* The hashtable_destroy() walks through the linked lists for each possible hash value, and releases the elements. It also releases the nodes array and the hash_table_t.
AssertFatal(pools_number<=MAX_POOLS_NUMBER,"Too many memory pools requested (%d/%d)!\n",pools_number,MAX_POOLS_NUMBER);/* Limit to a reasonable number of pools */
AssertFatal(pool_items_number<=MAX_POOL_ITEMS_NUMBER,"Too many items for a memory pool (%u/%d)!\n",pool_items_number,MAX_POOL_ITEMS_NUMBER);/* Limit to a reasonable number of items */
AssertFatal(pool_item_size<=MAX_POOL_ITEM_SIZE,"Item size is too big for memory pool items (%u/%d)!\n",pool_item_size,MAX_POOL_ITEM_SIZE);/* Limit to a reasonable item size */
AssertFatal(RC.gtpv1u_data_g->ue_mapping!=NULL," ERROR Initializing TASK_GTPV1_U task interface: in hashtable_create returned %p\n",RC.gtpv1u_data_g->ue_mapping);