig_t, FL_EMBOSSED_BOX );
fl_set_object_color( fdui->rxsig_t, FL_BLACK, FL_RED );
fl_set_object_lcolor( fdui->rxsig_t, FL_WHITE ); // Label color
// Time-domain channel response
fdui->chest_t = fl_add_xyplot( FL_NORMAL_XYPLOT, 410, 20, 370, 100, "Channel Impulse Response (samples, abs)" );
fl_set_object_boxtype( fdui->chest_t, FL_EMBOSSED_BOX );
fl_set_object_color( fdui->chest_t, FL_BLACK, FL_RED );
fl_set_object_lcolor( fdui->chest_t, FL_WHITE ); // Label color
// Frequency-domain channel response
fdui->chest_f = fl_add_xyplot( FL_IMPULSE_XYPLOT, 20, 140, 760, 100, "Channel Frequency Response (RE, dB)" );
fl_set_object_boxtype( fdui->chest_f, FL_EMBOSSED_BOX );
fl_set_object_color( fdui->chest_f, FL_BLACK, FL_RED );
fl_set_object_lcolor( fdui->chest_f, FL_WHITE ); // Label color
fl_set_xyplot_ybounds( fdui->chest_f,30,70);
// LLR of PBCH
fdui->pbch_llr = fl_add_xyplot( FL_POINTS_XYPLOT, 20, 260, 500, 100, "PBCH Log-Likelihood Ratios (LLR, mag)" );
fl_set_object_boxtype( fdui->pbch_llr, FL_EMBOSSED_BOX );
......@@ -393,6 +420,7 @@ FD_lte_phy_scope_ue *create_lte_phy_scope_ue( void ) {
fl_set_xyplot_symbolsize( fdui->pbch_llr,2);
fl_set_xyplot_xgrid( fdui->pbch_llr,FL_GRID_MAJOR);
//fl_set_xyplot_xbounds( fdui->pbch_llr,0,1920);
// I/Q PBCH comp
fdui->pbch_comp = fl_add_xyplot( FL_POINTS_XYPLOT, 540, 260, 240, 100, "PBCH I/Q of MF Output" );
fl_set_object_boxtype( fdui->pbch_comp, FL_EMBOSSED_BOX );
......@@ -401,12 +429,14 @@ FD_lte_phy_scope_ue *create_lte_phy_scope_ue( void ) {
fl_set_xyplot_symbolsize( fdui->pbch_comp,2);
// fl_set_xyplot_xbounds( fdui->pbch_comp,-100,100);
// fl_set_xyplot_ybounds( fdui->pbch_comp,-100,100);
fdui->pdcch_llr = fl_add_xyplot( FL_POINTS_XYPLOT, 20, 380, 500, 100, "PDCCH Log-Likelihood Ratios (LLR, mag)" );
fl_set_object_boxtype( fdui->pdcch_llr, FL_EMBOSSED_BOX );
fl_set_object_color( fdui->pdcch_llr, FL_BLACK, FL_CYAN );
fl_set_object_lcolor( fdui->pdcch_llr, FL_WHITE ); // Label color
fl_set_xyplot_symbolsize( fdui->pdcch_llr,2);
// I/Q PDCCH comp
fdui->pdcch_comp = fl_add_xyplot( FL_POINTS_XYPLOT, 540, 380, 240, 100, "PDCCH I/Q of MF Output" );
fl_set_object_boxtype( fdui->pdcch_comp, FL_EMBOSSED_BOX );
......@@ -414,6 +444,7 @@ FD_lte_phy_scope_ue *create_lte_phy_scope_ue( void ) {
fl_set_object_lcolor( fdui->pdcch_comp, FL_WHITE ); // Label color
fl_set_xyplot_symbolsize( fdui->pdcch_comp,2);
fl_set_xyplot_xgrid( fdui->pdcch_llr,FL_GRID_MAJOR);
fdui->pdsch_llr = fl_add_xyplot( FL_POINTS_XYPLOT, 20, 500, 500, 200, "PDSCH Log-Likelihood Ratios (LLR, mag)" );
fl_set_object_boxtype( fdui->pdsch_llr, FL_EMBOSSED_BOX );
......@@ -421,17 +452,20 @@ FD_lte_phy_scope_ue *create_lte_phy_scope_ue( void ) {
fl_set_object_lcolor( fdui->pdsch_llr, FL_WHITE ); // Label color
fl_set_xyplot_symbolsize( fdui->pdsch_llr,2);
fl_set_xyplot_xgrid( fdui->pdsch_llr,FL_GRID_MAJOR);
// I/Q PDSCH comp
fdui->pdsch_comp = fl_add_xyplot( FL_POINTS_XYPLOT, 540, 500, 240, 200, "PDSCH I/Q of MF Output" );
fl_set_object_boxtype( fdui->pdsch_comp, FL_EMBOSSED_BOX );
fl_set_object_color( fdui->pdsch_comp, FL_BLACK, FL_YELLOW );
fl_set_object_lcolor( fdui->pdsch_comp, FL_WHITE ); // Label color
fl_set_xyplot_symbolsize( fdui->pdsch_comp,2);
// Throughput on PDSCH
fdui->pdsch_tput = fl_add_xyplot( FL_NORMAL_XYPLOT, 20, 720, 500, 100, "PDSCH Throughput [frame]/[kbit/s]" );
fl_set_object_boxtype( fdui->pdsch_tput, FL_EMBOSSED_BOX );
fl_set_object_color( fdui->pdsch_tput, FL_BLACK, FL_WHITE );
fl_set_object_lcolor( fdui->pdsch_tput, FL_WHITE ); // Label color
// Generic UE Button
fdui->button_0 = fl_add_button( FL_PUSH_BUTTON, 540, 720, 240, 40, "" );
fl_set_object_lalign(fdui->button_0, FL_ALIGN_CENTER );
......@@ -441,8 +475,10 @@ FD_lte_phy_scope_ue *create_lte_phy_scope_ue( void ) {
fl_set_object_color(fdui->button_0, FL_RED, FL_RED);
fl_set_object_callback(fdui->button_0, ia_receiver_on_off, 0 );
fl_end_form( );
fdui->lte_phy_scope_ue->fdui = fdui;
return fdui;
......@@ -450,10 +486,14 @@ void phy_scope_UE(FD_lte_phy_scope_ue *form,
PHY_VARS_NR_UE *phy_vars_ue,
int eNB_id,
int UE_id,
uint8_t subframe) {
uint8_t subframe)
int i,arx,atx,ind,k;
NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms = &phy_vars_ue->frame_parms;
int nsymb_ce = frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size;//*frame_parms->symbols_per_tti;
int samples_per_frame = frame_parms->samples_per_frame;
uint8_t nb_antennas_rx = frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx;
uint8_t nb_antennas_tx = frame_parms->nb_antenna_ports_eNB;
int16_t **rxsig_t;
float **rxsig_t_dB;
float *time;
......@@ -470,7 +510,7 @@ void phy_scope_UE(FD_lte_phy_scope_ue *form,
float llr_pbch[1920], bit_pbch[1920];
float *llr, *bit;
float *llr_pdcch, *bit_pdcch;
static __thread float *I, *Q;
float *I, *Q;
int num_pdcch_symbols=2;
int num_re = 4500;
int Qm = 2;
......@@ -524,13 +564,12 @@ void phy_scope_UE(FD_lte_phy_scope_ue *form,
coded_bits_per_codeword = 0; //frame_parms->N_RB_DL*12*get_Qm(mcs)*(frame_parms->symbols_per_tti);
I = (float*) calloc(frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size*frame_parms->symbols_per_slot*2,sizeof(float));
Q = (float*) calloc(frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size*frame_parms->symbols_per_slot*2,sizeof(float));
chest_t_abs = (float**) malloc(nb_antennas_rx*sizeof(float*));
for (int arx=0; arx<nb_antennas_rx; arx++) {
for (arx=0; arx<nb_antennas_rx; arx++) {
chest_t_abs[arx] = (float*) calloc(frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size,sizeof(float));
......@@ -539,15 +578,15 @@ void phy_scope_UE(FD_lte_phy_scope_ue *form,
llr = (float*) calloc(coded_bits_per_codeword,sizeof(float)); // init to zero
bit = malloc(coded_bits_per_codeword*sizeof(float));
llr_pdcch = (float *) calloc(12*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*num_pdcch_symbols*2,sizeof(float)); // init to zero
bit_pdcch = (float *) calloc(12*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*num_pdcch_symbols*2,sizeof(float));
rxsig_t = (int16_t **) phy_vars_ue->common_vars.rxdata;
rxsig_t_dB = calloc(nb_antennas_rx,sizeof(float *));
for (int arx=0; arx<nb_antennas_rx; arx++) {
rxsig_t_dB[arx] = (float *) calloc(samples_per_frame,sizeof(float));
llr_pdcch = (float*) calloc(12*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*num_pdcch_symbols*2,sizeof(float)); // init to zero
bit_pdcch = (float*) calloc(12*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*num_pdcch_symbols*2,sizeof(float));
rxsig_t = (int16_t**) phy_vars_ue->common_vars.rxdata;
rxsig_t_dB = calloc(nb_antennas_rx,sizeof(float*));
for (arx=0; arx<nb_antennas_rx; arx++) {
rxsig_t_dB[arx] = (float*) calloc(samples_per_frame,sizeof(float));
time = calloc(samples_per_frame,sizeof(float));
corr = calloc(samples_per_frame,sizeof(float));
......@@ -561,13 +600,13 @@ void phy_scope_UE(FD_lte_phy_scope_ue *form,
pdcch_comp = (int16_t*) phy_vars_ue->pdcch_vars[phy_vars_ue->current_thread_id[subframe]][eNB_id]->rxdataF_comp[0];
pdsch_llr = (int16_t*) phy_vars_ue->pdsch_vars[phy_vars_ue->current_thread_id[subframe]][eNB_id]->llr[0]; // stream 0
// pdsch_llr = (int16_t*) phy_vars_ue->lte_ue_pdsch_vars_SI[eNB_id]->llr[0]; // stream 0
pdsch_comp = (int16_t *) phy_vars_ue->pdsch_vars[phy_vars_ue->current_thread_id[subframe]][eNB_id]->rxdataF_comp0[0];
pdsch_comp = (int16_t*) phy_vars_ue->pdsch_vars[phy_vars_ue->current_thread_id[subframe]][eNB_id]->rxdataF_comp0[0];
//pdsch_mag = (int16_t*) phy_vars_ue->pdsch_vars[phy_vars_ue->current_thread_id[subframe]][eNB_id]->dl_ch_mag0[0];
// Received signal in time domain of receive antenna 0
if (rxsig_t != NULL) {
if (rxsig_t[0] != NULL) {
for (int i=0; i<samples_per_frame; i++) {
for (i=0; i<samples_per_frame; i++) {
rxsig_t_dB[0][i] = 10*log10(1.0+(float) ((rxsig_t[0][2*i])*(rxsig_t[0][2*i])+(rxsig_t[0][2*i+1])*(rxsig_t[0][2*i+1])));
time[i] = (float) i;
......@@ -589,7 +628,6 @@ void phy_scope_UE(FD_lte_phy_scope_ue *form,
if (phy_vars_ue->is_synchronized==0) {
for (ind=0;ind<3;ind++) {
if (pss_corr_ue[ind]) {
for (i=0; i<samples_per_frame; i++) {
......@@ -699,7 +737,7 @@ void phy_scope_UE(FD_lte_phy_scope_ue *form,
if (pbch_llr != NULL) {
for (int i=0; i<864; i++) {
for (i=0; i<864; i++) {
llr_pbch[i] = (float) pbch_llr[i];
bit_pbch[i] = (float) i;
......@@ -707,7 +745,6 @@ void phy_scope_UE(FD_lte_phy_scope_ue *form,
// PBCH I/Q of MF Output
......@@ -717,19 +754,17 @@ void phy_scope_UE(FD_lte_phy_scope_ue *form,
nb_re = 72;
nb_re = 180;
for (int i=0; i<nb_re; i++) {
for (i=0; i<nb_re; i++) {
I[i] = pbch_comp[2*symbol*20*12+2*i];
Q[i] = pbch_comp[2*symbol*20*12+2*i+1];
if (pdcch_llr != NULL) {
for (int i=0; i<100; i++) { //12*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*2*num_pdcch_symbols
for (i=0; i<100; i++) { //12*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*2*num_pdcch_symbols
llr_pdcch[i] = (float) pdcch_llr[2*24*9 +i];
bit_pdcch[i] = (float) i;
......@@ -739,17 +774,16 @@ void phy_scope_UE(FD_lte_phy_scope_ue *form,
// PDCCH I/Q of MF Output
if (pdcch_comp!=NULL) {
for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
I[i] = pdcch_comp[2*50*12+2*i];
Q[i] = pdcch_comp[2*50*12+2*i+1];
if (pdsch_llr != NULL) {
for (int i=0; i<coded_bits_per_codeword; i++) {
for (i=0; i<coded_bits_per_codeword; i++) {
llr[i] = (float) pdsch_llr[i];
bit[i] = (float) i;
......@@ -760,14 +794,13 @@ void phy_scope_UE(FD_lte_phy_scope_ue *form,
// PDSCH I/Q of MF Output
if (pdsch_comp!=NULL) {
for (int i=0; i<nb_rb_pdsch*12; i++) {
for (i=0; i<nb_rb_pdsch*12; i++) {
I[i] = pdsch_comp[2*2*nb_rb_pdsch*12+2*i ];
Q[i] = pdsch_comp[2*2*nb_rb_pdsch*12+2*i+1];
// PDSCH Throughput
......@@ -785,19 +818,23 @@ void phy_scope_UE(FD_lte_phy_scope_ue *form,
for (int arx=0; arx<nb_antennas_rx; arx++) {
for (arx=0; arx<nb_antennas_rx; arx++) {
for (arx=0; arx<nb_antennas_rx; arx++) {
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