/** \brief This function performs RB extraction (signal and channel estimates) (currently signal only until channel estimation and compensation are implemented)
/** \brief This function performs RB extraction (signal and channel estimates) (currently signal only until channel estimation and compensation are implemented)
@param rxdataF pointer to the received frequency domain signal
@param rxdataF pointer to the received frequency domain signal
@param rxdataF_ext pointer to the extracted frequency domain signal
@param rxdataF_ext pointer to the extracted frequency domain signal
notifiedFIFO_elt_t*req=newNotifiedFIFO_elt(sizeof(puschSymbolProc_t),id.p,gNB->respPuschSymb,&nr_pusch_symbol_processing_noprecoding);// create a job for Tpool
puschSymbolProc_t*rdata=(puschSymbolProc_t*)NotifiedFifoData(req);// data for the job