Commit d8c5026d authored by Raphael Defosseux's avatar Raphael Defosseux

CI: fixing merge issues. First on the build side.

Signed-off-by: default avatarRaphael Defosseux <>
parent 2c52c675
...@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ def sendSocialMediaMessage(pipeChannel, pipeColor, pipeMessage) { ...@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ def sendSocialMediaMessage(pipeChannel, pipeColor, pipeMessage) {
def doRedHatBuild = false def doRedHatBuild = false
def FDD_Band7_B210_Status def FDD_Band7_B210_Status
>>>>>>> origin/develop
pipeline { pipeline {
agent { agent {
...@@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ pipeline { ...@@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ pipeline {
disableConcurrentBuilds() disableConcurrentBuilds()
timestamps() timestamps()
gitLabConnection('OAI GitLab') gitLabConnection('OAI GitLab')
gitlabBuilds(builds: ["Build eNb-USRP", "Build gNb-usrp", "Build nr-UE-usrp", "Build basic-sim", "Build phy-sim", "Build eNb-ethernet", "Build UE-ethernet", "Analysis with cppcheck", "Test phy-sim", "Test-FDD-Band7"]) gitlabBuilds(builds: ["Build eNb-USRP", "Build gNb-usrp", "Build nr-UE-usrp", "Build phy-sim", "Analysis with cppcheck"])
ansiColor('xterm') ansiColor('xterm')
} }
...@@ -126,12 +125,6 @@ pipeline { ...@@ -126,12 +125,6 @@ pipeline {
} }
} }
stage ("Start VM -- basic-sim") {
steps {
sh "./ci-scripts/ --variant basic-sim --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID}"
stage ("Start VM -- phy-sim") { stage ("Start VM -- phy-sim") {
steps { steps {
sh "./ci-scripts/ --variant phy-sim --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID}" sh "./ci-scripts/ --variant phy-sim --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID}"
...@@ -150,18 +143,6 @@ pipeline { ...@@ -150,18 +143,6 @@ pipeline {
} }
} }
stage ("Start VM -- enb-ethernet") {
steps {
sh "./ci-scripts/ --variant enb-ethernet --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID}"
stage ("Start VM -- ue-ethernet") {
steps {
sh "./ci-scripts/ --variant ue-ethernet --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID}"
stage ("Variant Builds") { stage ("Variant Builds") {
parallel { parallel {
stage ("Analysis with cppcheck") { stage ("Analysis with cppcheck") {
...@@ -199,34 +180,6 @@ pipeline { ...@@ -199,34 +180,6 @@ pipeline {
} }
} }
} }
stage ("Build basic simulator") {
steps {
gitlabCommitStatus(name: "Build basic-sim") {
sh "./ci-scripts/ --workspace $WORKSPACE --variant basic-sim --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID} --keep-vm-alive"
stage ("Build physical simulators") {
steps {
gitlabCommitStatus(name: "Build phy-sim") {
sh "./ci-scripts/ --workspace $WORKSPACE --variant phy-sim --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID} --keep-vm-alive"
stage ("Build eNb-ethernet") {
steps {
gitlabCommitStatus(name: "Build eNb-ethernet") {
sh "./ci-scripts/ --workspace $WORKSPACE --variant enb-ethernet --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID} --keep-vm-alive"
stage ("Build UE-ethernet") {
steps {
gitlabCommitStatus(name: "Build UE-ethernet") {
sh "./ci-scripts/ --workspace $WORKSPACE --variant ue-ethernet --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID} --keep-vm-alive"
stage ("Build eNb-USRP on Red Hat") { stage ("Build eNb-USRP on Red Hat") {
when { when {
expression {doRedHatBuild} expression {doRedHatBuild}
...@@ -252,7 +205,7 @@ pipeline { ...@@ -252,7 +205,7 @@ pipeline {
always { always {
script { script {
dir ('archives') { dir ('archives') {
sh "zip -r -qq basic_sim enb_usrp phy_sim cppcheck gnb_usrp nrue_usrp enb_eth ue_eth red_hat" sh "zip -r -qq enb_usrp phy_sim cppcheck gnb_usrp nrue_usrp red_hat"
} }
if(fileExists('archives/')) { if(fileExists('archives/')) {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'archives/' archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'archives/'
...@@ -279,91 +232,6 @@ pipeline { ...@@ -279,91 +232,6 @@ pipeline {
} }
} }
stage ("Variant Tests") {
parallel {
stage ("Test physical simulators") {
steps {
gitlabCommitStatus(name: "Test phy-sim") {
sh "./ci-scripts/ --workspace $WORKSPACE --variant phy-sim --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID} --keep-vm-alive"
stage ("Test basic simulator") {
steps {
//gitlabCommitStatus(name: "Test basic-sim") {
sh "./ci-scripts/ --workspace $WORKSPACE --variant basic-sim --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID} --keep-vm-alive"
stage ("Test FDD - Band 7 - B210") {
steps {
gitlabCommitStatus(name: "Test-FDD-Band7") {
script {
if ("MERGE".equals(env.gitlabActionType)) {
FDD_Band7_B210_Status = build job: 'eNB-CI-FDD-Band7-B210',
parameters: [
string(name: 'eNB_Repository', value: String.valueOf(GIT_URL)),
string(name: 'eNB_Branch', value: String.valueOf(env.gitlabSourceBranch)),
string(name: 'eNB_CommitID', value: String.valueOf(env.gitlabMergeRequestLastCommit)),
booleanParam(name: 'eNB_mergeRequest', value: true)
} else {
FDD_Band7_B210_Status = build job: 'eNB-CI-FDD-Band7-B210',
parameters: [
string(name: 'eNB_Repository', value: String.valueOf(GIT_URL)),
string(name: 'eNB_Branch', value: String.valueOf(GIT_BRANCH)),
string(name: 'eNB_CommitID', value: String.valueOf(GIT_COMMIT)),
booleanParam(name: 'eNB_mergeRequest', value: false)
post {
// In case of success we really pick the report from the exact slave build number
success {
script {
copyArtifacts(projectName: 'eNB-CI-FDD-Band7-B210',
filter: 'test_results*.html',
selector: specific("${FDD_Band7_B210_Status.number}"))
if (fileExists('test_results-eNB-CI-FDD-Band7-B210.html')) {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'test_results-eNB-CI-FDD-Band7-B210.html'
// In case of any non-success, we are retrieving the HTML report of the last completed
// slave job. Note that we could use that syntax also in case of success.
// The only drop-back is that we may retrieve the HTML report of a previous build
cleanup {
script {
if (!fileExists('test_results-eNB-CI-FDD-Band7-B210.html')) {
copyArtifacts(projectName: 'eNB-CI-FDD-Band7-B210',
filter: 'test_results*.html',
selector: lastCompleted())
if (fileExists('test_results-eNB-CI-FDD-Band7-B210.html')) {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'test_results-eNB-CI-FDD-Band7-B210.html'
post {
always {
script {
dir ('archives') {
sh "if [ -d */test ]; then zip -r -qq */test ; fi"
if(fileExists('archives/')) {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'archives/'
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'archives/*/test/results_autotests*.xml'
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'archives/*/test/*.xsl'
stage ("Destroy all Virtual Machines") { stage ("Destroy all Virtual Machines") {
steps { steps {
sh "./ci-scripts/ --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID}" sh "./ci-scripts/ --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID}"
...@@ -156,7 +156,6 @@ case $key in ...@@ -156,7 +156,6 @@ case $key in
LOG_PATTERN=cppcheck.xml LOG_PATTERN=cppcheck.xml
BUILD_OPTIONS="--enable=warning --force --xml --xml-version=2 -i openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_decoder.c" BUILD_OPTIONS="--enable=warning --force --xml --xml-version=2 -i openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_decoder.c"
shift shift
;; ;;
-v5) -v5)
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