Commit 173e57d6 authored by Sofia Pison's avatar Sofia Pison Committed by rajeshwari.p

Modiefied CMakeLists, Compilation Warning solved, No more modification of...

Modiefied CMakeLists, Compilation Warning solved, No more modification of CMakeCache required. New Instructions to build
parent 870dbe29
......@@ -159,9 +159,11 @@ set (OPENAIR_TARGETS ${OPENAIR_DIR}/targets)
set (OPENAIR3_DIR ${OPENAIR_DIR}/openair3)
set (OPENAIR_CMAKE ${OPENAIR_DIR}/cmake_targets)
set (XRAN_LIB /usr/local/xran)
set (ICC_LIB /usr/local/intel64)
set (XRAN_LIB_DIR /usr/local/xran)
set (INTEL_LIB_DIR /usr/local/intel64)
set (INTEL_LIB /usr/local/intel64)
set (DPDK_DIR /usr/local/dpdk_19_11/include/dpdk)
project (OpenAirInterface)
......@@ -629,8 +631,8 @@ target_link_libraries(benetel_4g PRIVATE asn1_nr_rrc asn1_lte_rrc)
include_directories ("/usr/local/dpdk_19_11")
......@@ -645,8 +647,8 @@ set_target_properties(oran_fhlib_4g PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-fvisibility=hidde
SET(DPDK_LIBS "-Wl,-rpath,$ENV{RTE_SDK}/$ENV{RTE_TARGET}/lib -Wl,--whole-archive -L$ENV{RTE_SDK}/$ENV{RTE_TARGET}/lib -ldpdk -Wl,--no-whole-archive")
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(oran_fhlib_4g -L${XRAN_LIB} -lxran)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(oran_fhlib_4g -L${ICC_LIB} -lirc)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(oran_fhlib_4g -L${XRAN_LIB_DIR} -lxran)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(oran_fhlib_4g -L${INTEL_LIB} -lirc)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(oran_fhlib_4g pthread dl rt m numa)
# Benetel 5G library
......@@ -672,8 +674,9 @@ target_link_libraries(benetel_5g PRIVATE asn1_nr_rrc asn1_lte_rrc)
include_directories ("/usr/local/dpdk_19_11/include/dpdk")
......@@ -682,12 +685,17 @@ set(ORAN_FHLIB_5G_SOURCE
add_library(oran_fhlib_5g MODULE ${ORAN_FHLIB_5G_SOURCE})
find_library(XRANFHI xran HINTS ${XRAN_LIB_DIR})
find_library(INTELIRC irc HINTS ${INTEL_LIB_DIR})
set_target_properties(oran_fhlib_5g PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-fvisibility=hidden -march=native -I$ENV{RTE_SDK}/$ENV{RTE_TARGET}/include")
SET(DPDK_LIBS "-Wl,-rpath,$ENV{RTE_SDK}/$ENV{RTE_TARGET}/lib -Wl,--whole-archive -L$ENV{RTE_SDK}/$ENV{RTE_TARGET}/lib -ldpdk -Wl,--no-whole-archive")
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(oran_fhlib_5g -L${XRAN_LIB} -lxran)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(oran_fhlib_5g -L${ICC_LIB} -lirc)
#TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(oran_fhlib_5g -L${XRAN_LIB_DIR} -lxran)
#TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(oran_fhlib_5g -L${INTEL_LIB} -lirc)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(oran_fhlib_5g pthread dl rt m numa)
......@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ int load_iq_from_file(void *xranlib_){
printf("numCCPorts_ =%d, num_eAxc_=%d, MAX_ANT_CARRIER_SUPPORTED =%d\n",numCCPorts_,num_eAxc_,MAX_ANT_CARRIER_SUPPORTED);
int i;
const char *IQ_filename[MAX_ANT_CARRIER_SUPPORTED];
if( (i==0) || (i==1) || (i==2) || (i==3) ){
IQ_filename[0] = "/home/oba/PISONS/phy/fhi_lib/app/usecase/mu0_5mhz/ant_0.bin";
......@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ int load_iq_from_file(void *xranlib_){
IQ_filename[2] = "/home/oba/PISONS/phy/fhi_lib/app/usecase/mu0_5mhz/ant_2.bin";
IQ_filename[3] = "/home/oba/PISONS/phy/fhi_lib/app/usecase/mu0_5mhz/ant_3.bin";
IQ_filename[i] = "";
IQ_filename[i] = "/0";
......@@ -370,8 +370,11 @@ int load_iq_from_file(void *xranlib_){
uint32_t bandwidth = 5; // According to the wrapper.hpp since we are reading the 5MHz files
uint32_t sub6 = xranlib->get_sub6();
iq_playback_buffer_size_dl = (number_slots * N_SYM_PER_SLOT * N_SC_PER_PRB * xranlib->get_num_rbs(numerology,bandwidth,sub6)*4L);
const char *string_msg = "DL IFFT IN IQ Samples in binary format";
for(i = 0; i < MAX_ANT_CARRIER_SUPPORTED && i < (uint32_t)(numCCPorts_ * num_eAxc_); i++) {
for(i = 0; i < MAX_ANT_CARRIER_SUPPORTED && i < (int32_t)(numCCPorts_ * num_eAxc_); i++) {
char *name = const_cast<char*>(IQ_filename[i]);
char *string = const_cast<char*>(string_msg);
if(((uint8_t *)IQ_filename[i])[0]!=0){
p_tx_play_buffer[i] = (int16_t*)malloc(iq_playback_buffer_size_dl);
......@@ -379,11 +382,11 @@ int load_iq_from_file(void *xranlib_){
tx_play_buffer_size[i] = (int32_t)iq_playback_buffer_size_dl;
printf("Loading file [%d] %s \n",i,IQ_filename[i]);
tx_play_buffer_size[i] = sys_load_file_to_buff( IQ_filename[i],
"DL IFFT IN IQ Samples in binary format",
(uint8_t*) p_tx_play_buffer[i],
tx_play_buffer_size[i] = sys_load_file_to_buff( name,
(uint8_t*) p_tx_play_buffer[i],
tx_play_buffer_position[i] = 0;
} else {
......@@ -415,22 +418,24 @@ int xran_fh_tx_send_buffer(void *xranlib_){
p_xran_dev_ctx_2 = xran_dev_get_ctx();
if (p_xran_dev_ctx_2 != NULL){
int num_eaxc = xranlib->get_num_eaxc();
int num_eaxc_ul = xranlib->get_num_eaxc_ul();
uint32_t xran_max_antenna_nr = RTE_MAX(num_eaxc, num_eaxc_ul);
int ant_el_trx = xranlib->get_num_antelmtrx();
uint32_t xran_max_ant_array_elm_nr = RTE_MAX(ant_el_trx, xran_max_antenna_nr);
//uint32_t ant_el_trx = xranlib->get_num_antelmtrx();
//uint32_t xran_max_ant_array_elm_nr = RTE_MAX(ant_el_trx, xran_max_antenna_nr);
int32_t nSectorIndex[XRAN_MAX_SECTOR_NR];
//int32_t nSectorIndex[XRAN_MAX_SECTOR_NR];
int32_t nSectorNum;
for (nSectorNum = 0; nSectorNum < XRAN_MAX_SECTOR_NR; nSectorNum++)
nSectorIndex[nSectorNum] = nSectorNum;
nSectorNum = xranlib->get_num_cc();
int maxflowid = num_eaxc * (nSectorNum-1) + (xran_max_antenna_nr-1);
......@@ -452,7 +457,7 @@ int xran_fh_tx_send_buffer(void *xranlib_){
struct xran_prb_map *pRbMap = pPrbMap;
int32_t sym_id = sym_idx%XRAN_NUM_OF_SYMBOL_PER_SLOT;
if(ptr && pos){
int idxElm = 0;
uint32_t idxElm = 0;
u8dptr = (uint8_t*)ptr;
int16_t payload_len = 0;
......@@ -530,7 +535,7 @@ int xran_fh_rx_read_slot(void *xranlib_, ru_info_t *ru, int frame, int slot){
int tti = /*frame*SUBFRAMES_PER_SYSTEMFRAME*SLOTNUM_PER_SUBFRAME+*/10*frame+slot; //commented out temporarily to check that compilation of oran 5g is working.
int32_t flowId;
//int32_t flowId;
void *ptr = NULL;
int32_t *pos = NULL;
......@@ -544,19 +549,21 @@ int xran_fh_rx_read_slot(void *xranlib_, ru_info_t *ru, int frame, int slot){
int num_eaxc = xranlib->get_num_eaxc();
int num_eaxc_ul = xranlib->get_num_eaxc_ul();
uint32_t xran_max_antenna_nr = RTE_MAX(num_eaxc, num_eaxc_ul);
int ant_el_trx = xranlib->get_num_antelmtrx();
uint32_t xran_max_ant_array_elm_nr = RTE_MAX(ant_el_trx, xran_max_antenna_nr);
//uint32_t ant_el_trx = xranlib->get_num_antelmtrx();
//uint32_t xran_max_ant_array_elm_nr = RTE_MAX(ant_el_trx, xran_max_antenna_nr);
int32_t nSectorIndex[XRAN_MAX_SECTOR_NR];
int32_t nSectorNum;
//int32_t nSectorIndex[XRAN_MAX_SECTOR_NR];
//int32_t nSectorNum;
for (nSectorNum = 0; nSectorNum < XRAN_MAX_SECTOR_NR; nSectorNum++)
nSectorIndex[nSectorNum] = nSectorNum;
nSectorNum = xranlib->get_num_cc();
//nSectorNum = xranlib->get_num_cc();
int maxflowid = num_eaxc * (nSectorNum-1) + (xran_max_antenna_nr-1);
//int maxflowid = num_eaxc * (nSectorNum-1) + (xran_max_antenna_nr-1);
for(uint16_t cc_id=0; cc_id<1/*nSectorNum*/; cc_id++){ // OAI does not support multiple CC yet.
......@@ -564,7 +571,7 @@ int xran_fh_rx_read_slot(void *xranlib_, ru_info_t *ru, int frame, int slot){
// This loop would better be more inner to avoid confusion and maybe also errors.
for(int32_t sym_idx = 0; sym_idx < XRAN_NUM_OF_SYMBOL_PER_SLOT; sym_idx++) {
flowId = num_eaxc * cc_id + ant_id;
//flowId = num_eaxc * cc_id + ant_id;
uint8_t *pData = p_xran_dev_ctx_2->sFrontHaulRxBbuIoBufCtrl[tti % XRAN_N_FE_BUF_LEN][cc_id][ant_id].sBufferList.pBuffers[sym_idx%XRAN_NUM_OF_SYMBOL_PER_SLOT].pData;
uint8_t *pPrbMapData = p_xran_dev_ctx_2->sFrontHaulRxPrbMapBbuIoBufCtrl[tti % XRAN_N_FE_BUF_LEN][cc_id][ant_id].sBufferList.pBuffers->pData;
struct xran_prb_map *pPrbMap = (struct xran_prb_map *)pPrbMapData;
......@@ -575,12 +582,12 @@ int xran_fh_rx_read_slot(void *xranlib_, ru_info_t *ru, int frame, int slot){
struct xran_prb_map *pRbMap = pPrbMap;
int32_t sym_id = sym_idx%XRAN_NUM_OF_SYMBOL_PER_SLOT;
if(ptr && pos){
int idxElm = 0;
uint32_t idxElm = 0;
u8dptr = (uint8_t*)ptr;
int16_t payload_len = 0;
uint8_t *src = (uint8_t *)u8dptr;
uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t *)pos;
//uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t *)pos;
// first half
uint8_t *src1 = (uint8_t *)u8dptr;
uint8_t *dst1 = (uint8_t *)pos;
......@@ -615,7 +622,7 @@ int xran_fh_rx_read_slot(void *xranlib_, ru_info_t *ru, int frame, int slot){
dst1 = (uint8_t *)(pos + p_prbMapElm->nRBStart*N_SC_PER_PRB);
// second half
dst2 = (uint8_t *)(pos + (p_prbMapElm->nRBStart*N_SC_PER_PRB + 1272/2) + 2048 - 1272);
printf("RRR: idxElm=%d\tcompMethod=%d\tiqWidth=%d\n",idxElm,p_prbMapElm->compMethod,p_prbMapElm->iqWidth);
//printf("RRR: idxElm=%d\tcompMethod=%d\tiqWidth=%d\n",idxElm,p_prbMapElm->compMethod,p_prbMapElm->iqWidth);
if(p_prbMapElm->compMethod == XRAN_COMPMETHOD_NONE) {
payload_len = p_prbMapElm->nRBSize*N_SC_PER_PRB*4L;
src1 = src2 + payload_len/2;
......@@ -691,7 +698,7 @@ int xran_fh_tx_send_slot(void *xranlib_, ru_info_t *ru, int frame, int slot, uin
int tti = /*frame*SUBFRAMES_PER_SYSTEMFRAME*SLOTNUM_PER_SUBFRAME+*/10*frame+slot; //commented out temporarily to check that compilation of oran 5g is working.
int32_t flowId;
//int32_t flowId;
void *ptr = NULL;
int32_t *pos = NULL;
......@@ -705,26 +712,28 @@ int xran_fh_tx_send_slot(void *xranlib_, ru_info_t *ru, int frame, int slot, uin
int num_eaxc = xranlib->get_num_eaxc();
int num_eaxc_ul = xranlib->get_num_eaxc_ul();
uint32_t xran_max_antenna_nr = RTE_MAX(num_eaxc, num_eaxc_ul);
int ant_el_trx = xranlib->get_num_antelmtrx();
uint32_t xran_max_ant_array_elm_nr = RTE_MAX(ant_el_trx, xran_max_antenna_nr);
//uint32_t ant_el_trx = xranlib->get_num_antelmtrx();
//uint32_t xran_max_ant_array_elm_nr = RTE_MAX(ant_el_trx, xran_max_antenna_nr);
int32_t nSectorIndex[XRAN_MAX_SECTOR_NR];
int32_t nSectorNum;
//int32_t nSectorIndex[XRAN_MAX_SECTOR_NR];
//int32_t nSectorNum;
for (nSectorNum = 0; nSectorNum < XRAN_MAX_SECTOR_NR; nSectorNum++)
nSectorIndex[nSectorNum] = nSectorNum;
nSectorNum = xranlib->get_num_cc();
//nSectorNum = xranlib->get_num_cc();
int maxflowid = num_eaxc * (nSectorNum-1) + (xran_max_antenna_nr-1);
//int maxflowid = num_eaxc * (nSectorNum-1) + (xran_max_antenna_nr-1);
for(uint16_t cc_id=0; cc_id<1/*nSectorNum*/; cc_id++){ // OAI does not support multiple CC yet.
for(uint8_t ant_id = 0; ant_id < xran_max_antenna_nr && ant_id<ru->nb_tx; ant_id++){
// This loop would better be more inner to avoid confusion and maybe also errors.
for(int32_t sym_idx = 0; sym_idx < XRAN_NUM_OF_SYMBOL_PER_SLOT; sym_idx++) {
flowId = num_eaxc * cc_id + ant_id;
//flowId = num_eaxc * cc_id + ant_id;
uint8_t *pData = p_xran_dev_ctx_2->sFrontHaulTxBbuIoBufCtrl[tti % XRAN_N_FE_BUF_LEN][cc_id][ant_id].sBufferList.pBuffers[sym_idx%XRAN_NUM_OF_SYMBOL_PER_SLOT].pData;
uint8_t *pPrbMapData = p_xran_dev_ctx_2->sFrontHaulTxPrbMapBbuIoBufCtrl[tti % XRAN_N_FE_BUF_LEN][cc_id][ant_id].sBufferList.pBuffers->pData;
struct xran_prb_map *pPrbMap = (struct xran_prb_map *)pPrbMapData;
......@@ -735,12 +744,12 @@ int xran_fh_tx_send_slot(void *xranlib_, ru_info_t *ru, int frame, int slot, uin
struct xran_prb_map *pRbMap = pPrbMap;
int32_t sym_id = sym_idx%XRAN_NUM_OF_SYMBOL_PER_SLOT;
if(ptr && pos){
int idxElm = 0;
uint32_t idxElm = 0;
u8dptr = (uint8_t*)ptr;
int16_t payload_len = 0;
uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t *)u8dptr;
uint8_t *src = (uint8_t *)pos;
//uint8_t *src = (uint8_t *)pos;
// first half
uint8_t *dst1 = (uint8_t *)u8dptr;
uint8_t *src1 = (uint8_t *)pos;
......@@ -846,8 +855,8 @@ uint64_t nTotalTime;
uint64_t nUsedTime;
uint32_t nCoreUsed;
float nUsedPercent;
long old_rx_counter = 0;
long old_tx_counter = 0;
uint64_t old_rx_counter = 0;
uint64_t old_tx_counter = 0;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
......@@ -291,6 +291,9 @@ void oran_fh_if4p5_south_in(RU_t *ru,
int ret = xran_fh_rx_read_slot(s->oran_priv, &ru_info, *frame, *slot);
if (ret != 0){
printf("ORAN: ORAN_fh_if4p5_south_in ERROR in RX function \n");
#if 0
for (antenna = 0; antenna < ru->nb_rx; antenna++) {
for (symbol = 0; symbol < 14; symbol++) {
......@@ -394,6 +397,9 @@ for(int hhh=0; hhh<(14); hhh++ ){
int ret = xran_fh_tx_send_slot(s->oran_priv, &ru_info, frame, slot, timestamp);
if (ret != 0){
printf("ORAN: ORAN_fh_if4p5_south_out ERROR in TX function \n");
#if 0
if(frame==0 && slot<100){
......@@ -57,6 +57,16 @@ void* define_oran_pointer();
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
void dump_oran_config( void *xranlib_ );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
......@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ uint16_t xranLibWraper::get_eaxcid_mask(int numbit, int shift)
int xranLibWraper::init_memory()
xran_status_t status;
int32_t i, j, k, z;
int32_t i, j, k;
uint32_t z;
SWXRANInterfaceTypeEnum eInterfaceType;
void *ptr;
void *mb;
uint32_t *u32dptr;
uint16_t *u16dptr;
uint8_t *u8dptr;
uint32_t xran_max_antenna_nr = RTE_MAX(get_num_eaxc(), get_num_eaxc_ul());
uint32_t xran_max_ant_array_elm_nr = RTE_MAX(get_num_antelmtrx(), xran_max_antenna_nr);
......@@ -115,7 +115,6 @@ int xranLibWraper::init_memory()
if(ptr) {
u32dptr = (uint32_t*)(ptr);
uint8_t *ptr_temp = (uint8_t *)ptr;
memset(u32dptr, 0x0, m_nSW_ToFpga_FTH_TxBufferLen);
......@@ -214,7 +213,6 @@ int xranLibWraper::init_memory()
m_sFrontHaulRxBbuIoBufCtrl[j][i][z].sBufferList.pBuffers[k].pCtrl = (void *) mb;
if(ptr) {
u32dptr = (uint32_t*)(ptr);
uint8_t *ptr_temp = (uint8_t *)ptr;
memset(u32dptr, 0x0, m_nFpgaToSW_FTH_RxBufferLen);
......@@ -376,6 +374,43 @@ int xranLibWraper::init_memory()
// Class Constructor
// Sofia: put here all the variables that are hard coded and assign them to a variable.
// This should then be changed to a dynamic config
// At least for now we group all the hard coded value we want to get rid of them
// From xran_io_cfg of xran_fh_o_du.h
uint8_t id_ = 0;
uint8_t num_vfs_ = 2;
const char* VF_UPlane = "0000:b3:02.0"; // why not m_dpdk_dev_up ?
const char* VF_CPlane = "0000:b3:02.1"; // why not m_dpdk_dev_cp ?
// From xran_eaxcid_config of xran_fh_o_du.h
uint8_t bit_cuPortId_ = 12; //(??) bitnum_bandsec + bitnum_ccid + bitnum_ruport;
uint8_t bit_bandSectorId_ = 8; //(??) bitnum_ccid + bitnum_ruport;
uint8_t bit_ccId_ = 4; //(??) bitnum_ruport;
uint8_t bit_ruPortId_ = 0;
uint16_t mask_cuPortId_ = 0xf000; //get_eaxcid_mask(bitnum_cuport, m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.bit_cuPortId);
uint16_t mask_bandSectorId_ = 0x0f00; //get_eaxcid_mask(bitnum_bandsec, m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.bit_bandSectorId);
uint16_t mask_ccId_ = 0x00f0; //get_eaxcid_mask(bitnum_ccid, m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.bit_ccId);
uint16_t mask_ruPortId_ = 0x000f; //get_eaxcid_mask(bitnum_ruport, m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.bit_ruPortId);
// From xran_fh_init of xran_fh_o_du.h
uint8_t enableCP_ = 1;
uint8_t prachEnable_ = 1;
int32_t debugStop_ = 0;
int32_t debugStopCount_ = 0;
int32_t DynamicSectionEna_ = 0;
const char* filePrefix_ = "wls";
// Independent
m_nSlots = 20; // If mu=0 is 10, if mu=1 is 20
m_du_mac[0]=0x00; m_du_mac[1]=0x11; m_du_mac[2]=0x22; m_du_mac[3]=0x33; m_du_mac[4]=0x44; m_du_mac[5]=0x55;
m_ru_mac[0]=0x00; m_ru_mac[1]=0x11; m_ru_mac[2]=0x22; m_ru_mac[3]=0x33; m_ru_mac[4]=0x44; m_ru_mac[5]=0x66;
int i, temp;
std::string tmpstr;
unsigned int tmp_mac[6];
......@@ -384,14 +419,14 @@ xranLibWraper::xranLibWraper()
memset(&m_xranInit, 0, sizeof(xran_fh_init)); = 0; = id_;
/* DPDK configuration */
m_dpdk_dev_up = get_globalcfg<std::string>(XRAN_UT_KEY_GLOBALCFG_IO, "dpdk_dev_up");
m_dpdk_dev_cp = get_globalcfg<std::string>(XRAN_UT_KEY_GLOBALCFG_IO, "dpdk_dev_cp");
m_xranInit.io_cfg.num_vfs = 2;
m_xranInit.io_cfg.dpdk_dev[XRAN_UP_VF] = "0000:b3:02.0";
m_xranInit.io_cfg.dpdk_dev[XRAN_CP_VF] = "0000:b3:02.1";
m_xranInit.io_cfg.num_vfs = num_vfs_;
m_xranInit.io_cfg.dpdk_dev[XRAN_UP_VF] = const_cast<char*>(VF_UPlane);
m_xranInit.io_cfg.dpdk_dev[XRAN_CP_VF] = const_cast<char*>(VF_CPlane);
printf("wrapper.hpp: m_xranInit.io_cfg.dpdk_dev[%d] =%s, m_xranInit.io_cfg.dpdk_dev[%d]=%s\n",XRAN_UP_VF,m_xranInit.io_cfg.dpdk_dev[XRAN_UP_VF],XRAN_CP_VF,m_xranInit.io_cfg.dpdk_dev[XRAN_CP_VF]);
......@@ -440,19 +475,19 @@ xranLibWraper::xranLibWraper()
m_xranInit.up_vlan_tag = get_globalcfg<int>(XRAN_UT_KEY_GLOBALCFG_IO, "up_vlan_tag");
/* eAxCID configurations */
int bitnum_cuport = get_globalcfg<int>(XRAN_UT_KEY_GLOBALCFG_EAXCID, "bit_cuPortId");
int bitnum_bandsec = get_globalcfg<int>(XRAN_UT_KEY_GLOBALCFG_EAXCID, "bit_bandSectorId");
int bitnum_ccid = get_globalcfg<int>(XRAN_UT_KEY_GLOBALCFG_EAXCID, "bit_ccId");
int bitnum_ruport = get_globalcfg<int>(XRAN_UT_KEY_GLOBALCFG_EAXCID, "bit_ruPortId");
m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.bit_cuPortId = 12;//bitnum_bandsec + bitnum_ccid + bitnum_ruport;
m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.bit_bandSectorId = 8; //bitnum_ccid + bitnum_ruport;
m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.bit_ccId = 4; //bitnum_ruport;
m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.bit_ruPortId = 0;
m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.mask_cuPortId = 0xf000; //get_eaxcid_mask(bitnum_cuport, m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.bit_cuPortId);
m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.mask_bandSectorId = 0x0f00; //get_eaxcid_mask(bitnum_bandsec, m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.bit_bandSectorId);
m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.mask_ccId = 0x00f0; //get_eaxcid_mask(bitnum_ccid, m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.bit_ccId);
m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.mask_ruPortId = 0x000f; //get_eaxcid_mask(bitnum_ruport, m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.bit_ruPortId);
//int bitnum_cuport = get_globalcfg<int>(XRAN_UT_KEY_GLOBALCFG_EAXCID, "bit_cuPortId"); // Hard C
//int bitnum_bandsec = get_globalcfg<int>(XRAN_UT_KEY_GLOBALCFG_EAXCID, "bit_bandSectorId"); //Hard C
//int bitnum_ccid = get_globalcfg<int>(XRAN_UT_KEY_GLOBALCFG_EAXCID, "bit_ccId"); //Hard C
//int bitnum_ruport = get_globalcfg<int>(XRAN_UT_KEY_GLOBALCFG_EAXCID, "bit_ruPortId"); //Hard C
m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.bit_cuPortId = bit_cuPortId_;
m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.bit_bandSectorId = bit_bandSectorId_;
m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.bit_ccId = bit_ccId_;
m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.bit_ruPortId = bit_ruPortId_;
m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.mask_cuPortId = mask_cuPortId_;
m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.mask_bandSectorId = mask_bandSectorId_;
m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.mask_ccId = mask_ccId_;
m_xranInit.eAxCId_conf.mask_ruPortId = mask_ruPortId_;
m_xranInit.totalBfWeights = get_globalcfg<int>(XRAN_UT_KEY_GLOBALCFG_RU, "totalBfWeights");
......@@ -474,17 +509,13 @@ xranLibWraper::xranLibWraper()
m_xranInit.Ta4_min = get_globalcfg<int>(XRAN_UT_KEY_GLOBALCFG_RU, "Ta4_min");
m_xranInit.Ta4_max = get_globalcfg<int>(XRAN_UT_KEY_GLOBALCFG_RU, "Ta4_max");
m_xranInit.enableCP = 1;
//m_xranInit.enableCP = 0; // Sofia try to modify
//m_xranInit.prachEnable = 1;
m_xranInit.prachEnable = 1; // Sofia modify according to sample app log
m_xranInit.debugStop = 0; // Sofia Modify according to sample app log
//m_xranInit.debugStop = 1; // Sofia Modify according to sample app log
m_xranInit.debugStopCount = 0;
m_xranInit.DynamicSectionEna= 0;
m_xranInit.enableCP = enableCP_;
m_xranInit.prachEnable = prachEnable_;
m_xranInit.debugStop = debugStop_;
m_xranInit.debugStopCount = debugStopCount_;
m_xranInit.DynamicSectionEna = DynamicSectionEna_;
m_xranInit.filePrefix = "wls"; //Sofia modifies
// m_xranInit.filePrefix = "wls_0"; // Sofia Modifies
m_xranInit.filePrefix = const_cast<char*>(filePrefix_);
m_bSub6 = get_globalcfg<bool>(XRAN_UT_KEY_GLOBALCFG_RU, "sub6");
......@@ -505,7 +536,7 @@ xranLibWraper::xranLibWraper()
std::stringstream slotcfgname;
slotcfgname << "slot" << i;
std::vector<int> slotcfg = get_globalcfg_array<int>(slotcfg_key, slotcfgname.str());
for(int j=0; j < slotcfg.size(); j++) {
for(uint16_t j=0; j < slotcfg.size(); j++) {
m_xranConf.frame_conf.sSlotConfig[i].nSymbolType[j] = slotcfg[j];
m_xranConf.frame_conf.sSlotConfig[i].reserved[0] = 0;
......@@ -588,6 +619,7 @@ xranLibWraper::xranLibWraper()
m_xranConf.ttiCb = nullptr;
m_xranConf.ttiCbParam = nullptr;
......@@ -677,23 +709,26 @@ void xranLibWraper::TearDown()
int xranLibWraper::Init(struct xran_fh_config *pCfg)
xran_status_t status;
//xran_status_t status;
int32_t nSectorNum;
int32_t i, j, k, z;
void *ptr;
void *mb;
uint32_t *u32dptr;
uint16_t *u16dptr;
uint8_t *u8dptr;
SWXRANInterfaceTypeEnum eInterfaceType;
int32_t cc_id, ant_id, sym_id, tti;
int32_t flowId;
char *pos = NULL;
//int32_t j, k, z;
uint32_t i;
//void *ptr;
//void *mb;
//uint32_t *u32dptr;
//uint16_t *u16dptr;
//uint8_t *u8dptr;
//SWXRANInterfaceTypeEnum eInterfaceType;
int32_t cc_id, tti;
//int32_t sym_id;
uint32_t ant_id;
//int32_t flowId;
//char *pos = NULL;
struct xran_prb_map *pRbMap = NULL;
uint32_t xran_max_antenna_nr = RTE_MAX(get_num_eaxc(), get_num_eaxc_ul());
uint32_t xran_max_ant_array_elm_nr = RTE_MAX(get_num_antelmtrx(), xran_max_antenna_nr);
//uint32_t xran_max_ant_array_elm_nr = RTE_MAX(get_num_antelmtrx(), xran_max_antenna_nr);
/* Update member variables */
......@@ -738,7 +773,7 @@ int xranLibWraper::Init(struct xran_fh_config *pCfg)
for(cc_id = 0; cc_id <nSectorNum; cc_id++) {
for(tti = 0; tti < XRAN_N_FE_BUF_LEN; tti ++) {
for(ant_id = 0; ant_id < xran_max_antenna_nr; ant_id++) {
flowId = xran_max_antenna_nr*cc_id + ant_id;
// flowId = xran_max_antenna_nr*cc_id + ant_id;
/* C-plane DL */
pRbMap = (struct xran_prb_map *)m_sFrontHaulTxPrbMapBbuIoBufCtrl[tti][cc_id][ant_id].sBufferList.pBuffers->pData;
......@@ -767,27 +802,10 @@ int xranLibWraper::Init(struct xran_fh_config *pCfg)
else if(get_rucategory() == XRAN_CATEGORY_B) {
int idxElm;
int iPrb;
char *dl_bfw_pos = ((char*)p_tx_dl_bfw_buffer[flowId]) + tx_dl_bfw_buffer_position[flowId];
struct xran_prb_elm* p_prbMap = NULL;
int num_antelm;
pRbMap->prbMap[0].BeamFormingType = XRAN_BEAM_WEIGHT;
pRbMap->prbMap[0].bf_weight_update = 1;
num_antelm = get_num_antelmtrx();
#if 0
/* populate beam weights to C-plane for each elm */
pRbMap->bf_weight.nAntElmTRx = num_antelm;
for(idxElm = 0; idxElm < pRbMap->nPrbElm; idxElm++){
p_prbMap = &pRbMap->prbMap[idxElm];
for (iPrb = p_prbMap->nRBStart; iPrb < (p_prbMap->nRBStart + p_prbMap->nRBSize); iPrb++) {
/* copy BF W IQs for 1 PRB of */
rte_memcpy(&pRbMap->bf_weight.weight[iPrb][0], (dl_bfw_pos + (iPrb * num_antelm)*4), num_antelm*4);
} /* else if(get_rucategory() == XRAN_CATEGORY_B) */
} /* if(pRbMap) */
else {
......@@ -821,16 +839,16 @@ int xranLibWraper::Init(struct xran_fh_config *pCfg)
else if(get_rucategory() == XRAN_CATEGORY_B) {
int idxElm;
int iPrb;
char *ul_bfw_pos = ((char*)p_tx_ul_bfw_buffer[flowId]) + tx_ul_bfw_buffer_position[flowId];
struct xran_prb_elm* p_prbMap = NULL;
int num_antelm;
//int idxElm;
//int iPrb;
//char *ul_bfw_pos = ((char*)p_tx_ul_bfw_buffer[flowId]) + tx_ul_bfw_buffer_position[flowId];
//struct xran_prb_elm* p_prbMap = NULL;
//int num_antelm;
pRbMap->prbMap[0].BeamFormingType = XRAN_BEAM_WEIGHT;
pRbMap->prbMap[0].bf_weight_update = 1;
num_antelm = get_num_antelmtrx();
//num_antelm = get_num_antelmtrx();
#if 0
/* populate beam weights to C-plane for each elm */
pRbMap->bf_weight.nAntElmTRx = num_antelm;
......@@ -860,18 +878,18 @@ int xranLibWraper::Init(struct xran_fh_config *pCfg)
void xranLibWraper::Cleanup()
int i;
uint32_t i;
if(get_rucategory() == XRAN_CATEGORY_B) {
for(i = 0; i < MAX_ANT_CARRIER_SUPPORTED && i < (uint32_t)(get_num_cc() * get_num_eaxc()); i++) {
if(p_tx_dl_bfw_buffer[i]) {
p_tx_dl_bfw_buffer[i] == NULL;
p_tx_dl_bfw_buffer[i] = NULL;
if(p_tx_ul_bfw_buffer[i]) {
p_tx_ul_bfw_buffer[i] == NULL;
p_tx_ul_bfw_buffer[i] = NULL;
......@@ -886,9 +904,10 @@ void xranLibWraper::Cleanup()
void xranLibWraper::Open(xran_ethdi_mbuf_send_fn send_cp, xran_ethdi_mbuf_send_fn send_up,
void *fh_rx_callback, void *fh_rx_prach_callback, void *fh_srs_callback)
struct xran_fh_config *pXranConf;
//struct xran_fh_config *pXranConf;
int32_t nSectorNum;
int i, j, k, z;
int i, j ;
uint32_t z;
uint32_t xran_max_antenna_nr = RTE_MAX(get_num_eaxc(), get_num_eaxc_ul());
uint32_t xran_max_ant_array_elm_nr = RTE_MAX(get_num_antelmtrx(), xran_max_antenna_nr);
......@@ -1048,7 +1067,8 @@ int xranLibWraper::apply_cpenable(bool flag)
int xranLibWraper::get_slot_config(const std::string &cfgname, struct xran_frame_config *pCfg)
int numcfg, i, j;
int numcfg, i;
uint32_t j;
std::vector<int> slotcfg;
numcfg = get_globalcfg<int>(cfgname, "period");
......@@ -1133,22 +1153,22 @@ int xranLibWraper::get_numerology() { return(m_xranConf.frame_conf.nNumerolog
int xranLibWraper::get_duplextype() { return(m_xranConf.frame_conf.nFrameDuplexType); }
int xranLibWraper::get_num_cc() { return(m_xranConf.nCC); }
uint32_t xranLibWraper::get_num_cc() { return(m_xranConf.nCC); }
int xranLibWraper::get_num_eaxc() { return(m_xranConf.neAxc); }
uint32_t xranLibWraper::get_num_eaxc() { return(m_xranConf.neAxc); }
int xranLibWraper::get_num_eaxc_ul() { return(m_xranConf.neAxcUl); }
uint32_t xranLibWraper::get_num_eaxc_ul() { return(m_xranConf.neAxcUl); }
int xranLibWraper::get_num_dlrbs() { return(m_xranConf.nDLRBs); }
uint32_t xranLibWraper::get_num_dlrbs() { return(m_xranConf.nDLRBs); }
int xranLibWraper::get_num_ulrbs() { return(m_xranConf.nULRBs); }
uint32_t xranLibWraper::get_num_ulrbs() { return(m_xranConf.nULRBs); }
int xranLibWraper::get_num_antelmtrx() { return(m_xranConf.nAntElmTRx); }
uint32_t xranLibWraper::get_num_antelmtrx() { return(m_xranConf.nAntElmTRx); }
bool xranLibWraper::is_cpenable() { return(m_xranInit.enableCP); };
......@@ -96,16 +96,17 @@ public:
char argv[25] = "unittest";
char argv[25] = {'u','n','i','t','t','e','s','t','\0'};
//char argv[25] = "unittest";
std::string m_dpdk_dev_up, m_dpdk_dev_cp, m_dpdk_bbdev;
void *m_xranhandle;
uint8_t m_du_mac[6] = { 0x00,0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55 }; // Sofia: this is hard coded here and then it is read from the conf file
uint8_t m_ru_mac[6] = { 0x00,0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x66 }; // Sofia: this is hard coded here and then it is read from the conf file
uint8_t m_du_mac[6]; // = { 0x00,0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55 }; // Sofia: this is hard coded here and then it is read from the conf file
uint8_t m_ru_mac[6]; //= { 0x00,0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x66 }; // Sofia: this is hard coded here and then it is read from the conf file
bool m_bSub6;
uint32_t m_nSlots = 20;
uint32_t m_nSlots; // = 20;
struct xran_fh_config m_xranConf;
struct xran_fh_init m_xranInit;
......@@ -232,17 +233,17 @@ public:
int get_duplextype();
int get_num_cc();
uint32_t get_num_cc();
int get_num_eaxc();
uint32_t get_num_eaxc();
int get_num_eaxc_ul();
uint32_t get_num_eaxc_ul();
int get_num_dlrbs();
uint32_t get_num_dlrbs();
int get_num_ulrbs();
uint32_t get_num_ulrbs();
int get_num_antelmtrx();
uint32_t get_num_antelmtrx();
bool is_cpenable();
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