diff --git a/nfapi/open-nFAPI/nfapi/public_inc/fapi_nr_ue_interface.h b/nfapi/open-nFAPI/nfapi/public_inc/fapi_nr_ue_interface.h
index 7219477405a6381b6e0c790f747d33f2433f039f..d6fafae7f16d462af104a08c1d6629245ae39734 100644
--- a/nfapi/open-nFAPI/nfapi/public_inc/fapi_nr_ue_interface.h
+++ b/nfapi/open-nFAPI/nfapi/public_inc/fapi_nr_ue_interface.h
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ typedef struct {
     uint8_t sul_ind_0_1                     ; // 2  SUL_IND_0_1:
     uint8_t slot_format_ind                 ; // 3  SLOT_FORMAT_IND: size of DCI format 2_0 is configurable by higher layers up to 128 bits, according to Subclause 11.1.1 of [5, TS 38.213]
     uint8_t pre_emption_ind                 ; // 4  PRE_EMPTION_IND: size of DCI format 2_1 is configurable by higher layers up to 126 bits, according to Subclause 11.2 of [5, TS 38.213]. Each pre-emption indication is 14 bits
-    uint8_t tpc_cmd_number                  ; // 5  TPC_CMD_NUMBER: The parameter xxx provided by higher layers determines the index to the TPC command number for an UL of a cell. Each TPC command number is 2 bits
-    uint8_t block_number                    ; // 6  BLOCK_NUMBER: starting position of a block is determined by the parameter startingBitOfFormat2_3
+    uint8_t block_number                    ; // 5  BLOCK_NUMBER: starting position of a block is determined by the parameter startingBitOfFormat2_3
+    uint8_t close_loop_ind                  ; // 6  CLOSE_LOOP_IND:
     uint8_t bandwidth_part_ind              ; // 7  BANDWIDTH_PART_IND:
     uint8_t short_message_ind               ; // 8  SHORT_MESSAGE_IND:
     uint8_t short_messages                  ; // 9  SHORT_MESSAGES:
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ typedef struct {
     uint8_t antenna_ports                   ; // 38 ANTENNA_PORTS:
     uint8_t tci                             ; // 39 TCI: 0 bit if higher layer parameter tci-PresentInDCI is not enabled; otherwise 3 bits
     uint8_t srs_request                     ; // 40 SRS_REQUEST:
-    uint8_t tpc_cmd_number_format2_3        ; // 41 TPC_CMD_NUMBER_FORMAT2_3:
+    uint8_t tpc_cmd                         ; // 41 TPC_CMD:
     uint8_t csi_request                     ; // 42 CSI_REQUEST:
     uint8_t cbgti                           ; // 43 CBGTI: 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 bits determined by higher layer parameter maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock for the PDSCH
     uint8_t cbgfi                           ; // 44 CBGFI: 0 or 1 bit determined by higher layer parameter codeBlockGroupFlushIndicator
@@ -225,13 +225,19 @@ typedef struct {
     typedef struct {
     } fapi_nr_ul_config_pucch_pdu;
+    typedef enum {pusch_freq_hopping_disabled = 0 , pusch_freq_hopping_enabled = 1}pusch_freq_hopping_t;
     typedef struct {
         uint16_t number_rbs;
         uint16_t start_rb;
         uint16_t number_symbols;
         uint16_t start_symbol;
+        pusch_freq_hopping_t pusch_freq_hopping;
         uint8_t mcs;
+        uint8_t ndi;
+        uint8_t rv;
+        uint8_t harq_process_nbr;
+        int8_t accumulated_delta_PUSCH;
+        int8_t absolute_delta_PUSCH;
     } fapi_nr_ul_config_pusch_pdu_rel15_t;
     typedef struct {
@@ -273,6 +279,7 @@ typedef struct {
         fapi_nr_dl_config_dci_dl_pdu_rel15_t dci_config_rel15;
     } fapi_nr_dl_config_dci_pdu;
+    typedef enum{vrb_to_prb_mapping_non_interleaved = 0, vrb_to_prb_mapping_interleaved = 1} vrb_to_prb_mapping_t;
     //typedef fapi_nr_dci_pdu_rel15_t fapi_nr_dl_config_dlsch_pdu_rel15_t;
     typedef struct {
         uint16_t number_rbs;
@@ -280,7 +287,18 @@ typedef struct {
         uint16_t number_symbols;
         uint16_t start_symbol;
         uint8_t mcs;
+        uint8_t ndi;
         uint8_t rv;
+        uint8_t tb2_mcs;
+        uint8_t tb2_ndi;
+        uint8_t tb2_rv;
+        uint8_t harq_process_nbr;
+        vrb_to_prb_mapping_t vrb_to_prb_mapping;
+        uint8_t dai;
+        double scaling_factor_S;
+        int8_t accumulated_delta_PUCCH;
+        uint8_t pucch_resource_id;
+        uint8_t pdsch_to_harq_feedback_time_ind;
         //  to be check the fields needed to L1 with NR_DL_UE_HARQ_t and NR_UE_DLSCH_t
     } fapi_nr_dl_config_dlsch_pdu_rel15_t;
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/CODING/TESTBENCH/polartest.c b/openair1/PHY/CODING/TESTBENCH/polartest.c
index d379aaf58ebd10057cd8eca40a4a83a60aa7a8a0..0aa0dd118f31a594eec79c2ba2c8a2139cb5ff3a 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/CODING/TESTBENCH/polartest.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/CODING/TESTBENCH/polartest.c
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
 #include "PHY/CODING/coding_defs.h"
 #include "SIMULATION/TOOLS/sim.h"
 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-	uint32_t crc;
 	//Default simulation values (Aim for iterations = 1000000.)
 	int itr, iterations = 1000, arguments, polarMessageType = 0; //0=PBCH, 1=DCI, -1=UCI
 	double SNRstart = -20.0, SNRstop = 0.0, SNRinc= 0.5; //dB
@@ -34,14 +33,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
 	int8_t decoderState=0, blockErrorState=0; //0 = Success, -1 = Decoding failed, 1 = Block Error.
 	uint16_t testLength = 0, coderLength = 0, blockErrorCumulative=0, bitErrorCumulative=0;
 	double timeEncoderCumulative = 0, timeDecoderCumulative = 0;
-	uint8_t aggregation_level, decoderListSize, pathMetricAppr;
+	uint8_t aggregation_level = 8, decoderListSize = 8, pathMetricAppr = 0;
 	while ((arguments = getopt (argc, argv, "s:d:f:m:i:l:a:")) != -1)
 	switch (arguments)
 		case 's':
 			SNRstart = atof(optarg);
-			printf("SNRstart = %f\n", SNRstart);
 		case 'd':
@@ -93,7 +91,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+	sprintf(fileName,"%s/TIMING_ListSize_%d_pmAppr_%d_Payload_%d_Itr_%d",folderName,decoderListSize,pathMetricAppr,testLength,iterations);
+	#else
+	#endif
 	strftime(currentTimeInfo, 25, "_%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.csv", localtime(&currentTime));
@@ -107,65 +110,45 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
         fprintf(stderr,"[polartest.c] Problem creating file %s with fopen\n",fileName);
+    fprintf(logFile,",timeEncoderCRCByte[us],timeEncoderCRCBit[us],timeEncoderInterleaver[us],timeEncoderBitInsertion[us],timeEncoder1[us],timeEncoder2[us],timeEncoderRateMatching[us],timeEncoderByte2Bit[us]\n");
-	//uint8_t *testInput = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * testLength); //generate randomly
-	//uint8_t *encoderOutput = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * coderLength);
-	uint32_t testInput[4], encoderOutput[4];
-	memset(testInput,0,sizeof(testInput));
-	memset(encoderOutput,0,sizeof(encoderOutput));
+    uint8_t testArrayLength = ceil(testLength / 32.0);
+    uint8_t coderArrayLength = ceil(coderLength / 32.0);
-	double *modulatedInput = malloc (sizeof(double) * coderLength); //channel input
+	uint32_t *testInput = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * testArrayLength); //generate randomly
+	uint32_t *encoderOutput = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * coderArrayLength);
+	uint32_t *estimatedOutput = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * testArrayLength); //decoder output
+	memset(testInput,0,sizeof(uint32_t) * testArrayLength);
+	memset(encoderOutput,0,sizeof(uint32_t) * coderArrayLength);
+	memset(estimatedOutput,0,sizeof(uint32_t) * testArrayLength);
+	uint8_t *encoderOutputByte = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * coderLength);
+	double *modulatedInput = malloc (sizeof(double) * coderLength); //channel input
 	double *channelOutput  = malloc (sizeof(double) * coderLength); //add noise
-	uint32_t *estimatedOutput = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * testLength); //decoder output
 	t_nrPolar_paramsPtr nrPolar_params = NULL, currentPtr = NULL;
 	nr_polar_init(&nrPolar_params, polarMessageType, testLength, aggregation_level);
+	currentPtr = nr_polar_params(nrPolar_params, polarMessageType, testLength, aggregation_level);
+	uint32_t crc;
 	unsigned int poly24c = 0xb2b11700;
+	testInput[0]=0x01189400;
 	printf("testInput: [0]->0x%08x \t [1]->0x%08x \t [2]->0x%08x \t [3]->0x%08x\n",
 			testInput[0], testInput[1], testInput[2], testInput[3]);
-	printf("encOutput: [0]->0x%08x \t [1]->0x%08x \t [2]->0x%08x \t [3]->0x%08x\n",
-			  encoderOutput[0], encoderOutput[1], encoderOutput[2], encoderOutput[3]);
-	testInput[0]=0x01189400;
 	uint8_t testInput2[8];
 	nr_crc_bit2bit_uint32_8_t(testInput, 32, testInput2);
-	printf("testInput2: [0]->%x \t [1]->%x \t [2]->%x \t [3]->%x\n            [4]->%x \t [5]->%x \t [6]->%x \t [7]->%x \t\n",
+	printf("testInput2: [0]->%x \t [1]->%x \t [2]->%x \t [3]->%x\n"
+		   "            [4]->%x \t [5]->%x \t [6]->%x \t [7]->%x\n",
 				testInput2[0], testInput2[1], testInput2[2], testInput2[3],
 				testInput2[4], testInput2[5], testInput2[6], testInput2[7]);
 	printf("crc32: [0]->0x%08x\n",crc24c(testInput2, 32));
 	printf("crc56: [0]->0x%08x\n",crc24c(testInput2, 56));
-	return 0;
-	uint8_t testInput8[4];
-	/*testInput8[0]=0x00;
-	testInput8[1]=0x49;
-	testInput8[2]=0x81;
-	testInput8[3]=0x10;
-	testInput8[4]=0x00;*/
-	testInput8[0]=0xff;
-	testInput8[1]=0xd0;
-	testInput8[2]=0xff;
-	testInput8[3]=0x82;
-	crc = crc24c(testInput8, 31);
-	for (int i=0;i<24;i++) printf("[i]=%d\n",(crc>>i)&1);
-	printf("crc: [0]->0x%08x\n",crc);
-	printf("crcbit: %x\n",crcbit(testInput8, 3, poly24c));
-	return 0;
-	unsigned char test[] = "Thebigredfox";
-	for (int i=0;i<8;i++) printf("[i]=%d\n",(test[0]>>i)&1);
-	printf("test[0]=%x\n",test[0]);
-	printf("%s -- sizeof=%d\n",test,sizeof(test));
-	printf("%x\n", crcbit(test, sizeof(test) - 1, poly24c));
-	printf("%x\n", crc24c(test, (sizeof(test) - 1)*8));
-	polarMessageType = 1;
-	testLength = 41;
-	aggregation_level=1;
-	coderLength = 108;
-	nr_polar_init(&nrPolar_params, polarMessageType, testLength, aggregation_level);
-	nr_polar_print_polarParams(nrPolar_params);
     crc = crc24c(testInput, testLength)>>8;
     for (int i=0;i<24;i++) printf("[i]=%d\n",(crc>>i)&1);
     printf("crc: [0]->0x%08x\n",crc);
@@ -174,18 +157,30 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
     testInput[2+(testLength>>3)] = ((uint8_t*)&crc)[0];
     printf("testInput: [0]->0x%08x \t [1]->0x%08x \t [2]->0x%08x \t [3]->0x%08x\n",
     			testInput[0], testInput[1], testInput[2], testInput[3]);
-	return (0);
-	currentPtr = nr_polar_params(nrPolar_params, polarMessageType, testLength, aggregation_level);
-	polar_encoder(testInput, encoderOutput, currentPtr);
-	printf("testInput: [0]->0x%08x \t [1]->0x%08x \t [2]->0x%08x \t [3]->0x%08x\n",
-			testInput[0], testInput[1], testInput[2], testInput[3]);
-	printf("encOutput: [0]->0x%08x \t [1]->0x%08x \t [2]->0x%08x \t [3]->0x%08x\n",
-			encoderOutput[0], encoderOutput[1], encoderOutput[2], encoderOutput[3]);
-	return (0);
-	currentPtr = nr_polar_params(nrPolar_params, polarMessageType, testLength, aggregation_level);
+	for (SNR = SNRstart; SNR <= SNRstop; SNR += SNRinc) {
+		SNR_lin = pow(10, SNR / 10);
+		for (itr = 1; itr <= iterations; itr++) {
+			for (int j=0; j<ceil(testLength / 32.0); j++) {
+				for(int i=0; i<32; i++) {
+					testInput[j] |= ( ((uint32_t) (rand()%2)) &1);
+					testInput[j]<<=1;
+				}
+			}
+			printf("testInput: [0]->0x%08x \n", testInput[0]);
+			polar_encoder_timing(testInput, encoderOutput, currentPtr, cpu_freq_GHz, logFile);
+		}
+	}
+	fclose(logFile);
+	free(testInput);
+	free(encoderOutput);
+	free(modulatedInput);
+	free(channelOutput);
+	free(estimatedOutput);
+	return (0);
 	// We assume no a priori knowledge available about the payload.
 	double aPrioriArray[currentPtr->payloadBits];
@@ -195,68 +190,87 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
 		SNR_lin = pow(10, SNR/10);
 		for (itr = 1; itr <= iterations; itr++) {
-		for(int i=0; i<testLength; i++) testInput[i]=(uint8_t) (rand() % 2);
+			for (int i = 0; i < testArrayLength; i++) {
+				for (int j = 0; j < (sizeof(testInput[0])*8)-1; j++) {
+					testInput[i] |= ( ((uint32_t) (rand()%2)) &1);
+					testInput[i]<<=1;
+				}
+				testInput[i] |= ( ((uint32_t) (rand()%2)) &1);
+			}
-		start_meas(&timeEncoder);
-		polar_encoder(testInput, encoderOutput, currentPtr);
-		stop_meas(&timeEncoder);
+			/*printf("testInput: [0]->0x%08x\n", testInput[0]);
+			for (int i=0; i<32; i++)
+				printf("%d\n",(testInput[0]>>i)&1);*/
-		//BPSK modulation
-		for(int i=0; i<coderLength; i++) {
-			if (encoderOutput[i] == 0)
-				modulatedInput[i]=1/sqrt(2);
-			else
-				modulatedInput[i]=(-1)/sqrt(2);
+			start_meas(&timeEncoder);
+			polar_encoder(testInput, encoderOutput, currentPtr);
+			stop_meas(&timeEncoder);
-			channelOutput[i] = modulatedInput[i] + (gaussdouble(0.0,1.0) * (1/sqrt(2*SNR_lin)));
-			//printf("%f\n",channelOutput[i]);
-		}
+			/*printf("encoderOutput: [0]->0x%08x\n", encoderOutput[0]);
+			printf("encoderOutput: [1]->0x%08x\n", encoderOutput[1]);
+			//Bit-to-byte:
+			nr_bit2byte_uint32_8_t(encoderOutput, coderLength, encoderOutputByte);
+			//BPSK modulation
+			for(int i=0; i<coderLength; i++) {
+				if (encoderOutputByte[i] == 0)
+					modulatedInput[i]=1/sqrt(2);
+				else
+					modulatedInput[i]=(-1)/sqrt(2);
+				channelOutput[i] = modulatedInput[i] + (gaussdouble(0.0,1.0) * (1/sqrt(2*SNR_lin)));
+			}
-		start_meas(&timeDecoder);
-		/*decoderState = polar_decoder(channelOutput,
-									 estimatedOutput,
-									 currentPtr,
-									 aPrioriArray,
-		decoderState = polar_decoder_aPriori(channelOutput,
-											 estimatedOutput,
-											 currentPtr,
-											 aPrioriArray);
-		stop_meas(&timeDecoder);
-		//calculate errors
-		if (decoderState==-1) {
-			blockErrorState=-1;
-			nBitError=-1;
-		} else {
-			for(int i=0; i<testLength; i++){
-				if (estimatedOutput[i]!=testInput[i]) nBitError++;
+			start_meas(&timeDecoder);
+			/*decoderState = polar_decoder(channelOutput,
+									 	 estimatedOutput,
+									 	 currentPtr,
+									 	 aPrioriArray,
+			decoderState = polar_decoder_aPriori(channelOutput,
+											 	 estimatedOutput,
+												 currentPtr,
+												 aPrioriArray);
+			stop_meas(&timeDecoder);
+			/*printf("testInput: [0]->0x%08x\n", testInput[0]);
+			printf("estimatedOutput: [0]->0x%08x\n", estimatedOutput[0]);
+			//calculate errors
+			if (decoderState==-1) {
+				blockErrorState=-1;
+				nBitError=-1;
+			} else {
+				for (int i = 0; i < testArrayLength; i++) {
+					for (int j = 0; j < (sizeof(testInput[0])*8); j++) {
+						if (((estimatedOutput[i]>>j) & 1) != ((testInput[i]>>j) & 1)) nBitError++;
+					}
+				}
+				if (nBitError>0) blockErrorState=1;
-			if (nBitError>0) blockErrorState=1;
-		}
-		//Iteration times are in microseconds.
-		timeEncoderCumulative+=(timeEncoder.diff_now/(cpu_freq_GHz*1000.0));
-		timeDecoderCumulative+=(timeDecoder.diff_now/(cpu_freq_GHz*1000.0));
-		fprintf(logFile,",%f,%d,%d,%f,%f\n", SNR, nBitError, blockErrorState,
-				(timeEncoder.diff_now/(cpu_freq_GHz*1000.0)), (timeDecoder.diff_now/(cpu_freq_GHz*1000.0)));
-		if (nBitError<0) {
-			blockErrorCumulative++;
-			bitErrorCumulative+=testLength;
-		} else {
-			blockErrorCumulative+=blockErrorState;
-			bitErrorCumulative+=nBitError;
-		}
+			//Iteration times are in microseconds.
+			timeEncoderCumulative+=(timeEncoder.diff_now/(cpu_freq_GHz*1000.0));
+			timeDecoderCumulative+=(timeDecoder.diff_now/(cpu_freq_GHz*1000.0));
+			fprintf(logFile,",%f,%d,%d,%f,%f\n", SNR, nBitError, blockErrorState,
+					(timeEncoder.diff_now/(cpu_freq_GHz*1000.0)), (timeDecoder.diff_now/(cpu_freq_GHz*1000.0)));
+			if (nBitError<0) {
+				blockErrorCumulative++;
+				bitErrorCumulative+=testLength;
+			} else {
+				blockErrorCumulative+=blockErrorState;
+				bitErrorCumulative+=nBitError;
+			}
-		decoderState=0;
-		nBitError=0;
-		blockErrorState=0;
+			decoderState=0;
+			nBitError=0;
+			blockErrorState=0;
 		//Calculate error statistics for the SNR.
@@ -273,11 +287,14 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-	//free(testInput);
-	//free(encoderOutput);
+	//Bit
+	free(testInput);
+	free(encoderOutput);
+	free(estimatedOutput);
+	//Byte
+	free(encoderOutputByte);
-	free(estimatedOutput);
 	return (0);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_decoder.c b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_decoder.c
index 51a0328d7ecc13afec324fe1ca30d31382b7921d..1616c498e47092c54b20c6a978fb443c63bdd719 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_decoder.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_decoder.c
@@ -278,13 +278,268 @@ int8_t polar_decoder(
-int8_t polar_decoder_aPriori(
-		double *input,
-		uint32_t *out,
-		t_nrPolar_paramsPtr polarParams,
-		uint8_t listSize,
-		uint8_t pathMetricAppr,
-		double *aPrioriPayload)
+int8_t polar_decoder_aPriori(double *input,
+							 uint32_t *out,
+							 t_nrPolar_paramsPtr polarParams,
+							 uint8_t listSize,
+							 uint8_t pathMetricAppr,
+							 double *aPrioriPayload)
+	uint8_t ***bit = nr_alloc_uint8_t_3D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), 2*listSize);
+	uint8_t **bitUpdated = nr_alloc_uint8_t_2D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1)); //0=False, 1=True
+	uint8_t **llrUpdated = nr_alloc_uint8_t_2D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1)); //0=False, 1=True
+	double ***llr = nr_alloc_double_3D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), 2*listSize);
+	uint8_t **crcChecksum = nr_alloc_uint8_t_2D_array(polarParams->crcParityBits, 2*listSize);
+	double *pathMetric = malloc(sizeof(double)*(2*listSize));
+	uint8_t *crcState = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*(2*listSize)); //0=False, 1=True
+	for (int i=0; i<(2*listSize); i++) {
+		pathMetric[i] = 0;
+		crcState[i]=1;
+	}
+	for (int i=0; i<polarParams->N; i++) {
+		llrUpdated[i][polarParams->n]=1;
+		bitUpdated[i][0]=((polarParams->information_bit_pattern[i]+1) % 2);
+	}
+	uint8_t **extended_crc_generator_matrix = malloc(polarParams->K * sizeof(uint8_t *)); //G_P3
+	uint8_t **tempECGM = malloc(polarParams->K * sizeof(uint8_t *)); //G_P2
+	for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->K; i++){
+		extended_crc_generator_matrix[i] = malloc(polarParams->crcParityBits * sizeof(uint8_t));
+		tempECGM[i] = malloc(polarParams->crcParityBits * sizeof(uint8_t));
+	}
+	for (int i=0; i<polarParams->payloadBits; i++) {
+		for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
+			tempECGM[i][j]=polarParams->crc_generator_matrix[i][j];
+		}
+	}
+	for (int i=polarParams->payloadBits; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
+			for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
+				if( (i-polarParams->payloadBits) == j ){
+					tempECGM[i][j]=1;
+				} else {
+					tempECGM[i][j]=0;
+				}
+			}
+	}
+	for (int i=0; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
+		for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
+			extended_crc_generator_matrix[i][j]=tempECGM[polarParams->interleaving_pattern[i]][j];
+		}
+	}
+	//The index of the last 1-valued bit that appears in each column.
+	uint16_t last1ind[polarParams->crcParityBits];
+	for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
+			for (int i=0; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
+				if (extended_crc_generator_matrix[i][j]==1) last1ind[j]=i;
+			}
+	}
+	double *d_tilde = malloc(sizeof(double) * polarParams->N);
+	nr_polar_rate_matching(input, d_tilde, polarParams->rate_matching_pattern, polarParams->K, polarParams->N, polarParams->encoderLength);
+	for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) llr[j][polarParams->n][0]=d_tilde[j];
+	/*
+	 * SCL polar decoder.
+	 */
+	uint32_t nonFrozenBit=0;
+	uint8_t currentListSize=1;
+	uint8_t decoderIterationCheck=0;
+	int16_t checkCrcBits=-1;
+	uint8_t listIndex[2*listSize], copyIndex;
+	for (uint16_t currentBit=0; currentBit<polarParams->N; currentBit++){
+		updateLLR(llr, llrUpdated, bit, bitUpdated, currentListSize, currentBit, 0, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), pathMetricAppr);
+		if (polarParams->information_bit_pattern[currentBit]==0) { //Frozen bit.
+			updatePathMetric(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, 0, currentBit, pathMetricAppr); //approximation=0 --> 11b, approximation=1 --> 12
+		} else { //Information or CRC bit.
+			if ( (polarParams->interleaving_pattern[nonFrozenBit] <= polarParams->payloadBits) &&
+					(aPrioriPayload[polarParams->interleaving_pattern[nonFrozenBit]] == 0) ) {
+				//Information bit with known value of "0".
+				updatePathMetric(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, 0, currentBit, pathMetricAppr);
+				bitUpdated[currentBit][0]=1; //0=False, 1=True
+			} else if ( (polarParams->interleaving_pattern[nonFrozenBit] <= polarParams->payloadBits) &&
+					(aPrioriPayload[polarParams->interleaving_pattern[nonFrozenBit]] == 1) ) {
+				//Information bit with known value of "1".
+				updatePathMetric(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, 1, currentBit, pathMetricAppr);
+				for (uint8_t i=0; i<currentListSize; i++) bit[currentBit][0][i]=1;
+				bitUpdated[currentBit][0]=1;
+				updateCrcChecksum(crcChecksum, extended_crc_generator_matrix, currentListSize, nonFrozenBit, polarParams->crcParityBits);
+			} else {
+				updatePathMetric2(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, currentBit, pathMetricAppr);
+				for (int i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
+					for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) {
+						for (int k = 0; k < (polarParams->n+1); k++) {
+							bit[j][k][i+currentListSize]=bit[j][k][i];
+							llr[j][k][i+currentListSize]=llr[j][k][i];}}}
+				for (int i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
+					bit[currentBit][0][i]=0;
+					crcState[i+currentListSize]=crcState[i];
+				}
+				for (int i = currentListSize; i < 2*currentListSize; i++) bit[currentBit][0][i]=1;
+				bitUpdated[currentBit][0]=1;
+				updateCrcChecksum2(crcChecksum, extended_crc_generator_matrix, currentListSize, nonFrozenBit, polarParams->crcParityBits);
+				currentListSize*=2;
+				//Keep only the best "listSize" number of entries.
+				if (currentListSize > listSize) {
+					for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2*listSize; i++) listIndex[i]=i;
+					nr_sort_asc_double_1D_array_ind(pathMetric, listIndex, currentListSize);
+					//sort listIndex[listSize, ..., 2*listSize-1] in descending order.
+					uint8_t swaps, tempInd;
+					for (uint8_t i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
+						swaps = 0;
+						for (uint8_t j = listSize; j < (2*listSize - i) - 1; j++) {
+							if (listIndex[j+1] > listIndex[j]) {
+								tempInd = listIndex[j];
+								listIndex[j] = listIndex[j + 1];
+								listIndex[j + 1] = tempInd;
+								swaps++;
+							}
+						}
+						if (swaps == 0)
+							break;
+					}
+					//First, backup the best "listSize" number of entries.
+					for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) {
+						for (int i=0; i<polarParams->N; i++) {
+							for (int j=0; j<(polarParams->n+1); j++) {
+								bit[i][j][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=bit[i][j][listIndex[k]];
+								llr[i][j][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=llr[i][j][listIndex[k]];
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) {
+						for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
+							crcChecksum[i][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]] = crcChecksum[i][listIndex[k]];
+						}
+					}
+					for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) crcState[listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=crcState[listIndex[k]];
+					//Copy the best "listSize" number of entries to the first indices.
+					for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
+						if (k > listIndex[k]) {
+							copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
+						} else { //Use the backup.
+							copyIndex = listIndex[k];
+						}
+						for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->N; i++) {
+							for (int j = 0; j < (polarParams->n + 1); j++) {
+								bit[i][j][k] = bit[i][j][copyIndex];
+								llr[i][j][k] = llr[i][j][copyIndex];
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
+						if (k > listIndex[k]) {
+							copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
+						} else { //Use the backup.
+							copyIndex = listIndex[k];
+						}
+						for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
+							crcChecksum[i][k]=crcChecksum[i][copyIndex];
+						}
+					}
+					for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
+						if (k > listIndex[k]) {
+							copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
+						} else { //Use the backup.
+							copyIndex = listIndex[k];
+						}
+						crcState[k]=crcState[copyIndex];
+					}
+					currentListSize = listSize;
+				}
+			}
+			for (int i=0; i<polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
+				if (last1ind[i]==nonFrozenBit) {
+					checkCrcBits=i;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			if ( checkCrcBits > (-1) ) {
+				for (uint8_t i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
+					if (crcChecksum[checkCrcBits][i]==1) {
+						crcState[i]=0; //0=False, 1=True
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			for (uint8_t i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) decoderIterationCheck+=crcState[i];
+			if (decoderIterationCheck==0) {
+				//perror("[SCL polar decoder] All list entries have failed the CRC checks.");
+				free(d_tilde);
+				free(pathMetric);
+				free(crcState);
+				nr_free_uint8_t_3D_array(bit, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
+				nr_free_double_3D_array(llr, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
+				nr_free_uint8_t_2D_array(crcChecksum, polarParams->crcParityBits);
+				return(-1);
+			}
+			nonFrozenBit++;
+			decoderIterationCheck=0;
+			checkCrcBits=-1;
+		}
+	}
+	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2*listSize; i++) listIndex[i]=i;
+	nr_sort_asc_double_1D_array_ind(pathMetric, listIndex, currentListSize);
+	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < fmin(listSize, (pow(2,polarParams->crcCorrectionBits)) ); i++) {
+		if ( crcState[listIndex[i]] == 1 ) {
+			for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) polarParams->nr_polar_U[j]=bit[j][0][listIndex[i]];
+			//Extract the information bits (û to ĉ)
+			nr_polar_info_bit_extraction(polarParams->nr_polar_U, polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime, polarParams->information_bit_pattern, polarParams->N);
+			//Deinterleaving (ĉ to b)
+			nr_polar_deinterleaver(polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime, polarParams->nr_polar_B, polarParams->interleaving_pattern, polarParams->K);
+			//Remove the CRC (â)
+			for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->payloadBits; j++) polarParams->nr_polar_A[j]=polarParams->nr_polar_B[j];
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	free(d_tilde);
+	free(pathMetric);
+	free(crcState);
+	nr_free_uint8_t_3D_array(bit, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
+	nr_free_double_3D_array(llr, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
+	nr_free_uint8_t_2D_array(crcChecksum, polarParams->crcParityBits);
+	nr_free_uint8_t_2D_array(extended_crc_generator_matrix, polarParams->K);
+	nr_free_uint8_t_2D_array(tempECGM, polarParams->K);
+	/*
+	 * Return bits.
+	 */
+	nr_byte2bit_uint8_32_t(polarParams->nr_polar_A, polarParams->payloadBits, out);
+	return(0);
+int8_t polar_decoder_aPriori_timing(double *input,
+									uint32_t *out,
+									t_nrPolar_paramsPtr polarParams,
+									uint8_t listSize,
+									uint8_t pathMetricAppr,
+									double *aPrioriPayload,
+									double cpuFreqGHz,
+									FILE* logFile)
 	uint8_t ***bit = nr_alloc_uint8_t_3D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), 2*listSize);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_defs.h b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_defs.h
index fdf34398fa2742eacdf7ee4416cd6c36c8756e5a..28e4c728640fdb186d5e749c2150f521d4940f28 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_defs.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_defs.h
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
 #include "PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_dci_defs.h"
 #include "PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_uci_defs.h"
 #include "PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_pbch_defs.h"
+#include "PHY/CODING/coding_defs.h"
+#include "SIMULATION/TOOLS/sim.h"
 #define NR_POLAR_DECODER_LISTSIZE 8 //uint8_t
 #define NR_POLAR_DECODER_PATH_METRIC_APPROXIMATION 0 //uint8_t; 0 --> eq. (8a) and (11b), 1 --> eq. (9) and (12)
@@ -111,6 +113,12 @@ void polar_encoder_dci(uint32_t *in,
 					   t_nrPolar_paramsPtr polarParams,
 					   uint16_t n_RNTI);
+void polar_encoder_timing(uint32_t *in,
+						  uint32_t *out,
+						  t_nrPolar_paramsPtr polarParams,
+						  double cpuFreqGHz,
+						  FILE* logFile);
 int8_t polar_decoder(double *input,
 		 	 	 	 uint8_t *output,
 					 t_nrPolar_paramsPtr polarParams,
@@ -124,6 +132,15 @@ int8_t polar_decoder_aPriori(double *input,
 							 uint8_t pathMetricAppr,
 							 double *aPrioriPayload);
+int8_t polar_decoder_aPriori_timing(double *input,
+									uint32_t *output,
+									t_nrPolar_paramsPtr polarParams,
+									uint8_t listSize,
+									uint8_t pathMetricAppr,
+									double *aPrioriPayload,
+									double cpuFreqGHz,
+									FILE* logFile);
 void nr_polar_init(t_nrPolar_paramsPtr *polarParams,
 				   int8_t messageType,
 				   uint16_t messageLength,
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_encoder.c b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_encoder.c
index 2c9e3529a2efde18dfb6b09750b1766922b96e2f..c1a0c31a421b747c75022e7a39d04687fd93fcde 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_encoder.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_encoder.c
@@ -30,10 +30,15 @@
  * \warning
 #include "PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_defs.h"
+//input  [a_31 a_30 ... a_0]
+//output [f_31 f_30 ... f_0] [f_63 f_62 ... f_32] ...
 void polar_encoder(uint32_t *in,
 				   uint32_t *out,
 				   t_nrPolar_paramsPtr polarParams)
@@ -95,6 +100,10 @@ void polar_encoder(uint32_t *in,
 	 * Return bits.
+	for (int i=0; i< polarParams->encoderLength;i++) printf("f[%d]=%d\n", i, polarParams->nr_polar_E[i]);
 	nr_byte2bit_uint8_32_t(polarParams->nr_polar_E, polarParams->encoderLength, out);
@@ -187,3 +196,76 @@ void polar_encoder_dci(uint32_t *in,
+void polar_encoder_timing(uint32_t *in,
+						  uint32_t *out,
+						  t_nrPolar_paramsPtr polarParams,
+						  double cpuFreqGHz,
+						  FILE* logFile)
+	//Initiate timing.
+	time_stats_t timeEncoderCRCByte, timeEncoderCRCBit, timeEncoderInterleaver, timeEncoderBitInsertion, timeEncoder1, timeEncoder2, timeEncoderRateMatching, timeEncoderByte2Bit;
+	reset_meas(&timeEncoderCRCByte); reset_meas(&timeEncoderCRCBit); reset_meas(&timeEncoderInterleaver); reset_meas(&timeEncoderBitInsertion); reset_meas(&timeEncoder1); reset_meas(&timeEncoder2); reset_meas(&timeEncoderRateMatching); reset_meas(&timeEncoderByte2Bit);
+	uint16_t n_RNTI=0x0000;
+	start_meas(&timeEncoderCRCByte);
+	nr_crc_bit2bit_uint32_8_t(in, polarParams->payloadBits, polarParams->nr_polar_aPrime); //(a to a')
+	polarParams->crcBit = crc24c(polarParams->nr_polar_aPrime, (polarParams->payloadBits+polarParams->crcParityBits)); //Parity bits computation (p)
+	uint8_t arrayInd = ceil(polarParams->payloadBits / 8.0); //(a to b)
+	for (int i=0; i<arrayInd-1; i++)
+		for (int j=0; j<8; j++)
+			polarParams->nr_polar_B[j+(i*8)] = ((polarParams->nr_polar_aPrime[3+i]>>(7-j)) & 1);
+	for (int i=0; i<((polarParams->payloadBits)%8); i++) polarParams->nr_polar_B[i+(arrayInd-1)*8] = ((polarParams->nr_polar_aPrime[3+(arrayInd-1)]>>(7-i)) & 1);
+	for (int i=0; i<8; i++) polarParams->nr_polar_B[polarParams->payloadBits+i] = ((polarParams->crcBit)>>(31-i))&1;
+	for (int i=0; i<16; i++) polarParams->nr_polar_B[polarParams->payloadBits+8+i] =	( (((polarParams->crcBit)>>(23-i))&1) + ((n_RNTI>>(15-i))&1) ) % 2; //Scrambling (b to c)
+	stop_meas(&timeEncoderCRCByte);
+	start_meas(&timeEncoderCRCBit);
+	nr_bit2byte_uint32_8_t(in, polarParams->payloadBits, polarParams->nr_polar_A);
+	nr_matrix_multiplication_uint8_t_1D_uint8_t_2D(polarParams->nr_polar_A, polarParams->crc_generator_matrix, polarParams->nr_polar_crc, polarParams->payloadBits, polarParams->crcParityBits); //Calculate CRC.
+	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) polarParams->nr_polar_crc[i] = (polarParams->nr_polar_crc[i] % 2);
+	for (uint16_t i = 0; i < polarParams->payloadBits; i++) polarParams->nr_polar_B[i] = polarParams->nr_polar_A[i]; //Attach CRC to the Transport Block. (a to b)
+	for (uint16_t i = polarParams->payloadBits; i < polarParams->K; i++) polarParams->nr_polar_B[i]= polarParams->nr_polar_crc[i-(polarParams->payloadBits)];
+	stop_meas(&timeEncoderCRCBit);
+	start_meas(&timeEncoderInterleaver); //Interleaving (c to c')
+	nr_polar_interleaver(polarParams->nr_polar_B, polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime, polarParams->interleaving_pattern, polarParams->K);
+	stop_meas(&timeEncoderInterleaver);
+	start_meas(&timeEncoderBitInsertion); //Bit insertion (c' to u)
+	nr_polar_bit_insertion(polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime, polarParams->nr_polar_U, polarParams->N, polarParams->K, polarParams->Q_I_N, polarParams->Q_PC_N, polarParams->n_pc);
+	stop_meas(&timeEncoderBitInsertion);
+	start_meas(&timeEncoder1); //Encoding (u to d)
+	nr_matrix_multiplication_uint8_t_1D_uint8_t_2D(polarParams->nr_polar_U, polarParams->G_N, polarParams->nr_polar_D, polarParams->N, polarParams->N);
+	stop_meas(&timeEncoder1);
+	start_meas(&timeEncoder2);
+	for (uint16_t i = 0; i < polarParams->N; i++) polarParams->nr_polar_D[i] = (polarParams->nr_polar_D[i] % 2);
+	stop_meas(&timeEncoder2);
+	start_meas(&timeEncoderRateMatching);//Rate matching //Sub-block interleaving (d to y) and Bit selection (y to e)
+	nr_polar_interleaver(polarParams->nr_polar_D, polarParams->nr_polar_E, polarParams->rate_matching_pattern, polarParams->encoderLength);
+	stop_meas(&timeEncoderRateMatching);
+	start_meas(&timeEncoderByte2Bit); //Return bits.
+	nr_byte2bit_uint8_32_t(polarParams->nr_polar_E, polarParams->encoderLength, out);
+	stop_meas(&timeEncoderByte2Bit);
+	fprintf(logFile,",%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n",
+			(timeEncoderCRCByte.diff_now/(cpuFreqGHz*1000.0)),
+			(timeEncoderCRCBit.diff_now/(cpuFreqGHz*1000.0)),
+			(timeEncoderInterleaver.diff_now/(cpuFreqGHz*1000.0)),
+			(timeEncoderBitInsertion.diff_now/(cpuFreqGHz*1000.0)),
+			(timeEncoder1.diff_now/(cpuFreqGHz*1000.0)),
+			(timeEncoder2.diff_now/(cpuFreqGHz*1000.0)),
+			(timeEncoderRateMatching.diff_now/(cpuFreqGHz*1000.0)),
+			(timeEncoderByte2Bit.diff_now/(cpuFreqGHz*1000.0)));
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_pbch.c b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_pbch.c
index cd5024fa494e99429effd529ed0ef11470829e28..473451fe5278b71ab4868f8a8211bddae948de8d 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_pbch.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_pbch.c
@@ -246,11 +246,11 @@ int nr_generate_pbch(NR_gNB_PBCH *pbch,
       (*xbyte) ^= ((ssb_index>>(3+i))&1)<<(5+i); // resp. 4th, 5th and 6th bits of ssb_index
     (*xbyte) ^= ((config->sch_config.ssb_subcarrier_offset.value>>5)&1)<<5; //MSB of k_SSB
   printf("Extra byte:\n");
   for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
     printf("pbch_a[%d]: 0x%02x\n", i, pbch->pbch_a[i]);
     // Payload interleaving
   uint32_t in=0, out=0;
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/dci_nr.c b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/dci_nr.c
index a13875ef9c0c2ad4f0126f2a7ba0672bcf236a81..41e3f016919c1261355f879b7f2efb2b132f0ae3 100755
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/dci_nr.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/dci_nr.c
@@ -4088,13 +4088,13 @@ void nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(int s,
       int reg_p,reg_e;
       for (int m=0; m < (L2*6); m++){
-		 reg_p = (((int)floor(m/coreset_time_dur))+((m%coreset_time_dur)*(L2*6/coreset_time_dur)))*9*2;
-		 reg_e = m*9*2;
-		 for (int i=0; i<9*2; i++){  
-           polar_input[reg_p+i] = (pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx[((CCEind*9*6*2) + reg_e + i)]>0) ? (1.0):(-1.0);
-           printf("\t m=%d \tpolar_input[%d]=%lf <-> e_rx[%d]=%d\n",m,reg_p+i,polar_input[reg_p+i],
-                   ((CCEind*9*6*2) + reg_e + i),pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx[((CCEind*9*6*2) + reg_e + i)]);
-	     }
+        reg_p = (((int)floor(m/coreset_time_dur))+((m%coreset_time_dur)*(L2*6/coreset_time_dur)))*9*2;
+        reg_e = m*9*2;
+        for (int i=0; i<9*2; i++){
+          polar_input[reg_p+i] = (pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx[((CCEind*9*6*2) + reg_e + i)]>0) ? (1.0):(-1.0);
+          printf("\t m=%d \tpolar_input[%d]=%lf <-> e_rx[%d]=%d\n",m,reg_p+i,polar_input[reg_p+i],
+                  ((CCEind*9*6*2) + reg_e + i),pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx[((CCEind*9*6*2) + reg_e + i)]);
+	    }
       #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
@@ -4247,12 +4247,12 @@ void nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(int s,
             *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
           } else {
-            if ((dci_decoded_output[current_thread_id][7]>>(sizeof_bits-1))&1 == 0){
+            if (dci_decoded_output[current_thread_id][0]&1 == 0){
               dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format0_0;
               *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
-            if ((dci_decoded_output[current_thread_id][7]>>(sizeof_bits-1))&1 == 1){
+            if (dci_decoded_output[current_thread_id][0]&1 == 1){
               dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format1_0;
               *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
@@ -4276,7 +4276,16 @@ void nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(int s,
           *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
         if (format_uss == uformat0_1_and_1_1){
-          // Not implemented yet FIXME
+          if (dci_decoded_output[current_thread_id][0]&1 == 0){
+            dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format0_1;
+            *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
+            format_found=_format_0_1_found;
+          }
+          if (dci_decoded_output[current_thread_id][0]&1 == 1){
+            dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format1_1;
+            *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
+            format_found=_format_1_1_found;
+          }
         // store first nCCE of group for PUCCH transmission of ACK/NAK
         pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->nCCE[nr_tti_rx] = CCEind;
@@ -4816,123 +4825,348 @@ uint16_t dci_CRNTI_decoding_procedure(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
-uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (crc_scrambled_t crc_scrambled,
-                             uint8_t pusch_alloc_list,
+uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
+                             uint16_t eNB_id,
+                             uint8_t nr_tti_rx,
+                             int p,
+                             crc_scrambled_t crc_scrambled,
                              uint16_t n_RB_ULBWP,
                              uint16_t n_RB_DLBWP,
-                             uint8_t dci_fields_sizes[NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS][NBR_NR_FORMATS]){
+                             uint8_t dci_fields_sizes[NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS][NBR_NR_FORMATS],
+                             uint8_t format){
-    printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_format_size)-> crc_scrambled=%d, pusch_alloc_list=%d, n_RB_ULBWP=%d, n_RB_DLBWP=%d\n",crc_scrambled,pusch_alloc_list,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP);
+    printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_format_size)-> crc_scrambled=%d, n_RB_ULBWP=%d, n_RB_DLBWP=%d\n",crc_scrambled,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP);
- * Formats 0_1, not completely implemented. See (*)
+ * function nr_dci_format_size calculates and returns the size in bits of a determined format
+ * it also returns an bi-dimensional array 'dci_fields_sizes' with x rows and y columns, where:
+ * x is the number of fields defined in TS 38.212 subclause 7.3.1 (Each field is mapped in the order in which it appears in the description in the specification)
+ * y is the number of formats
+ *   e.g.: dci_fields_sizes[10][0] contains the size in bits of the field FREQ_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT_UL for format 0_0
-// format {0_0,0_1,1_0,1_1,2_0,2_1,2_2,2_3} according to 38.212 Section 7.3.1
-#define NBR_NR_FORMATS         8
-#define NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS     56
-#define IDENTIFIER_DCI_FORMATS           0
-#define CARRIER_IND                      1
-#define SUL_IND_0_1                      2
-#define SLOT_FORMAT_IND                  3
-#define PRE_EMPTION_IND                  4
-#define TPC_CMD_NUMBER                   5
-#define BLOCK_NUMBER                     6
-#define BANDWIDTH_PART_IND               7
-#define SHORT_MESSAGE_IND                8
-#define SHORT_MESSAGES                   9
-#define VRB_TO_PRB_MAPPING              13
-#define PRB_BUNDLING_SIZE_IND           14
-#define RATE_MATCHING_IND               15
-#define ZP_CSI_RS_TRIGGER               16
-#define FREQ_HOPPING_FLAG               17
-#define TB1_MCS                         18
-#define TB1_NDI                         19
-#define TB1_RV                          20
-#define TB2_MCS                         21
-#define TB2_NDI                         22
-#define TB2_RV                          23
-#define MCS                             24
-#define NDI                             25
-#define RV                              26
-#define HARQ_PROCESS_NUMBER             27
-#define DAI_                            28
-#define FIRST_DAI                       29
-#define SECOND_DAI                      30
-#define TB_SCALING                      31
-#define TPC_PUSCH                       32
-#define TPC_PUCCH                       33
-#define PUCCH_RESOURCE_IND              34
-//#define SHORT_MESSAGE_IND             33
-#define SRS_RESOURCE_IND                36
-#define PRECOD_NBR_LAYERS               37
-#define ANTENNA_PORTS                   38
-#define TCI                             39
-#define SRS_REQUEST                     40
-#define TPC_CMD_NUMBER_FORMAT2_3        41
-#define CSI_REQUEST                     42
-#define CBGTI                           43
-#define CBGFI                           44
-#define PTRS_DMRS                       45
-#define BETA_OFFSET_IND                 46
-#define DMRS_SEQ_INI                    47
-#define UL_SCH_IND                      48
-#define PADDING_NR_DCI                  49
-#define SUL_IND_0_0                     50
-#define RA_PREAMBLE_INDEX               51
-#define SUL_IND_1_0                     52
-#define SS_PBCH_INDEX                   53
-#define PRACH_MASK_INDEX                54
-#define RESERVED_NR_DCI                 55
-  //uint8_t pusch_alloc_list=1;
-  // number of ZP CSI-RS resource sets in the higher layer parameter [ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceConfigList]
-  uint8_t n_zp = 1;
-  uint8_t n_SRS=1;
+  // pdsch_config contains the PDSCH-Config IE is used to configure the UE specific PDSCH parameters (TS 38.331)
+  PDSCH_Config_t pdsch_config       = ue->PDSCH_Config;
+  // pusch_config contains the PUSCH-Config IE is used to configure the UE specific PUSCH parameters (TS 38.331)
+  PUSCH_Config_t pusch_config       = ue->pusch_config;
+  PUCCH_Config_t pucch_config_dedicated       = ue->pucch_config_dedicated_nr[eNB_id];
+  crossCarrierSchedulingConfig_t crossCarrierSchedulingConfig = ue->crossCarrierSchedulingConfig;
+  dmrs_UplinkConfig_t dmrs_UplinkConfig = ue->dmrs_UplinkConfig;
+  dmrs_DownlinkConfig_t dmrs_DownlinkConfig = ue->dmrs_DownlinkConfig;
+  csi_MeasConfig_t csi_MeasConfig = ue->csi_MeasConfig;
+  PUSCH_ServingCellConfig_t PUSCH_ServingCellConfig= ue->PUSCH_ServingCellConfig;
+  PDSCH_ServingCellConfig_t PDSCH_ServingCellConfig= ue->PDSCH_ServingCellConfig;
+  NR_UE_PDCCH *pdcch_vars2 = ue->pdcch_vars[ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx]][eNB_id];
+  // crossCarrierSchedulingConfig from higher layers, variable crossCarrierSchedulingConfig indicates if 'cross carrier scheduling' is enabled or not:
+  //      if No cross carrier scheduling: number of bits for CARRIER_IND is 0
+  //      if Cross carrier scheduling: number of bits for CARRIER_IND is 3
+  // The IE CrossCarrierSchedulingConfig is used to specify the configuration when the cross-carrier scheduling is used in a cell
+  uint8_t crossCarrierSchedulingConfig_ind = 0;
+  if (crossCarrierSchedulingConfig.schedulingCellInfo.other.cif_InSchedulingCell !=0 ) crossCarrierSchedulingConfig_ind=1;
+// 2  SUL_IND_0_1, // 40 SRS_REQUEST, // 50 SUL_IND_0_0
+  // UL/SUL indicator (TS 38.331, supplementary uplink is indicated in higher layer parameter ServCellAdd-SUL from IE ServingCellConfig and ServingCellConfigCommon):
+  // 0 bit for UEs not configured with SUL in the cell or UEs configured with SUL in the cell but only PUCCH carrier in the cell is configured for PUSCH transmission
+  // 1 bit for UEs configured with SUL in the cell as defined in Table
+  // sul_ind indicates whether SUL is configured in cell or not
+  uint8_t sul_ind=ue->supplementaryUplink.supplementaryUplink; // this value will be 0 or 1 depending on higher layer parameter ServCellAdd-SUL. FIXME!!!
+  // number of UL BWPs configured by higher layers
+  uint8_t n_UL_BWP_RRC=1; // initialized to 1 but it has to be initialized by higher layers FIXME!!!
+  (n_UL_BWP_RRC > 3)?n_UL_BWP_RRC:(n_UL_BWP_RRC+1);
+  // number of DL BWPs configured by higher layers
+  uint8_t n_DL_BWP_RRC=1; // initialized to 1 but it has to be initialized by higher layers FIXME!!!
+  (n_DL_BWP_RRC > 3)?n_DL_BWP_RRC:(n_DL_BWP_RRC+1);
+  // if format0_0, only resource allocation type 1 is allowed
+  // if format0_1, then resource allocation type 0 can be configured and N_RBG is defined in TS 38.214 subclause
   // for PUSCH hopping with resource allocation type 1
   //      n_UL_hopping = 1 if the higher layer parameter frequencyHoppingOffsetLists contains two  offset values
   //      n_UL_hopping = 2 if the higher layer parameter frequencyHoppingOffsetLists contains four offset values
-  uint8_t n_UL_hopping=0;
+  uint8_t n_UL_hopping=pusch_config.n_frequencyHoppingOffsetLists;
+  if (n_UL_hopping == 2) {
+    n_UL_hopping = 1;
+  } else if (n_UL_hopping == 4) {
+    n_UL_hopping = 2;
+  } else {
+    n_UL_hopping = 0;
+  }
+  ul_resourceAllocation_t ul_resource_allocation_type = pusch_config.ul_resourceAllocation;
+  uint8_t ul_res_alloc_type_0 = 0;
+  uint8_t ul_res_alloc_type_1 = 0;
+  if (ul_resource_allocation_type == ul_resourceAllocationType0) ul_res_alloc_type_0 = 1;
+  if (ul_resource_allocation_type == ul_resourceAllocationType1) ul_res_alloc_type_1 = 1;
+  if (ul_resource_allocation_type == ul_dynamicSwitch) {
+    ul_res_alloc_type_0 = 1;
+    ul_res_alloc_type_1 = 1;
+  }
+  uint8_t n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_ul,n_ul_RGB_tmp;
+  if (ul_res_alloc_type_0 == 1){ // implementation of Table TC 38.214 subclause
+    // config1: PUSCH-Config IE contains rbg-Size ENUMERATED {config1 config2}
+    ul_rgb_Size_t config = pusch_config.ul_rgbSize;
+    uint8_t nominal_RBG_P               = (config==ul_rgb_config1?2:4);
+    if (n_RB_ULBWP > 36)  nominal_RBG_P = (config==ul_rgb_config1?4:8);
+    if (n_RB_ULBWP > 72)  nominal_RBG_P = (config==ul_rgb_config1?8:16);
+    if (n_RB_ULBWP > 144) nominal_RBG_P = 16;
+    n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_ul = (uint8_t)ceil((n_RB_ULBWP+(0%nominal_RBG_P))/nominal_RBG_P);                                   //FIXME!!! what is 0???
+    n_ul_RGB_tmp = n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_ul;
+  }
+  if (ul_res_alloc_type_1 == 1) n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_ul = (uint8_t)(ceil(log2(n_RB_ULBWP*(n_RB_ULBWP+1)/2)))-n_UL_hopping;
+  if ((ul_res_alloc_type_0 == 1) && (ul_res_alloc_type_1 == 1))
+    n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_ul = ((n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_ul>n_ul_RGB_tmp)?(n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_ul+1):(n_ul_RGB_tmp+1));
+  // if format1_0, only resource allocation type 1 is allowed
+  // if format1_1, then resource allocation type 0 can be configured and N_RBG is defined in TS 38.214 subclause
+  dl_resourceAllocation_t dl_resource_allocation_type = pdsch_config.dl_resourceAllocation;
+  uint8_t dl_res_alloc_type_0 = 0;
+  uint8_t dl_res_alloc_type_1 = 0;
+  if (dl_resource_allocation_type == dl_resourceAllocationType0) dl_res_alloc_type_0 = 1;
+  if (dl_resource_allocation_type == dl_resourceAllocationType1) dl_res_alloc_type_1 = 1;
+  if (dl_resource_allocation_type == dl_dynamicSwitch) {
+    dl_res_alloc_type_0 = 1;
+    dl_res_alloc_type_1 = 1;
+  }
+  uint8_t n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_dl,n_dl_RGB_tmp;
+  if (dl_res_alloc_type_0 == 1){ // implementation of Table TC 38.214 subclause
+    // config1: PDSCH-Config IE contains rbg-Size ENUMERATED {config1, config2}
+    dl_rgb_Size_t config = pdsch_config.dl_rgbSize;
+    uint8_t nominal_RBG_P               = (config==dl_rgb_config1?2:4);
+    if (n_RB_DLBWP > 36)  nominal_RBG_P = (config==dl_rgb_config1?4:8);
+    if (n_RB_DLBWP > 72)  nominal_RBG_P = (config==dl_rgb_config1?8:16);
+    if (n_RB_DLBWP > 144) nominal_RBG_P = 16;
+    n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_dl = (uint8_t)ceil((n_RB_DLBWP+(0%nominal_RBG_P))/nominal_RBG_P);                                     //FIXME!!! what is 0???
+    n_dl_RGB_tmp = n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_dl;
+  }
+  if (dl_res_alloc_type_1 == 1) n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_dl = (uint8_t)(ceil(log2(n_RB_DLBWP*(n_RB_DLBWP+1)/2)));
+  if ((dl_res_alloc_type_0 == 1) && (dl_res_alloc_type_1 == 1))
+	    n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_dl = ((n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_dl>n_dl_RGB_tmp)?(n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_dl+1):(n_dl_RGB_tmp+1));
+  uint8_t pusch_alloc_list = pusch_config.n_push_alloc_list;
+  uint8_t pdsch_alloc_list = pdsch_config.n_pdsh_alloc_list;
+// 14 PRB_BUNDLING_SIZE_IND:0 bit if the higher layer parameter PRB_bundling is not configured or is set to 'static', or 1 bit if the higher layer parameter PRB_bundling is set to 'dynamic' according to Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]
+  static_bundleSize_t static_prb_BundlingType = pdsch_config.prbBundleType.staticBundling;
+  bundleSizeSet1_t dynamic_prb_BundlingType1  = pdsch_config.prbBundleType.dynamicBundlig.bundleSizeSet1;
+  bundleSizeSet2_t dynamic_prb_BundlingType2  = pdsch_config.prbBundleType.dynamicBundlig.bundleSizeSet2;
+  uint8_t prb_BundlingType_size=0;
+  if ((static_prb_BundlingType==st_n4)||(static_prb_BundlingType==st_wideband)) prb_BundlingType_size=0;
+  if ((dynamic_prb_BundlingType1==dy_1_n4)||(dynamic_prb_BundlingType1==dy_1_wideband)||(dynamic_prb_BundlingType1==dy_1_n2_wideband)||(dynamic_prb_BundlingType1==dy_1_n4_wideband)||
+     (dynamic_prb_BundlingType2==dy_2_n4)||(dynamic_prb_BundlingType2==dy_2_wideband)) prb_BundlingType_size=1;
+  // according to TS 38.212: Rate matching indicator – 0, 1, or 2 bits according to higher layer parameter rateMatchPattern
+  uint8_t rateMatching_bits = pdsch_config.n_rateMatchPatterns;
+  // 0, 1, or 2 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214].
+  // is the number of ZP CSI-RS resource sets in the higher layer parameter zp-CSI-RS-Resource
+  uint8_t n_zp_bits = pdsch_config.n_zp_CSI_RS_ResourceId;
+  // freqHopping is defined by higher layer parameter frequencyHopping from IE PUSCH-Config. Values are ENUMERATED{mode1, mode2}
+  frequencyHopping_t f_hopping = pusch_config.frequencyHopping;
+  uint8_t freqHopping = 0;
+  if ((f_hopping==f_hop_mode1)||(f_hopping==f_hop_mode2)) freqHopping = 1;
+// 28 DAI
+  pdsch_HARQ_ACK_Codebook_t pdsch_HARQ_ACK_Codebook = pdsch_config.pdsch_HARQ_ACK_Codebook;
+  uint8_t n_dai = 0;
+  uint8_t n_serving_cell_dl = 1; // this is hardcoded to 1 as we need to get this value from RRC higher layers parameters. FIXME!!!
+  if ((pdsch_HARQ_ACK_Codebook == dynamic) && (n_serving_cell_dl == 1)) n_dai = 2;
+  if ((pdsch_HARQ_ACK_Codebook == dynamic) && (n_serving_cell_dl > 1))  n_dai = 4;
+// 29 FIRST_DAI
+  uint8_t codebook_HARQ_ACK = 0;           // We need to get this value to calculate number of bits of fields 1st DAI and 2nd DAI.
+  if (pdsch_HARQ_ACK_Codebook == semiStatic) codebook_HARQ_ACK = 1;
+  if (pdsch_HARQ_ACK_Codebook == dynamic) codebook_HARQ_ACK = 2;
+  uint8_t n_HARQ_ACK_sub_codebooks = 0;   // We need to get this value to calculate number of bits of fields 1st DAI and 2nd DAI. FIXME!!!
+  uint8_t pdsch_harq_t_ind = (uint8_t)ceil(log2(pucch_config_dedicated.dl_DataToUL_ACK[0]));
+  // n_SRS is the number of configured SRS resources in the SRS resource set associated with the higher layer parameter usage of value 'codeBook' or 'nonCodeBook'
+  // from SRS_ResourceSet_t type we should get the information of the usage parameter (with possible values beamManagement, codebook, nonCodebook, antennaSwitching)
+  // at frame_parms->srs_nr->p_SRS_ResourceSetList[]->usage
+  uint8_t n_SRS = ue->srs.number_srs_Resource_Set;
+  txConfig_t txConfig = pusch_config.txConfig;
+  transformPrecoder_t transformPrecoder = pusch_config.transformPrecoder;
+  codebookSubset_t codebookSubset = pusch_config.codebookSubset;
+  uint8_t maxRank = pusch_config.maxRank;
+  uint8_t num_antenna_ports = 1; // this is hardcoded. We need to get the real value FIXME!!!
+  uint8_t precond_nbr_layers_bits = 0;
+  uint8_t antenna_ports_bits_ul = 0;
+  // searching number of bits at tables from TS 38.212 subclause
+  if (txConfig == txConfig_codebook){
+    if (num_antenna_ports == 4) {
+      if ((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_disabled) && ((maxRank == 2)||(maxRank == 3)||(maxRank == 4))) { // Table
+        if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_fullyAndPartialAndNonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=6;
+        if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_partialAndNonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=5;
+        if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_nonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=4;
+      }
+      if (((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_enabled)||(transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_disabled)) && (maxRank == 1)) { // Table
+        if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_fullyAndPartialAndNonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=5;
+        if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_partialAndNonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=4;
+        if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_nonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=2;
+      }
+    }
+    if (num_antenna_ports == 2) {
+      if ((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_disabled) && (maxRank == 2)) { // Table
+        if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_fullyAndPartialAndNonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=4;
+        if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_nonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=2;
+      }
+      if (((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_enabled)||(transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_disabled)) && (maxRank == 1)) { // Table
+        if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_fullyAndPartialAndNonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=3;
+        if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_nonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (txConfig == txConfig_nonCodebook){
+  }
+  // searching number of bits at tables
+  if((dmrs_UplinkConfig.pusch_dmrs_type == pusch_dmrs_type1)){
+    if ((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_enabled) && (dmrs_UplinkConfig.pusch_maxLength == pusch_len1)) antenna_ports_bits_ul = 2;
+    if ((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_enabled) && (dmrs_UplinkConfig.pusch_maxLength == pusch_len2)) antenna_ports_bits_ul = 4;
+    if ((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_disabled) && (dmrs_UplinkConfig.pusch_maxLength == pusch_len1)) antenna_ports_bits_ul = 3;
+    if ((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_disabled) && (dmrs_UplinkConfig.pusch_maxLength == pusch_len2)) antenna_ports_bits_ul = 4;
+  }
+  if((dmrs_UplinkConfig.pusch_dmrs_type == pusch_dmrs_type2)){
+    if ((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_disabled) && (dmrs_UplinkConfig.pusch_maxLength == pusch_len1)) antenna_ports_bits_ul = 4;
+    if ((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_disabled) && (dmrs_UplinkConfig.pusch_maxLength == pusch_len2)) antenna_ports_bits_ul = 5;
+  }
+  // for format 1_1 number of bits as defined by Tables
+  uint8_t antenna_ports_bits_dl = 0;
+  if((dmrs_DownlinkConfig.pdsch_dmrs_type == pdsch_dmrs_type1) && (dmrs_DownlinkConfig.pdsch_maxLength == pdsch_len1)) antenna_ports_bits_dl = 4; // Table
+  if((dmrs_DownlinkConfig.pdsch_dmrs_type == pdsch_dmrs_type1) && (dmrs_DownlinkConfig.pdsch_maxLength == pdsch_len2)) antenna_ports_bits_dl = 5; // Table
+  if((dmrs_DownlinkConfig.pdsch_dmrs_type == pdsch_dmrs_type2) && (dmrs_DownlinkConfig.pdsch_maxLength == pdsch_len1)) antenna_ports_bits_dl = 5; // Table
+  if((dmrs_DownlinkConfig.pdsch_dmrs_type == pdsch_dmrs_type2) && (dmrs_DownlinkConfig.pdsch_maxLength == pdsch_len2)) antenna_ports_bits_dl = 6; // Table
+// 39 TCI
+  uint8_t tci_bits=0;
+  if (pdcch_vars2->coreset[p].tciPresentInDCI == tciPresentInDCI_enabled) tci_bits=3;
+  // reportTriggerSize is defined in the CSI-MeasConfig IE (TS 38.331).
+  // Size of CSI request field in DCI (bits). Corresponds to L1 parameter 'ReportTriggerSize' (see 38.214, section 5.2)
+  uint8_t reportTriggerSize = csi_MeasConfig.reportTriggerSize; // value from 0..6
+// 43 CBGTI
+  // for format 0_1
+  uint8_t maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock = 0;
+  if (PUSCH_ServingCellConfig.maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock != 0)
+    maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock = (uint8_t)PUSCH_ServingCellConfig.maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock;
+  // for format 1_1, as defined in Subclause 5.1.7 of [6, TS38.214]
+  uint8_t maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_dl = 0;
+  if (PDSCH_ServingCellConfig.maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_dl != 0)
+  maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_dl = pdsch_config.maxNrofCodeWordsScheduledByDCI; // FIXME!!!
+// 44 CBGFI
+  uint8_t cbgfi_bit = PDSCH_ServingCellConfig.codeBlockGroupFlushIndicator;
+// 45 PTRS_DMRS
+  // 0 bit if PTRS-UplinkConfig is not configured and transformPrecoder=disabled, or if transformPrecoder=enabled, or if maxRank=1
+  // 2 bits otherwise
+  uint8_t ptrs_dmrs_bits=0; //FIXME!!!
+  // at IE PUSCH-Config, beta_offset indicator – 0 if the higher layer parameter betaOffsets = semiStatic; otherwise 2 bits
+  // uci-OnPUSCH
+  // Selection between and configuration of dynamic and semi-static beta-offset. If the field is absent or released, the UE applies the value 'semiStatic' and the BetaOffsets
+  uint8_t betaOffsets = 0;
+  if (pusch_config.uci_onPusch.betaOffset_type == betaOffset_semiStatic);
+  if (pusch_config.uci_onPusch.betaOffset_type == betaOffset_dynamic) betaOffsets = 2;
+  uint8_t dmrs_seq_ini_bits_ul = 0;
+  uint8_t dmrs_seq_ini_bits_dl = 0;
+  //1 bit if both scramblingID0 and scramblingID1 are configured in DMRS-UplinkConfig
+  if ((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_disabled) && (dmrs_UplinkConfig.scramblingID0 != 0) && (dmrs_UplinkConfig.scramblingID1 != 0)) dmrs_seq_ini_bits_ul = 1;
+  //1 bit if both scramblingID0 and scramblingID1 are configured in DMRS-DownlinkConfig
+  if ((dmrs_DownlinkConfig.scramblingID0 != 0) && (dmrs_DownlinkConfig.scramblingID0 != 0)) dmrs_seq_ini_bits_dl = 1;
+ * For format 2_2
+ *
+ * This format supports power control commands for semi-persistent scheduling.
+ * As we can already support power control commands dynamically with formats 0_0/0_1 (TPC PUSCH) and 1_0/1_1 (TPC PUCCH)
+ *
+ * This format will be implemented in the future FIXME!!!
+ *
+ */
+// 5  BLOCK_NUMBER: The parameter tpc-PUSCH or tpc-PUCCH provided by higher layers determines the index to the block number for an UL of a cell
+// The following fields are defined for each block: Closed loop indicator and TPC command
+// 41 TPC_CMD
+  uint8_t tpc_cmd_bit_2_2 = 2;
+ * For format 2_3
+ *
+ * This format is used for power control of uplink sounding reference signals for devices which have not coupled SRS power control to the PUSCH power control
+ * either because independent control is desirable or because the device is configured without PUCCH and PUSCH
+ *
+ * This format will be implemented in the future FIXME!!!
+ *
+ */
+// 41 TPC_CMD
+  uint8_t tpc_cmd_bit_2_3 = 0;
   uint8_t dci_field_size_table [NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS][NBR_NR_FORMATS] = { // This table contains the number of bits for each field (row) contained in each dci format (column).
                                                                        // The values of the variables indicate field sizes in number of bits
 //Format0_0                     Format0_1                      Format1_0                      Format1_1             Formats2_0/1/2/3
 {1,                             1,                             (((crc_scrambled == _p_rnti) || (crc_scrambled == _si_rnti) || (crc_scrambled == _ra_rnti)) ? 0:1),
                                                                                               1,                             0,0,0,0}, // 0  IDENTIFIER_DCI_FORMATS:
-{0,                             3,                             0,                             3,                             0,0,0,0}, // 1  CARRIER_IND: 0 or 3 bits, as defined in Subclause x.x of [5, TS38.213]
-{0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 2  SUL_IND_0_1:
+{0,                             ((crossCarrierSchedulingConfig_ind == 0) ? 0:3),
+                                                               0,                             ((crossCarrierSchedulingConfig_ind == 0) ? 0:3),
+                                                                                                                             0,0,0,0}, // 1  CARRIER_IND: 0 or 3 bits, as defined in Subclause x.x of [5, TS38.213]
+{0,                             (sul_ind == 0)?0:1,            0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 2  SUL_IND_0_1:
 {0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             1,0,0,0}, // 3  SLOT_FORMAT_IND: size of DCI format 2_0 is configurable by higher layers up to 128 bits, according to Subclause 11.1.1 of [5, TS 38.213]
 {0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,1,0,0}, // 4  PRE_EMPTION_IND: size of DCI format 2_1 is configurable by higher layers up to 126 bits, according to Subclause 11.2 of [5, TS 38.213]. Each pre-emption indication is 14 bits
-{0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,1,0}, // 5  TPC_CMD_NUMBER: The parameter xxx provided by higher layers determines the index to the TPC command number for an UL of a cell. Each TPC command number is 2 bits
-{0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,1}, // 6  BLOCK_NUMBER: starting position of a block is determined by the parameter startingBitOfFormat2_3
-{0,                             ceil(log2(n_RB_ULBWP)),        0,                             ceil(log2(n_RB_ULBWP)),        0,0,0,0}, // 7  BANDWIDTH_PART_IND:
+{0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 5  BLOCK_NUMBER: starting position of a block is determined by the parameter startingBitOfFormat2_3
+{0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,1,0}, // 6  CLOSE_LOOP_IND
+{0,                             (uint8_t)ceil(log2(n_UL_BWP_RRC)),
+                                                               0,                             (uint8_t)ceil(log2(n_DL_BWP_RRC)),
+                                                                                                                             0,0,0,0}, // 7  BANDWIDTH_PART_IND:
 {0,                             0,                             ((crc_scrambled == _p_rnti) ? 2:0),
                                                                                               0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 8  SHORT_MESSAGE_IND 2 bits if crc scrambled with P-RNTI
 {0,                             0,                             ((crc_scrambled == _p_rnti) ? 8:0),
                                                                                               0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 9  SHORT_MESSAGES 8 bit8 if crc scrambled with P-RNTI
-                                (ceil(log2(n_RB_ULBWP*(n_RB_ULBWP+1)/2)))-n_UL_hopping,
+                                n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_ul,
                                                                0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 10 FREQ_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT_UL: PUSCH hopping with resource allocation type 1 not considered
                                                                                                                                        //    (NOTE 1) If DCI format 0_0 is monitored in common search space
                                                                                                                                        //    and if the number of information bits in the DCI format 0_0 prior to padding
                                                                                                                                        //    is larger than the payload size of the DCI format 1_0 monitored in common search space
                                                                                                                                        //    the bitwidth of the frequency domain resource allocation field in the DCI format 0_0
                                                                                                                                        //    is reduced such that the size of DCI format 0_0 equals to the size of the DCI format 1_0
-{0,                             0,                             ceil(log2(n_RB_DLBWP*(n_RB_DLBWP+1)/2)),
-                                                                                              ceil(log2(n_RB_DLBWP*(n_RB_DLBWP+1)/2)),
+{0,                             0,                             (uint8_t)ceil(log2(n_RB_DLBWP*(n_RB_DLBWP+1)/2)),
+                                                                                              n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_dl,
                                                                                                                              0,0,0,0}, // 11 FREQ_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT_DL:
-{4,                             log2(pusch_alloc_list),        4,                             log2(pusch_alloc_list),        0,0,0,0}, // 12 TIME_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]. The bitwidth for this field is determined as log2(I) bits,
+{4,                             (uint8_t)log2(pusch_alloc_list),
+                                                               4,                             (uint8_t)log2(pdsch_alloc_list),
+                                                                                                                             0,0,0,0}, // 12 TIME_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]. The bitwidth for this field is determined as log2(I) bits,
                                                                                                                                        //    where I the number of entries in the higher layer parameter pusch-AllocationList
-{0,                             1,                             1,                             1,                             0,0,0,0}, // 13 VRB_TO_PRB_MAPPING: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
-{0,                             0,                             0,                             1,                             0,0,0,0}, // 14 PRB_BUNDLING_SIZE_IND:0 bit if the higher layer parameter PRB_bundling is not configured or is set to 'static', or 1 bit if the higher layer parameter PRB_bundling is set to 'dynamic' according to Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]
-{0,                             0,                             0,                             2,                             0,0,0,0}, // 15 RATE_MATCHING_IND: 0, 1, or 2 bits according to higher layer parameter rate-match-PDSCH-resource-set
-{0,                             0,                             0,                             log2(n_zp)+1,                  0,0,0,0}, // 16 ZP_CSI_RS_TRIGGER:
-{1,                             1,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 17 FREQ_HOPPING_FLAG: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
+{0,                             0,                             1,                             (((dl_res_alloc_type_0==1)&&(dl_res_alloc_type_1==0))?0:1),
+                                                                                                                             0,0,0,0}, // 13 VRB_TO_PRB_MAPPING: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
+{0,                             0,                             0,                             prb_BundlingType_size,         0,0,0,0}, // 14 PRB_BUNDLING_SIZE_IND:0 bit if the higher layer parameter PRB_bundling is not configured or is set to 'static', or 1 bit if the higher layer parameter PRB_bundling is set to 'dynamic' according to Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]
+{0,                             0,                             0,                             rateMatching_bits,             0,0,0,0}, // 15 RATE_MATCHING_IND: 0, 1, or 2 bits according to higher layer parameter rate-match-PDSCH-resource-set
+{0,                             0,                             0,                             n_zp_bits,                     0,0,0,0}, // 16 ZP_CSI_RS_TRIGGER:
+{1,                             (((ul_res_alloc_type_0==1)&&(ul_res_alloc_type_1==0))||(freqHopping == 0))?0:1,
+                                                               0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 17 FREQ_HOPPING_FLAG: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
 {0,                             0,                             0,                             5,                             0,0,0,0}, // 18 TB1_MCS:
 {0,                             0,                             0,                             1,                             0,0,0,0}, // 19 TB1_NDI:
 {0,                             0,                             0,                             2,                             0,0,0,0}, // 20 TB1_RV:
@@ -4944,29 +5178,34 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (crc_scrambled_t crc_scrambled,
 {2,                             2,                             (((crc_scrambled == _c_rnti) || (crc_scrambled == _si_rnti)) ? 2:0),
                                                                                               0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 26 RV:
 {4,                             4,                             (crc_scrambled == _c_rnti)?4:0,4,                             0,0,0,0}, // 27 HARQ_PROCESS_NUMBER:
-{0,                             0,                             (crc_scrambled == _c_rnti)?2:0,2,                             0,0,0,0}, // 28 DAI: For format1_1: 4 if more than one serving cell are configured in the DL and the higher layer parameter HARQ-ACK-codebook=dynamic, where the 2 MSB bits are the counter DAI and the 2 LSB bits are the total DAI
+{0,                             0,                             (crc_scrambled == _c_rnti)?2:0,n_dai,                         0,0,0,0}, // 28 DAI: For format1_1: 4 if more than one serving cell are configured in the DL and the higher layer parameter HARQ-ACK-codebook=dynamic, where the 2 MSB bits are the counter DAI and the 2 LSB bits are the total DAI
                                                                                                                                        //    2 if one serving cell is configured in the DL and the higher layer parameter HARQ-ACK-codebook=dynamic, where the 2 bits are the counter DAI
                                                                                                                                        //    0 otherwise
-{0,                             2,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 29 FIRST_DAI: (1 or 2 bits) 1 bit for semi-static HARQ-ACK // 2 bits for dynamic HARQ-ACK codebook with single HARQ-ACK codebook
-{0,                             2,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 30 SECOND_DAI: (0 or 2 bits) 2 bits for dynamic HARQ-ACK codebook with two HARQ-ACK sub-codebooks // 0 bits otherwise
+{0,                             codebook_HARQ_ACK,             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 29 FIRST_DAI: (1 or 2 bits) 1 bit for semi-static HARQ-ACK // 2 bits for dynamic HARQ-ACK codebook with single HARQ-ACK codebook
+{0,                             (((codebook_HARQ_ACK == 2) && (n_HARQ_ACK_sub_codebooks==2))?2:0),
+                                                               0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 30 SECOND_DAI: (0 or 2 bits) 2 bits for dynamic HARQ-ACK codebook with two HARQ-ACK sub-codebooks // 0 bits otherwise
 {0,                             0,                             (((crc_scrambled == _p_rnti) || (crc_scrambled == _ra_rnti)) ? 2:0),
                                                                                               0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 31 TB_SCALING
 {2,                             2,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 32 TPC_PUSCH:
 {0,                             0,                             (crc_scrambled == _c_rnti)?2:0,2,                             0,0,0,0}, // 33 TPC_PUCCH:
 {0,                             0,                             (crc_scrambled == _c_rnti)?3:0,3,                             0,0,0,0}, // 34 PUCCH_RESOURCE_IND:
-{0,                             0,                             (crc_scrambled == _c_rnti)?3:0,3,                             0,0,0,0}, // 35 PDSCH_TO_HARQ_FEEDBACK_TIME_IND:
-{0,                             log2(n_SRS),                   0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 36 SRS_RESOURCE_IND:
-{0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 37 PRECOD_NBR_LAYERS:
-{0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 38 ANTENNA_PORTS:
-{0,                             0,                             0,                             3,                             0,0,0,0}, // 39 TCI: 0 bit if higher layer parameter tci-PresentInDCI is not enabled; otherwise 3 bits
-{0,                             3,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,2}, // 40 SRS_REQUEST:
-{0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,2}, // 41 TPC_CMD_NUMBER_FORMAT2_3:
-{0,                             6,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 42 CSI_REQUEST:
-{0,                             8,                             0,                             8,                             0,0,0,0}, // 43 CBGTI: 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 bits determined by higher layer parameter maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock for the PDSCH
-{0,                             0,                             0,                             1,                             0,0,0,0}, // 44 CBGFI: 0 or 1 bit determined by higher layer parameter codeBlockGroupFlushIndicator
-{0,                             2,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 45 PTRS_DMRS:
-{0,                             2,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 46 BETA_OFFSET_IND:
-{0,                             1,                             0,                             1,                             0,0,0,0}, // 47 DMRS_SEQ_INI: 1 bit if the cell has two ULs and the number of bits for DCI format 1_0 before padding
+{0,                             0,                             (crc_scrambled == _c_rnti)?3:0,pdsch_harq_t_ind,              0,0,0,0}, // 35 PDSCH_TO_HARQ_FEEDBACK_TIME_IND:
+{0,                             (uint8_t)log2(n_SRS),          0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 36 SRS_RESOURCE_IND:
+{0,                             precond_nbr_layers_bits,       0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 37 PRECOD_NBR_LAYERS:
+{0,                             antenna_ports_bits_ul,         0,                             antenna_ports_bits_dl,         0,0,0,0}, // 38 ANTENNA_PORTS:
+{0,                             0,                             0,                             tci_bits,                      0,0,0,0}, // 39 TCI: 0 bit if higher layer parameter tci-PresentInDCI is not enabled; otherwise 3 bits
+{0,                             (sul_ind == 0)?2:3,            0,                             (sul_ind == 0)?2:3,            0,0,0,2}, // 40 SRS_REQUEST:
+{0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,tpc_cmd_bit_2_2,
+                                                                                                                                   tpc_cmd_bit_2_3},
+                                                                                                                                       // 41 TPC_CMD:
+{0,                             reportTriggerSize,             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 42 CSI_REQUEST:
+{0,                             maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock,
+                                                               0,                             maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_dl,
+                                                                                                                             0,0,0,0}, // 43 CBGTI: 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 bits determined by higher layer parameter maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock for the PDSCH
+{0,                             0,                             0,                             cbgfi_bit,                     0,0,0,0}, // 44 CBGFI: 0 or 1 bit determined by higher layer parameter codeBlockGroupFlushIndicator
+{0,                             ptrs_dmrs_bits,                0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 45 PTRS_DMRS:
+{0,                             betaOffsets,                   0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 46 BETA_OFFSET_IND:
+{0,                             dmrs_seq_ini_bits_ul,          0,                             dmrs_seq_ini_bits_dl,          0,0,0,0}, // 47 DMRS_SEQ_INI: 1 bit if the cell has two ULs and the number of bits for DCI format 1_0 before padding
                                                                                                                                        //    is larger than the number of bits for DCI format 0_0 before padding; 0 bit otherwise
 {0,                             1,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 48 UL_SCH_IND: value of "1" indicates UL-SCH shall be transmitted on the PUSCH and a value of "0" indicates UL-SCH shall not be transmitted on the PUSCH
 {0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 49 PADDING_NR_DCI:
@@ -4975,7 +5214,7 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (crc_scrambled_t crc_scrambled,
                                                                                                                                        //    is less than the payload size of the DCI format 1_0 monitored in common search space
                                                                                                                                        //    zeros shall be appended to the DCI format 0_0
                                                                                                                                        //    until the payload size equals that of the DCI format 1_0
-{0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 50 SUL_IND_0_0:
+{(sul_ind == 0)?0:1,            0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 50 SUL_IND_0_0:
 {0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 51 RA_PREAMBLE_INDEX (random access procedure initiated by a PDCCH order not implemented, FIXME!!!)
 {0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 52 SUL_IND_1_0 (random access procedure initiated by a PDCCH order not implemented, FIXME!!!)
 {0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 53 SS_PBCH_INDEX (random access procedure initiated by a PDCCH order not implemented, FIXME!!!)
@@ -5012,9 +5251,17 @@ uint8_t dci_size [8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; // will contain size for each format
   printf(" }\n");
-  printf("\n\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_format_size) dci_size[0]=%d, dci_size[2]=%d\n",dci_size[0],dci_size[2]);
+  printf("\n\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_format_size) dci_size[0_0]=%d, dci_size[0_1]=%d, dci_size[1_0]=%d, dci_size[1_1]=%d,\n",dci_size[0],dci_size[1],dci_size[2],dci_size[3]);
+//UL/SUL indicator format0_0 (TS 38.212 subclause
+  // - 1 bit if the cell has two ULs and the number of bits for DCI format 1_0 before padding is larger than the number of bits for DCI format 0_0 before padding;
+  // - 0 bit otherwise.
+  // The UL/SUL indicator, if present, locates in the last bit position of DCI format 0_0, after the padding bit(s)
+  if ((dci_field_size_table[SUL_IND_0_0][0] == 1) && (dci_size[0] > dci_size[2])){
+    dci_field_size_table[SUL_IND_0_0][0] = 0;
+    dci_size[0]=dci_size[0]-1;
+  }
 //  if ((format == format0_0) || (format == format1_0)) {
   // According to Section in TS 38.212
   // If DCI format 0_0 is monitored in common search space and if the number of information bits in the DCI format 0_0 prior to padding
@@ -5042,6 +5289,19 @@ uint8_t dci_size [8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; // will contain size for each format
+  /*
+   * TS 38.212 subclause
+   * For a UE configured with SUL in a cell:
+   * if PUSCH is configured to be transmitted on both the SUL and the non-SUL of the cell and
+   *              if the number of information bits in format 0_1 for the SUL
+   * is not equal to the number of information bits in format 0_1 for the non-SUL,
+   * zeros shall be appended to smaller format 0_1 until the payload size equals that of the larger format 0_1
+   *
+   * Not implemented. FIXME!!!
+   *
+   */
 //  }
     printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_format_size) dci_fields_sizes[][] = { \n");
@@ -5053,7 +5313,7 @@ uint8_t dci_size [8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; // will contain size for each format
     printf(" }\n");
-  return dci_size[0];
+  return dci_size[format];
@@ -5190,291 +5450,225 @@ uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
       // for format0_0 => we are NOT implementing format0_0 for common search spaces. FIXME!
       // for format0_0 and format1_0, first we calculate dci pdu size
-      format_0_0_1_0_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(_c_rnti,16,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes);
+      format_0_0_1_0_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(ue,eNB_id,nr_tti_rx,p,_c_rnti,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes,0);
       format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes = (format_0_0_1_0_size_bits%8 == 0) ? (uint8_t)floor(format_0_0_1_0_size_bits/8) : (uint8_t)(floor(format_0_0_1_0_size_bits/8) + 1);
       #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
         printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> calculating dci format size for common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d, format_0_0_1_0_size_bits=%d, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes=%d\n",
-#if 0
-      // for aggregation level 4. The number of candidates (L2=4) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
-      #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
-        printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
-                css_dci_format,(1<<2));
-      #endif
-      old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-      nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
-                crc_scrambled_values, 2,
-                cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
-                format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
-                &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
-      if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
-        format_0_0_1_0_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(crc_scrambled_,16,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes); // after decoding dci successfully we recalculate dci pdu size with correct crc scrambled to get the right field sizes
-        old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-        for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
-          for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
-            dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
-      }
-      // for aggregation level 8. The number of candidates (L2=8) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
-      #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
-        printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
-                css_dci_format,(1<<3));
-      #endif
-      old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-      nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
-                crc_scrambled_values, 3,
-                cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
-                format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
-                &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_, pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id,&CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
-      if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
-        format_0_0_1_0_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(crc_scrambled_,16,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes); // after decoding dci successfully we recalculate dci pdu size with correct crc scrambled to get the right field sizes
-        old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-        for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
-          for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
-            dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
-      }
-#if 0
-      // for aggregation level 16. The number of candidates (L2=16) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
-      #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
-        printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
-                css_dci_format,(1<<4));
-      #endif
-      old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-      nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
-                crc_scrambled_values, 4,
-                cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
-                format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
-                &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
-      if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
-        format_0_0_1_0_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(crc_scrambled_,16,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes); // after decoding dci successfully we recalculate dci pdu size with correct crc scrambled to get the right field sizes
+      for (int aggregationLevel = 3; aggregationLevel<4 ; aggregationLevel++) { // We fix aggregationLevel to 3 for testing=> nbr of CCE=8
+      //for (int aggregationLevel = 2; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++) {
+      // for aggregation level aggregationLevel. The number of candidates (for L2= 2^aggregationLevel) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
+        #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
+          printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
+                  css_dci_format,(1<<aggregationLevel));
+        #endif
         old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-        for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
-          for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
-            dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
+        nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
+                  crc_scrambled_values, aggregationLevel,
+                  cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
+                  format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
+                  &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_, pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id,&CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
+        if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
+          // we will exit the loop as we have found the DCI
+          aggregationLevel = 5;
+          format_0_0_1_0_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(ue,eNB_id,nr_tti_rx,p,crc_scrambled_,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes,0); // after decoding dci successfully we recalculate dci pdu size with correct crc scrambled to get the right field sizes
+          old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+          for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
+            for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
+              dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
+        }
     // Type3-PDCCH  common search space for a DCI format with CRC scrambled by INT-RNTI, or SFI-RNTI,
     if (css_dci_format == cformat2_0) {
       // for format2_0, first we calculate dci pdu size
-      format_2_0_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(_sfi_rnti,0,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes);
+      format_2_0_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(ue,eNB_id,nr_tti_rx,p,_sfi_rnti,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes,4);
       format_2_0_size_bytes = (format_2_0_size_bits%8 == 0) ? (uint8_t)floor(format_2_0_size_bits/8) : (uint8_t)(floor(format_2_0_size_bits/8) + 1);
       #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
         printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> calculating dci format size for common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d, format2_0_size_bits=%d, format2_0_size_bytes=%d\n",
-      // for aggregation level 1. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
-      old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-      nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
-                crc_scrambled_values, 0,
-                cformat2_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
-                format_2_0_size_bits, format_2_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
-                &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
-      if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
-        old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-        for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
-          for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
-            dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
-      }
-      // for aggregation level 2. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
-      old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-      nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
-                crc_scrambled_values, 1,
-                cformat2_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
-                format_2_0_size_bits, format_2_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
-                &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
-      if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
-        old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-        for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
-          for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
-            dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
-      }
-      // for aggregation level 4. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
-      old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-      nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
-                crc_scrambled_values, 2,
-                cformat2_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
-                format_2_0_size_bits, format_2_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
-                &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
-      if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
-        old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-        for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
-          for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
-            dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
-      }
-      // for aggregation level 8. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
-      old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-      nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
-                crc_scrambled_values, 3,
-                cformat2_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
-                format_2_0_size_bits, format_2_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
-                &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
-      if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
-        old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-        for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
-          for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
-            dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
-      }
-      // for aggregation level 16. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
-      old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-      nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
-                crc_scrambled_values, 4,
-                cformat2_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
-                format_2_0_size_bits, format_2_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
-                &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
-      if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
+      for (int aggregationLevelSFI = 0; aggregationLevelSFI<5 ; aggregationLevelSFI++){
+        #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
+          printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
+                  css_dci_format,(1<<aggregationLevelSFI));
+        #endif
+        // for aggregation level 'aggregationLevelSFI'. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
         old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-        for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
-          for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
-            dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
+        nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
+                  crc_scrambled_values, aggregationLevelSFI,
+                  cformat2_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
+                  format_2_0_size_bits, format_2_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
+                  &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
+        if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
+          // we will exit the loop as we have found the DCI
+          aggregationLevelSFI = 5;
+          old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+          for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
+            for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
+              dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
+        }
     if (css_dci_format == cformat2_1) {
       // for format2_1, first we calculate dci pdu size
-      format_2_1_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(_int_rnti,0,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes);
+      format_2_1_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(ue,eNB_id,nr_tti_rx,p,_int_rnti,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes,5);
       format_2_1_size_bytes = (format_2_1_size_bits%8 == 0) ? (uint8_t)floor(format_2_1_size_bits/8) : (uint8_t)(floor(format_2_1_size_bits/8) + 1);
       #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
         printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> calculating dci format size for common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d, format2_1_size_bits=%d, format2_1_size_bytes=%d\n",
+      for (int aggregationLevel = 0; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++){
+        #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
+          printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
+                  css_dci_format,(1<<aggregationLevel));
+        #endif
+        // for aggregation level 'aggregationLevelSFI'. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
+        old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+        nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
+                  crc_scrambled_values, aggregationLevel,
+                  cformat2_1, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
+                  format_2_1_size_bits, format_2_1_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
+                  &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
+        if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
+          // we will exit the loop as we have found the DCI
+          aggregationLevel = 5;
+          old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+          for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
+            for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
+              dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
+        }
+      }
     if (css_dci_format == cformat2_2) {
       // for format2_2, first we calculate dci pdu size
-      format_2_2_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(_tpc_pucch_rnti,0,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes);
+      format_2_2_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(ue,eNB_id,nr_tti_rx,p,_tpc_pucch_rnti,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes,6);
       format_2_2_size_bytes = (format_2_2_size_bits%8 == 0) ? (uint8_t)floor(format_2_2_size_bits/8) : (uint8_t)(floor(format_2_2_size_bits/8) + 1);
       #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
         printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> calculating dci format size for common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d, format2_2_size_bits=%d, format2_2_size_bytes=%d\n",
+      for (int aggregationLevel = 0; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++){
+        #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
+          printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
+                  css_dci_format,(1<<aggregationLevel));
+        #endif
+        // for aggregation level 'aggregationLevelSFI'. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
+        old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+        nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
+                  crc_scrambled_values, aggregationLevel,
+                  cformat2_2, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
+                  format_2_2_size_bits, format_2_2_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
+                  &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
+        if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
+          // we will exit the loop as we have found the DCI
+          aggregationLevel = 5;
+          old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+          for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
+            for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
+              dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
+        }
+      }
     if (css_dci_format == cformat2_3) {
       // for format2_1, first we calculate dci pdu size
-      format_2_3_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(_tpc_srs_rnti,0,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes);
+      format_2_3_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(ue,eNB_id,nr_tti_rx,p,_tpc_srs_rnti,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes,7);
       format_2_3_size_bytes = (format_2_3_size_bits%8 == 0) ? (uint8_t)floor(format_2_3_size_bits/8) : (uint8_t)(floor(format_2_3_size_bits/8) + 1);
       #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
         printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> calculating dci format size for common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d, format2_3_size_bits=%d, format2_3_size_bytes=%d\n",
+      for (int aggregationLevel = 0; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++){
+        #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
+          printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
+                  css_dci_format,(1<<aggregationLevel));
+        #endif
+        // for aggregation level 'aggregationLevelSFI'. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
+        old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+        nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
+                  crc_scrambled_values, aggregationLevel,
+                  cformat2_3, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
+                  format_2_3_size_bits, format_2_3_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
+                  &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
+        if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
+          // we will exit the loop as we have found the DCI
+          aggregationLevel = 5;
+          old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+          for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
+            for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
+              dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
+        }
+      }
   } else { // UE-SPECIFIC SearchSpaceType assigned to current SearchSpace/CORESET
     // UE-specific search space for a DCI format with CRC scrambled by C-RNTI, or CS-RNTI(s), or SP-CSI-RNTI
     if (uss_dci_format == uformat0_0_and_1_0) {
       // for format0_0 and format1_0, first we calculate dci pdu size
-      format_0_0_1_0_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(_c_rnti,16,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes);
+      format_0_0_1_0_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(ue,eNB_id,nr_tti_rx,p,_c_rnti,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes,0);
       format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes = (format_0_0_1_0_size_bits%8 == 0) ? (uint8_t)floor(format_0_0_1_0_size_bits/8) : (uint8_t)(floor(format_0_0_1_0_size_bits/8) + 1);
       #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
         printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> calculating dci format size for UE-specific searchSpaces with format uss_dci_format=%d, format_0_0_1_0_size_bits=%d, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes=%d\n",
-      // blind decoding format0_0 for aggregation level 1. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
-      #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
-        printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> ue-Specific searchSpaces with format uss_dci_format=%d and aggregation level 1, format_0_0_1_0_size_bits=%d, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes=%d\n",
-                uss_dci_format,format_0_0_1_0_size_bits,format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes);
-      #endif
-      old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
- * To be removed, just for unitary testing
- */
-//      printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> ### WE PROVOKE DCI DETECTION !!! ### old_dci_cnt=%d and dci_cnt=%d\n",
-//              old_dci_cnt,dci_cnt);
-//      dci_cnt++;
- * To be removed until here
- */
-      nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 0, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
-                crc_scrambled_values, 0,
-                cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
-                format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
-                &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
-      if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
+      for (int aggregationLevel = 0; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++) { // We fix aggregationLevel to 3 for testing=> nbr of CCE=8
+        //for (int aggregationLevel = 2; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++) {
+        // for aggregation level aggregationLevel. The number of candidates (for L2= 2^aggregationLevel) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
+        #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
+          printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
+                  css_dci_format,(1<<aggregationLevel));
+        #endif
         old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-        for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
-          for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++){
-            dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
- * To be removed, just for unitary testing
- */
-//            printf("dci_fields_sizes_cnt(%d,0,1][%d][%d]=(%d,%d,%d)\t\tdci_fields_sizes[%d][%d]=(%d)\n",
-//              dci_cnt-1,i,j,dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j],dci_fields_sizes_cnt[0][i][j],dci_fields_sizes_cnt[1][i][j],i,j,dci_fields_sizes[i][j]);
- * To be removed until here
- */
+        nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 0, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
+                  crc_scrambled_values, aggregationLevel,
+                  cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
+                  format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
+                  &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
+        if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
+          // we will exit the loop as we have found the DCI
+          aggregationLevel = 5;
+          old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+          for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
+            for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
+              dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
+        }
-      // blind decoding format0_0 for aggregation level 2. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
-      #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
-        printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> ue-Specific searchSpaces with format uss_dci_format=%d and aggregation level 2, format_0_0_1_0_size_bits=%d, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes=%d\n",
-                uss_dci_format,format_0_0_1_0_size_bits,format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes);
-      #endif
-      old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-      nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 0, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
-                crc_scrambled_values, 1,
-                cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
-                format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
-                &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
-      if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
-        old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-        for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
-          for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
-            dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
-      }
-      // blind decoding format0_0 for aggregation level 4. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
-      #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
-        printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> ue-Specific searchSpaces with format uss_dci_format=%d and aggregation level 4, format_0_0_1_0_size_bits=%d, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes=%d\n",
-                uss_dci_format,format_0_0_1_0_size_bits,format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes);
-      #endif
-      old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-      nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 0, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
-                crc_scrambled_values, 2,
-                cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
-                format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
-                &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
-      if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
-        old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-        for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
-          for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
-            dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
-      }
-      // blind decoding format0_0 for aggregation level 8. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
-      #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
-        printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> ue-Specific searchSpaces with format uss_dci_format=%d and aggregation level 8, format_0_0_1_0_size_bits=%d, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes=%d\n",
-                uss_dci_format,format_0_0_1_0_size_bits,format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes);
-      #endif
-      old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-      nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 0, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
-                crc_scrambled_values, 3,
-                cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
-                format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
-                &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
-      if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
-        old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-        for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
-          for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
-            dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
-      }
-      // blind decoding format0_0 for aggregation level 16. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
+    if (uss_dci_format == uformat0_1_and_1_1) {
+      // for format0_0 and format1_0, first we calculate dci pdu size
+      format_0_1_1_1_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(ue,eNB_id,nr_tti_rx,p,_c_rnti,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes,1);
+      format_0_1_1_1_size_bytes = (format_0_1_1_1_size_bits%8 == 0) ? (uint8_t)floor(format_0_1_1_1_size_bits/8) : (uint8_t)(floor(format_0_1_1_1_size_bits/8) + 1);
       #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
-        printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> ue-Specific searchSpaces with format uss_dci_format=%d and aggregation level 16, format_0_0_1_0_size_bits=%d, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes=%d\n",
-                uss_dci_format,format_0_0_1_0_size_bits,format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes);
+        printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> calculating dci format size for UE-specific searchSpaces with format uss_dci_format=%d, format_0_1_1_1_size_bits=%d, format_0_1_1_1_size_bytes=%d\n",
+                css_dci_format,format_0_1_1_1_size_bits,format_0_1_1_1_size_bytes);
-      old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-      nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 0, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
-                crc_scrambled_values, 4,
-                cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
-                format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
-                &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
-      if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
+      for (int aggregationLevel = 0; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++) { // We fix aggregationLevel to 3 for testing=> nbr of CCE=8
+        //for (int aggregationLevel = 2; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++) {
+        // for aggregation level aggregationLevel. The number of candidates (for L2= 2^aggregationLevel) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
+        #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
+          printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
+                  css_dci_format,(1<<aggregationLevel));
+        #endif
         old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-        for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
-          for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
-            dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
+        nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 0, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
+                  crc_scrambled_values, aggregationLevel,
+                  cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_1_and_1_1,
+                  format_0_1_1_1_size_bits, format_0_1_1_1_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
+                  &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
+        if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
+          // we will exit the loop as we have found the DCI
+          aggregationLevel = 5;
+          old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+          for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
+            for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
+              dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
+          }
+        }
     *crc_scrambled = crc_scrambled_;
@@ -5509,7 +5703,7 @@ uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
       // blind decoding format1_1 for aggregation level 8.  The number of candidates (nrofCandidates) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
       // blind decoding format1_1 for aggregation level 16. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
-  }
+  //}
   printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> at the end dci_cnt=%d \n",dci_cnt);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/dci_nr.h b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/dci_nr.h
index 4aa441c83706c535b0af43b5b0f9ab5bebff1e09..95b6cfd2e2f4945eddfcf8705622fd73aa1740da 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/dci_nr.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/dci_nr.h
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ struct NR_DCI_INFO_EXTRACTED {
   uint8_t sul_ind_0_1                     ; // 2  SUL_IND_0_1:
   uint8_t slot_format_ind                 ; // 3  SLOT_FORMAT_IND: size of DCI format 2_0 is configurable by higher layers up to 128 bits, according to Subclause 11.1.1 of [5, TS 38.213]
   uint8_t pre_emption_ind                 ; // 4  PRE_EMPTION_IND: size of DCI format 2_1 is configurable by higher layers up to 126 bits, according to Subclause 11.2 of [5, TS 38.213]. Each pre-emption indication is 14 bits
-  uint8_t tpc_cmd_number                  ; // 5  TPC_CMD_NUMBER: The parameter xxx provided by higher layers determines the index to the TPC command number for an UL of a cell. Each TPC command number is 2 bits
-  uint8_t block_number                    ; // 6  BLOCK_NUMBER: starting position of a block is determined by the parameter startingBitOfFormat2_3
+  uint8_t block_number                    ; // 5  BLOCK_NUMBER: starting position of a block is determined by the parameter startingBitOfFormat2_3
+  uint8_t close_loop_ind                  ; // 6  CLOSE_LOOP_IND:
   uint8_t bandwidth_part_ind              ; // 7  BANDWIDTH_PART_IND:
   uint8_t short_message_ind               ; // 8  SHORT_MESSAGE_IND:
   uint8_t short_messages                  ; // 9  SHORT_MESSAGES:
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ struct NR_DCI_INFO_EXTRACTED {
   uint8_t antenna_ports                   ; // 38 ANTENNA_PORTS:
   uint8_t tci                             ; // 39 TCI: 0 bit if higher layer parameter tci-PresentInDCI is not enabled; otherwise 3 bits
   uint8_t srs_request                     ; // 40 SRS_REQUEST:
-  uint8_t tpc_cmd_number_format2_3        ; // 41 TPC_CMD_NUMBER_FORMAT2_3:
+  uint8_t tpc_cmd                         ; // 41 TPC_CMD:
   uint8_t csi_request                     ; // 42 CSI_REQUEST:
   uint8_t cbgti                           ; // 43 CBGTI: 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 bits determined by higher layer parameter maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock for the PDSCH
   uint8_t cbgfi                           ; // 44 CBGFI: 0 or 1 bit determined by higher layer parameter codeBlockGroupFlushIndicator
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/dci_tools_nr.c b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/dci_tools_nr.c
index 579b52fac1c4bc0ebfd0760b5f9f3f8fea7ec17f..5980ed3bb6014749bd65821c8d626f3d449e6677 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/dci_tools_nr.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/dci_tools_nr.c
@@ -4024,8 +4024,10 @@ int nr_extract_dci_info(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
  * then we will do a right-shit of dci_length-13 positions -> (1 1010 1000 1001). And this is the content of the freq_dom_resource_assignment_DL field
- * At the moment we have implemented:
+ * At the moment we have implemented the following formats:
+ *
  * Format 0_0, that contains the following fields according to Specification 38.212 V15.1.1 Section 7.3.1
+ *  with CRC scrambled by C-RNTI or CS-RNTI or new-RNTI or TC-RNTI
  *    10 FREQ_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT_UL: PUSCH hopping with resource allocation type 1 not considered
  *    12 TIME_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]. The bitwidth for this field is determined as log2(I) bits,
@@ -4038,30 +4040,141 @@ int nr_extract_dci_info(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
  *    49 PADDING_NR_DCI: (Note 2) If DCI format 0_0 is monitored in common search space
  *    50 SUL_IND_0_0:
+ * Format 0_1, that contains the following fields
+ *  with CRC scrambled by C-RNTI or CS-RNTI or SP-CSI-RNTI or new-RNTI
+ *    1  CARRIER_IND
+ *    2  SUL_IND_0_1
+ *    10 FREQ_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT_UL: PUSCH hopping with resource allocation type 1 not considered
+ *    12 TIME_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]. The bitwidth for this field is determined as log2(I) bits,
+ *    17 FREQ_HOPPING_FLAG: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
+ *    24 MCS:
+ *    25 NDI:
+ *    26 RV:
+ *    29 FIRST_DAI
+ *    30 SECOND_DAI
+ *    32 TPC_PUSCH:
+ *    38 ANTENNA_PORTS:
+ *    40 SRS_REQUEST:
+ *    42 CSI_REQUEST:
+ *    43 CBGTI
+ *    45 PTRS_DMRS
+ *    47 DMRS_SEQ_INI
+ *    48 UL_SCH_IND
+ *    49 PADDING_NR_DCI: (Note 2) If DCI format 0_0 is monitored in common search space
+ *
  * Format 1_0, that contains the following fields
+ *  with CRC scrambled by C-RNTI or CS-RNTI or new-RNTI
+ *    12 TIME_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]. The bitwidth for this field is determined as log2(I) bits,
+ *    13 VRB_TO_PRB_MAPPING: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
+ *    24 MCS:
+ *    25 NDI:
+ *    26 RV:
+ *    28 DAI_: For format1_1: 4 if more than one serving cell are configured in the DL and the higher layer parameter HARQ-ACK-codebook=dynamic, where the 2 MSB bits are the counter DAI and the 2 LSB bits are the total DAI
+ *    33 TPC_PUCCH:
+ *
+ *    If the CRC of the DCI format 1_0 is scrambled by C-RNTI and the "Frequency domain resource assignment" field are of all ones,
+ *    the DCI format 1_0 is for random access procedure initiated by a PDCCH order.
+ *    This is not implemented, but the fields are already included: FIXME!!!
+ *
+ *  with CRC scrambled by P-RNTI
  *    12 TIME_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]. The bitwidth for this field is determined as log2(I) bits,
  *    13 VRB_TO_PRB_MAPPING: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
  *    24 MCS:
+ *    31 TB_SCALING
+ *
+ *  with CRC scrambled by SI-RNTI
+ *    12 TIME_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]. The bitwidth for this field is determined as log2(I) bits,
+ *    13 VRB_TO_PRB_MAPPING: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
+ *    24 MCS:
+ *    26 RV:
+ *
+ *  with CRC scrambled by RA-RNTI
+ *    12 TIME_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]. The bitwidth for this field is determined as log2(I) bits,
+ *    13 VRB_TO_PRB_MAPPING: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
+ *    24 MCS:
+ *    31 TB_SCALING
+ *
+ *  with CRC scrambled by TC-RNTI
+ *    12 TIME_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]. The bitwidth for this field is determined as log2(I) bits,
+ *    13 VRB_TO_PRB_MAPPING: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
+ *    24 MCS:
  *    25 NDI:
  *    26 RV:
  *    28 DAI_: For format1_1: 4 if more than one serving cell are configured in the DL and the higher layer parameter HARQ-ACK-codebook=dynamic, where the 2 MSB bits are the counter DAI and the 2 LSB bits are the total DAI
- *    31 TB_SCALING
+ *    33 TPC_PUCCH:
+ *
+ * Format 1_1, that contains the following fields
+ *  with CRC scrambled by C-RNTI or CS-RNTI or new-RNTI
+ *    1  CARRIER_IND:
+ *    12 TIME_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]. The bitwidth for this field is determined as log2(I) bits,
+ *    13 VRB_TO_PRB_MAPPING: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
+ *    16 ZP_CSI_RS_TRIGGER:
+ *    18 TB1_MCS:
+ *    19 TB1_NDI:
+ *    20 TB1_RV:
+ *    21 TB2_MCS:
+ *    22 TB2_NDI:
+ *    23 TB2_RV:
+ *    28 DAI_: For format1_1: 4 if more than one serving cell are configured in the DL and the higher layer parameter HARQ-ACK-codebook=dynamic, where the 2 MSB bits are the counter DAI and the 2 LSB bits are the total DAI
  *    33 TPC_PUCCH:
- *    52 SUL_IND_1_0:
- *    53 SS_PBCH_INDEX:
+ *    38 ANTENNA_PORTS:
+ *    39 TCI:
+ *    40 SRS_REQUEST:
+ *    43 CBGTI:
+ *    44 CBGFI:
+ *    47 DMRS_SEQ_INI:
+ *
+ * We have not implemented the following formats:
+ *
+ * Format 2_0
+ * Used for notifying the slot format
+ *
+ * Format 2_1
+ * Used for notifying the PRB(s) and OFDM symbol(s) where UE may assume no transmission is intended for the UE
+ *
+ * Format 2_2
+ * This format supports power control commands for semi-persistent scheduling.
+ * As we can already support power control commands dynamically with formats 0_0/0_1 (TPC PUSCH) and 1_0/1_1 (TPC PUCCH)
+ * This format will be implemented in the future FIXME!!!
+ *
+ * Format 2_3
+ * This format is used for power control of uplink sounding reference signals for devices which have not coupled SRS power control to the PUSCH power control
+ * either because independent control is desirable or because the device is configured without PUCCH and PUSCH
+ * This format will be implemented in the future FIXME!!!
-  uint8_t dci_fields_sizes_format[NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS] ={0};
+  uint8_t dci_fields_sizes_format[NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS] = {0};
   for (int m=0; m<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; m++) dci_fields_sizes_format[m]=dci_fields_sizes[m][dci_format];
@@ -4081,7 +4194,7 @@ int nr_extract_dci_info(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   uint8_t  prev_ndi = pdlsch0_harq->DCINdi;
-  uint16_t l_RB;
+  /*uint16_t l_RB;
   uint16_t start_RB;
   uint16_t tmp_RIV;
   uint16_t l_symbol;
@@ -4202,7 +4315,7 @@ int nr_extract_dci_info(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   {j,  8,4},  // row index 14
   {j+3,0,8},  // row index 15
   {j+3,0,10}  // row index 16
-  };
+  };*/
@@ -4292,20 +4405,20 @@ int nr_extract_dci_info(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
         printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_TOOLS_DEBUG (nr_extract_dci_info) -> nr_pdci_info_extracted->pre_emption_ind=%x\n",nr_pdci_info_extracted->pre_emption_ind);
-      case TPC_CMD_NUMBER: // 5  TPC_CMD_NUMBER: (field defined for -,-,-,-,-,-,format2_2,-)
-              // The parameter xxx provided by higher layers determines the index to the TPC command number for an UL of a cell. Each TPC command number is 2 bits
-        nr_pdci_info_extracted->tpc_cmd_number                   = (uint8_t)nr_dci_field(dci_pdu,dci_fields_sizes_format,dci_field);
+      case BLOCK_NUMBER: // 5  BLOCK_NUMBER: (field defined for -,-,-,-,-,-,-,format2_3)
+              // starting position of a block is determined by the parameter startingBitOfFormat2_3
+        nr_pdci_info_extracted->block_number                     = (uint8_t)nr_dci_field(dci_pdu,dci_fields_sizes_format,dci_field);
         //(((((*(uint128_t *)dci_pdu)  << (left_shift - dci_fields_sizes[dci_field][dci_format]))) & pdu_bitmap) >> (dci_length - dci_fields_sizes[dci_field][dci_format]));
-        printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_TOOLS_DEBUG (nr_extract_dci_info) -> nr_pdci_info_extracted->tpc_cmd_number=%x\n",nr_pdci_info_extracted->tpc_cmd_number);
+        printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_TOOLS_DEBUG (nr_extract_dci_info) -> nr_pdci_info_extracted->block_number=%x\n",nr_pdci_info_extracted->block_number);
-      case BLOCK_NUMBER: // 6  BLOCK_NUMBER: (field defined for -,-,-,-,-,-,-,format2_3)
-              // starting position of a block is determined by the parameter startingBitOfFormat2_3
-        nr_pdci_info_extracted->block_number                     = (uint8_t)nr_dci_field(dci_pdu,dci_fields_sizes_format,dci_field);
+      case CLOSE_LOOP_IND: // 6  CLOSE_LOOP_IND: (field defined for -,-,-,-,-,-,format2_2,-)
+              // The parameter xxx provided by higher layers determines the index to the TPC command number for an UL of a cell. Each TPC command number is 2 bits
+        nr_pdci_info_extracted->close_loop_ind                   = (uint8_t)nr_dci_field(dci_pdu,dci_fields_sizes_format,dci_field);
         //(((((*(uint128_t *)dci_pdu)  << (left_shift - dci_fields_sizes[dci_field][dci_format]))) & pdu_bitmap) >> (dci_length - dci_fields_sizes[dci_field][dci_format]));
-        printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_TOOLS_DEBUG (nr_extract_dci_info) -> nr_pdci_info_extracted->block_number=%x\n",nr_pdci_info_extracted->block_number);
+        printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_TOOLS_DEBUG (nr_extract_dci_info) -> nr_pdci_info_extracted->close_loop_ind=%x\n",nr_pdci_info_extracted->close_loop_ind);
       case BANDWIDTH_PART_IND: // 7  BANDWIDTH_PART_IND: (field defined for -,format0_1,-,format1_1,-,-,-,-)
@@ -4338,7 +4451,7 @@ int nr_extract_dci_info(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
               // The UE shall assume that when the scheduling PDCCH is received with DCI format 0_0, then uplink resource allocation type 1 is used.
         nr_pdci_info_extracted->freq_dom_resource_assignment_UL  = (uint16_t)nr_dci_field(dci_pdu,dci_fields_sizes_format,dci_field);
         //(((((*(uint128_t *)dci_pdu)  << (left_shift - dci_fields_sizes[dci_field][dci_format]))) & pdu_bitmap) >> (dci_length - dci_fields_sizes[dci_field][dci_format]));
-        if (dci_format == format0_1){ // uplink resource allocation type 0 or 1 can be used
+        /*if (dci_format == format0_1){ // uplink resource allocation type 0 or 1 can be used
         if (dci_format == format0_0){ // only uplink resource allocation type 1
               // At the moment we are supporting only format 1_0 (and not format 1_1), so we only support resource allocation type 1 (and not type 0).
@@ -4356,10 +4469,10 @@ int nr_extract_dci_info(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
           ulsch0->harq_processes[nr_pdci_info_extracted->harq_process_number]->first_rb = start_RB;
           ulsch0->harq_processes[nr_pdci_info_extracted->harq_process_number]->nb_rb    = l_RB;
-        }
+        }*/
         #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_TOOLS_DEBUG
           printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_TOOLS_DEBUG (nr_extract_dci_info) -> nr_pdci_info_extracted->freq_dom_resource_assignment_UL=%x\n",nr_pdci_info_extracted->freq_dom_resource_assignment_UL);
-          printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_TOOLS_DEBUG (nr_extract_dci_info) -> l_RB=%d, start_RB=%d, n_RB_DLBWP=%d\n",l_RB,start_RB,n_RB_ULBWP);
+          //printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_TOOLS_DEBUG (nr_extract_dci_info) -> l_RB=%d, start_RB=%d, n_RB_DLBWP=%d\n",l_RB,start_RB,n_RB_ULBWP);
@@ -4368,7 +4481,7 @@ int nr_extract_dci_info(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
               // The UE shall assume that when the scheduling grant is received with DCI format 1_0, then downlink resource allocation type 1 is used.
         nr_pdci_info_extracted->freq_dom_resource_assignment_DL  = (uint16_t)nr_dci_field(dci_pdu,dci_fields_sizes_format,dci_field);
         //(((((*(uint128_t *)dci_pdu)  << (left_shift - dci_fields_sizes[dci_field][dci_format]))) & pdu_bitmap) >> (dci_length - dci_fields_sizes[dci_field][dci_format]));
-        if (dci_format == format1_1){ // uplink resource allocation type 0 or 1 can be used
+        /*if (dci_format == format1_1){ // uplink resource allocation type 0 or 1 can be used
         if (dci_format == format1_0){ // only uplink resource allocation type 1
               // At the moment we are supporting only format 0_0 (and not format 0_1), so we only support resource allocation type 1 (and not type 0).
@@ -4388,10 +4501,10 @@ int nr_extract_dci_info(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
           pdlsch0->current_harq_pid = nr_pdci_info_extracted->harq_process_number;
           pdlsch0->active           = 1;
           pdlsch0->rnti             = rnti;
-        }
+        }*/
         #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_TOOLS_DEBUG
           printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_TOOLS_DEBUG (nr_extract_dci_info) -> nr_pdci_info_extracted->freq_dom_resource_assignment_DL=%x, RIV = %d\n",nr_pdci_info_extracted->freq_dom_resource_assignment_DL,nr_pdci_info_extracted->freq_dom_resource_assignment_DL);
-          printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_TOOLS_DEBUG (nr_extract_dci_info) -> l_RB=%d, start_RB=%d, n_RB_DLBWP=%d\n",l_RB,start_RB,n_RB_DLBWP);
+          //printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_TOOLS_DEBUG (nr_extract_dci_info) -> l_RB=%d, start_RB=%d, n_RB_DLBWP=%d\n",l_RB,start_RB,n_RB_DLBWP);
           * According to TC 38.212 Subclause (V15.2.0) (not implemented FIXME!!!)
           * If the CRC of the DCI format 1_0 is scrambled by C-RNTI
@@ -4443,7 +4556,7 @@ int nr_extract_dci_info(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
                // where I the number of entries in the higher layer parameter pusch-AllocationList
         nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment     = (uint8_t)nr_dci_field(dci_pdu,dci_fields_sizes_format,dci_field);
         //(((((*(uint128_t *)dci_pdu)  << (left_shift - dci_fields_sizes[dci_field][dci_format]))) & pdu_bitmap) >> (dci_length - dci_fields_sizes[dci_field][dci_format]));
-        if (dci_format == format0_0 || dci_format == format0_1){ // Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]
+        /*if (dci_format == format0_0 || dci_format == format0_1){ // Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]
           k_offset = table_6_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment][0];
           sliv_S   = table_6_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment][1];
           sliv_L   = table_6_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment][2];
@@ -4467,7 +4580,7 @@ int nr_extract_dci_info(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
           // k_offset = table_5_1_2_1_1_5_time_dom_res_alloc_C[nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment][0];
           // sliv_S   = table_5_1_2_1_1_5_time_dom_res_alloc_C[nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment][1];
           // sliv_L   = table_5_1_2_1_1_5_time_dom_res_alloc_C[nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment][2];
-        }
+        }*/
         #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_TOOLS_DEBUG
           printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_TOOLS_DEBUG (nr_extract_dci_info) -> nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment=%x\n",nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment);
@@ -4788,11 +4901,11 @@ int nr_extract_dci_info(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
         printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_TOOLS_DEBUG (nr_extract_dci_info) -> nr_pdci_info_extracted->srs_request=%x\n",nr_pdci_info_extracted->srs_request);
-      case TPC_CMD_NUMBER_FORMAT2_3: // 41 TPC_CMD_NUMBER_FORMAT2_3: (field defined for -,-,-,-,-,-,-,format2_3)
-        nr_pdci_info_extracted->tpc_cmd_number_format2_3         = (uint8_t)nr_dci_field(dci_pdu,dci_fields_sizes_format,dci_field);
+      case TPC_CMD: // 41 TPC_CMD: (field defined for -,-,-,-,-,-,-,format2_3)
+        nr_pdci_info_extracted->tpc_cmd         = (uint8_t)nr_dci_field(dci_pdu,dci_fields_sizes_format,dci_field);
         //(((((*(uint128_t *)dci_pdu)  << (left_shift - dci_fields_sizes[dci_field][dci_format]))) & pdu_bitmap) >> (dci_length - dci_fields_sizes[dci_field][dci_format]));
-        printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_TOOLS_DEBUG (nr_extract_dci_info) -> nr_pdci_info_extracted->tpc_cmd_number_format2_3=%x\n",nr_pdci_info_extracted->tpc_cmd_number_format2_3);
+        printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_TOOLS_DEBUG (nr_extract_dci_info) -> nr_pdci_info_extracted->tpc_cmd=%x\n",nr_pdci_info_extracted->tpc_cmd);
       case CSI_REQUEST: // 42 CSI_REQUEST: (field defined for -,format0_1,-,-,-,-,-,-)
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_ue.h b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_ue.h
index ade1e88eb9afe16aa29e834bc66ab35ab72b56c8..92bdb71f0f6c0c37dced7bb7fb2e6eacabd99120 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_ue.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_ue.h
@@ -145,6 +145,10 @@ typedef struct {
   //  int calibration_flag;
   /// Number of soft channel bits
   uint32_t G;
+  // number of symbols
+  uint8_t nb_symbols;
+  // first symbol in the slot
+  uint8_t start_symbol;
   // decode phich
   uint8_t decode_phich;
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/defs_nr_UE.h b/openair1/PHY/defs_nr_UE.h
index 45c61a372bdb9c5239527bb761f8fd1c0943f0be..603c02e3807f4b0c9ce54b521b1fc1c3531513aa 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/defs_nr_UE.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/defs_nr_UE.h
@@ -624,8 +624,8 @@ typedef struct {
 #define SUL_IND_0_1                      2
 #define SLOT_FORMAT_IND                  3
 #define PRE_EMPTION_IND                  4
-#define TPC_CMD_NUMBER                   5
-#define BLOCK_NUMBER                     6
+#define BLOCK_NUMBER                     5
+#define CLOSE_LOOP_IND                   6
 #define BANDWIDTH_PART_IND               7
 #define SHORT_MESSAGE_IND                8
 #define SHORT_MESSAGES                   9
@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ typedef struct {
 #define ANTENNA_PORTS                   38
 #define TCI                             39
 #define SRS_REQUEST                     40
-#define TPC_CMD_NUMBER_FORMAT2_3        41
+#define TPC_CMD                         41
 #define CSI_REQUEST                     42
 #define CBGTI                           43
 #define CBGFI                           44
@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ typedef struct {
 typedef enum {allContiguousRBs=0,sameAsREGbundle=1} NR_UE_CORESET_precoder_granularity_t;
+typedef enum {tciPresentInDCI_enabled = 1} tciPresentInDCI_t;
 typedef struct {
    * define CORESET structure according to 38.331
@@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ typedef struct {
   NR_UE_CORESET_CCE_REG_MAPPING_t cce_reg_mappingType;
   NR_UE_CORESET_precoder_granularity_t precoderGranularity;
   int tciStatesPDCCH;
-  int tciPresentInDCI;
+  tciPresentInDCI_t tciPresentInDCI;
   uint16_t pdcchDMRSScramblingID;
   uint16_t rb_offset;
@@ -1214,6 +1214,14 @@ typedef struct {
   PUCCH_Config_t             pucch_config_dedicated_nr[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
   PUSCH_Config_t             pusch_config;
+  SRS_NR                     srs;
+  crossCarrierSchedulingConfig_t crossCarrierSchedulingConfig;
+  supplementaryUplink_t supplementaryUplink;
+  dmrs_UplinkConfig_t dmrs_UplinkConfig;
+  dmrs_DownlinkConfig_t dmrs_DownlinkConfig;
+  csi_MeasConfig_t csi_MeasConfig;
+  PUSCH_ServingCellConfig_t PUSCH_ServingCellConfig;
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/impl_defs_nr.h b/openair1/PHY/impl_defs_nr.h
index b2be888e18c9ba4e40b4270c4d4534871dcbfe83..f3f1e39d5b821938521446267c18cb4b35a6aeab 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/impl_defs_nr.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/impl_defs_nr.h
@@ -372,12 +372,104 @@ typedef struct {
 /* FFS TODO_NR partial structure that should be complete */
+typedef enum {
+  semiStatic = 0,
+  dynamic =    1
+} pdsch_HARQ_ACK_Codebook_t;
+typedef enum{
+  dl_resourceAllocationType0 = 1,
+  dl_resourceAllocationType1 = 2,
+  dl_dynamicSwitch = 3
+} dl_resourceAllocation_t;
+typedef enum{
+  dl_rgb_config1 = 1,
+  dl_rgb_config2 = 2
+} dl_rgb_Size_t;
+typedef enum {
+  st_n4       = 1,
+  st_wideband = 2
+} static_bundleSize_t;
+typedef enum {
+  dy_1_n4       = 1,
+  dy_1_wideband = 2,
+  dy_1_n2_wideband = 3,
+  dy_1_n4_wideband = 4
+} bundleSizeSet1_t;
+typedef enum {
+  dy_2_n4       = 1,
+  dy_2_wideband = 2,
+} bundleSizeSet2_t;
+typedef struct{
+  bundleSizeSet1_t bundleSizeSet1;
+  bundleSizeSet2_t bundleSizeSet2;
+} dynamic_bundleSize_t;
+typedef struct {
+  static_bundleSize_t staticBundling;
+  dynamic_bundleSize_t dynamicBundlig;
+} prb_bundleType_t;
 typedef enum {
   nb_code_n1 = 1,
   nb_code_n2 = 2
 } maxNrofCodeWordsScheduledByDCI_t;
+typedef struct{
+// to be defined FIXME!!!
+typedef struct{
+// to be defined FIXME!!!
 typedef struct {
+ * resourceAllocation
+ */
+  dl_resourceAllocation_t dl_resourceAllocation;
+ * corresponds to I, where I the number of entries in the higher layer parameter pdsch-AllocationList
+ */
+  uint8_t n_pdsh_alloc_list;
+ * rateMatchPatternToAddModList
+ */
+  rateMatchPattern_t rateMatchPatternToAddModList[MAX_NR_RATE_MATCH_PATTERNS];
+ * rateMatchPatternToReleaseList
+ */
+  uint8_t rateMatchPatternToReleaseList[MAX_NR_RATE_MATCH_PATTERNS];
+  /*
+   * n_rateMatchPatterns indicates the number of rateMatchPatterns defined currently
+   */
+  uint8_t n_rateMatchPatterns;
+  /*
+   * zp-CSI-RS-ResourceToAddModList
+   */
+  zp_CSI_RS_Resource_t zp_CSI_RS_Resource[MAX_NR_ZP_CSI_RS_RESOURCES];
+  /*
+   * zp-CSI-RS-ResourceToReleaseList
+   */
+  uint8_t zp_CSI_RS_ResourceId[MAX_NR_ZP_CSI_RS_RESOURCES];
+  /*
+   * n_zp-CSI-RS-Resource
+   */
+  uint8_t n_zp_CSI_RS_ResourceId;
+ * rgb_Size
+ */
+  dl_rgb_Size_t dl_rgbSize;
+ * prb-BundlingType
+ */
+  prb_bundleType_t prbBundleType;
+ * pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook: this is part of the IE PhysicalCellGroupConfig which is used to configure cell-group specific L1 parameters (TS 38.331)
+ */
+  pdsch_HARQ_ACK_Codebook_t pdsch_HARQ_ACK_Codebook;
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////################################
   Maximum number of code words that a single DCI may schedule. This changes the number of MCS/RV/NDI bits in the DCI message from 1 to 2.
@@ -415,8 +507,168 @@ typedef struct {
   mappingType_t   mappingType;
   uint8_t         startSymbolAndLength;
 } PUSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocation_t;
+typedef struct { // The IE PTRS-UplinkConfig is used to configure uplink Phase-Tracking-Reference-Signals (PTRS)
+} ptrs_UplinkConfig_t;
+typedef enum{
+  maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_n2 = 2,
+  maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_n4 = 4,
+  maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_n6 = 6,
+  maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_n8 = 8
+} maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_t;
+typedef struct{ // The IE PUSCH-ServingCellConfig is used to configure UE specific PUSCH parameters that are common across the UE's BWPs of one serving cell
+	  maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_t maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock;
+} PUSCH_ServingCellConfig_t;
+typedef struct{ // CSI-MeasConfig IE is used to configure CSI-RS (reference signals)
+  uint8_t reportTriggerSize;
+} csi_MeasConfig_t;
+typedef enum {
+  pdsch_dmrs_type1 = 1,
+  pdsch_dmrs_type2 = 2
+} pdsch_dmrs_type_t;
+typedef enum {
+  pusch_dmrs_type1 = 1,
+  pusch_dmrs_type2 = 2
+} pusch_dmrs_type_t;
+typedef enum {
+  pdsch_dmrs_pos0 = 0,
+  pdsch_dmrs_pos1 = 1,
+  pdsch_dmrs_pos3 = 3,
+} pdsch_dmrs_AdditionalPosition_t;
+typedef enum {
+  pusch_dmrs_pos0 = 0,
+  pusch_dmrs_pos1 = 1,
+  pusch_dmrs_pos3 = 3,
+} pusch_dmrs_AdditionalPosition_t;
+typedef enum {
+  pdsch_len1 = 1,
+  pdsch_len2 = 2
+} pdsch_maxLength_t;
+typedef enum {
+  pusch_len1 = 1,
+  pusch_len2 = 2
+} pusch_maxLength_t;
+typedef struct { // The IE DMRS-DownlinkConfig is used to configure downlink demodulation reference signals for PDSCH
+  pdsch_dmrs_type_t pdsch_dmrs_type;
+  pdsch_dmrs_AdditionalPosition_t pdsch_dmrs_AdditionalPosition;
+  pdsch_maxLength_t pdsch_maxLength;
+  uint16_t scramblingID0;
+  uint16_t scramblingID1;
+} dmrs_DownlinkConfig_t;
+typedef struct { // The IE DMRS-UplinkConfig is used to configure uplink demodulation reference signals for PUSCH
+  pusch_dmrs_type_t pusch_dmrs_type;
+  pusch_dmrs_AdditionalPosition_t pusch_dmrs_AdditionalPosition;
+  pusch_maxLength_t pusch_maxLength;
+  uint16_t scramblingID0;
+  uint16_t scramblingID1;
+} dmrs_UplinkConfig_t;
+typedef struct {
+ * Serving cell ID of a PSCell. The PCell of the Master Cell Group uses ID = 0
+ */
+  uint8_t servCellIndex;
+typedef struct{
+  uint8_t cif_presence;
+typedef struct{
+  servCellIndex_t scheduling_cell_id;
+  uint8_t cif_InSchedulingCell;
+typedef struct{
+ own_t own;
+ other_t other;
+typedef struct{
+ schedulingCellInfo_t schedulingCellInfo;
+} crossCarrierSchedulingConfig_t;
+typedef struct{
+  // this variable will be filled with '1' if SUL is supported and '0' if SUL is not supported
+  uint8_t supplementaryUplink;
+typedef enum {
+  txConfig_codebook = 1,
+  txConfig_nonCodebook = 2
+} txConfig_t;
+typedef enum {
+  f_hop_mode1 = 1,
+  f_hop_mode2 = 2
+} frequencyHopping_t;
+typedef enum{
+  ul_resourceAllocationType0 = 1,
+  ul_resourceAllocationType1 = 2,
+  ul_dynamicSwitch = 3
+} ul_resourceAllocation_t;
+typedef enum{
+  ul_rgb_config1 = 1,
+  ul_rgb_config2 = 2
+} ul_rgb_Size_t;
+typedef enum {
+  transformPrecoder_enabled = 1,
+  transformPrecoder_disabled = 2
+} transformPrecoder_t;
+typedef enum {
+  codebookSubset_fullyAndPartialAndNonCoherent = 1,
+  codebookSubset_partialAndNonCoherent = 2,
+  codebookSubset_nonCoherent = 3
+} codebookSubset_t;
+typedef enum{
+  betaOffset_dynamic = 1,
+  betaOffset_semiStatic = 2
+typedef struct{
+} betaOffset_t;
+typedef struct {
+  betaOffset_type_t betaOffset_type;
+  betaOffset_t betaOffset;
+} uci_onPusch_t;
 typedef struct {
+ * txConfig
+ */
+  txConfig_t txConfig;
+ * frequencyHopping
+ */
+	frequencyHopping_t frequencyHopping;
+ * frequencyHoppingOffsetLists
+ */
+  uint16_t frequencyHoppingOffsetLists[4];
+  // n_frequencyHoppingOffsetLists contains the number of offsets listed. We can list up to 4 offsets
+  uint8_t n_frequencyHoppingOffsetLists;
+ * resourceAllocation
+ */
+  ul_resourceAllocation_t ul_resourceAllocation;
+ * rgb_Size
+ */
+  ul_rgb_Size_t ul_rgbSize;
+ * corresponds to I, where I the number of entries in the higher layer parameter pusch-AllocationList
+ */
+  uint8_t n_push_alloc_list;
+ * transformPrecoder
+ */
+transformPrecoder_t transformPrecoder;
+ * codebookSubset
+ */
+codebookSubset_t codebookSubset;
+ * maxRank
+ */
+uint8_t maxRank;
+ * uci_onPusch
+ */
+uci_onPusch_t uci_onPusch;
   PUSCH_PowerControl_t                    pusch_PowerControl;
   PUSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocation_t    *pusch_TimeDomainResourceAllocation[MAX_NR_OF_UL_ALLOCATIONS];
 } PUSCH_Config_t;
@@ -649,11 +901,6 @@ typedef struct {
 typedef uint16_t RNTI_value_t;
-typedef enum {
-  semiStatic = 0,
-  dynamic =    1
-} pdsch_HARQ_ACK_Codebook_t;
 typedef struct {
   -- Enables spatial bundling of HARQ ACKs. It is configured per cell group (i.e. for all the cells within the cell group) for PUCCH
@@ -750,6 +997,12 @@ typedef enum {
   n12_dl_harq = 12,
   n16_dl_harq = 16
 } nrofHARQ_ProcessesForPDSCH_t;
+typedef enum{
+  maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_dl_n2 = 2,
+  maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_dl_n4 = 4,
+  maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_dl_n6 = 6,
+  maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_dl_n8 = 8
+} maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_dl_t;
 typedef struct {
@@ -772,7 +1025,14 @@ typedef struct {
   -- If the field is absent, the UE sends the HARQ feedback on the PUCCH of the SpCell of this cell group.
   uint8_t                            pucch_Cell;
+ * maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_dl_t
+ */
+  maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_dl_t maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_dl;
+ * codeBlockGroupFlushIndicator (boolean)
+ */
+  uint8_t codeBlockGroupFlushIndicator;
 } PDSCH_ServingCellConfig_t;
diff --git a/openair1/SCHED_NR_UE/fapi_nr_ue_l1.c b/openair1/SCHED_NR_UE/fapi_nr_ue_l1.c
index 53d3ae339b4f0b3a8f8608418df020a51b515ae2..188beb3ec71dff3afc914ca0ca17519277cde7c6 100644
--- a/openair1/SCHED_NR_UE/fapi_nr_ue_l1.c
+++ b/openair1/SCHED_NR_UE/fapi_nr_ue_l1.c
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ int8_t nr_ue_scheduled_response(nr_scheduled_response_t *scheduled_response){
     if(scheduled_response != NULL){
         NR_UE_PDCCH *pdcch_vars2 = PHY_vars_UE_g[module_id][cc_id]->pdcch_vars[0][0];
+        NR_UE_DLSCH_t *dlsch0 = PHY_vars_UE_g[module_id][cc_id]->dlsch[0][0];
+        NR_UE_ULSCH_t *ulsch0 = PHY_vars_UE_g[module_id][cc_id]->ulsch[0];
         if(scheduled_response->dl_config != NULL){
             fapi_nr_dl_config_request_t *dl_config = scheduled_response->dl_config;
@@ -86,16 +88,47 @@ int8_t nr_ue_scheduled_response(nr_scheduled_response_t *scheduled_response){
                     pdcch_vars2->coreset[i].pdcchDMRSScramblingID = dci_config->coreset.pdcch_dmrs_scrambling_id;
                 }else{  //FAPI_NR_DL_CONFIG_TYPE_DLSCH
                     //  dlsch config pdu
-                }
+                    fapi_nr_dl_config_dlsch_pdu_rel15_t *dlsch_config_pdu = &dl_config->dl_config_list[i].dlsch_config_pdu.dlsch_config_rel15;
+                    uint8_t current_harq_pid = dlsch_config_pdu->harq_process_nbr;
+                    dlsch0->current_harq_pid = current_harq_pid;
+                    dlsch0->active = 1;
+                    dlsch0->harq_processes[current_harq_pid]->nb_rb = dlsch_config_pdu->number_rbs;
+                    dlsch0->harq_processes[current_harq_pid]->start_rb = dlsch_config_pdu->start_rb;
+                    dlsch0->harq_processes[current_harq_pid]->nb_symbols = dlsch_config_pdu->number_symbols;
+                    dlsch0->harq_processes[current_harq_pid]->start_symbol = dlsch_config_pdu->start_symbol;
+                    dlsch0->harq_processes[current_harq_pid]->mcs = dlsch_config_pdu->mcs;
+                    dlsch0->harq_processes[current_harq_pid]->DCINdi = dlsch_config_pdu->ndi;
+                    dlsch0->harq_processes[current_harq_pid]->rvidx = dlsch_config_pdu->rv;
+                    dlsch0->g_pucch = dlsch_config_pdu->accumulated_delta_PUCCH;
+                    dlsch0->harq_processes[current_harq_pid]->harq_ack.pucch_resource_indicator = dlsch_config_pdu->pucch_resource_id;
+                    dlsch0->harq_processes[current_harq_pid]->harq_ack.slot_for_feedback_ack = dlsch_config_pdu->pdsch_to_harq_feedback_time_ind;
+                    //pdlsch0->rnti             = rnti;
+                 }
             pdcch_vars2->nb_search_space = 0;
         if(scheduled_response->ul_config != NULL){
+            fapi_nr_ul_config_request_t *ul_config = scheduled_response->ul_config;
+            for(i=0; i<ul_config->number_pdus; ++i){
+                 if(ul_config->ul_config_list[i].pdu_type == FAPI_NR_DL_CONFIG_TYPE_PUSCH){
+                     // pusch config pdu
+                     fapi_nr_ul_config_pusch_pdu_rel15_t *pusch_config_pdu = &ul_config->ul_config_list[i].ulsch_config_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel15;
+                     uint8_t current_harq_pid = pusch_config_pdu->harq_process_nbr;
+                     ulsch0->harq_processes[current_harq_pid]->nb_rb = pusch_config_pdu->number_rbs;
+                     ulsch0->harq_processes[current_harq_pid]->first_rb = pusch_config_pdu->start_rb;
+                     ulsch0->harq_processes[current_harq_pid]->nb_symbols = pusch_config_pdu->number_symbols;
+                     ulsch0->harq_processes[current_harq_pid]->start_symbol = pusch_config_pdu->start_symbol;
+                     ulsch0->harq_processes[current_harq_pid]->mcs = pusch_config_pdu->mcs;
+                     ulsch0->harq_processes[current_harq_pid]->DCINdi = pusch_config_pdu->ndi;
+                     ulsch0->harq_processes[current_harq_pid]->rvidx = pusch_config_pdu->rv;
+                     ulsch0->f_pusch = pusch_config_pdu->absolute_delta_PUSCH;
+                 }
+             }
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_UE/nr_ue_procedures.c b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_UE/nr_ue_procedures.c
index 69c8ca6845cfa1b9fc88af333950204acd77d98c..309d3a42ba2f84a2869efecc6785280804cdc793 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_UE/nr_ue_procedures.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_UE/nr_ue_procedures.c
@@ -538,6 +538,233 @@ NR_UE_L2_STATE_t nr_ue_scheduler(
+ * This code contains all the functions needed to process all dci fields.
+ * These functions are going to be called by function nr_ue_process_dci
+ */
+int8_t nr_ue_process_dci_freq_dom_resource_assignment(
+  fapi_nr_ul_config_pusch_pdu_rel15_t *ulsch_config_pdu,
+  fapi_nr_dl_config_dlsch_pdu_rel15_t *dlsch_config_pdu,
+  uint16_t n_RB_ULBWP,
+  uint16_t n_RB_DLBWP,
+  uint16_t riv
+  uint16_t l_RB;
+  uint16_t start_RB;
+  uint16_t tmp_RIV;
+ * TS 38.214 subclause Resource allocation in frequency domain (downlink)
+ * when the scheduling grant is received with DCI format 1_0, then downlink resource allocation type 1 is used
+ */
+  if(dlsch_config_pdu != NULL){
+  /*
+   * TS 38.214 subclause Downlink resource allocation type 0
+   */
+  /*
+   * TS 38.214 subclause Downlink resource allocation type 1
+   */
+    // For resource allocation type 1, the resource allocation field consists of a resource indication value (RIV):
+    // RIV = n_RB_DLBWP * (l_RB - 1) + start_RB                                  if (l_RB - 1) <= floor (n_RB_DLBWP/2)
+    // RIV = n_RB_DLBWP * (n_RB_DLBWP - l_RB + 1) + (n_RB_DLBWP - 1 - start_RB)  if (l_RB - 1)  > floor (n_RB_DLBWP/2)
+    // the following two expressions apply only if (l_RB - 1) <= floor (n_RB_DLBWP/2)
+    l_RB = floor(riv/n_RB_DLBWP) + 1;
+    start_RB = riv%n_RB_DLBWP;
+    // if (l_RB - 1)  > floor (n_RB_DLBWP/2) we need to recalculate them using the following lines
+    tmp_RIV = n_RB_DLBWP * (l_RB - 1) + start_RB;
+    if (tmp_RIV != riv) { // then (l_RB - 1)  > floor (n_RB_DLBWP/2) and we need to recalculate l_RB and start_RB
+      l_RB = n_RB_DLBWP - l_RB + 2;
+      start_RB = n_RB_DLBWP - start_RB - 1;
+    }
+    dlsch_config_pdu->number_rbs = l_RB;
+    dlsch_config_pdu->start_rb = start_RB;
+  }
+  if(ulsch_config_pdu != NULL){
+ * TS 38.214 subclause Resource allocation in frequency domain (uplink)
+ */
+  /*
+   * TS 38.214 subclause Uplink resource allocation type 0
+   */
+  /*
+   * TS 38.214 subclause Uplink resource allocation type 1
+   */
+    // For resource allocation type 1, the resource allocation field consists of a resource indication value (RIV):
+    // RIV = n_RB_ULBWP * (l_RB - 1) + start_RB                                  if (l_RB - 1) <= floor (n_RB_ULBWP/2)
+    // RIV = n_RB_ULBWP * (n_RB_ULBWP - l_RB + 1) + (n_RB_ULBWP - 1 - start_RB)  if (l_RB - 1)  > floor (n_RB_ULBWP/2)
+    // the following two expressions apply only if (l_RB - 1) <= floor (n_RB_ULBWP/2)
+    l_RB = floor(riv/n_RB_ULBWP) + 1;
+    start_RB = riv%n_RB_ULBWP;
+    // if (l_RB - 1)  > floor (n_RB_ULBWP/2) we need to recalculate them using the following lines
+    tmp_RIV = n_RB_ULBWP * (l_RB - 1) + start_RB;
+    if (tmp_RIV != riv) { // then (l_RB - 1)  > floor (n_RB_ULBWP/2) and we need to recalculate l_RB and start_RB
+        l_RB = n_RB_ULBWP - l_RB + 2;
+        start_RB = n_RB_ULBWP - start_RB - 1;
+    }
+    ulsch_config_pdu->number_rbs = l_RB;
+    ulsch_config_pdu->start_rb = start_RB;
+  }
+  return 0;
+int8_t nr_ue_process_dci_time_dom_resource_assignment(
+  fapi_nr_ul_config_pusch_pdu_rel15_t *ulsch_config_pdu,
+  fapi_nr_dl_config_dlsch_pdu_rel15_t *dlsch_config_pdu,
+  uint8_t time_domain_ind,
+  long dmrs_typeA_pos
+  uint8_t k_offset;
+  uint8_t sliv_S;
+  uint8_t sliv_L;
+  uint8_t table_5_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[16][3]={ // for PDSCH from TS 38.214 subclause
+  {0,(dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?2:3, (dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?12:11}, // row index 1
+  {0,(dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?2:3, (dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?10:9},  // row index 2
+  {0,(dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?2:3, (dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?9:8},   // row index 3
+  {0,(dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?2:3, (dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?7:6},   // row index 4
+  {0,(dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?2:3, (dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?5:4},   // row index 5
+  {0,(dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?9:10,(dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?4:4},   // row index 6
+  {0,(dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?4:6, (dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?4:4},   // row index 7
+  {0,5,7},  // row index 8
+  {0,5,2},  // row index 9
+  {0,9,2},  // row index 10
+  {0,12,2}, // row index 11
+  {0,1,13}, // row index 12
+  {0,1,6},  // row index 13
+  {0,2,4},  // row index 14
+  {0,4,7},  // row index 15
+  {0,8,4}   // row index 16
+  };
+  uint8_t table_5_1_2_1_1_3_time_dom_res_alloc_A_extCP[16][3]={ // for PDSCH from TS 38.214 subclause
+  {0,(dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?2:3, (dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?6:5},   // row index 1
+  {0,(dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?2:3, (dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?10:9},  // row index 2
+  {0,(dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?2:3, (dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?9:8},   // row index 3
+  {0,(dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?2:3, (dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?7:6},   // row index 4
+  {0,(dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?2:3, (dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?5:4},   // row index 5
+  {0,(dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?6:8, (dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?4:2},   // row index 6
+  {0,(dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?4:6, (dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?4:4},   // row index 7
+  {0,5,6},  // row index 8
+  {0,5,2},  // row index 9
+  {0,9,2},  // row index 10
+  {0,10,2}, // row index 11
+  {0,1,11}, // row index 12
+  {0,1,6},  // row index 13
+  {0,2,4},  // row index 14
+  {0,4,6},  // row index 15
+  {0,8,4}   // row index 16
+  };
+  uint8_t table_5_1_2_1_1_4_time_dom_res_alloc_B[16][3]={ // for PDSCH from TS 38.214 subclause
+  {0,2,2},  // row index 1
+  {0,4,2},  // row index 2
+  {0,6,2},  // row index 3
+  {0,8,2},  // row index 4
+  {0,10,2}, // row index 5
+  {1,2,2},  // row index 6
+  {1,4,2},  // row index 7
+  {0,2,4},  // row index 8
+  {0,4,4},  // row index 9
+  {0,6,4},  // row index 10
+  {0,8,4},  // row index 11
+  {0,10,4}, // row index 12
+  {0,2,7},  // row index 13
+  {0,(dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?2:3,(dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?12:11},  // row index 14
+  {1,2,4},  // row index 15
+  {0,0,0}   // row index 16
+  };
+  uint8_t table_5_1_2_1_1_5_time_dom_res_alloc_C[16][3]={ // for PDSCH from TS 38.214 subclause
+  {0,2,2},  // row index 1
+  {0,4,2},  // row index 2
+  {0,6,2},  // row index 3
+  {0,8,2},  // row index 4
+  {0,10,2}, // row index 5
+  {0,0,0},  // row index 6
+  {0,0,0},  // row index 7
+  {0,2,4},  // row index 8
+  {0,4,4},  // row index 9
+  {0,6,4},  // row index 10
+  {0,8,4},  // row index 11
+  {0,10,4}, // row index 12
+  {0,2,7},  // row index 13
+  {0,(dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?2:3,(dmrs_typeA_pos == 2)?12:11},  // row index 14
+  {0,0,6},  // row index 15
+  {0,2,6}   // row index 16
+  };
+  uint8_t mu_pusch = 1;
+  // definition table j Table
+  uint8_t j = (mu_pusch==3)?3:(mu_pusch==2)?2:1;
+  uint8_t table_6_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[16][3]={ // for PUSCH from TS 38.214 subclause
+  {j,  0,14}, // row index 1
+  {j,  0,12}, // row index 2
+  {j,  0,10}, // row index 3
+  {j,  2,10}, // row index 4
+  {j,  4,10}, // row index 5
+  {j,  4,8},  // row index 6
+  {j,  4,6},  // row index 7
+  {j+1,0,14}, // row index 8
+  {j+1,0,12}, // row index 9
+  {j+1,0,10}, // row index 10
+  {j+2,0,14}, // row index 11
+  {j+2,0,12}, // row index 12
+  {j+2,0,10}, // row index 13
+  {j,  8,6},  // row index 14
+  {j+3,0,14}, // row index 15
+  {j+3,0,10}  // row index 16
+  };
+  uint8_t table_6_1_2_1_1_3_time_dom_res_alloc_A_extCP[16][3]={ // for PUSCH from TS 38.214 subclause
+  {j,  0,8},  // row index 1
+  {j,  0,12}, // row index 2
+  {j,  0,10}, // row index 3
+  {j,  2,10}, // row index 4
+  {j,  4,4},  // row index 5
+  {j,  4,8},  // row index 6
+  {j,  4,6},  // row index 7
+  {j+1,0,8},  // row index 8
+  {j+1,0,12}, // row index 9
+  {j+1,0,10}, // row index 10
+  {j+2,0,6},  // row index 11
+  {j+2,0,12}, // row index 12
+  {j+2,0,10}, // row index 13
+  {j,  8,4},  // row index 14
+  {j+3,0,8},  // row index 15
+  {j+3,0,10}  // row index 16
+  };
+ * TS 38.214 subclause Resource allocation in time domain (downlink)
+ */
+  if(dlsch_config_pdu != NULL){
+      k_offset = table_5_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[time_domain_ind][0];
+      sliv_S   = table_5_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[time_domain_ind][1];
+      sliv_L   = table_5_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[time_domain_ind][2];
+      // k_offset = table_5_1_2_1_1_3_time_dom_res_alloc_A_extCP[nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment][0];
+      // sliv_S   = table_5_1_2_1_1_3_time_dom_res_alloc_A_extCP[nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment][1];
+      // sliv_L   = table_5_1_2_1_1_3_time_dom_res_alloc_A_extCP[nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment][2];
+      // k_offset = table_5_1_2_1_1_4_time_dom_res_alloc_B[nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment][0];
+      // sliv_S   = table_5_1_2_1_1_4_time_dom_res_alloc_B[nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment][1];
+      // sliv_L   = table_5_1_2_1_1_4_time_dom_res_alloc_B[nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment][2];
+      // k_offset = table_5_1_2_1_1_5_time_dom_res_alloc_C[nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment][0];
+      // sliv_S   = table_5_1_2_1_1_5_time_dom_res_alloc_C[nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment][1];
+      // sliv_L   = table_5_1_2_1_1_5_time_dom_res_alloc_C[nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment][2];
+      dlsch_config_pdu->number_symbols = sliv_L;
+      dlsch_config_pdu->start_symbol = sliv_S;
+  }	/*
+ * TS 38.214 subclause Resource allocation in time domain (uplink)
+ */
+  if(ulsch_config_pdu != NULL){
+      k_offset = table_6_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[time_domain_ind][0];
+      sliv_S   = table_6_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[time_domain_ind][1];
+      sliv_L   = table_6_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[time_domain_ind][2];
+      // k_offset = table_6_1_2_1_1_3_time_dom_res_alloc_A_extCP[nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment][0];
+      // sliv_S   = table_6_1_2_1_1_3_time_dom_res_alloc_A_extCP[nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment][1];
+      // sliv_L   = table_6_1_2_1_1_3_time_dom_res_alloc_A_extCP[nr_pdci_info_extracted->time_dom_resource_assignment][2];
+      ulsch_config_pdu->number_symbols = sliv_L;
+      ulsch_config_pdu->start_symbol = sliv_S;
+  }
+  return 0;
 int8_t nr_ue_process_dci(module_id_t module_id, int cc_id, uint8_t gNB_index, fapi_nr_dci_pdu_rel15_t *dci, uint16_t rnti, uint32_t dci_format){
     NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac = get_mac_inst(module_id);
@@ -546,50 +773,63 @@ int8_t nr_ue_process_dci(module_id_t module_id, int cc_id, uint8_t gNB_index, fa
     const uint16_t n_RB_ULBWP = 106;
     const uint16_t n_RB_DLBWP = 106;
-    uint32_t k_offset;
-    uint32_t sliv_S;
-    uint32_t sliv_L;
-    uint32_t l_RB;
-    uint32_t start_RB;
-    uint32_t tmp_RIV;
         case format0_0:
-            // 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits as defined in:
-            //         Subclause of [6, TS 38.214] for formats format0_0,format0_1
-            //         Subclause of [6, TS 38.214] for formats format1_0,format1_1
-            // The bitwidth for this field is determined as log2(I) bits,
-            // where I the number of entries in the higher layer parameter pusch-AllocationList
-            k_offset = table_6_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[dci->time_dom_resource_assignment][0];
-            sliv_S   = table_6_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[dci->time_dom_resource_assignment][1];
-            sliv_L   = table_6_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[dci->time_dom_resource_assignment][2];
+ *  with CRC scrambled by C-RNTI or CS-RNTI or new-RNTI or TC-RNTI
+ *    10 FREQ_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT_UL: PUSCH hopping with resource allocation type 1 not considered
+ *    12 TIME_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]. The bitwidth for this field is determined as log2(I) bits,
+ *    17 FREQ_HOPPING_FLAG: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
+ *    24 MCS:
+ *    25 NDI:
+ *    26 RV:
+ *    32 TPC_PUSCH:
+ *    49 PADDING_NR_DCI: (Note 2) If DCI format 0_0 is monitored in common search space
+ *    50 SUL_IND_0_0:
+ */
+            ul_config->ul_config_list[ul_config->number_pdus].pdu_type = FAPI_NR_DL_CONFIG_TYPE_PUSCH;
+            ul_config->ul_config_list[ul_config->number_pdus].ulsch_config_pdu.rnti = rnti;
+            fapi_nr_ul_config_pusch_pdu_rel15_t *ulsch_config_pdu_0_0 = &ul_config->ul_config_list[ul_config->number_pdus].ulsch_config_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel15;
+            /* IDENTIFIER_DCI_FORMATS */
-            // At the moment we are supporting only format 1_0 (and not format 1_1), so we only support resource allocation type 1 (and not type 0).
-            // For resource allocation type 1, the resource allocation field consists of a resource indication value (RIV):
-            // RIV = n_RB_ULBWP * (l_RB - 1) + start_RB                                  if (l_RB - 1) <= floor (n_RB_ULBWP/2)
-            // RIV = n_RB_ULBWP * (n_RB_ULBWP - l_RB + 1) + (n_RB_ULBWP - 1 - start_RB)  if (l_RB - 1)  > floor (n_RB_ULBWP/2)
-            // the following two expressions apply only if (l_RB - 1) <= floor (n_RB_ULBWP/2)
-            l_RB = floor(dci->freq_dom_resource_assignment_DL/n_RB_ULBWP) + 1;
-            start_RB = dci->freq_dom_resource_assignment_DL%n_RB_ULBWP;
-            // if (l_RB - 1)  > floor (n_RB_ULBWP/2) we need to recalculate them using the following lines
-            tmp_RIV = n_RB_ULBWP * (l_RB - 1) + start_RB;
-            if (tmp_RIV != dci->freq_dom_resource_assignment_DL) { // then (l_RB - 1)  > floor (n_RB_ULBWP/2) and we need to recalculate l_RB and start_RB
-                l_RB = n_RB_ULBWP - l_RB + 2;
-                start_RB = n_RB_ULBWP - start_RB - 1;
+            nr_ue_process_dci_freq_dom_resource_assignment(&ulsch_config_pdu_0_0,NULL,n_RB_ULBWP,0,dci->freq_dom_resource_assignment_UL);
+            nr_ue_process_dci_time_dom_resource_assignment(&ulsch_config_pdu_0_0,NULL,dci->time_dom_resource_assignment,mac->mib->dmrs_TypeA_Position);
+            /* FREQ_HOPPING_FLAG */
+            if ((mac->phy_config.config_req.ul_bwp_dedicated.pusch_config_dedicated.resource_allocation != 0) &&
+                (mac->phy_config.config_req.ul_bwp_dedicated.pusch_config_dedicated.frequency_hopping !=0))
+              ulsch_config_pdu_0_0->pusch_freq_hopping = (dci->freq_hopping_flag == 0)? pusch_freq_hopping_disabled:pusch_freq_hopping_enabled;
+            /* MCS */
+            ulsch_config_pdu_0_0->mcs = dci->mcs;
+            /* NDI */
+            ulsch_config_pdu_0_0->ndi = dci->ndi;
+            /* RV */
+            ulsch_config_pdu_0_0->rv = dci->rv;
+            /* HARQ_PROCESS_NUMBER */
+            ulsch_config_pdu_0_0->harq_process_nbr = dci->harq_process_number;
+            /* TPC_PUSCH */
+            // according to TS 38.213 Table Table 7.1.1-1
+            if (dci->tpc_pusch == 0) {
+              ulsch_config_pdu_0_0->accumulated_delta_PUSCH = -1;
+              ulsch_config_pdu_0_0->absolute_delta_PUSCH = -4;
+            if (dci->tpc_pusch == 1) {
+              ulsch_config_pdu_0_0->accumulated_delta_PUSCH = 0;
+              ulsch_config_pdu_0_0->absolute_delta_PUSCH = -1;
+            }
+            if (dci->tpc_pusch == 2) {
+              ulsch_config_pdu_0_0->accumulated_delta_PUSCH = 1;
+              ulsch_config_pdu_0_0->absolute_delta_PUSCH = 1;
+            }
+            if (dci->tpc_pusch == 3) {
+              ulsch_config_pdu_0_0->accumulated_delta_PUSCH = 3;
+              ulsch_config_pdu_0_0->absolute_delta_PUSCH = 4;
+            }
+            /* SUL_IND_0_0 */ // To be implemented, FIXME!!!
             //  UL_CONFIG_REQ
-            ul_config->ul_config_list[ul_config->number_pdus].pdu_type = FAPI_NR_DL_CONFIG_TYPE_PUSCH;
-            ul_config->ul_config_list[ul_config->number_pdus].ulsch_config_pdu.rnti = rnti;
-            fapi_nr_ul_config_pusch_pdu_rel15_t *ulsch_config_pdu = &ul_config->ul_config_list[ul_config->number_pdus].ulsch_config_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel15;
-            ulsch_config_pdu->number_rbs = l_RB;
-            ulsch_config_pdu->start_rb = start_RB;
-            ulsch_config_pdu->number_symbols = sliv_L;
-            ulsch_config_pdu->start_symbol = sliv_S;
-            ulsch_config_pdu->mcs = dci->mcs;
             //ulsch0->harq_processes[dci->harq_process_number]->first_rb = start_RB;
             //ulsch0->harq_processes[dci->harq_process_number]->nb_rb    = l_RB;
             //ulsch0->harq_processes[dci->harq_process_number]->mcs = dci->mcs;
@@ -597,48 +837,170 @@ int8_t nr_ue_process_dci(module_id_t module_id, int cc_id, uint8_t gNB_index, fa
         case format0_1:
-            break;
-        case format1_0: 
+ *  with CRC scrambled by C-RNTI or CS-RNTI or SP-CSI-RNTI or new-RNTI
+ *    1  CARRIER_IND
+ *    2  SUL_IND_0_1
+ *    10 FREQ_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT_UL: PUSCH hopping with resource allocation type 1 not considered
+ *    12 TIME_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]. The bitwidth for this field is determined as log2(I) bits,
+ *    17 FREQ_HOPPING_FLAG: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
+ *    24 MCS:
+ *    25 NDI:
+ *    26 RV:
+ *    29 FIRST_DAI
+ *    30 SECOND_DAI
+ *    32 TPC_PUSCH:
+ *    38 ANTENNA_PORTS:
+ *    40 SRS_REQUEST:
+ *    42 CSI_REQUEST:
+ *    43 CBGTI
+ *    45 PTRS_DMRS
+ *    47 DMRS_SEQ_INI
+ *    48 UL_SCH_IND
+ *    49 PADDING_NR_DCI: (Note 2) If DCI format 0_0 is monitored in common search space
+ */
+            ul_config->ul_config_list[ul_config->number_pdus].pdu_type = FAPI_NR_DL_CONFIG_TYPE_PUSCH;
+            ul_config->ul_config_list[ul_config->number_pdus].ulsch_config_pdu.rnti = rnti;
+            fapi_nr_ul_config_pusch_pdu_rel15_t *ulsch_config_pdu_0_1 = &ul_config->ul_config_list[ul_config->number_pdus].ulsch_config_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel15;
+            nr_ue_process_dci_freq_dom_resource_assignment(&ulsch_config_pdu_0_1,NULL,n_RB_ULBWP,0,dci->freq_dom_resource_assignment_UL);
-            // Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]
-            // the Time domain resource assignment field of the DCI provides a row index of a higher layer configured table pdsch-symbolAllocation
-            // FIXME! To clarify which parameters to update after reception of row index
-            k_offset = table_5_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[dci->time_dom_resource_assignment][0];
-            sliv_S   = table_5_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[dci->time_dom_resource_assignment][1];
-            sliv_L   = table_5_1_2_1_1_2_time_dom_res_alloc_A[dci->time_dom_resource_assignment][2];
-            // only uplink resource allocation type 1
-            // At the moment we are supporting only format 0_0 (and not format 0_1), so we only support resource allocation type 1 (and not type 0).
-            // For resource allocation type 1, the resource allocation field consists of a resource indication value (RIV):
-            // RIV = n_RB_DLBWP * (l_RB - 1) + start_RB                                  if (l_RB - 1) <= floor (n_RB_DLBWP/2)
-            // RIV = n_RB_DLBWP * (n_RB_DLBWP - l_RB + 1) + (n_RB_DLBWP - 1 - start_RB)  if (l_RB - 1)  > floor (n_RB_DLBWP/2)
-            // the following two expressions apply only if (l_RB - 1) <= floor (n_RB_DLBWP/2)
-            l_RB = floor(dci->freq_dom_resource_assignment_DL/n_RB_DLBWP) + 1;
-            start_RB = dci->freq_dom_resource_assignment_DL%n_RB_DLBWP;
-            // if (l_RB - 1)  > floor (n_RB_DLBWP/2) we need to recalculate them using the following lines
-            tmp_RIV = n_RB_DLBWP * (l_RB - 1) + start_RB;
-            if (tmp_RIV != dci->freq_dom_resource_assignment_DL) { // then (l_RB - 1)  > floor (n_RB_DLBWP/2) and we need to recalculate l_RB and start_RB
-                l_RB = n_RB_DLBWP - l_RB + 2;
-                start_RB = n_RB_DLBWP - start_RB - 1;
+            nr_ue_process_dci_time_dom_resource_assignment(&ulsch_config_pdu_0_1,NULL,dci->time_dom_resource_assignment,mac->mib->dmrs_TypeA_Position);
+            /* FREQ_HOPPING_FLAG */
+            if ((mac->phy_config.config_req.ul_bwp_dedicated.pusch_config_dedicated.resource_allocation != 0) &&
+                (mac->phy_config.config_req.ul_bwp_dedicated.pusch_config_dedicated.frequency_hopping !=0))
+              ulsch_config_pdu_0_1->pusch_freq_hopping = (dci->freq_hopping_flag == 0)? pusch_freq_hopping_disabled:pusch_freq_hopping_enabled;
+            /* MCS */
+            ulsch_config_pdu_0_1->mcs = dci->mcs;
+            /* NDI */
+            ulsch_config_pdu_0_1->ndi = dci->ndi;
+            /* RV */
+            ulsch_config_pdu_0_1->rv = dci->rv;
+            /* HARQ_PROCESS_NUMBER */
+            ulsch_config_pdu_0_1->harq_process_nbr = dci->harq_process_number;
+            /* FIRST_DAI */ //To be implemented, FIXME!!!
+            /* SECOND_DAI */ //To be implemented, FIXME!!!
+            /* TPC_PUSCH */
+            // according to TS 38.213 Table Table 7.1.1-1
+            if (dci->tpc_pusch == 0) {
+              ulsch_config_pdu_0_0->accumulated_delta_PUSCH = -1;
+              ulsch_config_pdu_0_0->absolute_delta_PUSCH = -4;
+            if (dci->tpc_pusch == 1) {
+              ulsch_config_pdu_0_0->accumulated_delta_PUSCH = 0;
+              ulsch_config_pdu_0_0->absolute_delta_PUSCH = -1;
+            }
+            if (dci->tpc_pusch == 2) {
+              ulsch_config_pdu_0_0->accumulated_delta_PUSCH = 1;
+              ulsch_config_pdu_0_0->absolute_delta_PUSCH = 1;
+            }
+            if (dci->tpc_pusch == 3) {
+              ulsch_config_pdu_0_0->accumulated_delta_PUSCH = 3;
+              ulsch_config_pdu_0_0->absolute_delta_PUSCH = 4;
+            }
+            break;
-            //  DL_CONFIG_REQ
+        case format1_0: 
+ *  with CRC scrambled by C-RNTI or CS-RNTI or new-RNTI
+ *    12 TIME_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]. The bitwidth for this field is determined as log2(I) bits,
+ *    13 VRB_TO_PRB_MAPPING: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
+ *    24 MCS:
+ *    25 NDI:
+ *    26 RV:
+ *    28 DAI_: For format1_1: 4 if more than one serving cell are configured in the DL and the higher layer parameter HARQ-ACK-codebook=dynamic, where the 2 MSB bits are the counter DAI and the 2 LSB bits are the total DAI
+ *    33 TPC_PUCCH:
+ *  with CRC scrambled by P-RNTI
+ *    12 TIME_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]. The bitwidth for this field is determined as log2(I) bits,
+ *    13 VRB_TO_PRB_MAPPING: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
+ *    24 MCS:
+ *    31 TB_SCALING
+ *  with CRC scrambled by SI-RNTI
+ *    12 TIME_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]. The bitwidth for this field is determined as log2(I) bits,
+ *    13 VRB_TO_PRB_MAPPING: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
+ *    24 MCS:
+ *    26 RV:
+ *  with CRC scrambled by RA-RNTI
+ *    12 TIME_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]. The bitwidth for this field is determined as log2(I) bits,
+ *    13 VRB_TO_PRB_MAPPING: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
+ *    24 MCS:
+ *    31 TB_SCALING
+ *  with CRC scrambled by TC-RNTI
+ *    12 TIME_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]. The bitwidth for this field is determined as log2(I) bits,
+ *    13 VRB_TO_PRB_MAPPING: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
+ *    24 MCS:
+ *    25 NDI:
+ *    26 RV:
+ *    28 DAI_: For format1_1: 4 if more than one serving cell are configured in the DL and the higher layer parameter HARQ-ACK-codebook=dynamic, where the 2 MSB bits are the counter DAI and the 2 LSB bits are the total DAI
+ *    33 TPC_PUCCH:
+ */
             dl_config->dl_config_list[dl_config->number_pdus].pdu_type = FAPI_NR_DL_CONFIG_TYPE_DLSCH;
             dl_config->dl_config_list[dl_config->number_pdus].dlsch_config_pdu.rnti = rnti;
-            fapi_nr_dl_config_dlsch_pdu_rel15_t *dlsch_config_pdu = &dl_config->dl_config_list[dl_config->number_pdus].dlsch_config_pdu.dlsch_config_rel15;
-            dlsch_config_pdu->number_rbs = l_RB;
-            dlsch_config_pdu->start_rb = start_RB;
-            dlsch_config_pdu->number_symbols = sliv_L;
-            dlsch_config_pdu->start_symbol = sliv_S;
-            dlsch_config_pdu->mcs = dci->mcs;
+            fapi_nr_dl_config_dlsch_pdu_rel15_t *dlsch_config_pdu_1_0 = &dl_config->dl_config_list[dl_config->number_pdus].dlsch_config_pdu.dlsch_config_rel15;
+            nr_ue_process_dci_freq_dom_resource_assignment(NULL,&dlsch_config_pdu_1_0,0,n_RB_DLBWP,dci->freq_dom_resource_assignment_DL);
+            nr_ue_process_dci_time_dom_resource_assignment(NULL,&dlsch_config_pdu_1_0,dci->time_dom_resource_assignment,mac->mib->dmrs_TypeA_Position);
+            /* VRB_TO_PRB_MAPPING */
+            dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->vrb_to_prb_mapping = (dci->vrb_to_prb_mapping == 0) ? vrb_to_prb_mapping_non_interleaved:vrb_to_prb_mapping_interleaved;
+            /* MCS */
+            dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->mcs = dci->mcs;
+            /* NDI (only if CRC scrambled by C-RNTI or CS-RNTI or new-RNTI or TC-RNTI)*/
+            dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->ndi = dci->ndi;
+            /* RV (only if CRC scrambled by C-RNTI or CS-RNTI or new-RNTI or TC-RNTI)*/
+            dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->rv = dci->rv;
+            /* HARQ_PROCESS_NUMBER (only if CRC scrambled by C-RNTI or CS-RNTI or new-RNTI or TC-RNTI)*/
+            dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->harq_process_nbr = dci->harq_process_number;
+            /* DAI (only if CRC scrambled by C-RNTI or CS-RNTI or new-RNTI or TC-RNTI)*/
+            dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->dai = dci ->dai;
+            /* TB_SCALING (only if CRC scrambled by P-RNTI or RA-RNTI) */
+            // according to TS 38.214 Table
+            if (dci->tb_scaling == 0) dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->scaling_factor_S = 1;
+            if (dci->tb_scaling == 1) dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->scaling_factor_S = 0.5;
+            if (dci->tb_scaling == 2) dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->scaling_factor_S = 0.25;
+            if (dci->tb_scaling == 3) dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->scaling_factor_S = 0; // value not defined in table
+            /* TPC_PUCCH (only if CRC scrambled by C-RNTI or CS-RNTI or new-RNTI or TC-RNTI)*/
+            // according to TS 38.213 Table 7.2.1-1
+            if (dci->tpc_pucch == 0) dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->accumulated_delta_PUCCH = -1;
+            if (dci->tpc_pucch == 1) dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->accumulated_delta_PUCCH = 0;
+            if (dci->tpc_pucch == 2) dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->accumulated_delta_PUCCH = 1;
+            if (dci->tpc_pucch == 3) dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->accumulated_delta_PUCCH = 3;
+            /* PUCCH_RESOURCE_IND (only if CRC scrambled by C-RNTI or CS-RNTI or new-RNTI)*/
+            if (dci->pucch_resource_ind == 0) dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->pucch_resource_id = 0; //pucch-ResourceId obtained from the 1st value of resourceList FIXME!!!
+            if (dci->pucch_resource_ind == 1) dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->pucch_resource_id = 0; //pucch-ResourceId obtained from the 2nd value of resourceList FIXME!!
+            if (dci->pucch_resource_ind == 2) dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->pucch_resource_id = 0; //pucch-ResourceId obtained from the 3rd value of resourceList FIXME!!
+            if (dci->pucch_resource_ind == 3) dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->pucch_resource_id = 0; //pucch-ResourceId obtained from the 4th value of resourceList FIXME!!
+            if (dci->pucch_resource_ind == 4) dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->pucch_resource_id = 0; //pucch-ResourceId obtained from the 5th value of resourceList FIXME!!
+            if (dci->pucch_resource_ind == 5) dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->pucch_resource_id = 0; //pucch-ResourceId obtained from the 6th value of resourceList FIXME!!
+            if (dci->pucch_resource_ind == 6) dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->pucch_resource_id = 0; //pucch-ResourceId obtained from the 7th value of resourceList FIXME!!
+            if (dci->pucch_resource_ind == 7) dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->pucch_resource_id = 0; //pucch-ResourceId obtained from the 8th value of resourceList FIXME!!
+            /* PDSCH_TO_HARQ_FEEDBACK_TIME_IND (only if CRC scrambled by C-RNTI or CS-RNTI or new-RNTI)*/
+            dlsch_config_pdu_1_0-> pdsch_to_harq_feedback_time_ind = dci->pdsch_to_harq_feedback_time_ind;
+            //  DL_CONFIG_REQ
             //pdlsch0_harq->nb_rb = l_RB;
             //pdlsch0->current_harq_pid = dci->harq_process_number;
             //pdlsch0->active           = 1;
@@ -650,6 +1012,81 @@ int8_t nr_ue_process_dci(module_id_t module_id, int cc_id, uint8_t gNB_index, fa
         case format1_1:        
+ *  with CRC scrambled by C-RNTI or CS-RNTI or new-RNTI
+ *    1  CARRIER_IND:
+ *    12 TIME_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]. The bitwidth for this field is determined as log2(I) bits,
+ *    13 VRB_TO_PRB_MAPPING: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
+ *    16 ZP_CSI_RS_TRIGGER:
+ *    18 TB1_MCS:
+ *    19 TB1_NDI:
+ *    20 TB1_RV:
+ *    21 TB2_MCS:
+ *    22 TB2_NDI:
+ *    23 TB2_RV:
+ *    28 DAI_: For format1_1: 4 if more than one serving cell are configured in the DL and the higher layer parameter HARQ-ACK-codebook=dynamic, where the 2 MSB bits are the counter DAI and the 2 LSB bits are the total DAI
+ *    33 TPC_PUCCH:
+ *    38 ANTENNA_PORTS:
+ *    39 TCI:
+ *    40 SRS_REQUEST:
+ *    43 CBGTI:
+ *    44 CBGFI:
+ *    47 DMRS_SEQ_INI:
+ */
+            dl_config->dl_config_list[dl_config->number_pdus].pdu_type = FAPI_NR_DL_CONFIG_TYPE_DLSCH;
+            dl_config->dl_config_list[dl_config->number_pdus].dlsch_config_pdu.rnti = rnti;
+            fapi_nr_dl_config_dlsch_pdu_rel15_t *dlsch_config_pdu_1_1 = &dl_config->dl_config_list[dl_config->number_pdus].dlsch_config_pdu.dlsch_config_rel15;
+            nr_ue_process_dci_freq_dom_resource_assignment(NULL,&dlsch_config_pdu_1_1,0,n_RB_DLBWP,dci->freq_dom_resource_assignment_DL);
+            nr_ue_process_dci_time_dom_resource_assignment(NULL,&dlsch_config_pdu_1_1,dci->time_dom_resource_assignment,mac->mib->dmrs_TypeA_Position);
+            /* VRB_TO_PRB_MAPPING */
+            if (mac->phy_config.config_req.dl_bwp_dedicated.pdsch_config_dedicated.resource_allocation != 0)
+              dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->vrb_to_prb_mapping = (dci->vrb_to_prb_mapping == 0) ? vrb_to_prb_mapping_non_interleaved:vrb_to_prb_mapping_interleaved;
+            /* MCS (for transport block 1)*/
+            dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->mcs = dci->tb1_mcs;
+            /* NDI (for transport block 1)*/
+            dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->ndi = dci->tb1_ndi;
+            /* RV (for transport block 1)*/
+            dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->rv = dci->tb1_rv;
+            /* MCS (for transport block 2)*/
+            dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->tb2_mcs = dci->tb2_mcs;
+            /* NDI (for transport block 2)*/
+            dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->tb2_ndi = dci->tb2_ndi;
+            /* RV (for transport block 2)*/
+            dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->tb2_rv = dci->tb2_rv;
+            /* HARQ_PROCESS_NUMBER */
+            dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->harq_process_nbr = dci->harq_process_number;
+            /* DAI */
+            dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->dai = dci ->dai;
+            /* TPC_PUCCH */
+            // according to TS 38.213 Table 7.2.1-1
+            if (dci->tpc_pucch == 0) dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->accumulated_delta_PUCCH = -1;
+            if (dci->tpc_pucch == 1) dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->accumulated_delta_PUCCH = 0;
+            if (dci->tpc_pucch == 2) dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->accumulated_delta_PUCCH = 1;
+            if (dci->tpc_pucch == 3) dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->accumulated_delta_PUCCH = 3;
+            /* PUCCH_RESOURCE_IND */
+            if (dci->pucch_resource_ind == 0) dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->pucch_resource_id = 0; //pucch-ResourceId obtained from the 1st value of resourceList FIXME!!!
+            if (dci->pucch_resource_ind == 1) dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->pucch_resource_id = 0; //pucch-ResourceId obtained from the 2nd value of resourceList FIXME!!
+            if (dci->pucch_resource_ind == 2) dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->pucch_resource_id = 0; //pucch-ResourceId obtained from the 3rd value of resourceList FIXME!!
+            if (dci->pucch_resource_ind == 3) dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->pucch_resource_id = 0; //pucch-ResourceId obtained from the 4th value of resourceList FIXME!!
+            if (dci->pucch_resource_ind == 4) dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->pucch_resource_id = 0; //pucch-ResourceId obtained from the 5th value of resourceList FIXME!!
+            if (dci->pucch_resource_ind == 5) dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->pucch_resource_id = 0; //pucch-ResourceId obtained from the 6th value of resourceList FIXME!!
+            if (dci->pucch_resource_ind == 6) dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->pucch_resource_id = 0; //pucch-ResourceId obtained from the 7th value of resourceList FIXME!!
+            if (dci->pucch_resource_ind == 7) dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->pucch_resource_id = 0; //pucch-ResourceId obtained from the 8th value of resourceList FIXME!!
+            // according to TS 38.213 Table 9.2.3-1
+            dlsch_config_pdu_1_1-> pdsch_to_harq_feedback_time_ind =
+              mac->phy_config.config_req.ul_bwp_dedicated.pucch_config_dedicated.dl_data_to_ul_ack[dci->pdsch_to_harq_feedback_time_ind];
         case format2_0:        
@@ -685,6 +1122,7 @@ int8_t nr_ue_process_dci(module_id_t module_id, int cc_id, uint8_t gNB_index, fa
         ///  else normal DL-SCH grant
+    return 0;
 int8_t nr_ue_get_SR(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_id, frame_t frameP, uint8_t eNB_id, uint16_t rnti, sub_frame_t subframe){