// copy configuration from gNB[0] in to RU, assume that all gNB instances sharing RU use the same configuration (at least the parts that are needed by the RU, numerology and PRACH)
for(i=0;i<ru->nb_tx;++i)ru->common.txdataF[i]=(int32_t*)malloc16_clear(fp->samples_per_frame_wCP*sizeof(int32_t));// [hna] samples_per_frame without CP
if(ru->nb_tx>1){//Enable beamforming when nb_tx > 1
//if ((fp->L_ssb >> (63-p)) & 0x01)//64 bit-map with the MSB @2⁶³ corresponds to SSB ssb_index 0
AssertFatal(ru->nb_bfw==(beam_count*ru->nb_tx),"Number of beam weights from config file is %d while the expected number is %d",ru->nb_bfw,(beam_count*ru->nb_tx));