diff --git a/nfapi-L2-emulator-setup.txt b/nfapi-L2-emulator-setup.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7bd7ed283932c0d2655e41cbea11ce8a6088d701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nfapi-L2-emulator-setup.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#Build instructions
+source oaienv
+cd cmake_targets
+#Create lte-softmodem-stub-nos1 (UE) and lte-softmodem-nos1 (eNB) executables
+./build_oai --eNB --UE --noS1 -x -t ETHERNET -C
+cd lte_noS1_build_oai/build/
+make lte-softmodem-nos1
+#Execution instuctions (Currently running eNB (VNF) and UE side (PNF) on the same machine using the loopback interface)
+cd cmake_targets/tools
+# Loading nasmesh
+source init_nas_nos1
+# Add a new loopback interface address
+sudo ifconfig lo: netmask up
+cd ..
+cd lte_noS1_build_oai/build/
+# Run the eNB side on the first terminal (VNF)
+sudo ./lte-softmodem-nos1 -O PATH_OF:rcc.band7.tm1.50PRB.nfapi.conf
+# Run the UE side on the second terminal (nfapi-L2-PNF) (--num_ues specifying the number of UEs)
+sudo ./lte-softmodem-stub-nos1 -U -O PATH_OF:oaiL1.nfapi.usrpb210.conf --num-ues 5 > debug_log.txt