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/*! \file enb_agent_net_comm.h
 * \brief enb agent network interface abstraction 
 * \autho Xenofon Foukas
 * \date 2016
 * \version 0.1

#include "proto_agent_defs.h"

#include "tree.h"
#define ENB_AGENT_MAX 9

/*Channel related information used for Tx/Rx of protocol messages*/
typedef struct proto_agent_channel_s {
  RB_ENTRY(proto_agent_channel_s) entry;
int channel_id;
void *channel_info;
uint16_t type; // 0-> TCP, 1-> UDP, 2->SCTP
/*Callbacks for channel message Tx and Rx*/
int (*msg_send)(void *data, int size, int priority, void *channel_info);
int (*msg_recv)(void **data, int *size, int *priority, void *channel_info);
void (*release)(struct proto_agent_channel_s *channel);
} proto_agent_channel_t;

typedef struct proto_agent_channel_instance_s{
  RB_HEAD(proto_agent_channel_map, proto_agent_channel_s) proto_agent_head;
} proto_agent_channel_instance_t;

/*Send and receive messages using the channel registered for a specific agent*/
int proto_agent_msg_send(mod_id_t mod_id, proto_agent_id_t agent_id, void *data, int size, int priority);

int proto_agent_msg_recv(mod_id_t mod_id, proto_agent_id_t agent_id, void **data, int *size, int *priority);

/*Register a channel to an agent. Use ENB_AGENT_MAX to register the
 *same channel to all agents*/
int proto_agent_register_channel(mod_id_t mod_id, proto_agent_channel_t *channel, proto_agent_id_t agent_id);

/*Unregister the current channel of an agent. Use ENB_AGENT_MAX to unregister all channels*/
void proto_agent_unregister_channel(mod_id_t mod_id, proto_agent_id_t agent_id);

/*Create a new channel. Returns the id of the new channel or negative number otherwise*/
int proto_agent_create_channel(void *channel_info,
			       int (*msg_send)(void *data, int size, int priority, void *channel_info),
			       int (*msg_recv)(void **data, int *size, int *priority, void *channel_info),
			     void (*release)(proto_agent_channel_t *channel));

/*Unregister a channel from all agents and destroy it. Returns 0 in case of success*/
int proto_agent_destroy_channel(int channel_id);

/*Return an agent communication channel based on its id*/
proto_agent_channel_t * proto_agent_get_channel(int channel_id);

/*Should be called before performing any channel operations*/
err_code_t proto_agent_init_channel_container(void);

int proto_agent_compare_channel(struct proto_agent_channel_s *a, struct proto_agent_channel_s *b);

/* RB_PROTOTYPE is for .h files */
RB_PROTOTYPE(proto_agent_channel_map, proto_agent_channel_s, entry, proto_agent_compare_channel);

#endif /*ENB_AGENT_COMM_H_*/