Commit d448b5e5 authored by Laurent THOMAS's avatar Laurent THOMAS

remove 'B' from persisted data, replace 3824 hardcoded by it's existing define

parent 7cb89883
......@@ -1144,6 +1144,7 @@ add_library(PHY_NR_COMMON ${PHY_NR_SRC_COMMON})
add_library(PHY_NR ${PHY_NR_SRC})
add_library(PHY_NR_UE ${PHY_NR_UE_SRC})
target_link_libraries(PHY_NR_UE PRIVATE asn1_nr_rrc_hdrs)
add_library(PHY_RU ${PHY_SRC_RU})
target_link_libraries(PHY_RU PRIVATE asn1_lte_rrc_hdrs)
......@@ -297,7 +297,8 @@ int nr_dlsch_encoding(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
int max_bytes = MAX_NUM_NR_DLSCH_SEGMENTS_PER_LAYER*rel15->nrOfLayers*1056;
if (A > 3824) {
int B;
// Add 24-bit crc (polynomial A) to payload
crc = crc24a(a,A)>>8;
a[A>>3] = ((uint8_t *)&crc)[2];
......@@ -305,7 +306,7 @@ int nr_dlsch_encoding(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
a[2+(A>>3)] = ((uint8_t *)&crc)[0];
//printf("CRC %x (A %d)\n",crc,A);
//printf("a0 %d a1 %d a2 %d\n", a[A>>3], a[1+(A>>3)], a[2+(A>>3)]);
harq->B = A+24;
B = A + 24;
// harq->b = a;
AssertFatal((A / 8) + 4 <= max_bytes,
"A %d is too big (A/8+4 = %d > %d)\n",
......@@ -320,7 +321,7 @@ int nr_dlsch_encoding(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
a[1+(A>>3)] = ((uint8_t *)&crc)[0];
//printf("CRC %x (A %d)\n",crc,A);
//printf("a0 %d a1 %d \n", a[A>>3], a[1+(A>>3)]);
harq->B = A+16;
B = A + 16;
// harq->b = a;
AssertFatal((A / 8) + 3 <= max_bytes,
"A %d is too big (A/8+3 = %d > %d)\n",
......@@ -333,11 +334,11 @@ int nr_dlsch_encoding(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
impp.BG = rel15->maintenance_parms_v3.ldpcBaseGraph;
impp.Kb = nr_segmentation(harq->b, harq->c, harq->B, &impp.n_segments, &impp.K, impp.Zc, &impp.F, impp.BG);
impp.Kb = nr_segmentation(harq->b, harq->c, B, &impp.n_segments, &impp.K, impp.Zc, &impp.F, impp.BG);
if (impp.n_segments>MAX_NUM_NR_DLSCH_SEGMENTS_PER_LAYER*rel15->nrOfLayers) {
LOG_E(PHY,"nr_segmentation.c: too many segments %d, B %d\n",impp.n_segments,harq->B);
LOG_E(PHY, "nr_segmentation.c: too many segments %d, B %d\n", impp.n_segments, B);
......@@ -194,18 +194,8 @@ static void nr_processULSegment(void *arg)
ulsch_harq->d_to_be_cleared[r] = false;
memset(ulsch_harq->c[r], 0, Kr_bytes);
if (ulsch_harq->C == 1) {
if (A > 3824)
p_decoderParms->crc_type = CRC24_A;
p_decoderParms->crc_type = CRC16;
p_decoderParms->block_length = ulsch_harq->B;
} else {
p_decoderParms->crc_type = CRC24_B;
p_decoderParms->block_length = (ulsch_harq->B + 24 * ulsch_harq->C) / ulsch_harq->C;
p_decoderParms->crc_type = crcType(ulsch_harq->C, A);
p_decoderParms->block_length = lenWithCrc(ulsch_harq->C, A);
// start_meas(&phy_vars_gNB->ulsch_ldpc_decoding_stats);
// set first 2*Z_c bits to zeros
......@@ -253,26 +243,12 @@ int decode_offload(PHY_VARS_gNB *phy_vars_gNB,
int8_t llrProcBuf[22 * 384] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
int16_t z_ol[68 * 384] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
int8_t l_ol[68 * 384] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
int crc_type;
int length_dec;
uint8_t Qm = pusch_pdu->qam_mod_order;
uint8_t n_layers = pusch_pdu->nrOfLayers;
const int Kr = harq_process->K;
const int Kr_bytes = Kr >> 3;
const int kc = decParams->BG == 2 ? 52 : 68;
const uint32_t A = (harq_process->TBS) << 3;
if (harq_process->C == 1) {
if (A > 3824)
crc_type = CRC24_A;
crc_type = CRC16;
length_dec = harq_process->B;
} else {
crc_type = CRC24_B;
length_dec = (harq_process->B + 24 * harq_process->C) / harq_process->C;
int decodeIterations = 2;
int dtx_det = 0;
int r_offset = 0, offset = 0;
......@@ -316,23 +292,15 @@ int decode_offload(PHY_VARS_gNB *phy_vars_gNB,
harq_process->c[r][m] = (uint8_t)llrProcBuf[m];
if (check_crc((uint8_t *)llrProcBuf, length_dec, crc_type)) {
if (check_crc((uint8_t *)llrProcBuf, lenWithCrc(harq_process->C, A), crcType(harq_process->C, A))) {
PRINT_CRC_CHECK(LOG_I(PHY, "Segment %d CRC OK\n", r));
decodeIterations = 2;
} else {
PRINT_CRC_CHECK(LOG_I(PHY, "segment %d CRC NOK\n", r));
decodeIterations = ulsch->max_ldpc_iterations + 1;
r_offset += E;
/*for (int k=0;k<8;k++)
printf("output decoder [%d] = 0x%02x \n", k, harq_process->c[r][k]);
printf("llrprocbuf [%d] = %x adr %p\n", k, llrProcBuf[k], llrProcBuf+k);
} else {
dtx_det = 0;
decodeIterations = ulsch->max_ldpc_iterations + 1;
......@@ -417,11 +385,6 @@ int nr_ulsch_decoding(PHY_VARS_gNB *phy_vars_gNB,
t_nrLDPC_dec_params decParams = {0};
decParams.BG = pusch_pdu->maintenance_parms_v3.ldpcBaseGraph;
const uint32_t A = (harq_process->TBS) << 3;
if (A > 3824)
harq_process->B = A + 24;
harq_process->B = A + 16;
NR_gNB_PHY_STATS_t *stats = get_phy_stats(phy_vars_gNB, ulsch->rnti);
if (stats) {
stats->frame = frame;
......@@ -452,10 +415,10 @@ int nr_ulsch_decoding(PHY_VARS_gNB *phy_vars_gNB,
// [hna] Perform nr_segmenation with input and output set to NULL to calculate only (B, C, K, Z, F)
// [hna] Perform nr_segmenation with input and output set to NULL to calculate only (C, K, Z, F)
lenWithCrc(1, A), // size in case of 1 segment
&harq_process->Z, // [hna] Z is Zc
......@@ -464,7 +427,7 @@ int nr_ulsch_decoding(PHY_VARS_gNB *phy_vars_gNB,
uint16_t a_segments = MAX_NUM_NR_ULSCH_SEGMENTS_PER_LAYER * n_layers; // number of segments to be allocated
if (harq_process->C > a_segments) {
LOG_E(PHY,"nr_segmentation.c: too many segments %d, B %d\n",harq_process->C,harq_process->B);
LOG_E(PHY, "nr_segmentation.c: too many segments %d, A %d\n", harq_process->C, A);
if (nb_rb != 273) {
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
#include "executables/nr-uesoftmodem.h"
#include "PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_extern.h"
#include "common/utils/nr/nr_common.h"
#include "openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_COMMON/nr_mac_common.h"
#include "openair1/PHY/TOOLS/phy_scope_interface.h"
......@@ -116,10 +117,8 @@ static bool nr_ue_postDecode(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *phy_vars_ue,
if (*num_seg_ok == harq_process->C) {
if (harq_process->C > 1) {
/* check global CRC */
int A = tbs;
int crc_length = A > 3824 ? 3 : 2;
int crc_type = A > 3824 ? CRC24_A : CRC16;
if (!check_crc(b, A + crc_length * 8, crc_type)) {
// we have regrouped the transport block, so it is "1" segment
if (!check_crc(b, lenWithCrc(1, tbs), crcType(1, tbs))) {
harq_process->ack = 0;
dlsch->last_iteration_cnt = dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations + 1;
LOG_E(PHY, " Frame %d.%d LDPC global CRC fails, but individual LDPC CRC succeeded. %d segs\n", proc->frame_rx, proc->nr_slot_rx, harq_process->C);
......@@ -166,10 +165,8 @@ static void nr_processDLSegment(void *arg)
NR_UE_DLSCH_t *dlsch = rdata->dlsch;
NR_DL_UE_HARQ_t *harq_process= rdata->harq_process;
t_nrLDPC_dec_params *p_decoderParms = &rdata->decoderParms;
int length_dec;
int Kr;
int K_bits_F;
uint8_t crc_type;
int r = rdata->segment_r;
int A = rdata->A;
int E = rdata->E;
......@@ -240,19 +237,6 @@ static void nr_processDLSegment(void *arg)
if (harq_process->C == 1) {
crc_type = CRC24_A;
crc_type = CRC16;
length_dec = harq_process->B;
} else {
crc_type = CRC24_B;
length_dec = (harq_process->B+24*harq_process->C)/harq_process->C;
//set first 2*Z_c bits to zeros
......@@ -272,9 +256,9 @@ static void nr_processDLSegment(void *arg)
nrLDPC_initcall(p_decoderParms, (int8_t*)&pl[0], LDPCoutput);
p_decoderParms->crc_type = crc_type;
p_decoderParms->block_length = lenWithCrc(harq_process->C, A);
p_decoderParms->crc_type = crcType(harq_process->C, A);
nrLDPC_initcall(p_decoderParms, (int8_t *)&pl[0], LDPCoutput);
rdata->decodeIterations = nrLDPC_decoder(p_decoderParms, (int8_t *)&pl[0], LDPCoutput, &procTime, &harq_process->abort_decode);
......@@ -311,8 +295,7 @@ uint32_t nr_dlsch_decoding(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *phy_vars_ue,
// HARQ stats
LOG_D(PHY,"Round %d RV idx %d\n",harq_process->DLround,dlsch->dlsch_config.rv);
uint8_t kc;
LOG_D(PHY, "Round %d RV idx %d\n", harq_process->DLround, dlsch->dlsch_config.rv);
uint16_t nb_rb;// = 30;
uint8_t dmrs_Type = dlsch->dlsch_config.dmrsConfigType;
AssertFatal(dmrs_Type == 0 || dmrs_Type == 1, "Illegal dmrs_type %d\n", dmrs_Type);
......@@ -377,25 +360,14 @@ uint32_t nr_dlsch_decoding(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *phy_vars_ue,
LOG_D(PHY,"%d.%d DLSCH Decoding, harq_pid %d TBS %d (%d) G %d nb_re_dmrs %d length dmrs %d mcs %d Nl %d nb_symb_sch %d nb_rb %d Qm %d Coderate %f\n",
frame,nr_slot_rx,harq_pid,A,A/8,G, nb_re_dmrs, dmrs_length, dlsch->dlsch_config.mcs, dlsch->Nl, nb_symb_sch, nb_rb, dlsch->dlsch_config.qamModOrder, Coderate);
if ((A <=292) || ((A <= NR_MAX_PDSCH_TBS) && (Coderate <= 0.6667)) || Coderate <= 0.25) {
p_decParams->BG = 2;
kc = 52;
} else {
p_decParams->BG = 1;
kc = 68;
p_decParams->BG = get_BG(A, dlsch->dlsch_config.targetCodeRate);
unsigned int kc = p_decParams->BG == 2 ? 52 : 68;
if (harq_process->first_rx == 1) {
// This is a new packet, so compute quantities regarding segmentation
harq_process->B = A+24;
harq_process->B = A+16;
lenWithCrc(1, A), // We give a max size in case of 1 segment
&harq_process->Z, // [hna] Z is Zc
......@@ -403,7 +375,7 @@ uint32_t nr_dlsch_decoding(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *phy_vars_ue,
if (harq_process->C>MAX_NUM_NR_DLSCH_SEGMENTS_PER_LAYER*dlsch->Nl) {
LOG_E(PHY,"nr_segmentation.c: too many segments %d, B %d\n",harq_process->C,harq_process->B);
LOG_E(PHY, "nr_segmentation.c: too many segments %d, A %d\n", harq_process->C, A);
......@@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ typedef struct {
SCH_status_t status;
/// Last TPC command
uint8_t TPC;
/// The payload + CRC size in bits, "B" from 36-212
uint32_t B;
/// Length of ACK information (bits)
uint8_t O_ACK;
/// Index of current HARQ round for this ULSCH
......@@ -117,8 +115,6 @@ typedef struct {
uint8_t Ndi;
/// DLSCH status flag indicating
SCH_status_t status;
/// The payload + CRC size in bits
uint32_t B;
/// Pointers to transport block segments
uint8_t **c;
/// soft bits for each received segment ("d"-sequence)(for definition see 36-212 V8.6 2009-03, p.15)
......@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ int nr_ulsch_encoding(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
int max_payload_bytes = MAX_NUM_NR_ULSCH_SEGMENTS_PER_LAYER*ulsch->pusch_pdu.nrOfLayers*1056;
if (A > 3824) {
int B;
// Add 24-bit crc (polynomial A) to payload
crc = crc24a(harq_process->a,A)>>8;
harq_process->a[A>>3] = ((uint8_t*)&crc)[2];
......@@ -102,13 +102,12 @@ int nr_ulsch_encoding(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
//printf("CRC %x (A %d)\n",crc,A);
//printf("a0 %d a1 %d a2 %d\n", a[A>>3], a[1+(A>>3)], a[2+(A>>3)]);
harq_process->B = A+24;
B = A + 24;
AssertFatal((A/8)+4 <= max_payload_bytes,"A %d is too big (A/8+4 = %d > %d)\n",A,(A/8)+4,max_payload_bytes);
else {
} else {
// Add 16-bit crc (polynomial A) to payload
crc = crc16(harq_process->a,A)>>16;
harq_process->a[A>>3] = ((uint8_t*)&crc)[1];
......@@ -116,7 +115,7 @@ int nr_ulsch_encoding(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
//printf("CRC %x (A %d)\n",crc,A);
//printf("a0 %d a1 %d \n", a[A>>3], a[1+(A>>3)]);
harq_process->B = A+16;
B = A + 16;
AssertFatal((A/8)+3 <= max_payload_bytes,"A %d is too big (A/8+3 = %d > %d)\n",A,(A/8)+3,max_payload_bytes);
......@@ -128,18 +127,17 @@ int nr_ulsch_encoding(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
///////////////////////// b---->| block segmentation |---->c /////////////////////////
if ((A <=292) || ((A<=3824) && (Coderate <= 0.6667)) || Coderate <= 0.25){
if ((A <= 292) || ((A <= NR_MAX_PDSCH_TBS) && (Coderate <= 0.6667)) || Coderate <= 0.25) {
harq_process->BG = 2;
} else {
harq_process->BG = 1;
uint32_t Kb=nr_segmentation(harq_process->b,
uint32_t Kb = nr_segmentation(harq_process->b,
......@@ -147,7 +145,7 @@ int nr_ulsch_encoding(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
if (harq_process->C>MAX_NUM_NR_DLSCH_SEGMENTS_PER_LAYER*ulsch->pusch_pdu.nrOfLayers) {
LOG_E(PHY,"nr_segmentation.c: too many segments %d, B %d\n",harq_process->C,harq_process->B);
LOG_E(PHY, "nr_segmentation.c: too many segments %d, B %d\n", harq_process->C, B);
......@@ -169,7 +167,7 @@ int nr_ulsch_encoding(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
for (int r=0; r<harq_process->C; r++) {
//channel_input[r] = &harq_process->d[r][0];
printf("Encoder: B %d F %d \n",harq_process->B, harq_process->F);
printf("Encoder: B %d F %d \n", B, harq_process->F);
printf("start ldpc encoder segment %d/%d\n",r,harq_process->C);
printf("input %d %d %d %d %d \n", harq_process->c[r][0], harq_process->c[r][1], harq_process->c[r][2],harq_process->c[r][3], harq_process->c[r][4]);
for (int cnt =0 ; cnt < 22*(*pz)/8; cnt ++){
......@@ -75,8 +75,6 @@ typedef struct {
nfapi_nr_dl_tti_pdsch_pdu pdsch_pdu;
/// pointer to pdu from MAC interface (this is "a" in 36.212)
uint8_t *pdu;
/// The payload + CRC size in bits, "B" from 36-212
uint32_t B;
/// Pointer to the payload
uint8_t *b;
/// Pointers to transport block segments
......@@ -199,8 +197,6 @@ typedef struct {
uint32_t TBS;
/// Pointer to the payload (38.212 V15.4.0 section 5.1)
uint8_t *b;
/// The payload + CRC (24 bits) in bits (38.212 V15.4.0 section 5.1)
uint32_t B;
/// Pointers to code blocks after code block segmentation and CRC attachment (38.212 V15.4.0 section 5.2.2)
uint8_t **c;
/// Number of bits in each code block (38.212 V15.4.0 section 5.2.2)
......@@ -227,6 +223,18 @@ typedef struct {
int llrLen;
static inline int lenWithCrc(int nbSeg, int len)
if (nbSeg > 1)
return (len + 24 + 24 * nbSeg) / nbSeg;
return len + (len > NR_MAX_PDSCH_TBS ? 24 : 16);
static inline int crcType(int nbSeg, int len)
if (nbSeg > 1)
return CRC24_B;
return len > NR_MAX_PDSCH_TBS ? CRC24_A : CRC16;
typedef struct {
//! estimated received spatial signal power (linear)
......@@ -266,12 +266,7 @@ static void nr_postDecode(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB, notifiedFIFO_elt_t *req)
// CRC check made by the LDPC for early termination, so, no need to perform CRC check twice for a single code block
bool crc_valid = true;
if (ulsch_harq->C > 1) {
// Check ULSCH transport block CRC
int crc_type = CRC16;
if (rdata->A > 3824) {
crc_type = CRC24_A;
crc_valid = check_crc(ulsch_harq->b, ulsch_harq->B, crc_type);
crc_valid = check_crc(ulsch_harq->b, lenWithCrc(1, rdata->A), crcType(1, rdata->A));
if (crc_valid && !check_abort(&ulsch_harq->abort_decode) && !gNB->pusch_vars[rdata->ulsch_id].DTX) {
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#define INDEX_MAX_TBS_TABLE (93)
#include "common/utils/nr/nr_common.h"
#include "openair1/PHY/defs_nr_common.h"
#include <math.h>
......@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ uint32_t nr_compute_tbs(uint16_t Qm,
uint32_t nr_tbs=0;
uint32_t Np_info, C, n;
if (Ninfo <=3824) {
if (Ninfo <= NR_MAX_PDSCH_TBS) {
n = max(3, floor(log2(Ninfo)) - 6);
Np_info = max(24, (Ninfo>>n)<<n);
for (int i=0; i<INDEX_MAX_TBS_TABLE; i++) {
......@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ uint32_t nr_compute_tbslbrm(uint16_t table,
// Intermediate number of information bits
Ninfo = (nb_re * R * Qm * Nl)>>10;
if (Ninfo <=3824) {
if (Ninfo <= NR_MAX_PDSCH_TBS) {
n = max(3, floor(log2(Ninfo)) - 6);
Np_info = max(24, (Ninfo>>n)<<n);
for (int i=0; i<INDEX_MAX_TBS_TABLE; i++) {
......@@ -132,8 +133,7 @@ uint32_t nr_compute_tbslbrm(uint16_t table,
else {
} else {
n = log2(Ninfo-24)-5;
Np_info = max(3840, (ROUNDIDIV((Ninfo-24),(1<<n)))<<n);
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/mac_proto.h"
#include "common/utils/nr/nr_common.h"
#include "openair1/PHY/defs_nr_common.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <executables/softmodem-common.h>
......@@ -4080,7 +4081,7 @@ void csi_period_offset(NR_CSI_ReportConfig_t *csirep,
uint8_t get_BG(uint32_t A, uint16_t R) {
float code_rate = (float) R / 10240.0f;
if ((A <=292) || ((A<=3824) && (code_rate <= 0.6667)) || code_rate <= 0.25)
if ((A <= 292) || ((A <= NR_MAX_PDSCH_TBS) && (code_rate <= 0.6667)) || code_rate <= 0.25)
return 2;
return 1;
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