#****************************************************************************** # Eurecom OpenAirInterface # Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Eurecom # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, # version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in # the file called "COPYING". # Contact Information # Openair Admin: openair_admin@eurecom.fr # Openair Tech : openair_tech@eurecom.fr # Forums : http://forums.eurecom.fsr/openairinterface # Address : Eurecom, Compus SophiaTech 450, route des chappes, 06451 Biot, France #***************************************************************************** # \file case02.py # \brief test case 02 for OAI: executions # \author Navid Nikaein # \date 2013 # \version 0.1 # @ingroup _test import time import random import log import openair import core NUM_UE=2 NUM_eNB=1 NUM_TRIALS=3 def execute(oai, user, pw, host, logfile,logdir,debug): case = '02' oai.send('cd $OPENAIR_TARGETS;') oai.send('cd SIMU/USER;') try: test = '00' name = 'Run oai.rel8.sf' conf = '-a -A AWGN -n 100' diag = 'OAI is not running normally (Segmentation fault / Exiting / FATAL), debugging might be needed' trace = logdir + '/log_' + host + case + test + '_1.txt;' tee = ' 2>&1 | tee ' + trace oai.send_expect_false('./oaisim.rel8.' + host + ' ' + conf + tee, 'Segmentation fault', 30) trace = logdir + '/log_' + host + case + test + '_2.txt;' tee = ' 2>&1 | tee ' + trace oai.send_expect_false('./oaisim.rel8.' + host + ' ' + conf + tee, 'Exiting', 30) trace = logdir + '/log_' + host + case + test + '_3.txt;' tee = ' 2>&1 | tee ' + trace oai.send_expect_false('./oaisim.rel8.' + host + ' ' + conf + tee, 'FATAL', 30) except log.err, e: log.fail(case, test, name, conf, e.value, diag, logfile,trace) else: log.ok(case, test, name, conf, '', logfile) try: test = '01' name = 'Run oai.rel8.err' conf = '-a -A AWGN -n 100 -l7' trace = logdir + '/log_' + host + case + test + '_3.txt;' tee = ' 2>&1 | tee ' + trace diag = '[E] Error(s) found during the execution, check the execution logs' oai.send_expect_false('./oaisim.rel8.'+ host + ' ' + conf, '[E]', 30) except log.err, e: log.fail(case, test, name, conf, e.value, diag, logfile,trace) else: log.ok(case, test, name, conf, '', logfile) try: test = '02' name = 'Run oai.rel8.abs.rrc' diag = 'RRC procedure is not finished completely, check the execution logs and trace BCCH, CCCH, and DCCH channels' for i in range(NUM_UE) : for j in range(NUM_eNB) : conf = '-a -A AWGN -l7 -n' + str((i+1+j) * 50) + ' -u' + str(i+1) +' -b'+ str(j+1) trace = logdir + '/log_' + host + case + test + '_' + str(i) + str(j) + '.txt' tee = ' 2>&1 | tee ' + trace oai.send_expect('./oaisim.rel8.' + host + ' ' + conf + tee, ' Received RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE ' + str(i), (i+1) * 50) except log.err, e: log.fail(case, test, name, conf, e.value, diag, logfile,trace) else: log.ok(case, test, name, conf, '', logfile) try: test = '03' name = 'Run oai.rel8.abs.ping' diag = 'Data-plane is not working normally, check the OAI protocol stack, OAI driver, and normal operation of the OS' oai.driver(oai,user,pw) for i in range(NUM_eNB) : for j in range(NUM_UE) : conf = '-a -A AWGN -l7 -u' + str(j+1) +' -b'+ str(i+1) trace = logdir + '/log_' + host + case + test + '_' + str(i) + str(j) + '.txt' tee = ' 2>&1 > ' + trace if user == 'root' : oai.send('./oaisim.rel8.nas.' + host + ' ' + conf + ' &') else : oai.send('echo '+pw+ ' | sudo -S -E ./oaisim.rel8.nas.'+ host + ' ' + conf + tee + ' &') time.sleep(10) for k in range(NUM_TRIALS) : trace_ping = logdir + '/log_' + host + case + test + '_' + str(i) + str(j) + str(k) + '_ping.txt' tee_ping = ' 2>&1 | tee ' + trace_ping oai.send_expect('ping 10.0.'+str(j+1)+'.'+str(NUM_eNB+i+1) + ' -c ' + str(random.randint(2, 10))+ ' -s ' + str(random.randint(128, 1500)) + tee_ping, ' 0% packet loss', 20) if user == 'root' : oai.send('pkill oaisim.rel8.nas.'+host) oai.send('pkill oaisim.rel8.nas.'+host) else : oai.send('echo '+pw+ ' | sudo -S pkill oaisim.rel8.nas.'+host) time.sleep(1) oai.send('echo '+pw+ ' | sudo -S pkill oaisim.rel8.nas.'+host) oai.rm_driver(oai,user,pw) except log.err, e: log.fail(case, test, name, conf, e.value, diag, logfile,trace) else: log.ok(case, test, name, conf, '', logfile) try: test = '04' name = 'Run oai.rel8.phy.rrc' diag = 'RRC procedure is not finished completely, check the execution logs and trace BCCH, CCCH, and DCCH channels' for i in range(NUM_UE) : for j in range(NUM_eNB) : conf = '-A AWGN -s 20 -n' + str((i+1+j) * 100) + ' -u' + str(i+1) +' -b'+ str(j+1) + ' -x1' trace = logdir + '/log_' + host + case + test + '_' + str(i) + str(j) + '.txt' tee = ' 2>&1 | tee ' + trace oai.send_expect('./oaisim.rel8.' + host + ' ' + conf + tee, ' Received RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE ' + str(i), (i+1) * 200) except log.err, e: log.fail(case, test, name, conf, e.value, diag, logfile,trace) else: log.ok(case, test, name, conf, '', logfile) try: test = '05' name = 'Run oai.rel8.phy.rrc.fdd' diag = 'RRC procedure is not finished completely in FDD mode, check the execution logs and trace BCCH, CCCH, and DCCH channels' for i in range(NUM_UE) : for j in range(NUM_eNB) : conf = '-A AWGN -F -s 20 -n' + str((i+1+j) * 100) + ' -u' + str(i+1) +' -b'+ str(j+1) + ' -x1' trace = logdir + '/log_' + host + case + test + '_' + str(i) + str(j) + '.txt' tee = ' 2>&1 | tee ' + trace oai.send_expect('./oaisim.rel8.' + host + ' ' + conf + tee, ' Received RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE ' + str(i), (i+1) * 200) except log.err, e: log.fail(case, test, name, conf, e.value, diag, logfile,trace) else: log.ok(case, test, name, conf, '', logfile) try: test = '06' name = 'Run oai.rel8.itti.abs.rrc' diag = 'RRC procedure is not finished completely, check the eNB config file (default is enb.sfr.sud.conf), in addition to the execution logs and trace BCCH, CCCH, and DCCH channels' for i in range(NUM_UE) : for j in range(NUM_eNB) : log_name = logdir + '/log_' + host + case + test + '_' + str(i) + str(j) itti_name = log_name + '.log' trace_name = log_name + '.txt' conf = '-a -l7 -A AWGN --enb-conf ../../PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.exmimo2.conf -n' + str((i+1+j) * 50) + ' -u' + str(i+1) +' -b'+ str(j+1) + ' -K' + itti_name tee = ' 2>&1 | tee -a ' + trace_name command = './oaisim.rel8.itti.' + host + ' ' + conf oai.send('echo ' + command + ' > ' + trace_name + ';') oai.send_expect(command + tee, ' Received RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE ' + str(i), (i+1) * 50) except log.err, e: log.fail(case, test, name, conf, e.value, diag, logfile, trace_name) else: log.ok(case, test, name, conf, '', logfile) try: test='07' name = 'Run oai.rel8.abs.ocg.otg' diag = 'Check the scenario if the tests 0202 and 0203 are passed.' conf = '-a -c26' trace = logdir + '/log_' + host + case + test + '.txt' tee = ' 2>&1 | tee ' + trace oai.send_expect('./oaisim.rel8.' + host + ' ' + conf + tee, ' DL and UL loss rate below 10 ', 500) except log.err, e: log.fail(case, test, name, conf, e.value, diag, logfile,trace) else: log.ok(case, test, name, conf, '', logfile)