{ ID id-ENB1-Measurement-ID CRITICALITY reject TYPE Measurement-ID PRESENCE mandatory}|
{ ID id-ENB2-Measurement-ID CRITICALITY ignore TYPE Measurement-ID PRESENCE conditional}|-- The IE shall be present if the Registration Request IE is set to “Stop”--
{ ID id-Registration-Request CRITICALITY reject TYPE Registration-Request PRESENCE mandatory} |
{ ID id-ReportCharacteristics CRITICALITY reject TYPE ReportCharacteristics PRESENCE optional} |
{ ID id-CellToReport CRITICALITY ignore TYPE CellToReport-List PRESENCE mandatory} |
{ ID id-ReportingPeriodicity CRITICALITY ignore TYPE ReportingPeriodicity PRESENCE optional} ,
CellToReport-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellineNB)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container { {CellToReport-ItemIEs} }
CellToReport-ItemIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
{ ID id-CellToReport-Item CRITICALITY ignore TYPE CellToReport-Item PRESENCE mandatory }