Commit e772899b authored by Raphael Defosseux's avatar Raphael Defosseux

CI: better reporting on basic simulator

Signed-off-by: default avatarRaphael Defosseux <>
parent c8eb68d5
No related merge requests found
...@@ -317,117 +317,189 @@ then ...@@ -317,117 +317,189 @@ then
echo " <th>Statistics</th>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html echo " <th>Statistics</th>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo " </tr>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html echo " </tr>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
PING_TESTS=`ls $ARCHIVES_LOC/*ping*txt` BW_CASES=(05 10 20)
for PING_CASE in $PING_TESTS for BW in ${BW_CASES[@]}
do do
echo " <tr>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html ENB_LOG=$ARCHIVES_LOC/enb_${BW}MHz.log
NAME=`echo $PING_CASE | sed -e "s#$ARCHIVES_LOC/##"` UE_LOG=`echo $ENB_LOG | sed -e "s#enb#ue#"`
echo " <td>$NAME</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html if [ -f $ENB_LOG ] && [ -f $UE_LOG ]
CMD=`egrep "COMMAND IS" $PING_CASE | sed -e "s#COMMAND IS: ##"`
echo " <td>$CMD</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
FILE_COMPLETE=`egrep -c "ping statistics" $PING_CASE`
if [ $FILE_COMPLETE -eq 0 ]
then then
echo " <td bgcolor = \"red\" >KO</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html NAME_ENB=`echo $ENB_LOG | sed -e "s#$ARCHIVES_LOC/##"`
NAME_UE=`echo $UE_LOG | sed -e "s#$ARCHIVES_LOC/##"`
echo " <tr>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo " <td>$NAME_ENB --- $NAME_UE</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo " <td>N/A</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html echo " <td>N/A</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
else NB_ENB_GOT_SYNC=`egrep -c "got sync" $ENB_LOG`
NB_TR_PACKETS=`egrep "packets transmitted" $PING_CASE | sed -e "s# packets transmitted.*##"` NB_UE_GOT_SYNC=`egrep -c "got sync" $UE_LOG`
NB_RC_PACKETS=`egrep "packets transmitted" $PING_CASE | sed -e "s#^.*packets transmitted, ##" -e "s# received,.*##"` NB_ENB_SYNCED_WITH_UE=`egrep -c "got UE capabilities for UE" $ENB_LOG`
if [ $NB_TR_PACKETS -eq $NB_RC_PACKETS ] if [ $NB_ENB_GOT_SYNC -eq 1 ] && [ $NB_UE_GOT_SYNC -eq 2 ] && [ $NB_ENB_SYNCED_WITH_UE -eq 1 ]
then then
echo " <td bgcolor = \"green\" >OK</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html echo " <td bgcolor = \"green\" >OK</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
else else
echo " <td bgcolor = \"red\" >KO</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html echo " <td bgcolor = \"red\" >OK</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
fi fi
echo " <td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html echo " <td><pre>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo " <pre>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html if [ $NB_ENB_GOT_SYNC -eq 1 ]
STATS=`egrep "packets transmitted" $PING_CASE | sed -e "s#^.*received, ##" -e "s#, time.*##" -e "s# packet loss##"` then
echo "Packet Loss : $STATS" >> ./test_simulator_results.html echo "<font color = \"blue\">- eNB --> got sync</font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
RTTMIN=`egrep "rtt min" $PING_CASE | awk '{split($4,a,"/"); print a[1] " " $5}'` else
echo "RTT Minimal : $RTTMIN" >> ./test_simulator_results.html echo "<font color = \"red\"><b>- eNB NEVER got sync</b></font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
RTTAVG=`egrep "rtt min" $PING_CASE | awk '{split($4,a,"/"); print a[2] " " $5}'` fi
echo "RTT Average : $RTTAVG" >> ./test_simulator_results.html if [ $NB_UE_GOT_SYNC -eq 2 ]
RTTMAX=`egrep "rtt min" $PING_CASE | awk '{split($4,a,"/"); print a[3] " " $5}'` then
echo "RTT Maximal : $RTTMAX" >> ./test_simulator_results.html echo "<font color = \"blue\">- UE --> got sync</font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo " </pre>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html else
echo " </td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html echo "<font color = \"red\"><b>- UE NEVER got sync</b></font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
fi fi
echo " </tr>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html if [ $NB_ENB_SYNCED_WITH_UE -eq 1 ]
done then
echo "<font color = \"blue\">- UE attached to eNB</font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
IPERF_TESTS=`ls $ARCHIVES_LOC/*iperf*client*txt` else
for IPERF_CASE in $IPERF_TESTS echo "<font color = \"red\"><b>- UE NEVER attached to eNB</b></font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
do fi
echo " <tr>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html NB_SEGFAULT_ENB=`egrep -i -c "Segmentation Fault" $ENB_LOG`
NAME=`echo $IPERF_CASE | sed -e "s#$ARCHIVES_LOC/##"` if [ $NB_SEGFAULT_ENB -ne 0 ]
echo " <td>$NAME</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html then
CMD=`egrep "COMMAND IS" $IPERF_CASE | sed -e "s#COMMAND IS: ##"` echo "<font color = \"red\"><b>- eNB --> Segmentation Fault</b></font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo " <td>$CMD</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html fi
REQ_BITRATE=`echo $CMD | sed -e "s#^.*-b ##" -e "s#-i 1.*##"` NB_SEGFAULT_UE=`egrep -i -c "Segmentation Fault" $UE_LOG`
if [[ $REQ_BITRATE =~ .*K.* ]] if [ $NB_SEGFAULT_UE -ne 0 ]
then then
REQ_BITRATE=`echo $REQ_BITRATE | sed -e "s#K##"` echo "<font color = \"red\"><b>- UE --> Segmentation Fault</b></font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
FLOAT_REQ_BITRATE=`echo "$REQ_BITRATE * 1000.0" | bc -l` fi
fi NB_ASSERTION_ENB=`egrep -i -c "Assertion" $ENB_LOG`
if [[ $REQ_BITRATE =~ .*M.* ]] if [ $NB_ASSERTION_ENB -ne 0 ]
then then
REQ_BITRATE=`echo $REQ_BITRATE | sed -e "s#M##"` echo "<font color = \"red\"><b>- eNB --> Assertion</b></font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
FLOAT_REQ_BITRATE=`echo "$REQ_BITRATE * 1000000.0" | bc -l` awk 'BEGIN{assertion=10}{if(assertion < 3){print " " $0; assertion++};if ($0 ~/Assertion/){print " " $0;assertion=1}}END{}' $ENB_LOG >> ./test_simulator_results.html
NB_ASSERTION_UE=`egrep -i -c "Assertion" $UE_LOG`
if [ $NB_ASSERTION_UE -ne 0 ]
echo "<font color = \"red\"><b>- eNB --> Assertion</b></font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
awk 'BEGIN{assertion=10}{if(assertion < 3){print " " $0; assertion++};if ($0 ~/Assertion/){print " " $0;assertion=1}}END{}' $UE_LOG >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo " </pre></td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo " </tr>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
fi fi
if [[ $REQ_BITRATE =~ .*G.* ]] PING_CASE=$ARCHIVES_LOC/${BW}MHz_ping_ue.txt
if [ -f $PING_CASE ]
then then
REQ_BITRATE=`echo $REQ_BITRATE | sed -e "s#G##"` echo " <tr>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
FLOAT_REQ_BITRATE=`echo "$REQ_BITRATE * 1000000000.0" | bc -l` NAME=`echo $PING_CASE | sed -e "s#$ARCHIVES_LOC/##"`
echo " <td>$NAME</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
CMD=`egrep "COMMAND IS" $PING_CASE | sed -e "s#COMMAND IS: ##"`
echo " <td>$CMD</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
FILE_COMPLETE=`egrep -c "ping statistics" $PING_CASE`
if [ $FILE_COMPLETE -eq 0 ]
echo " <td bgcolor = \"red\" >KO</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo " <td>N/A</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
NB_TR_PACKETS=`egrep "packets transmitted" $PING_CASE | sed -e "s# packets transmitted.*##"`
NB_RC_PACKETS=`egrep "packets transmitted" $PING_CASE | sed -e "s#^.*packets transmitted, ##" -e "s# received,.*##"`
echo " <td bgcolor = \"green\" >OK</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo " <td bgcolor = \"red\" >KO</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo " <td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo " <pre>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
STATS=`egrep "packets transmitted" $PING_CASE | sed -e "s#^.*received, ##" -e "s#, time.*##" -e "s# packet loss##"`
echo "Packet Loss : $STATS" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
RTTMIN=`egrep "rtt min" $PING_CASE | awk '{split($4,a,"/"); print a[1] " " $5}'`
echo "RTT Minimal : $RTTMIN" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
RTTAVG=`egrep "rtt min" $PING_CASE | awk '{split($4,a,"/"); print a[2] " " $5}'`
echo "RTT Average : $RTTAVG" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
RTTMAX=`egrep "rtt min" $PING_CASE | awk '{split($4,a,"/"); print a[3] " " $5}'`
echo "RTT Maximal : $RTTMAX" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo " </pre>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo " </td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo " </tr>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
fi fi
FILE_COMPLETE=`egrep -c "Server Report" $IPERF_CASE`
if [ $FILE_COMPLETE -eq 0 ] if [ -f $ARCHIVES_LOC/${BW}*iperf*dl*client*txt ]
then then
echo " <td bgcolor = \"red\" >KO</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html IPERF_TESTS=`ls $ARCHIVES_LOC/${BW}*iperf*client*txt`
SERVER_FILE=`echo $IPERF_CASE | sed -e "s#client#server#"`
FLOAT_EFF_BITRATE=`grep --color=never sec $SERVER_FILE | sed -e "s#^.*Bytes *##" -e "s#sec *.*#sec#" | awk 'BEGIN{s=0;n=0}{n++;if ($2 ~/Mbits/){a = $1 * 1000000};if ($2 ~/Kbits/){a = $1 * 1000};s=s+a}END{br=s/n; printf "%.0f", br}'`
EFFECTIVE_BITRATE=`grep --color=never sec $SERVER_FILE | sed -e "s#^.*Bytes *##" -e "s#sec *.*#sec#" | awk 'BEGIN{s=0;n=0}{n++;if ($2 ~/Mbits/){a = $1 * 1000000};if ($2 ~/Kbits/){a = $1 * 1000};s=s+a}END{br=s/n; if(br>1000000){printf "%.2f MBits/sec", br/1000000}}'`
PERF=`echo "100 * $FLOAT_EFF_BITRATE / $FLOAT_REQ_BITRATE" | bc -l | awk '{printf "%.2f", $0}'`
JITTER=`grep --color=never sec $SERVER_FILE | sed -e "s#^.*/sec *##" -e "s# *ms.*##" | awk 'BEGIN{s=0;n=0}{n++;s+=$1}END{jitter=s/n; printf "%.3f ms", jitter}'`
PACKETLOSS_NOSIGN=`grep --color=never sec $SERVER_FILE | sed -e "s#^.*(##" -e "s#%.*##" | awk 'BEGIN{s=0;n=0}{n++;s+=$1}END{per=s/n; printf "%.1f", per}'`
else else
EFFECTIVE_BITRATE=`tail -n3 $IPERF_CASE | egrep "Mbits/sec" | sed -e "s#^.*MBytes *##" -e "s#sec.*#sec#"` echo "There are no iperf files"
if [[ $EFFECTIVE_BITRATE =~ .*Kbits/sec.* ]] IPERF_TESTS=""
echo " <tr>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
NAME=`echo $IPERF_CASE | sed -e "s#$ARCHIVES_LOC/##"`
echo " <td>$NAME</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
CMD=`egrep "COMMAND IS" $IPERF_CASE | sed -e "s#COMMAND IS: ##"`
echo " <td>$CMD</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
REQ_BITRATE=`echo $CMD | sed -e "s#^.*-b ##" -e "s#-i 1.*##"`
if [[ $REQ_BITRATE =~ .*K.* ]]
then then
EFFECTIVE_BITRATE=`echo $EFFECTIVE_BITRATE | sed -e "s# *Kbits/sec.*##"` REQ_BITRATE=`echo $REQ_BITRATE | sed -e "s#K##"`
FLOAT_EFF_BITRATE=`echo "$EFFECTIVE_BITRATE * 1000" | bc -l` FLOAT_REQ_BITRATE=`echo "$REQ_BITRATE * 1000.0" | bc -l`
fi fi
if [[ $EFFECTIVE_BITRATE =~ .*Mbits/sec.* ]] if [[ $REQ_BITRATE =~ .*M.* ]]
then then
EFFECTIVE_BITRATE=`echo $EFFECTIVE_BITRATE | sed -e "s# *Mbits/sec.*##"` REQ_BITRATE=`echo $REQ_BITRATE | sed -e "s#M##"`
FLOAT_EFF_BITRATE=`echo "$EFFECTIVE_BITRATE * 1000000" | bc -l` FLOAT_REQ_BITRATE=`echo "$REQ_BITRATE * 1000000.0" | bc -l`
fi fi
if [[ $EFFECTIVE_BITRATE =~ .*Gbits/sec.* ]] if [[ $REQ_BITRATE =~ .*G.* ]]
then then
EFFECTIVE_BITRATE=`echo $EFFECTIVE_BITRATE | sed -e "s# *Gbits/sec.*##"` REQ_BITRATE=`echo $REQ_BITRATE | sed -e "s#G##"`
FLOAT_EFF_BITRATE=`echo "$EFFECTIVE_BITRATE * 1000000000" | bc -l` FLOAT_REQ_BITRATE=`echo "$REQ_BITRATE * 1000000000.0" | bc -l`
fi fi
PERF=`echo "100 * $FLOAT_EFF_BITRATE / $FLOAT_REQ_BITRATE" | bc -l | awk '{printf "%.2f", $0}'` FILE_COMPLETE=`egrep -c "Server Report" $IPERF_CASE`
PERF_INT=`echo "100 * $FLOAT_EFF_BITRATE / $FLOAT_REQ_BITRATE" | bc -l | awk '{printf "%.0f", $0}'` if [ $FILE_COMPLETE -eq 0 ]
if [[ $PERF_INT -lt 90 ]]
then then
echo " <td bgcolor = \"red\" >KO</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html echo " <td bgcolor = \"red\" >KO</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
SERVER_FILE=`echo $IPERF_CASE | sed -e "s#client#server#"`
FLOAT_EFF_BITRATE=`grep --color=never sec $SERVER_FILE | sed -e "s#^.*Bytes *##" -e "s#sec *.*#sec#" | awk 'BEGIN{s=0;n=0}{n++;if ($2 ~/Mbits/){a = $1 * 1000000};if ($2 ~/Kbits/){a = $1 * 1000};s=s+a}END{br=s/n; printf "%.0f", br}'`
EFFECTIVE_BITRATE=`grep --color=never sec $SERVER_FILE | sed -e "s#^.*Bytes *##" -e "s#sec *.*#sec#" | awk 'BEGIN{s=0;n=0}{n++;if ($2 ~/Mbits/){a = $1 * 1000000};if ($2 ~/Kbits/){a = $1 * 1000};s=s+a}END{br=s/n; if(br>1000000){printf "%.2f MBits/sec", br/1000000}}'`
PERF=`echo "100 * $FLOAT_EFF_BITRATE / $FLOAT_REQ_BITRATE" | bc -l | awk '{printf "%.2f", $0}'`
JITTER=`grep --color=never sec $SERVER_FILE | sed -e "s#^.*/sec *##" -e "s# *ms.*##" | awk 'BEGIN{s=0;n=0}{n++;s+=$1}END{jitter=s/n; printf "%.3f ms", jitter}'`
PACKETLOSS_NOSIGN=`grep --color=never sec $SERVER_FILE | sed -e "s#^.*(##" -e "s#%.*##" | awk 'BEGIN{s=0;n=0}{n++;s+=$1}END{per=s/n; printf "%.1f", per}'`
else else
echo " <td bgcolor = \"green\" >OK</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html EFFECTIVE_BITRATE=`tail -n3 $IPERF_CASE | egrep "Mbits/sec" | sed -e "s#^.*MBytes *##" -e "s#sec.*#sec#"`
if [[ $EFFECTIVE_BITRATE =~ .*Kbits/sec.* ]]
EFFECTIVE_BITRATE=`echo $EFFECTIVE_BITRATE | sed -e "s# *Kbits/sec.*##"`
if [[ $EFFECTIVE_BITRATE =~ .*Mbits/sec.* ]]
EFFECTIVE_BITRATE=`echo $EFFECTIVE_BITRATE | sed -e "s# *Mbits/sec.*##"`
FLOAT_EFF_BITRATE=`echo "$EFFECTIVE_BITRATE * 1000000" | bc -l`
if [[ $EFFECTIVE_BITRATE =~ .*Gbits/sec.* ]]
EFFECTIVE_BITRATE=`echo $EFFECTIVE_BITRATE | sed -e "s# *Gbits/sec.*##"`
FLOAT_EFF_BITRATE=`echo "$EFFECTIVE_BITRATE * 1000000000" | bc -l`
PERF=`echo "100 * $FLOAT_EFF_BITRATE / $FLOAT_REQ_BITRATE" | bc -l | awk '{printf "%.2f", $0}'`
PERF_INT=`echo "100 * $FLOAT_EFF_BITRATE / $FLOAT_REQ_BITRATE" | bc -l | awk '{printf "%.0f", $0}'`
if [[ $PERF_INT -lt 90 ]]
echo " <td bgcolor = \"red\" >KO</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo " <td bgcolor = \"green\" >OK</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
EFFECTIVE_BITRATE=`tail -n3 $IPERF_CASE | egrep "Mbits/sec" | sed -e "s#^.*MBytes *##" -e "s#sec.*#sec#"`
JITTER=`tail -n3 $IPERF_CASE | egrep "Mbits/sec" | sed -e "s#^.*Mbits/sec *##" -e "s#ms.*#ms#"`
PACKETLOSS=`tail -n3 $IPERF_CASE | egrep "Mbits/sec" | sed -e "s#^.*(##" -e "s#).*##"`
fi fi
EFFECTIVE_BITRATE=`tail -n3 $IPERF_CASE | egrep "Mbits/sec" | sed -e "s#^.*MBytes *##" -e "s#sec.*#sec#"` echo " <td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
JITTER=`tail -n3 $IPERF_CASE | egrep "Mbits/sec" | sed -e "s#^.*Mbits/sec *##" -e "s#ms.*#ms#"` echo " <pre>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
PACKETLOSS=`tail -n3 $IPERF_CASE | egrep "Mbits/sec" | sed -e "s#^.*(##" -e "s#).*##"` echo "Bitrate : $EFFECTIVE_BITRATE" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
fi echo "Bitrate Perf : $PERF %" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo " <td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html echo "Jitter : $JITTER" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo " <pre>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html echo "Packet Loss : $PACKETLOSS" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo "Bitrate : $EFFECTIVE_BITRATE" >> ./test_simulator_results.html echo " </pre>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo "Bitrate Perf : $PERF %" >> ./test_simulator_results.html echo " </td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo "Jitter : $JITTER" >> ./test_simulator_results.html echo " </tr>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo "Packet Loss : $PACKETLOSS" >> ./test_simulator_results.html done
echo " </pre>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo " </td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
echo " </tr>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
done done
echo " </table>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html echo " </table>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
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