Commit 62c73ee3 authored by Sofia Pison's avatar Sofia Pison Committed by rajeshwari.p

add few notes in oran_isolate.c south_out

parent eacd88ea
......@@ -184,6 +184,9 @@ int trx_oran_ctlrecv(openair0_device *device, void *msg, ssize_t msg_len)
if (s->last_msg == RRU_start) {
// Folllow the same steps as in the wrapper
printf("Oran RRU_start\n");
// Check if the machine is PTP sync
// SetUp
if ( setup_oran(s->oran_priv) !=0 ){
......@@ -330,6 +333,13 @@ void oran_fh_if4p5_south_out(RU_t *ru,
uint64_t timestamp)
* Romain:
* Questions:
* -Do we need a lock on the buffer? If yes, how should we implement it?
* -Why is the byte order changed in Benetel? Do we need to do the same?
printf("ORAN: %s for DL. frame=%d, subframe=%d, \n", __FUNCTION__,frame,subframe);
oran_eth_state_t *s = ru->ifdevice.priv;
PHY_VARS_eNB **eNB_list = ru->eNB_list, *eNB;
......@@ -339,7 +349,7 @@ void oran_fh_if4p5_south_out(RU_t *ru,
int aa;
// Romain: Lock on the DL buffer on given slot for avoiding concurrent write
lock_dl_buffer(&s->buffers, subframe);
if (s->buffers.dl_busy[0][subframe] ||
s->buffers.dl_busy[1][subframe]) {
......@@ -347,6 +357,7 @@ void oran_fh_if4p5_south_out(RU_t *ru,
unlock_dl_buffer(&s->buffers, subframe);
// Romain: Configuration check
eNB = eNB_list[0];
fp = &eNB->frame_parms;
if (ru->num_eNB != 1 || fp->ofdm_symbol_size != 2048 ||
......@@ -356,10 +367,13 @@ void oran_fh_if4p5_south_out(RU_t *ru,
// Romain: Loop over antenas and symbols
for (aa = 0; aa < ru->nb_tx; aa++) {
for (symbol = 0; symbol < 14; symbol++) {
// Romain: txdata will hold the data from OAI to send on downlink. How are they presented?
txdata = &ru->common.txdataF_BF[aa][symbol * fp->ofdm_symbol_size];
#if 1
// Romain: For Benetel, '&s->buffers.dl' is the downlink buffer. Should we moove the data as it is done here?
txdata + 2048 - 600,
600 * 4);
......@@ -367,6 +381,7 @@ void oran_fh_if4p5_south_out(RU_t *ru,
txdata + 1,
600 * 4);
// Romain: Change byte order. Why?
int i;
uint16_t *p = (uint16_t *)(&s->buffers.dl[aa][subframe][symbol*1200*4]);
for (i = 0; i < 1200*2; i++) {
......@@ -375,6 +390,7 @@ void oran_fh_if4p5_south_out(RU_t *ru,
// Romain: Lock on the DL buffer on given slot for avoiding concurrent write
s->buffers.dl_busy[0][subframe] = 0x3fff;
s->buffers.dl_busy[1][subframe] = 0x3fff;
unlock_dl_buffer(&s->buffers, subframe);
......@@ -405,7 +421,6 @@ int transport_init(openair0_device *device,
oran_eth_state_t *eth;
printf("Ann: ORANNN\n");
printf("ORAN: %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
device->Mod_id = 0;
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