Commit 395249b7 authored by Marwan Hammouda's avatar Marwan Hammouda

[Develop-Testing]: chnages for testing Frequency offset compensation on Emulator

parent 21140c0a
......@@ -129,6 +129,9 @@
#define CONFIG_HLP_FD_ScalingFN "Set the D scaling factor (numerator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side"
#define CONFIG_HLP_FD_ScalingFD "Set the D scaling factor (denominator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side"
#define CONFIG_HLP_FP_Scaling "set scaling P"
#define CONFIG_HLP_FI_Scaling "set scaling I"
/* command line parameters for LOG utility */
/* optname helpstr paramflags XXXptr defXXXval type numelt */
......@@ -192,4 +195,9 @@ extern uint16_t I_ScalingFD; //I scaling factor (denominator) of the PID control
extern uint16_t D_ScalingFN; //D scaling factor (numerator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side
extern uint16_t D_ScalingFD; //D scaling factor (denominator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side
extern double PScaling;
extern double IScaling;
extern int commonDoppler;
......@@ -578,6 +578,7 @@ int32_t fdopplerRate;
uint32_t fdopplerVar;
int tdriftComp = 1;
int32_t fdopplerPrePost = 0; //pre/post compensation of the Doppler shift at the gNB side
int commonDoppler = 0; // common doppler to be compensated at UE, but set here to avoid linking error
int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
int ru_id, CC_id = 0;
......@@ -441,6 +441,11 @@ uint16_t I_ScalingFD = 2; //I scaling factor (denominator) of the PID controller
uint16_t D_ScalingFN = 0; //D scaling factor (numerator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side
uint16_t D_ScalingFD = 1; //D scaling factor (denominator) of the PID controller for the Doppler compensation at UE side
double PScaling = 0.33;
double IScaling = 0.5;
int commonDoppler = 421528;
int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
int set_exe_prio = 1;
......@@ -77,7 +77,9 @@
{"DCIN" , CONFIG_HLP_FI_ScalingFN,0, .u16ptr=&I_ScalingFN, .defintval=1, TYPE_UINT16, 0}, \
{"DCID" , CONFIG_HLP_FI_ScalingFD,0, .u16ptr=&I_ScalingFD, .defintval=2, TYPE_UINT16, 0}, \
{"DCDN" , CONFIG_HLP_FD_ScalingFN,0, .u16ptr=&D_ScalingFN, .defintval=0, TYPE_UINT16, 0}, \
{"DCDD" , CONFIG_HLP_FD_ScalingFD,0, .u16ptr=&D_ScalingFD, .defintval=1, TYPE_UINT16, 0} \
{"DCDD" , CONFIG_HLP_FD_ScalingFD,0, .u16ptr=&D_ScalingFD, .defintval=1, TYPE_UINT16, 0}, \
{"DCP" , CONFIG_HLP_FP_Scaling,0, .dblptr=&PScaling, .defdblval=0.33, TYPE_DOUBLE, 0}, \
{"DCI" , CONFIG_HLP_FI_Scaling,0, .dblptr=&IScaling, .defdblval=0.5, TYPE_DOUBLE, 0}, \
// clang-format on
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
extern int fdopplerComp;
extern int commonDoppler;
int nr_slot_fep(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
UE_nr_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
......@@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ int nr_slot_fep(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
unsigned int nsamps = frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + curr_nb_prefix;
int16_t *rxdataDopp_ptr = (int16_t *)&common_vars->rxdata[aa][SampIdxDopplerUERx];
int DopplerToComp = -(ue->DopplerEst);
int DopplerToComp = -(ue->DopplerEst + commonDoppler);
nr_apply_Doppler( rxdataDopp_ptr, nsamps, DopplerToComp , &SampIdxDopplerUERx, frame_parms);
......@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@
#include "PHY/NR_REFSIG/sss_nr.h"
#include "PHY/NR_REFSIG/refsig_defs_ue.h"
#include "PHY/MODULATION/nr_modulation.h"
extern openair0_config_t openair0_cfg[];
//static nfapi_nr_config_request_t config_t;
//static nfapi_nr_config_request_t* config =&config_t;
......@@ -196,6 +198,7 @@ int nr_pbch_detection(UE_nr_rxtx_proc_t * proc, PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, int pbch_ini
extern int commonDoppler;
int nr_initial_sync(UE_nr_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
int n_frames, int sa)
......@@ -210,6 +213,8 @@ int nr_initial_sync(UE_nr_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
int ret=-1;
int rx_power=0; //aarx,
uint32_t SampIdxUERxInitSync = 0;
......@@ -237,6 +242,8 @@ int nr_initial_sync(UE_nr_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
// initial sync performed on two successive frames, if pbch passes on first frame, no need to process second frame
// only one frame is used for symulation tools
for (frame_id = 0; frame_id < n_frames; frame_id++) {
nr_apply_Doppler( &ue->common_vars.rxdata[0][frame_id*fp->samples_per_frame], fp->samples_per_frame,
-commonDoppler, &SampIdxUERxInitSync, fp);
/* process pss search on received buffer */
sync_pos = pss_synchro_nr(ue, frame_id, NO_RATE_CHANGE);
if (sync_pos < fp->nb_prefix_samples)
......@@ -528,18 +528,19 @@ int nr_rx_pbch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
if ( DopplerErrLast == (int64_t)1<<60 ) //Initialization of DopplerErrLast
DopplerErrLast = DopplerErr;
Doppler_I_Ctrl += DopplerErr;
ue->DopplerEst = (int32_t)(DopplerErr*P_ScalingFN/P_ScalingFD + Doppler_I_Ctrl*I_ScalingFN/I_ScalingFD +
(DopplerErr-DopplerErrLast)*D_ScalingFN/D_ScalingFD); //PID controller
// ue->DopplerEst = (int32_t)(DopplerErr*P_ScalingFN/P_ScalingFD + Doppler_I_Ctrl*I_ScalingFN/I_ScalingFD +
// (DopplerErr-DopplerErrLast)*D_ScalingFN/D_ScalingFD); //PID controller
ue->DopplerEst = (int32_t)(DopplerErr*PScaling + Doppler_I_Ctrl*IScaling); //PID controller
DopplerErrLast = DopplerErr;
//#ifdef DEBUG_PBCH
double rx_gain = openair0_cfg[0].rx_gain[0];
double rx_gain_offset = openair0_cfg[0].rx_gain_offset[0];
double DopplerEstMax = M_PI/ (2*M_PI*(DMRS_idx_current-DMRS_idx_last)*TOfdm);
LOG_I(PHY, "**** DopplerEst: %f, ue->DopplerEst: %d, chLevel: %i, chLevelLog: %u, outShift: %u, re: %i, im: %i, phase: %f, rxG: %f, rxGOff: %f\n",
DopplerEst, ue->DopplerEst, channelLevel, channelLevelLog, outputShift, Res_cpx.r, Res_cpx.i, Res_phase, rx_gain, rx_gain_offset);
LOG_I(PHY, "DopplerEstMax: %f\n", DopplerEstMax);
DopplerEst, ue->DopplerEst, channelLevel, channelLevelLog, outputShift, Dot_Prod_Res.r, Dot_Prod_Res.i, Res_phase, rx_gain, rx_gain_offset);
LOG_I(PHY, "DopplerEstMax: %f, PScaling: %f, IScaling: %f\n", DopplerEstMax, PScaling, IScaling);
......@@ -628,12 +628,13 @@ uint8_t nr_ue_pusch_common_procedures(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *UE,
SampIdxDopplerUETx = frame_parms->get_samples_slot_timestamp(slot,frame_parms,0);
int writeBlockSize = frame_parms->get_samples_per_slot(slot,frame_parms);
extern int fdopplerComp;
extern int commonDoppler;
if (fdopplerComp == 1){
// First scale the offset computed on DL before being applied to UL
uint64_t dl_carrier, ul_carrier;
nr_get_carrier_frequencies(UE, &dl_carrier, &ul_carrier);
double freq_scale = (double)ul_carrier / dl_carrier;
int DopplerToComp = -(UE->DopplerEst * freq_scale);
int DopplerToComp = -((UE->DopplerEst + commonDoppler) * freq_scale);
nr_apply_Doppler( &txdata[0][tx_offset], writeBlockSize, DopplerToComp, &SampIdxDopplerUETx, frame_parms);
......@@ -845,16 +845,21 @@ static int rfsimulator_read(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp *ptimest
LOG_W(HW, "rfsimulator: only 4 antenna tested\n");
static double timeForDoppler = 0;
int currDoppler = 0;
static uint64_t counter = 0;
static int initDoppler = 0;
static uint64_t SampIdxDoppler = 0; //sample index in the calculation of the Doppler shift
//Paramters for Doppler shift. Assume the Doppler frequency changes every frame
uint32_t NrSampFrame = fsamp/100; //Number of samples per frame (10ms)
static int32_t fdopplerStep = 1<<20;
static uint32_t CntDoppRate = 1; //counter for the Doppler rate
static int32_t fdopplerCurr = 1<<20; //current Doppler
if ( fdopplerStep == 1<<20 )
fdopplerStep = fdopplerRate/100;
if ( fdopplerCurr == 1<<20 )
fdopplerCurr = fdoppler;
// uint32_t NrSampFrame = fsamp/100; //Number of samples per frame (10ms)
// static int32_t fdopplerStep = 1<<20;
// static uint32_t CntDoppRate = 1; //counter for the Doppler rate
// static int32_t fdopplerCurr = 1<<20; //current Doppler
// if ( fdopplerStep == 1<<20 )
// fdopplerStep = fdopplerRate/100;
// if ( fdopplerCurr == 1<<20 )
// fdopplerCurr = fdoppler;
rfsimulator_state_t *t = device->priv;
LOG_D(HW, "Enter rfsimulator_read, expect %d samples, will release at TS: %ld, nbAnt %d\n", nsamps, t->nextRxTstamp+nsamps, nbAnt);
......@@ -947,6 +952,25 @@ static int rfsimulator_read(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp *ptimest
sample_t *out=(sample_t *)samplesVoid[a];
int nbAnt_tx = ptr->th.nbAnt;//number of Tx antennas
if ((t-> typeStamp != ENB_MAGICDL) && (TO_UE_flag == 1))
timeForDoppler = 1050 + (double)SampIdxDoppler/fsamp;
const float R = 6371000; const float h = 600000;
double ue_posX = 0; double ue_posY = 0; double ue_posZ = R;
static float wsat = 0.0011;
double sat_posX = 0; double sat_posY = (R+h) * cos(wsat*timeForDoppler); double sat_posZ = (R+h) * sin(wsat*timeForDoppler);
float norm_d = sqrt(((ue_posX - sat_posX) * (ue_posX - sat_posX)) + ((ue_posY - sat_posY) * (ue_posY - sat_posY)) + ((ue_posZ - sat_posZ) * (ue_posZ - sat_posZ)));
float cos_theta = (sat_posY - ue_posY) / norm_d;
double fc = 20e9;
double c = 299792458;
int currDopplerTmp = (int)((wsat*R / c) * fc * (R/(R+h)) * cos_theta);
if (SampIdxDoppler == 0)
initDoppler = currDopplerTmp;
currDoppler = currDopplerTmp - initDoppler;
//LOG_I(HW, "nbAnt_tx %d\n",nbAnt_tx);
for (int i=0; i < nsamps; i++) {//loop over nsamps
for (int a_tx=0; a_tx<nbAnt_tx; a_tx++) { //sum up signals from nbAnt_tx antennas
......@@ -955,6 +979,18 @@ static int rfsimulator_read(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp *ptimest
} // end for a_tx
if ((t-> typeStamp != ENB_MAGICDL) && (TO_UE_flag == 1))
int16_t outRealTmp = out[i].r;
int16_t outImagTmp = out[i].i;
out[i].r = (short)(outRealTmp * cos(2*M_PI*(double)SampIdxDoppler*currDoppler/fsamp) - outImagTmp * sin(2*M_PI*(double)SampIdxDoppler*currDoppler/fsamp));
out[i].i = (short)(outImagTmp * cos(2*M_PI*(double)SampIdxDoppler*currDoppler/fsamp) + outRealTmp * sin(2*M_PI*(double)SampIdxDoppler*currDoppler/fsamp));
int16_t outRealTmp = out[i].r;
int16_t outImagTmp = out[i].i;
......@@ -971,6 +1007,7 @@ static int rfsimulator_read(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp *ptimest
fdopplerCurr += 2*fdopplerStep;
} // end for i (number of samps)
} // end of no channel modeling
......@@ -978,6 +1015,24 @@ static int rfsimulator_read(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp *ptimest
if ((t-> typeStamp != ENB_MAGICDL) && (TO_UE_flag == 1))
char filename[40];
FILE *fptr;
fptr = fopen(filename,"a");
if (counter % 1600 == 0)
*ptimestamp = t->nextRxTstamp; // return the time of the first sample
LOG_D(HW,"Rx to upper layer: %d from %ld to %ld, energy in first antenna %d\n",
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