Commit 2a24f809 authored by 111's avatar 111

add cap period

parent 3fcf6433
......@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ int nr_cap_srs_signal(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
ric_send_buf = ns_srs_cap->dmrsData;
ric_send_len = 273*12*ant_num*N_symb_SRS*4;//for test
LOG_I(PHY,"sem_post(&ric_send_sem) buf %p, size %d, port %d, ant %d \n\n\n",ric_send_buf,ric_send_len, ns_srs_cap->num_ant_ports, ant_num);
LOG_I(PHY,"sem_post(&ric_send_sem) frame %d %d, buf%p, size %d, port %d, ant %d config %d\n\n\n",ric_send_buf,ric_send_len, ns_srs_cap->num_ant_ports, ant_num, ns_srs_cap->config_index);
......@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ int nr_cap_srs_signal(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
if (output_fd) {
LOG_I(PHY, "log srs data, ant %d, symbs %d, port %d, size %d\n", frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx, N_symb_SRS, N_ap, sizeof(nr_srs_cap_t)/2);
LOG_I(PHY, "log srs data, ant %d, symbs %d, port %d, size %d, config %d\n", frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx, N_symb_SRS, N_ap, sizeof(nr_srs_cap_t)/2, ns_srs_cap->config_index);
......@@ -284,4 +284,4 @@ int nr_cap_srs_signal(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
g_dmrs_caps_idx = (g_dmrs_caps_idx+1) % 2;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -104,9 +104,14 @@ int nr_ulsch_encoding(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
//printf("a0 %d a1 %d a2 %d\n", a[A>>3], a[1+(A>>3)], a[2+(A>>3)]);
harq_process->B = A+24;
AssertFatal((A/8)+4 <= max_payload_bytes,"A %d is too big (A/8+4 = %d > %d)\n",A,(A/8)+4,max_payload_bytes);
if ((A/8)+4 <= max_payload_bytes)
LOG_I(PHY, "A %d is too big (A/8+4 = %d > %d)\n",A,(A/8)+4,max_payload_bytes);
return -1;
//AssertFatal((A/8)+4 <= max_payload_bytes,"A %d is too big (A/8+4 = %d > %d)\n",A,(A/8)+4,max_payload_bytes);
else {
......@@ -119,8 +124,13 @@ int nr_ulsch_encoding(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
harq_process->B = A+16;
AssertFatal((A/8)+3 <= max_payload_bytes,"A %d is too big (A/8+3 = %d > %d)\n",A,(A/8)+3,max_payload_bytes);
//AssertFatal((A/8)+3 <= max_payload_bytes,"A %d is too big (A/8+3 = %d > %d)\n",A,(A/8)+3,max_payload_bytes);
if ((A/8)+3 <= max_payload_bytes)
LOG_I(PHY, "A %d is too big (A/8+3 = %d > %d)\n",A,(A/8)+3,max_payload_bytes);
return -1;
memcpy(harq_process->b,harq_process->a,(A/8)+3); // using 3 bytes to mimic the case of 24 bit crc
......@@ -245,7 +255,8 @@ int nr_ulsch_encoding(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
///////////////////////// d---->| Rate matching bit selection |---->e /////////////////////////
if (ulsch->pusch_pdu.nrOfLayers <=0)
return -1;
uint32_t E = nr_get_E(G, harq_process->C, mod_order, ulsch->pusch_pdu.nrOfLayers, r);
......@@ -881,8 +881,34 @@ int phy_procedures_gNB_uespec_RX(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB, int frame_rx, int slot_rx) {
generate_srs_nr(srs_pdu, frame_parms, gNB->nr_srs_info[i]->srs_generated_signal, 0, gNB->nr_srs_info[i], AMP, frame_rx, slot_rx);
int srs_est = nr_get_srs_signal(gNB, frame_rx, slot_rx, srs_pdu, gNB->nr_srs_info[i], srs_received_signal);
static int log_first = 0;
static int srs_period = 10;
//if ((log_first == 0) && ((1<<srs_pdu->num_ant_ports)== 2))
if ((log_first %20 == 0) && ((1<<srs_pdu->num_ant_ports) <= 2))
if(log_first == 0)
FILE *input_fd=NULL;
int readlen;
input_fd = fopen("output_period.txt","r");
if (input_fd==NULL)
LOG_I(PHY, "Error opening0 \n");
char c;
srs_period = (c - '0')*2;
if (srs_period == 0)
srs_period = 1;
LOG_I(PHY, "srs_period %d\n", srs_period);
if (((log_first %srs_period) == 0) && ((1<<srs_pdu->num_ant_ports) <= 2))
nr_cap_srs_signal(gNB, frame_rx, slot_rx, srs_pdu, gNB->nr_srs_info[i]);
......@@ -775,6 +775,8 @@ bool nr_ue_dlsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
if (is_cw0_active != ACTIVE && is_cw1_active != ACTIVE)
return false;
if (dlsch[0].Nl <= 0)
return false;
// start ldpc decode for CW 0
dl_harq0->G = nr_get_G(dlsch[0].dlsch_config.number_rbs,
......@@ -599,6 +599,7 @@ void config_srs(const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
srs_res0->freqHopping.b_SRS = 0;
srs_res0->freqHopping.b_hop = 0;
srs_res0->freqHopping.c_SRS = rrc_get_max_nr_csrs(curr_bwp, srs_res0->freqHopping.b_SRS);
//srs_res0->freqHopping.c_SRS = 9;
srs_res0->groupOrSequenceHopping = NR_SRS_Resource__groupOrSequenceHopping_neither;
if (do_srs) {
srs_res0->resourceType.present = NR_SRS_Resource__resourceType_PR_periodic;
Active_gNBs = ( "gNB-OAI");
# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
Asn1_verbosity = "none";
gNBs =
////////// Identification parameters:
gNB_ID = 0xe00;
gNB_name = "gNB-OAI";
// Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
tracking_area_code = 100;
plmn_list = ({
mcc = 466;
mnc = 92;
mnc_length = 2;
snssaiList = (
sst = 1;
nr_cellid = 12345678L;
////////// Physical parameters:
sib1_tda = 15;
min_rxtxtime = 6;
pdsch_AntennaPorts_XP = 1;
pusch_AntennaPorts = 2;
#do_CSIRS = 1;
do_SRS = 1;
ul_prbblacklist = "135,136,137,138"
pdcch_ConfigSIB1 = (
controlResourceSetZero = 12;
searchSpaceZero = 10;
servingCellConfigCommon = (
physCellId = 0;
# downlinkConfigCommon
# this is 3300.24 + 134*12*30e3 = 3348.48 MHz (5G NR GSCN: 7741)
absoluteFrequencySSB = 644544; #623232; #652608;
dl_frequencyBand = 78;
# this is 3300.24 MHz
dl_absoluteFrequencyPointA = 641280; #620016; #651280;
dl_offstToCarrier = 0;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
dl_subcarrierSpacing = 1;
dl_carrierBandwidth = 273;
# this is RBstart=0,L=162 (275*(275-L+1))+(274-RBstart))
initialDLBWPlocationAndBandwidth = 1099;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
initialDLBWPsubcarrierSpacing = 1;
initialDLBWPcontrolResourceSetZero = 12;
initialDLBWPsearchSpaceZero = 10;
ul_frequencyBand = 78;
ul_offstToCarrier = 0;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
ul_subcarrierSpacing = 1;
ul_carrierBandwidth = 273;
pMax = 20;
initialULBWPlocationAndBandwidth = 1099;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
initialULBWPsubcarrierSpacing = 1;
prach_ConfigurationIndex = 98;
#0 = one, 1=two, 2=four, 3=eight
prach_msg1_FDM = 0;
prach_msg1_FrequencyStart = 0;
zeroCorrelationZoneConfig = 12;
preambleReceivedTargetPower = -80;
#preamblTransMax (0...10) = (3,4,5,6,7,8,10,20,50,100,200)
preambleTransMax = 6;
# 0=dB0,1=dB2,2=dB4,3=dB6
powerRampingStep = 1;
ra_ResponseWindow = 4;
ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR = 3;
#oneHalf (0..15) 4,8,12,16,...60,64
ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB = 15;
#(0..7) 8,16,24,32,40,48,56,64
ra_ContentionResolutionTimer = 7;
rsrp_ThresholdSSB = 19;
#1 = 839, 2 = 139
prach_RootSequenceIndex_PR = 2;
prach_RootSequenceIndex = 1;
# SCS for msg1, can only be 15 for 30 kHz < 6 GHz, takes precendence over the one derived from prach-ConfigIndex
msg1_SubcarrierSpacing = 1,
# restrictedSetConfig
# 0=unrestricted, 1=restricted type A, 2=restricted type B
restrictedSetConfig = 0,
msg3_DeltaPreamble = 1;
p0_NominalWithGrant =-80;
# pucch-ConfigCommon setup :
# pucchGroupHopping
# 0 = neither, 1= group hopping, 2=sequence hopping
pucchGroupHopping = 0;
hoppingId = 40;
p0_nominal = -80;
# ssb_PositionsInBurs_BitmapPR
# 1=short, 2=medium, 3=long
ssb_PositionsInBurst_PR = 2;
ssb_PositionsInBurst_Bitmap = 1;
# ssb_periodicityServingCell
# 0 = ms5, 1=ms10, 2=ms20, 3=ms40, 4=ms80, 5=ms160, 6=spare2, 7=spare1
ssb_periodicityServingCell = 2;
# dmrs_TypeA_position
# 0 = pos2, 1 = pos3
dmrs_TypeA_Position = 0;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
subcarrierSpacing = 1;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
referenceSubcarrierSpacing = 1;
# pattern1
# dl_UL_TransmissionPeriodicity
# 0=ms0p5, 1=ms0p625, 2=ms1, 3=ms1p25, 4=ms2, 5=ms2p5, 6=ms5, 7=ms10
dl_UL_TransmissionPeriodicity = 6;
nrofDownlinkSlots = 7;
nrofDownlinkSymbols = 6;
nrofUplinkSlots = 2;
nrofUplinkSymbols = 4;
ssPBCH_BlockPower = -25;
# Dedicated Serving Cell Configuration
servingCellConfigDedicated = ({
# BWP-Downlink
# BWP 1 Configuration
dl_bwp-Id_1 = 1;
dl_bwp1_locationAndBandwidth = 1099; // RBstart=0, L=273 (100 MHz BW)
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
dl_bwp1_subcarrierSpacing = 1;
firstActiveDownlinkBWP-Id = 1; #BWP-Id
defaultDownlinkBWP-Id = 1; #BWP-Id
# bwp-InactivityTimer ENUMERATED {ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20, ms30,
# ms40,ms50, ms60, ms80,ms100, ms200,ms300, ms500,
# ms750, ms1280, ms1920, ms2560, spare10, spare9, spare8,
# spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 }
# UplinkConfig
# BWP-Uplink
# BWP 1 Configuration
ul_bwp-Id_1 = 1;
ul_bwp1_locationAndBandwidth = 1099; // RBstart=0, L=273 (100 MHz BW)
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
ul_bwp1_subcarrierSpacing = 1;
firstActiveUplinkBWP-Id = 1; #BWP-Id
# ------- SCTP definitions
# Number of streams to use in input/output
////////// AMF parameters:
amf_ip_address = ( { ipv4 = "";
ipv6 = "192:168:30::17";
active = "yes";
preference = "ipv4";
GNB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_NG_AMF = "docker-openxg";
GNB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_NGU = "docker-openxg";
GNB_PORT_FOR_S1U = 2152; # Spec 2152
num_cc = 1;
tr_s_preference = "local_L1";
tr_n_preference = "local_RRC";
pusch_TargetSNRx10 = 300;
pucch_TargetSNRx10 = 250;
pusch_FailureThres = 1000;
ulsch_max_frame_inactivity = 0;
L1s = (
num_cc = 1;
tr_n_preference = "local_mac";
prach_dtx_threshold = 120;
pucch0_dtx_threshold = 80;
RUs = (
local_rf = "yes"
nb_tx = 1;
nb_rx = 2;
att_tx = 89;
att_rx = 0;
bands = [78];
num_tp_cores = 8;
max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -27;
max_rxgain = 55;
eNB_instances = [0];
##beamforming 1x2 matrix: 1 layer x 2 antennas
#bf_weights = [0x00007fff, 0x0000];
bf_weights = [0x00007fff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000];
sdr_addrs = "dev=pciex:0,auxdac1=1660";
clock_src = "internal";
#three config for level of parallelism "PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD", "PARALLEL_RU_L1_SPLIT", or "PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT"
parallel_config = "PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT";
#two option for worker "WORKER_DISABLE" or "WORKER_ENABLE"
worker_config = "WORKER_ENABLE";
rfsimulator :
serveraddr = "server";
serverport = "4043";
options = (); #("saviq"); or/and "chanmod"
modelname = "AWGN";
IQfile = "/tmp/rfsimulator.iqs";
security = {
# preferred ciphering algorithms
# the first one of the list that an UE supports in chosen
# valid values: nea0, nea1, nea2, nea3
ciphering_algorithms = ( "nea0" );
# preferred integrity algorithms
# the first one of the list that an UE supports in chosen
# valid values: nia0, nia1, nia2, nia3
integrity_algorithms = ( "nia2", "nia0" );
# setting 'drb_ciphering' to "no" disables ciphering for DRBs, no matter
# what 'ciphering_algorithms' configures; same thing for 'drb_integrity'
drb_ciphering = "yes";
drb_integrity = "no";
log_config :
global_log_level ="info";
hw_log_level ="info";
phy_log_level ="info";
mac_log_level ="info";
rlc_log_level ="info";
pdcp_log_level ="info";
rrc_log_level ="info";
ngap_log_level ="debug";
f1ap_log_level ="debug";
Active_gNBs = ( "gNB-OAI");
# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
Asn1_verbosity = "none";
gNBs =
////////// Identification parameters:
gNB_ID = 0xe00;
gNB_name = "gNB-OAI";
// Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
tracking_area_code = 100;
plmn_list = ({
mcc = 466;
mnc = 92;
mnc_length = 2;
snssaiList = (
sst = 1;
nr_cellid = 12345678L;
////////// Physical parameters:
sib1_tda = 15;
min_rxtxtime = 6;
pdsch_AntennaPorts_XP = 1;
pusch_AntennaPorts = 2;
#do_CSIRS = 1;
do_SRS = 1;
ul_prbblacklist = "135,136,137,138"
pdcch_ConfigSIB1 = (
controlResourceSetZero = 12;
searchSpaceZero = 10;
servingCellConfigCommon = (
physCellId = 0;
# downlinkConfigCommon
# this is 3300.24 + 134*12*30e3 = 3348.48 MHz (5G NR GSCN: 7741)
absoluteFrequencySSB = 623232; #623232; #652608;
dl_frequencyBand = 78;
# this is 3300.24 MHz
dl_absoluteFrequencyPointA = 620016; #620016; #651280;
dl_offstToCarrier = 0;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
dl_subcarrierSpacing = 1;
dl_carrierBandwidth = 273;
# this is RBstart=0,L=162 (275*(275-L+1))+(274-RBstart))
initialDLBWPlocationAndBandwidth = 1099;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
initialDLBWPsubcarrierSpacing = 1;
initialDLBWPcontrolResourceSetZero = 12;
initialDLBWPsearchSpaceZero = 10;
ul_frequencyBand = 78;
ul_offstToCarrier = 0;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
ul_subcarrierSpacing = 1;
ul_carrierBandwidth = 273;
pMax = 20;
initialULBWPlocationAndBandwidth = 1099;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
initialULBWPsubcarrierSpacing = 1;
prach_ConfigurationIndex = 98;
#0 = one, 1=two, 2=four, 3=eight
prach_msg1_FDM = 0;
prach_msg1_FrequencyStart = 0;
zeroCorrelationZoneConfig = 12;
preambleReceivedTargetPower = -80;
#preamblTransMax (0...10) = (3,4,5,6,7,8,10,20,50,100,200)
preambleTransMax = 6;
# 0=dB0,1=dB2,2=dB4,3=dB6
powerRampingStep = 1;
ra_ResponseWindow = 4;
ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR = 3;
#oneHalf (0..15) 4,8,12,16,...60,64
ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB = 15;
#(0..7) 8,16,24,32,40,48,56,64
ra_ContentionResolutionTimer = 7;
rsrp_ThresholdSSB = 19;
#1 = 839, 2 = 139
prach_RootSequenceIndex_PR = 2;
prach_RootSequenceIndex = 1;
# SCS for msg1, can only be 15 for 30 kHz < 6 GHz, takes precendence over the one derived from prach-ConfigIndex
msg1_SubcarrierSpacing = 1,
# restrictedSetConfig
# 0=unrestricted, 1=restricted type A, 2=restricted type B
restrictedSetConfig = 0,
msg3_DeltaPreamble = 1;
p0_NominalWithGrant =-80;
# pucch-ConfigCommon setup :
# pucchGroupHopping
# 0 = neither, 1= group hopping, 2=sequence hopping
pucchGroupHopping = 0;
hoppingId = 40;
p0_nominal = -80;
# ssb_PositionsInBurs_BitmapPR
# 1=short, 2=medium, 3=long
ssb_PositionsInBurst_PR = 2;
ssb_PositionsInBurst_Bitmap = 1;
# ssb_periodicityServingCell
# 0 = ms5, 1=ms10, 2=ms20, 3=ms40, 4=ms80, 5=ms160, 6=spare2, 7=spare1
ssb_periodicityServingCell = 2;
# dmrs_TypeA_position
# 0 = pos2, 1 = pos3
dmrs_TypeA_Position = 0;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
subcarrierSpacing = 1;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
referenceSubcarrierSpacing = 1;
# pattern1
# dl_UL_TransmissionPeriodicity
# 0=ms0p5, 1=ms0p625, 2=ms1, 3=ms1p25, 4=ms2, 5=ms2p5, 6=ms5, 7=ms10
dl_UL_TransmissionPeriodicity = 6;
nrofDownlinkSlots = 7;
nrofDownlinkSymbols = 6;
nrofUplinkSlots = 2;
nrofUplinkSymbols = 4;
ssPBCH_BlockPower = -25;
# Dedicated Serving Cell Configuration
servingCellConfigDedicated = ({
# BWP-Downlink
# BWP 1 Configuration
dl_bwp-Id_1 = 1;
dl_bwp1_locationAndBandwidth = 1099; // RBstart=0, L=273 (100 MHz BW)
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
dl_bwp1_subcarrierSpacing = 1;
firstActiveDownlinkBWP-Id = 1; #BWP-Id
defaultDownlinkBWP-Id = 1; #BWP-Id
# bwp-InactivityTimer ENUMERATED {ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20, ms30,
# ms40,ms50, ms60, ms80,ms100, ms200,ms300, ms500,
# ms750, ms1280, ms1920, ms2560, spare10, spare9, spare8,
# spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 }
# UplinkConfig
# BWP-Uplink
# BWP 1 Configuration
ul_bwp-Id_1 = 1;
ul_bwp1_locationAndBandwidth = 1099; // RBstart=0, L=273 (100 MHz BW)
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
ul_bwp1_subcarrierSpacing = 1;
firstActiveUplinkBWP-Id = 1; #BWP-Id
# ------- SCTP definitions
# Number of streams to use in input/output
////////// AMF parameters:
amf_ip_address = ( { ipv4 = "";
ipv6 = "192:168:30::17";
active = "yes";
preference = "ipv4";
GNB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_NG_AMF = "docker-openxg";
GNB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_NGU = "docker-openxg";
GNB_PORT_FOR_S1U = 2152; # Spec 2152
num_cc = 1;
tr_s_preference = "local_L1";
tr_n_preference = "local_RRC";
pusch_TargetSNRx10 = 300;
pucch_TargetSNRx10 = 250;
pusch_FailureThres = 1000;
ulsch_max_frame_inactivity = 0;
L1s = (
num_cc = 1;
tr_n_preference = "local_mac";
prach_dtx_threshold = 120;
pucch0_dtx_threshold = 80;
RUs = (
local_rf = "yes"
nb_tx = 1;
nb_rx = 4;
att_tx = 89;
att_rx = 0;
bands = [78];
num_tp_cores = 8;
max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -27;
max_rxgain = 55;
eNB_instances = [0];
##beamforming 1x2 matrix: 1 layer x 2 antennas
#bf_weights = [0x00007fff, 0x0000];
bf_weights = [0x00007fff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000];
sdr_addrs = "dev=pciex:0,auxdac1=1660";
clock_src = "internal";
#three config for level of parallelism "PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD", "PARALLEL_RU_L1_SPLIT", or "PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT"
parallel_config = "PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT";
#two option for worker "WORKER_DISABLE" or "WORKER_ENABLE"
worker_config = "WORKER_ENABLE";
rfsimulator :
serveraddr = "server";
serverport = "4043";
options = (); #("saviq"); or/and "chanmod"
modelname = "AWGN";
IQfile = "/tmp/rfsimulator.iqs";
security = {
# preferred ciphering algorithms
# the first one of the list that an UE supports in chosen
# valid values: nea0, nea1, nea2, nea3
ciphering_algorithms = ( "nea0" );
# preferred integrity algorithms
# the first one of the list that an UE supports in chosen
# valid values: nia0, nia1, nia2, nia3
integrity_algorithms = ( "nia2", "nia0" );
# setting 'drb_ciphering' to "no" disables ciphering for DRBs, no matter
# what 'ciphering_algorithms' configures; same thing for 'drb_integrity'
drb_ciphering = "yes";
drb_integrity = "no";
log_config :
global_log_level ="info";
hw_log_level ="info";
phy_log_level ="info";
mac_log_level ="info";
rlc_log_level ="info";
pdcp_log_level ="info";
rrc_log_level ="info";
ngap_log_level ="debug";
f1ap_log_level ="debug";
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