 * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
 * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
 *      contact@openairinterface.org

/*! \file PHY/defs.h
 \brief Top-level defines and structure definitions
 \author R. Knopp, F. Kaltenberger
 \date 2011
 \version 0.1
 \company Eurecom
 \email: knopp@eurecom.fr,florian.kaltenberger@eurecom.fr
#ifndef __PHY_DEFS_UE_H__
#define __PHY_DEFS_UE_H__

#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <sched.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "common_lib.h"
#include "msc.h"

#include "defs_common.h"
#include "impl_defs_top.h"

#include "PHY/TOOLS/time_meas.h"
#include "PHY/CODING/coding_defs.h"
#include "PHY/TOOLS/tools_defs.h"
#include "platform_types.h"
#include "PHY/LTE_UE_TRANSPORT/transport_ue.h"
#include "PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/transport_eNB.h" // for SIC
#include <pthread.h>
#include "assertions.h"

#ifdef MEX
#include "mex.h"
# define msg mexPrintf
# undef LOG_D
# undef LOG_E
# undef LOG_I
# undef LOG_N
# undef LOG_T
# undef LOG_W
# undef LOG_M
# define LOG_D(x, ...) mexPrintf(__VA_ARGS__)
# define LOG_E(x, ...) mexPrintf(__VA_ARGS__)
# define LOG_I(x, ...) mexPrintf(__VA_ARGS__)
# define LOG_N(x, ...) mexPrintf(__VA_ARGS__)
# define LOG_T(x, ...) mexPrintf(__VA_ARGS__)
# define LOG_W(x, ...) mexPrintf(__VA_ARGS__)
# define LOG_M(x, ...) mexPrintf(__VA_ARGS__)
# ifdef OPENAIR2
#     include "collection/hashtable/hashtable.h"
#     include "COMMON/ral_messages_types.h"
#     include "UTIL/queue.h"
#   endif
#   include "common/utils/LOG/log.h"
#   define msg(aRGS...) LOG_D(PHY, ##aRGS)
# else
#   define msg printf
# endif

/// Context data structure for RX/TX portion of subframe processing
typedef struct {
  /// index of the current UE RX/TX proc
  int                  proc_id;
  /// Component Carrier index
  uint8_t              CC_id;
  /// timestamp transmitted to HW
  openair0_timestamp timestamp_tx;
  /// subframe to act upon for transmission
  int subframe_tx;
  /// subframe to act upon for reception
  int subframe_rx;
  /// frame to act upon for transmission
  int frame_tx;
  /// frame to act upon for reception
  int frame_rx;
  /// \brief Instance count for RXn-TXnp4 processing thread.
  /// \internal This variable is protected by \ref mutex_rxtx.
  int instance_cnt_rxtx;
  /// pthread structure for RXn-TXnp4 processing thread
  pthread_t pthread_rxtx;
  /// pthread attributes for RXn-TXnp4 processing thread
  pthread_attr_t attr_rxtx;
  /// condition variable for tx processing thread
  pthread_cond_t cond_rxtx;
  /// mutex for RXn-TXnp4 processing thread
  pthread_mutex_t mutex_rxtx;
  /// scheduling parameters for RXn-TXnp4 thread
  struct sched_param sched_param_rxtx;

  /// internal This variable is protected by ref mutex_fep_slot1.
  //int instance_cnt_slot0_dl_processing;
  int instance_cnt_slot1_dl_processing;
  /// pthread descriptor fep_slot1 thread
  //pthread_t pthread_slot0_dl_processing;
  pthread_t pthread_slot1_dl_processing;
  /// pthread attributes for fep_slot1 processing thread
 // pthread_attr_t attr_slot0_dl_processing;
  pthread_attr_t attr_slot1_dl_processing;
  /// condition variable for UE fep_slot1 thread;
  //pthread_cond_t cond_slot0_dl_processing;
  pthread_cond_t cond_slot1_dl_processing;
  /// mutex for UE synch thread
  //pthread_mutex_t mutex_slot0_dl_processing;
  pthread_mutex_t mutex_slot1_dl_processing;
  uint8_t chan_est_pilot0_slot1_available;
  uint8_t chan_est_slot1_available;
  uint8_t llr_slot1_available;
  uint8_t dci_slot0_available;
  uint8_t first_symbol_available;
  //uint8_t channel_level;
  /// scheduling parameters for fep_slot1 thread
  struct sched_param sched_param_fep_slot1;

  int sub_frame_start;
  int sub_frame_step;
  unsigned long long gotIQs;
} UE_rxtx_proc_t;

/// Context data structure for eNB subframe processing
typedef struct {
  /// Component Carrier index
  uint8_t              CC_id;
  /// Last RX timestamp
  openair0_timestamp timestamp_rx;
  /// pthread attributes for main UE thread
  pthread_attr_t attr_ue;
  /// scheduling parameters for main UE thread
  struct sched_param sched_param_ue;
  /// pthread descriptor main UE thread
  pthread_t pthread_ue;
  /// \brief Instance count for synch thread.
  /// \internal This variable is protected by \ref mutex_synch.
  int instance_cnt_synch;
  /// pthread attributes for synch processing thread
  pthread_attr_t attr_synch;
  /// scheduling parameters for synch thread
  struct sched_param sched_param_synch;
  /// pthread descriptor synch thread
  pthread_t pthread_synch;
  /// condition variable for UE synch thread;
  pthread_cond_t cond_synch;
  /// mutex for UE synch thread
  pthread_mutex_t mutex_synch;
  /// instance count for eNBs
  int instance_cnt_eNBs;
  /// set of scheduling variables RXn-TXnp4 threads
  UE_rxtx_proc_t proc_rxtx[RX_NB_TH];
} UE_proc_t;

/// Structure holding timer_thread related elements (phy_stub_UE mode)
typedef struct {
	pthread_t pthread_timer;
	/// mutex for waiting SF ticking
	pthread_mutex_t mutex_ticking;
	/// \brief ticking var for ticking thread.
	/// \internal This variable is protected by \ref mutex_ticking.
	int ticking_var;
	/// condition variable for timer_thread;
	pthread_cond_t cond_ticking;
	//time_stats_t timer_stats;
} SF_ticking;

typedef struct {
  //unsigned int   rx_power[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX][NB_ANTENNAS_RX];     //! estimated received signal power (linear)
  //unsigned short rx_power_dB[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX][NB_ANTENNAS_RX];  //! estimated received signal power (dB)
  //unsigned short rx_avg_power_dB[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];              //! estimated avg received signal power (dB)

  // RRC measurements
  uint32_t rssi;
  int n_adj_cells;
  unsigned int adj_cell_id[6];
  uint32_t rsrq[7];
  uint32_t rsrp[7];
  float rsrp_filtered[7]; // after layer 3 filtering
  float rsrq_filtered[7];
  // common measurements
  //! estimated noise power (linear)
  unsigned int   n0_power[NB_ANTENNAS_RX];
  //! estimated noise power (dB)
  unsigned short n0_power_dB[NB_ANTENNAS_RX];
  //! total estimated noise power (linear)
  unsigned int   n0_power_tot;
  //! total estimated noise power (dB)
  unsigned short n0_power_tot_dB;
  //! average estimated noise power (linear)
  unsigned int   n0_power_avg;
  //! average estimated noise power (dB)
  unsigned short n0_power_avg_dB;
  //! total estimated noise power (dBm)
  short n0_power_tot_dBm;

  // UE measurements
  //! estimated received spatial signal power (linear)
  int            rx_spatial_power[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX][2][2];
  //! estimated received spatial signal power (dB)
  unsigned short rx_spatial_power_dB[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX][2][2];

  /// estimated received signal power (sum over all TX antennas)
  //int            wideband_cqi[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX][NB_ANTENNAS_RX];
  int            rx_power[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX][NB_ANTENNAS_RX];
  /// estimated received signal power (sum over all TX antennas)
  //int            wideband_cqi_dB[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX][NB_ANTENNAS_RX];
  unsigned short rx_power_dB[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX][NB_ANTENNAS_RX];

  /// estimated received signal power (sum over all TX/RX antennas)
  int            rx_power_tot[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX]; //NEW
  /// estimated received signal power (sum over all TX/RX antennas)
  unsigned short rx_power_tot_dB[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX]; //NEW

  //! estimated received signal power (sum of all TX/RX antennas, time average)
  int            rx_power_avg[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  //! estimated received signal power (sum of all TX/RX antennas, time average, in dB)
  unsigned short rx_power_avg_dB[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];

  /// SINR (sum of all TX/RX antennas, in dB)
  int            wideband_cqi_tot[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  /// SINR (sum of all TX/RX antennas, time average, in dB)
  int            wideband_cqi_avg[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];

  //! estimated rssi (dBm)
  short          rx_rssi_dBm[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  //! estimated correlation (wideband linear) between spatial channels (computed in dlsch_demodulation)
  int            rx_correlation[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX][2];
  //! estimated correlation (wideband dB) between spatial channels (computed in dlsch_demodulation)
  int            rx_correlation_dB[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX][2];

  /// Wideband CQI (sum of all RX antennas, in dB, for precoded transmission modes (3,4,5,6), up to 4 spatial streams)
  int            precoded_cqi_dB[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX+1][4];
  /// Subband CQI per RX antenna (= SINR)
  /// Total Subband CQI  (= SINR)
  int            subband_cqi_tot[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX][NUMBER_OF_SUBBANDS_MAX];
  /// Subband CQI in dB (= SINR dB)
  /// Total Subband CQI
  int            subband_cqi_tot_dB[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX][NUMBER_OF_SUBBANDS_MAX];
  /// Wideband PMI for each RX antenna
  int            wideband_pmi_re[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX][NB_ANTENNAS_RX];
  /// Wideband PMI for each RX antenna
  int            wideband_pmi_im[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX][NB_ANTENNAS_RX];
  ///Subband PMI for each RX antenna
  ///Subband PMI for each RX antenna
  /// chosen RX antennas (1=Rx antenna 1, 2=Rx antenna 2, 3=both Rx antennas)
  unsigned char           selected_rx_antennas[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX][NUMBER_OF_SUBBANDS_MAX];
  /// Wideband Rank indication
  unsigned char  rank[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  /// Number of RX Antennas
  unsigned char  nb_antennas_rx;
  /// DLSCH error counter
  // short          dlsch_errors;


typedef struct {

  /// \brief Holds the received data in the frequency domain.
  /// - first index: rx antenna [0..nb_antennas_rx[
  /// - second index: symbol [0..28*ofdm_symbol_size[
  int32_t **rxdataF;

  /// \brief Hold the channel estimates in frequency domain.
  /// - first index: eNB id [0..6] (hard coded)
  /// - second index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - third index: samples? [0..symbols_per_tti*(ofdm_symbol_size+LTE_CE_FILTER_LENGTH)[
  int32_t **dl_ch_estimates[7];

  /// \brief Hold the channel estimates in time domain (used for tracking).
  /// - first index: eNB id [0..6] (hard coded)
  /// - second index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - third index: samples? [0..2*ofdm_symbol_size[
  int32_t **dl_ch_estimates_time[7];

typedef struct {
  /// \brief Holds the transmit data in time domain.
  /// For IFFT_FPGA this points to the same memory as PHY_vars->tx_vars[a].TX_DMA_BUFFER.
  /// - first index: tx antenna [0..nb_antennas_tx[
  /// - second index: sample [0..FRAME_LENGTH_COMPLEX_SAMPLES[
  int32_t **txdata;
  /// \brief Holds the transmit data in the frequency domain.
  /// For IFFT_FPGA this points to the same memory as PHY_vars->rx_vars[a].RX_DMA_BUFFER.
  /// - first index: tx antenna [0..nb_antennas_tx[
  /// - second index: sample [0..FRAME_LENGTH_COMPLEX_SAMPLES_NO_PREFIX[
  int32_t **txdataF;

  /// \brief Holds the received data in time domain.
  /// Should point to the same memory as PHY_vars->rx_vars[a].RX_DMA_BUFFER.
  /// - first index: rx antenna [0..nb_antennas_rx[
  /// - second index: sample [0..FRAME_LENGTH_COMPLEX_SAMPLES+2048[
  int32_t **rxdata;

  LTE_UE_COMMON_PER_THREAD common_vars_rx_data_per_thread[RX_NB_TH_MAX];

  /// holds output of the sync correlator
  int32_t *sync_corr;
  /// estimated frequency offset (in radians) for all subcarriers
  int32_t freq_offset;
  /// eNb_id user is synched to
  int32_t eNb_id;

typedef struct {
  /// \brief Received frequency-domain signal after extraction.
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
  int32_t **rxdataF_ext;
  /// \brief Received frequency-domain ue specific pilots.
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..12*N_RB_DL[
  int32_t **rxdataF_uespec_pilots;
  /// \brief Received frequency-domain signal after extraction and channel compensation.
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
  int32_t **rxdataF_comp0;
  /// \brief Received frequency-domain signal after extraction and channel compensation for the second stream. For the SIC receiver we need to store the history of this for each harq process and round
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) accessed via \c harq_pid
  /// - second index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) accessed via \c round
  /// - third index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - fourth index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
  int32_t **rxdataF_comp1[8][8];
  /// \brief Downlink channel estimates extracted in PRBS.
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
  int32_t **dl_ch_estimates_ext;
  /// \brief Downlink cross-correlation of MIMO channel estimates (unquantized PMI) extracted in PRBS. For the SIC receiver we need to store the history of this for each harq process and round
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) accessed via \c harq_pid
  /// - second index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) accessed via \c round
  /// - third index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - fourth index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
  int32_t **dl_ch_rho_ext[8][8];
  /// \brief Downlink beamforming channel estimates in frequency domain.
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: samples? [0..symbols_per_tti*(ofdm_symbol_size+LTE_CE_FILTER_LENGTH)[
  int32_t **dl_bf_ch_estimates;
  /// \brief Downlink beamforming channel estimates.
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
  int32_t **dl_bf_ch_estimates_ext;
  /// \brief Downlink cross-correlation of MIMO channel estimates (unquantized PMI) extracted in PRBS.
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
  int32_t **dl_ch_rho2_ext;
  /// \brief Downlink PMIs extracted in PRBS and grouped in subbands.
  /// - first index: ressource block [0..N_RB_DL[
  uint8_t *pmi_ext;
  /// \brief Magnitude of Downlink Channel first layer (16QAM level/First 64QAM level).
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
  int32_t **dl_ch_mag0;
  /// \brief Magnitude of Downlink Channel second layer (16QAM level/First 64QAM level).
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
  int32_t **dl_ch_mag1[8][8];
  /// \brief Magnitude of Downlink Channel, first layer (2nd 64QAM level).
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
  int32_t **dl_ch_magb0;
  /// \brief Magnitude of Downlink Channel second layer (2nd 64QAM level).
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
  int32_t **dl_ch_magb1[8][8];
  /// \brief Cross-correlation of two eNB signals.
  /// - first index: rx antenna [0..nb_antennas_rx[
  /// - second index: symbol [0..]
  int32_t **rho;
  /// never used... always send dl_ch_rho_ext instead...
  int32_t **rho_i;
  /// \brief Pointers to llr vectors (2 TBs).
  /// - first index: ? [0..1] (hard coded)
  /// - second index: ? [0..1179743] (hard coded)
  int16_t *llr[2];
  /// \f$\log_2(\max|H_i|^2)\f$
  int16_t log2_maxh;
    /// \f$\log_2(\max|H_i|^2)\f$ //this is for TM3-4 layer1 channel compensation
  int16_t log2_maxh0;
    /// \f$\log_2(\max|H_i|^2)\f$ //this is for TM3-4 layer2 channel commpensation
  int16_t log2_maxh1;
  /// \brief LLR shifts for subband scaling.
  /// - first index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
  uint8_t *llr_shifts;
  /// \brief Pointer to LLR shifts.
  /// - first index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
  uint8_t *llr_shifts_p;
  /// \brief Pointers to llr vectors (128-bit alignment).
  /// - first index: ? [0..0] (hard coded)
  /// - second index: ? [0..]
  int16_t **llr128;
  /// \brief Pointers to llr vectors (128-bit alignment).
  /// - first index: ? [0..0] (hard coded)
  /// - second index: ? [0..]
  int16_t **llr128_2ndstream;
  //uint32_t *rb_alloc;
  //uint8_t Qm[2];
  //MIMO_mode_t mimo_mode;
  // llr offset per ofdm symbol
  uint32_t llr_offset[14];
  // llr length per ofdm symbol
  uint32_t llr_length[14];

typedef struct {
  /// \brief Received frequency-domain signal after extraction.
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..]
  int32_t **rxdataF_ext;
  /// \brief Received frequency-domain signal after extraction and channel compensation.
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..]
  double **rxdataF_comp;
  /// \brief Downlink channel estimates extracted in PRBS.
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..]
  int32_t **dl_ch_estimates_ext;
  ///  \brief Downlink cross-correlation of MIMO channel estimates (unquantized PMI) extracted in PRBS.
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..]
  double **dl_ch_rho_ext;
  /// \brief Downlink PMIs extracted in PRBS and grouped in subbands.
  /// - first index: ressource block [0..N_RB_DL[
  uint8_t *pmi_ext;
  /// \brief Magnitude of Downlink Channel (16QAM level/First 64QAM level).
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..]
  double **dl_ch_mag;
  /// \brief Magnitude of Downlink Channel (2nd 64QAM level).
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..]
  double **dl_ch_magb;
  /// \brief Cross-correlation of two eNB signals.
  /// - first index: rx antenna [0..nb_antennas_rx[
  /// - second index: ? [0..]
  double **rho;
  /// never used... always send dl_ch_rho_ext instead...
  double **rho_i;
  /// \brief Pointers to llr vectors (2 TBs).
  /// - first index: ? [0..1] (hard coded)
  /// - second index: ? [0..1179743] (hard coded)
  int16_t *llr[2];
  /// \f$\log_2(\max|H_i|^2)\f$
  uint8_t log2_maxh;
  /// \brief Pointers to llr vectors (128-bit alignment).
  /// - first index: ? [0..0] (hard coded)
  /// - second index: ? [0..]
  int16_t **llr128;
  //uint32_t *rb_alloc;
  //uint8_t Qm[2];
  //MIMO_mode_t mimo_mode;

typedef struct {
  /// \brief Pointers to extracted PDCCH symbols in frequency-domain.
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
  int32_t **rxdataF_ext;
  /// \brief Pointers to extracted and compensated PDCCH symbols in frequency-domain.
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
  int32_t **rxdataF_comp;
  /// \brief Pointers to extracted channel estimates of PDCCH symbols.
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
  int32_t **dl_ch_estimates_ext;
  /// \brief Pointers to channel cross-correlation vectors for multi-eNB detection.
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
  int32_t **dl_ch_rho_ext;
  /// \brief Pointers to channel cross-correlation vectors for multi-eNB detection.
  /// - first index: rx antenna [0..nb_antennas_rx[
  /// - second index: ? [0..]
  int32_t **rho;
  /// \brief Pointer to llrs, 4-bit resolution.
  /// - first index: ? [0..48*N_RB_DL[
  uint16_t *llr;
  /// \brief Pointer to llrs, 16-bit resolution.
  /// - first index: ? [0..96*N_RB_DL[
  uint16_t *llr16;
  /// \brief \f$\overline{w}\f$ from 36-211.
  /// - first index: ? [0..48*N_RB_DL[
  uint16_t *wbar;
  /// \brief PDCCH/DCI e-sequence (input to rate matching).
  /// - first index: ? [0..96*N_RB_DL[
  int8_t *e_rx;
  /// number of PDCCH symbols in current subframe
  uint8_t num_pdcch_symbols;
  /// Allocated CRNTI for UE
  uint16_t crnti;
  /// 1: the allocated crnti is Temporary C-RNTI / 0: otherwise
  uint8_t crnti_is_temporary;
  /// Total number of PDU errors (diagnostic mode)
  uint32_t dci_errors;
  /// Total number of PDU received
  uint32_t dci_received;
  /// Total number of DCI False detection (diagnostic mode)
  uint32_t dci_false;
  /// Total number of DCI missed (diagnostic mode)
  uint32_t dci_missed;
  /// nCCE for PUCCH per subframe
  uint8_t nCCE[10];
  //Check for specific DCIFormat and AgregationLevel
  uint8_t dciFormat;
  uint8_t agregationLevel;

typedef struct {
  /// \brief Pointers to extracted PBCH symbols in frequency-domain.
  /// - first index: rx antenna [0..nb_antennas_rx[
  /// - second index: ? [0..287] (hard coded)
  int32_t **rxdataF_ext;
  /// \brief Pointers to extracted and compensated PBCH symbols in frequency-domain.
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..287] (hard coded)
  int32_t **rxdataF_comp;
  /// \brief Pointers to downlink channel estimates in frequency-domain extracted in PRBS.
  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
  /// - second index: ? [0..287] (hard coded)
  int32_t **dl_ch_estimates_ext;
  /// \brief Pointer to PBCH llrs.
  /// - first index: ? [0..1919] (hard coded)
  int8_t *llr;
  /// \brief Pointer to PBCH decoded output.
  /// - first index: ? [0..63] (hard coded)
  uint8_t *decoded_output;
  /// \brief Total number of PDU errors.
  uint32_t pdu_errors;
  /// \brief Total number of PDU errors 128 frames ago.
  uint32_t pdu_errors_last;
  /// \brief Total number of consecutive PDU errors.
  uint32_t pdu_errors_conseq;
  /// \brief FER (in percent) .
  uint32_t pdu_fer;

typedef struct {
  int16_t amp;
  int16_t *prachF;
  int16_t *prach;

typedef enum {
  /// do not detect any DCIs in the current subframe
  NO_DCI = 0x0,
  /// detect only downlink DCIs in the current subframe
  UL_DCI = 0x1,
  /// detect only uplink DCIs in the current subframe
  DL_DCI = 0x2,
  /// detect both uplink and downlink DCIs in the current subframe
  UL_DL_DCI = 0x3} dci_detect_mode_t;

typedef struct UE_SCAN_INFO_s {
  /// 10 best amplitudes (linear) for each pss signals
  int32_t amp[3][10];
  /// 10 frequency offsets (kHz) corresponding to best amplitudes, with respect do minimum DL frequency in the band
  int32_t freq_offset_Hz[3][10];

/// Top-level PHY Data Structure for UE
typedef struct {
  /// \brief Module ID indicator for this instance
  uint8_t Mod_id;
  /// \brief Component carrier ID for this PHY instance
  uint8_t CC_id;
  /// \brief Mapping of CC_id antennas to cards
  openair0_rf_map      rf_map;
  //uint8_t local_flag;
  /// \brief Indicator of current run mode of UE (normal_txrx, rx_calib_ue, no_L2_connect, debug_prach)
  runmode_t mode;
  /// \brief Indicator that UE should perform band scanning
  int UE_scan;
  /// \brief Indicator that UE should perform coarse scanning around carrier
  int UE_scan_carrier;
  /// \brief Indicator that UE is synchronized to an eNB
  int is_synchronized;
  /// Data structure for UE process scheduling
  UE_proc_t proc;
  /// Flag to indicate the UE shouldn't do timing correction at all
  int no_timing_correction;
  /// \brief Total gain of the TX chain (16-bit baseband I/Q to antenna)
  uint32_t tx_total_gain_dB;
  /// \brief Total gain of the RX chain (antenna to baseband I/Q) This is a function of rx_gain_mode (and the corresponding gain) and the rx_gain of the card.
  uint32_t rx_total_gain_dB;
  /// \brief Total gains with maximum RF gain stage (ExpressMIMO2/Lime)
  uint32_t rx_gain_max[4];
  /// \brief Total gains with medium RF gain stage (ExpressMIMO2/Lime)
  uint32_t rx_gain_med[4];
  /// \brief Total gains with bypassed RF gain stage (ExpressMIMO2/Lime)
  uint32_t rx_gain_byp[4];
  /// \brief Current transmit power
  int16_t tx_power_dBm[10];
  /// \brief Total number of REs in current transmission
  int tx_total_RE[10];
  /// \brief Maximum transmit power
  int8_t tx_power_max_dBm;
  /// \brief Number of eNB seen by UE
  uint8_t n_connected_eNB;
  /// \brief indicator that Handover procedure has been initiated
  uint8_t ho_initiated;
  /// \brief indicator that Handover procedure has been triggered
  uint8_t ho_triggered;
  /// \brief Measurement variables.
  PHY_MEASUREMENTS measurements;
  LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS  frame_parms;
  /// \brief Frame parame before ho used to recover if ho fails.
  LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS  frame_parms_before_ho;
  LTE_UE_COMMON    common_vars;

  // point to the current rxTx thread index
  uint8_t current_thread_id[10];

  LTE_UE_PDSCH     *pdsch_vars[RX_NB_TH_MAX][NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX+1]; // two RxTx Threads
  LTE_UE_PDSCH     *pdsch_vars_ra[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX+1];
  LTE_UE_PDSCH     *pdsch_vars_p[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX+1];
  LTE_UE_DLSCH_t   *dlsch[RX_NB_TH_MAX][NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX][2]; // two RxTx Threads
  // This is for SIC in the UE, to store the reencoded data

  //Paging parameters
  uint32_t              IMSImod1024;
  uint32_t              PF;
  uint32_t              PO;

  // For abstraction-purposes only
  uint8_t               sr[10];
  uint8_t               pucch_sel[10];
  uint8_t               pucch_payload[22];

  /// cell-specific reference symbols
  uint32_t lte_gold_table[7][20][2][14];

  /// UE-specific reference symbols (p=5), TM 7
  uint32_t lte_gold_uespec_port5_table[20][38];

  /// ue-specific reference symbols
  uint32_t lte_gold_uespec_table[2][20][2][21];

  /// mbsfn reference symbols
  uint32_t lte_gold_mbsfn_table[10][3][42];

  uint32_t X_u[64][839];

  uint32_t high_speed_flag;
  uint32_t perfect_ce;
  int16_t ch_est_alpha;
  int generate_ul_signal[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];

  UE_SCAN_INFO_t scan_info[NB_BANDS_MAX];

  char ulsch_no_allocation_counter[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];

  unsigned char ulsch_Msg3_active[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  uint32_t  ulsch_Msg3_frame[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  unsigned char ulsch_Msg3_subframe[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int turbo_iterations, turbo_cntl_iterations;
  /// \brief ?.
  /// - first index: eNB [0..NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX[ (hard coded)
  uint32_t total_TBS[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  /// \brief ?.
  /// - first index: eNB [0..NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX[ (hard coded)
  uint32_t total_TBS_last[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  /// \brief ?.
  /// - first index: eNB [0..NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX[ (hard coded)
  uint32_t bitrate[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  /// \brief ?.
  /// - first index: eNB [0..NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX[ (hard coded)
  uint32_t total_received_bits[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_errors[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_errors_last[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_received[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_received_last[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_fer[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_SI_received[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_SI_errors[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_ra_received[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_ra_errors[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_p_received[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_p_errors[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_mch_received_sf[MAX_MBSFN_AREA][NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_mch_received[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_mcch_received[MAX_MBSFN_AREA][NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_mtch_received[MAX_MBSFN_AREA][NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_mcch_errors[MAX_MBSFN_AREA][NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_mtch_errors[MAX_MBSFN_AREA][NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_mcch_trials[MAX_MBSFN_AREA][NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_mtch_trials[MAX_MBSFN_AREA][NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int current_dlsch_cqi[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  unsigned char first_run_timing_advance[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  uint8_t               generate_prach;
  uint8_t               prach_cnt;
  uint8_t               prach_PreambleIndex;
  //  uint8_t               prach_timer;
  uint8_t               decode_SIB;
  uint8_t               decode_MIB;
  int              rx_offset; /// Timing offset
  int              rx_offset_diff; /// Timing adjustment for ofdm symbol0 on HW USRP
  int              time_sync_cell;
  int              timing_advance; ///timing advance signalled from eNB
  int              hw_timing_advance;
  int              N_TA_offset; ///timing offset used in TDD
  /// Flag to tell if UE is secondary user (cognitive mode)
  unsigned char    is_secondary_ue;
  /// Flag to tell if secondary eNB has channel estimates to create NULL-beams from.
  unsigned char    has_valid_precoder;
  /// hold the precoder for NULL beam to the primary eNB
  int              **ul_precoder_S_UE;
  /// holds the maximum channel/precoder coefficient
  char             log2_maxp;

  /// if ==0 enables phy only test mode
  int mac_enabled;

  /// Flag to initialize averaging of PHY measurements
  int init_averaging;

  /// \brief sinr for all subcarriers of the current link (used only for abstraction).
  /// - first index: ? [0..12*N_RB_DL[
  double *sinr_dB;

  /// \brief sinr for all subcarriers of first symbol for the CQI Calculation.
  /// - first index: ? [0..12*N_RB_DL[
  double *sinr_CQI_dB;

  /// sinr_effective used for CQI calulcation
  double sinr_eff;

  /// N0 (used for abstraction)
  double N0;

  /// PDSCH Varaibles

  /// PUSCH Varaibles

  /// PUSCH contention-based access vars
  PUSCH_CA_CONFIG_DEDICATED  pusch_ca_config_dedicated[NUMBER_OF_eNB_MAX]; // lola

  /// PUCCH variables


  uint8_t ncs_cell[20][7];

  /// UL-POWER-Control

  /// TPC

  /// CQI reporting

  /// SRS Variables

  /// Scheduling Request Config

  /// Transmission mode per eNB
  uint8_t transmission_mode[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];

  time_stats_t phy_proc[RX_NB_TH];
  time_stats_t phy_proc_tx;
  time_stats_t phy_proc_rx[RX_NB_TH];

  uint32_t use_ia_receiver;

  time_stats_t ofdm_mod_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_encoding_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_modulation_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_segmentation_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_rate_matching_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_turbo_encoding_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_interleaving_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_multiplexing_stats;

  time_stats_t generic_stat;
  time_stats_t generic_stat_bis[RX_NB_TH][LTE_SLOTS_PER_SUBFRAME];
  time_stats_t ue_front_end_stat[RX_NB_TH];
  time_stats_t ue_front_end_per_slot_stat[RX_NB_TH][LTE_SLOTS_PER_SUBFRAME];
  time_stats_t pdcch_procedures_stat[RX_NB_TH];
  time_stats_t pdsch_procedures_stat[RX_NB_TH];
  time_stats_t pdsch_procedures_per_slot_stat[RX_NB_TH][LTE_SLOTS_PER_SUBFRAME];
  time_stats_t dlsch_procedures_stat[RX_NB_TH];

  time_stats_t ofdm_demod_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_rx_pdcch_stats;
  time_stats_t rx_dft_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_channel_estimation_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_freq_offset_estimation_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_decoding_stats[2];
  time_stats_t dlsch_demodulation_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_rate_unmatching_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_turbo_decoding_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_deinterleaving_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_llr_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_llr_stats_parallelization[RX_NB_TH][LTE_SLOTS_PER_SUBFRAME];
  time_stats_t dlsch_unscrambling_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_rate_matching_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_turbo_encoding_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_interleaving_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_tc_init_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_tc_alpha_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_tc_beta_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_tc_gamma_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_tc_ext_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_tc_intl1_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_tc_intl2_stats;
  time_stats_t tx_prach;
  time_stats_t timer_stats;

  pthread_mutex_t timer_mutex;
  pthread_cond_t timer_cond;
  int instance_cnt_timer;

  /// RF and Interface devices per CC

  openair0_device rfdevice;

/* this structure is used to pass both UE phy vars and
 * proc to the function UE_thread_rxn_txnp4
struct rx_tx_thread_data {
  UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc;

#endif //  __PHY_DEFS__H__