Commit d0de678f authored by Robert Schmidt's avatar Robert Schmidt

Update CI documentation

parent eef8cf51
## Table of Contents ##
1. [Legacy 1 Bench](#legacy-1-bench)
2. [Legacy 2 Bench](#legacy-2-bench)
3. [Next Bench for DEV](#next-bench-for-dev)
4. [Next Bench for CI](#next-bench-for-ci)
5. [Indoor Live Network Bench](#indoor-live-network-bench)
6. [Outdoor Live Network Bench](#outdoor-live-network-bench)
## Legacy 1 Bench
**Purpose** : FDD Band 7 and Band 13, LTE-M
**Note** : Legacy1 and Legacy2 are duplicated so that they can run in parallel, thus avoiding a CI bottleneck
**Note** : Faraday Cages 1 and 2 are physically the same cage
![image info](./testbenches_doc_resources/legacy1.jpg)
## Legacy 2 Bench
**Purpose** : TDD Band 40, TM2 2xTX 2xRX
**Note** : CN can run in a container, could also run on Massive
![image info](./testbenches_doc_resources/legacy2.jpg)
## Next Bench for DEV
**Note** : Benetel CI can also run on this bench at night
![image info](./testbenches_doc_resources/next_dev.jpg)
## Next Bench for CI
**Note** : The current test running on Caracal could run on this bench with a N300/N300 setup
![image info](./testbenches_doc_resources/next_ci.jpg)
## Indoor Live Network Bench
![image info](./testbenches_doc_resources/indoor_live.jpg)
## Outdoor Live Network Bench
![image info](./testbenches_doc_resources/outdoor_live.jpg)
1. [Machines](#machines)
2. [Networked devices](#networked-devices)
3. [Testbenches](#testbenches)
4. [Pipelines](#pipelines)
## Machines
| Machine | IP address | Lockable Resource | Function | Connected devices |
| ------------- | --------------- | --------------------- | ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| asterix | | CI-Asterix-Usage | gNB | |
| obelix | | CI-Obelix-Usage | eNB, UE (5G) |, X300 (, B200mini (30C51EB) |
| porcepix | | CI-NSA-MiniBench | Executor, EPC, 5GC | -- |
| nrmodule2 | | CI-NSA-MiniBench | Quectel | Quectel module |
| nepes | | CI-NSA-MiniBench | gNB | B200mini (30C51D4) |
| caracal | | CI-Caracal | gNB/phytest | N300 ( |
| idefix | | CI-NSA-MiniBench | Quectel | Quectel module |
| amariue | | CI-Amarisoft-UE-Usage | TBD | Amarisoft UE simulator |
| bellatrix | | CI-RAN-VM-Deployment | Executor | -- |
| nano | | CI-Bench-1-Phones | EPC, adb | 2x COTS (adb) |
| hutch | | CI-Bench-1-Phones | eNB (B7) | B200mini (30C5239) |
| starsky | | CI-Bench-1-Phones | eNB (B40) | b200mini (30A3E3C) |
| carabe | | CI-Bench-2-OAI-Phone | UE 4G (B) | B200mini (30AE8C9) |
Note: The available resources, and their current usage, is indicated here:
- [Lockable resources of jenkins-oai](
"New" Jenkins, i.e., with RAN-Container-Parent
- [Lockable resources of open5glab jenkins](
"Old" Jenkins, i.e., with RAN-CI-Develop
## Networked devices
| Type | IP address (mgmt) |
| ------------- | ----------------- |
| USRP N310 | |
| USRP N310 | |
## Testbenches
### OTA Testbench
[Proper image to be followed up. TBD: add antennas/circulators]
Note: obelix and porcepix are both used in the OTA testbench and the 5G
NSA/Faraday Cage testbench!
┌─────┐ ┌────┐
│ ├────────┤N300│
│ │ └────┘
porcepix │
┌─────┐ │ nrmodule2
│ ├───────────┘ ┌───────┐ ┌─────┐
│ │ │Quectel├─────────┤ │
└──┬─┬┘ obelix ┌────┐ └───────┘ │ │
│ │ ┌─────┐ │N300│ └─────┘
│ └──────────┤ ├────────┴────┘
│ │ │
│ └─────┴────────┬────┐
│ │X300│
│ └────┘
│ UEsimbox
│ ┌─────┐
└────────────┤ │ ┌────┐
│ ├────────┤SDR │
└─────┘ └────┘
### 5G NSA/Faraday Cage Testbench
**Purpose**: Faraday cage 5G tests
Note: obelix and porcepix are both used in the OTA testbench and the 5G
NSA/Faraday Cage testbench!
[Proper image to be followed up]
│ ├─────B7────────────────────┐
│ │ Faraday Cage │
└┬────┘ ┌──────────────┼───┐
│ │ │ │
│ │ Y │
porcepix │ │ │
┌─────┐ │ │ │ idefix
│ ├──────┘ │ Y──┼────┐ ┌─────┐
│ │ │ Y--│----├───────┐ │ │
└────┬┘ │ Y──┼────┤Quectel├──────┤ │
│ │ Y--│----└───────┘ └─────┘
│ │ Y │
│ nepes │ │ │
│ ┌─────┐ └────────────┼─────┘
│ │ │ │
└──────┤ ├─────B78─────────────────┘
### 4G Testbench(es)
**Purpose**: 4G/LTE testbenches
[Proper image to be followed up]
│ ├─────B7────────────────────┐
┌──────┤ │ Faraday Cage │
│ └─────┘ ┌──────────────┼───┐
│ │ │ │
│ │ Y │
nano │ │ │
┌────┴┐ USB ┌──┼─UE │ carabe
│ ├─────────────────────┤ │ │ ┌─────┐
│ │ └──┼─UE │ │ │
└───┬─┘ │ Y──┼───────B7UE──┤ │
│ │ │ └─────┘
│ │ Y │
│ starsky │ │ │
│ ┌─────┐ └────────────┼─────┘
└───────┤ │ │
│ ├──┬───────B40────────────┘
└─────┘ │
Y (sniffer)
## Pipelines
### [RAN-Container-Parent](
**Purpose**: automatically triggered tests on MR creation or push, from Gitlab
- [RAN-cppcheck](
- obelix
- performs static code analysis, currently not actively enforced
- [RAN-gNB-nrUE-MONO-TDD-Band78-N300](
- caracal + N310
- pure performance test through phy-test scheduler, see command line for more
- [RAN-L2-Sim-Test-5G](
- obelix (gNB, 1x UE, OAI 5GC)
- L2simulator: skips physical layer and uses proxy between gNB and UE,
currently only ping
- [RAN-NSA-B200-Module-LTEBOX-Container](
- obelix + B200, nepes + B200, idefix + Quectel, porcepix w/ ltebox
- basic NSA test, known to be instable
- [RAN-PhySim-Cluster](
- asterix (`Asterix-OC-oaicicd-session` resource), tests in OpenShift Cluster
- unitary simulators (`nr_dlsim`, etc.)
- [RAN-RF-Sim-Test-4G](
- obelix (eNB, 1x UE, OAI EPC)
- uses RFsimulator, for FDD 5, 10, 20MHz with core, 5MHz noS1
- [RAN-RF-Sim-Test-5G](
- obelix (gNB, 2x UE, OAI 5GC)
- uses RFsimulator, TDD 40MHz, FDD 40MHz, F1 split
- [RAN-RHEL8-Image-Builder](
- asterix: RHEL 8 image build using podman
- [RAN-Ubuntu18-Image-Builder](
- obelix: Ubuntu 18 image build using docker
### [RAN-CI-NSA-Trigger](
**Purpose**: longer-running over-the-air LTE, NSA, and SA tests, triggered
through cron job at midnight
- [RAN-LTE-2x2-Module-OAIEPC](
- obelix + N310, nrmodule2 + Quectel, porcepix w/ Magma EPC
- LTE 2x2 test with TM1 and TM2
- [RAN-NSA-B200-Module-LTEBOX](
- obelix + B200 (eNB), nepes + B200 (gNB), idefix + Quectel, porcepix w/ ltebox
- Note: like [RAN-NSA-B200-Module-LTEBOX-Container]( above, but compiled/run from source
- [RAN-NSA-2x2-Module-OAIEPC](
- obelix + N310 (eNB), asterix + N310 (gNB), nrmodule2 + Quectel, porcepix w/ Magma EPC
- LTE 2x2 and NR 2x2 (non-standalone)
- [RAN-SA-Module-CN5G](
- asterix + N310 (gNB), nrmodule2 + Quectel, porcepix w/ OAI 5GC
- NR 2x2 (standalone)
- [RAN-SA-OAIUE-N310-X300-CN5G](
- asterix + N310 (gNB), obelix + N310 or X300 (5G UE), porcepix w/ OAI 5GC
- OTA test with OAIUE using both N310 and X300
- [RAN-SA-AmariS-CN5G](
- asterix + N310, amariue (1x UE), porcepix w/ OAI 5GC
- Amarisoft UE simulator: expected to be increased to more UEs
### [RAN-CI-develop](
**Purpose**: automatically triggered tests, mostly 4G, to be phased out and
integrated into RAN-Container-Parent
runs tests:
- bellatrix: runs 4G/5G simulators directly (eNB + 1x UE + (opt.) OAI EPC, gNB + 1x UE in "noS1")
triggers pipelines:
- [eNB-CI-F1-FDD-Band7-B210](
- hutch + B210, nano w/ ltebox + 2x UE
- tests 4G FDD with F1 split, 5MHz, 10MHz, 20MHz. 5MHz stable, rest known to
be unstable
- [eNB-CI-FDD-Band7-B210](
- hutch + B210, nano w/ ltebox + 2x UE
- tests T tracer, information through FlexRAN, RRC inactivity timers,
inactivity timers + FlexRAN, different bandwidths
- [eNB-CI-IF4p5-FDD-Band7-B210](
- hutch + B210, nano w/ ltebox + 2x UE
- tests IF4.5 split over bandwidths 5, 10, 20 MHz in Band 7
- [eNB-CI-IF4p5-TDD-Band40-B210](
- starsky + B210, nano w/ ltebox + 2x UE
- tests IF4.5 split over bandwidths 5, 10, 20 MHz in Band 40
- [eNB-CI-TDD-Band40-B210](
- starsky + B210, nano w/ ltebox + 2x UE
- T tracer, TM1 over bandwidths 5, 10, 20 MHz in Band 40, default scheduler
for 20 MHz
- [eNB-UE-CI-MONO-FDD-Band7-B200](
- hutch + B210 (eNB), carabe + B210 (4G UE), nano w/ ltebox
- tests OAI 4G for 5 MHz/TM1 with both CN and in noS1 model, MBMS; known to
be unstable
- [UE-CI-FDD-Band20-B200](
- starsky + B210 (sniffer)
- Sniff MIB + SIB1 of Orange, SFR
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